Spelling suggestions: "subject:"horticulture"" "subject:"horticultures""
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Induction, selection, and characterization of ethylene-insensitive mutants in Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) /Heffron, Leslie M., January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-11, Section: B, page: 6173. Adviser: Schuyler S. Korban. Includes bibliographical references. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning.
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A study of fruiting habits in pear treesDu Plooy, Pierre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The understanding of pear branching and bearing habits is required to optimise management practices.
The objective of this study was to quantify the branching and bearing habits of pear cultivars under
South African conditions of sub-optimal winter chilling.
Two-year-old branches of Pyrus communis L. were classified into groups according to the proleptic
(from dormant buds) branching habit. In Winter 1998 upright and flat, two-year-old branches were
randomly sampled from trees of seven pear cultivars, i.e., Forelle (on Quince A and BPI rootstocks),
Abaté Fetel, Flamingo, Packham's Triumph, Golden Russet Bose, Rosemarie and Beurre D'Anjou (all
on BPI rootstock). Laterals were classified according to length « lem, 1-5cm, 5-20cm and >20 cm)
and position (distal to proximal quadrants on the two-year-old axis). The number of shoots per cm of
quadrant length, per length class for each cultivar was subjected to a cluster analysis, then a canonical
and a stepwise discriminant analysis. The cultivars were grouped into four groups from Group 1
(Flamingo) which resembles a spurred growth habit with strong apical control, to Group 4 (Packham's
Triumph and Golden Russet Bose) which resembles a spreading growth habit and weak apical control.
The bearing habits of the same pear cultivars were quantified. In Winter 1998 ten unpruned branches
were tagged on trees of each of the seven cultivars. The description started with the development of the
main fruiting branch, forming several leaves in the first year of growth (designated year Y), with
meristems developing in the leafaxils. In the following season (year Y+1), these axillary meristems
have five alternatives: to remain as a latent bud (L), to develop as a vegetative bud (V), to become a
flower bud not setting fruit (F), to become a flower bud producing a fruit (P) or to abort and leave a
scar (S). Each year the development of these axillary buds were observed and classified anew, giving
rise to a sequence. Between 50% ('Forelle/QA') and 75% ('Rosemarie') of buds remained in the
growing phase (comprising of V, F or P buds) during the years of monitoring. It was shown that the
predominant bud state in the growing phase was V. Although flower formation was low for all cultivars
throughout the trial period, 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Rosemarie' displayed a relatively high
proportion ofF and P buds in year Y+1. The latter two cultivars also displayed the bourse-over-bourse
bearing phenomenon (PP), producing flowers and fruit terminally on bourse shoots.
Artificial extinction of reproductive buds was applied in Winter 1999 to individual branches of the pear
cultivar Doyenne du Cornice. This pear variety bears on spurs and is prone to biennial bearing. The
objective was to reduce the number of growing buds, thereby increasing the allocation of assimilates to
remaining reproductive structures. Three thinning intensities, i.e. 0%, 33% and 66% removal of
reproductive buds and two methods, i.e. removal of proximal reproductive buds and removal of
reproductive buds situated distally on spurs (by means of cutting back) were utilised. Autonomy of fruiting structures was not enhanced, but results warrant the repetition of this trial using whole trees as
experimental units. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is belangrik om die vertakkings- en drawyses van pere te verstaan, aangesien bestuurspraktyke
hierdeur bepaal word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die vertakkings- en drawyses van pere onder
Suid-Afrikaanse toestande van sub-optimale winterkoue te kwantifiseer.
Tweejaar-oue Pyrus communis L. takke is volgens hul proleptiese (vanuit dormante knoppe)
vertakkingswyse in groepe geklassifiseer. Regop en plat takke van die peerkultivars Forelle (op
Kweper A and BPI onderstamme), Abaté Fetel, Flamingo, Packham's Triumph, Golden Russet Bose,
Rosemarie en Beurre D'Anjou (almalop BPI onderstam) is in die winter van 1998 gemonster. Jaarlote
is volgens lengte « l cm, 1-5cm, 5-20cm and >20 cm) en posisie (distale tot proksimale kwadrante op
die tweejaar-oue draer) geklassifiseer. Die getal lote per cm, per lengte klas per kwadrant vir elke
kultivar is toe onderwerp aan 'n groep analise en daarna aan 'n kanoniese en 'n stapsgewyse
diskriminant analise. Kultivars is in vier groepe gegroepeer vanaf Groep 1 (Flamingo) wat 'n
spooragtige vertakkingswyse en sterk apikale kontrole toon, tot Groep 4 (Packham's Triumph en
Golden Russet Bose) met 'n spreidende vertakkingswyse en swak apikale kontrole.
Bogenoemde peerkultivars is ook gebruik vir die kwantifisering van drawyses. In die winter van 1998
is tien ongesnoeide takke per boom gemerk. Die beskrywing van die drawyses het begin met die
ontwikkeling van die hoof tak van die dra-eenheid. In die eerste jaar van groei (genoem jaar Y)
ontwikkel meristeme in die blaar oksels. In die daaropvolgende seisoen (jaar Y+1) is daar vyf
ontwikkelings moontlikhede vir die oksellêre knoppe: om latent te bly (L), om vegetatief te ontwikkel
(V), om te blom sonder die set van 'n vrug (F), om te blom en 'n vrug te set (P) of om te aborteer en 'n
letsel te los (S). Die ontwikkeling van hierdie oksellêre knoppe is elke jaar gemonitor en opnuut
geklassifiseer om sodoende 'n reeks te vorm. Gedurende die moniteringstydperk het tussen 50%
('ForelleIKweper A') en 75% ('Rosemarie') van die knoppe in die groeifase (G) (bevattende V, F ofP
knoppe) gebly. Die proporsie knop tipes per jaar vir die onderskeie kultivars het getoon dat die
oorheersende knop tipe in die G-fase V-knoppe is. Alhoewel blom inisiasie laag was gedurende die
hele proeftydperk, het 'Packham's Triumph' en 'Rosemarie' relatiefhoë verhoudings F en P knoppe in
jaar Y+1 getoon, wat gepaard gaan met dié kultivars se vermoë om vrugte op een jaar-oue lote te dra.
Die beurs-oor-beurs verskynsel (PP) het ook by dié twee kultivars voorgekom.
Reproduktiewe knoppe van die peerkultivar Doyenne du Comice is in die winter van 1999 verwyder
(kunsmatige abortering) vanaf indivuduele takke. Hierdie peerkultivar dra op spore en is geneig tot
alternatiewe drag. Die doel was om die hoeveelheid groeiposisies te verminder en sodoende die
allokasie van reserwe assimilate na oorblywende reproduktiewe strukture te verhoog. Drie uitdun
intensiteite (0%,33% en 66% van reproduktiewe knoppe verwyder) en twee metodes (verwydering van
proksimale spoorknoppe en verwydering van distale spoorknoppe) is gebruik. Outonomiteit van
reproduktiewe strukture was nie verhoog nie, maar resultate regverdig die herhaling van dié
eksperiment. Daar word aanbeveel dat volledige bome dan as eksperimentele eenhede gebruik word.
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Fruit size improvement of 'Royal Gala' applesLombard, Christoffel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The effect of foliar application oftriadimenol (a triazole), Promalin'", or scoring branches
on fruit set, fruit size and fruit quality of 'Royal Gala' apples were evaluated. Four
treatments were tested, viz., (a) an unsprayed control, (b) triadimenol sprayed on 6
March 1997 (one month after harvest) and then every two weeks for 8 weeks until leaf
drop, as well as at mouse ear and full bloom, (c) as treatment b, plus Promalin® two
weeks after full bloom, and (d) Promalin® two weeks after full bloom. Four scoring
treatments were tested, viz., (a) a control, (b) scoring at full bloom, (c) scoring two weeks
after full bloom, and (d) scoring four weeks after full bloom. Promalin® application two
weeks after full bloom improved fruit size without any detrimental effects on fruit
quality. This application was in addition to the standard commercial applications of
Promalin'" as part of the chemical thinning program. The possible negative effect of the
G~+7 on return bloom was however not determined. The scoring treatments were not
severe enough to influence growth and development significantly and should be
investigated again in the future.
The influence of bearing position on apple flower and subsequent fruit quality was
evaluated. At full bloom in the 1997/98 season, ten flower clusters from the following
bearing positions were collected and evaluated: (a) dorsal spurs, (b) ventral spurs, (c)
terminal on bourse shoot, (d) terminal on long shoot, and (e) lateral on long shoots. The
same bearing positions were used, one week after full bloom, for the 1998/99 season.
The flowering pattern was monitored for both seasons and just prior to harvest in both seasons the length and diameter of the fruit were measured as well as the length of the
bourse shoot that had developed from the same bud. Fruit thinning by hand was done in
1997 by thinning to the largest fruit per cluster, but no thinning was done in the 1998
season. The results obtained in the morphological analysis of the flower cluster of 'Royal
Gala' were not very consistent. In general, the dorsal spurs appeared to be the better
quality flowers and the "king" flower is believed to be the best quality flower in the
cluster as far as the receptacle dimensions are concerned. When fruit were harvested, no
fruit on long shoots, either in the terminal or lateral positions, were found. Even though
the percentage of these positions were low at bloom, this indicates a low set potential and
possibly poor flower quality of these bearing positions in 'Royal Gala'. The size of the
fruit at harvest in 1998/99, did not correlate well with the parameters measured at bloom.
The correlation coefficients between bourse shoot length and fruit size were significant,
but relatively small. We found a positive correlation between developed seed number
and fruit dimensions.
Thinning and heading pruning cuts affect fruit size and yield of 'Royal Gala' apple trees.
During the 1997 winter trees were pruned as follows: (a) control with no further pruning,
(b) thinning cuts of only entire secondary branches (branches that were thicker than half
of the trunk diameter were removed at the point of attachment to the trunk), (c) thinning
cuts of secondary branches and tertiary fruiting units (positioned on branches), (d)
thinning of spurs only, without removal of branches or fruiting units, and (e) thinning
cuts of branches and tertiary fruiting units combined with heading back of fruiting units
into the spurs leaving four bud on the fruiting units. Treatments (b) through (e), were conducted at light or heavy pruning intensities, i.e., by leaving 300 or 150 reproductive
buds/tree, respectively. Pruning was followed up by hand thinning of fruitlets to one fruit
per cluster. All pruning treatments increased fruit size, primarily because of a indirect
fruit thinning effect except the combined thinning and heading treatments where a direct
effect resulted in the largest apples without having a negative effect on yield. In winter
1998 trees were pruned as follows: (a) control with no further pruning, (b) heavy thinning
of secondary branches and fruiting units leaving 250 reproductive buds/tree, (c) light
thinning of secondary branches and fruiting units leaving 400 reproductive buds/tree, (d)
heavy thinning of secondary branches and fruiting units combined with heading back into
the spurs of the remaining fruiting units leaving 250 reproductive buds/tree, and (e) light
thinning of secondary branches and fruiting units combined with heading back into the
spurs of the remaining fruiting units leaving 400 reproductive buds/tree. In 1998/99
season the advantage of pruning on fruit size were not observed.
Lastly, the effect of artificial extinction (removal) of flower clusters on fruit size and
quality of 'Royal Gala' apples were evaluated. Individual branches were pruned as
follows: (a) control, (b) 25 % removal of fruiting spurs, (c) 50 % removal of fruiting
spurs, (d) 75 % removal of fruiting spurs to test for any possible enhancements of fruit
size. No subsequent hand thinning of fruitlets was done. Thinning by artificial extinction
methods of the fruit buds did not influence fruit size, colour, seed set or seed
development. No significant differences were found between fruit number, but with 50%
and 75% bud removal fewer fruit were counted. In these data the absence of any
significant fruit size improvement may be due to the lack of subsequent hand thinning of
fruitlets. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die effek van blaarbespuiting van triadimenol en Promalin® asook ringelering op vrugset,
vruggrootte en vrugkwaliteit is geëvalueer. Vier behandelings is toegepas nl: (a)
onbehandelde kontrole, (b) triadimenol op 6 Maart 1997 en dan elke twee weke tot en
met blaarval asook met "muis oor" en volblom, (c) soos behandeling b, plus Promalin®
twee weke na volblom, en (d) Promalin® twee weke na volblom. Vier ringelering
behandelings is ook toegepas nl: (a) geen ringelering (kontrole), (b) tydens volblom, (c)
twee weke na volblom, en (d) vier weke na volblom. Promalin® bespuiting twee weke na
volblom verbeter vruggrootte sonder enige nadelige effekte op vrugkwaliteit. Dit moet
ingedagte gehou word dat hierdie behandeling van Promalin® was addisioneel toegevoeg
tot die standard kommersiele gebruik van Promalin® wat deel vorm van die chemiese
uitdun program. Die moontlike negatiewe effek van GA4+7 op blominisiasie is nie bepaal
nie. Die ringelering behandelings was nie straf genoeg nie en dit het nie die groei en
ontwikkeling betekenisvol beïnvloed nie en sal in die toekoms weer geëvalueer moet
Verder is die invloed van draposisies op die appel blomkwaliteit en die daaropvolgende
vrugkwaliteit geëvalueer. Met vol blom in die 1997/98 seisoen is tien blom trosse van
die volgende draposisies versamel en geëvalueer: (a) dorsale spore, (b) ventrale spore, (c)
terminaal op beurslote, (d) terminaal op langlote, en (e) lateraalop langlote. Dieselfde draposisies is versamel, een week na volblom, vir die 1998/99 seisoen. Die blompatroon
is gemonitor gedurende beide seisoene. Net voor oes is die vruglengte en - deursnee
gemeet as ook die lengte van die beurslote wat van dieselfde knop ontwikkel het as die
vrugte. Vruguitdinning met die hand tot die grootste vrug per tros was gedoen in die
1997/98 seisoen, maar nie in die 1998/99 seisoen nie. Die resultate wat gekry is met die
morfologiese analise van die blom trosse was nie baie konsekwent nie. In die algemeen
vertoon die dorsale spore die beste kwaliteit blomme en die "koning" blomme het die
grootste blombodems. Met die oes van die vrugte is geen vrugte op lang lote, hetsy in die
terminale of laterale posisies gevind nie. Al was die persentasie van die posisies laag met
volblom dui dit op lae setpotensiaal en moontlik ook op 'n lae blom kwaliteit van hierdie
draposisies vir 'Royal Gala" appels. Die grootte van die vrugte van die 1998/99 oes
korreleer nie goed met die parameters wat tydens blom gemeet is nie. Ongelukkig is die
vrugte vir die 1998/99 seisoen nie gedurende die na-blom staduim uitgedun nie, wat
daartoe bygedra het dat dit moeilik is om afleidings te maak. Die korrelasiekoeffisient
tussen die beurslootlengte en vruggrootte was betekenisvol maar redelik klein. 'n
Positiewe korrelasie tussen die aantal goed ontwikkelde sade en vrugdimensie is gevind.
Die effek van uitdun en terugsnysnitte op vruggrootte eh opbrengs van 'Royal Gala' is
ook geëvalueer. Gedurende die 1997 winter is die bome op die volgende manier gesnoei:
(a) geen snoei (kontrole), (b) uitdunsnitte van hele sekondêre takke (takke wat dikker was
as die helfde van die stam se deursnee by die punt van aanhegting aan die stam), (c)
uitdunsnitte van sekondêre takke en tersiêre vrugdraende takke, (d) uitdun van spore
alleen sonder om enige takke te verwyder, en (e) uitdunsnitte van sekondêre takke en tersiêre vrugdraende takke gekombineerd met terugsnysnitte van vrugdraende takke in
die spoor sisteem in tot net vier spore per tak oorbly. Vir behandelings (b) tot (e) was die
behandelings opgedeel in 'n ligte en 'n strawwe uitduning van knoppe deur
onderskeidelik uit te dun tot 300 en 150 reproduktiewe knoppelboom. Die snoei was
opgevolg deur handuitdunning tot een vrug per tros. Alle snoeibehandelings verbeter
vruggrootte, primêr as gevolg van 'n indirekte vruguitdunnings, effek behalwe die
behandeling met uitdunsnitte van sekondere takke en tersiêre vrugdraende takke
gekombineerd met terugsnysnitte van vrugdraende takke. In hierdie behandeling is daar
'n direkte effek op vruggrootte sonder om 'n negatiewe effek op die oes opbrengs te he.
In die winter van 1998 is die bome soos volg gesnoei: (a) geen snoei (kontrole), (b)
strawwe uitdun snitte van hele sekondêre takke en vrugdraende takke tot op 250
reproduktiewe knoppe/boom, (c) ligteuitdun snitte van hele sekondêre takke en
vrugdraende takke tot op 400 reproduktiewe knoppe/boom, (d) strawwe uitdunsnitte van
sekondêre takke en tersiêre vrugdraende takke gekombineerd met terugsnysnitte van
vrugdraende takke tot in die spoorsisteem tot op 250 reproduktiewe knoppelboom, en (e)
ligte uitdunsnitte van sekondêre takke en tersiêre vrugdraende takke gekombineerd met
terugsnysnitte van vrugdraende takke tot in die spoorsisteem tot op 400 reproduktiewe
knoppelboom. Geen handuitdunning is gedurende die' seisoen gedoen nie, In die
1998/99 seisoen is geen voordeel van snoei op vruggrootte waargeneem nie. Snoei moet
dus opgevolg word deur handuitdunning van vruggies.
Laastens is daar na die effek van kunsmatige uitdun van blomtrosse op vruggrootte van
'Royal Gala' appels gekyk. Individuele takke is soos volg gesnoei: (a) kontrole, (b) 25 % verwydering van spore, (c) 50 % verwydering van spore, en (d) 75 % verwydering van
spore. Geen opvolg handuitdunning is gedoen nie. Die uitdun tegniek het nie die
vruggrootte, - kleur of die hoeveelheid en ontwikkeling van saad beïnvloed nie. Met die
50 % en 75 % verwydering is daar soos verwag minder vrugte geoes. Die rede dat geen
vruggrootte verbetering gevind is nie kan moontlik daaraan toegeskryf word dat geen
opvolg handuitdunning toegepas is nie.
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The effects of organic and inorganic mulches on the yield and fruit quality of ‘Cripps’ Pink’ apple treesVan der Merwe, Johannes Dawid Prins 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Limited research is available on the effect of mulches on established orchards. Most of the information available stems from research conducted in newly planted orchards or on annual crops such as green peppers and strawberries under greenhouse conditions. To increase the current knowledge on the effect of mulches in established orchards, two field trials were conducted on 14 year old „Cripps‟ Pink‟ orchards. The one trial concentrated on the influence of mulches on the root environment and the other trial on the effect of mulches on growth, yield and fruit quality.
Both trials were conducted at Lourensford Estate near Somerset West, but the sites differed in soil texture between lighter soil (Tukulu) and heavier soil (Clovelly). Four different mulches were used viz. compost, wood chips, vermi-castings (topped with thin layer of woodchips) and a woven geotextile fabric. These four treatments were compared to an un-mulched control, managed according to industry norms. After reducing irrigation volume in the 2010/2011 season, with a further reduction in the 2011/2012 season, more significant differences were obtained in nutrient levels of fruit and leaves compared to the 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 seasons of the trial. Leaf and fruit nutrients showed significant differences in both sites, but the differences were more pronounced on the lighter soil. At the heavier soil site, the vermi-castings, woodchips and compost treatments increased fruit phosphorus (P) during 2010/2011 and the control treatment increased fruit boron (B) during 2011/2012. Only leaf magnesium (Mg) was increased by woodchips and vermi-castings in 2011/2012 at this site.
In the lighter soil site, the control treatment had the highest fruit B levels in 2010/2011 while the vermi-castings and the woodchips treatments had the highest fruit P levels in 2011/2012. For the same site, vermi-casting and compost treatments improved leaf potassium (K) uptake in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, whereas woodchips and geotextile significantly improved leaf copper (Cu) uptake in 2010/2011 compared to the control.
To determine if applied nutrients were trapped in the organic mulches over time, leading to a deficiency in the soil and eventually the tree, a mineral analysis was conducted on the organic mulches at the end of each season. Results of the two seasons indicated that vermi-castings contained higher total nutrient levels than the other two organic mulches, but the difference in nutrient levels were shown not to be directly related to the fertilisers applied during each season. In the case of vermi-castings, nutrient quantities in the original material applied at the beginning of each season were higher than those of the other organic mulches. The higher nutrient levels in organic in comparison to inorganic mulches were however not reflected in the fruit and leaf mineral analysis of these treatments. The overall treatment effect in terms of changes in nutrient levels in the tree became less significant when trees were over irrigated. This became evident as the differences between mulching treatments increased as the irrigation was reduced during the season, indicating the masking effect of irrigation on mulching.
Evaluating the effect of mulches on growth, yield and fruit quality showed significant differences only at the heavier soil site. The vermi-casting treatment had significantly higher yield efficiencies than the control for the 2010/2011 season. Compost had the lowest yield efficiency at both sites, also during the previous two seasons that formed part of an earlier study (Kotze 2012). In 2011/2012, the compost treatment also showed significantly higher shoot growth than the control. Compost therefore could increase vegetative growth in established orchards on a heavier soil after application for four seasons. Taking the cost of mulching into account, wood chips are the only treatment that can be recommended without compromising fruit quality. Wood chips will sustain or even improve yield efficiency in an established orchard on especially heavier soil. Future research should study the effect of different amounts of irrigation on the various mulches, as the effect of irrigation was not evaluated in this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beperkte navorsing is beskikbaar oor die effek van deklae op bestaande boorde. Die meeste bestaande inligting is gegrond op proewe wat uitgevoer is op nuut aangeplante boorde of op eenjarige gewasse, soos groenrissies en aarbeie, onder kweekhuis toestande. Om bestaande kennis aan te vul rakende die effek van deklae op vrugproduksie en -kwaliteit in bestaande boorde, is twee veldproewe geloots in 14-jaar-oue „Cripps‟ Pink‟ appelboorde. Die een proef het gekonsentreer op die invloed van deklae op die wortel omgewing en die ander proef, op die effek van deklae op groei, opbrengs en vrugkwaliteit.
Beide proewe is uitgevoer op Lourensford Landgoed naby Somerset-Wes en twee verskillende grondtipes is hiervoor gebruik: „n ligte grond (Tukulu) en swaarder grond (Clovelly). Vier verskillende deklaagtipes is gebruik naamlik: kompos, houtspaanders, „vermi-castings‟ (bedek met „n dun lagie houtspaanders) en geweefde geotekstiel materiaal. Hierdie vier behandelings is vergelyk met „n onbedekte kontrole wat volgens industrie norm bestuur is.
Nadat die besproeiingsvolume verminder is in 2010/2011 en daarna weer in 2011/2012, het meer betekenisvolle verskille tussen behandelings voorgekom in nutriënt-vlakke van vrugte en blare in vergelyking met die eerste twee jaar van die proef (2008/2009 en 2009/2010). Blaar en vrug nutrient-vlakke het betekenisvolle verskille in beide persele getoon, maar die verskille was meer duidelik in die ligte grondtip. In die swaarder grond perseel het die „vermi-castings‟, houtspaanders- en kompos behandelings die vrug fosfaatvlakke (P) betekenisvol verhoog in 2010/2011. In die kontrole behandeling was vrug boorvlakke (B) betekenisvol hoër as die ander behandelings in 2011/2012. In hierdie perseel is net magnesium-vlakke (Mg) in die blare betekenisvol verhoog deur die houtspaanders- en „vermi-castings‟ behandelings in 2011/2012. In die ligte grond perseel het die kontrole behandeling die hoogste vrug B-vlakke in 2010/2011 gehad en die „vermi-castings‟ en houtspaander-behandelings gesamentlik, die hoogste vrug P-vlakke in 2011/2012. Die „vermi-casting‟ en kompos behandelings het kalium-vlakke (K) opname in die blare in 2010/2011 en 2011/2012 verbeter, terwyl die houtspaanders- en geotekstiel behandelings die koper-vlakke (Cu) in die blare in 2010/2011 verbeter het.
Om te bepaal of die toediening van voedingstowwe oor tyd kan lei tot die „vashou‟ daarvan in „n organiese deklaag en dan tekorte van sekere nutriënte in die grond en uiteindelik die boom kan veroorsaak, is „n mineral analise van die organiese deklae uitgevoer aan die einde van beide seisoene. Resultate van die twee seisoene het getoon dat „vermi-castings‟ hoër totale nutrient-vlakke gehad het as die ander organiese deklae, maar die nutrient-vlakke was nie direk verwant aan die toegediende voedingstowwe nie. In die geval van „vermi-castings‟, was nutrient-vlakke van die moedermateriaal, wat toegedien is aan die begin van die seisoen, hoër as die van die ander organiese deklae. Hierdie hoër nutrient-vlakke van die organiese teenoor anorganiese behandelings, is nie gereflekteer in hoër nutrient-vlakke in die vrug- en blaar mineraal analises van die bome nie. Behandelings effekte rakende veranderinge in nutrient-vlakke in die boom, nadat die besproeiing verminder is, het verander in vergelyking met die van die vorige twee seisoene en is „n aanduiding van die verbloemende invloed van besproeiing op die prestasie van deklae.
Evaluasie van die effek van deklae op groei, opbrengs en vrugkwaliteit het net betekenisvolle verskille in die swaarder grond perseel getoon. Die „vermi-casting‟-behandeling het „n betekenisvolle hoër opbrengseffektiwiteit as die kontrole getoon in 2010/2011. Kompos het die laagste opbrengseffektiwiteit in beide persele gehad en het resultate van die vorige twee seisoene van Kotze (2012) bevestig. Die betekenisvolle hoër lootgroei van kompos as die ander behandelings het net in 2011/2012 voorgekom. Kompos kan dus groei verhoog in „n gevestigde boord, in „n swaarder grond, indien besproeiing optimaal is. In terme van kostes, word die gebruik van houtspaanders as deklaag voorgestel vir „n gevestigde boord met „n swaar slik leem grond, aangesien daar geen nadelige effek op vrugkwaliteit was met die behandeling nie en die opbrengseffektiwiteit van die bome gehandhaaf en selfs verbeter is.
Toekomstige navorsing kan die effek van besproeiing op verskillende deklaag tipes bestudeer, aangesien die bestaande proef dit nie kon aanspreek nie.
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Unsung heroines of horticulture : Scottish gardening women, 1800 to 1930Reid, Deborah Anne January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the existence, contribution and recognition of Scottish gardening women for the period 1800 to 1930. The focus was conceived in response to the lack of attention given to female Scottish gardeners in traditional narratives of Britain’s, and more specifically, Scotland’s gardening history. Despite evidence to suggest that women have participated in gardening since the development of the earliest gardens, canonical narratives reveal a preoccupation with white, male, often elite plantsmen, many of whom were Scottish, that pay little or no attention to female involvement. The study begins by considering the degree to which Scotland’s gardening men were successful by unpacking their role and influence, how they were able to make a contribution to gardening and the ways in which they were recognised. This is followed by an assessment of the relative invisibility of women within historical gardening narratives. The recent emergence of feminist studies concentrating on the work of women gardeners has helped to correct this imbalance, but their primary focus on English women has highlighted the disparity between the growing awareness of female gardeners in England and the continuing obscurity of their Scottish counterparts. At the heart of this research is an in-depth biographical analysis of thirteen gardening women, which uncovers their work and contributes to an understanding of the history of women gardeners in Scotland at a time when gardening was dominated by men and undergoing a period of growth and professionalisation. The thesis demonstrates that the women went beyond the confines of their own gardens and achieved within the wider, public sphere of horticulture in Scotland. Some made significant collections of seeds and plants, whilst others used their skills as nurserywomen to cultivate them and, in so doing, they played a part in our knowledge and understanding of plant taxonomy. The transition from amateur gardener to professional status was also achieved and, based on the evidence found within this study, some women were instrumental in pioneering women’s entry into professional gardening. However, few were recognised by the horticultural establishment either during their lifetime or posthumously. This thesis sets the women within their cultural context and addresses the impact of factors such as social class, education, family obligations and gendered prejudice on their ability to achieve and the extent to which their work was recognised in comparison to that of their male contemporaries. As a result, it fills the gaps in our knowledge and understanding of Scotland’s gardening women and provides evidence on which to refute the suggestion that their elision from traditional narratives of Scottish garden history is justified.
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A Study of the Propagation and Cultivation of Gethyllis multifolia and G. villosa.Daniëls, Christiaan Winston January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Horticulture))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2007. / Gethyllis multifo/ia and Gethyl/is villose (Family: AMARYLLIDACEAE) are indigenous geophytes,
growing naturally in the Worcester area, Western Cape. G. muliiiolie falls in the Vulnerable
category of the Red Data List of Southern African Plants while G. vil/osa is not threatened at all.
Both these species are winter growers and start their growing phase between March and April.
These bulbs start their dormant phase between September and October when their leaves start
to die down. Flowers of both species are short-lived and borne towards the end of November
and early December when no leaves are present. The leaves and berries are simultaneously
pushed above ground at the onset of the new growing phase. The fruit of some Gethyl/is
species is sweet, juicy, pleasantly aromatic and good to eat and has medicinal properties for the
cure of various ailments. The genus is difficult to propagate asexually and very little is known
about its propagation and cultivation. The fragrance and medicinal value of the fruit of
G. multifolia necessitates future research in the commercial production of this species.
A habitat observation study of the two species was conducted to assess the vulnerable status of
G. multitolie. Asexual propagation experiments were conducted to find ways of reproducing
these two species successfully. A hydro culture study was also conducted to ascertain whether
this method of cultivation could be incorporated in the general cultivation of the two species.
Finally an in vitro propagation study was conducted to look at faster methods of reproducing
these two species. This is of extreme importance in the conservation of the vulnerable
G. multitolie.
Leaf, root and basal plate cuttings were unsuccessful with no rooting in both species.
G. mulfifo/ia bulbs were propagated successfully using twin scaling, bulb cuttings, scooping and
scoring propagation techniques with between 80% and 100% rooting success. G. vil/osa was
unsuccessful using the above propagation techniques with a 0 - 40% rooting rate.
Although Gefhyl/is species in general are sensitive to over-watering, the hydro culture
experiment with the sub-irrigation system and leca pellet medium proved to be an effective
method of cultivating both species throughout the growing phase. G. mulfifo/ia proved to be
unsuccessful during the initial in vitro propagation experiments with no surviving explants during
the initiation phase. Results improved with an increased number of trials. It is possible to grow both species by means of in vitro propagation, but more emphasis in future research, should be
placed on the multiplication aspect of G. mu/tifo/ia, since not many new buibiets were produced.
It was observed through this study that grazing domestic livestock, urban expansion (this
includes agricultural extension) and in some cases the lack of interest shown in our indigenous
plant species, are some of the main factors influencing the decline in numbers of this species.
It is also recommended that more emphasis be placed on the conservation of South Africa's
indigenous flora and that the vulnerable status of G. multifolia according to The Red Data List of
Southern African Plants, be changed to the "Endangered category" as the factors causing its
decline continue to increase.
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Horticultural propagation of the threatened species, Syncarpha revurvata (L.f.)B. NordSwart, Pierre André January 2006 (has links)
Syncarpha recurvata (L.f.) B. Nord. (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) is listed as a vulnerable (intermediate priority) species. The propagation methods of achene germination, stem cuttings, air layering and micropropagation were investigated to obtain an efficient propagation method. Smoke water dilutions of 1:100, 1:50 and 1:10 significantly increased germination, with the 1:100 smoke water dilutions showing the highest germination percentage (22.4 percent). Achenes collected between August and October 2005 showed higher germination and viability than achenes collected between May and July 2006. Fifty percent of the stem cuttings and 32 percent of the airlayered branches rooted. Embryo culture was the only successful culture type out of the four attempted. Two embryos germinated and four became photosynthetic. Two of the germinated embryos also produced callus cells, a medium supplemented with 5 μM IAA may be used to test for a suitable plant regulator for organogenesis or embryogenesis. Syncarpha recurvata plants were also transplanted into pots and 60 percent survived. A growth rate of 1.466 mm y-1 was obtained from total shoot length measurements. In this study, it was found that air-layering branches of transplanted Syncarpha recurvata plants is the most efficient propagation method.
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Produção, teor e acúmulo de macronutrientes em frutos de berinjela com aplicação de biofertilizantes /Pelvine, Raíra Andrade. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Ismael Inácio Cardoso / Banca: Camila Paula Rossetto Pescatori Jacon / Banca: Felipe Oliveira Magro / Resumo: Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a produção, o teor e o acúmulo de macronutrientes pelos frutos de berinjela em sistema orgânico com a utilização de diferentes biofertilizantes, sendo dividido em dois capítulos. Para a realização do experimento foi utilizado o híbrido Sharapova RZ. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com seis repetições, sendo estudados seis tratamentos: controle (sem fertirrigação), fertirrigação com adubos inorgânicos, fertirrigação com biofertilizante a base de torta de mamona (1Kg para cada 15 L de água) (TM1), fertirrigação com biofertilizante a base de esterco de galinha (1 Kg para cada 15 L de água) (EG1), fertirrigação com biofertilizante a base de torta de mamona mais esterco de galinha (1 Kg de cada ingrediente para cada 15 L de água) (TM1+EG1) e fertirrigação com biofertilizante a base de torta de mamona mais esterco de galinha (2 Kg de cada ingrediente para cada 15 L de água) (TM2+EG2). Foram realizadas as seguintes avaliações: número de folhas por planta, altura das plantas, intensidade de cor verde (Spad), número de frutos totais e comerciais, massa fresca de frutos totais e comerciais por planta, massa média de frutos comerciais, comprimento, diâmetro médio de frutos comerciais e teor e acúmulo de macronutrientes nos frutos. Para todas as variáveis de produção (número e massa de frutos, total e comercial, por planta) avaliadas, o tratamento com biofertilizante TM2+EG2 obteve maior média. Para a massa média de frutos, o tra... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the production, content and accumulation of macronutrients by eggplant fruits in an organic production system with fertigation with different biofertilizers. The hybrid Sharapova RZ was used. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with six replications, and six treatments: without fertigation (control), fertigation with inorganic fertilizers, fertigation with biofertilizer based on castor bean cake (1 kg for each 15 L of water) (CBC1), fertigation with biofertilizer based on chicken manure (1 kg for each 15 L of water) (CM1), biofertilizer based on castor bean cake plus chicken manure (1 kg of each ingredient for each 15 L of water) (CBC1+CM1) and biofertilizer based on castor bean cake more chicken manure (2 kg of each ingredient for each 15 L of water) (CBC2+CM2). The following evaluations were carried out: number of leaves per plant, height of plants, chlorophyll content (Spad), number of total and commercial fruits, fresh weight of total and commercial fruits per plant, average fruit weight, length and mean diameter of commercial fruits, macronutrient content and accumulation in fruits. For all production variables (number and weight of fruits, total and commercial, per plant) evaluated, the treatment with biofertilizer based on castor bean cake plus chicken manure (2 kg of each ingredient) obtained a higher average. For the average fruit weight, this treatment did not differ from the treatments with biofertilizer based on castor bean cake and biofertilizer based on chicken manure. For the macronutrient contents in the fruits, there was difference only for P and S, being the highest mean in the P content found in the control treatment (3.21 g kg-1 of dry matter) and for S the highest average was for treatment with biofertilizer based on castor bean cake (1.73 g kg-1 of dry matter). The decreasing order of macronutrient content ... / Mestre
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A Nutritional Survey of Sweet Cherry Orchards in UtahChristensen, M. Dale 01 May 1963 (has links)
The sweet cherry crop has always been the number one fruit crop in Utah until the last three or four years when it shifted to second place due to severe spring frosts. However, the outlook for its continued success is still very good. Even though there are drawbacks such as virus infestations, spring frosts, nutritional disorders, cracking, doubling, and bird injury, new plantings are being made each year in each of the important fruit producing counties. Utah is also important in the national production of sweet cherries and is presently sixth in the nation.
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Effects of Chilling, Chemicals and Pruning on the Rest Period of Peach TreesYazdaniha, Ataollah 01 May 1964 (has links)
Many deciduous trees enter a stage each year when their visible growth ceases. This is not always associated with cold weather or lack of water, and may occur with many species in mid-to-late summer. Trees entering this phase are said to be in rest. Rest is caused when internal factors are unfavorable for growth, while dormancy is defined as external factors being adverse for growth.
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