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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A framework for assessing robustness of water networks and computational evaluation of resilience

Al-Ameri, Shehab Ahmed January 2016 (has links)
Arid regions tend to take careful measures to ensure water supplies are secured to consumers, to help provide the basis for further development. The distribution network is the most expensive part of the water supply infrastructure and it must maintain performance during unexpected incidents. Many aspects of performance have previously been discussed separately, including reliability, vulnerability, flexibility and resilience. This study aimed to develop a framework to bring together these aspects as found in the literature and industry practice, and bridge the gap between them. Semi-structured interviews with water industry experts were used to examine the presence and understanding of robustness factors. Thematic analysis was applied to investigate these and inform a conceptual framework including the component and topological levels. Robustness was described by incorporating network reliability and resiliency. The research focused on resiliency as a network-level concept derived from flexibility and vulnerability. To utilise this new framework, the study explored graph theory to formulate metrics for flexibility and vulnerability that combine network topology and hydraulics. The flexibility metric combines hydraulic edge betweenness centrality, representing hydraulic connectivity, and hydraulic edge load, measuring utilised capacity. Vulnerability captures the impact of failures on the ability of the network to supply consumers, and their sensitivity to disruptions, by utilising node characteristics, such as demand, population and alternative supplies. These measures together cover both edge (pipe) centric and node (demand) centric perspectives. The resiliency assessment was applied to several literature benchmark networks prior to using a real case network. The results show the benefits of combining hydraulics with topology in robustness analysis. The assessment helps to identify components or sections of importance for future expansion plans or maintenance purposes. The study provides a novel viewpoint overarching the gap between literature and practice, incorporating different critical factors for robust performance.

Phosphorus accumulation in constructed wetlands : A study of 10 wetlands constructed on agricultural clay soils in Södermanland / Fosforackumulation i anlagda våtmarker : En studie av 10 våtmarker anlagda i jordbruksområden med hög lerhalt i Södermanland

Corbee, Gabriella January 2021 (has links)
Eutrophication is a major problem causing algal blooms and impaired water quality, especially regarding coastal areas and seas. It is a result of an excessive supply of nutrients such as phosphorus (P), where agriculture accounts for the largest share of the anthropogenic nutrient load. Furthermore, arable fields with clay soils have been shown to have among the highest P-losses. In this study, 10 constructed wetlands located in agricultural areas with high clay content in the topsoil were examined. The aims were to investigate how the P accumulation is related to wetland design and catchment factors and to see if there is an optimal hydraulic load (HL) and wetland size for P accumulation. The study is based on P analyses of sediment cores sampled in March 2021, calculations of catchment factors in ArcMap, water flow calculations, and statistical analyses. Sedimentation of particles with associated P is considered to be the primary process for P retention in wetlands. Accordingly, the results showed that the P accumulation was positively correlated to particle retention. The total P accumulation varied between 8 and 96 kg ha-1 yr-1 and the total particle accumulation was 7-130 t ha-1 yr-1. The wetland design factors, including wetland area, water depth, and length-to-width ratio (L:W), had no significant influence on the P accumulation. However, water depths greater than 1.5 m inhibited the P retention which suggested that the water depth should be limited to approximately 1 m to avoid too large particle settling distances.  The proportion of agricultural land within each catchment did not show any correlation to the P accumulation. The clay content in the topsoil was however positively correlated to both particle and P accumulation. This suggested that the sedimentation process was promoted even though the inflowing particles potentially consisted of a large proportion of clay particles, which have a low sedimentation velocity. The erosion risk of the catchment area had no significant influence on the P accumulation, meaning that a high expected particle load did not entail an increased particle and associated P accumulation. High HL values of 450 and 850 m yr-1 were shown to counteract the P retention. This corresponded to wetlands smaller than 0.1% of the catchment area. A possible turning point of HL where the P accumulation is inhibited could also be distinguished, ranging between HL 200 and 300 m yr-1. An optimal HL for increased P accumulation could not be determined due to such few observations. However, it could be concluded that an HL up to approximately 210 m yr-1 had a positive influence on the particle and P accumulation and that wetlands should be larger than 0.1% of the catchment area to efficiently retain P. / Övergödning är ett stort problem som orsakar algblomningar och försämrad vattenkvalitet, särskilt vid kustområden och hav. Övergödningen orsakas av ett för stort utsläpp av näringsämnen såsom fosfor (P), där jordbruket står för den största antropogena näringsbelastningen. Åkermark med lerjord har dessutom visat sig ha bland den högsta utlakningen av P. I denna studie har 10 våtmarker anlagda i jordbruksområden med hög lerhalt undersökts. Syftet var att undersöka hur P-ackumuleringen är relaterad till våtmarksutformningen och abiotiska faktorer i avrinningsområdet. Projektet syftade även till att undersöka ifall det finns en optimal hydraulisk belastning (HL) för P-ackumulering. Studien baserades på P-analyser av sedimentproppar provtagna i mars 2021, beräkningar av avrinningsområdesfaktorer i ArcMap, flödesberäkningar samt statistiska analyser.  Den primära reningsprocessen för P i våtmarker är genom sedimentation av partiklar med bundet P. Följaktligen visade resultatet att P-ackumuleringen var positivt korrelerad med partikelretentionen. Den totala P-ackumuleringen varierade mellan 8 och 96 kg ha-1 år-1 och den totala partikelackumuleringen var 7-130 ton ha-1 år-1. Våtmarksutformningen, vilket innefattade våtmarksarea, vattendjup och längd-bredförhållande (L:W), hade ingen signifikant betydelse för P-ackumuleringen. Vattendjup större än 1,5 m hämmade emellertid P-ackumuleringen vilket indikerade att vattendjupet bör begränsas till cirka 1 m för att partiklar ska hinna sedimentera.  Andelen jordbruksmark i avrinningsområdet hade ingen korrelation med P-ackumuleringen. Lerhalten i avrinningsområdet var däremot positivt korrelerad till både partikel- och P-ackumuleringen. Detta indikerade att sedimentationen främjats trots att de inflödande partiklarna potentiellt bestod av en stor andel lerpartiklar, vilka har en långsam sedimentationshastighet. Erosionsrisken i avrinningsområdet hade ingen signifikant påverkan på P-ackumuleringen. En hög förväntad partikelbelastning resulterade därmed inte en ökad partikel- och P-ackumulering. Höga HL-värden på 450 och 850 m år-1 motverkade P-ackumulationen, vilket motsvarade våtmarker som utgjorde mindre än 0,1 % av avrinningsområdet. En möjlig brytpunkt där HL hämmar P-ackumulationen kunde urskiljas i intervallet HL 200-300 m år-1. På grund av för få observationer kunde inte en optimal HL för ökad P-ackumulation fastställas. Det kunde dock konstateras att en HL upp till cirka 210 m år-1 hade en positiv inverkan på partikel- och P-ackumulationen och att våtmarker bör utgöra minst 0,1 % av avrinningsområdet för att effektivt ansamla P.

Preliminary Design of an Improved Load Measuring Device for Underground Mining Standing Supports

Stables, Brandon Shane 30 November 2021 (has links)
Standing support is often used in conjunction with underground retreat mining. Knowledge of the load-displacement behavior of a standing support and loading induced by the mine opening is critical proper support selection. The NIOSH STOP database contains load-displacement laboratory test data for most commonly used standing supports. Hydraulic load cells currently used to measure in-situ loading of standing supports have exhibited leakage under load, producing irregularities within the dataset. An improved hydraulic load cell eliminates leakage and produces more consistent data. / Master of Science / In retreat mining of a traditional room and pillar or longwall mining operation standing support is utilized. The standing support is comprised over various types of systems, wood timbers, wood cribs, pumpable supports and metal supports. These standing supports help aid in the recovery of the reserves and/or maintain ventilation through the mining excavation. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Support Technology Optimization Program (STOP) has a database of laboratory testing on load displacement used on various standing supports. To relate this laboratory testing to in-situ load of standing support hydraulic load cells have been introduced. The hydraulic load cells design is a thin metal bladder filled with fluid that is placed on the top or bottom of the standing support. These hydraulic load cells have exhibited inconsistencies due to leakage under load, producing irregularities within the dataset. To achieve a reliable dataset on active standing supports it is vital that current load-measuring devices needs to be re-evaluated and redesigned.

Resposta dinâmica dos reatores UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) submetidos a cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas cíclicas: modelação matemática simplificada / Dynamic behavior of the UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactors submitted to organic and hydraulic cyclical loads: mathematical modeling simplified

Carvalho, Karina Querne de 10 June 2002 (has links)
Em países com condições ambientais, sócio-culturais e econômicas favoráveis à aplicação de processos anaeróbios para tratamento de esgotos sanitários, o reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) possui muitas vantagens, dentre os reatores anaeróbios, por permitir instalação, operação e manutenção a baixos custos, apresentar baixa geração de lodo, ser capaz de suportar sobrecargas hidráulicas e orgânicas e possuir eficiência de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio entre 70% e 80%. Contudo poucos estudos são reportados na literatura quando o reator é submetido a variações cíclicas diárias, de cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas, em períodos curtos de duração - iguais ou menores que 24 h. Para compreender os prováveis amortecimentos e atrasos nas respostas de reatores UASB quando submetidos a essas variações, desenvolveu-se um modelo matemático simplificado baseado no regime de escoamento contínuo de um tanque de mistura completa, no modelo cinético tipo Monod para remoção de DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio) e equacionamentos empíricos reportados na literatura. Esse modelo indicou que, mesmo apresentando baixa eficiência na remoção de demanda química de oxigênio, o reator possui capacidade de amortecer as variações impostas de vazão e respondeu com grande sensibilidade à variação de velocidade específica máxima de degradação de substrato, indicando que esse parâmetro cinético deve ser o parâmetro de calibração do modelo matemático. / In countries with favorable environmental, social, cultural and economical conditions, the use of anaerobic processes in treatment of domestic sewage. The UASB reactor (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) has many advantages, among the anaerobic reactors, allows the installation, operation and maintenance with low costs; presents low sludge generation; is capable to support organic and hydraulic overloads and has COD removal efficiencies between 70% and 80%. However few studies are reported in the literature about reactors submitted to cyclical daily variations of organic and hydraulic loads in short periods of time - equal to or shorter than 24 hours. Aiming to understand the probable dampening and the delays in the response of the UASB reactors when submitted to these variations, it was developed a simplified mathematical model based on the continuous flow pattern of a completed stirred tank and in the Monod kinetic model for COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) removal and empirical kinetic equations reported in the literature. The model indicated that, even when presenting low efficiency in the removal of COD, the reactor has a capacity to dampen the forced flow variations, and responded with great sensivity to the variation of qmáx., indicating that this kinetic parameter may be the calibration parameter of the mathematical model.

Resposta dinâmica de reator UASB em escala piloto submetido a cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas cíclicas: modelos matemáticos e resultados experimentais / Dynamic response of a UASB reactor submitted to organic and hydraulic cyclical loads: mathematical models and experimental results

Carvalho, Karina Querne de 14 December 2006 (has links)
Poucos estudos são reportados na literatura sobre o comportamento dinâmico do reator UASB submetido a variações cíclicas diárias, de cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas, em períodos curtos de duração - iguais ou menores que 24h, com os quais verifica-se queda na eficiência do reator, causada pela provável flotação dos grânulos, problemas com geração de odor e alta concentração de sólidos suspensos no efluente. Para melhor compreender a resposta dinâmica desses reatores submetidos a essas variações, foi desenvolvido o modelo MMS baseado no modelo hidrodinâmico de mistura completa em reatores em série, modelo cinético de primeira ordem para consumo de substrato e para crescimento da biomassa e equacionamentos empíricos reportados na literatura. Esse modelo indicou a capacidade do reator de amortecer as variações impostas e a influência da cinética na eficiência de remoção da matéria orgânica. Para calibrar e validar o MMS, foi avaliado o desempenho de um reator UASB (160 L) no tratamento de esgoto sanitário municipal da cidade de São Carlos. Durante o período de operação, o reator foi submetido a variações senoidais cíclicas, de cargas orgânica e hidráulica, em valores inferiores e superiores a 40% e 60% da vazão afluente de 16,0 L/h. A produção média de gás metano e a eficiência média de remoção de DQO alcançadas pelo reator foram de aproximadamente: 1,83 L/h e 61% para vazão afluente de 16 L/h, TDH de 10 h e velocidade ascensional de 0,23 m/h; 2,24 L/h e 48% para variação cíclica de 40% e 2,97 L/h e 40% para variação cíclica de 60%. O MMS indicou faixa de valores para a DQO efluente com diferença em relação aos resultados observados experimentalmente - de 37% para vazão afluente constante de 16 L/h e 59% e 56% para variações senoidais cíclicas de 40% e 60% da vazão afluente, respectivamente – devido à limitação do modelo em considerar o arraste de sólidos no efluente que ocorreu ao longo de toda a operação do reator e mais acentuadamente quando foram aplicadas variações da vazão afluente. O modelo ADM1 proposto por Batstone et al.(2002a,b)apresentou menor similaridade com os resultados observados experimentalmente por não contemplar a variação horária e diária de alguns parâmetros de entrada, mas apenas a média aritmética dos valores. / There are no extensive reports on the dynamic behaviour of UASB reactor submitted to cyclical daily variations of organic and hydraulic loads of short periods of time - equal to or shorter than 24 hours - that can damage the reactor efficiency due to probable granule flotation, odor generation and high concentration of suspended solids in the effluent. Aiming to understand the dynamic response of these reactors when submitted to these variations, it was developed the MMS model based on the N-continuous flow stirred tank reactors (CSTR) in series model, first order kinetics model for substrate consumption and biomass growth and empirical equations reported in the literature. The model indicated the reactor capacity on dampening the imposed flow rate variations and the influence of the kinetics in the organic matter removal efficiency. It was evaluated the response of a UASB in bench scale (160 L) treating sanitary sewage of São Carlos city in order to calibrate and validate the MMS. During the operation, the reactor was submitted to cyclical sinusoidal variations of organic and hydraulic loads in lesser and higher values of 40% and 60% of the influent flow rate of 16 L/h. The reactor achieved mean methane production and mean COD removal efficiency of: 1,83 L/h and 61% to influent flow rate of 16 L/h, HRT of 10 h and upflow velocity of 0,23 m/h; 2,24 L/h and 48% to sinusoidal variation of 40%; 2,97 L/h and 40% to sinusoidal variation of 60%. The MMS model results indicated a range of effluent COD values with a difference of 37% to influent flow rate of 16 L/h, 59% and 56% to sinusoidal variations of 40% and 60%, respectively, in comparison with the experimental observed data. This probably occurred due to the model limitation in considering and predicting the solids washout in the effluent that was verified during all the operation, and also more significant when the sinusoidal variations were applied. The ADM1 reported by Batstone et al. (2002a,b) presented lesser similarity with the experimental observed results due to the fact that it does not consider hourly and daily variations of some input parameters, but only the arithmetical mean of the values.

Resposta dinâmica dos reatores UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) submetidos a cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas cíclicas: modelação matemática simplificada / Dynamic behavior of the UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactors submitted to organic and hydraulic cyclical loads: mathematical modeling simplified

Karina Querne de Carvalho 10 June 2002 (has links)
Em países com condições ambientais, sócio-culturais e econômicas favoráveis à aplicação de processos anaeróbios para tratamento de esgotos sanitários, o reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) possui muitas vantagens, dentre os reatores anaeróbios, por permitir instalação, operação e manutenção a baixos custos, apresentar baixa geração de lodo, ser capaz de suportar sobrecargas hidráulicas e orgânicas e possuir eficiência de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio entre 70% e 80%. Contudo poucos estudos são reportados na literatura quando o reator é submetido a variações cíclicas diárias, de cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas, em períodos curtos de duração - iguais ou menores que 24 h. Para compreender os prováveis amortecimentos e atrasos nas respostas de reatores UASB quando submetidos a essas variações, desenvolveu-se um modelo matemático simplificado baseado no regime de escoamento contínuo de um tanque de mistura completa, no modelo cinético tipo Monod para remoção de DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio) e equacionamentos empíricos reportados na literatura. Esse modelo indicou que, mesmo apresentando baixa eficiência na remoção de demanda química de oxigênio, o reator possui capacidade de amortecer as variações impostas de vazão e respondeu com grande sensibilidade à variação de velocidade específica máxima de degradação de substrato, indicando que esse parâmetro cinético deve ser o parâmetro de calibração do modelo matemático. / In countries with favorable environmental, social, cultural and economical conditions, the use of anaerobic processes in treatment of domestic sewage. The UASB reactor (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) has many advantages, among the anaerobic reactors, allows the installation, operation and maintenance with low costs; presents low sludge generation; is capable to support organic and hydraulic overloads and has COD removal efficiencies between 70% and 80%. However few studies are reported in the literature about reactors submitted to cyclical daily variations of organic and hydraulic loads in short periods of time - equal to or shorter than 24 hours. Aiming to understand the probable dampening and the delays in the response of the UASB reactors when submitted to these variations, it was developed a simplified mathematical model based on the continuous flow pattern of a completed stirred tank and in the Monod kinetic model for COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) removal and empirical kinetic equations reported in the literature. The model indicated that, even when presenting low efficiency in the removal of COD, the reactor has a capacity to dampen the forced flow variations, and responded with great sensivity to the variation of qmáx., indicating that this kinetic parameter may be the calibration parameter of the mathematical model.

Resposta dinâmica de reator UASB em escala piloto submetido a cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas cíclicas: modelos matemáticos e resultados experimentais / Dynamic response of a UASB reactor submitted to organic and hydraulic cyclical loads: mathematical models and experimental results

Karina Querne de Carvalho 14 December 2006 (has links)
Poucos estudos são reportados na literatura sobre o comportamento dinâmico do reator UASB submetido a variações cíclicas diárias, de cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas, em períodos curtos de duração - iguais ou menores que 24h, com os quais verifica-se queda na eficiência do reator, causada pela provável flotação dos grânulos, problemas com geração de odor e alta concentração de sólidos suspensos no efluente. Para melhor compreender a resposta dinâmica desses reatores submetidos a essas variações, foi desenvolvido o modelo MMS baseado no modelo hidrodinâmico de mistura completa em reatores em série, modelo cinético de primeira ordem para consumo de substrato e para crescimento da biomassa e equacionamentos empíricos reportados na literatura. Esse modelo indicou a capacidade do reator de amortecer as variações impostas e a influência da cinética na eficiência de remoção da matéria orgânica. Para calibrar e validar o MMS, foi avaliado o desempenho de um reator UASB (160 L) no tratamento de esgoto sanitário municipal da cidade de São Carlos. Durante o período de operação, o reator foi submetido a variações senoidais cíclicas, de cargas orgânica e hidráulica, em valores inferiores e superiores a 40% e 60% da vazão afluente de 16,0 L/h. A produção média de gás metano e a eficiência média de remoção de DQO alcançadas pelo reator foram de aproximadamente: 1,83 L/h e 61% para vazão afluente de 16 L/h, TDH de 10 h e velocidade ascensional de 0,23 m/h; 2,24 L/h e 48% para variação cíclica de 40% e 2,97 L/h e 40% para variação cíclica de 60%. O MMS indicou faixa de valores para a DQO efluente com diferença em relação aos resultados observados experimentalmente - de 37% para vazão afluente constante de 16 L/h e 59% e 56% para variações senoidais cíclicas de 40% e 60% da vazão afluente, respectivamente – devido à limitação do modelo em considerar o arraste de sólidos no efluente que ocorreu ao longo de toda a operação do reator e mais acentuadamente quando foram aplicadas variações da vazão afluente. O modelo ADM1 proposto por Batstone et al.(2002a,b)apresentou menor similaridade com os resultados observados experimentalmente por não contemplar a variação horária e diária de alguns parâmetros de entrada, mas apenas a média aritmética dos valores. / There are no extensive reports on the dynamic behaviour of UASB reactor submitted to cyclical daily variations of organic and hydraulic loads of short periods of time - equal to or shorter than 24 hours - that can damage the reactor efficiency due to probable granule flotation, odor generation and high concentration of suspended solids in the effluent. Aiming to understand the dynamic response of these reactors when submitted to these variations, it was developed the MMS model based on the N-continuous flow stirred tank reactors (CSTR) in series model, first order kinetics model for substrate consumption and biomass growth and empirical equations reported in the literature. The model indicated the reactor capacity on dampening the imposed flow rate variations and the influence of the kinetics in the organic matter removal efficiency. It was evaluated the response of a UASB in bench scale (160 L) treating sanitary sewage of São Carlos city in order to calibrate and validate the MMS. During the operation, the reactor was submitted to cyclical sinusoidal variations of organic and hydraulic loads in lesser and higher values of 40% and 60% of the influent flow rate of 16 L/h. The reactor achieved mean methane production and mean COD removal efficiency of: 1,83 L/h and 61% to influent flow rate of 16 L/h, HRT of 10 h and upflow velocity of 0,23 m/h; 2,24 L/h and 48% to sinusoidal variation of 40%; 2,97 L/h and 40% to sinusoidal variation of 60%. The MMS model results indicated a range of effluent COD values with a difference of 37% to influent flow rate of 16 L/h, 59% and 56% to sinusoidal variations of 40% and 60%, respectively, in comparison with the experimental observed data. This probably occurred due to the model limitation in considering and predicting the solids washout in the effluent that was verified during all the operation, and also more significant when the sinusoidal variations were applied. The ADM1 reported by Batstone et al. (2002a,b) presented lesser similarity with the experimental observed results due to the fact that it does not consider hourly and daily variations of some input parameters, but only the arithmetical mean of the values.

Posouzení ročního provozu ČOV Dolní Věstonice / Annual assessment the water treatment plant Dolní Věstonice

Kovář, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the annual assessment of trial operation of the wastewater treatment plant in Dolní Věstonice. Th e theoretical part focuses on ways wastewater services for municipalities sizes 2001 - 10 000 EO. The following are the most frequently observed indicators which are reported in the current legislation. The practical part is focused on describing the wastewater treatment plant and to assess its condition at the time of trial operation. Calculated parameters of volume and hydraulic loads are then compared with the original proposal in the project documentation. The values of substance loads are compared with current legislation on implementation of runoff. Below are caused failures and problems in the prior operation. A conclusion is determined by energy class watched cleaners in terms of energy consumption.

Modelo matemático para avaliação hidrodinâmica em reatores tubulares operando em regime não-permanente / Mathematical model for hydrodynamic evaluation of pipe reactors with diffusion operated in non-steady flow

Salgado, Monique Toledo 27 June 2008 (has links)
No meio científico são bastante utilizados os modelos matemáticos para avaliar as características hidrodinâmicas de reatores, porém a literatura é pobre em informações relativas à aplicação do equacionamento matemático em regime não-permanente. Neste trabalho foi aplicado um modelo matemático simulando a hidrodinâmica de reatores tubulares com dispersão para avaliar o efeito da variação de vazão afluente sobre os parâmetros hidrodinâmicos. As simulações foram efetuadas considerando vazão e volume constantes, vazão e volume variáveis e vazão variável e volume constante. Foi investigada a influência de dois tipos de ensaios estímulo-resposta, pulso e degrau, para aplicação de modelos matemáticos e determinação das curvas de distribuição do tempo de residência (DTR) experimentais. Teoricamente ambos devem fornecer os mesmos resultados embora o ensaio em pulso costume apresentar maior sensibilidade experimental. Conforme esperado, ambos os ensaios apresentaram os mesmos resultados finais. Também foram avaliados os traçadores empregados nos dois tipos de ensaios estímulo-resposta, pulso e degrau. Foram empregados três traçadores diferentes - verde de bromocresol, azul de bromofenol e eosina Y que proporcionaram curvas com diferentes características. Como ferramenta auxiliar da modelação foram estudas a determinação das curvas DTR experimentais com auxílio de duas técnicas distintas. Para calibrar o modelo matemático proposto foram utilizados dados de reatores em escala de bancada com diferentes configurações submetidas a variações de vazões afluentes. Os dados de um reator UASB em escala piloto - submetido a variações cíclicas de vazão afluente de 40 e 60% - foram empregados para calibrar e verificar o modelo matemático proposto. Os resultados encontrados com o modelo matemático proposto nesta pesquisa demonstraram que a variação de vazão afluente não deve ser negligenciada. O modelo utilizado representou adequadamente o reator UASB. Seus resultados, quando comparados aos modelos matemáticos que não consideram a variação de vazão, mostraram que para flutuações de vazão elevadas, vazões com valores até 60% maiores do que a vazão média, os valores dos coeficientes de difusão diferem significativamente em função das hipóteses empregadas no desenvolvimento do modelo matemático. / Mathematical models for hydrodynamic characteristics evaluation of reactors are commonly used however there is a lack of information in the literature concerning the application of mathematical modeling for non-steady state flow. In this thesis, it is presented a non-steady mathematical model to simulate the hydrodynamic behavior of pipe flow reactors with diffusion in order to evaluate the effect of the variation of the influent flowrate in the hydrodynamic parameters. The simulations were performed considering constant flowrate and volume, variable flowrate and volume and, variable flowrate and constant volume. It was investigated the influence of two types of stimulus-response assays, pulse and step function, on the application of mathematical models and the determination of the experimental retention time distribution curves. Theoretically, both tests should provide the same results although the pulse stimulus assay usually presents higher experimental sensitivity. As it was expected, both tests presented the same final results. The tested tracers were also evaluated in relation to the pulse and step stimulus-response tests. Three tracers were tested (bromocresol green, bromophenol blue and eosin Y) and it was shown that they provided different curves. It was studied the construction of the experimental retention time distribution curves using two procedures as an auxiliary tool for modeling. The proposed mathematical model was calibrated with data of bench scale reactors submitted to different cyclical variations of flowrates. Moreover, data of UASB reactor in pilot scale - submitted to 40 and 60% of cyclical variations of flowrates were utilized to calibrate and verify the obtained mathematical model. The results found with the mathematical model proposed in this research showed that the variations in influent flow rate can not be neglected. The model adequately represented a pilot scale UASB reactor. The results showed that the diffusion coefficients differ significantly for high flowrate fluctuations, when compared to other mathematical models that do not incorporate variable flowrate, depending upon the hypothesis used to derive the model.

Simulação numérica para difusão anisotrópica / Numerical simulation to anisotropic diffusion

Samuel Lima Picanço 15 September 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de construir um modelo computacional utilizando o método dos volumes finitos para malhas não-estruturadas, a fim de se calcular a carga hidráulica num meio poroso, considerando este meio não homogêneo e anisotrópico. A anisotropia é uma característica de muitos materiais encontrados na natureza e depende da propriedade estudada no meio. Primeiramente apresenta-se a dedução da equação do transporte advectivo dispersivo e a formulação matemática para a equação de Laplace, esta última utilizada para o cálculo da carga hidráulica. Em seguida, apresenta-se o algoritmo de solução de um programa computacional em linguagem C++ que permite calcular a velocidade do fluxo em cada face de um volume de controle. Finalmente são feitos vários testes para validação do código computacional utilizado, o que levou a crer que o método utilizado é eficaz para os tipos de malhas testados, apresentando algumas diferenças quanto ao erro da solução. / The present work build a computational model using the finite volumes method for unstructured meshes, with the purpose of calculating the hydraulic load in a porous medium, considering it material non - homogeneous and anisotropic. The Anisotropy is a characteristic of many materials found in the nature and it depends on the property studied in this material. First, we present the deduction of the equation of advective-dispersive transport and the mathematical formulation for the Laplaces equation, this last one used for the calculation of the hydraulic load. Soon afterwards, we present the solution algorithm of a computational program in the C++ language that allows to calculate the speed of the flow in each face of the control volume. Finally several tests for validation of the code are made, which makes it that the plausible to assume method is effective for the types of meshes tested, presenting some differences for the wrong solution.

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