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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Paturi, SHASTRI 18 July 2013 (has links)
The Ontario Clean Water Act (2006) mandated that eight and two municipal drinking water intakes in the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority (CRCA) and the Ganaraska River Source Protection Agency (GRSPA) jurisdictions respectively, be protected from contaminants released into the surrounding waters through the delineation of Intake Protection Zones (IPZs). Toward these objectives, the Estuary and Lake Computer Model (ELCOM) was applied to simulate the hydrodynamics and contaminant transport in the eastern Lake Ontario and upper St. Lawrence River. Model hydrodynamics were comprehensively validated against field data collected during April-October, 2006. The flow was found to be predominantly wind induced in the southwestern lacustrine portion of the domain and hydraulically driven in the northeastern riverine portion with storm events resulting in river flow reversals. The modeled surface currents were applied to delineate IPZs surrounding the drinking water intakes. Passive tracers were simulated as surrogates for combined sewer outflows, tributary flows, municipal/wastewater and industrial discharges identified by CRCA as threats to drinking water intakes. Wind was found to be the most dominant forcing to transport contaminants, both in the Kingston Basin and the St. Lawrence River, whereas the St. Lawrence River outflow was found to influence the transport of contaminants along the river. The hydrodynamics and contaminant transport in the near-shore region of Lake Ontario, from Port Hope to Cobourg was also simulated using ELCOM and the results were comprehensively validated against field data collected during April-September, 2010. Upwelling and downwelling events caused by south-westerly and north-easterly winds were found to be the predominant hydrodynamic process. These events generated barotropic geostrophic alongshore currents or ‘coastal jets’ of ~20 cm s-1. Discharges from river plumes and sewage treatment plants were simulated as tracer releases. The tracer concentrations were primarily influenced by the close proximity of the intakes to the effluent release points, the volume and direction of the discharge from the intakes and the physical processes driving the flow dynamics. / Thesis (Ph.D, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2013-07-17 11:41:54.68

Numerical Modeling of Tsunami-induced Hydrodynamic Forces on Free-standing Structures Using the SPH Method

St-Germain, Philippe 23 November 2012 (has links)
Tsunamis are among the most terrifying and complex physical phenomena potentially affecting almost all coastal regions of the Earth. Tsunami waves propagate in the ocean over thousands of kilometres away from their generating source at considerable speeds. Among several other tsunamis that occurred during the past decade, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami in Japan, considered to be the deadliest and costliest natural disasters in the history of mankind, respectively, have hit wide stretches of densely populated coastal areas. During these major events, severe destruction of inland structures resulted from the action of extreme hydrodynamic forces induced by tsunami flooding. Subsequent field surveys in which researchers from the University of Ottawa participated ultimately revealed that, in contrast to seismic forces, such hydrodynamic forces are not taken into proper consideration when designing buildings for tsunami prone areas. In view of these limitations, a novel interdisciplinary hydraulic-structural engineering research program was initiated at the University of Ottawa, in cooperation with the Canadian Hydraulic Centre of the National Research Council, to help develop guidelines for the sound design of nearshore structures located in such areas. The present study aims to simulate the physical laboratory experiments performed within the aforementioned research program using a single-phase three-dimensional weakly compressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) numerical model. These experiments consist in the violent impact of rapidly advancing tsunami-like hydraulic bores with individual slender structural elements. Such bores are emulated based on the classic dam-break problem. The quantitatively compared measurements include the time-history of the net base horizontal force and of the pressure distribution acting on columns of square and circular cross-sections, as well as flow characteristics such as bore-front velocity and water surface elevation. Good agreement was obtained. Results show that the magnitude and duration of the impulsive force at initial bore impact depend on the degree of entrapped air in the bore-front. The latter was found to increase considerably if the bed of the experimental flume is covered with a thin water layer of even just a few millimetres. In order to avoid large fluctuations in the pressure field and to obtain accurate simulations of the hydrodynamic forces, a Riemann solver-based formulation of the SPH method is utilized. However, this formulation induces excessive numerical diffusion, as sudden and large water surface deformations, such as splashing at initial bore impact, are less accurately reproduced. To investigate this particular issue, the small-scale physical experiment of Kleefsman et al. (2005) is also considered and modeled. Lastly, taking full advantage of the validated numerical model to better understand the underlying flow dynamics, the influence of the experimental test geometry and of the bed condition (i.e. dry vs. wet) is investigated. Numerical results show that when a bore propagates over a wet bed, its front is both deeper and steeper and it also has a lower velocity compared to when it propagates over a dry bed. These differences significantly affect the pressure distributions and resulting hydrodynamic forces acting on impacted structures.

Modelling barium isotopes in metal-poor stars

Gallagher, Andrew James January 2012 (has links)
The principal theory concerning the origin of the elements heavier than the Fe-peak, such as Ba, strongly suggest that for old, metal-poor environments, the rapid (r-) process is the most likely path taken in their synthesis, while the slow (s-) process becomes more substantial in younger, more metal-rich stellar populations. In this work I test this theory by evaluating the isotope ratios of Ba. It is understood that Ba consists of seven stable isotopes, five of which are synthesised by the two neutron-capture processes. The two odd isotopes, 135,137Ba, as well as 138Ba are synthesised via both the r- and s-processes while two of the even isotopes, 134,136Ba are synthesised via the s-process only. The relative contribution of the r- and s-process to these isotopes can be understood via nucleosynthesis calculations and is described using the parameter fodd, where fodd = [N (135Ba) + N (137Ba)] /N (Ba). Low values of fodd (~0.11) indicate an s-process regime, while high values of fodd (~0.46) indicate an r-process regime. In the Ba II 4554 A line the even isotopes lie close to the line centre, while the odd isotopes, which are hyperfine split because of their non-zero nuclear spin, lie in the wings of the line. From an analysis of the line profile shape, one can determine whether Ba has been synthesised primarily through the r-process or s-process; a broad, asymmetric line would indicate a high r-process contribution, while a line with a deeper core and shallower wings would indicate a high s-process contribution. Using the radiative transfer code ATLAS, which assumes local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and employs 1-dimensional (1D) KURUCZ06 model atmospheres, I synthesised line profiles for six metal-poor stars: HD140283, HD122563, HD88609, HD84937, BD-04 3208 and BD+26 3578 - for a range of isotope ratios. All six are of sufficiently low metallicity that Ba was expected to have an r-process origin. These were fit to high resolution (R\equiv \lamda/\Delta\lamda = 90 000 - 95 000), high signal-to-noise to the Ba II 4554 A line which has multiple components. In the first test, synthetic spectra were computed using the non local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) radiative transfer code MULTI. The synthetic line profiles were fit to a number of lines in HD140283. Although this technique might have improved the fit in the line core, it was found that such a treatment did not improve upon fitting errors associated with the best fit 1D LTE synthetic profiles. The second test used a 3-dimensional (3D) radiative transfer code (LINFOR3D) that employed 3D, time-dependent atmospheres produced with CO5BOLD. The 3D synthetic pro les were fit to a selection of Fe lines and improvements over the poor fits produced by the 1D LTE synthesis were seen. It was found that the 3D synthesis could almost completely reproduce the line asymmetries seen in the observed stellar spectrum. This result suggests that further work to refine the 3D calculations and synthesis code would be valuable.

Removal of adsorbing estrogenic micropollutants by nanofiltration membranes in cross-flow : experiments and model development

Semião, Andrea J. C. January 2011 (has links)
Nanofiltration (NF) can be used in water and wastewater treatment as well as water recycling applications, removing micropollutants such as hormones. Due to their potential health risk it is vital to understand their removal mechanisms by NF membranes aiming at improving and developing more effective and efficient treatment processes. Although NF should be effective and efficient in removing small molecular sized compounds such as hormones, the occurrence of adsorption onto polymeric membranes results in performances difficult to predict and with reduced effectiveness and efficiency. This study aims firstly at defining, understanding and quantifying the relevant filtration operation parameters and, secondly, in identifying the physical mechanisms of momentum and mass transfer controlling the adsorption and transport of hormones onto polymeric NF membranes in cross-flow mode. The hormones estrone (E1) and 17-b-estradiol (E2) were chosen as they have very high endocrine disrupting potency. The NF membranes used and tested were the NF 270, NF 90, BW30, TFC-SR2 and TFC-SR3 since they have a wide span of pore sizes. The first step is to experimentally acquire the knowledge of how fluid flow hydrodynamics and mass transfer close to the membrane affect hormone adsorption. The focus will be particularly on the effect of operating pressure, circulating Reynolds numbers (based on channel height, Reh) and hormone feed concentration. These hydrodynamic parameters play an important role in concentration polarisation development at the membrane surface. A Reh increase from 400 to 1400 for the NF 270 membrane caused the total mass adsorbed of E1 and E2 to decrease from 1.5 to 1.3 ng.cm-2 and 0.7 to 0.5 ng.cm-2, respectively. In contrast, a pressure increase from 5 to 15 bar yielded an increase in the adsorbed mass of E1 and E2 from 1.0 to 1.8 ng.cm-2 and 0.5 to 0.7 ng.cm-2, respectively. Moreover, increasing hormone feed concentration caused an increase in the mass adsorbed for both hormones. These observations led to the conclusion that adsorption is governed by the initial concentration at the membrane surface which, in turn, depends on the hormone feed concentration, operating Reh and pressure. Membrane retention, however, depends on the initial polarisation modulus, defined as the ratio between the initial concentration at the membrane surface and the initial feed concentration. The same trends were obtained for the TFC-SR2 membrane. However, this membrane has a much lower permeability compared to the NF 270 one (7.2 vs 17 L.h-1.m-2.bar-1, respectively) and concentration polarisation is less severe. The experimental variations in mass adsorbed and retention as a function of the operating filtration parameters (Reh and pressure) were therefore lower. Based on these experimental results, a sorption model was developed. This model predicts well both feed and permeate transient concentrations for both hormones and membranes (NF 270 and TFC-SR2) in the common range of operating pressures and Reh of spiral-wound membrane modules. The model was further applied for E2 in the presence of background electrolyte, yielding good predictions. These findings are an important advancement in determining which membrane would be more suitable to effectively remove hormones with a substantial reduction of experimental work. The above-mentioned developed model does not give insight into the phenomena occurring inside the membrane since it focuses on the feed conditions. However, membrane characteristics, such as material and pore radius were found to have an impact in adsorption and retention of hormones. It was found experimentally that polyamide, from which the active layer of the NF membranes is made, adsorbs three times more mass of hormone than any other polymers constituting the membranes. Since this active layer is the membrane selective barrier of the membrane that is in contact with the largest hormone concentration (due to concentration polarization in the feed solution) it is concluded that the active layer adsorbs most of the hormones. Further experimental work carried out in this thesis showed that increasing the pore radius from 0.32 nm to 0.52 nm increased the E2 mass adsorbed from 0.17 ng.cm-2 to 1.1 ng.cm-2 and decreased the retention from 88% to 34%. These results show that the wider the pore, the larger the quantity of hormone that penetrates (i.e. partitions) inside the membrane and, therefore, the more the membrane adsorbs the hormone. For membranes of similar pore radius, the membrane with larger internal surface area was found to adsorb more. All the previous results led to the establishment of a new model for the hormone transport inside the membrane pore taking convection, diffusion and adsorption into account. Since the differential equation describing the transport with adsorption inside the pore has no analytical solution, a numerical model based on the finite-difference approach was applied. With such a model, its validation against experiments and parametric studies it was possible to understand the transport mechanisms of adsorbing hormones through NF membranes. The results show that for low pressures the hormone transport is diffusion dominated. In contrast, for higher pressures (above 11 bar) the transport is convection dominated, showing that a purely diffusion transport model does not describe well the actual transport phenomena of hormones in NF membranes. Furthermore, it was found that two similar molecules can behave very differently in terms of adsorption on the membrane. E1, which adsorbs 20% more than E2 in static mode, being slightly smaller than E2, partitions more inside the membrane pore and adsorbs double under filtration conditions. This study contributes to illuminating the adsorption mechanisms of hormones onto NF membranes by understanding what parameters control adsorption such as hydrodynamics, materials, structure, etc. This not only identifies a potential problem in large scale applications, but it also provides an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the removal of these hormones and a tool that can be used to design future membranes for the improvement of micropollutant removal.

On the fragmentation of self-gravitating discs

Meru, Farzana Karim January 2010 (has links)
I have carried out three-dimensional numerical simulations of self-gravitating discs to determine under what circumstances they fragment to form bound clumps that may grow into giant planets. Through radiation hydrodynamical simulations using a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code, I find that the disc opacity plays a vital role in determining whether a disc fragments. Specifically, opacities that are smaller than interstellar Rosseland mean values promote fragmentation (even at small radii, R < 25AU) since low opacities allow a disc to cool quickly. This may occur if a disc has a low metallicity or if grain growth has occurred. Given that the standard core accretion model is less likely to form planets in a low metallicity environment, I predict that gravitational instability is the dominant planet formation mechanism in a low metallicity environment. In addition, I find that the presence of stellar irradiation generally acts to inhibit fragmentation (since the discs can only cool to the temperature defined by stellar irradiation). However, fragmentation may occur if the irradiation is sufficiently weak that it allows the disc to attain a low Toomre stability parameter. With specific reference to the HR 8799 planetary system, I find that it is only possible for fragments to form in the radial range where the HR 8799 planets are located (approximately 24-68 AU) if the disc is massive. In such a high mass regime, mass transport occurs in the disc causing the surface mass density to alter. Therefore, fragmentation is not only affected by the disc temperature and cooling, but also by any restructuring due to the gravitational torques. The high mass discs also pose a problem for the formation of this system because the protoplanets accrete from the disc and end up with masses greater than those inferred from observation and thus, the growth of planets would need to be inhibited. In addition, I find that further subsequent fragmentation at small radii also takes place. By way of analytical arguments in combination with hydrodynamical simulations using a parameterised cooling method, I explore the fragmentation criteria which in the past, has placed emphasis on the cooling timescale in units of the orbital timescale, beta. I find that at a given radius the surface mass density (i.e. disc mass and profile) and star mass also play a crucial role in determining whether a disc fragments or not as well as where in the disc fragments form. I find that for shallow surface mass density profiles (p<2, where the surface mass density is proportional to R^{-p}), fragments form in the outer regions of the disc. However for steep surface mass density profiles (p is greater than or similar to 2), fragments form in the inner regions of a disc. In addition, I find that the critical value of the cooling timescale in units of the orbital timescale, beta_crit, found in previous simulations is only applicable to certain disc surface mass density profiles and for particular disc radii and is not a general rule for all discs. I obtain an empirical fragmentation criteria between the cooling timescale in units of the orbital timescale, beta, the surface mass density, the star mass and the radius. Finally, I carry out crucial resolution testing by performing the highest resolution disc simulations to date. My results cast some serious doubts on previous conclusions concerning fragmentation of self-gravitating discs.

Physics of microorganism behaviour : motility, synchronisation, run-and-tumble, phototaxis

Bennett, Rachel R. January 2015 (has links)
Microorganisms have evolved in a low Reynolds number environment and have adapted their behaviour to its viscosity. Here, we consider some features of behaviour observed in microorganisms and use hydrodynamic models to show that these behaviours emerge from physical interactions, including hydrodynamic friction, hydrodynamic interactions and mechanical constraints. Swimming behaviour is affected by surfaces and observations of Vibrio cholerae show that it swims near a surface with two distinct motility modes. We develop a model which shows that friction between pili and the surface gives the two motility modes. The model is extended to study the behaviour of bacteria which are partially attached to a surface. Observations of Shewanella constrained by a surface show several different behaviours. The model shows that different degrees of surface constraint lead to different types of behaviour; the flexibility of the flagellar hook and the torque exerted by the flagellar motor also cause different behaviours. Near surface behaviour is important for understanding the initial stages of biofilm formation. Chlamydomonas swims using synchronous beating of its two flagella. A simple model of Chlamydomonas is developed to study motility and synchronisation. This model shows that the stability of synchronisation is sensitive to the beat pattern. Run-and-tumble behaviour emerges when we include intrinsic noise, without the need for biochemical signalling. The model is also used to show how observed responses of the flagella to light stimuli produce phototaxis. Finally we study hydrodynamic synchronisation of many cilia and consider the stability of metachronal waves in arrays of hydrodynamically coupled cilia. This thesis shows that physical interactions are responsible for many behavioural features and that physical models provide a useful technique for exploring open questions in biology.

The U.S. Navy Submarine Hydrodynamics/Hydroacoustic community: a case study in strategic planning for a decentralized, multi-organizational, military community / United States Navy Submarine Hydrodynamics/Hydroacoustic community

Stout, Margaret C. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The United States Navy Submarine Hydrodynamic/Hydroacoustic community is a decentralized, multiorganizational, geographically distributed enterprise. Strategic planning and management, whether formal or ad hoc, is necessary for effective functioning of any organization. However, formal strategic planning is particularly difficult in multi-organizational, geographically diverse enterprises. Enterprise-wide performance measurement and a shared understanding of enterprise performance is necessary to devise compelling and effective strategies. During the Cold War, the U.S. Navy submarine force had a clear mission and compelling goals, with resulting clarity on performance metrics. The Submarine Hydrodynamic/Hydroacoustic workforce was focused on helping the submarine force achieve these goals. In the post-Cold War era, the submarine force mission in the integrated battle space is less defined. The percentage of the military budget that can be spent on discretionary spending is decreasing. The Submarine Hydrodynamics/Hydroacoustic community has been directly impacted by the recent lack of focus and budget reductions. The purpose of this thesis is to research the past processes used to perform strategic planning for the Submarine Hydrodynamic/Hydroacoustic community, identify current strategic issues for the community, and document strategic lessons learned that can be identified through the evaluation of product successes and failures. / Civilian, United States Navy

Effects of Bulk Composition on the Atmospheric Dynamics on Close-in Exoplanets

Zhang, Xi, Showman, Adam P. 08 February 2017 (has links)
Earths and mini Neptunes likely have a wide range of atmospheric compositions, ranging from low molecular mass atmospheres of H-2 to higher molecular atmospheres of water, CO2, N-2, or other species. Here we systematically investigate the effects of atmospheric bulk compositions on temperature and wind distributions for tidally locked sub-Jupiter-sized planets, using an idealized 3D general circulation model (GCM). The bulk composition effects are characterized in the framework of two independent variables: molecular weight and molar heat capacity. The effect of molecular weight dominates. As the molecular weight increases, the atmosphere tends to have a larger day-night temperature contrast, a smaller eastward phase shift in the thermal phase curve, and a smaller zonal wind speed. The width of the equatorial super-rotating jet also becomes narrower, and the "jet core" region, where the zonal-mean jet speed maximizes, moves to a greater pressure level. The zonal-mean zonal wind is more prone to exhibit a latitudinally alternating pattern in a higher molecular weight atmosphere. We also present analytical theories that quantitatively explain the above trends and shed light on the underlying dynamical mechanisms. Those trends might be used to indirectly determine the atmospheric compositions on tidally locked sub-Jupiter-sized planets. The effects of the molar heat capacity are generally small. But if the vertical temperature profile is close to adiabatic, molar heat capacity will play a significant role in controlling the transition from a divergent flow in the upper atmosphere to a jet-dominated flow in the lower atmosphere.

An Experimental Study in the Hydroelastic Response of an Aluminum Wedge in Drop Tests

Eastridge, Jonathan R 19 May 2017 (has links)
Slamming of marine planing craft is expected to arise due to the high speed nature of their operating conditions. High hydrodynamic forces are inevitably induced causing the shell plating to deflect, which in turn can influence the flow physics surrounding the hull. In order to study the hull’s hydroelastic response due to a slamming event, wedge drop experiments were performed with an aluminum wedge of 57 inches in length, 47 inches in breadth, and 20 degree deadrise with 1/4 in. thick unstiffened bottom panels. The elastic behavior of the hull plating was measured via two methods. The first method uses strain gages to analyze the wedge’s deadrise panel deflections, and the second method is a Stereoscopic- Digital Image Correlation (S-DIC) technique. In the present investigation, an S-DIC code has been developed and utilized to study the deflections and to advance the capabilities of future research. Comparisons are made between the methods and also with theoretical studies. The deflections measured are approximately 0.1 in. on a panel spanning 24.5 inches, and the predictions made using S-DIC and strain gages differ by approximately 23%.

Motion Dynamics of Dropped Cylindrical Objects

Xiang, Gong 19 May 2017 (has links)
Dropped objects are among the top ten causes of fatalities and serious injuries in the oil and gas industry. Objects may be dropped during lifting or any other offshore operation. Concerns of health, safety, and the environment (HSE) as well as possible damages to structures require the prediction of where and how a dropped object moves underwater. This study of dropped objects is subdivided into three parts. In the first part, the experimental and simulated results published by Aanesland (1987) have been successfully reproduced and validated based on a two-dimensional (2D) theory for a dropped drilling pipe model. A new three-dimensional (3D) theory is proposed to consider the effect of axial rotation on dropped cylindrical objects. The 3D method is based on a modified slender body theory for maneuvering. A numerical tool called Dropped Objects Simulator (DROBS) has been developed based on this 3D theory. Firstly, simulated results of a dropped drilling pipe model using a 2D theory by Aanesland (1987) are compared with results from 3D theory when rolling frequency is zero. Good agreement is found. Further, factors that affect the trajectory, such as drop angle, normal drag coefficient, binormal drag coefficient, and rolling frequency are systematically investigated. It is found that drop angle, normal drag coefficient, and rolling frequency are the three most critical factors determining the trajectories. In the second part, a more general three-dimensional (3D) theory is proposed to physically simulate the dynamic motion of a dropped cylindrical object underwater with different longitudinal center of gravity (LCG). DROBS has been further developed based on this 3D theory. It is initially applied to a dropped cylinder with LCG = 0 (cylinder #1) falling from the surface of calm water. The calculated trajectories match very well with both the experimental and numerical results published in Aanesland (1987). Then DROBS is further utilized to simulate two dropped cylinders with positive LCG (cylinder #2) and negative LCG (cylinder #3) in Chu et al. (2005), respectively. The simulated results from DROBS show a better agreement with the measured data than the numerical results given in Chu et al. (2005). This comparison again validates and indicates the effectiveness of the DROBS program. Finally, it’s applied to investigate the effects of varying LCG on the trajectory and landing points. Therefore, the newly developed DROBS program could be used to simulate the distribution of landing points of dropped cylindrical objects, as is very valuable in the risk-free zone prediction in offshore engineering. The third part investigates the dynamic motion of a dropped cylindrical object under current. A numerical procedure is developed and integrated into Dropped Objects Simulator (DROBS). DROBS is utilized to simulate the trajectories of a cylinder when dropped into currents from different directions (incoming angle at 0o; 90o; 180o; and 270o) and with different amplitudes (0m/s to 1.0m/s). It is found that trajectories and landing points of dropped cylinders are greatly influenced by currents. Cylinders falling into water are modeled as a stochastic process. Therefore, the related parameters, including the orientation angle, translational velocity and rotational velocity of the cylindrical object after fully entering the water, is assumed to follow normal distributions. DROBS is further used to derive the landing point distribution of a cylinder. The results are compared to Awotahegn (2015) based on Monte Carlo simulations. Then the Monte Carlo simulations are used for predicting the landing point distribution of dropped cylinders with drop angles from 0o to 90o under the influence of currents. The plots of overall landing point distribution and impact energy distribution on the sea bed provide a simple way to indicate the risk-free zones for offshore operation.

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