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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The study of organic solar cell featuring hole transporting layer with rubbing process

Chen, Yu-Jyun 24 August 2011 (has links)
In organic solar cell, the surface characteristic plays an important role in the power conversion efficiency of solar cell device. According to the literatures, the increased roughness can increase the contact area at the interface between PEDOT:PSS and active layer, improving hole extraction to the anode. Furthermore, a rough interface may cause a scattering effect on the incident light, which can reflect the out-lost-light back into the active layer and leads an efficient light absorbed. There are many ways to change the morphology of hole transporting layer, such as solvent-treated, or additives adding. However, the above process methods are easily affected by the external environmental conditions. It¡¦s difficult to get the surface morphology been well controlled, resulting in a process instability and low reproducibility. In this research, we will create regular grooves on hole transporting layer by rubbing method. By changing baking temperature and rubbing pressure adjustment of PEDOT:PSS layer; we can precisely control the groove depth and surface morphology. This method makes the process simple and high stability. We found that the PEDOT:PSS hole transporting layer with a suitable depth grooves can enhance the power conversion efficiency. The power conversion efficiency of samples were measured under AM 1.5G 100mW/cm2 illumination. In our results, we found that the device possess about 14.52nm-depth of groove structure, the power conversion efficiency of devices can be increased from 2.03% to 2.36% (which is 17.6% improved). This consequence can be attributed to a short current density increasing from 5.67mA/cm2 to 6.67mA/cm2 based on the device structure is ITO(1500Å)/Rubbing-PEDOT:PSS(500Å)/P3HT:PCBM(800Å)/Al(2000Å).

Nanoparticules pour la réalisation de couches de transport de trous appliquées au photovoltaïque organique / Nanoparticles for application as a hole transporting layer in organic photovoltaics

Bottois, Clément 22 April 2015 (has links)
Dans les cellules photovoltaïques organiques, le matériau utilisé pour le transport de trous entre la couche active et l'électrode, est généralement un polymère dopé, dont la stabilité peut être problématique. L'objectif de cette thèse a été de développer des matériaux inorganiques, a priori plus stables, pour remplacer les couches de polymères de transport de trous, tout en restant compatible avec les méthodes de dépôts par voie liquide. L'utilisation de nanoparticules dispersées en solution a été choisie car cela permet le dépôt à basse température, sans nécessité de conversion vers une couche fonctionnelle, contrairement aux voies sol-gel. Le premier objectif de ce travail a donc été l'obtention de nanoparticules d'oxyde de tungstène, hydraté ou non, et de thiocyanate de cuivre. Une synthèse de chauffage assisté par micro-ondes a été utilisée pour l'oxyde de tungstène, permettant d'obtenir des nanoparticules de 30 nm et monodisperses. Pour le thiocyanate de cuivre, il a été choisi de travailler par broyage. Les paramètres du broyage ont été optimisés pour obtenir des particules avec la plus faible distribution en taille possible. Le dépôt de ces dispersions de nanoparticules a permis l'obtention de couches minces et la caractérisation de leurs propriétés optoélectroniques, et notamment du travail de sortie, qui s'est révélé adapté pour une utilisation en dispositif. Des cellules solaires organiques de structures standard et inverse incorporant ces matériaux ont ensuite été réalisées. De bonnes performances ont été obtenues avec une couche active à base de P3HT, notamment en structure inverse où la possibilité d'utiliser le thiocyanate de cuivre a été démontrée pour la première fois. Le suivi des performances sous éclairement et atmosphère contrôlée a également été effectué et a montré un vieillissement rapide pour ces cellules comparées aux cellules de référence à couche de transport de trous polymère. / In organic solar cells, a doped polymer is the most used material for hole transport between the active layer and the electrode, but his stability can be an important issue. The goal of this PhD thesis was to develop inorganic materials, expected to be more stable, in order to replace polymer based hole transporting layers. Another requirement was to keep the compatibility with solution-based deposition methods. The target was to develop nanoparticle dispersions, deposited at low temperature and giving directly a functional layer, without the need of further treatments which are usually required via sol-gel processes. A first objective of the present work was thus the elaboration of nanoparticles of tungsten oxide, hydrated or non-hydrated, and copper thiocyanate. A microwave-assisted heating synthesis has been used for tungsten oxide, leading to mono-dispersed particles around 30 nm. Concerning copper thiocyanate, a ball milling technique has been chosen. The process parameters have been optimized to obtain nanoparticles to narrow the size distribution as much as possible. The deposition of the nanoparticles has allowed the formation of thin layers and the characterization of their optoelectronic properties, such as work function, which was shown to be a relevant parameter for a use in devices. Organic solar cells with standard or inverted structures have been fabricated using these materials as a hole transporting layer. Good photovoltaic performances have been obtained, especially in the inverted structure, in which the possibility to use copper thiocyanate has been demonstrated for the first time. Ageing experiments under light in a controlled atmosphere have also been carried out and have shown a rapid drop in performances for these cells compared to cells incorporating polymer based hole transport layers.

Efficiency and stability studies for organic bulk heterojunction solar cells

Augustine, B. (Bobins) 29 November 2016 (has links)
Abstract The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of each component layer constituting the structure of organic bulk heterojunction solar cells (OSC-BHJ) contribute significantly towards its overall performance. One of the prevalent issues resulting in reduced device efficiency is due to the conformational inhomogeneities in the active and buffer layers. The mechanical stress, extended thermal exposure and presence of mutually reactive component layers etc., affects negatively on the device stability. Effective methods to address these issues will be extensively benefited by the industry since the current commercialisation of the technology is hindered owing to the lower efficiency and stability of these devices. This dissertation focuses on methods to coherently enhance the performance and longevity of the OSC-BHJ devices. The efficiency enhancements of the devices in this work were achieved through two main routes. The first route was through morphological improvement of the active layer. The second route was through boosting the electrical characteristics of hole transporting conducting polymer layer (HTL) by controlled annealing conditions. The introduction of a suitable additive in the active layer was found to reduce unfavourable phase segregation thus resulting in enhanced morphology. Further, the annealing conditions in different atmospheres (air, nitrogen and vacuum) were found to have a clear influence on the optimum functioning of the HTL in the device. Regarding the stability improvement study done in this work, a method of employing suitable interlayer was developed to effectively abate the internal degradation occurring in the device due to etching reaction on the indium tin oxide (ITO) anode by the HTL. Moreover, experimental investigations were carried out for drawing fundamental understanding of stability degenerating issues such as the influence of mechanical defects on transparent conducting metal oxide (ITO) anode on the performance of the device and heat induced degradations in the low band gap polymer-fullerene active layer. The highlight of this research is that the discovered methods are inexpensive, efficient, and easy to adopt. The results of the study could help the technology to overcome some of its limitations and accelerate its progress towards commercialisation. / Tiivistelmä Orgaanisten heteroliitosaurinkokennojen kerrosrakenteen ominaisuudet ja laatu vaikuttavat merkittävästi aurinkokennojen toiminnallisuuteen. Erityisesti rakenteelliset epähomogeenisuudet aktiivi- ja puskurikerroksissa heikentävät kennon hyötysuhdetta. Kennojen stabiilisuutta tarkasteltaessa myös mekaanisella rasituksella, pitkittyneellä lämpöaltistuksella ja materiaalien reagoinneilla keskenään kerrosten välillä, on selkeä negatiivinen vaikutus kennojen stabiilisuuteen. Orgaanisen aurinkokennoteknologian kaupallistamisen rajoitteina ovat kennojen heikko hyötysuhde ja stabiilisuus, joten menetelmät jotka tarjoavat ratkaisuja edellä mainittuihin ongelmiin, ovat erittäin tärkeitä teknologiaa kaupallistavalle teollisuudelle. Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy johdonmukaisesti selvittämään tapoja, joilla voidaan parantaa heteroliitosaurinkokennojen hyötysuhdetta ja elinikää. Hyötysuhteen tehostamiseksi valittiin kaksi eri lähestymistapaa, joista ensimmäisessä keskityttiin aktiivikerroksen morfologian parantamiseen ja toisessa aukkoja kuljettavan kerroksen sähköisten ominaisuuksien parantamiseen lämpökäsittelyprosessin avulla. Sopivan lisäaineen avulla aktiivikerroksen ei-toivottua kiteytymistä voidaan pienentää ja parantaa näin kerroksen morfologiaa. Lisäksi työssä todettiin, että lämpökäsittelyn aikaisella ympäristöolosuhteella (ilma, typpi, tyhjiö) on merkittävä vaikutus puskurikerroksen optimaaliseen toimintaan aurinkokennossa. Stabiilisuuden parantamiseksi kehitettiin välikerroksen hyödyntämiseen perustuva menetelmä, jolla voidaan tehokkaasti vähentää kennojen sisäisessä rakenteessa tapahtuvaa toiminnallisuuden heikkenemistä, joka aiheutuu aukkoja kuljettavan kerroksen syövyttävästä vaikutuksesta indiumtinaoksidi (ITO) pohjaiseen anodiin. Tämän lisäksi työssä tutkittiin kokeellisesti stabiilisuuteen heikentävästi vaikuttavia tekijöitä, kuten mekaanisen rasituksen aiheuttamia vaurioita metallioksidi (ITO) anodissa ja lämpöaltistuksesta aiheutuvia vikoja polymeeri-fullereeni rakenteeseen perustuvassa aktiivikerroksessa. Tutkimuksen keskeisin tulos on, että esitellyt keinot aurinkokennojen hyötysuhteen ja stabiilisuuden parantamiseen ovat edullisia, tehokkaita ja helppoja hyödyntää. Tulokset voivat merkittävästi edistää orgaanisten aurinkokennojen teknistä kehitystä ja kiihdyttää niiden tuloa kaupallisiksi tuotteiksi.

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