Spelling suggestions: "subject:"distory off historiography"" "subject:"distory oof historiography""
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Josephus on the servile origins of the Jews in EgyptFriedman, David A. January 2017 (has links)
The Exodus story of the Israelites' slavery in Egypt and subsequent redemption was central to Jewish accounts of their national origins and was an important component of Jewish self-identification in antiquity. Although Greek and Latin sources appear ignorant of the Exodus story, ancient ethnographies of the Jews in non-Jewish sources claim that the Jews were originally Egyptian. This thesis examines how Josephus presents the Exodus story of the Jews' servile national origins in Egypt to a Roman audience who had biases against slaves, freedmen, and Egyptians, and little knowledge of Jewish origins apart from reports that they were Egyptian by origin. Josephus's first work Jewish War, a politico-military history, includes tangential remarks about Jewish origins, but implies in the proem that the Jews were originally Egyptian. Jewish Antiquities, which rewrites the biblical account of Jewish origins, explicitly denies that the Jews were originally Egyptian and deliberately omits mention of the Jews' servitude in Egypt at important points in the narrative where it would have been expected. In Against Apion, an apologia, Josephus subtly uses keywords and the rhetorical technique of insinuatio to prove that the Jews were not originally Egyptian without stating openly that this is a goal of the work. Several factors explain these results. Aristotle's theory of natural slavery, which posits that slaves are innately defective, was part of the ideological assumptions of first century CE Roman elites. Romans were also ambivalent about their own partly-servile origins in Romulus's asylum. Influenced by Augustan propaganda about Actium, first-century Roman sources deride Egyptians with a range of negative stereotypes. Josephus denies that the Jews were Egyptian and omits their servile origins at important points in the narrative where the Bible mentions it in order to portray the Jews as favorably as possible.
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Conquests of Egypt : making history in 'Abbāsid EgyptZychowicz-Coghill, Edward January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of the Futūḥ Miṣr (Conquest of Egypt) of Ibn 'Abd al-Ḥakam (d. 257/871), the earliest extant Arabic history of Egypt. Its primary aim is not to assess whether its information is 'authentic' - i.e. corresponding to an objective historical reality - though my findings are of relevance for those engaged in debates over authenticity. My goal instead is to explore the ideas about the past which are conveyed by this particular conglomeration of historical information and to propose methods through which we can expose and analyse different layers and types of authorial activity within a multi-vocal text like Futūḥ Miṣr. Ultimately, I use this analysis as the basis of a case study suggesting how we might more effectively historicise the generation and transmission of historical ideas in the early Islamic period. Part I of the thesis consists of three chapters which explore Futūḥ Miṣr as a whole, literary text which can be understood as an instantiation of the historical worldview of its composer. Part II of the thesis contains three chapters which each illuminate features of Ibn 'Abd al-Ḥakam's historical practice which are important prerequisites for the stratigraphic reading of Futūḥ Miṣr performed in Part III. Part III of the thesis uses the understanding of Ibn 'Abd al-Ḥakam's authorial techniques developed in Part II to expose the earlier packages of historical information which underpin Futūḥ Miṣr. These final three chapters demonstrate how Ibn 'Abd al-Ḥakam reinvested these pre-existing narratives with meaning at a micro-level - by interjecting commentary and accounts from other sources - and at a macro-level - by integrating them into the larger narrative structure of Futūḥ Miṣr. In sum, this thesis is the first systematic study of the sources, structure, and authorship of an early Arabic history, which both tests and expands our current understanding of the dynamics of early Islamic historical writing, and sheds light on numerous aspects of the changing uses of the past among the Muslim scholars of Umayyad and 'Abbāsid Egypt.
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Historická imaginace pozdního osvícenství. / The Historical Imagination of Late Enlightenment.Smyčka, Václav January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the transformations of historiography and perception of the historical time in the last third of 18th and at the beginning of the 19th centuries. The central questions it investigates are: How has the way of locating (Czech) society in time changed? How did representations of past fundamentally change between 1760s and 1820s, in the era of the so-called "Sattelzeit"? What is the relationship between these changes and the way in which history was represented? What impact did the changes of media, book markets, and culture of reading have in this time? What are the political and aesthetic consequences of these changes? The answer to these questions is found in five fundamental innovations of Enlightenment historiography. These innovations (understood according to Niklas Luhmann's system theory in order to reduce complexity) - fundamentally influenced the way in which late Enlightenment thinkers conceptualized the flow of historical time and the praxis of historiography. It is about the spread of cumulative concepts of knowledge in historia litteraria related to the growth of book markets, narrativisation of the historical experience (as a result of emergence of the newly incoming fictional genres of the historical novels),, philosophy of history as a new idealistic...
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Leopold von Ranke e a Questão Oriental: o caso d\' A Revolução Sérvia (1829-1879) / Leopold von Ranke and the Eastern Question: the Case of the Serbian Revolution (1829-1879)Viviane Venancio Moreira 25 August 2014 (has links)
Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886), considerado um dos mais importantes historiadores do século XIX e de toda a história da historiografia, produziu prolificamente durante toda sua carreira profissional, tendo como um de seus principais objetos de estudos a formação das nações ocidentais modernas e sendo conhecido por sua abordagem metodológica da História. Mas seu trabalho também pode ser uma fonte considerável de novos temas e interpretação, especialmente quando seus trabalhos menos conhecidos são tomados em consideração. A presente pesquisa analisa um tema ainda pouco explorado no trabalho de Ranke, ou seja, a posição desse historiador em relação aos grupos orientais através da interpretação das três edições (1829, 1844 e 1879) do seu livro A Revolução Sérvia (Die serbische Geschichte). Algumas características desses textos merecem destaque: 1) o período de cinquenta anos no qual Ranke trabalhou o texto torna possível o estudo do desenvolvimento de suas ideias; 2) trata-se do estudo de um tema contemporâneo, o que significa que Ranke a escreveu enquanto as ações que estudava ainda faziam parte do presente; 3) a obra tem caráter colaborativo, já que foi concebida pela união de Ranke e do Círculo Eslavo de Viena; 4) a forma com que Ranke descreveu os povos orientais (turco e sérvio) aponta para a relação entre essas noções e uma série de representações do Oriente, as quais estavam conectadas com ideias românticas bastante difundidas / Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886), considered one of the most important historians of the 19th century and of the whole history of historiography, produced prolifically during his entire professional carrier, having as one of his main objects the of study the formation of the Western Modern Nations and being famous for his historical methodological approach. But his work can also be a considerable source of new themes and new interpretations, especially when his less known books such as The Ottoman and the Spanish empires in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries or The Serbian Revolution are taken under consideration. This research analyses a theme somewhat yet to be explored in Rankes work, that is to say, the position of this historian in respect of oriental groups through the interpretation of the three editions (1829, 1844 and 1879) of his book The Serbian Revolution (Die serbische Geschichte). Some characteristics of this works deserve highlight: 1) the period of fifty years in which Ranke retook the text makes it possible to study the development of his ideas; 2) it is about the study of a contemporary theme, which means that Ranke wrote while the actions he studied still were part of the present; 3) the work has a collaborative nature, which was conceived by the union of Ranke and the Viennese Slavonian Circle; 4) the way Ranke described the eastern people (Turkish and Serbian) indicates the relation between these notions and a series of representations of the East, which were connected to widespread Romanticist ideas
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Le rôle des désignants d'événements historico-médiatiques dans la construction de l'histoire immédiate: une analyse du discours de la pensée écriteCalabrese, Laura 26 February 2010 (has links)
Ce travail est divisé en deux grandes parties. La première explore la notion d’événement dans une perspective multidisciplinaire, à partir de l’histoire, la sociologie, l’ethnologie, la philosophie, la communication et la linguistique. Le but de ce parcours notionnel est double :tout d’abord, illustrer comment les sciences humaines évoluent (depuis les années 1950) vers une approche langagière de l’événement, et en deuxième lieu, nous doter des outils conceptuels nécessaires pour montrer que l’événement médiatique est une construction sociale dans laquelle le langage joue un rôle central. Cette construction est régulée par des routines de rédaction journalistiques, des contraintes matérielles (i. e. l’espace disponible pour rédiger des titres), des représentations et des habitus de lecture. En amont de la nomination par le média, des protocoles sociaux implicites règlent ainsi la mise en mots de l’événement. Cela explique l’énorme consensus dans la nomination d’événements à l’intérieur d’un même espace historico-géographique. <p>La réflexion théorique sur l’événement a également permis d’observer le fonctionnement singulier du discours d’information, notamment en regard du discours historique, tout spécialement à partir de leur saisie particulière du temps, à savoir, les temps courts des médias et les temps long ou mi-longs de l’histoire. Cette forme d’appréhender le temps n’est pas sans conséquences sur les modes de nomination des médias, car ils ont besoin de nommer toute occurrence jugée événementielle, souvent sans le recul nécessaire pour les intégrer dans un récit global. La pratique conduit en effet le discours de l’information à produire une grande quantité de désignants qui pourront être mémorisés par les lecteurs sans pour autant produire de véritables connaissances. Malgré cette hypertrophie, l’événement médiatique constitue un repère collectif primordial pour organiser le vécu public. En ce sens, il est à distinguer du fait divers, qui n’organise pas le temps social mais produit, au contraire, des discours répétitifs, ancrés sur des archétypes et non sur l’actualité. Dans sa fonction cathartique, le fait divers présente une mise en récit du dysfonctionnement de la société et, dans sa répétitivité, n’a pas besoin d’être mémorisé par le discours social. Comme corollaire, il produit moins de dénominations et plus de séquences narrativisées. Ainsi, un fait divers peut accéder au statut d’événement en fonction de la place que le discours d’information −et la société− lui accorde, à la fois dans l’espace public et dans la matérialité du support écrit. <p>En tant que construction sociale, l’événement médiatique n’est pas un objet discret. Non seulement il n’est pas disponible tel quel avant l’acte de nomination, mais il n’est pas immédiatement disponible et perceptible. Comme d’autres réalités sociales ou institutionnelles, les événements ont une « ontologie subjective » mais sont perçus comme objectifs. Dans ce cadre, l’instance de médiatisation est fondamentale pour donner corps à l’événement et l’ériger en objet d’intérêt public. La question qui se pose est celle de la mise en forme de l’événement en consensus avec le corps social. Si nous considérons les événements comme des faits institutionnels, il devient évident que leur mode de donation est médiatisé par le biais d’une instance socialement légitimée à laquelle on accorde cette mission :les médias. Le mécanisme de médiation qui intervient ici est la déférence :nous déférons aux journalistes la tâche d’identifier, de décrire et de nommer les événements publics. <p>L’analyse des désignants d’événements dans une perspective linguistique (sémantique et syntaxique) s’avère ainsi fondamentale pour interroger les représentations mobilisées par le média. En effet, ces séquences linguistiques, largement partagées par le corps social, sont des prêts-à-dire capables de condenser une énorme quantité d’information sur l’événement, de ses données les plus objectives (où, quand, quoi) aux plus subjectives (images, représentations) mais partagées intersubjectivement. La deuxième partie de cette thèse aborde la description de ces séquences linguistiques, dans une démarche qui va de la sémantique lexicale à la sémantique discursive. Les désignants d’événements sont envisagés sous leur forme expansée, c’est-à-dire comme des expressions définies formées à partir d’un nom événementiel, nom qui dénote un événement en langue (attentat, catastrophe, crise, etc.). Cette base lexicale sert à catégoriser l’événement −en fonction de cadres cognitifs communs−, orientant le sens et affectant les représentations des lecteurs. <p>Parmi les différentes formes, nous distinguons des expressions définies complètes (la guerre en Irak, le massacre de la place Tiananmen, les attentats du 11 septembre, l’affaire du voile) et incomplètes (la crise, la canicule, le tsunami). Ces dernières se caractérisent par la présence d’un opérateur indexical qui fait référence au moment de l’énonciation et ont donc une capacité plus faible à stocker la mémoire de l’événement. Une fois le moment discursif passé, ces expressions ont tendance à être complétées par un complément (i. e. la canicule de 2003). Les expressions définies complètes présentent, elles, une tendance à la condensation. Elles produisent ainsi des mots-événements :des toponymes et des dates en fonction événementielle (que nous appelons héméronymes), ainsi que des désignants occasionnels (Tiananmen, le 11 septembre, le voile, respectivement). Malgré l’effacement du nom événementiel présent dans la dénomination originelle (massacre, attentat, affaire), celui-ci est pour ainsi dire enregistré par l’expression restante, et sert par là à orienter le sens de l’expression. La preuve qu’un sens notionnel a été enregistré par ces expressions est qu’elles peuvent être réutilisées dans des emplois métaphoriques, pour des événements de même nature (le 11 septembre de l’Europe, un Tiananmen à l’iranienne, tsunami financier). L’approche discursive permet également de distinguer des dénominations et des désignations, moins figées et à plus forte valeur axiologique, mais qui contribuent également à la construction de l’événement. Si Mai 68 peut être catégorisé comme une révolte, une révolution ou un mouvement par la presse et par les principaux acteurs sociaux, il peut également être qualifié de coup d’épée dans l’eau ou de rupture culturelle. Les premières constituent des séquences largement partagées dont le but est de catégoriser, mémoriser et retracer l’événement, tandis que les secondes expriment surtout le point de vue d’un énonciateur ou groupe, et ont par là un contenu axiologique plus évident. <p>Nous essayons de montrer que la description linguistique est une condition nécessaire pour décrire la capacité mémorielle de ces désignants, qui ont des degrés de stabilité et de figement différents. L’établissement des différentes catégories (expressions définies complètes et incomplètes, xénismes, mots-événements accidentels, toponymes événementiels et héméronymes) permet d’étudier leur capacité mémorielle en fonction de leur morphologie. En effet, moins le désignant a de contenu lexical, plus il a de facilité à circuler dans des contextes qui ne sont pas celui d’origine. Ainsi, les toponymes et les héméronymes ont une plus grande capacité d’évocation, en raison de leur proximité avec le nom propre. Dans le discours d’information, ils fonctionnent comme des outils cognitifs qui servent à mémoriser des événements, des images et des discours sur les événements.<p><p> / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Historik W. W. Tomek a jeho význam v českém dějepisectví. / The historian W. W. Tomek and his importance in Czech historiography.Pazderský, Roman January 2019 (has links)
Roman PAZDERSKÝ, The Historian W. W. Tomek and His Importance in the Czech Historiography, dissertation thesis, FF UK, Prague 2019 This dissertation thesis is an attempt to thoroughly evaluate the significance of the Czech historian Wácslaw Wladiwoj Tomek (1818-1905) for Czech historiography. The basic methodological assumption of the work is the belief that the meaning of Tomek's intellectual contribution can be adequately understood only on the basis of the broader contexts of his life and work, which are perceived in his integral interconnection with the corresponding social, political and cultural contexts of the history of the Czech society in the 19th century. The introductory chapters provide a detailed overview of the sources and literature on the subject, including the discussion of W. W. Tomek's present reflections in a wider rather than narrow historiographical space. The essential part of the introduction is the subchapter Czech Historiography as a Research Topic, aiming to find a suitable conceptualization key for competent reflections on the changes of the Czech historiography of the 19th century on the background of relevant social and historical contexts. The following chapter, titled "Long Life in a Short Impression," presents a clear outline of Tomek 's life, whose aim is not to...
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Between the conquests and the court : a critical analysis of the Kitāb Futūḥ al-Buldān of al-BalādhurīLynch, Ryan Joseph January 2016 (has links)
When considering the available sources for Islamic history between the seventh and eighth centuries CE, there are few which have greater importance than al-Balādhurī's (d. ca. 892 CE/279 AH) Kitāb Futūḥ al-Buldān (The Book of the Conquest of Lands). While the text and its author are recognized for their importance as a historical source for the early Islamic period, there has previously been no in-depth study of either. This dissertation works to correct these gaps in knowledge of the author and his text by investigating the construction, form, content, and early reception history of al-Balādhurī's book. This research begins by providing a manuscript tradition of Futūḥ al-Buldān, including a discussion of a previously unpublished manuscript. It thereafter illuminates the background of al-Balādhurī, bringing together much of the previous scholarship on the author while augmenting that information with an analysis of biographical sources and the text itself. It situates the author and his text in its ninth/third century milieu, a period of history where the early Arabic historical tradition was still in its infancy and only just being committed to writing. It suggests the text was likely completed at the end of the "anarchy at Sāmarrā'" in the late 860s CE, and highlights the author's role at the court of several 'Abbāsid Caliphs. After this, it discusses a number of al-Balādhurī's most important (and, in some cases, previously understudied) sources of information, and argues that the author chose to differentiate when he was learning information directly from a teacher and when he had access to written sources. It then analyzes the content and themes of the text, placing special attention on the unique form of Futūḥ al-Buldān and its importance in providing modern scholars with information on the conquest, settlement, and building projects of the early Islamic world. In considering these key themes, this research then argues that Futūḥ al-Buldān defies traditional modern genre classification by borrowing form and content from several different Arabic genres including conquest literature (futūḥ), legal texts, and administrative geographies. It contends that both the text's content and form suggest that it was written to be read by courtly administrators in the service of the state as both a site of memory (lieu de mémoire) and as an "administrator's handbook" during a time of upheaval in the 'Abbāsid realm. Finally, it considers the legacy of Futūḥ al-Buldān and the popularity of al-Balādhurī's book throughout the medieval period through an analysis of textual reuse.
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Poválečná historie Romů v Československu ve vzpomínkách pamětníků: Možnosti rekonstrukce poválečné migrace vybrané skupiny Romů ze Slovenska do českých zemí / Post-war history of Roms in Czechoslovakia in the Eye-Witness Perspective: Possibilities of Reconstruction of Post-War Migration of a Selected Group of Roms from Slovakia into the Czech LandsSadílková, Helena January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concentrated on the topic of the post-war migration of Roms from Slovakia to the Czech Lands as the crucial process in the post-war history of Roms on the territory of former Czechoslovakia which had its effects not only on individual groups of Roms living in Slovakia and migrating to the Czech Lands, but also on the next developments in the relations of the Czech majority society towards the Roms and changes in the approach to them on the side of central state institutions. The thesis offers a presentation of a complex historic case study of post-war migration of a particular local group of Roms from south- eastern Slovakia to the city of Brno (Moravia), based on a synthetic research method combining both oral history and written sources of mostly regional provenience. The author has applied the method in two different contexts: while reconstructing the developments in the situation of the group of Roms and their relations with the majority society in Slovakia during 1920' to 1970's, and while mapping the post-war migration of part of these people in relation to two localities in the Czech Lands, with one representing a transit locality of their early post-war migration and the other their final destination where this group of Roms lives still today. The author places the case study...
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Ontologie a fenomenalita dějinnosti / Historicity as Ontological and Phenomenological ProblemKlouda, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The first part of the thesis deals with the constitution of the modern conception of history as an independent ontological region, which is characterized by its reflexivity, i.e. the same word history does mean both action and knowledge, information about it. From this perspective, attention is paid to the main stages of development of historiography. We start with constitution of the modern conception of history in the Enlightenment and its philosophical explanation in Kant (§ 2). Followed by an analysis of the historical method developed by Droysen, being shown how the methodological limitations of this approach were associated with understanding the historical reflexivity as identity, inherited from idealistic philosophy (§ 3). A rejection of the sociological approaches in historiography refers to fundamental differences in the conception of the relationship of knowledge and action in both types of disciplines (§ 4). Great attention is paid to the renaissance of historiography attaching to enforcement cultural-anthropological paradigm, in which it was seen as a solution of problems connected with historicism and social science approach (§ 5). The second part concentrates on the analysis of the basic philosophical assumptions of cultural anthropology. Exploration leads to the establishment of the...
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Česko-bavorské kulturní kontakty v raném středověku / Early Mediaeval Cultural Contacts between Bavaria and BohemiaHasil, Jan January 2016 (has links)
262 EARLY MEDIEVAL CULTURAL CONTACTS BETWEEN BAVARIA AND BOHEMIA The Ph.D. thesis focusing on the topic of Czech-Bavarian cultural contacts in the Early Middle Ages was assigned in 2010 to develop the author's MA thesis, which was conceived as a probe into sources and a program study699 as well in order to form the first comprehensive monograph of this date of these professionally and regionally fragmented issues. In those times, the assignment of the thesis assumed "to decide whether there is an objective historical significance of this concept, or whether (and how) the meaning of this term has shifted in time, and how should this legacy be treated in the prepared thesis." Furthermore, five material-oriented topics were defined in order to test the overall theoretical concept on parts of otherwise too broadly conceived sources: (i) a study focusing on interpretative possibilities of langsaxes in the context of Early Medieval row- grave cemeteries; (ii) an attempt to narrow the regionalization of the s-shaped temple rings occurrence in connection with the settlement context; (iii) revision of archaeological evidence from the Cheb (Eger) castle; (iv) a chapter focusing on the issue of Early Medieval elites in north-eastern Bavaria; and finally (v) a discussions on the current concepts of toponomastic...
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