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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institutional ideology and industry-level action: A macro analysis of corporate legitimation in the United States petroleum industry

Prasad, Anshuman 01 January 1994 (has links)
This dissertation is a multi-method, institutional theoretic study that sought to understand how organizational communication in the United States petroleum industry functioned as a device for corporate legitimation over the years 1975-1990. The study investigated the symbolic dimension of organizational communication taking place via the medium of oil industry Annual Reports. The study addressed two major research questions: (i) What was the nature of corporate legitimation in the U.S. petroleum industry during the years 1975-1990? and (ii) What was the structure of corporate legitimation in the industry over these years? The context for these questions was provided by important industry-level actions such as business-government relations, diversification, OPEC relations, corporate restructuring, etc. To understand the nature of corporate legitimation, the study employed methods of grounded theory analysis. In addition to investigating the ideological characteristics of oil industry Chief Executive Officers' (CEOs') Letters to Shareholders, this analysis also focussed upon the linguistic devices of persuasion (e.g., myths, metaphors, etc.) and the processes of discursive closure employed in these letters. On the other hand, quantitative techniques of content analysis, including multivariate research methods such as factor analysis, discriminant analysis and MANOVAs, were employed for analyzing the structure of corporate legitimation. These analyses were designed to investigate the interrelationship of the various concepts by which oil industry CEOs expressed themselves in their Annual Reports. This study show that the U.S. oil industry employed eight inter-connected ideologies in the process of legitimating salient industry-level actions of these years. In part, the persuasive power of these ideologies derived from their ability to evoke certain mythic and taken-for-granted elements of the cultural 'common sense.' As regards the structure of corporate legitimation, an important finding of the study is that the industry's Annual Reports assumed four personae in the process of articulating their ideological messages. The study advances the thesis that corporate legitimation in an industry such as petroleum implies the legitimation of a given 'way of life,' and involves both expressing and constituting the subjectivities upon which this way of life depends. Finally, the study draws some implications for management research and practice.

Harvesting sketches from a community of gardeners

Kelly, Patrice M. 02 June 2016 (has links)
<p> This dissertation creates a bridge between American cultural and horticultural discussions related to the topic of suburban community gardens, based on a new model called &ldquo;A Lot to Grow.&rdquo; (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.) </p>

Political economy of media and culture in peripheral Singapore: A theory of controlled commodification

Kokkeong, Wong 01 January 1991 (has links)
Due to critical flaws in the existing studies, this study advances a new theory--the theory of controlled commodification--for the analysis of media and culture in the peripheral capitalism of Singapore. Since political independence, the state in Singapore has pursued a developmental policy based on the principles of the market economy that has given rise to its newly industrialized status. It promotes the development of the capitalist institutional framework, structures, and practices for the commodification process, yet restricts the process where it pertains to the flow of commodities effected through the exchange mechanism of the marketplace. The critical manifestation of this fundamental contradiction is in the media-cultural terrain. The existing approaches, in failing to grasp or address this contradiction, have provided a theoretically inadequate account of Singapore's media and culture. Thus they are overly narrow or localized (as in the works of media freedom, development media, and communication developmentalism) or overly broad or globalized (as in the cultural dependency perspective) or ahistorical in treating the convergence and conflict of the local-global forces (as in Galtung's structural theory of imperialism). The theory of controlled commodification is premised upon a historical appreciation of the local-global articulation of the commodification process within such peripheral capitalism as Singapore. Constructed from the two Marxian media-cultural approaches of Western Marxism and the Marxian political economy, the theory assumes the centrality of the (Singapore) state--as a managerial state for (global) capital--in the constitution of media operating as a commercial, profit-oriented institution in a market economy. Adopted for the analysis of Singapore's print and electronic media, together with its politics and culture, the theory of controlled commodification sheds the much needed light on the intricate relationship between state control of media and culture, on the one hand, and the commodification process, on the other--i.e., the very contradiction of peripheral Singapore, itself. Although controlled commodification is developed specifically in relation to Singapore, its theoretical thrust is argued to be applicable to other peripheral capitalism as well.

The interconnection of culture and manufacture in Japanese No theater costume| Conservation of an Edo Period choken

Pironti, Elinor Dei Tos 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>The subject of this qualifying paper is an Edo Period N&omacr; theater <i> ch&omacr;ken</i>. Upon receipt, this choken was in very poor condition. There were six types of damage that needed treatment. </p><p> <i>First</i>, there was extensive warp breakage along the full length of the shoulders and sleeve bottoms and one area of full loss to the base fabric, exposing wefts. <i>Second</i>, a couched metallic thread was used as an outline to five vase motifs and as patterning for four butterflies. All used &lsquo;urushi,&rsquo; better known as Japanese lacquer, for an adhesive binding a metal foil its paper substrate. This couched thread had either loss to the metallic surface, to the combined metallic and lacquer surface, or was hanging, and at times twisted back upon itself. <i>Third</i>, there was a cut and finely woven, metallic coated paper used for some of the leaf and insect wing motifs that was tattered, unaligned, had loss to its metallic surface, and was not secure to the base fabric. <i>Fourth</i>, there were areas of weft breakage exposing warps. <i>Fifth</i>, the six exposed selvages that run the full length of the two sleeves and one body panel all needed to be strengthened. <i>Sixth</i>, there was one 3 by 4 inch area in the lower back of the body panel which had complete fabric loss. </p><p> Untreated areas were: areas of warp distortion in the front body panel; a few loose embroidery threads throughout the five floral/vase motifs; and a small amount of loss due to insect infestation. </p><p> Research was done and methods developed in order to find treatment techniques for the lacquer based metallic thread, the cut and woven paper motifs, and the extensive warp breakage extending along the shoulders and sleeve bottoms. </p><p> Due to the difficulty of finding English equivalents to Japanese textile terminology, I included a Comparative Glossary that I hope will be useful to other researchers in this field. </p><p> This project proved to be challenging, but in the end, very rewarding with a new body of knowledge concerning materials used in this type of cultural object. </p>

Extraordinary powers of perception : second sight in Victorian culture, 1830-1910

Richardson, Elsa January 2013 (has links)
In the mid-1890s the London based Society for Psychical Research dispatched researchers to the Scottish Highlands and Islands to investigate an extraordinary power of prophecy said to be peculiar to the residents of these remote regions. Described in Gaelic as the An-da-shealladh or ‘the two sights’, and given in English as ‘second sight’, the phenomenon was most commonly associated with the vision of future events: the death of neighbour, the arrival of strangers into the community, the success or failure of a fishing trip and so forth. The SPR were not the first to take an interest in this pre-visionary faculty, rather they joined a legion of scientists, travel writers, antiquarians, poets and artists who had made enquires into the topic from the end of the seventeenth century. This thesis examines the remarkably prominent position enjoyed by Scottish second sight in the Victorian popular imagination. In seeking to appreciate why a strange visionary ability was able to make claims upon the attention of the whole nation where other folk motifs were consigned to the realms of specialist interest only, this project charts its migration through a series of nineteenth-century cultural sites: mesmerism and phrenology, modern spiritualism and anthropology, romance literature and folklorism, and finally psychical research and Celtic mysticism. Binding these individual case studies together is a cast of shared actors - Walter Scott, Catherine Crowe, William Howitt, Marie Corelli, Andrew Lang and Ada Goodrich Freer - and a focus on their common investigative and creative cultures. My interest is with how the power of second sight, once defined as a supernatural occurrence tied to the geographically distant and mysterious Scottish Highlands, comes to be transformed by the close of the nineteenth century, into a supra-normal facet of the psyche, potentially accessible and exploitable by all.

Pojetí druhu u medvědovitých (Ursidae): praktická, historická a teoretická perspektiva / Concept of species in bears (Ursidae): practical, historical, and theoretical viewpoint

Wagner, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis surveys topic of taxonomic diversity and phylogeny of bears (Mammalia, Ursidae) and aspects of its contextual setting under effects of changing conceptual and methodological viewpoints. This problem is studied from several perspectives. The historical perspective is represented by a critical overview of the history of specific and infraspecific classification of bears with special respect to mutual influences of this classification and theoretical concepts of species accepted in particular periods. The perspective of material approach is exemplified by a material-based study of taxonomical and phyletic status of selected Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene ursine taxa. Along with deconstruction of some traditional hypotheses this produced a model explaining species diversification in ursine bears and its discussion in terms of factual relevance of included background concepts. In the pre-evolutionary period the bear species were usually understood broadly, as incipient immanent entities, yet exhibiting obvious certain infraspecific variability. This was established using definitions of varieties (mostly not identifiable with present subspecies or infraspecific taxa) considered as unstable modes of particular species. Although, in the post-Darwinian period, the concept and taxonomic...

A view of Wari research: paradigms and perspectives on the Middle Horizon / Una aproximación a las investigaciones sobre Wari: paradigmas y perspectivas sobre el horizonte medio

Schreiber, Katharina 10 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In this introductory article, the history of Wari studies is summarized in brief terms. The urban site of Huari is considered, including evidence for its occupation prior to the Middle Horizon, and spatial patterning of Middle Horizon architectural remains. While the hinterland around Huari has received some attention, there is still much to be learned about the heartland of the Wari polity. Most research devoted to Wari has occurred in the provincial regions, primarily at sites exhibiting distinctive Wari forms of architecture and material culture. Regional surveys data complement these excavations and reveal the effects of Wari expansionon the local political and economic landscapes. Current interpretations of Wari balance the accumulation of new data and the waxing and waning of different interpretative scenarios. It argued that Wari must be viewed holistically, not from the perspective of a single site or region, that the material evidence for imperial control can be elusive, and that our data are still far from complete. It is concluded that the extant data support the interpretation that Wari was an early attempt at empire–building, and that it imposed its mosaic of control over many regions of the Central Andes. / En este artículo resumimos brevemente la historia de los estudios sobre Wari. Discutimos el centro urbano de Huari, incluyendo su ocupación pre-Horizonte Medio, y la distribución espacial de la arquitectura del Horizonte Medio. Si bien la periferia de Huari ha recibido cierta atención, queda aún mucho por aprender sobre la zona nuclear wari. La mayoría de las investigaciones sobre Wari se ha concentrado en las provincias, principalmente en sitios con las formas características wari de arquitectura y cultura material. Las prospecciones regionales complementan estas excavaciones y revelan los efectos de la expansión wari en el escenario político y económico. Las interpretaciones actuales sobre Wari muestran un balance entre la acumulación de nuevos datos y los diferentes escenarios interpretativos. Sostenemos que Wari debe ser visto holísticamente y no desde un solo sitio o región, que la evidencia material de control imperial puede resultar esquiva, y que nuestros datos aún resultan incompletos. Concluimos que losdatos existentes respaldan la interpretación de Wari como un intento temprano de formación de un imperio, el cual impuso un mosaico de control sobre muchas regiones de los Andes centrales.

Histoire de l'énergie solaire en France : science, technologies et patrimoine d'une filière d'avenir / French history of solar energy : science, technology and heritage of an innovative field

Pehlivanian, Sophie 13 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail tente de dresser une histoire de l'énergie solaire par l'étude de ses patrimoines au sein du territoire national. Par patrimoine, on entend aussi bien les ouvrages mobiliers ou immobiliers, que le patrimoine mémoriel des écrits et des témoignages qui étayent l'histoire scientifique, sociale, économique et politique de cette source d'énergie à travers l'histoire d'un pays entier. Le soleil, qui a toujours fasciné les civilisations, constitue une ressource majeure et inépuisable en termes d'énergie. Son exploitation s'oppose, par essence, à celle des énergies fossiles. Cette thèse s'intéresse à la manière dont les technologies de l'énergie solaire ont été promues selon la situation politique du pays, analyse s'appuyant principalement sur l'état des lieux et l'étude du patrimoine qui y est attaché, lui-même étant souvent lié aux avancées scientifiques que connaît le secteur. Les recherches sur la captation des rayons solaires en vue de produire de la chaleur ou de l'électricité ont connu de très graves périodes de crise, déterminantes pour l'avenir de ce qui a parfois été qualifié de filière industrielle au cours du second vingtième siècle. Les chercheurs français ont alors largement contribué à l'avancée des techniques, à l'échelle mondiale. Au cours des années 1970, les orientations de la politique énergétique française contribuent à modifier l'intérêt d'un pays tout entier pour les technologies solaires. De nombreux nouveaux enjeux incarnent alors les applications de l'énergie solaire devenues objet de communication, et cristallisant des oppositions telles que le combat écologiste. Aujourd'hui, la France se situe largement en retrait par rapport aux autres pays. La recherche solaire française de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, malgré son importance historique, est très peu représentée dans les rencontres internationales et reste parfaitement méconnue. Ce phénomène questionne sur les orientations que les dirigeants français successifs ont imposées à la filière solaire. L'énergie solaire incarnait-elle, en tant que « filière d'avenir », une utopie ? Était-elle relayée, depuis les débuts de son utilisation scientifique, comme solution ayant une possibilité d'application à l'échelle industrielle ? Cette thèse soulève des questionnements sur les diverses périodes d'engouement qui ont permis d'envisager l'énergie solaire comme une réelle solution énergétique, en tentant d'analyser les typologies des patrimoines qui caractérisent cette source d'énergie, tant dans le grand public que dans les milieux scientifiques. / This study attempts to give a History of solar energy, through the studying of his Heritage, in France. In this study, Heritage means both movable and immovable objects, the memorial heritage writings and testimony that support the scientific, social, political and economic source of energy through the history of an entire country. The sun, which has always fascinated civilizations, is a major and inexhaustible resource in terms of energy. This thesis focuses on how the technology of solar energy have been promoted according to the political situation of the country. The analysis is mainly based on the inventory and study of the heritage attached to scientific advances. Researches on capturing sunlight to produce heat or electricity have known very serious times of crisis, crucial to the future of what has sometimes been considered, during the second half of the twentieth century, as an industrial sector. French researchers then contributed to the advancement of technology, worldwide. In 1970, the guidelines of the French energy policy contribute to changing the interest of the whole country for solar technologies. Many new challenges for the applications of solar energy, which have become subject of communication and which also crystallize oppositions, such as the environmentalists battle. Today, France is far behind compared to many other occidental countries. The French solar research of the second half of the twentieth century, despite its historical importance, is very poorly represented in international forums and remains unrecognised. This phenomenon questions about directions that successive French leaders have imposed on the solar industry. Does solar energy, as a "sector of the future", is a utopia? Was it relayed, since the beginning of its scientific use, as a possible industrial solution? This thesis raises questions about the various periods of enthusiasm that led to consider solar energy as a real solution, in opposition to the lack of interest that this source of energy has suffered, trying to analyze the typologies of heritage which characterize this source of energy in both the public and the scientific community.

Virtual patients for education, assessment and research : a web-based approach /

Zary, Nabil, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Eine kurze Geschichte des archäologischen Denkens in Deutschland

Gramsch, Alexander 29 May 2019 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Geschichte der Entwicklung von Forschungszielen, Fragestellungen und Interpretationsansätzen der Prähistorischen Archäologie in Deutschland. Vom frühen 19. Jahrhundert ins Heute fortschreitend werden gleichzeitig die institutionellen und personellen Aspekte der Fachgeschichte und insbesondere die geistesgeschichtlichen Grundlagen der Urgeschichtsforschung skizziert – von der „vaterländischen Altertumskunde“ über anthropologisch-archäologische Forschungen bis zur Prähistorischen Archäologie. Hierbei wird insbesondere die Frage nach der Relevanz der Prähistorischen Archäologie für die Konstruktion kollektiver Identitäten verfolgt. / This paper presents a historical overview of research aims, questions and models of interpretation in prehistoric archaeology in Germany. Moving from the early 19th century into our days the epistemological foundations of prehistoric research are sketched – from “patriotic antiquarianism” via anthropologicalarchaeological research to recent prehistoric archaeology – but also its institutional and personal developments. Emphasis lies on the relevance this discipline had and still has for the construction of collective identities.

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