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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical modelling of the axial compressive behaviour of short concrete-filled elliptical steel columns.

Dai, Xianghe, Lam, Dennis January 2010 (has links)
no / This paper investigates the axial compressive behaviour of short concrete-filled elliptical steel columns using the ABAQUS/Standard solver, and a new confined concrete stress-stain model for the concrete-filled elliptical steel hollow section is proposed. The accuracy of the simulation and the concrete stress-strain model was verified experimentally. The stub columns tested consist of 150 × 75 elliptical hollow sections (EHSs) with three different wall thicknesses (4 mm, 5 mm and 6.3 mm) and concrete grades C30, C60 and C100. The compressive behaviour, which includes the ultimate load capacity, load versus end-shortening relationship and failure modes, were obtained from the numerical models and compared against the experimental results, and good agreements were obtained. This indicated that the proposed model could be used to predict the compressive characteristics of short concrete-filled elliptical steel columns.

Behaviour and design of direct-formed hollow structural section members

Tayyebi, Kamran 06 July 2021 (has links)
In North America, cold-formed square and rectangular hollow sections (collectively referred to as RHS hereinafter) of commonly specified cross-sectional dimensions are produced using either the indirect-forming approach or the direct-forming approach. The indirect-forming approach, as the conventional approach of the two, consists of three steps: (i) roll-forming the coil material progressively into a circular hollow section; (ii) closing the section using electric resistance welding (ERW); and (iii) reshaping the circular section into the final square or rectangular shape. On the other hand, the direct-forming approach, as the new approach of the two, roll-forms the coil material directly into the final square or rectangular shape. RHS with similar cross-sectional dimensions but different production histories (i.e., different cold-forming approaches and post-production treatments) are expected to have significantly different material and residual stress properties. However, RHS design provisions in the existing North American steel design standards (AISC 360-16 and CSA S16-19) are in general developed based on research on indirect-formed RHS and currently do not differentiate RHS cold-formed by different approaches. Based on the research presented in Chapter 1 of this thesis, comparing to indirect-formed RHS, direct-formed RHS in general contain lower levels of residual stresses around cross sections, since the flat faces are not severely cold worked during production. This in turn affects member behaviours under compressive and flexural loadings. The test results presented in Chapters 2 and 4 show that direct-formed RHS have superior stub column and beam behaviours, comparing to their indirect-formed counterparts. In particular, the stub column and beam testing programs, covering a wide range of cross-section dimensions and two strength grades (nominal yield stresses of 350 and 690 MPa), show that the slenderness limits in the existing North American steel design standards are excessively conservative for direct-formed RHS, resulting in unnecessary penalty and member strength underestimation. As a result, the existing design formulae are not suitable for direct-formed RHS. In response to this, subsequent finite element (FE) parametric investigations are performed and presented in Chapters 3 and 5. Modified stub column and beam design recommendations for direct-formed regular- and high-strength RHS are proposed. The effects of post-cold-forming hot-dip galvanizing on material properties, residual stresses, stub column behaviours and beam behaviours of direct-formed regular- and high-strength RHS are also studied in Chapters 1-5 of this thesis. Similar to the application of the heat treatment per ASTM A1085 Supplement S1 or the Class H finish per CSA G40.20/G40.21, post-cold-forming galvanizing improves the stub column (Chapter 2) and beam (Chapter 4) behaviours of direct-formed RHS via effective reduction of residual stresses (Chapter 1). Based on subsequent FE parametric investigations, modified stub column and beam design recommendations catering to galvanized direct-formed RHS are proposed in Chapters 3 and 5. / Graduate

Axial compressive behaviour of stub concrete-filled columns with elliptical stainless steel hollow sections

Dai, Xianghe, Lam, Dennis January 2010 (has links)
This paper presents the axial compressive behaviour of stub concrete-filled columns with elliptical stainless steel and carbon steel hollow sections. The finite element method developed via ABAQUS/Standard solver was used to carry out the simulations. The accuracy of the FE modelling and the proposed confined concrete stress-strain model were verified against experimental results. A parametric study on stub concrete-filled columns with various elliptical hollow sections made with stainless steel and carbon steel was conducted. The comparisons and analyses presented in this paper outline the effect of hollow sectional configurations to the axial compressive behaviour of elliptical concrete-filled steel tubular columns, especially the merits of using stainless steel hollow sections is highlighted.

Shape effect on the behaviour of axially loaded concrete filled steel tubular stub columns at elevated temperature.

Dai, Xianghe, Lam, Dennis January 2012 (has links)
Concrete filled steel tubular columns have been extensively used in modern construction owing to that they utilise the most favourable properties of both constituent materials. It has been recognized that concrete filled tubular columns provide excellent structural properties such as high load bearing capacity, ductility, large energy-absorption capacity and good structural fire behaviour. This paper presents the structural fire behaviour of a series of concrete filled steel tubular stub columns with four typical column sectional shapes in standard fire. The selected concrete filled steel tube stub columns are divided into three groups by equal section strength at ambient temperature, equal steel cross sectional areas and equal concrete core cross sectional areas. The temperature distribution, critical temperature and fire exposing time etc. of selected composite columns are extracted by numerical simulations using commercial FE package ABAQUS. Based on the analysis and comparison of typical parameters, the effect of column sectional shapes on member temperature distribution and structural fire behaviour are discussed. It shows concrete steel tubular column with circular section possesses the best structural fire behaviour, followed by columns with elliptical, square and rectangular sections. Based on this research study, a simplified equation for the design of concrete filled columns at elevated temperature is proposed.

Επιρροή των φαινομένων Ρ-Δ στην ανελαστική απόκριση επίπεδων μεταλλικών πλαισίων με διαφορετικούς νόμους υστερητικής συμπεριφοράς

Τζουμανίκα, Γεωργία 12 March 2014 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία πραγματοποιήθηκε παραμετρική μελέτη μεταλλικών καμπτικών επίπεδων πλαισίων με υποστυλώματα τύπου τετραγωνικής κοιλοδοκού (Square Hollow Section, SHS) και δοκών τύπου διπλού ταυ (IPE). Ζητούμενο αποτελούσε η ανάπτυξη εξισώσεων που θα συνδέουν χαρακτηριστικά της ανελαστικής απόκρισης των κατασκευών με την δυνατότητα αντισεισμικού σχεδιασμού σύμφωνα με την μέθοδο των δυνάμεων έχοντας όμως σαν αρχικό στόχο ένα επιθυμητό επίπεδο επιτελεστικότητας σύμφωνα με τον αντισεισμικό σχεδιασμό που βασίζεται στην νεότερη μέθοδο των μετακινήσεων και εκτιμούν πιο σωστά την επιρροή των φαινομένων Ρ-Δ στην ανελαστική απόκριση των δισδιάτατων καμπτικών πλαισίων. Αναδεικνύεται η επιρροή του ελέγχου ευστάθειας στον σχεδιασμό μεταλλικών καμπτικών πλαισίων. Χρησιμοποιούνται διάφορες παράμετροι που εκτιμήθηκε πως επηρεάζουν την ελαστική και ανελαστική απόκριση των κατασκευών όπως το όριο διαρροής του χάλυβα fy των μελών, ο αριθμός των ορόφων ns, που επηρεάζει άμεσα την ιδιοπερίοδο του συστήματος, η μορφή της ελαστικής απόκρισης των κατασκευών, οι οποίες διακρίνονται σε καμπτικού και διατμητικού τύπου (shear type, flexural type) σύμφωνα με τον συντελεστή ρ όπως ορίζεται από τον Chopra (2007a), καθώς επίσης και την παράμετρο πλαστικών ροπών a που σχετίζεται με το είδος του αναπτυσσόμενου ανελαστικού μηχανισμού. Ο υστερητικός νόμος που χρησιμοποιήθηκε και περιγράφει την ανελαστική απόκριση των μελών υπό ανακυκλιζόμενη δράση ταυτίζεται με το διγραμμικό υστερητικό νόμο με κράτυνση 3%, με απομείωση της αντοχής των μελών που συνδέεται άμεσα με την τοπική πλαστιμότητα των μελών σε κάθε ανελαστικό κύκλο φόρτισης. Παραμετρικές αναλύσεις έγιναν επίσης με τη χρήση διγραμμικού νόμου υστέρησης με κράτυνση 3% χωρίς την απομείωση της αντοχής των μελών κατά την ανελαστική τους απόκριση, με στόχο την διερεύνηση της επιρροής στην αντοχή των μελών κατά την ανελαστική τους απόκριση. Για την πραγματοποίηση της παρούσας μελέτης 57 καταγραφές παρελθοντικών σεισμών μακριά από το σεισμικό ρήγμα, αποτέλεσαν την διέγερση για την εκτέλεση των δυναμικών μη-γραμμικών αναλύσεων ώστε να ληφθεί υπόψη η επιρροή του συχνοτικού περιεχομένου των επιταχυνσιογραφημάτων στην απόκριση των συστημάτων. Τέλος, παρουσιάζεται παράδειγμα που συγκρίνει την προτεινόμενη μέθοδο με την μέθοδο των δυνάμεων αποδεικνύοντας την αποτελεσματικότητά της. / In this project, a parametric design of steel moment resisting frames with square hollow section type columns (Square Hollow Section, SHS) and double tee type of section (IPE) beams was made. It was desired to develop an equation connecting the inelastic response characteristics of structures designed according to the force-based method but having as initial target a desired performance level in accordance with seismic design based on the direct displacement-design method. Furthermore, it was desired to estimate the influence of P-Δ phenomena to the inelastic response of 2D moment resisting steel frames in a more correct way. The influence of stability control in the design moment resisting steel frames is highlighted. Various parameters that affect the elastic and inelastic response of structures are used, such as the yield strength of steel members fy, the number of storeys ns, which directly affects the eigenperiod of the system, the type of the elastic response of the structures, which are divided into flexural and shear type according to the coefficient ρ as defined by Chopra (2007a), and also the parameter of plastic moments α associated with the type of the developing plastic mechanism. The hysteretic law used, which describes the inelastic response of members under cyclic action, is the bilinear hysteretic law with hardening 3% and deterioration of members’ strength directly associated with the local ductility of members in each inelastic loading cycle. In addition, extra parametric analyses were made by using bilinear hysteretic law with 3% hardening without deterioration of strength of members in their inelastic response, in order to investigate the influence of strength deterioration on the resistance for members in the inelastic range. To carry out this study, 57 records of past earthquakes far from the seismic fault were used to perform the dynamic non - linear analyses, in order to take into account the influence of the frequency content of the accelerograms on the response of the systems. Finally, examples are presented comparing the proposed method with the method of forces demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Análise do comportamento estrutural de ligações em aço entre viga de seção I e pilar de seção tubular circular / Structural behavior of steel connections between I-beam and circular hollow section column

Pereira, Daniel Henrique Fidelis 08 November 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa consiste de uma investigação acerca do comportamento estrutural de ligações entre viga de seção I e pilar de seção tubular circular em situações de pilar de canto e de pilar solicitado por quatro vigas simultaneamente (pilar central). A associação entre a viga de seção I e o pilar de seção tubular circular remete à análise de ligações com comportamento complexo. A partir da análise numérica, via Método dos Elementos Finitos com os softwares ANSYS® e TrueGrid® foi avaliado o comportamento momento-rotação e parâmetros como resistência, rigidez inicial e ductilidade das ligações. Foram analisadas as tipologias de ligação soldada e ligação com a presença do diafragma externo como mecanismo de enrijecimento. Avaliou-se a influência de 6 variáveis, sendo o comprimento da viga, a espessura do pilar, a força aplicada nas vigas dispostas ortogonalmente, a compressão axial do pilar, a espessura do diafragma e o diâmetro dos parafusos do diafragma totalizando 20 modelos numéricos. O aumento da espessura da seção do pilar e a força aplicada simultaneamente nas 4 vigas representou uma melhoria na resistência e rigidez inicial das ligações soldadas. A redução do diâmetro dos parafusos do diafragma foi a principal variável capaz de influenciar negativamente as propriedades de rigidez inicial e resistência das ligações com o diafragma. Todos os modelos analisados apresentaram comportamento semi-rígido segundo o Eurocode 3 (2005). O dimensionamento analítico pelo Eurocode 3 (2005) e por Winkel (1998) apresentou boa aproximação com os resultados da análise numérica. A obtenção da resistência das ligações com diafragma pelo método das componentes apresentou resultados, em média, 20% inferiores ao verificado na modelagem numérica. A utilização do diafragma como mecanismo de enrijecimento das ligações mostrou-se eficiente. As ligações soldadas apresentaram maior ductilidade comparada às com diafragma. O aumento da espessura do pilar nas ligações soldadas demonstrou-se uma alternativa eficaz no enrijecimento das ligações. / This research consists of an investigation above the structural behavior of connections between I-beam and circular hollow section (CHS) columns in situation of corner columns and column loaded by 4 beams simultaneously (inside columns). The association between the I-beam and the CHS column presupposes the analysis of connections with a complex structural behavior. Based on a numerical analysis, using the Finite Element Method with ANSYS® and TrueGrid® softwares, the connection parameters like strength, stiffness and ductility was evaluated. The typologies of welded connections and connections with an external diaphragm was analyzed. An amount of 6 variables (beam length, column thickness, force applied on the beams, compression of the column, diaphragm thickness and bolt diameter) was analyzed in a total of 20 numerical specimens. The increase of the column thickness and the force applied simultaneously on the 4 beam ends culminated on a substantial improvement on strength and stiffness of the welded connections. The reduction of the diaphragm bolts diameter was the main reason for the negatively influence on strength and stiffness properties of the diaphragm connections. All specimens presented a semirigid behavior according to the Eurocode 3 (2005). The analytical design, based on the Eurocode 3 (2005) and Winkel (1998), obtained good results in terms of connections strength compared with the numerical analysis. The obtainment of the connections strength with the component method demonstrated results 20% less than numerical analysis. The external diaphragm as a stiffening mechanism showed effective. The welded connections presented more ductility than the diaphragm ones. The increase on the column thickness demonstrated an effective alternative for the connection stiffening.

Avaliação de ligações KK entre perfis tubulares em aço. / Evaluation of KK joints between steel tubular profiles.

David Silva Nobre 26 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Em virtude do elevado grau de desenvolvimento da tecnologia em sua produção, a utilização de perfis tubulares é grandemente difundida em países como, por exemplo, Canadá, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Holanda. A utilização de tais perfis no Brasil era bastante restrita, limitando-se a coberturas espaciais. Atualmente, a situação do mercado brasileiro começa a se alterar em decorrência do significativo aumento da oferta de perfis tubulares estruturais. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise de ligações tipo KK com perfis tubulares circulares (CHS), com o intuito de estabelecer um quadro comparativo entre as formulações analíticas de dimensionamento proposta pelo Eurocode 3 Parte 1.8, 2 edição do guia de projeto de ligações tubulares do CIDECT, ABNT NBR 16239:2013, pelas equações propostas por Paul e Kurobane e critérios de deformação limite. A calibração de um modelo foi feita com dados numéricos e experimentais. Para cada um dos tipos de ligações analisadas, desenvolveu-se um modelo em elementos finitos no programa Ansys. As não-linearidades física e geométrica foram incorporadas aos modelos, a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente da ligação. A não-linearidade do material foi considerada com o uso do critério de plastificação de Von Mises através de uma lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação bilinear. A não-linearidade geométrica foi introduzida no modelo através da Formulação de Lagrange Atualizado considerando-se a previsão de grandes deformações de forma a permitir a redistribuição de carregamento na ligação após o escoamento inicial. Foi proposto um modelo de uma treliça espacial composta por perfis tubulares de seção circular para comparar os resultados de análises de uma ligação isolada e a resposta desta mesma ligação como parte de uma treliça em escala real. / Due to the high degree of development of the technology in its production, the use of tubular profiles is greatly widespread in countries such as Canada, England, Germany and Holland. The use of such profiles in Brazil was very restricted, being limited to spatial roofs. Currently, the situation in the Brazilian market begins to change as a result of the significant valeability increase of structural hollow sections. This work presents an analysis of KK connections with circular hollow sections. A comparison between the analytical design formulations proposed by Eurocode 3 Part 1.8, 2nd edition of the design guide of tubular joints of the CIDECT, Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 16239:2013, Paul and Kurobane equations and limit deformation criteria was performed. For each of the joints types analyzed, a finite element model was developed in ANSYS program. The developed model was calibrated against numerical and experimental results. The physical and geometrical non-linearities have been incorporated in the model to mobilize the joint full load capacity. The material nonlinearity was considered by Von Mises criteria through stress versus strain bilinear constitutive law. The geometric non-linearity was introduced in the model by the use of Lagrange Updated Formulation in order to consider the expected large deformation and to allow redistribution of load in the joint after the initial yielding. This work also proposes the modeling of a planar truss made of circular hollow section structures to establish a comparison between a single joint and the response of joint as a part of a full scale truss structure. The modeling of a spatial truss made of circular hollow section structures to establish a comparison between a single joint and the response of joint as a part of a full scale truss structure was proposed.

Avaliação de ligações entre perfis tubulares em aço submetidas a esforços de flexão. / Evaluation of steel hollow section joints subjected to bending forces.

Marcela Monteiro Lopes 20 April 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os perfis tubulares sem costura são largamente utilizados em diversos países, porém, no Brasil, o uso desses perfis na construção civil era bastante limitado, restringindo-se praticamente a coberturas espaciais. Considerando uma nova realidade para o uso de perfis tubulares, este trabalho apresenta uma análise de ligações tipo T com perfis tubulares quadrados (SHS) para o banzo e para o montante efetuada com base na norma europeia, Eurocode 3, no CIDECT, na NBR 16239:2013 e ISO 14346 através de um modelo em elementos finitos desenvolvido no programa Ansys. Verificou-se a influência do momento atuante no montante no comportamento global das ligações. As não-linearidades físicas e geométricas foram incorporadas aos modelos, a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente desta ligação. A não-linearidade do material foi considerada através do critério de plastificação de von Mises através da lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação trilinear de forma a exibir um comportamento elasto-plástico com encruamento. A nãolinearidade geométrica foi introduzida no modelo através da Formulação de Lagrange Atualizado. Os resultados numéricos são avaliados para a ligação em estudo quanto aos modos de falha e a distribuição de tensões. A análise dos momentos resistentes obtidos em comparação com os resultados do modelo numérico, apresentou valores excessivamente a favor da segurança no cálculo utilizando as equações de dimensionamento. Um estudo para fatores de correção das equações de dimensionamento é proposto. / Seamless tubular sections are widely used in many countries, but in Brazil, the use of these profiles in construction is quite limited, being almost restricted to spatial trusses. Considering a new reality for the use of tubular profiles, this Dissertation presents an analysis of "T" joints with square hollow sections (SHS) for the chord and the brace based on the European standard, Eurocode 3, CIDECT Design Guide, NBR 16239:2013 and ISO 14346 through out a finite element model developed in ANSYS program. The main objective of the present investigation is to evaluate the influence of the bending moment over the joint global behavior. The physical and geometrical nonlinearities were incorporated into the models, in order to fully mobilize the joint global response. The nonlinearity of the material was considered by adopting the von Mises yield criteria with a material constitutive law with a multilinear stress versus strain curve associated to a elastic-plastic behavior with hardening. The geometric nonlinearity has been introduced into the model through Updated Lagrangian formulation. The numerical results were evaluated for studied joints in terms of the failure modes and stress distributions. The numerical results are evaluated for binding study on the modes of failure and the stress distribution. The analysis of the resistant moments obtained in comparison with the results of numerical model presented values for safety excessively calculated using equations sizing. A study for the correction equations scaling factors is proposed.

Avaliação de ligações KK entre perfis tubulares em aço. / Evaluation of KK joints between steel tubular profiles.

David Silva Nobre 26 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Em virtude do elevado grau de desenvolvimento da tecnologia em sua produção, a utilização de perfis tubulares é grandemente difundida em países como, por exemplo, Canadá, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Holanda. A utilização de tais perfis no Brasil era bastante restrita, limitando-se a coberturas espaciais. Atualmente, a situação do mercado brasileiro começa a se alterar em decorrência do significativo aumento da oferta de perfis tubulares estruturais. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise de ligações tipo KK com perfis tubulares circulares (CHS), com o intuito de estabelecer um quadro comparativo entre as formulações analíticas de dimensionamento proposta pelo Eurocode 3 Parte 1.8, 2 edição do guia de projeto de ligações tubulares do CIDECT, ABNT NBR 16239:2013, pelas equações propostas por Paul e Kurobane e critérios de deformação limite. A calibração de um modelo foi feita com dados numéricos e experimentais. Para cada um dos tipos de ligações analisadas, desenvolveu-se um modelo em elementos finitos no programa Ansys. As não-linearidades física e geométrica foram incorporadas aos modelos, a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente da ligação. A não-linearidade do material foi considerada com o uso do critério de plastificação de Von Mises através de uma lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação bilinear. A não-linearidade geométrica foi introduzida no modelo através da Formulação de Lagrange Atualizado considerando-se a previsão de grandes deformações de forma a permitir a redistribuição de carregamento na ligação após o escoamento inicial. Foi proposto um modelo de uma treliça espacial composta por perfis tubulares de seção circular para comparar os resultados de análises de uma ligação isolada e a resposta desta mesma ligação como parte de uma treliça em escala real. / Due to the high degree of development of the technology in its production, the use of tubular profiles is greatly widespread in countries such as Canada, England, Germany and Holland. The use of such profiles in Brazil was very restricted, being limited to spatial roofs. Currently, the situation in the Brazilian market begins to change as a result of the significant valeability increase of structural hollow sections. This work presents an analysis of KK connections with circular hollow sections. A comparison between the analytical design formulations proposed by Eurocode 3 Part 1.8, 2nd edition of the design guide of tubular joints of the CIDECT, Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 16239:2013, Paul and Kurobane equations and limit deformation criteria was performed. For each of the joints types analyzed, a finite element model was developed in ANSYS program. The developed model was calibrated against numerical and experimental results. The physical and geometrical non-linearities have been incorporated in the model to mobilize the joint full load capacity. The material nonlinearity was considered by Von Mises criteria through stress versus strain bilinear constitutive law. The geometric non-linearity was introduced in the model by the use of Lagrange Updated Formulation in order to consider the expected large deformation and to allow redistribution of load in the joint after the initial yielding. This work also proposes the modeling of a planar truss made of circular hollow section structures to establish a comparison between a single joint and the response of joint as a part of a full scale truss structure. The modeling of a spatial truss made of circular hollow section structures to establish a comparison between a single joint and the response of joint as a part of a full scale truss structure was proposed.

Avaliação de ligações entre perfis tubulares em aço submetidas a esforços de flexão. / Evaluation of steel hollow section joints subjected to bending forces.

Marcela Monteiro Lopes 20 April 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os perfis tubulares sem costura são largamente utilizados em diversos países, porém, no Brasil, o uso desses perfis na construção civil era bastante limitado, restringindo-se praticamente a coberturas espaciais. Considerando uma nova realidade para o uso de perfis tubulares, este trabalho apresenta uma análise de ligações tipo T com perfis tubulares quadrados (SHS) para o banzo e para o montante efetuada com base na norma europeia, Eurocode 3, no CIDECT, na NBR 16239:2013 e ISO 14346 através de um modelo em elementos finitos desenvolvido no programa Ansys. Verificou-se a influência do momento atuante no montante no comportamento global das ligações. As não-linearidades físicas e geométricas foram incorporadas aos modelos, a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente desta ligação. A não-linearidade do material foi considerada através do critério de plastificação de von Mises através da lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação trilinear de forma a exibir um comportamento elasto-plástico com encruamento. A nãolinearidade geométrica foi introduzida no modelo através da Formulação de Lagrange Atualizado. Os resultados numéricos são avaliados para a ligação em estudo quanto aos modos de falha e a distribuição de tensões. A análise dos momentos resistentes obtidos em comparação com os resultados do modelo numérico, apresentou valores excessivamente a favor da segurança no cálculo utilizando as equações de dimensionamento. Um estudo para fatores de correção das equações de dimensionamento é proposto. / Seamless tubular sections are widely used in many countries, but in Brazil, the use of these profiles in construction is quite limited, being almost restricted to spatial trusses. Considering a new reality for the use of tubular profiles, this Dissertation presents an analysis of "T" joints with square hollow sections (SHS) for the chord and the brace based on the European standard, Eurocode 3, CIDECT Design Guide, NBR 16239:2013 and ISO 14346 through out a finite element model developed in ANSYS program. The main objective of the present investigation is to evaluate the influence of the bending moment over the joint global behavior. The physical and geometrical nonlinearities were incorporated into the models, in order to fully mobilize the joint global response. The nonlinearity of the material was considered by adopting the von Mises yield criteria with a material constitutive law with a multilinear stress versus strain curve associated to a elastic-plastic behavior with hardening. The geometric nonlinearity has been introduced into the model through Updated Lagrangian formulation. The numerical results were evaluated for studied joints in terms of the failure modes and stress distributions. The numerical results are evaluated for binding study on the modes of failure and the stress distribution. The analysis of the resistant moments obtained in comparison with the results of numerical model presented values for safety excessively calculated using equations sizing. A study for the correction equations scaling factors is proposed.

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