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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les stratégies déployées par les individus atteints de schizophrénie expérimentant le phénomène d'audition des voix

Grégoire, Sophie 20 April 2018 (has links)
Le présent mémoire représente le troisième volet d’une étude dirigée par Myreille St-Onge, financée par le CRSH, qui a pour objectif de mieux comprendre les facteurs qui entrent en jeu dans le phénomène des hallucinations auditives chez des personnes atteintes de schizophrénie, selon des variables personnelles et environnementales. Plus précisément, il s’intéresse aux stratégies déployées par les entendeurs de voix relativement à leurs perceptions auditives et vise à décrire les stratégies et autres facteurs qui semblent favoriser l’adaptation aux voix. Pour ce faire, deux groupes de discussions ont été tenus auprès de huit participants. Les résultats obtenus révèlent notamment que plusieurs caractéristiques communes sont présentes chez les participants qui composent plus efficacement avec leurs voix. De la même façon, nous observons que plusieurs stratégies apparaissent comme plus efficaces en ce qui a trait à l'adaptation aux voix et qu’il est prometteur d'intervenir sur certaines variables relatives aux croyances. / This research is part of a larger study led by Myreille St-Onge and funded by the SSRHRC, which aims to better understand the personal and environmental factors who are linked tho the hearing voices phenomenon. More specifically, this present masters’thesis focuses on the strategies deployed by individuals to cope with disturbing voices. In fact, the aim of this research is to describe the strategies and others factors who seem to yield to effective results. Two focus groups were held with eight participants. A double perspective analysis was realized to respond to our objectives. First, a comparison between participants who show a greater capacity to cope (group A) and those experiencing difficulties to cope (group B) with their voices was done. Secondly, this analysis focusses on the cognitive ABC model. The results suggest that participants of group A have several characteristics in common. We also observe that certain strategies appear to lead to more effective results. In addition, the analysis based on ABC model reveals that it is promising to intervene on the beliefs’system of people hearing voices. A presentation of participants recomands intended to other voices hearers, relatives and professionals working with them as well as social mesures suggestions end this descriptive study.

Étude sur la contribution de la communication consciente à l'optimisation de la collaboration interprofessionnelle centrée sur la personne

Museux, Anne Claire 20 April 2018 (has links)
Comme peu d’écrits s’intéressent spécifiquement à la question de la communication en contexte de collaboration interprofessionnelle (CIP), cette étude vise à explorer les effets d’une formation en communication sur les pratiques collaboratives de deux équipes d’intervenants du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux. Cette recherche documente également l’adaptabilité et l’applicabilité de ladite formation. Une méthodologie mixte est utilisée. Les résultats obtenus soulignent qu’après la formation, une relative progression est observée pour certaines des performances individuelles (compétence relative à l’approche centrée sur la personne et à la clarification des rôles) ainsi que pour la performance groupale (élaboration d’un plan d’action partagé). Les propos des participantes documentent par ailleurs l’adaptabilité et l’applicabilité de la formation. Elles considèrent celle-ci comme utile tandis que la formule proposée paraît convenir même si un accompagnement à la suite de la formation permettrait d’optimiser les apprentissages. Mots-clés : collaboration, collaboration interprofessionnelle, communication, formation interprofessionnelle, communication non violente, communication consciente. / Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) is widely considered as an effective and efficient way to provide health and social care. Nevertheless, little research has focused on the issue of communication in the context of IPC, which this study aims to rectify. This is done by exploring the effects of communication training on the collaborative practices of two teams in the health system and social services. This research also documents the adaptability and applicability of that training. A mixed methodology is used. The results underline that after training, a relative increase was observed for both some of the individual performances (improvement in the person-centered approach, as well as role-clarification) and the group performance (collaborating to make a shared action plan). The participants also documented the adaptability and applicability of training. They considered it useful, whereas the proposed formula seemed appropriate even though an accompaniment after training would maximize learning. Keywords: collaborative, interprofessional collaboration, communication, interprofessional education, non-violent communication, conscious communication.

Être passeur : la fonction de liaison en organisation communautaire

Lachapelle, René 20 April 2018 (has links)
Depuis la création des centres locaux de services communautaires (CLSC), les organisateurs et organisatrices communautaires (OC) ont exercé une fonction de liaison qui s’est transformée au fil des diverses périodes de mise en œuvre de l’approche communautaire de ces établissements. Durant le déploiement du réseau des CLSC (1972-1985), les OC ont contribué à la liaison de leurs services avec le milieu d’intervention. Durant la période d’institutionnalisation (1986-2003), ces pratiques de liaison ont été mises au service de démarches de concertation autour des enjeux sociaux et de santé. La thèse explore ces transformations et répond à la question de ce qu’est devenue, depuis 2004, la fonction de liaison dans le cadre de la responsabilité populationnelle des centres de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS). Les fonctions constituent un angle mort de la littérature québécoise et nord-américaine sur l’organisation communautaire. Les auteurs ont abordé la liaison comme approche au service des relations entre les établissements de services et les communautés. Les écrits ne fournissent qu’un aperçu des habiletés et compétences requises pour pratiquer la fonction de liaison. La recherche, réalisée selon la méthodologie de la théorisation enracinée, a été réalisée sous forme d’entrevues mettant à contribution les expériences d’OC et d’agents de développement rural (ADR) intervenant dans huit systèmes locaux d’action (SLA) d’une même région, et ce qu’en disent des acteurs avec lesquels ils sont en lien : intervenants du milieu communautaire et directions de CSSS et de MRC. Les résultats de l’analyse de ces données sont présentés en trois chapitres portant sur la variabilité de la fonction de liaison selon les époques et les SLA, les rapports avec les acteurs locaux et régionaux dans les pratiques de liaison et une proposition de définition de la fonction de liaison. La fonction de liaison s’inscrit dans la dimension politique de l’action collective et repose sur l’exercice de cinq compétences pratiques : connaître le milieu, mobiliser les acteurs, garantir la cohésion du SLA, démocratiser les rapports au pouvoir et rendre accessibles les ressources pour la réalisation des actions. / Since the creation of Local Community Service Centres (CLSC), community organizers (OC) have implemented a liaison function that has changed according to the various periods of implementation of the community approach that characterizes these institutions. During deployment of the CLSCs network (1972-1985), the OCs supported the linkage of services and community. During the institutionalization period (1986-2003), these practices moved to the support of collaborative approaches around social and health issues. The thesis explores these changes and answers the question of what has become since 2004 the liaison function within the framework of population-based responsibility of Health and Social Services Centres (CSSS). Functions are a blind spot in Quebec’s and North America’s literature about community organizing. Authors discussed the Community Liaison Approach and Social Planning Model, but literature provides mainly an overview of skills and competencies required to perform the liaison function. Carried out according to grounded theory methods, the research was conducted through interviews with OCs and rural development agents (ARD) involved in eight local action systems (SLA) located in a same region, and with social actors with whom they are linked: community stakeholders, and directors of CSSSs and MRCs. The results of the analysis of these data are presented in three chapters on the variability of the liaison function over time and SLAs, relations with local and regional stakeholders in liaison practices, and a proposed definition of liaison function. Liaison function is in keeping with the political dimension of collective action and is based on five skills: knowing the community, mobilizing stakeholders, ensuring the cohesion of the SLA, democratizing relations with authorities, and making resources accessible for the implementation of actions.

Le pair aidant : son influence sur le cheminement de la personne qui a vécu une institutionnalisation prolongée

Lapointe, Marilyn 20 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire aborde la relation que des personnes ayant vécu de nombreuses années en institution psychiatrique ont avec un pair aidant en lien avec leur cheminement. S’inscrivant dans un devis qualitatif, 13 entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées à questions ouvertes ont été réalisées auprès de pairs aidants et de personnes désinstitutionnalisées. Les données ont été analysées selon le modèle du processus de développement humain et de production du handicap et celui axé sur les forces. Il ressort que l’influence de la relation avec le pair aidant est difficilement dissociable de celle qu’ont pu avoir d’autres facteurs sur le cheminement des personnes suivies. Afin de maximiser l’apport d’une relation avec un pair aidant et de soutenir les personnes dans leur processus de rétablissement après une désinstitutionnalisation, quelques recommandations sont proposées en lien avec l’embauche et l’intégration des pairs aidants aux équipes de travail ainsi que des mesures de désinstitutionnalisation à mettre en place. Mots-clés : pair-aidance, trouble mental, rétablissement, institutionnalisation psychiatrique prolongée, désinstitutionnalisation, processus de développement humain et de production du handicap, modèle axé sur les forces, inclusion sociale. / This research addresses the relationship between individuals who have lived for several years in a psychiatric institution and a consumer-provider who has assisted them in the recovery process. Within a qualitative framework, 13 individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted using open-ended questions with consumer-providers and deinstitutionalized persons. Data were analyzed based on the human development and disability creation process model and the strength-based model. It appears that it would be difficult to isolate the influence of the relationship with the consumer-provider from the influence of other elements on the development of the individuals under study. In order to maximize the benefits of a relationship with a consumer-provider and to support individuals along the recovery process following deinstitutionalization, this research puts forth a number of recommendations relative to the hiring of consumer-providers and their integration into work teams as well as a number of measures that should be implemented for help towards the deinstitutionalization of individuals. Keywords: peer support, mental disorder, recovery, prolonged psychiatric institutionalization, deinstitutionalization, human development and disability creation process, strength-based model, social inclusion.

L'intégration au travail des personnes ayant un trouble mental : ce qu'en pensent les principaux concernés

Gagnon-Grégoire, Catherine 20 April 2018 (has links)
Les personnes ayant un trouble mental sont reconnues à risque d’exclusion du marché du travail (MESS, 2008) et elles présentent des taux alarmants de non-emploi : les plus élevés parmi tous les groupes ayant des incapacités (NAMI, 2011). Objectif : Mieux comprendre l’intégration au travail des personnes ayant un trouble mental qui ont recours à l’organisme ÉquiTravail. Méthodologie : Cette étude qualitative est basée sur des entrevues individuelles auprès de sept travailleurs ayant un trouble mental. Un informateur-clef d’ÉquiTravail a aussi été rencontré. Le cadre conceptuel est celui des forces de Rapp et Goscha (2012). Résultats : Cinq thèmes émergent de l’analyse : les motivations à travailler, les éléments influençant l’obtention d’un emploi, ceux influençant le maintien en emploi, les services d’intégration en emploi et enfin, le fonctionnement social et l’emploi. Les propos de l’informateur-clef complètent et appuient la plupart des résultats. / People with mental illness frequently have difficulty integrating into the employment market (MESS, 2008). They have the single highest unemployment rates among all groups of people with disabilities (NAMI, 2011). Objective: This study aims to increase our understanding of the integration of people with mental illness into employment by interviewing people who benefitted from “ÉquiTravail” employment services. Methodology: This qualitative study is based on seven interviews with workers suffering from mental illness. An “ÉquiTravail” staff-member was also interviewed. The conceptual framework is the strength based model of Rapp and Goscha (2012). Results: The results were categorized into five themes: the motivation to work, the elements that affected them when obtaining a job, the factors that influence maintaining their employment, the work integration services and their level of social functioning.

Les pratiques d'accompagnement vers l'emploi auprès des jeunes adultes de 18-24 ans dans les centres locaux d'emploi

Tremblay-Roy, Julie 20 April 2018 (has links)
Les services d’aide à l’emploi ont évolué au fil du temps et diffèrent d’un endroit à l’autre. Le Québec présente un modèle dit mixte, où les clients sont dirigés soit directement en emploi, soit vers une formation académique. Malgré l’éventail des services d’aide à l’emploi, les résultats ne semblent pas toujours concluants. Les services sont-ils adaptés aux besoins des clients? Comment sont-ils octroyés et qu’en pensent les intervenants qui les offrent? C’est ce que je cherche à explorer, en recueillant les propos des intervenants œuvrant au sein de centres locaux d’emploi (CLE). La présente étude vise à comprendre les dynamiques associées à la fonction d'accompagnement vers l’emploi mise en œuvre par ces professionnels dans le cadre de leur travail auprès des jeunes de 18-24 ans en difficulté d’insertion. Elle cherche à identifier les facteurs caractérisant les pratiques mises en œuvre auprès des jeunes adultes utilisateurs des services publics de l'emploi.

Reconstructing hv-convex polyominoes with multiple colours

Bains, Adam January 2009 (has links)
This thesis examines the problem of reconstructing multiple discrete 2D objects, represented by a set of cells arranged in an m × n grid, from their projections. The objects being constructed are disjoint, hv-convex polyominoes, each of which has a separate colour. The main results presented here are two algorithms for unordered C-colour reconstruction that have time complexities of O(C^2n^{2C +1}m^{2C +1}) and O(C^2 min(n^{2C}, m^{2C})nm), an ordered C-colour reconstruction algorithm that is O(Cmin(n^{2C}, m^{2C})nm), and an NP-completeness proof when the number of colours is unbounded.

Reconstructing hv-convex polyominoes with multiple colours

Bains, Adam January 2009 (has links)
This thesis examines the problem of reconstructing multiple discrete 2D objects, represented by a set of cells arranged in an m × n grid, from their projections. The objects being constructed are disjoint, hv-convex polyominoes, each of which has a separate colour. The main results presented here are two algorithms for unordered C-colour reconstruction that have time complexities of O(C^2n^{2C +1}m^{2C +1}) and O(C^2 min(n^{2C}, m^{2C})nm), an ordered C-colour reconstruction algorithm that is O(Cmin(n^{2C}, m^{2C})nm), and an NP-completeness proof when the number of colours is unbounded.

The development and evaluation of a school-based smoking prevention intervention for adolescents in Malaysia

Melson, Elniee January 2014 (has links)
Objectives: To develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a school-based intervention for preventing the uptake of smoking among adolescents in the State of Sabah, Malaysia Methods: The study design was a pilot randomised controlled trials with 7 months follow-up. A total of 1971 Form 1 students mostly aged 13 years old involved in the questionnaire. Eight secondary schools were randomly allocated equally to four intervention and control arms. The intervention schools received the health promotion activities as usual care and the peer educator intervention whereas the control schools received just the usual care of the health promotion activities. A total of 73 selected students were trained to be peer educators and given tasks to have an informal conversation and giving opinion about smoking issues and advocating not smoking norms. Individual-level analyses (relative risk and chi square analyses) and multilevel analyses which account for the clustering of students in schools were conducted. Three data sets were used from the complete data set, a data set that was comprised on students who could be matched at both baseline and follow-up and two data sets that were based on one of two assumptions. The first assumption was that baseline participants who could not be matched at follow-up retained their baseline smoking behaviour at follow-up. The second assumption was that baseline participants who could not be matched at follow-up were all regular smokers. Results: The main finding was that the intervention had a significant positive effect on the smoking behaviour of baseline current smokers. That is baseline current smokers were less likely to have continued to be current smokers if they attended an intervention school. Five out of the nine tests supported this proposal including the most rigorous analyses which were all based on multilevel models. The impact of the intervention on baseline never smokers was less obvious as only one of the nine tests of significance indicated that the intervention had a significant positive effect on follow-up smoking behaviour. In relation to baseline occasional smokers only two of the nine analyses indicated that the intervention had a significant positive effect on the smoking behaviour at follow-up. The analysis on interactions with friends in school showed that the intervention schools (43%) had a significantly higher proportion of students than in control schools (38%) who had a conversation about smoking issues. Conclusion: The peer educator intervention is a promising approach in the smoking prevention programmes for adolescents in Malaysia.

The socio-ecological context of peer bullying : correlates and consequences

Tippett, Neil January 2014 (has links)
Bullying is a widespread public health problem. While its prevalence, key correlates and major health outcomes have been well researched, important gaps or controversies remain. In particular, the association between bullying and both socioeconomic status and ethnicity remains unclear. Furthermore, other areas are under-researched, such as sibling aggression and its relationship to peer bullying. Finally, while there is evidence of the adverse effects of bullying on mental health, there is still uncertainty whether any experience of being bullied, or only sustained, chronic victimisation, will lead to adverse consequences. Do those who escape bullying fare better? This thesis comprises five studies. Study 1, a meta-analysis, explored the relationship between bullying and socioeconomic status, finding victims and bully-victims, but not bullies, more often came from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Study 2 examined sibling aggression, identifying a strong homotypic association with roles taken in school bullying. Study 3 explored ethnic differences in bullying, finding ethnic minority children were not more likely to be victims, but in some cases were more often bullies. Study 4 identified individual, social and sociodemographic correlates of school bullying. Distinct profiles were observed for each bullying role. Finally, Study 5 examined the timing of bullying in relation to individual and social outcomes. Stable and concurrent victimisation was associated with more negative outcomes, while escaping bullying reduced the adverse consequences. The findings are considered in relation to ecological systems theory. Distant environmental factors, such as socioeconomic status, were only weakly associated with school bullying, while more immediate socio-ecological influences, including sibling relationships and individual characteristics, predicted victim, bully and bullyvictim roles. Further research should focus on the association with sibling aggression, and identify characteristics which can explain why some children escape being bullying, thereby limiting the adverse consequences. The findings have implications for interventions, which should take account of children’s home environments.

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