Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oot air"" "subject:"root air""
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Asistent pilota balónu pro iPhone / Balloon Pilot Assistant for iPhoneFabián, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This thesis concerns the development of a mobile application for the Apple iPhone plat- form for hot-air balloon pilots. The main functionality is to create up-to-date map of wind strength and direction for each flight level and navigation tools. Accompanying functions include pilot logbook management, flight recording and recall. A crucial aspect of this appli- cation is the GUI design, which meets the conditions in which the application will be used. The application will also be evaluated in test conditions during an actual balloon flight.
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Klimatizace lékárny / Air-conditioning of pharmacyMartincová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on air-conditioning and hot air ventilation of the pharmacy. The pharmacy is a part of a supermarket building. The pharmacy has its own engine room and air-conditioning. Solution is focused with the calculation of the flow rate, thermal losses and profit of pharmacy. Power of heater, cooler and humidifier are calculated according to psychrometric evaluation. Distribution elements and distribution of a duct are designed according to the flow rate of air. Total pressure losses in the duct are calculated according to the distribution in the conclusion. Units are designed for hot air ventilation and air conditioning and the engine room. In appendix there are calculations of thermal losses and gain, output from programme of CLIMACAL, drawing documentation and material specifications.
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Využití alternativních paliv ve vytápění budov / The use of alternative fuels in heating buildingsJuránková, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis "The use of alternative fuels in heating buildings " is the application of the heat sources using alternative fuels for heating of the production hall. The source of heat is a gas boiler, wood chips and dark gas infrared heaters. Appliances are then convection heaters, tubular registers and hot-air units.
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Analysis of heating systems to mitigate ice accretion on wind turbine bladesSuke, Peter 10 July 2014 (has links)
<p>Ice forming on wind turbine blades can cause loading imbalance and reduce power production of the turbine. Heating systems that prevent or remove ice on wind turbine blades are one of the more promising solutions to mitigate ice accretion. Methods to apply heat include direct application through electro-thermal resistance heaters mounted on the external surface of the blade or by indirect heating by forcing hot air through a channel along the leading edge of the blade. Heating systems for aircraft blades have become standardized and in some cases compulsory on aircraft to preserve human life; however, the technology is not directly transferable to the blades on wind turbines. The relative power of the anti-icing or de-icing system is critical to providing a cost benefit of having the system.</p> <p>This thesis investigates the heat transfer involved for electro-thermal and hot air heating strategies. An appropriate range of operating conditions and blade constructions are considered in order to characterize the effectiveness of both systems. A numerical model is developed to solve the one dimensional, differential heat transfer equations. The heater power required to prevent ice accumulation (anti-icing) on wind turbine blades is determined for electro-thermal heating. Anti-icing with hot air is shown to be unrealistic for a practical range of operating conditions.</p> <p>The low conductivity of the blade core creates a bottleneck for the de-icing system. It is shown that alternative core materials (Nomex/aluminum honeycomb) can reduce this effect. Electro-thermal and hot air de-icing each have their advantages and cannot be equally compared. In this thesis the suitability of each system has been analysed for a range of operating conditions and wind turbine constructions; the designer can then implement the most suitable strategy for their individual application.</p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Etude théorique, conception, réalisation et essai préliminaire d'un moteur à air chaud à pistons liquides / Theorical study, design, realization, and preliminary test of a hot liquid pistons engineNdame Ngangue, Max Keller 20 February 2019 (has links)
Un moteur Ericsson est un moteur alternatif à apport de chaleur externe fonctionnant selon un cyclethermodynamique de Joule. Ce type de moteur est particulièrement intéressant pour la valorisationde certaines "sources chaudes" (l'énergie solaire, la biomasse, les effluents gazeux chauds...).Dans cette thèse, une configuration innovante de moteur est proposée. Celle-ci permet d'une part,de s’affranchir du problème d’étanchéité autour des pistons des moteurs Ericsson, par l'usage despistons liquides en lieu et place des pistons mécaniques et d'autre part, de simplifier le système dedistribution mécanique des moteurs conventionnels par l'usage de soupapes commandéesparticulières, dont l'ouverture est déclenchée par contact avec le piston. Ce type de moteur estadapté pour la production d'électricité de petite puissance (jusqu'à... 10 kW).Trois lois différentes de commande des soupapes du cylindre de détente du moteur à air chaudproposé sont étudiées et leurs influences sur la conception et les performances énergétiques dusystème sont présentées. En raison de la masse importante d'eau dans le système, un modèle quiprend en compte la dynamique des colonnes de liquide est développé. Ce modèle permet de prédireles performances d'un premier prototype expérimental.Un prototype de machine de détente a ensuite été conçu et réalisé dans notre laboratoire. Uneprésentation du prototype et du banc d'essai est faite, et les résultats d'un essai préliminaire sontprésentés. Malgré le caractère préliminaire de ces résultats, ils sont très encourageants car d'unepart, ils n'ont pas révélés de problèmes techniquement délicats à résoudre, et d'autre part ils ontpermis de tirer de nombreux enseignements pour la suite des travaux à mener sur le prototype. / An Ericsson engine is a reciprocating external heat input engine operating on a Joule thermodynamiccycle. This type of engine is particularly interesting for the valorization of certain "hot sources" (solarenergy, biomass, hot gaseous effluents ...).In this thesis, an innovative engine configuration is proposed. This allows, on the one hand, toovercome the problem of tightness around the pistons of Ericsson engines, by the use of liquidpistons instead of mechanical pistons and on the other hand, to simplify the mechanical distributionsystem of conventional engines by the use of particular actuated valves, whose opening is triggered by contact with the piston. This type of motor is suitable for the production of electricity of smallpower (up to... 10 kW).Three different valve command laws for the proposed hot air motor expansion cylinder are studiedand their influences on the design and energy performance of the system are presented. Due to thelarge amount of water in the system, a model that takes into account the dynamics of the liquidcolumns is developed. This model makes it possible to predict the performances of a firstexperimental prototype.A prototype of the expansion machine was then designed and built in our laboratory. The prototypeand the test bench are presented together with the preliminary test results. Despite the preliminarynature of these results, they are very encouraging because, on the one hand, they have not revealedany technically difficult problems to be solved, and on the other hand they have made it possible todraw many lessons for the further work to be done lead on the prototype.
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Effet du pré-traitement par champ électrique pulsé sur le séchage et la friture des légumes : cas des pommes de terre et des carottes / Effect of pulsed electric field pretreatment on drying and frying of vegetables : case of potatoes and carrotsLiu, Caiyun 06 February 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’étude de l’effet du traitement par champs électriques pulsés (CEP) sur différents procédés de séchage et de friture à partir de produits végétaux (pommes de terre et carottes). Les interactions entre différents modes de séchage et de prétraitement ont été étudiées. L’impact du traitement par CEP et du pré-séchage par l’air chaud ou pré-séchage par le vide sur la cinétique de friture et sur la qualité des produits frits ont été analysés. Le prétraitement par CEP entraîne une électro-perméabilisation des membranes cellulaires, ce qui favorise l’accélération des cinétiques de perte en masse (humidité). Les résultats montrent que le temps de séchage a été réduit significativement dans tous les procédés étudiés (séchage par l’air chaud, séchage par microonde, séchage sous vide). L’avantage du traitement par CEP se manifeste également par une diminution au niveau de la température interne du produit séché. Cette température basse présente un avantage notable dans la préservation des composés sensibles à la chaleur (caroténoïdes…). La couleur des échantillons prétraités par CEP puis séchés, gardent mieux la coloration initiale et présente une déviation réduite en termes de couleur après réhydratation. En ce qui concerne le procédé de friture, l’application du traitement par CEP montrent un avantage en termes de temps de friture mais également en termes de la teneur en huile absorbée. En effet, cette teneur en huile est moins élevée pour le cas des échantillons traités électriquement comparés aux échantillons non traités. La combinaison du CEP et du pré-séchage à l’air chaud (ou du pré-séchage sous vide) montre une réduction importante du temps de friture et également en terme de teneur en huile absorbée. / This research project focuses on the effect of pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment on various drying and frying processes from plant products (potatoes and carrots). Interactions between different drying modes and pretreatment have been studied. The impact of PEF treatment and pre-drying by hot air or pre-drying by vacuum drying on frying kinetics and the quality of fried products were analyzed. PEF pretreatment results in electro-permeabilization of the cell membranes, which favors the acceleration of mass transfer processes. The results showed that the drying time was significantly reduced in all processes (hot air drying, microwave drying, vacuum drying). The advantage of the PEF treatment was also manifested by a decrease of the internal temperature of the product during drying. This lower temperature has a significant advantage in the preservation of heat-sensitive compounds (carotene, etc.). The dried sample pretreated by PEF could better retain the initial product color and had a reduced color deviation after rehydration. In regards to the frying process, the application of the PEF treatment showed not only an advantage in terms of the frying time but also in terms of oil content absorbed. The oil content of PEF treated sample was lower compared to untreated ones. Moreover, the combination of the PEF pretreatment and hot air pre-drying (or vacuum pre-drying) showed a synergistic efficiency on frying time and also in terms of oil content absorbed.
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Laisvojo aerostato pilotų rengimo modelis / Model of licensed unrestricted aerostat pilots trainingKazlauskas, Žydrūnas 21 June 2012 (has links)
Problema – Lietuvoje nėra sukurtos laisvojo aerostato pilotų rengimo pagal Pasaulinės aviacijos federacijos reikalavimus ir Europos Komisijos reglamentą. Tyrimai Lietuvos oro balionų sporto organizacijose parodė, kad būtina sukurti tobulesnį oro pilotų rengimo modelį, kuris atitiktų Pasaulinės aviacijos federacijos reikalavimus ir Europos Komisijos reglamentą; būtina tobulinti oro pilotų (pradedant moksleiviais ir baigiant pageidaujančiais pagyvenusiais žmonėmis) rengimo sistemą bei didinant šio sporto masiškumą plėsti Lietuvos oreivių draugijos klubų ir kitų padalinių steigimo geografiją.
Darbo tikslas – sukurti Lietuvos laisvojo aerostato pilotų rengimo modelį.
Objektas – Lietuvos laisvojo aerostato licencijuotų pilotų rengimo modelis
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Apžvelgti specialistų kompetencijų ir laisvojo aerostato licencijuotų pilotų rengimo teorinius aspektus. 2. Sukurti laisvojo aerostato piloto kompetencijų teorinį modelį.
3. Parengti tyrimo metodiką empiriniam tyrimui ir atlikti anketavimą Lietuvos oro balionų sporto organizacijose.
4. Pagrįsti laisvojo aerostato licencijuotų pilotų rengimo modelį.
Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizė, anketinė apklausa bei statistinė duomenų analizė.
Darbas susideda iš trijų dalių. Pirmoje pateikta literatūroje paskelbtų teorinių aspektų apie kompetencijas ir jų modelius lyginamoji analizė bei sukurtas laisvojo aerostato pilotų licencijuotų pilotų kompetencijų teorinis modelis. Jame yra keturios sudėtinės dalys: greta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem is that there are no training methodology of an unrestricted aerostat pilots, which would meet the requirements of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) and European Union standarts and directives. Investigations of Lithuanian air balloons sporting organizations have shown the need for improved air pilot training model that meets the requirements of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) and European Union standarts and directives and the need to improve pilots (starting with students and ending with elderly people) training system and increase Lithuania ballooning Society by enlarging it‘s geography.
The aim – to create the model of an unrestricted aerostat pilots training in Lithuania.
The object - model of licensed unrestricted aerostat pilots training in Lithuania
The goals:
1) Review the professional competence of specialists and licensed unrestricted aerostat pilot in theoretical aspects.
2) Create theoretical model of unrestrictedaerostat pilot‘s competencies.
3) To prepare research methodology for empirical investigation and create questionnairy for Lithuanian hor air balloon sport organizations.
4) Substantiate the training model of licensed unrestricted aerostat pilots.
Research methods: scientific literature analysis, questionnaire survey and statistical data analysis.
The work consists of three parts. First is comparative analysis of theoretical aspects about the competencies and their models published in the literature... [to full text]
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Etudes comparatives de différents processus de séchage de fraise par air chaud, lyophilisation et autovaporisation instantanée : application à la préservation des contenus biologiques / Comparatives studies of different drying process of strawberry hot air drying freeze-drying and swell-drying : application on the biological compounds preservationAlonzo Macias, Maritza 14 May 2013 (has links)
La présente étude concerne l’évaluation de l’impact du séchage par air chaud (HAD), lyophilisation (FD) et « swell drying » (SD), procédé couplant le séchage par air chaud avec le procédé de Détente Instantanée Contrôlée (DIC), sur les fraises (Fragaria var. Camarosa). Il s’agit de comparer et de contraster les performances des procédés et la qualité du produit fini séché en termes des cinétiques de séchage et de réhydratation, de contenus en molécules bioactives et activité antioxydante, et des paramètres caractéristiques de texture comme croquant et croustillant. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que le procédé de SD comparé aux procédés classiques de séchage et de lyophilisation, réduit d’une façon importante le temps de séchage ainsi que les coûts d’opération. D’autre part, SD conserve la qualité nutritionnelle des fraises en gardant leur contenu en composants bioactifs et en augmentant leur disponibilité. De plus, une corrélation importante entre la capacité antioxydante et le contenu total d’anthocyanes a été établie. D’autre part, les fraises séchées par SD ont montré une très intéressante macro et micro-structure. Les produits ont présenté une haute expansion et une croustillance significative due au phénomène de micro-alvéolation par décompression instantanée par DIC. D’ailleurs, il a été possible de mesurer les caractéristiques instrumentales de croustillance/croquance des échantillons finaux séchés. Grâce à la possibilité de modifier, contrôler et optimiser les paramètres opératoires du procédé DIC, il a été possible d’obtenir un produit du type « snack » croustillant avec une très haute valeur nutritionnelle. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hot air drying (HAD), freeze-drying (FD) and swell drying (SD), which is a coupling of hot air drying to instant controlled pressure drop, (DIC) on the strawberry (Fragaria var. Camarosa) to compare and to contrast its quality in terms of drying and rehydration kinetics, bioactive compounds and its antioxidant activity, and texture parameters as crunchy and crispy features. The obtained results shown that SD method helped to reduce the drying time leading to a low-cost processing compared with classical hot air drying and freezedrying. SD globally preserved the strawberry’s nutritional value and bioactive compounds, increasing their availability. Moreover, a strong correlation between antioxidant activity and total anthocyanin content was established in SD strawberries. On the other hand, the swell-dried strawberries showed an interesting macro and micro-structure. They presented a high expansion ratios and significant crispness provoked by the micro-alveolation phenomenon induced as consequence of the instant decompression process in the DIC treatment. Moreover, it was possible to instrumentaly measure the crispy/crunchy features of the final dried samples. By assessing such crispy and healthy contents of fruit “snacking”, it was possible to modify, control, and optimize DIC operating parameters. And, it can be designed according to the industrial or consumer needs.
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Desenvolvimento experimental de um motor stirling tipo gama / Experimental development of a stirling engine gamma typeCruz, Vinicius Guimarães da 06 September 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-09-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The current paper develops an experimental Stirling engine Gama type. Different settings of this type of engine are presented (alpha, beta and gamma), along with the Stirling Cycle Definition and the mathematical modeling for each setting. It´s been Proceed a mathematical analysis based on the Stirling Theory, which is the method based upon the isothermical compression and expansion of an ideal gas, put to analysis by a computer software, determining the dependency between the engine s construction and functioning parameters. Bibliography used takes over the main Stirling engine settings and various working conditions, fed by a numerous types of fuels. The experimental part of the paper is assembling of a Stirling engine gamma type containing no regenerator, therefore, having the air as its working fluid, using electrical resistances as heat source, also a water jet at ambiance temperature to cool down the compression and heat exchanger. Engine tests were performed at atmospheric pressure, temperatures from 100 to 600 °C, 100 to 400 rpm rotations. The results are presented in graphics and are questioned. / O presente trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento experimental de um motor Stirling tipo gama. São apresentadas inicialmente as diferentes configurações deste tipo de motor (alfa, gama e beta), a definição do ciclo de Stirling e a modelagem matemática para cada configuração. Uma análise matemática é feita através da teoria de Schmidt, que é um método baseado na compressão e expansão isotérmica de um gás ideal, implementada em programa computacional permitindo determinar a dependência entre os parâmetros construtivos e de funcionamento do motor. A revisão bibliográfica contempla as principais configurações de motores Stirling e várias condições de funcionamento, alimentados por diversos tipos de combustíveis. A parte experimental do trabalho é a montagem de um protótipo de motor Stirling tipo gama sem regenerador tendo o ar como fluido de trabalho, utilizando resistências elétricas como fonte de calor e um fluxo de água a temperatura ambiente para o resfriamento do trocador de calor de compressão. Os testes do motor serão realizados a pressão atmosférica, para temperaturas de 100 a 600 °C e rotações de 100 a 400 rpm, os resultados são apresentados em gráficos e discutidos.
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Propagação do momento linear e energia cinética em cadeias granulares afiladas.Machado, Luis Paulo Silveira 29 July 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-07-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Recently, tapered granular chains have been studied for the development of impact-absorbing devices (shock waves). The characteristic of this system to mitigate shock waves (pulses of linear momentum), makes this material an excellent candidate for such absorbers. Therefore, many studies have been conducted in this direction, but most are numeric character, and some analytical. However, the analytical approximations presented do not show good fits with numerical solutions. In this work we study analytically the propagation of linear momentum and kinetic energy in one-dimensional tapered chains of spherical grains that interact according to the Hertz potential. We apply the binary approximation, based on the supposition that the energy transferred along the chain occurs through successive collisions between two particles. Four settings taper were studied: forward linear, forward exponential, backward linear and backward exponential. With the Binary Theory, we correctly anticipate the trends of increase and decrease the propagation of linear momentum and kinetic energy. However, to capture the correct values of the amplitudes of the pulses of these quantities we developed a numericalanalytic correction to the velocities of particles. Compared the results with numerical solutions of the equations of motion, where we use the Runge-Kutta fourth order. The results show: good agreement between the analytical and numerical theories; forward exponentially tapered chains are the most suitable in the design of absorbers (present exponential decay of linear momentum); a weaker scenario for the propagation of kinetic energy (due to quadratic dependence with the velocity), but the linear momentum is the quantity relevant in the context of impacts.Furthermore, we found good agreement with experimental results presented by F. Melo et al (2006). Thus, we present analytical expressions that capture correctly the propagation of linear momentum and kinetic energy in tapered granular chains. These systems actually demonstrate be excellent for absorbing shock waves, attenuating pulses of linear momentum and saturating kinetic energy. An extension of this work is to study tapered decorated chains and with precompression, allowing the absorption in chains composed of a number smaller grains (short chains). / Recentemente, cadeias granulares afiladas tem sido objeto de estudo para o desenvolvimento de dispositivos absorvedores de impacto (ondas de choque).
A caracterıstica deste sistema em atenuar ondas de choque (pulsos de momento linear), torna este material um excelente candidato para tais absorvedores. Assim, vários estudos neste sentido foram realizados, por´em a maioria são de caráter numérico e, alguns, anal´ıticos. Todavia, as aproximaçoes analıticas apresentadas não demonstram bons ajustes com soluções numericas. Neste trabalho estudamos analiticamente a propagação do momento linear e energia cinetica em cadeias afiladas unidimensionais de graos esfericos que interagem segundo o potencial de Hertz. Aplicamos a aproximaçao binaria, baseada na suposiçao que a energia transferida ao longo da cadeia ocorre atraves de colis oes sucessivas entre duas part´ıculas. Estudamos quatro configuraçoes de afilamento: linear para frente, exponencial para frente, linear para tras e exponencial para tras. Com a Teoria Binaria, prevemos corretamente as tendencias de aumento e diminuiçao das propagaçoes do momento linear e energia cinetica. Contudo, para capturarmos os valores corretos das amplitudes dos pulsos dessas grandezas desenvolvemos uma correçao numerico-analıtica para as velocidades das partıculas. Confrontamos os resultados com soluçoes numericas das equaçoes de movimento, onde utilizamos o metodo de Runge-Kutta de quarta ordem. Os resultados demonstram: bom acordo entre as teorias analıtica e numerica; as cadeias afiladas exponencialmente para frente são as mais indicadas nos projetos de absorvedores (apresentam decaimento exponencial do momento linear); um cen´ario mais fraco para a propagação da energia cinetica (devido a dependencia quadratica com a velocidade), porem o momento linear e a grandeza relevante no contexto de impactos. Alem disso, obtivemos bom acordo com resultados experimentais apresentados por F. Melo e colaboradores (2006). Dessa forma, apresentamos expressoes analıticas que capturam corretamente as propagaçoes de momento linear e energia cinetica em cadeias granulares afiladas. Estes sistemas, realmente demonstram serem excelentes para absorver ondas de choque, atenuando pulsos de momento linear e saturando pulsos de energia cin´etica.Uma extensao deste trabalho sera estudar cadeias decoradas afiladas com pre-compressao, que permitem a absorçao de ondas de choque com numero menor de graos nas cadeias (cadeias curtas).
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