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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse und Bewertung physikalisch-chemischer und stofflicher Parameter auf die Freisetzung von biogenen Gasen und luftgetragenen Partikeln aus Substraten bei der Haltung von Warmblutpferden in eingestreuten Einzelboxen / Analysis and evaluation of physical-chemical and material paramaters on the generation of biogene gases and airborne particles from bedding substrates of warmblood horses kept in single stalls

Fleming, Kathrin 06 November 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Hästhållningens roll i det föränderliga peri-urbana landskapet : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Österåkers kommun

Malmborg, Pernilla January 2019 (has links)
The rural landscape surrounding the bigger cities are becoming increasingly fragmented due to pressures from urbanization and higher demands on conflicting usages of available buildable land. This has resulted in the natural and cultural landscapes in peri-urban areas being threatened. One usage of this land by equine sport is expanding where the horses need access to land and nature. A great majority of the horses in Sweden are kept in peri-urban areas, but horse keeping is also a factor that increases the risk for land use conflicts. The aim of this study is to better understand the role of horse keeping in the peri-urban landscape, by investigating these activities through the lens of ecosystem services. This study looked into the challenges and potential of horse keeping in physical planning, and how it is currently included by the local government of Österåker municipality in Stockholm county. This was achieved as a qualitative case study, consisting of interviews with local horse keepers, a web based survey for municipal residents and an analysis of available local government planning policies, reports and strategic documents. Horse keeping was found to be primarily associated with cultural ecosystem services, by its contribution to the equine sport sector and the preservation of the rural cultural and natural landscape with high recreational values. By preserving farmland and grazing pastures for horses, horse keeping can also be linked to supporting, regulating and provisioning ecosystem services. In addition, horse keeping in peri-urban areas was found to end in the periphery of the local physical planning. However, there is a need to integrate a long-term strategy and holistic perspective to achieve the full potential of the horse keeping, considering the contribution to the ecosystem services. There is a need for a more creative planning if horses should reach the potential as a resource and a planning tool for a sustainable development in the dynamic peri-urban landscape.

Anaerobic digestion of horse manure : renewable energy and plant nutrients in a systems perspective

Hadin, Åsa January 2016 (has links)
In horse keeping horse manure is produced, which can be utilized as a fertilizer or considered a waste. Horse manure constitutes a resource in terms of both plant nutrients and energy. In addition energy policies and objectives aim at replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. The interest to improve resource recovery of horse manure increases due various incentives for renewable vehicle fuels, legal requirements on management of manure, and environmental impact from current horse manure management. This thesis aims at describing horse manure management in a life cycle perspective. This is made by (1) identifying factors in horse keeping affect­ing the possibility to use horse manure as a biogas feedstock and to recycle plant nutrients, (2) analysing factors in anaerobic digestion with influence on methane potential and biofertilizer nutrient content and (3) comparing the environmental impact from different horse manure treatment methods. Literature reviews, systematic combining, and simulations have been used as research methods. The results show that horse keeping activities such as feeding, indoor keeping, outdoor keeping and manure storage affect the amount and charac­teristics of horse manure and thereby also the possibilities for anaerobic digestion horse manure. Transport affects the collected amount and spread­ing affects loss of nutrients and nutrient recycling. Simulation results in­dicate the highest methane yield and energy balance from paper bedding, while straw and peat gave a higher nutrient content of the biofertilizer. The highest methane yield was achieved with a low rate of bedding, which in the cases of woodchips and paper is also preferable for plant nutrient recycling. Still, results indicate the best energy balance from anaerobic digestion with a high ratio of bedding. The environmental impact assessment indicates a reduction in global warming potential for anaerobic digestion compared to incineration or composting. / Vid hästhållning alstras hästgödsel som kan användas som växtnäring eller anses vara ett avfall. Hästgödsel utgör både en växtnäringsresurs och en energi resurs. Dessutom styr uppsatta energimål mot att förnybar energi ska ersätta fossila bränslen. Intresset för att öka resursutnyttjandet av hästgödsel ökar på grund av olika incitament för förnybara drivmedel, lagstiftning om gödselhantering och miljöpåverkan från dagens hantering av hästgödsel. I den här avhandlingen beskrivs hästgödselhantering i ett livscykel­perspektiv genom att (1) identifiera olika faktorer vid hästhållningen som påverkar möjligheten att utvinna biogas ur hästgödsel och återföra näringen till jordbruksmark, (2) analysera faktorer i biogasprocessen som påverkar den specifika metanmängden och innehållet av växtnäring i gödseln och (3) jämföra olika gödselhanteringsmetoders miljöpåverkan. Metoderna i avhan­dlingen har varit litteraturstudier, systematisk kombination av teori och em­piri samt simulering. Resultaten visar att utfodringen, om och hur hästarna hålls inomhus och utomhus och hur hästgödsel lagras påverkar mängden hästgödsel och dess egenskaper, och därmed också hur den fungerar som ett biogassubstrat. Trans­porterna har betydelse för hur mycket gödsel som kan samlas in och spridas, medan gödselspridningen påverkar näringsförluster och närings återföring. Resultaten från simuleringarna indikerar högst metanutbyte och bäst energi­balans från papper som strömaterial, medan halm och torv gav högre växt­näringsinnehåll i biogödseln. De högsta resultaten på specifik metanmängd nåddes med låg andel strö, vilket också var positivt för växtnäringsinnehållet vid scenarierna med spån och papper. Samtidigt indikerar resultaten att en hög andel strömaterial ger den bästa energibalansen. Miljöpåverkansbedöm­ningen indikerar att potentialen för klimatpåverkan minskar om hästgödsel behandlas i en biogasprocess jämfört med förbränning eller kompostering.

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