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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolution vers un système hydrométéorologique intégré pour la prévision des crues de l'Isère à Moûtiers : prise en compte des aménagements hydroélectrique / Evolution towards a integrated hydrometeorological system for the flood forecasting of Isere River at Moûtiers : consideration of hydroelectric devices.

Claude, Aurélien 30 September 2011 (has links)
La prévision des crues de l'Isère en amont de Grenoble est une préoccupation majeure du SPC AN qui souhaite faire évoluer son système en intégrant une prévision hydrométéorologique, afin de pouvoir étendre les délais d'anticipation. Ce bassin, de régime à dominante nivale intégre un important dispositif hydroélectrique modifiant le régime naturel des écoulements. Le sous-bassin de l'Isère à Moûtiers, d'une surface proche du millier de km2, comportant les caractéristiques typiques de l'ensemble du bassin, constitue une zone test idéale qui permettra d'appréhender judicieusement la modélisation hydrologique complète à terme du bassin de l'Isère à Grenoble. Dans le cadre du projet ALCOTRA - RiskNat, le modèle RS2 (Dubois et al.,2000) développé au LCH-EPFL et adapté au contexte Alpin constitue un bon compromis entre une approche qui permet d'intégrer les spécificités de la zone d'étude et une souplesse de mise en oeuvre, qui sur le plan opérationnel, est un atout capital. La complexité du réseau hydraulique en présence a impliquée une modélisation en deux étapes : calibration du modèle en conditions naturelles puis intégration des ouvrages. A partir de la représentation des aménagements dans le modèle, plusieurs discrétisations spatiales du bassin plus ou moins détaillées ont été imaginées et testées dans un premier temps. Cela a permis d'analyser l'impact de ces différentes représentations des forçages météorologiques sur les termes du bilan hydrologique simulé. Ce contexte de montagne rend particulièrement délicat l'estimation du forçage des précipitations. L'impact de 3 champs de précipitation testés en entrée du modèle sur les simulations de débit a été analysé et s'est révélé bien plus important que celui lié à la discrétisation des forçages météorologiques. Le modèle capable de représenter le mieux possible la météorologie du bassin a été conservé afin d'y représenter les aménagements dans un second temps. Une méthode simple pour les considérer peut s'avérer suffisante, et une relation d'équivalence pour la représentation des prises d'eau permet de favoriser la souplesse du modèle. Néanmoins, à terme, cet outil doit permettre au SPC de se baser sur une estimation plus juste et plus précise du débit de crue, ce qui exige d'intégrer un pas de temps plus fin, i.e. l'horaire, adapté au temps de réponse du bassin. La mise en œuvre de cette prévision horaire est alors plus complexe et requiert une représentation plus détaillée des processus hydrométéorologiques et hydrauliques. Une méthode de désagrégation temporelle pour estimer le forçage des précipitations a été employée. Des premiers résultats encourageants de modélisation horaire sont présentés. / The flood forecasting of the Isere River upstream Grenoble is a major concern of the SPC NA wanting to change its system to an integrated hydrometeorological forecasting to extend the time of anticipation. This basin whose surface is about several thousand kilometers square and with a snowmelt dominated regime, integrate an important hydro-electric device modifying the flows natural regime. The Moûtiers Isere River subbasin, with a surface close thousands of square kilometers and the typic characteristics of the entire basin, is a ideal test zone that will appropriately apprehend the hydrological modeling of Grenoble Isere River basin. In the framework of ALCOTRA -RiskNat project RS2 Model developed at the LCH-EPFL (Dubois et al., 2000) and adapted to the Alpine context is a good compromise between an approach that integrates the large specificity of the study area and flexibility of implementation, which operationally is a considerable asset. The complexity of this hydraulic network implied a two steps modeling : model calibration in natural conditions then integration of the hydro-electric device. From the representation of hydropower plants in the model, four spatial discretizations of the basin more or less detailed, have been devised and tested in the first place. This was used to analyze the impact of four different representations of meteorological forcing on the simulated water balance terms. This mountain context makes it particularly difficult estimating the precipitation forcing. The impact of three precipitation fields tested as input to the model on simulations of flow has proved far greater than that associated with the discretization of the meteorological forcing. The model that best represent the meteorology of the basin has been preserved in order to represent the hydropower plant for a second time. A simple method to consider may be sufficient, and an equivalence relation for the representation of water intake helps to promote flexibility of the model. However, over time, this tool must allow the SPC forecasting to be based on an estimate fairer and more accurate flood flow, which requires integrating a finer time step, the hourly time step, suitable basin response time. The implementation of this hourly forecasting is more complex and requires a more detailed process of hydro-meteorological and hydraulics. For estimating the new precipitation forcing, a method of temporal disaggregation was used. Encouraging initial results of hourly modeling are presented.

Étude des propriétés thermo-hydro-mécaniques des sols fins traités à la chaux / Investigating the thermo-hydro-mechanical properties of lime-treated fine-grained soils

Wang, Yejiao 02 December 2016 (has links)
Le traitement à la chaux est une technique qui améliore considérablement la maniabilité et le comportement mécanique des sols à problèmes. Cependant, la durabilité de ce traitement dans les ouvrages en terre sur le long terme représente un enjeu important pour leur stabilité. En outre, la procédure de mise en place, et par conséquent, la taille des agrégats qui en résulte, est un paramètre essentiel qui peut influencer le comportement des sols traités à la chaux utilisés dans le domaine de la construction d’ouvrages. Ce travail de thèse vise à étudier le comportement thermo-hydro-mécanique des sols traités à la chaux, et plus particulièrement les effets du temps de cure et de la taille des agrégats. Des échantillons de sols limoneux et argileux traités à la chaux ont été préparés avec des agrégats de différentes tailles puis soumis à des temps de cures plus ou moins longs. Ces matériaux ont ensuite été étudiés à travers des observations de la microstructure, des analyses minéralogiques, des mesures de la conductivité thermique, de la perméabilité à l’air et de la capacité de rétention d'eau, complétées par de la détermination de la compressibilité et des mesures des modules de cisaillement en petites déformations. Les résultats montrent que le traitement à la chaux modifie de manière significative le comportement thermo-hydro-mécanique des sols. De plus, le comportement des sols traités est fortement influencé par la taille des agrégats. Plus celle-ci est grande, plus la conductivité thermique et la perméabilité à l'air est importante. En revanche, la capacité de rétention en eau est diminuée de même que la compressibilité et la rigidité du sol / Lime treatment is a technique which greatly improves the workability and the mechanical behaviour of problematic soils. However, the sustainability of this treatment in the earthworks for the long term is an important issue for their stability. Besides, the aggregate size resulting from the construction procedure is an essential parameter that may influence the behaviour of treated soils in field construction. The present work deals with the thermo-hydro-mechanical properties of lime-treated soils, with an emphasis put on the curing time and the aggregate size effects. Lime-treated soil samples (both silt and clay) were prepared with different sizes of aggregates and cured during different periods. Afterwards, these soils were studied through microstructural observations, mineralogical analyses, thermal conductivity, air permeability and water retention capacity measurements, as well as the determinations of compressibility and small strain shear modulus. The results show that significant changes of thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of soils are induced by lime treatment after curing. Moreover, the aggregate size also plays an essential role in the behaviour of treated soils. Samples prepared with the large aggregates present higher thermal conductivity and air permeability, but with lower water retention capacity, poorer compression behaviour and smaller stiffness

Návrh čerpací stanice pro dopravu hydrosměsi / The pump station design for hydro-mixture transport

Béreš, Matej January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis is concerned about the flow of hydro-mixture in pipelines. In the first part, I am reviewing the characteristics of disperse systems, pumps and pipelines used in hydro-mixture transportation. Slurry pumps and polyethylene HDPE pipelines receive an extra attention. In the second part, I am working with data obtained from the co-operation with the PROGROUPE Sediment Removal company. These data were measured during revitalization of the water dam Gabčíkovo. In the next step, I use the data to suggest the required characteristic for the slurry pump for pump station in project of revitalizing Borovoe lake, situated in Kazakhstan.

Problèmes géotechniques couplés en hydromécanique : application à l’érosion interne par suffusion / Geotechnical problems coupled with hydromechanics : application to internal soil erosion phenomenon of suffusion type

Abdou, Hashem 09 November 2016 (has links)
Le phénomène de suffusion correspond à la migration des particules fines érodées dans un milieu poreux sous l'action d’un flux hydraulique. Ce mécanisme pourrait être la cause principale des ruptures des remblais et des barrages en terre. De nombreuses études expérimentales ont été menées pour comprendre la suffusion et mettre en évidence les phénomènes couplés associés. Au niveau numérique, on trouve beaucoup de modèles analytiques et numériques mais rares sont ceux qui prennent en compte l’arrachement des particules, leur transport et leur dépôt éventuel (par un processus de colmatage ou pour des vitesses d’écoulement suffisamment faibles).En se basant sur une loi d’écoulement de type Darcy, sur la loi d’érosion de Papamichos et al (2001) modifiée par Bendahmane (2005)et sur une loi d’évolution de la viscosité de fluide (relation d’Einstein), nous développons une nouvelle approche hydromécanique de la suffusion. La résolution numérique du problème est réalisée par la méthode des éléments finis. Deux aspects sont présentés: le cadre général du modèle proposé (réalisé en 2D) avec une étude paramétrique et la validation du modèle avec une modélisation 3D réalisée avec le modèle géométrique de l’essai (Cross Erosion Test) (CET), ce qui permet de décrire à la fois les phénomènes d’érosion, de transport et de dépôt des particules érodées dans un milieu poreux saturé.Pour cela, nous avons choisi un outil de modélisation approprié à la représentation de phénomènes couplés tels que ceux mobilisés par l’érosion interne. Le logiciel Comsol-Multiphysics 3.4b, basé sur la méthode des éléments finis, a été retenu car il permet d’implanter relativement facilement de nouvelles équations constitutives des phénomènes. Dans un deuxième temps, le modèle a été validé sur des expériences de référence reflétant les phénomènes étudiés. Nous avons utilisé les résultats expérimentaux de Nguyen (2013) qui a mis au point un nouveau dispositif expérimental au laboratoire 3SR appelé " l'Essai d’Érosion Transverse " ou Cross Érosion Test. Deux types de sol ont été considérés : un sol gravelo-sableux(noté S3) et un sol limoneux de l’Isère (noté S4 et S4-a).Afin de discuter des aspects transitoire et dynamique du phénomène de suffusion, les vitesses d’écoulement, les gradients hydrauliques, la distribution de la porosité et de la perméabilité, la distribution de la concentration des particules érodées en suspension, et enfin la masse érodée sortantes ont mesurés au cours du temps et comparés aux résultats du modèle physique. / The phenomenon of Suffusion corresponds to the migration of fine eroded particles in a porous medium under the action of an internal water flow. This mechanism could be the main origin of damage in embankments and earth dams. Many experimental studies have been done to analyse the suffusion but actually understanding this phenomenon appears as a major scientific challenge. On the other hand, numerically, only a few studies were found which associate the mechanisms of detachment, transport and deposition of eroded particles.Based on the Darcy’s law model, the erosion model of Papamichos et al (2001) modified by Bendahmane (2005) and the fluid viscosity evolution law (Einstein relation), we developed a new hydro-mechanical approach of suffusion. The numerical solution of the problem is carried out by using a finite element method. Two aspects are presented: first, the general framework of the proposed model (implemented in 2D) with a parametric study and then the validation of the numerical model realized with a 3D study of the geometric model of the experimental study of Cross Erosion Test (CET). This model describes the three phenomena of suffusion: erosion, transport and deposition of eroded particles in a saturated soil.Furthermore, the numerical modeling of coupled phenomena of internal erosion is performed using the commercial software "Comsol Multiphysics-3.4b". However, to validate the model, experimental results on two types of soil: sandy gravel soil (S3) and the silt of Isère (S4 and S4-a) are used. These results are found in the PhD thesis of Nguyen(2013) who has developed a new apparatus called Cross Erosion Test (CET).Moreover, to discuss the transient and dynamic aspects of the phenomenon, the evaluation of the mass conservation with different figures of flow velocity, hydraulic gradient, hydraulic head, porosity and permeability distribution, concentration distribution, and of outgoing eroded particles, are measured over time and compared with experimental results.

Optimization of the performance of micro hydro-turbines for electricity generation

Yassen, Saeed Rajab January 2014 (has links)
Rural electrification has long been the most important topic on the development agenda of many countries. The needs for power supplies to rural areas increased significantly in the past decades. Extending electricity grids to rural areas is of a very high initial cost and is not viable economically. Micro hydroelectric power plants provide a good economical solution, which is also environmentally very friendly. The current study concentrates on selecting and optimizing a suitable cross-flow micro-turbine to be used in micro hydroelectric power plants. Cross-flow turbines are in general of simple structure, low cost, easy to fabricate and of modest efficiency. The main purpose of the present work is to optimize the performance of a selected turbine by establishing the optimal turbine’s design parameters. A complete analysis of the internal flow, which is of turbulent, two-phase and three dimensional in nature, was undertaken by simulating it using various CFD simulation codes. This study reports on the flow simulation using ANSYS CFX with a two-phase flow model, water-air free surface model and shear stress transport (SST) turbulence model. Prediction velocity and pressure fields of inside the turbine are, subsequently, used to characterize the turbine performance for different geometric parameters including the number of runner blades, the angle of attack, the ratio of inner to outer diameter, the nozzle profile, the blade profile, the nozzle throat width, the nozzle to runner blades width and the runner blades width to outer runner diameter. The results revealed the highly complex nature of the flow and provided a very good insight to the flow structure and performance optimization parameters.

Numerical Modeling of Active Hydraulic Devices and Their Significance for System Performance and Transient Protection

Zhang, Qin Fen 23 February 2010 (has links)
The thesis numerically explores the use and behavior of Active Hydraulic Devices (AHDs), creating a new capability to simulate and control a pipe system’s transient performance. Automatic control valves are the first type of AHDs studied in this research. Due to the challenges inherent in the design of a pressure relief valve (PRV), the general principles of PRV use and selection are studied along with the system’s response to the PRV parameters. A new application of PID (proportional, integral and derivative) control valve is envisioned that combines a remote sensor at the upstream end of a pipeline to create a non- or semi- reflective boundary at the downstream end. Case studies show that, with such a boundary, the reflection and resonance of pressure waves within the pipeline are sometimes eliminated and invariably limited. The second type of AHDs studied in this research is the governed hydro turbine, the most complicated hydraulic component in terms of transient analysis and waterhammer control. A complete numerical model is developed for the turbine installations in either urban water networks or conventional hydropower generation systems. Using the model, transient simulations for several realistic hydro projects are presented along with various transient control measures.

Exploring the use of adaptive management in an environmental protection program to improve mitigation performance during manitoba hydro transmission projects

Watts, Kristopher 14 February 2017 (has links)
Adaptive management (AM) is a systematic process that regards management and policy decisions as experiments or treatments. This iterative process is relatively simple and intuitive, leading to widespread uptake and application of these principles. Popularity of AM results in the process being routinely inserted into strategies or plans without full recognition of the commitment and paradigm shift in management that it represents. This case study involved evaluation of Manitoba Hydro’s Environmental Protection Program during construction of the Bipole III transmission line and its use of AM. Researching the program’s functionality spanned three construction seasons using document review, employee interviews and site visits. The program was evaluated according to what current literature identifies as elements of successful AM. Monitoring and Innovative activities provided strong examples of AM principles while other areas such as communication face challenges. The recommendations pursue a more active approach to AM and continual improvement of environmental protection performance. / February 2017

Metodologia para reconstrução de séries históricas de vento e geração eólica visando a análise da complementariedade energética no Sistema Interligado Nacional / Methodology for reconstruction of historical series of wind and wind generation aiming the analysis of energy complementarity in the National Interconnected System.

Witzler, Lucas Torres 07 November 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos leilões de energia promovidos pelo Governo projetos eólicos foram protagonistas, sendo a fonte com maior número de projetos cadastrados e vencedores. Nessa perspectiva, que de fato tem fomentado o interesse, tanto por empreendedores como por agentes do setor elétrico, pelo entendimento dos fatores de risco que podem influenciar o retorno financeiro dos investidores que encontraram nesta fonte uma alternativa interessante para diversificar seu portfólio de projetos. Diante desta oportunidade, este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para reconstrução de séries históricas de geração eólica possibilitando estudos energéticos de complementariedade entre fontes. Esta dissertação possibilitou a avaliação da complementariedade energética entre os recursos eólicos e hídricos. Por meio da análise da correlação entre séries de geração de energia eólica e hídrica, foi possível identificar o benefício energético existente na formação de um portfólio hidro-eólico. A complementariedade entre a energia eólica e hidráulica possibilita que geradores que possuam portfolio com ambas as fontes compartilhem a exposição dos riscos relacionados à sazonalidade dos ventos, beneficiando diretamente o mercado consumidor com diminuição dos custos na geração. / In recent energy auctions, held by the government wind projects were protagonists, being the source with the highest number of registered and winning projects. From this perspective, which in fact has stimulated interest, both as investors by electrical sector agents, by understanding the risk factors that may influence the financial returns to investors who have found this an interesting alternative source to diversify its project portfolio. Considering this opportunity, this work aims to develop a methodology for reconstruction historical series of wind generation enabling studies of complementarity between energy sources. This work has enabled an evaluation of complementarity between wind and hydro generation. By analyzing, the correlation between wind and hydro series was possible to identify the energetic benefit in a composition of a hydro-wind portfolio. The complementarity between wind and hydropower enables generators in the same portfolio share risks related to exposure due to seasonality of winds, directly benefiting the market with lower generations costs, driven by increased competition resulting from the participation of wind power in all segments of marketing.

Pour une analyse des impacts du changement climatique sur l’hydrologie urbaine : Modélisation hydro-microclimatique de deux bassins versants expérimentaux de l'agglomération nantaise / For an impact analysis of climate change on urban hydrology : Hydro-microclimate modelling on two experimental catchments in the urban area of Nantes

Stavropulos-Laffaille, Xenia 31 January 2019 (has links)
L'adaptation des villes au changement climatique constitue un enjeu majeur des politiques d’aménagement. Promouvoir l'intégration des infrastructures vertes et bleues dans l'environnement urbain entant que stratégies d'adaptation implique ainsi de comprendre leurs impacts sur les bilans en eau et en énergie. Un modèle hydro microclimatique,TEB-Hydro, a préalablement été développé en tenant compte du couplage détaillé des deux bilans. Cependant, des études récentes ont mis en cause la représentation des processus hydrologiques en sous-sol urbain. Ainsi, ce travail de thèse consiste à améliorer la composante hydrologique du modèle (drainage de l’eau du sol par les réseaux, écoulements souterrains vertical et latéral). Après calage,une évaluation hydrologique est réalisée sur deux bassins versants urbains de Nantes. Dans les deux cas, le calage fait ressortir la même configuration de simulation, malgré des morphologies différentes, ce qui est encourageant pour des applications du modèle en projection climatique. L’évaluation hydrologique met en avant les paramètres clés du modèle et démontre une amélioration du processus de l’infiltration de l’eau du sol dans le réseau d’assainissement. L’évaluation hydro-énergétique du modèle démontre une représentation satisfaisante des flux de chaleur sensible et latente. Le fonctionnement du modèle vis-à-vis de l’évapotranspiration est discuté via le prisme de la végétation et de la morphologie urbaine. Une première application de TEB-Hydro en contexte de changement climatique permet d’évaluer une méthode statistique existante de désagrégation et soulève la problématique de la représentation de la dynamique pluviométrique dans ce contexte. / Adapting growing cities to climate change is a major challenge in planning policy. Promoting the integration of green and blue infrastructures in the urban environment as adaptation strategies implies understanding their impacts on both the urban hydrological and energy balance. A hydro-microclimate model,TEB-Hydro, was developed previously, taking into account detailed coupling between the two balances. However, first model evaluation studies on different urban catchments have questioned the representation of the hydrological processes in the urban subsoil. This PhD work consists of performing new developments on the models hydrological component (soil-water drainage by sewer networks, vertical and lateral subsoil flows). After calibration a hydrological evaluation is performed on two urban catchments in Nantes. In both cases, the calibration brings out the same simulation configuration, despite different catchment related properties. This is encouraging for applying the model on climate projection. The hydrological evaluation highlights the model key parameters as well as shows improvements concerning sewer soilwater infiltration processes. In addition, a hydro-energetic evaluation shows a satisfactory representation of sensible and latent heat fluxes. The model operation vis-à vis evapotranspiration processes is discussed through vegetation and urban morphology. A first application of TEB-Hydro in climate change context enables evaluating an existing statistical disaggregation method as well as raises the problematic in representing rainfall dynamics for climate projection purposes.

Dynamic viscoelastic model of the Hydro Muscle and the control of a multi-fiber Hydro Muscle actuated bionic ankle

Harmalkar, Chinmay 27 April 2017 (has links)
The Hydro Muscle is a soft linear actuator which utilizes hydraulic pressure and elastic properties of its core for actuation. The Hydro Muscle has been recruited to actuate bio-inspired robot systems using a classic set point tracking feedback control system. A more efficient method is to develop a model-based control system which uses a dynamic model of the Hydro Muscle. The dynamic behavior of the Hydro Muscle which describes the relation between the forces exerted to the resultant motion can be studied with the help of a dynamic viscoelastic model. A dynamic viscoelastic model defines the force exerted by the Hydro Muscle as a function of the hydraulic pressure, the tensile expansion of the Hydro Muscle and the rate of its tensile expansion. Multivariable linear regression is employed to generate a model to relate fluid pressure, tensile expansion, and the rate of tensile expansion to the force exerted by the Hydro Muscle. The developed model can be utilized to implement a model-based control algorithm for the force control of individual joints. This model-based control design could be extended to systems involving multiple Hydro Muscles to allow for a modular control system. The design and test of multi-fiber Hydro Muscle actuated biologically inspired ankle is considered to study control strategies for multi-fiber system. A set-point tracking control algorithm with a proportional differential controller is used to minimize the tracking error. Modular force variation with sequential recruitment of Hydro Muscle is studied.

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