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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miško sklypų homogeniškumas ir jų ribų formavimosi dėsningumai / Homogenity and Edges Development of Forest Compartments

Kuliešis, Andrius 17 June 2005 (has links)
Relevance of the problem. Forest compartment under the conditions of intensive forestry is the main unit of management and inventory (Antanaitis, 1961; Franklin, 2001). Regular, every 10 years, standwise forest inventory requires great expenditures on compartment delineation and their depicting in cartographic material. Different executives, guided by the same standards, but without objective forest compartment delineation methodics, may divide one and the same object into compartments in different ways (Rutkauskas, Kenstavičius, 1978). Therefore, the variability of forest compartment boundaries is artificially increased. Under the absence of clear boundaries between compartments in the forest and considering that the whole forest is homogeneous, compartment characteristics are usually ascertained ignoring their peculiarities at the edges. This comprises preconditions for the appearance of systemic forest inventory deviations (Антанайтис и др., 1975; Kuliešis, Kasperavičius, 2000; Brassel, Lichke, 2001). The accuracy of cartographic material and the influence of deviations on estimation reliability of forest resources are not evaluated (Gemmell et al., 1991; Fish, 2000; Franklin, 2001). Compartment edges, occupying in the forests of the country almost one third of the whole area of stands, are important not only from inventory, but also from forest stand growing viewpoint. What are wood increment losses, or what additional increment may be obtained due to differing growth... [to full text]

Nc augavietės medynų finansinių rodiklių lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of financial indices of forest stands growing on Nc type of soil

Marčinskas, Donatas 09 June 2005 (has links)
Subject of research – pure and mixed forest stands of IV group on Nc type of soil. Objective of research – to analyze various financial indices of different forest stands growing on Nc type of soil. Methodology – using standwise forest database, stands of IV group of forest growing on Nc type of soil were selected and grouped by species composition. Average reforestation expenses by tree species as well as average expenditures for stand protection and supervision were used. Volume of mature stands at cutting age were calculated using growth models by dr. A. Tebėra. Faustman’soil expectation value was calculated using two alternative interest rates, 1 % and 2 %. Results of research – it was defined that birch and spruce mixed forest stands reaches the highest Faustman’s soil expectation value using both 1 % and 2 % interest rate. The same stands provide highest forest rent. The lowesr values using all the three indices reach adler stands.

Kauno marių regioninio parko medynų tinkamumo rekreacijai pagrindimas / Forest Stands Fitting for Recreation in Kauno Marios Regional Park

Šimkus, Laimonas 21 June 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriamas Kauno marių regioninio parko medynų tinkamumas rekreacijai. Darbo objektas. Kauno marių regioninio parko medynai. Darbo tikslas. Pagrįsti Kauno marių regioninio parko medynų tinkamumą rekreacijai. Darbo metodika. Medynų tinkamumas rekreacijai įvertintas 102 kvartaluose, pagal E. Riepšo (1990) metodiką. Medynų tinkamumo rekreacijai tyrimas atliktas 2743,10 ha plote, duomenų analizei naudojantis ArcGIS programine įranga bei Microsoft Office programų paketu. Rekreacinių miško savybių vertinimas atliktas 57 sklypuose naudojantis E. Riepšo (1990) metodiką. Miško rekreacinė digresija nustatyta pagal E. Riepšo (1990) vertinimo metodiką. Pakrančių ir atabradų tinkamumas rekreacijai atliktas pagal E. Riepšo (1999) vertinimo skales. Darbo rezultatai. Kauno marių regioniniame parke vyrauja vidutiniškai tinkami rekreacijai medynai (866 ha, 32 %, kurių tinkamumo rekreacijai balas 41 – 60), ir mažai tinkami rekreacijai medynai (879,1 ha, 32 %, kurių balas 21 – 40). Mažiausiai yra labai tinkamų (159,8 ha, 5 %, kurių tinkamumo rekreacijai balas 81 – 100), ir tinkamų (150 ha, 6 %, kurių balas 61 – 80) poilsiui medynų. Nustatyta, kad tolstant nuo Kauno marių pakrančių iki 300 metrų atstumu, medynų tinkančių rekreacijai daugėja, o mažai tinkamų ir netinkamų rekreacijai medynų mažėja. Kauno marių regioninio parko pakrančių medynuose geriausiai įvertintos miško estetinės savybės, žemiausiu balu įvertintas miško atsparumas rekreacijai. Nustatyta, kad daugumos tirtų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master thesis examined the Kauno marios regional park stands suitability for recreation. The object. Kauno marios regional park stands. Objective. Reasonable Kauno marios regional park stands adequacy of recreation. Work practices. Stands for recreational fitness evaluated 102 block, according to E. Riepšo (1990) methodology. Stands for recreation suitability conducted 2743.10 hectares, using ArcGIS software and the Microsoft Office suite spreadsheet. Recreational forest character assessment carried out using 57 plots E. Riepšo (1990) methodology. Forest recreation load found under E. Riepšo (1990) valuation methodology. Coastal and shallow recreation undertaken in relevance E. Riepšo (1999) scales. Results. Kauno marios park dominated the regional average of stands suitable for recreation (866 ha, 32% of recreational fitness score 41-60) and is not suitable for recreation of stands (879.1 hectares, 32%, with a score 21-40). At least, is appropriate (159.8 ha, 5% of recreational fitness score 81-100), and adequate (150 ha, 6%, with a score from 61 to 80) stands for rest. It was found that the distance from Kauno marios coast and 300 meters, stands suitability for recreation is increasing, but few suitable and unsuitable for recreation plantation decline. Kauno marios regional park coastal forest stands are best assessed in aesthetic qualities, the lowest score assessed forest recreation resistance. It was found that the majority of the investigated stands of coastal... [to full text]

Bebrų įtaka medynams VĮ Vilniaus miškų urėdijoje / Influence of Beavers on forest stands of Vilnius Forest Enterprise

Musteikis, Rimvydas 17 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe tiriama bebrų įtaka VĮ Vilniaus miškų urėdijos medynams. Darbo objektas – Vilniaus miškų urėdijos girininkijų miškuose esanti bebrų populiacija ir jų įtaka aplinkai. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti ir įvertinti bebrų įtaką medynams VĮ Vilniaus miškų urėdijos miškuose. Tikslui įgyvendinti buvo iškelti tokie uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti bebrų gausą ir tankį Vilniaus urėdijos miškuose. 2. Nustatyti bebraviečių pasiskirstymą urėdijos girininkijų miškuose. 3. Įvertinti bebrų poveikį medynams. Darbo metodai – literatūros analizė, bebraviečių įvertinimas, bebrų veiklos žymių analizė – fotofiksacija. Naudojama kartografinė medžiaga, miškotvarkos duomenys, atliekama bebrų apskaita, vertinamas poveikis medynams. Išsamesni bebrų populiacijos būklės ir veiklos tyrimai atlikti VĮ Vilniaus miškų urėdijos dvylikos girininkijų teritorijose 2012 – 2014 metų rudenį, žiemą ir pavasarį. Pirminiai duomenys apie bebraviečių išsidėstymą, klasifikaciją, įtaką aplinkai buvo renkami iš miškininkų bei miškotvarkos pateiktos informacijos. Tai buvo tikslinama natūroje, ieškomos naujos bebravietės. Darbo rezultatai. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad Vilniaus urėdijos miškuose yra 67 bebravietės. Apie du trečdalius bebrų šeimų įkuria naikintinas bebravietes melioracijos kanaluose, pelkėse – ketvirtadalis toleruotinų bebraviečių, o likusios – upelių ir upės šlaituose. Dėl bebrų veiklos urėdijos urėdijos miškuose medienos nuostoliai per penkerius metus sudarė 121,1 tūkst. litų. Vienos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the research the influence of beaver activity on forest stands in Vilnius State Forest Enterprise is analyzed. The subjekt of research – beaver population living in the forests of Vilnius State Forest Enterprise and its influence on the environment. The aim of the research – to analyze and evaluate the influence of beaver activity on forest stands in the forests of Vilnius State Forest Enterprise. The achieve the aim, the following tasks were raised: 1. To determine the abundance and density of beaver population in the forests of Vilnius State Forest Enterprise. 2. To ascertain the distribution of beaver lodges in the forests og the enterprise. 3. To assess the influence of beaver activity on forest stands. Methodology – analyzis of literature, assessment of beaver lodges, analysis of beaver activity signs, photofixation. Cartographic material is used along with forest inventory data, account of beaver population is conducted and its influence on the environment is evaluated. A more dateiled research of beaver population and its activity on the territory of twelve forest districts in Vilnius State Forest Enterprise were carried out in autumn, winter and spring of the years 2012 – 2014. Primary data on the location of beaver lodges, classification, influence on the environment were collected based on information provided by foresters and forest inventory. It was specified in nature, looking also for new lodges. Results. The research has shown that in the Vilnius State... [to full text]

Skirtingų medžių rūšių įtaka parko medynų dirvožemiui / Influence of different park tree spacies on soil

Pagojus, Audrius 16 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe tiriama, kokią įtaką daro skirtingos medžių rūšys dirvožemio rūgštingumui. Darbo objektas – ASU medynų parkas. Darbo tikslas - Šio tyrimo tikslas yra nustatyti, kaip skirtingos medžių rūšys pakeitė dirvožemio pH reakciją medynuose, kuriuose medžiai auga 50 – 56 metus. Darbo metodai – skirtinguose dirvožemio gyliuose pH reakcijos nustatymas lauko ir laboratorijos sąlygomis, karbonatų putojimo gylio nustatymas lauko sąlygomis. Darbo rezultatai. Medynų dirvožemio pH reakcija priklauso nuo augančių medžių rūšių. pH-metru gauti duomenys parodė, kad apie pusės medynų dirvožemio reakcija buvo labiau šarminė nei pievos dirvožemio. H2O ir CaCl2 tirpaluose nustatytos pH reakcijos gautos rūgštinės, tačiau ne visos. H2O tirpale šarminė reakcija gauta paprastosios pušies, neutrali – plaukuotojo beržo ir mažalapės liepos medynų dirvožemiuose. Didžiausią paklotę ir nuokritų masę suformavo hibridinio maumedžio medynas. Visi kiti medynai suformavo daug mažesnes paklotes. Dirvožemio rūgštingumo didinime nerasta ryšio nei tarp svetimkraščių bei vietinių medžių rūšių, nei tarp lapuočių bei spygliuočių. / Subject of the research – This thesis was started in order to investigate what influence on soil acidity has different tree species. Investigation was held in the stand park belonging to Aleksandras Stulginskis University. Aim of the research - Thesis aims to investigate how different tree species has changed soil pH reaction in stands of 50 – 56 years old. Methodology – pH reaction's identification in out doors and lab conditions in different depth levels of soil, depth identification of carbonate foaming in out door conditions. Results. The investigation revealed that soil pH is mostly depending on growing tree species. Using pH meter it was estimated that soil reaction under half of the stands was more alkaline than in grasslands. A reaction in H2O and CaCl2 solutions was found to be acid, however not in all samples. In H2O solution reaction was alkaline for pine (Pinus Sylvestris) while neutral for birch (Betula pubescens) and lime tree (Tilia cordata) stands soils. The thickest litter and biggest mass of litter fall was formed under hybrid larch stands. Other stands formed much lower litter, therefore it could not be stated that litter fall of all tree species has impact on soil acidity. There was found no correlation in increasing soils’ acidity between native and introduced tree species as well as broadleaves and coniferous.

Lietuvos medynų CO2 pasisavinimo ekonominė analizė / The Economical Analysis of CO2 Sequestration in Lithuania’s Forest Stands

Lapinskas, Marius 16 June 2006 (has links)
Study object. Forest stands in Lithuania: pine, spruce, birch, aspen, black alder, grey alder, oak, ash and others. Study aim. To estimate CO2 sequestration, to evaluate and to analyze its dependency on the main tree species, mean annual increment, age. Methodology. The estimations were made according to formulas stated in book “Algorithm of forest resources reproduction model (1984)”. The formulas allow to calculate CO2 stock per hectare in differrent tree species stands according to annual increment. Also by using Willis&Benson method and data based on calculations made by State Forest Survey Institute according to “IPCC Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF” methodology. Results. The biggest amount of CO2 is sequestrated in deciduous forest stands: by Zubas et al. method – 17,5 t/ha/year (coniferous – 14,2 t/ha/year); by Willis&Benson method – 10,3 t/ha/year (coniferous – 8,8 t/ha/year); by IPCC Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF method – 8,8 t/ha/year (coniferous – 7,4 t/ha/year). The age classes where annual increment is the highest sequestrate more CO2 than the ones with a lower annual increment. The total estimated value for the sequestrated CO2 of year 2002 in all the forest stands in Lithuania are as stated: by Zubas et al. method – 2,9 mill. Lt; by Willis&Benson method – 1,8 mill. Lt and by IPCC Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF method – 1,5 mill. Lt. For the warmhouse effect reduction the most valuable are tree species with the least economical value of wood... [to full text]

Beržo žėlimo ypatumai plyno kirtimo kirtavietėse VĮ Pakruojo miškų urėdijoje / Pecularities of birch natural regenaration in clearcut areas in Pakruojis Sate Forest Enterprise

Gudas, Mindaugas 06 June 2005 (has links)
Aim of the work: to explain possibilities of natural birch regeneration if clearcut areas, to detect main influencing factors and their intensity. Object of the work: Clearcut areas from 1996, 1999 and 2002 of site types Lfs and Lds of Pakruojis State Forest Enterprise. Methods: for analysis of regeneration quality, rectangular sample plots were selected. They were placed in the clearcut areas 20, 40 and 60 metres from their western edge. The density, height and age of sapling according to tree species was determined. Saplings were evaluated according to their growth conditions: prepared or unprepared soil. Dependence of saplings density on the stand from western side as well as dependence saplings density and height on precedent stand was investigated. Research data was processed using methods of dispersive and regression analysis. Results: it was determined, that regeneration of birch depends on site type and precedent stand, soil preparation, stand from western site of the clearcut. Soil preparation, stand from western site of the clearcut have the biggest influence on birch saplings density. Height of birch saplings depends on soil preparation and soil type. Distance from stand edge have no influence on birch natural regeneration.

Miško žėlimas nedirbamoje žemėje ir medynuose / Self - growth forest in the abandoned land and the stands

Balevičienė, Violeta 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: ištirti savaiminio žėlimo ypatumus pamiškės ir miško gilumoje esančiuose medynuose bei šalia esančioje nedirbamoje žemėje. Darbo objektas: Kauno rajono Dubravų kaime esanti 1,55 ha privati žemės valda, kuri 127 m ruožu ribojasi su Dubravos eksperimentinės – mokomosios urėdijos miškais, bei pamiškės ir miško medynais. Darbo metodai: Atrankiniai tyrimai atlikti Vaišvydavos girininkijos miškuose bei privačios žemės valdoje, vadovaujantis Miško atkūrimo ir įveisimo nuostatais (2008). Pamiškės bei miško medynuose ir žemės valdoje 2009 m. buvo išskirtos laikinos stačiakampės aikštelės (2x5 m). Jų skaičius priklausė nuo medyno ar sklypo ploto. Apskaitos aikštelėse nustatyta savaiminukų rūšys, skaičius, aukštis bei gyvybingumas. Darbo rezultatai: Privati nedirbamos žemės valda nuo Dubravos EMMU miškų užsisėjo Š ir ŠR kryptimi – 80 m atstumu nuo pamiškės ir nedirbamoje žemėje per 5 metus susiformavo geri (virš 5000 vnt/ha) miško žėliniai, išsidėstę netolygiai. Jų rūšinę sudėtį nulemia pamiškės medynų struktūra. Žėlinių kokybė priklauso nuo dirvožemio sąlygų. Bendras savaiminukų kiekis Nd augavietėje 24% didesnis nei Nc. Savaiminis žėlimas miške, miško gilumoje ir nedirbamoje žemėje nėra vienodas. Nedirbamoje žemėje vidutinis savaiminukų tankis – 9030 vnt/ha, pamiškės medynų pomiškio tankis – 2610 vnt/ha, miško gilumoje – 1250 vnt/ha. Žėliniuose geriausia plinta beržas, drebulė ir eglė. / The aim of the work – to investigate self-growth forest peculiarities in the forest edge, the forest in the depth stands and nearby in the abondaned land. Object of the work – private land situated in 1,55 hectares of Kaunas district Dubrava village that 127 m boarders by strip adjacent to the Dubravas Scientific Experimental – forest enterprise and forest edge and forest stands. Methods of the work – selected studies were carried in Vaišvydavos forests district and non use land holdings in accordance with the restoration and establishment of Forest regulations (2008). Temporary accounting lots (2x5m) were created in 2009 year in forest edge of the forest stands and in private land holding. Their number depends on whether the stand of the total area.In the temporary accounting lots damage of the number of natural saplings, the spacies,ascertaining their mean heighand vitality. The results of the work – privately owned tracts of land holding planted from Dubravas EMMU forest in N and NE – 80 metres away from the forest edge and in the privately owned tracts of land during 5 years, were formed strong ( more than 5000 thous. trees/ha) forest natural regeneration located unevently. Their species composition is determined by stand structure forest edge. The natural regeneration quality depends on soil conditions.The total amount of Nd saplings by site are 24% higher than in Nc. Naturally regenerattion of forest, in the depth stand and owned tracts of land are not the same... [to full text]

Fitocenozės komponentų kitimas įvairaus amžiaus brukninių – mėlyninių pušynų pakraščiuose / The Forest Community Dynamics in the Edges of Different Age of Vaccinio - Myrtillosa Pine Forests

Grigaitis, Vaidas 08 June 2004 (has links)
Grigaitis V. 2004. The forest community dynamics in the edges of different age of Vaccinio - myrtillosa pine forests. The Master thesis / superwisor doc. dr. V. Marozas. LŽŪU, Akademija, 98 p.: iliustr. 52. SUMMARY The purpose of work: to study the appearing of the edge effect among cuttings and neighboring with them mature stands by performing clear - cuts in site in the red whortleberry - whortleberry pine forests; the meaningful influece of the edge effect for cuts and the correlation of forest community components of mature stands: for the sprouts of ligneous plants, moss and lichen, herbal plants, underbrush and understorey, the canopy cover in respect of time and space. The subject of work: Kačerginė forest district of Dubrava Forest Enterprise, the forest array of Zapyškis, pine forests of Vaccinio - myrtillosa site types. The total area of the forest district is 2414 ha, of which the forest array of Zapyškis covers 1568 ha. The object is in the Northeastern part of Middle Europe geographically, in regard to plant formation - in the Europe mixed up - forests zone, from the point of geomorphological view forest reserve belongs to East Europe west side part plaines. The methods of work: for the research in pine forests of Vaccinio - myrtillosa site types were sampled five clear - cut tracts of different cut age, neighboring with conditionally of the same age pine stands of Vaccinio - myrtillosa site types. In the each cut and mature stand group( in the couple)... [to full text]

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