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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban Archaeological Issues And Resources In Izmir Historic City Centre: An Exploratory Case Study

Belge, Burak 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In Turkey, the majority of the historic city centres have been continuously occupied since early ages onwards and where still occupation exists. The multi-layered structure of historic centres both can indicate the historical continuity of cities and enhance urban consciousness, if urban archaeological resources are handled effectively into planning process. However, the recent policies and strategies don&amp / #8217 / t allow the handling of urban archaeological resources, especially invisible sub-soil resources, into planning and decision-making process. In this thesis, it is aimed to formulate a basic methodological framework for the handling of urban archaeological resources into planning process of historic city centres in Turkey. Therefore, the study is handled in two parts / a conceptual methodological framework part and an exploratory case study.In the conceptual part, a basic equation is studied to research the factors on the conservation and evaluation of real urban archaeological potential. Then, the methodological framework is examined in detail in izmir Historic City Centre that has been inhabited since 324 B.C. Consequently, the terms of equi-property areas, which are used to define ideal potential of archaeological resources, and urban archaeological character zones, which are described as the basic units of planning and conservation policies, are developed to determine exact management strategies for urban archaeological resources.

Changing Sense Of Place In Historic City Centers: The Case Of Antalya Kaleici

Argin, Gorsev 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nowadays, many cities try to turn their historic city centers into centers of attraction both for inhabitants and visitors by reorganizing and revitalizing them. These reorganization and revitalization processes change the users of the place as well as its physical structure. Thus, this change also creates deep impacts on human-place relationship. Traces of these impacts can be observed via &lsquo / sense of place&rsquo / and &lsquo / place image&rsquo / concepts. Studying these concepts is difficult due to their subjectivity / however, it is necessary to understand the change of place in all dimensions. It is possible to observe a similar process in Kalei&ccedil / i, the historic city center of Antalya. This research examines the process of change in Kalei&ccedil / i over the last five decades regarding the impacts on the &lsquo / sense of place&rsquo / and &lsquo / place image&rsquo / . It identifies &lsquo / physical setting&rsquo / , &lsquo / activity&rsquo / and &lsquo / meaning&rsquo / as observable components of these concepts / and it examines the change in these components through the in-depth interviews with three different user groups (i.e., users before 1980, those after 1980 and present users) and cognitive maps. The research considers that the first conservation practices in Kalei&ccedil / i started in 1980s, thus, it examines the change in &lsquo / sense of place&rsquo / under the headings of before 1980, after 1980 and present time. This research shows that the &lsquo / sense of place&rsquo / and &lsquo / place image&rsquo / between these user groups vary significantly. It indicates that the sense of place of the first user group is generated mostly regarding &lsquo / meaning&rsquo / component shaped by experiences / whereas the sense of place of the second and third category users mostly relates with physical environment and historical identity of the place. Besides, this research comes to a conclusion that there is a direct link between the change in sense of place and the efforts of turning the area into a center of attraction for tourism.

The Effects Of Local Conservation Capacity To The Maintenance Of Historic City Centers As A Governance Process: Gaziantep And Sanliurfa Case Study Areas

Belge, Burak 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In Turkey, although there are many similar implemented or ongoing conservation interventions, some of historic city centers are in better condition than other ones in terms of urban conservation. Conservation discourse describes the conservation of historic city centers as a shared and sustaining responsibility of various actors. At that point, locality is essential because of near and directs relations with historic environment. However, there are basic problems to develop a synergy based on shared responsibilities of local actors in historic centers. Therefore, the study focuses on the question of &ldquo / What is the role of local conservation capacity in the maintenance of historic city centers as a governance process&rdquo / . The study essentially discusses two issues, local conservation capacity, which is determined as an amalgam term of capabilities of local authority and local community, and urban maintenance, which is used in widening context to determines not only rehabilitation projects, but also interventions of local community let to survive of historic buildings. The method of the study is established as a comparative structure bases on case study researches. Comparisons are made between varying levels of local conservation capacity to determine their relations with success in urban maintenance. As a result, in defined context, the historic city centers of Gaziantep and Sanliurfa are studied as case study areas to evaluate success in urban maintenance as a function of local governance in terms of local conservation capacity.

Increasing Walkability Capacity Of Historic City Centers: The Case Of Mersin

Belge, Zuleyha Sara 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Sustainability, livability and quality of life have become widely and in-depth discussed issues in the literature of urban zlanning and design. This study primarily aims to investigate the concept of walkability as a part of the literature on livability. To draw a wider theoretical framework for this study, it first seeks to answer the questions of what the terms of &lsquo / livability&rsquo / and &lsquo / quality of life&rsquo / mean, and what components they constitute. Then, it focuses on the concept of &lsquo / walkability&rsquo / as one of the major components of these terms and as a measurable notion in urban design. Thus, this research seeks to define the notion of &lsquo / walkability&rsquo / and to identify a set of measures of walkability in public spaces to be used for the assessment of the &lsquo / walkability capacity&rsquo / of urban space. It should be noted that this research particularly tries to use the indicators of walkability which can directly impact on the design quality of urban space. Third, this research focuses on Mersin historic city center which has been in the process of deterioration for a while due to various current urban policies and strategies. As the case studies, it examines Uray and Atat&uuml / rk Streets which constitute the major thoroughfares of the historic city center by using the set of walkability measures. It investigates the walkability quality of four different character zones of Uray and Atat&uuml / rk Streets, and identifies their walkability capacities, problems and potentials. Finally, it suggests the policy and practical solutions on the design of these public spaces that will not only improve the walkability capacity of these streets, but also be helpful for the revitalization of the historic city center.

Sfide e opportunità per la tutela del patrimonio urbano nel XXI secolo : città storica e sostenibilità. Dall’esperienza francese al caso di Parigi. / Défis et opportunités pour la protection du patrimoine urbain au XXI siècle : la ville historique au prisme de la durabilité. De l'expérience française au cas de Paris / Challenges and opportunities for urban heritage conservation in the XXI century : historic cities and sustainability. From the French experience to the Paris case

Appendino, Federica 30 November 2017 (has links)
L’analyse des processus qui définissent la durabilité urbaine est au centre du débat actuel concernant le développement futur des villes. Dans ce contexte général que nous définissons de " course à la durabilité ", la ville historique se trouve simultanément confrontée à deux impératifs majeurs : d’un côté assurer la réalisation des objectifs du développement durable, de l’autre assurer la protection du patrimoine urbain.À partir de ces éléments, la thèse interroge la relation entre développement durable et protection du patrimoine urbain, à la fois d’un point de vue théorique et pratique, en posant la question de recherche suivante : dans quelle mesure la ville historique peut-elle devenir une ville durable tout en sauvegardant son patrimoine ? La recherche se divise en trois parties : une première partie consacrée aux aspects théoriques et épistémologiques, ayant pour but d’organiser et de rendre convergente la production scientifique actuelle, abondante mais sectorielle, de ces deux impératifs ; une deuxième partie de transposition du débat théorique international au contexte français, qui nous a permis d’évaluer la possibilité d’intégration des politiques de durabilité et de protection du patrimoine ; enfin, une troisième partie, plus opérationnelle, qui explore nos questionnements et hypothèses par l’étude détaillée de trois cas parisiens emblématiques. En démontrant que la durabilité est appelée à modifier les équilibres de la protection du patrimoine urbain, la thèse propose des éléments de réponse pour que ces deux impératifs puissent s’articuler et être mieux intégrés dans les politiques urbaines des villes historiques. / Over the past few decades sustainability concerns have gained central importance in the contemporary debate about the future development of cities. In this worldwide context a particular category of cities is suffering from pressures never seen before: the historic urban landscape, where urban conservation strategies must be integrated within the larger goals of overall sustainable development.In this frame, certain questions emerge: is it possible that sustainable development aims coexist with the principles of urban heritage preservation? What could it be the connection between urban heritage and sustainable development? How urban conservation can open up to sustainability, while keeping intact tangible and intangible values and heritage?Recognizing sustainability as a primary challenge that urban conservation faces, the thesis is divided in three parts: the first part is dedicated to the literature review, in order to converge the actual scientific production, abundant but sectorial; starting from an international perspective, the second part focuses on the French case study, reviewing the influence of national legislation concerning planning and environment, which includes sustainability aims, on urban conservation tools; lastly, the third part analyses critically the case study of Paris, emblematic to demonstrate the possible adaptation of urban conservation tools in order to take into account sustainability aims.The research finds that an integrated approach appears to be necessary, both at theoretical and operative level, and some first stage answers had been provided in this direction.

Centro de Interpretación de la Cultura Cusqueña / Cusco's Culture Interpretation Centre

Loza Villavicencio, Lourdes Emperatriz 29 June 2020 (has links)
Un Centro de Interpretación de Cultura es aquel equipamiento arquitectónico que promueve la investigación, conservación, divulgación y puesta en valor del objeto que lo constituye mediante la revelación del significado del legado cultural o histórico a través de la interacción del público con la información expuesta en cada ambiente que lo conforme. Mediante el presente proyecto de tesis se presenta la propuesta del Primer Centro de Interpretación de la Cultura Cusqueña, proyecto que nace de un previo análisis de la problemática y la fijación de objetivos, y del estudio del lugar donde este se emplazará, para lo que se buscaron referentes existentes a nivel mundial y nacional. Posteriormente, se procederá con el análisis técnico del lote, y con la programación arquitectónica del proyecto. / A Cultural Interpretation Center is an architectural equipment that promotes the research, conservation, diffusion and valuing of the object that composes it by the revelation of the cultural or historical legacy meaning from the interaction between the public and the information that each room provides. This thesis project presents the proposal of the First Cusco’s Cultural Interpretation Center, the project was born of the problem analysis and the goal setting and the study of the possible project location which was achieved by the study of the global and national references, to continue with the technical analysis of the area and the architectural program of the Project. / Tesis

Urbanistické řešení nábřeží řeky Jihlavy v Třebíči / Urban design of waterfront in Třebíč

Jindra, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Master’s thesis focuses on urban design of Jihlava river waterfront in Třebíč, its connection to the city center and urban renewal of Stařečka, former historic settlement, partially demolished in the 80s. The goal is to integrate given area into the city center and revive the waterfront as a functional public space.

Polyfunkční dům na nábřeží v Přerově / Multifunctional Building on the Embankment in Přerov

Čechák, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on multifunctional building on the embankment in Přerov. The building has four aboveground floors. Multifunctional building is situated on the bank of the Bečva river with the view over the historic city centre of Přerov. Main mass of surrounding block is formed by Sokolovna built in functionalist style. Intention is to connect old block with new multifunctional building in minimalistic style. First floor will have three shopping units and technical facilities. Second and third floors will be used for living and administration. Living and administration parts will be separated in the layout of the building. Fourth floor will be used for living.

Veřejné prostory historického jádra Brna - náměstí / Public Spaces of the Historic City Center of Brno - SQUARES

Vaculíková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Changes of physical, functional and social structure of the city as a result of the group of variously interrelated changes and events that are fundamentally participate in the formation of the image of the urban development. This doctoral thesis is based on research of the historical city center - squared. First part is focuses on the historical development of urban texture of the inner city of Brno and its squares. We are talking about Square of Freedom, Vegetable Market, Dominican square, Jacobs square, Capuchins square and Šilingrovo square. Based on individual characteristics, describing the emergence of morphological and functional changes in Brno square was created urban classification of basic types of square. City of Brno, as the capital city of region has a significant position in the structure of settlements. This fact has become one of the key aspects for the selection of examples of European cities and their squares. The second part of the thesis is based on comparative studies of different types of historical squares. In order to define the value of public spaces, it is necessary to look at the public places of historical perspective and deal with the causes that led to the decline of the importance and role of public spaces. Austrian capital cities of region (Graz, Linz, Klagenfurt and Salzburg) will be examined with regard to similar climatic conditions and a common cultural and historical context of the city. Based on urban patterns and graphic diagrams of each square are observed inner relationships between shapes of square, form, function and location of the position of an artwork. Research areas are also focused on comparing aspects of transport, green space, functional use, visual unit and social activities. The public space is shaped by a set of characteristics that promote diversity and interdependence of functions. For a better interpretation of the results have been established two benchmarks - symbol of identification with the place and the Magnet (function and filling space). The objective of the thesis is to define an aspects and elements of space which were involved in square use.

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