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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inserção da energia eólica no sistema hidrotérmico brasileiro / Inserting the Wind Power in Hydrothermal Brazilian System

Ricosti, Juliana Ferrari Chade 12 April 2011 (has links)
Nos recentes leilões de energia realizados no setor elétrico brasileiro, a energia térmica foi uma das principais vencedoras. Este trabalho avalia a possibilidade de reversão desta tendência, mantendo a trajetória anterior de uma matriz limpa e renovável. A maior parte da eletricidade brasileira tem sido proveniente de hidrelétricas. O plano energético oficial, com horizonte de 2030, elaborado para o Governo pela Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) dá ênfase à geração térmica, à gás natural, carvão e nuclear, como alternativa de complementação à geração hídrica. Neste estudo, em contraponto à proposta oficial, a geração eólica é analisada como opção de complementação, ao invés da energia térmica. A curva de aprendizado da tecnologia eólica, no Brasil e no mundo, é investigada e seu resultado evidencia o potencial de competitividade quando comparada a outras fontes, como térmicas nucleares, a gás e a carvão. A substituição do parque de expansão térmica pela eólica é simulada mediante a análise comparativa dos custos de capital, combustível, operação e manutenção, considerando a curva de aprendizado potencial. Os resultados da simulação, em termos de custo a valor presente das alternativas, indicam que a geração eólica pode se tornar atrativa, tendo como atrativo adicional a redução da emissão de gases de efeito estufa. Dificuldades e barreiras para a penetração da geração da energia eólica são avaliadas. Também é analisada a possibilidade do atendimento da demanda de energia no Brasil no contexto do cenário da estabilização populacional e do consumo, na década de 2040, mediante oferta de energia renovável, substancialmente hidro-eólica. / In the recent energy auctions held in the Brazilian electric sector, thermal power plants were the major winners. This study evaluates the possibility of reversing such trend, maintaining the previous path of a clean and renewable energy mix. Most of Brazil\'s electricity has been generated by hydropower. However the official energy plan, with the horizon of 2030, prepared for the Government by the Energy Research Company (EPE) gives emphasis to the thermal generation to natural gas, coal and nuclear energy as an alternative to hydropower generation complementation. In this study, in contrast to the official proposal, wind generation is considered as an option to complement, rather than the thermal energy. The learning curve of wind technology in Brazil and worldwide, is investigated and its result shows the potential of competitiveness compared to other sources such as nuclear thermal, gas and coal. The replacement of thermal based expansion by the wind is simulated, by a comparative analysis of capital costs, fuel, operation and maintenance, considering the potential learning. The simulation results in terms of present value cost of the alternatives indicate that wind generation can become attractive, with the added benefit of reduction in emission of greenhouse gases. Difficulties and barriers to the penetration of wind power generation are evaluated. The possibility of meeting the demand for energy in Brazil in the context of the scenario population and energy demand stabilization, in the 2040s, through renewable and sustainable energy sources, substantially hydro and wind, is also assessed.

Hidrojateamento em solos argilosos / Hydro jetting in clayey soils

Lourenço, David Eduardo January 2016 (has links)
A recente descoberta das reservas de petróleo do Pré-Sal no Brasil obrigou a indústria a enfrentar condições de extração adversas, a mais de 1000m de lâmina de água e 5000m de sedimentos. Com o aumento da procura, justificou-se investir em pesquisa e tecnologia para dar resposta aos diversos problemas de exploração em águas ultra profundas. Em condições desfavoráveis de exploração, diversos sistemas tecnológicos submersos autônomos no fundo do mar, nearshore e offshore, tem que ser instalados para resistir a esforços solicitados por plataformas devido a manobras de navios, ondas, correntes marinhas, ventos, etc.. Atualmente a Petrobras utiliza um sistema desenvolvido e patenteado, as estacas torpedo metálicas, para resistir às solicitações e ancorar no leito oceânico as suas plataformas flutuantes. Sua instalação consiste na queda livre e penetração no solo argiloso marinho, por ação da aceleração da gravidade nas suas massas, e que apresenta ainda alguns desafios na instalação. O presente trabalho avalia uma nova técnica de instalação de âncoras para plataformas marítimas de petróleo e outras estruturas, que serve de alternativa e/ou melhoria à técnica já utilizada, e que consiste na instalação de uma haste metálica pela ação do seu peso próprio e por aplicação de jatos de água verticais, provenientes de tubos metálicos inseridos em solos argilosos. O estudo, na primeira etapa descrita nesta tese, concentra-se em modelos reduzidos, seguindo as leis de semelhança pelo número de Froude, e futuramente pretende-se transitar para o protótipo. Os ensaios de hidrojateamento foram realizados em laboratório, utilizando tanques em forma de paralelepípedo, com paredes em acrílico, preenchidos com solo argiloso. O estudo foi realizado em modelos reduzidos para duas escalas de comprimento, correspondentes a 1:67 e 1:76, com o objetivo de estudar o mecanismo de penetração dos torpedos metálicos e nos fenômenos de hidrojateamento em solo argiloso. O solo foi caracterizado e nos ensaios foram identificados e avaliados: (a) a influência do fluxo de água a partir das variáveis vazão, pressão, velocidade e diâmetro do jato, (b) a influência da massa e diâmetro das hastes metálicas e (c) a interação solo-estaca pós instalação. Os resultados apresentados indicaram que as maiores profundidades de penetração das estacas torpedo foram atingidas para os modelos de maior massa, e também para as maiores vazões do fluxo de água, para maiores pressões de fluxo de água e menor resistência não drenada do solo. Com base nas variáveis controladas foi possível estabelecer um modelo e uma equação para estimar a profundidade máxima atingida por estacas metálicas instaladas por fluidização. Estes resultados complementaram estudos anteriores e permitiram uma avaliação, baseada em modelos reduzidos, na eficiência do jateamento, parâmetros de controle do mecanismo de erosão, profundidade máxima de penetração no leito marinho e capacidade de carga das estacas, sempre utilizando conceitos de similaridade para relacionar modelo e protótipo. / Deep water oil fields discovered by Petrobras in Brazil in 2006 brought new challenges to the offshore industry. Thus, for exploring these basins, research and technology investments are necessary to ensure production conditions, which require development of technological foundation systems, nearshore and offshore. Petrobras designed and patented an anchoring system, the torpedo pile, which serves as foundation to various types of production structures in ultra-deepwater. Torpedo is a steel pile, filled with ballast, having a cone-shaped tip. The anchor installation consists in the free fall of the torpedo from a designated height above the seafloor, which dynamically penetrates into marine clay by the action of gravity acceleration of the torpedo mass. This thesis presents an alternative installation technique for torpedo anchors based on tests carried out in reduced physical models following the law of similarity by the Froude number. The goal was to install model piles by applying downward vertical water jets. The water jetting tests were performed in the laboratory using parallelepiped-shaped tanks with acrylic walls, filled with clayey soil. The study was conducted on reduced scale models for two length scales, corresponding to 1:67 and 1:76, with the aim of studying the penetration mechanism of metal torpedoes and water jetting phenomena in clayey soil. The soil was characterized and tests were performed to identify and evaluated: (a) the influence of water flow, pressure, penetration rate and diameter of the jet, (b) the influence of the mass and diameter of the metal rods and (c) soil-pile interaction after installation. The results presented indicated that the greatest depth of penetration of torpedo piles was achieved for higher mass models, also for the higher flow rates, the Reynolds number, higher water flow pressures and lower undrained resistance of the soil. Based on these variables it was possible to establish a model and an equation to estimate the maximum depth of penetration of metal piles installed by fluidization. These results complement previous studies and allowed an assessment based on reduced models, the jetting efficiency, the control parameters of the erosion mechanism, the maximum penetration depth on the seabed and load capacity of the piles, always using concepts of similarity to relate model and prototype.

Mesure acoustique des sédiments en suspension dans les rivières / Acoustic measurement of suspended sediments in rivers

Vergne, Adrien 20 December 2018 (has links)
A travers cette thèse, nous avons cherché à développer de nouvelles méthodes de mesure, basées sur la rétrodiffusion acoustique, pour estimer la concentration massique des sédiments en suspension dans les rivières. Souvent, ces sédiments présentent une distribution granulométrique bimodale, i.e. constituée d’un mélange de sédiments fins et de sable. Le principal avantage des méthodes hydroacoustiques est leur capacité à fournir des mesures avec une résolution spatiale et temporelle bien meilleure que les techniques classiques type prélèvement. L’objectif est in fine d’améliorer l’estimation du flux sédimentaire dans les cours d’eau. Des mesures acoustiques multifréquences, associées à des prélèvements physiques, ont été réalisées sur le terrain et dans une cuve expérimentale au laboratoire. Des méthodes d’inversion du signal acoustique ont été testées et développées au laboratoire sur une suspension homogène de sédiments fins. Une nouvelle méthode en particulier, combinant analyse de la rétrodiffusion et de l’atténuation acoustique, a permis de retrouver la concentration massique des sédiments avec une précision de l’ordre de ± 20 %. En rivière, une méthode mixte alliant données de calibration et inversion du signal acoustique à deux fréquences a été développée, permettant, dans certaines conditions, d’estimer la concentration des sédiments fins et du sable sur l’ensemble de la section en travers d’un cours d’eau. Ce résultat confirme la capacité de la technologie hydroacoustique à fournir une information spatiale sur la suspension. Des écarts parfois importants ont été observés entre la réponse acoustique théorique, calculée à partir des données de concentration et de granulométrie, et les mesures acoustiques sur le terrain. Il semble que ces écarts soient dus à la présence d’autres corps diffusants dans les rivières, probablement des flocs et/ou des micro-bulles d’air. Ces travaux appellent au développement d’un cadre théorique plus performant et adapté aux suspensions rencontrées en rivière. / With this PhD, we have tried to develop new measurement methods, based on acoustic backscattering, to estimate the mass concentration of suspended sediments in rivers. These sediments often show a bimodal grain-size distribution, i.e. composed of a mixture of fine and sand particles. The main advantage of hydroacoustic methods is their ability to provide measurements with a much better spatial and temporal resolution than conventional sampling techniques. The ultimate goal is to improve the sediment load estimation in rivers. Multifrequency acoustic measurements, combined with physical sampling, were carried out in the field and in an experimental laboratory tank. Acoustic inversion methods were tested and developed on a homogeneous suspension of fine sediments in the laboratory. A new method was implemented, combining the analysis of acoustic backscatter and attenuation, and led to retrieve the sediment mass concentration with a precision in the order of ± 20%. In rivers, a semi-empirical method combining calibration data and acoustic inversion at two frequencies has been developed, allowing, under certain conditions, to estimate the concentration of fine and sand sediments throughout the entire river cross-section. This result confirms the ability of hydroacoustic technology to provide spatial information on the suspension. Significant differences were frequently observed between the theoretical acoustic response, computed from concentration and particle size data, and the acoustic measurements in rivers. It seems that these differences could be due to the presence of other scatterers in rivers, probably flocs and/or air micro-bubbles. This work calls for the development of a more efficient theoretical framework suitable for river suspensions.


YANAMANDRA, LAKSHMI NAGA SWETHA January 2018 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Medvetenhet och oro kring miljöeffekter från utsläpp av växthusgaser och de minskande resurserna av icke förnybara energikällor har ökat de senaste årtiondena. Utvecklingen av ny teknologi för förnybar energi har drivits fram globalt som ett svar på denna oro. Det har skett stora framsteg i produktion av el och värme från sol, vind, hav, vattenkraft, biomassa, geotermiska resurser, biobränslen och väte. Följaktligen har utvecklingen av energi-lager blivit en viktig del för integration av förnybar energi i systemen. Det är gynnsamt för hela försörjningskedjan, för pålitlighet och bättre stabilitet i leveranser och distribution, och för ökad el-kvalitet. I uppsatsen undersöks en optimal energidesign för ett kombinerat system med vattenkraft och vindkraft inklusive ett lager i form av en damm. Vatten som pumpas upp till lagret har en stor och balanserande potential för att få in en högre grad förnybar energi i energisystemen. Detta är nödvändigt då dessa energikällor är intermittenta och variabla till sin natur. Ett av de studerade objekten är ett vattenkraftverk med pumpad damm, Tehri i Uttarakhand, Indien. Systemets totala verkningsgrad om 93 % diskuteras utifrån förluster såväl som potentialen för vind och dess inverkan. Vind-data är hämta från National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) och har analyserats med programmen MATLAB och WindPro. Det slutligen valda området för exploatering av vindkraft blev Ramakkalmedu, Idukki district, Kerala, Indien. Efter valet av plats valdes tre olika vindturbiner ut för analys; Siemens SWT-3.2-113 3.2 MW, Enercon E-126 4.2MW, och Enercon E-126 7.58MW. Analysen består av flera delar; vindparks-modellering, beräkning av buller-generering från vindkraften, beräkning av årlig energi-generering - Annual Energy Production (AEP), kapacitetsfaktor, vindparkens effektivitet med hänsyn tagen till lagret/dammens variation av bas-last. Resultat har erhållits från alla tre turbinerna och den övergripande slutsatsen är att kombinationen med vatten- och vindkraft med lagring av vatten som pumpas upp vid behov är en tillfredsställande metod för att möta belastningstoppar, vilket valideras av denna uppsats.   Nyckelord: pumpade vattenkraftdammar, vindkraftparker, energi lager, förnybar energi. / ABSTRACT  Awareness and concern regarding the environmental effects of greenhouse gas emissions and depletion of non-renewable energy sources has increased over the last decades. A considerable development of new technology for renewable energy has occurred globally as an answer to this concern. There has been a major progress in production of electricity and heat generated from solar, wind, ocean, hydropower, biomass, geothermal resources, and biofuels and hydrogen. Consequently, the development of energy storages has become an imperative part, for integration of renewable energy. It is beneficial for the entire supply chain, for dependability and better stability, and for enhanced quality of electrical power. This thesis is exploring an optimal energy design for a system of pumped hydro-wind power plants including storage. Solutions with Pumped Hydro Storages have a great potential for their balancing role necessary for a higher degree of renewable energy sources, RES, in the energy systems because of the intermittent and variable nature of these sources. Tehri pumped hydro storage plant, in Uttarakhand, India is one of the objects studied in this thesis. The systems total efficiency of 93%, calculated from head losses, is discussed as well as wind potential and its impact. Wind data is obtained from National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) and analysed using the software tools MATLAB and WindPro. The finally chosen area explored for wind potential is Ramakkalmedu, Idukki district, Kerala, India. After selection of site within the area, three different turbines; Siemens SWT-3.2-113 3.2 MW, Enercon E-126 4.2MW, and Enercon E-126 7.58MW were considered for analysis. The analysis consists of several parts; Wind farm modelling, Noise estimation of Wind Park, estimation of Annual Energy Production (AEP), Capacity factor, Wind park efficiency with respect to the storage/reservoir´s base load variation. Results are achieved for all three turbines. The overall conclusion is that combined hydro and wind power with a pumped storage, is a satisfactory method for bulk energy store to address peak loads, which is validated by this thesis.   Keywords: Pumped Hydro, Wind farm, Energy Storage, Renewable Energy.

Ferramenta computacional para a estimativa de parâmetros hidrossedimentológicos em reservatório: estudo de caso da PCH de Mogi-Guaçu (SP) / Computational tool for the estimating hydrosedimentological parameters in reservoir: a case study of the SHP of Mogi-Guaçu (SP)

Renato Billia de Miranda 03 July 2015 (has links)
Os reservatórios são utilizados pelo homem há milhares de anos e são fundamentais em países que apresentam uma matriz energética predominantemente hidrelétrica como o Brasil. Desta forma, há uma preocupação relacionada à vida útil de um reservatório que é influenciada diretamente pelo transporte e deposição de sedimentos. No entanto, a maioria dos reservatórios nacionais não apresenta atualmente estudos hidrossedimentológicos consistentes para auxiliar seus gestores no planejamento e gerenciamento dos mesmos. Uma das principais justificativas apresentadas para a ausência destes estudos se refere à dificuldade na aplicação de metodologias relacionadas à sedimentologia nos recursos hídricos. Neste contexto, a tese apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional (NH Sediment) de livre acesso que poderá auxiliar os gestores de reservatórios no monitoramento e análise dos parâmetros hidrossedimentológicos. A ferramenta computacional é fundamentada em metodologias consolidadas na literatura técnica e acadêmica. Ela permite que o usuário estime parâmetros hidrossedimentólogicos, como a descarga sólida total, o peso específico aparente, a eficiência de retenção, além do volume assoreado e do tempo de vida útil de reservatórios. A ferramenta foi aplicada no Reservatório da Pequena Central Hidrelétrica de Mogi-Guaçu (SP) e foi possível observar que os resultados estavam condizentes com os parâmetros obtidos no levantamento de campo (dados primários) e com os dados fornecidos pela empresa que administra a PCH. Desse modo, a ferramenta computacional é mais uma alternativa para auxiliar o acompanhamento do processo de assoreamento em reservatórios, principalmente das pequenas centrais hidrelétricas onde este problema tende a ser maior. Além disso, ela também poderá ajudar na escolha das melhores medidas para prevenção ou minimização de parte dos problemas causados pelos sedimentos nos reservatórios. / Reservoirs have been used by people for thousands of years and are essential in countries with a predominantly hydroelectric energy matrix, such as Brazil. Although, there is a concern about the life of a reservoir, which is directly influenced by transport and deposition of sediments, most national reservoirs have not conducted consistent hydrosedimentological studies to assist their managers in their planning and managing. One of the main justifications for such a lack is the difficulty of application of methodologies related to sedimentology in water resources. This thesis addresses the development of a computational tool (NH Sediment) of free access that can assist reservoir managers in monitoring and analyzing hydrosedimentological parameters. The tool is based on methodologies consolidated in the technical and academic literature and enables users to estimate hydrosedimentological parameters, such as total solid discharge, apparent specific weight, retention efficiency, silting volume and lifetime of reservoirs. It was applied to the reservoir of the Small Hydropower Plant (SHP) of Mogi-Guaçu (SP) and the results were consistent with the parameters obtained in a field survey conducted and data provided by the company that manages SHP. It has proven an alternative to help users in monitoring the silting process in reservoirs, especially in small hydropower plants, where this problem tends to be more serious. It can also be employed for the choice of best measures for the prevention or minimization of problems caused by sediments in reservoirs.

Effects of Hydro-Cooling, Chemicals, and Packaging Treatments on Refrigerated-Life and Quality of Sweet Cherries and in vitro Effects of Chemicals on Selected Fungi Responsible for Fruit Deterioration

Do, Joseph Yungsheng 01 May 1964 (has links)
As the population tends to urbanize, the potential consumer market of fresh produce becomes distant from the producing farm. This distance brings to growers and handlers the problems of how to keep their fresh products unspoiled after harvest and during transit period of shipping, and how they can be delivered to the specified destination without substantial deterioration. It is the common interest of fruit growers, shippers, wholesalers, and retailers that the shelf-life of fresh fruit be prolonged to increase sales. Sweet cherries are one of the important fruit crops in Utah. Being highly perishable, fresh sweet cherries have relatively short storage life after harvest . It is known that the approximate limit for the successful commercial storage of fresh sweet cherries is about 10 days to 2 weeks only. A practicable measure for extending this storage limit has to be established so that the market may have fresh sweet cherries over a longer season and also be able to balance the time of plenty and the time of scarcity. Furthermore, the Utah grown cherries may find new outlets in the distant market. Thus the benefit will be shared by the grower, the seller, and the consumer. Metabolic breakdown and fungal deterioration are the two important factors which cause the spoilage of fruits. Studies have shown that with many perishable produces, precooling -- the prompt application of refrigeration prior 2 to normal storage or transportation is the key to successful storage. Hydro -cooling treatment is considered to be advantageous especially in Utah, where high temperature and low relative humidity predominate during the harvest season of sweet cherries. Post-harvest chemical and packaging treatments of sweet cherries are possible approaches on ext ending the keeping quality of the fruits concerned. With some of the antifungal agents available today, the fungi which cause fruit decay might be successfully controlled. As a matter of fact, new fungicides, antifungal antibiotics, and packaging films are continuously developed by the industries in the United States. Appropriate combination of these newly developed materials with hydro-cooling followed by refrigerated storage, coupled with in vitro study of the effects of chemicals on fruit decay organisms, might lead to an improvement in the storage life of sweet cherries. It was with this idea in mind that experiments were conducted to study the effects of hydro-cooling, chemicals, and packaging treatments on preserving fresh sweet cherries and also in vitro effects of chemicals on certain fungi responsible for fruit deterioration.

Assessing hydrogeological characteristics to establish influence of aquifer-river interaction in non-perennial river systems, Heuningnes catchment

Banda, Vincent Santos Dzulani January 2019 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Over half of total flows in the global river network are composed of non-perennial rivers. This indicates the importance of non-perennial river systems in supporting the biodiversity. It has been established that groundwater is one of the elements that control the flow regimes and classification (whether perennial or not) of a river system. However, the use of hydrogeological characteristics to establish the influence of groundwater on non-perennial river systems remain to be widely unpublished. This study, therefore, intends to conceptualize and explain the role of hydrogeological characteristics in non-perennial rivers, using the Heuningnes catchment in the Western Cape Province of South Africa as a case study. The study has argued that thorough characterization of aquifers is essential in order to adequately establish the extent of aquifer-river connectivity and how groundwater influences flows and chemical loading in non-perennial river systems. The study has three objectives namely: (i) to determine the aquifer characteristics (ii) to characterise the aquifer-river interaction and (iii) to conceptualize the groundwater flow system. Records review, field, analytical and laboratory-based methods were used to collect and interpret geological, groundwater level, pumping test, hydro-chemical and environmental stable isotopic data in order to characterise groundwater occurrence, flow system and its interaction with the rivers of the study area. Water samples were taken from groundwater, surface water and rainfall during both dry and wet periods. Results show that the study area has a topography-controlled water table with shallow depth to groundwater levels ranging on average from 3 - 10 m, which result into largely a local groundwater flow system. Transmissivity values determined from constant rate pumping test range between 0.17 and 1.74 m2/day. Results exhibit that the low transmissivity values are associated with the weathered nature of the Table Mountain sandstone and the unfractured Bokkeveld shale formations. Hydrochemical data results indicate that both groundwater and river samples in the upstream part of the study area are characterised as fresh water with TDS values of less than 1000 mg/l while the downstream part has saline waters with TDS ranging from 2000 – 35000 mg/l. Results also show that Na-Cl is the dominant water composition for both groundwater and river water. The order of major ion dominance is similar for the two water sources, with concentration ranges from high to low in the order of Na+>Mg2+>Ca2+>K+ and Cl->SO42->HCO3- for cations and anions respectively. The similar patterns and trends in salinity and major ion data suggest the connectivity between the aquifer and the river. Environmental stable isotope data indicate river samples in upstream areas having depleted δ18O (-4.3 to -5.12‰) and δ2H (-22.9 to -19.3‰) signatures similar to groundwater indicating a stable and continuous groundwater contribution to the river flows. Meanwhile, high evaporative enrichment of δ18O (1.13 to 7.08‰) and δ2H (38.8 to 7.5‰) is conceived in river samples from downstream areas. Ionic ratios and isotope-salinity relationships suggest that groundwater chemistry is derived from sea sprays, evaporation and dissolution of Bokkeveld shale host rock. Geological, hydrogeological, hydrochemical and environmental stable isotope data were used to develop a conceptual hydrogeological model which explains the role of groundwater in non-perennial river systems. Results indicate that the North East – South West fault on the north-eastern part of the study area seem to act as a conduit to groundwater flow thereby supplying water to the upstream rivers while the East -West fault in the northern part seem to act as a barrier to groundwater flow resulting into a hydraulic discontinuity between upstream and downstream areas. Meanwhile, the relatively low conductive formation in the downstream areas coupled with a relatively low hydraulic gradient (0.000843) suggests there is slow Darcian groundwater flows resulting in less flushing and high salinization of groundwater. Eventually, in the downstream part of the study area there is slow and minimal groundwater discharge to the rivers resulting into groundwater failing to maintain the river flows and pools. In general, rivers of the study area largely gain water from groundwater although the amount of groundwater discharge varies from one river segment to another in both upstream and downstream parts. The conceptual model has led to the development of a proposed optimum management of non-perennial rivers including the effects of groundwater abstraction on the river flows. / 2022-09-01

Evaluation of Strategic Project Planning Models used in Iranian Hydro Electric Organization in Day light Saving Project

Khanali Lou, Bahareh January 2009 (has links)
<p>Multiple causes of continuously occurring power outages in Yazd Province of Iran have been experienced in recent years. This research studies how key stakeholders have perceived the results of the strategic decisions taken by directors of HEPP to diminish the power shortages and to even increase power supply to a limit of exporting power to other neighboring provinces. How could HEPP emerge from an organization in the edge of bankruptcy to an organization that can surpass all expectations and won over their competitors? HEPP’s strategic decisions followed implications of several models and finally a strategic plan on the bases of the Bryson model was selected and practically applied to achieve their final expected results. The literature review in this study describes selected models as well as the Bryson model set up and structure. This study portrays a demonstration and an evaluation of various strategic plan management models used in Iranian organization in particular HEPP. The researcher designed several questionnaires and forwarded them to HEPP’s administrators, employees and other stakeholders in three groups. Additional phone interviews were conducted and the quantitative as well as qualitative data collected was evaluated and displayed in tables and figures in this study. Data analysis demonstrates a few shortcomings, weaknesses and strengths that are discussed in detail and conclusive proposals are presented through the conclusion section in enhancement of HEPP’s services to the advantages of stakeholders and employees of HEPP with a complete consideration for HEPP’s well being and awareness of its competitors. Although this study is limited in scope it highlights what needs to be done in HEPP or similar hydro electric organizations in Iran, and it can act as a stepping stone for further research and analysis of hydro electrical demand and supply issues in Yazd region of Iran.</p>

Une hydrologie des versants à nappes superficielles drainées : approches multi-processus et multi-échelles

Kao, Cyril 29 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le présent mémoire propose une synthèse de près de 12 années de recherche et d'expertise au Cemagref, successivement au sein des Unités de Recherche « Ouvrages pour le Drainage et l'Etanchéité » (DEAN) et, depuis 2005, « Hydrosystèmes et Bioprocédés » (HBAN). Sur le plan disciplinaire, les recherches menées se situent à l'interface entre l'hydrologie à base physique et le génie rural. Cette dualité s'est imposée par l'objet même support des travaux : les hydrosystèmes à nappes superficielles drainées. Les hydrosystèmes à nappes superficielles sont relativement ubiquistes. Les petits bassins versants agricoles (ordre 1 à 3) du nord et de l'ouest de l'Europe comportent souvent des zones hydromorphes d'extension plus ou moins importante. Ces zones se situent soit dans les fonds de vallées, soit sur les plateaux où elles font alors le plus souvent l'objet de drainage agricole. Le drainage des terres agricoles a été (et continue d'être) un acte majeur de maîtrise de la contrainte en eau pour de nombreux bassins versants à dominante agricole. On estime en effet à 10% de la Surface Agricole Utile (SAU) la surface drainée artificiellement en France, 25% aux USA, 30% en Allemagne, voire plus de 50% au Royaume Uni... Des superficies tout à fait considérables, souvent le produit d'une longue histoire, et dont les récentes évolutions ont accompagné l'intensification de l'agriculture. Au niveau hydrologique, le caractère hydromorphe se caractérise par la présence d'une nappe temporaire ou permanente, perchée ou non, très proche de la surface du sol en période humide. La connexion de ces nappes avec le réseau hydrographique naturel (ru, rivière) ou anthropique (drainage, fossés d'assainissement) détermine alors fortement le transfert des écoulements souterrains et de surface (ruissellement) vers le réseau. La dynamique de la nappe superficielle est dans ce contexte un élément clé de compréhension des processus liant hydrologie des versants et hydraulique du réseau. La connaissance des processus contrôlant le fonctionnement hydrologique des systèmes à nappes superficielles drainées est ainsi déterminante afin : (i) de comprendre leur rôle vis à vis des fonctions de stockage et de transfert dans les bassins versants ; (ii) d'évaluer l'impact des aménagements hydro-agricoles sur le régime et la qualité des eaux, et en particulier des pratiques de dimensionnement de ces aménagements ; (iii) de proposer à terme des critères de choix, de dimensionnement et de localisation d'actions de réhabilitation de ces zones, dans une perspective de restauration/utilisation de leurs capacités tampons. Le mémoire présente un état des lieux des travaux et des collaborations menés par l'auteur et son équipe sur l'ensemble de ces questions et propose un ensemble de pistes de recherches. Les travaux menés touchent : (1) à la connaissance et à la modélisation des processus de transfert d'eau et de solutés à l'échelle parcellaire ; (2) à l'analyse et à le représentation d'une hiérarchie des processus à l'échelle du petit bassin versant drainé (1 à 50 km²) ; (3) à une réflexion sur les pistes de modélisation visant à intégrer efficacement les aménagements hydro-agricoles dans les modèles hydrologiques spatialisés. Le document détaille par ailleurs les titres et travaux de l'auteur ainsi que ses contributions à des actions d'enseignement, d'encadrement et d'expertise.

Wind Power Integration in Power Systems with Transmission Bottlenecks

Matevosyan, Julija January 2006 (has links)
During the last two decades, the increase in electricity demand and environmental concern resulted in fast growth of power production from renewable sources. Wind power is one of the most efficient alternatives. Due to the rapid development of wind turbine technology and increasing size of wind farms, wind power plays a significant part in the power production mix of Germany, Spain, Denmark, and some other countries. The best conditions for the development of wind farms are in remote, open areas with low population density. The transmission system in such areas might not be dimensioned to accommodate additional large-scale power infeed. Furthermore a part of the existing transmission capacity might already be reserved for conventional power plants situated in the same area. In this thesis four alternatives for large-scale wind power integration in areas with transmission bottlenecks are considered. The first possibility is to revise the methods for calculation of available transmission capacity. The second solution for large-scale integration of wind power in such areas is to reinforce the network. This alternative, however, may be expensive and time consuming. As wind power production depends on the wind speed, the full load hours of wind turbine generator are only 2000-4000 hours per year. Therefore reinforcing a transmission network in order to remove a bottleneck completely is often not economically justified. Wind energy curtailments during congestion situations is then the third solution for large-scale wind power integration with less or no grid reinforcement. The fourth solution is to store excess wind energy. Pumped hydro storage or battery storage for the large-scale wind farms are still rather expensive options, but existing conventional power plants with fast production control capabilities and sufficient storage capacity, e.g., hydro power plants, could be used for this purpose. As there is a lot of research work on the first two alternatives, the thesis provides a review and summarizes the main conclusions from the existing work. The thesis is then directed towards the development of the methods for estimation of wind energy curtailments, evaluation of wind energy storage possibility in hydro reservoirs and development of short term hydro power production planning methods, considering coordination with wind power. Additionally in the thesis the strategy that minimizes imbalance costs of a wind power utility, trading wind power on the short term power market is elaborated and analyzed. / QC 20100608

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