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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miško sklypų homogeniškumas ir jų ribų formavimosi dėsningumai / Homogenity and Edges Development of Forest Compartments

Kuliešis, Andrius 17 June 2005 (has links)
Relevance of the problem. Forest compartment under the conditions of intensive forestry is the main unit of management and inventory (Antanaitis, 1961; Franklin, 2001). Regular, every 10 years, standwise forest inventory requires great expenditures on compartment delineation and their depicting in cartographic material. Different executives, guided by the same standards, but without objective forest compartment delineation methodics, may divide one and the same object into compartments in different ways (Rutkauskas, Kenstavičius, 1978). Therefore, the variability of forest compartment boundaries is artificially increased. Under the absence of clear boundaries between compartments in the forest and considering that the whole forest is homogeneous, compartment characteristics are usually ascertained ignoring their peculiarities at the edges. This comprises preconditions for the appearance of systemic forest inventory deviations (Антанайтис и др., 1975; Kuliešis, Kasperavičius, 2000; Brassel, Lichke, 2001). The accuracy of cartographic material and the influence of deviations on estimation reliability of forest resources are not evaluated (Gemmell et al., 1991; Fish, 2000; Franklin, 2001). Compartment edges, occupying in the forests of the country almost one third of the whole area of stands, are important not only from inventory, but also from forest stand growing viewpoint. What are wood increment losses, or what additional increment may be obtained due to differing growth... [to full text]

Afganistano demokratizacijos perspektyvos: vidinių ir išorinių veiksnių sąveikos lyginamoji analizė / Democratization prospects in afghanistan: comparative analysis of interaction between internal and external factors

Narbutas, Balys 20 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos Afganistano demokratizacijos perspektyvos tiriant ankstesnių JAV vykdytų demokratizacijos mėginimų karinės intervencijos priemonėmis rezultatą nulėmusius vidinius ir išotinius veiksnius. Pateikiamos teorinės demokratizacijos „iš išorės“ prielaidos ir vidiniai bei išoriniai veiksniai, leidžiantys tikėtis sėkmingos demokratizacijos. Šios prielaidos tikrinamos ir analizuojamos lyginant 15 JAV karinių intervencijų, kuriomis buvo siekiama demokratizuoti įvairias valstybes XX amžiuje, atvejus. Apžvelgiama padėtis Afganistane iki ir po 2001 m. karinės intervencijos, identifikuojama, kokie veiksniai šioje valstybėje laikytini palankiais ar nepalankiais sėkmingai jos demokratizacijai. Apibendrinant teorines įžvalgas, JAV demokratizacijos bandymų patirtį ir padėtį tiriamoje valstybėje, projektuojamos Afganistano demokratizacijos perspektyvos. / In this paper the prospects of Afghanistan's democratization are examined in context of previous U.S. attempts to democratize foreign countries by means of military interventions. Thus the object of this paper is not only the process of Afghanistan’s democratization, but also the examination of precedent cases, it’s outcomes and inner, as well as outer factors that possibly led to these outcomes. These factors are ethnic homogeneity of democratized state’s society, concentration and civil control of coercion, modern economy and developed middle-class, homogeneity of democratizing country’s politics towards the process, as well as the nature of process itself – is whole community is chosen as “target” of democratization process, or just it’s ruling elite. Comparative analysis of these factors in previous cases allowed to create a framework for a case study of Aghanistan's democratization's prospects. This case study leads to conclusion that prospects of Afghanistan’s democratization are at best vague. To add, these conclusions can only be considered as provisory: as comparative analysis of precedent cases revealed, no clear pattern, enabling to predict democratization attempt’s success or failure, can be drawn. We cannot state firmly, that country, where democratic institutions and procedures are installed, will become a consolidated democracy. Equally, there is no absolute evidence, that country with poor economic achievements, with weak middle-class, with other theoretically... [to full text]

Investigation of rape seed oil methyl ester production and by-product utilization / Rapso aliejaus metilo esterio gamybos proceso šalutinio produkto utilizacijos tyrimas

Stepanonytė, Dovilė 29 June 2007 (has links)
The problems of rape seed methyl ester (RME) production process by-products utilization were analyzed, statistical data for the capacities of biodiesel production and by-products generation were presented, the prospects of biodiesel production expansion, properties and environmental impact, main production technologies, Lithuanian and foreign countries experience were described, the main aims and tasks of work were defined. The investigation of glycerol – major by-product of RME production process – utilization was accomplished. One of the new possible utilization methods was researched, when combusting glycerol with highly sulphurous (~ 2.0 %) heavy fuel oil to reduce SO2 emissions, which limit value in the flue gas can not exceed 1700 mg/Nm3 (according to EU Directive 1999/32EC and LAND 43-2001 „Norms for the exhaust of pollutants from large fuel burning equipment“). The heavy fuel oil – glycerol emulsion was prepared in the pilot plant operating in the laboratory conditions, the most optimal ratio (1:1) for heavy fuel oil emulsification was estimated, the dispersivity investigation of heavy fuel oil - glycerol emulsion samples was performed. The experimental heavy fuel oil and obtained emulsion combustion investigations were carried out in VGTU Institute of Thermal Insulation pilot plant and in the thermal oxidation boiler „UMISA-CR/11,9 (13)“ at JCS „Rietavo veterinarinė sanitarija“. The CO, NOx, SO2 and particulate matter concentration values for heavy fuel oil and... [to full text] / Baigiamajame darbe išnagrinėtos rapso aliejaus metilo esterio (RME) gamybos proceso šalutinių produktų utilizacijos problemos, pateikti statistiniai duomenys apie biodyzelino gamybos bei susidarančių šalutinių produktų apimtis, aprašytos biodyzelino gamybos plėtros perspektyvos, savybės bei poveikis aplinkai, pagrindinės gamybos technologijos, Lietuvos bei užsienio šalių patirtis šioje srityje, apibrėžti pagrindiniai darbo tikslai ir uždaviniai. Atliktas RME gamybos proceso pagrindinio šalutinio produkto – glicerolio – utilizacijos tyrimas. Išanalizuotas vienas iš naujų galimų utilizavimo būdų - deginti glicerolį kartu su sieringu (~ 2,0 %) mazutu, siekiant sumažinti SO2 emisijas, kurių nustatyta ribinė vertė dūmuose negali būti didesnė kaip 1700 mg/Nm3 (pagal ES Direktyvą 1999/32EC ir LAND 43-2001 „Išmetamų teršalų ir didelių kurą deginančių įrenginių normos“). Laboratorinėmis sąlygomis stendiniame įrenginyje paruošta mazuto-glicerolio emulsija, nustatytas optimaliausias mazuto emulgavimo gliceroliu santykis (1:1), atlikti mazuto emulsijos bandinių homogeniškumo tyrimai. Eksperimentiniai mazuto bei gautų emulsijų deginimo bandymai buvo atlikti VGTU Termoizoliacijos instituto eksperimentiniame stende bei UAB „Rietavo veterinarinė sanitarija“ termooksidaciniame katile „UMISA-CR/11,9 (13)“. Išmatuotos mazuto ir mazuto-glicerolio emulsijos CO, NOx, SO2 ir kietųjų dalelių emisijos bei palygintos su jų didžiausiomis leistinoms vertėmis. Remiantis gautais rezultatais pateiktos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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