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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Establishing a facility to measure packed column hydrodynamics

Lamprecht, Sarel Marais 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Process Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Distillation continues to be the most widely used method of separation in the processing industry, in spite of its inherently low thermodynamic efficiency. Two of the critical distillation research needs that arose from the US-Initiative Vision 2020 were to develop a better understanding of the physical phenomena as well as developing better predictive models. Also, characterisation of modern packing materials is required to assist in the CO2 capture optimisation. This thesis deals with both these aspects by establishing a facility that can accurately measure the hydraulic capacity of packed columns. This setup eliminates mass transfer and specific attention can be given to the hydrodynamic behaviour of packed columns. Two phenomena that have a large impact on the mass transfer efficiency of packing materials are the loading and flooding point. The loading point is signified by the following: a.) where the packed column hold-up increases, b.) higher increase in pressure drop, and c.) a decrease in Height Equivalent to a Theoretical Plate (HETP). The onset of flooding is where the shear forces between the gas and liquid become so large (relative to the gravitational forces) that a net upwards movement of liquid occurs, resulting in liquid droplets being heavily entrained. This is normally accompanied by a sharp increase in HETP, pressure drop and liquid hold-up. The prediction of these operating limits is of great value but, despite the many contributions that were made from 1960 to 2010, there is still room for improvement. The operating region of particular interest is between the loading and flooding point, especially for fluids with physical properties significantly different from that of water. In the past, this operating region was not of great importance, but industries are constantly striving to increase their production with minimal capital expenditure. Thus, packed columns are being pushed to their limits and a good understanding of the phenomena occurring near these operational limits is now required. A 400 mm diameter glass packed bed setup (with a bed height of 3000 mm) was designed and constructed to test the effect of the following parameters on packed bed pressure drop and liquid hold-up: · Gas and liquid physical properties · Gas and liquid rates · Type of packing (either random or structured) The experimental setup has been designed so that in the future the influences of the above mentioned parameters on entrainment can also be measured. Initially, hydrodynamic tests on random packing materials (1.5” Pall® Rings, 1.5” IMTP®, 1.5” Intalox® Ultra™) were conducted over a liquid range of 6 - 122 m3/(m2·h). Through a thorough literature study it was found that the most likely semi-theoretical model, that would be able to predict the pressure drop and the liquid hold-up over most of the random packing test range, was the model developed by Billet [1991; 1993; 1995; 1999]. The other models found throughout the literature had at least one of the following deficiencies: · Limited to only the pre-loading region. · Tested (and thus applicable) only over a very select group of packing materials with no attempt to generalise. · Lacked the proper validation of significantly variable fluid properties over multitudes of liquid and gas rates especially, at higher gas and liquid rates. The experimental setup was successfully commissioned, noting the following maximum experimental errors: Vapour flow factor - 2.6 %; liquid rate - 0.75 %; packed bed pressure drop - 0.75 %; liquid hold-up - 1.25 % and entrainment - 1.05 %. Significant deviations were observed between the experimental hold-up and the hold-up from the predictive model of Billet (using Pall® Rings). Careful inspection revealed that this predictive model potentially uses two definitions for hold-up at flooding, one which has a theoretical basis and the other purely empirical. Upon substituting the theoretical value with the empirical value, a significant improvement was observed between the measured and predicted results. Deviations were still observed near the flooding point and were attributed to the difficulty of obtaining reliable flooding data. The range of liquid hold-up prediction by Billet was only verified up to a liquid rate of 82 m3/(m2·h) and the pressure drop prediction only verified up to a liquid rate of 60 m3/(m2·h). This reinforces the need for high liquid, high gas rate data. Due to the empirical nature of the liquid hold-up at flooding prediction, and since pressure drop prediction is directly linked to liquid hold-up, another model was used to compare the experimental pressure drop data. The KG-TOWER® simulator was used to predict IMTP® data and compare it to the experimentally measured values. It was found that the experimental IMTP® data followed the same trends as those from KG-TOWER® within the operating limits of the program. Thus, since the experimental data follows similar trends as models found in the literature, as well as falling within their reliable limits, the experimental setup can correctly measure the parameters in question. The experimental data from the different random packings were compared to one another by using a statistical method to determine the loading point and onset of flooding. This method uses prediction confidence intervals by fitting empirical curves to each operating region and was found to be useful in determining these critical points from experimental hydraulic data (in the absence of HETP data).The only useful comparison was between IMTP® and Intalox® Ultra™ as they both have roughly the same density, size and void fraction. It was found that, on average, the pressure drop of Intalox® Ultra™ is 20 % lower than that of IMTP® over the entire operating range. The hydraulic operating range of Intalox® Ultra™ was found to be on average 16 % larger than that of IMTP®. It is recommended that further testing should be done to investigate the influence of fluid properties (specifically liquid viscosity and to a lesser extent surface tension) on the hydraulic capacity of packed columns. Also, high gas and high liquid rate data should be generated to assist current modelling techniques. Lastly, a comparative characterisation between Intalox® Ultra™ and Raschig Super-Rings would serve as a benchmark for fourth generation random packings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Distillasie is vandag nog die skeidingsproses wat die meeste gebruik word in the prosesnywerhede ten spyte van ‘n lae termodinamiese effektiwiteit. Twee van die kritieke distillasie navorsing behoeftes wat vanuit die US-Initiative Vision 2020 ontstaan het, was om die fisiese verskynsels beter te verstaan, asook om beter voorspellende modelle te ontwikkel. Die karakterisering van moderne pakking materiale is ook nodig vir die optimering van die verwydering van CO2 uit uitlaatstrome. Hierdie tesis spreek beide van hierdie faktore aan deur ‘n fasiliteit op te rig wat die hidrouliese kapasiteit van gepakte kolomme akkuraat kan meet. Hierdie opstelling elimineer massa-oordrag en dus kan spesifieke aandag gegee word aan die hidrodinamiese gedrag van gepakte kolomme. Twee verskynsels wat ‘n groot impak het op die massaoordrag effektiwiteit van pakkingsmateriale is die ladingspunt en die vloedpunt. Die ladingspunt word deur die volgende gekenmerk: a.) waar die vloeistof inhoud in die gepakte bed toeneem, b.) ‘n toename in drukval en c.) ‘n afname in die hoogte ekwivalent aan ‘n teoretiese plaat (HETP). Die vloed gebied word gekenmerk waar die skuifkragte tussen die vloeistof en gas so groot raak (relatief tot die gravitasionele kragte), dat daar ‘n netto opwaartse beweging van vloeistof druppels in die kolom is. Hierdie gaan normaalweg gepaard met ‘n skerp toename in HETP, drukval en vloeistof inhoud. Die voorspelling van hierdie bedryfslimiete is baie waardevol, maar ten spyte van die bydrae wat tussen 1960 en 2010 gemaak was, is daar nog steeds ruimte vir verbetering. Die spesifieke bedryfsgebied van belang is die gebied tussen die ladingspunt en die vloedpunt en spesifiek vir sisteme waar die fisiese eienskappe van die vloeistowwe drasties verskil van die van water. In die verlede was hierdie gebied van minder belang gewees, maar maatskappye probeer deesdae hul produksie opstoot met minimale kapitale uitleg. Dus is ‘n goeie kennis van massa-oordrag verskynsels naby aan die bedryfslimiete van kardinale belang. ‘n 400 mm Diameter gepakte kolom (met ‘n bed hoogte van 3000 mm en bestaande uit glas) opstelling is ontwerp en gebou om die effek van die volgende parameters te toets op gepakte bed drukval en vloeistof inhoud: · Gas en vloeistof fisiese eienskappe · Gas vloeistof vloeitempos · Tipe pakking (beide ongeordend en gestruktureerd) Die eksperimentele opstelling is ontwerp om die bogenoemde eienskappe op vloeistofmeesleuring te meet vir toekomstige navorsing. Hidrodinamiese toetse op ongeordende pakkingsmateriale (1.5” Pall® Ringe, 1.5” IMTP®, 1.5” Intalox® Ultra™) is uitgevoer vir vloeistof vloeitempos tussen 6 en 122 m3/(m2·h). Vanuit ‘n deeglike literatuurstudie is daar gevind dat die mees toepaslike semi-teoretiese model, wat die drukval sowel as die vloeistof inhoud kan voorspel oor al die bedryfsgebiede, is die model wat deur Billet [1991; 1993; 1995; 1999] ontwikkel is. Die ander modelle in die literatuur het ten minste een van die volgende tekortkominge gehad: · Is slegs van toepassing in die voor-ladings gebied. · Is slegs van toepassing vir ‘n paar pakkingsmateriale en geen poging is aangewend om dit te veralgemeen nie. · Is nie geldig waar die vloeistof eienskappe drasties verskil van ‘n lug/water sisteem nie, sowel as by hoë gas en vloeistof vloeitempos. Die eksperimentele opstelling is suksesvol in werking gestel met die volgende waargenome eksperimentele foute: Gas vloei faktor – 2.6 %; vloeistof vloeitempo – 0.75 %; gepakte bed drukval – 0.75 %; vloeistof inhoud – 1.25 %; vloeistof-meesleuring tempo – 1.05 %. Noemenswaardige verskille is waargeneem tussen die eksperimentele en teoretiese vloeistof inhoud (deur Pall® Ringe te gebruik). Na gelang van noukeurige inspeksie, is daar gevind dat die Billet-model twee moontlike definisies voorstel vir die voorspelling van vloeistofinhoud by die vloedpunt. Een van hierdie is teoreties van aard en die ander een suiwer empiries. ‘n Vervanging van die teoretiese waardes met die empiriese waardes het gelei tot ‘n merkwaardige verbetering tussen die eksperimentele en teoretiese voorspellings. Daar was nog steeds verskille naby aan die vloedpunt, maar dit kon toegeskryf word aan die feit dat min betroubare data naby aan die vloedpunt beskikbaar is. Die voorspelling van vloeistof inhoud deur Billet is slegs gekontroleer tot ‘n vloeistof vloeitempo van 82 m3/(m2·h) en die drukval slegs tot ‘n vloeistof vloeitempo van 60 m3/(m2·h). Die bogenoemde bewys dus die tekort aan hoë gas- en hoë vloeistofvloeitempo data. Die voorspellende model se drukval is gekoppel aan die vloeistof inhoud, en dus is ‘n ander model gebruik om die eksperimentele drukval data teen te vergelyk. Die KG-TOWER® simulasie program is gebruik om die IMTP® drukval te voorspel en dit het goed vergelyk met die eksperimentele data. Dus, aangesien die eksperimentele data dieselfde tendens toon as dié van die modelle in die literatuur en aangesien dit binne die modelle se foutbande val, kan die eksperimentele opstelling die verlangde parameters akkuraat meet. Die eksperimentele data van al drie pakkingsmateriale is teenoor mekaar vergelyk deur gebruik te maak van ‘n statistiese metode wat die ladings- en vloedpunt bepaal. Hierdie metode maak gebruik van voorspellings vertroue intervalle deur empiriese kurwes op die eksperimentele data in elke bedryfsgebied te pas. Hierdie metode is ontwikkel om toepaslike te wees in die afwesigheid van HETP data. Die enigste nuttige vergelyking is tussen IMTP® en Intalox® Ultra™ omdat albei dieselfde pakkingsdigtheid, grootte en pakkings oop ruimte het. Daar is gevind dat die drukval van Intalox® Ultra™ ‘n gemiddeld van 20 % laer is as dié van IMTP® oor die hele bedryfsgebied. Die hidrouliese bedryfsgebied van Intalox® Ultra™ is 16 % groter as dié van IMTP®. Daar word voorgestel dat bykomende toetswerk gedoen moet word om die invloed van vloeistof eienskappe (spesifiek vloeistof viskositeit en vloeistof oppervlak spanning) op die hidrouliese kapasiteit van gepakte kolomme te ondersoek. Bykomende toestwerk by hoë gas- en hoë vloeistofvloeitempo word benodig om die bestaande modelle aan te vul. Laastens, sal ‘n vergelykende studie tussen Intalox® Ultra™ en Raschig Super-Rings die grondslag lewer vir die karakterisering van vierde generasie ongeordende pakkingsmateriale.

Droplet dynamics on superhydrophobic surfaces

Moevius, Lisa January 2013 (has links)
Millions of years of evolution have led to a wealth of highly adapted functional surfaces in nature. Among the most fascinating are superhydrophobic surfaces which are highly water-repellent and shed drops very easily owing to their chemical hydrophobicity combined with micropatterning. Superhydrophobic materials have attracted a lot of attention due to their practical applications as ultra-low friction surfaces for ships and pipes, water harvesters, de-humidifiers and cooling systems. At small length scales, where surface tension dominates over gravity, these surfaces show a wealth of phenomena interesting to physicists, such as directional flow, rolling, and drop bouncing. This thesis focuses on two examples of dynamic drop interactions with micropatterned surfaces and studies them by means of a lattice Boltzmann simulation approach. Inspired by recent experiments, we investigate the phenomenon of the self-propelled bouncing of coalescing droplets. On highly hydrophobic patterned surfaces drop coalescence can lead to an out-of-plane jump of the composite drop. We discuss the importance of energy dissipation to the jumping process and identify an anisotropy of the jumping ability with respect to surface features. We show that Gibbs' pinning is the source of this anisotropy and explain how it leads to the inhibition of coalescence-induced jumping. The second example we study is the novel phenomenon of pancake bouncing. Conventionally, a drop falling onto a superhydrophobic surface spreads due to its inertia, retracts due to its surface tension, and bounces off the surface. Here we explain a different pathway to bouncing that has been observed in recent experiments: A drop may spread upon impact, but leave the surface whilst still in an elongated shape. This new behaviour, which occurs transiently for certain impact and surface parameters, is due to reversible liquid imbibition into the superhydrophobic substrate. We develop a theoretical model and test it on data from experiments and simulations. The theoretical model is used to explain pancake bouncing in detail.

Three-dimensional numerical modelling of sediment transport processes in non-stratified estuarine and coastal waters

Cahyono, M. January 1993 (has links)
Details are given herein of the development, refinement and application of a higher-order accurate 3-D finite difference model for non-cohesive suspended sediment transport processes, in non-stratified estuarine and coastal waters. The velocity fields are computed using a 2-D horizontal depth-integrated model, in combination with either an assumed logarithmic velocity profile or a velocity profile obtained from field data. Also, for convenience in handling variable bed topographies and for better vertical resolution, a δ-stretching co-ordinate system has been used. In order to gain insight into the relative merits of various numerical schemes for modelling the convection of high concentration gradients, in terms of both accuracy and efficiency, thirty six existing finite difference schemes and two splitting techniques have been reviewed and compared by applying them to the following cases: i) 1-D and 2-D pure convection, ii) 1-D and 2-D convection and diffusion, and iii) 1-D non-linear Burger's equation. Modifications to some of the considered schemes have also been proposed, together with two new higher-order accurate finite difference schemes for modelling the convection of high concentration gradients. The schemes were derived using a piecewise cubic interpolation and an universal limiter (proposed scheme 1) or a modified form of the TVD filter (proposed scheme 2). The schemes have been tested for: i) 1-D and 2-D pure convection, and ii) 2-D convection and diffusion problems. The schemes have produced accurate, oscillation-free and non-clipped solutions, comparable with the ULTIMATE fifth- and sixth-order schemes. However, the proposed schemes need only three (proposed scheme 1) or five cell stencils. Hence, they are very attractive and can be easily implemented to solve convection dominated problems for complex bathymetries with flooding and drying. The 3-D sediment transport equation was solved using a splitting technique, with two different techniques being considered. With this technique the 3-D convective-diffusion equation for suspended sediment fluxes was split into consecutive 1-D convection, diffusion and convective-diffusion equations. The modified and proposed higher-order accurate finite difference schemes mentioned above were then used to solve the consecutive 1-D equations. The model has been calibrated and verified by applying it to predict the development of suspended sediment concentration profiles under non-equilibrium conditions in three test flumes. The results of numerical predictions were compared with existing analytical solutions and experimental data. The numerical results were in excellent agreement with the analytical solutions and were in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. Finally, the model has also been applied to predict sediment concentration and velocity profiles in the Humber Estuary, UK. Reasonable agreement was obtained between the model predictions and the corresponding field measurements, particularly when considered in the light of usual sediment transport predictions. The model is therefore thought to be a potentially useful tool for hydraulic engineers involved in practical case studies

Development of GPU-based incompressible SPH and application to sloshing problems in the oil industry

Dickenson, Paul January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Entrainment in an air/water system inside a sieve tray column

Uys, Ehbenezer Chris 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Process Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mass transfer efficiency in distillation, absorption and stripping depends on both thermodynamic efficiency and hydrodynamic behaviour. Thermodynamic efficiency is dependent on the system kinetics while hydrodynamics is the study of fluid flow behaviour. The focus of this thesis is the hydrodynamic behaviour in tray columns, which affects entrainment. In order to isolate hydrodynamic behaviour from the thermodynamic behaviour that occurs inside sieve tray columns, investigations are conducted under conditions of zero mass transfer. When the gas velocity is sufficiently high to transport liquid droplets to the tray above, entrainment occurs. The onset of entrainment is one of the operating limits that determines the design of the column and thus impacts on the capital cost. By improving the understanding of the parameters that affect entrainment, the design of the tray and column can be improved which will ultimately increase the operability and capacity while reducing capital costs. Existing correlations predicting entrainment in sieve tray columns are based on data generated mainly from an air/water system. Previous publications recommend that more testing should be performed over larger ranges of gas and liquid physical properties. An experimental setup was therefore designed and constructed to test the influence of the following parameters on entrainment: 1. gas and liquid physical properties 2. gas and liquid flow rates 3. tray spacing The experimental setup can also measure weeping rates for a continuation of this project. The hydrodynamic performance of a sieve tray was tested with air and water over a wide range of gas and liquid flow rates and at different downcomer escape areas. It was found that the downcomer escape area should be sized so that the liquid escaping the downcomer always exceeds a velocity of approximately 0.23 m/s in order to create a sufficient liquid seal in the downcomer. For liquid velocities between 0.23 and 0.6 m/s the area of escape did not have an effect on the percentage of liquid entrained. It was also established that entrainment increases with increasing gas velocity. The rate at which entrainment increases as the gas velocity increase depends on the liquid flow rate. As soon as the liquid flow rate exceeded 74 m3/(h.m) a significant increase in entrainment was noted and the gas velocity had to be reduced to maintain a constant entrainment rate. This is because the increased liquid load requires a longer flow path length for the froth to fully develop. The undeveloped froth, caused by the short (455 mm) flow path, then creates a non-uniform froth that is pushed up against the column wall above the downcomer. Consequently, the froth layer is closer to the tray above resulting in most of the droplets ejected from the froth reaching the tray above and increasing entrainment. By reducing the gas velocity, the froth height and ejecting droplet velocity is reduced, resulting in a decrease in entrainment. The results from the experiments followed similar trends to most of the entrainment prediction correlations found in literature, except for the change noted in liquid flow rates above 74 m3/(h.m). There was, however, a significant difference between the experimental results and the correlations developed by Hunt et al. (1955) and Kister and Haas (1988). Although the gas velocities used during the air/water experiments were beyond the suggested range of application developed by Bennett et al. (1995) their air/water correlation followed the results very well. The entrainment prediction correlation developed by Bennett et al. (1995) for non-air/water systems was compared with the experimental air/water results to test for system uniformity. A significant difference was noted between their non-air/water prediction correlation and the air/water results, which motivates the need for a general entrainment prediction correlation over a wider range of gas and liquid physical properties. Based on the shortcomings found in the literature and the observations made during the experiments it is suggested that the influence of liquid flow path length should be investigated so that the effect on entrainment can be quantified. No single correlation was found in the literature, which accurately predicts entrainment for a large range of liquid loads (17 – 112 m3/(h.m)), high superficial gas velocities (3 – 4.6 m/s) and different gas and liquid physical properties. It is therefore recommended that more work be done, as an extension of this project, to investigate the influence of gas and liquid physical properties on entrainment (under zero mass transfer conditions) for a large range of liquid (5 – 74 m3/(h.m)) and gas (2 – 4.6 m/s) flow rates. In order to understand the effect of droplet drag on entrainment, tray spacing should be varied and increased to the extent where droplet ejection velocity is no longer the mechanism for entrainment and droplet drag is responsible for droplet transport to the tray above. Since it is difficult and in most cases impossible to measure exact gas and liquid loads in commercial columns, another method is required to measure or determine entrainment. Since liquid hold-up was found to be directly related to the entrainment rate (Hunt et al. (1955), Payne and Prince (1977) and Van Sinderen et al. (2003) to name but a few), it is suggested that a correlation should be developed between the dynamic pressure drop (liquid hold-up) and entrainment. This will contribute significantly to commercial column operation from a hydrodynamic point of view.

The effect of artificial reef configuration on wave breaking intensity relating to recreational surfing conditions

Johnson, Craig Michael 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Multi purpose reefs are a relatively new concept that incorporate functionalities of beach stabilization, breakwater/seawall protection, biological enhancement and recreational amenity. Economic benefits increase their attractiveness. There is, however, some degree of uncertainty in design guidelines as to the predictability of each of these aspects. With regards to recreational amenity enhancement, one such uncertainty exists in the ability to predict the reef configuration required to give a certain degree of surfability of a reef, and more specifically, to predict the shape of a plunging wave. An extensive survey of the relevant literature has been conducted to provide a background on multi purpose reefs and the uncertainties in predicting the success of multi purpose reefs in achieving their design objectives. A study of wave breaking has been done, along with an analysis of existing breaker height and breaker depth formulae. The effects of bottom friction, refraction, shoaling, winds currents and varying water level on wave breaking has been addressed. Surfability aspects were reviewed including a definition of breaking intensity which is defined by the wave profile in terms of vortex shape parameters, and other surfability parameters that influence the surfability of a reef. Background on numerical modelling methods has been given, along with a description and some trial runs of a new and promising method, Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics. Numerical models were run using the open source SPHysics package in order to assess the applicability of the package in measuring vortex shape parameters. The SPHysics package is, however, still in a stage of development, and is not yet suitable for reef studies with very long domains and with high numbers of particles (required for sufficient resolution in the plunging vortex). A theoretical examination was done on the relevant literature in order to gain an insight into the dynamics affecting the development of the plunging vortex shape. A case study of a natural surf reef was carried out in order to give qualitative estimation of the wave dynamics and reef structure required to give good quality surfing waves and high breaking intensity. The West- Cowell surfing reef factor was used as a tool in predicting wave focusing effects of a naturally occurring reef. Extensive two dimensional physical model laboratory studies were conducted in order to quantify the effects of the reef configuration and wave parameters on breaking intensity. Design guidelines were developed in order to assist in the prediction of breaking intensity for reefs constructed with surfing amenity enhancement as one of their design objectives. The results show that large underwater topographic features can significantly affect the shape and size of incoming waves. Refraction, focusing and shoaling can transform ordinary waves into waves deemed suitable for surfing. The West-Cowell surfing reef factor gives reasonable results outside its applicable range. The 2D physical model laboratory tests show significant variations in vortex shape parameters due to interactions between broken and unbroken waves in a wave train and also to the reflections developed in the flume. Results show that the predicted trends agree with the observations. The results also show that the junction between the seaward reef slope and the horizontal crest may have an effect on the wave shape in the form of a secondary crest between the primary crests. Design guidelines based on the results are presented, and show that breaker height formulae for smooth planar slopes show good agreement with the values of breaker heights measured in the physical model tests, and that existing breaker depth formulae show average agreement. The design guidelines could assist with more effective design of artificial reefs for surfing purposes.

Unsteady pipe-flow using the Petrov-Galerkin finite element method

Gerber, George 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Presented here is an Eulerian scheme for solving the unsteady pipe-flow equations. It is called the Characteristic Dissipative Petrov-Galerkin finite element algorithm. It is based on Hicks and Steffler's open-channel finite element algorithm [5]. The algorithm features a highly selective dissipative interface, which damps out spurious oscillations in the pressure field while leaving the rest of the field almost unaffected. The dissipative interface is obtained through upwinding of the test shape functions, which is controlled by the characteristic directions of the flow field at a node. The algorithm can be applied to variable grids, since the dissipative interface is locally controlled. The algorithm was applied to waterhammer problems, which included reservoir, deadend, valve and pump boundary conditions. Satisfactory results were obtained using a simple one-dimensional element with linear shape functions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Euleriese skema word hier beskryf om die onbestendige pypvloei differensiaal vergelykings op te los. Dit word die Karakteristieke Dissiperende Petrov-Galerkin eindige element algoritme genoem. Die algoritme is gebaseer op Hicks en Steffler se oop-kanaal eindige element algoritme [5]. In hierdie algoritme word onrealistiese ossilasies in die drukveld selektief gedissipeer, sonder om die res van die veld te beinvloed. Die dissiperende koppelvlak word verkry deur stroomop weegfunksies, wat beheer word deur die karakteristieke rigtings in die vloeiveld, by 'n node. Die algoritme kan dus gebruik word op veranderbare roosters, omdat die dissiperende koppelvlak lokaal beheer word. Die algoritme was toegepas op waterslag probleme waarvan die grenskondisies reservoirs, entpunte, kleppe en pompe ingesluit het. Bevredigende resultate was verkry vir hierdie probleme, al was die geimplementeerde element een-dimensioneel met lineere vormfunksies.

The continuous and discrete extended Korteweg-de Vries equations and their applications in hydrodynamics and lattice dynamics

Shek, Cheuk-man, Edmond., 石焯文. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Mechanical Engineering / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy


Majumder, Mainak 01 January 2007 (has links)
Molecular transport through hollow cores of crystalline carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are of considerable interest from the fundamental and application point of view. This dissertation focuses on understanding molecular transport through a membrane platform consisting of open ended CNTs with ~ 7 nm core diameter and ~ 1010 CNTs/cm2 encapsulated in an inert polymer matrix. While ionic diffusion through the membrane is close to bulk diffusion expectations, gases and liquids were respectively observed to be transported ~ 10 times faster than Knudsen diffusion and ~ 10000-100000 times faster than hydrodynamic flow predictions. This phenomenon has been attributed to the non-interactive and frictionless graphitic interface. Functionalization of the CNT tips was observed to change selectivity and flux through the CNT membranes with analogy to gate-keeper functionality in biological membranes. An electro-chemical diazonium grafting chemistry was utilized for enhancing the functional density on the CNT membranes. A strategy to confine the reactions at the CNT tips by a fast flowing liquid column was also designed. Characterization using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and dye assay indicated ~ 5-6 times increase in functional density. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy experiments on CNT membrane/electrode functionalized with charged macro-molecules showed voltage-controlled conformational change. Similar chemistry has been applied for realizing voltage-gated transport channels with potential application in trans-dermal drug delivery. Electrically-facilitated transport ( a geometry in which an electric field gradient acts across the membrane) through the CNT and functionalized CNT membranes was observed to be electrosmotically controlled. Finally, a simulation framework based on continuum electrostatics and finite elements has been developed to further the understanding of transport through the CNT membranes.

Hydrodynamics of a Cold Model of a Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification Plant

Lim, Mook Tzeng January 2012 (has links)
Biomass energy is increasingly used to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on global warming. Fluidized bed gasification converts solid biomass into gaseous fuels that can be used for combustion or liquid fuels synthesis. The efficiency of biomass gasification is directly affected by the fluidized bed hydrodynamics. For example, the solids recirculation rate through the system is an important parameter that affects the heat and mass transfer rates. In this study, a cold model of a dual fluidized bed (DFB) biomass gasification plant was designed using scaling laws, and was constructed to investigate the hydrodynamics of industrial DFBs. A DFB consists of a bubbling fluidized bed (BFB), where biomass is gasified to produce syngas, and a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) where the residues of gasification are combusted. The investigation was divided into Phase I and II. In Phase I, an operational map was developed for the CFB to define operational boundaries for steady state operation of the plant. An empirical model was developed to predict the solids mass flow rate out of the CFB riser, which is an empirical function of the exit opening width, the CFB diameter, and a newly introduced aerodynamic factor. The correlation coefficient, R2 for the empirical function was 0.8327. The aerodynamic factor accounts for the particle inertia and clustering effects at the exit of the CFB riser. Results from Phase I also showed that increasing the fluidizing velocities increased the solids circulation rate and affected the pressure drop over various points in the CFB plant due to redistribution of solids with the system. A critical assessment was performed on published correlations found in the literature to determine how accurately they predicted the hydrodynamics in the CFB riser. By comparing predicted and experimental results, the correlations were found to be inaccurate for the conditions and configuration of the CFB tested in this study. For example, the solids velocity was not accurately predicted by published correlations due to unaccounted particle clustering effects. The main issue with the published correlations was a lack of generality, so that the correlations only applied for predicting fluidizing behaviour in the equipment they were developed in. In Phase II, an operational map was developed for the DFB, which incorporated both the CFB and the BFB. Experiments with a binary mixture representing sand and char in an industrial gasifier showed a blocking effect in the connecting chute between the CFB and BFB by the material representing char, which was larger and less dense than the material representing sand. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based design tool for modelling the cold model CFB cyclone was developed and validated by comparing the predicted and experimental cyclone pressure drop. The correlation coefficient for the CFD pressure drop prediction was 0.7755. The design tool contained information about the grid resolution and the time step required for modelling the cyclone accurately.

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