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Auswirkung eines Knockouts des Protein-Phosphatase-Inhibitor-1 auf den Verlauf der druckinduzierten Herzinsuffizienz in MäusenHartmann, Knut 31 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor 1 (I-1) functions as an amplifier of the β-adrenergic cascade in cardiomyocytes. Once activated via PKA, I-1 specifically blocks PP-1-mediated dephosphorylation of phospholamban and the ryanodine receptor-1. In heart failure I-1 activity as well as its expression is significantly reduced. It is still unclear whether this adaptation is protective or detrimental. This work aims at examining the impact of I-1 depletion on the course of pressure-induced heart failure, more precisely on acute and long-term mortality, on cardiac morphology and function and on expression levels of hypertrophy markers. Results may help evaluating the benefit of putative I-1 inhibiting substances in the therapy of heart failure.
Methods and Results
25 I-1KO and 28 WT mice (C57Bl/6J, age- and sex-matched) underwent transverse aortic constriction (TAC). Cardiac function was assessed via transthoracic echocardiography prior to the intervention and weekly afterwards. Additionally, mice were exposed to β-adrenergic stimulation by injection of dobutamine once prior to TAC and two times afterwards, each controlled by echocardiography. For male mice acute survival was significantly increased in WT compared to I-1KO, whereas the mortality of surviving animals did not differ during the investigation period. For female mice no difference was seen in acute mortality after TAC, but during heart failure progression I-1KO revealed a significantly better survival. Prior to TAC contractility in I-1KO after application of dobutamine was significantly lower than in WT. This effect was mainly induced by female mice. Overall female mice of both WT and I-1KO showed smaller increases in heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV) when stimulated. In contrast, following TAC neither line- nor sex-dependent differences were found according to β-adrenergic stimulation. The comparison of hypertrophy markers in control groups revealed clearly decreased levels for I-1KO compared to WT.
In pressure-induced heart failure, I-1 knockout alters cardiac contractility and modulates mortality in a phase- and sex-dependent way. The depletion is detrimental for male mice in the acute phase of cardiac stress, whereas it is protective for female mice during heart failure progression. The increased mortality in the acute phase might result from the loss of I-1 as an amplifier of β-adrenergic signaling as this leads to a restriction of contractile adaptation. The increased survival in heart failure progression might be caused by a reduced transmission of pathologically increased sympathetic activity on the SR due to the depletion of I-1. Additionally, hypertrophy marker analyses point to differences in expression levels even under non-pathological conditions. / Ziel
Der Proteinphosphatase-Inhibitor I-1 wirkt als ein Verstärker der β-adrenergen Kaskade in Kardiomyozyten. Nach PKA-abhängiger Phosphorylierung hemmt er spezifisch die Dephosphorylierung von PLB und RYR-2 durch die Proteinphosphatase-1. Im Rahmen einer Herzinsuffizienz sind sowohl Aktivität als auch Expression von I-1 deutlich reduziert. Hierbei ist unklar, ob dies eine protektive oder eine schädliche Adaption der β-adrenergen Kaskade darstellt. Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss einer Depletion des I-1 (I-1KO) im Rahmen der druckinduzierten Herzinsuffizienz auf die akute bzw. auf die langfristige Mortalität, auf die kardiale Morphologie und Funktion sowie auf die Expression typischer Hypertrophiemarker. Hieraus sollen Erkenntnisse über den Nutzen der Verwendung putativ I-1 inhibierender Substanzen in der Behandlung der Herzinsuffizienz gewonnen werden.
Methoden und Resultate
25 I-1KO- sowie 28 WT-Mäuse (C57Bl/6J, age and sex matched) erhielten eine Transverse Aortic Constriction (TAC). Die kardiale Funktion wurde einmalig vor der Intervention sowie danach wöchentlich mittels TTE untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden die Tiere einmalig vor TAC und zweimalig danach unter echokardiographischer Kontrolle mittels Dobutamin β-adrenerg stimuliert. Für die männlichen Tiere zeigte sich in den ersten Tagen nach TAC eine signifikant erhöhte Überlebensrate des WT gegenüber I-1KO. Die Mortalität der überlebenden männlichen Tiere unterschied sich hingegen nicht über den Versuchszeitraum. Für die weiblichen Tiere bestand kein Unterschied in der akuten Sterblichkeit nach TAC, während sich im Verlauf eine signifikant bessere Überlebensrate der weiblichen I-1KO gegenüber WT zeigte. Vor TAC wurde eine signifikant herabgesetzte Kontraktilität (FAS) des I-1KO unter Dobutamin festgestellt, der im Wesentlichen durch die weiblichen Tiere bewirkt wird. Insgesamt zeigten die weiblichen Tiere beider Linien unter β-adrenerger Stimulation eine geringere Zunahme von Herzfrequenz (HR) und Schlagvolumen (SV). Hingegen waren nach TAC keine linien- oder geschlechtsabhängigen Unterschiede unter Dobutamingabe feststellbar. Ein Vergleich der Hypertrophiemarker in der Kontrollgruppe zeigte für I-1KO ein deutlich vermindertes Niveau der Marker gegenüber WT.
Der I-1-Knockout verändert die kardiale Kontraktilität und wirkt sowohl in phasen- als auch in geschlechtsabhängiger Weise auf die Mortalität infolge druckinduzierter Herzinsuffizienz. Er ist nachteilig für männliche Tiere in der akuten Phase kardialer Belastung, während er für weibliche Tiere im weiteren Verlauf protektive Wirkung entfaltet. Eine erhöhte Mortalität in der akuten Phase kann durch den Ausfall der Verstärkerfunktion des I-1 erklärt werden, da hiermit eine Einschränkung der akut notwendigen kontraktilen Adaptionsfähigkeit einhergeht. Ein Überlebensvorteil bei chronischer kardialer Belastung könnte darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass die pathologisch erhöhte sympathische Aktivierung der β-adrenergen Kaskade infolge der I-1-Depletion eine geringere Auswirkung auf die Zielstrukturen des aktivierten I-1 am Sarkoplasmatischen Retikulum hat. Darüber hinaus lassen die Analysen der Hypertrophiemarker eine veränderte Genexpression zwischen I-1KO und WT auch unter nicht-pathologischen Bedingungen vermuten.
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Auswirkung eines Knockouts des Protein-Phosphatase-Inhibitor-1 auf den Verlauf der druckinduzierten Herzinsuffizienz in MäusenHartmann, Knut 18 April 2017 (has links)
Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor 1 (I-1) functions as an amplifier of the β-adrenergic cascade in cardiomyocytes. Once activated via PKA, I-1 specifically blocks PP-1-mediated dephosphorylation of phospholamban and the ryanodine receptor-1. In heart failure I-1 activity as well as its expression is significantly reduced. It is still unclear whether this adaptation is protective or detrimental. This work aims at examining the impact of I-1 depletion on the course of pressure-induced heart failure, more precisely on acute and long-term mortality, on cardiac morphology and function and on expression levels of hypertrophy markers. Results may help evaluating the benefit of putative I-1 inhibiting substances in the therapy of heart failure.
Methods and Results
25 I-1KO and 28 WT mice (C57Bl/6J, age- and sex-matched) underwent transverse aortic constriction (TAC). Cardiac function was assessed via transthoracic echocardiography prior to the intervention and weekly afterwards. Additionally, mice were exposed to β-adrenergic stimulation by injection of dobutamine once prior to TAC and two times afterwards, each controlled by echocardiography. For male mice acute survival was significantly increased in WT compared to I-1KO, whereas the mortality of surviving animals did not differ during the investigation period. For female mice no difference was seen in acute mortality after TAC, but during heart failure progression I-1KO revealed a significantly better survival. Prior to TAC contractility in I-1KO after application of dobutamine was significantly lower than in WT. This effect was mainly induced by female mice. Overall female mice of both WT and I-1KO showed smaller increases in heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV) when stimulated. In contrast, following TAC neither line- nor sex-dependent differences were found according to β-adrenergic stimulation. The comparison of hypertrophy markers in control groups revealed clearly decreased levels for I-1KO compared to WT.
In pressure-induced heart failure, I-1 knockout alters cardiac contractility and modulates mortality in a phase- and sex-dependent way. The depletion is detrimental for male mice in the acute phase of cardiac stress, whereas it is protective for female mice during heart failure progression. The increased mortality in the acute phase might result from the loss of I-1 as an amplifier of β-adrenergic signaling as this leads to a restriction of contractile adaptation. The increased survival in heart failure progression might be caused by a reduced transmission of pathologically increased sympathetic activity on the SR due to the depletion of I-1. Additionally, hypertrophy marker analyses point to differences in expression levels even under non-pathological conditions. / Ziel
Der Proteinphosphatase-Inhibitor I-1 wirkt als ein Verstärker der β-adrenergen Kaskade in Kardiomyozyten. Nach PKA-abhängiger Phosphorylierung hemmt er spezifisch die Dephosphorylierung von PLB und RYR-2 durch die Proteinphosphatase-1. Im Rahmen einer Herzinsuffizienz sind sowohl Aktivität als auch Expression von I-1 deutlich reduziert. Hierbei ist unklar, ob dies eine protektive oder eine schädliche Adaption der β-adrenergen Kaskade darstellt. Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss einer Depletion des I-1 (I-1KO) im Rahmen der druckinduzierten Herzinsuffizienz auf die akute bzw. auf die langfristige Mortalität, auf die kardiale Morphologie und Funktion sowie auf die Expression typischer Hypertrophiemarker. Hieraus sollen Erkenntnisse über den Nutzen der Verwendung putativ I-1 inhibierender Substanzen in der Behandlung der Herzinsuffizienz gewonnen werden.
Methoden und Resultate
25 I-1KO- sowie 28 WT-Mäuse (C57Bl/6J, age and sex matched) erhielten eine Transverse Aortic Constriction (TAC). Die kardiale Funktion wurde einmalig vor der Intervention sowie danach wöchentlich mittels TTE untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden die Tiere einmalig vor TAC und zweimalig danach unter echokardiographischer Kontrolle mittels Dobutamin β-adrenerg stimuliert. Für die männlichen Tiere zeigte sich in den ersten Tagen nach TAC eine signifikant erhöhte Überlebensrate des WT gegenüber I-1KO. Die Mortalität der überlebenden männlichen Tiere unterschied sich hingegen nicht über den Versuchszeitraum. Für die weiblichen Tiere bestand kein Unterschied in der akuten Sterblichkeit nach TAC, während sich im Verlauf eine signifikant bessere Überlebensrate der weiblichen I-1KO gegenüber WT zeigte. Vor TAC wurde eine signifikant herabgesetzte Kontraktilität (FAS) des I-1KO unter Dobutamin festgestellt, der im Wesentlichen durch die weiblichen Tiere bewirkt wird. Insgesamt zeigten die weiblichen Tiere beider Linien unter β-adrenerger Stimulation eine geringere Zunahme von Herzfrequenz (HR) und Schlagvolumen (SV). Hingegen waren nach TAC keine linien- oder geschlechtsabhängigen Unterschiede unter Dobutamingabe feststellbar. Ein Vergleich der Hypertrophiemarker in der Kontrollgruppe zeigte für I-1KO ein deutlich vermindertes Niveau der Marker gegenüber WT.
Der I-1-Knockout verändert die kardiale Kontraktilität und wirkt sowohl in phasen- als auch in geschlechtsabhängiger Weise auf die Mortalität infolge druckinduzierter Herzinsuffizienz. Er ist nachteilig für männliche Tiere in der akuten Phase kardialer Belastung, während er für weibliche Tiere im weiteren Verlauf protektive Wirkung entfaltet. Eine erhöhte Mortalität in der akuten Phase kann durch den Ausfall der Verstärkerfunktion des I-1 erklärt werden, da hiermit eine Einschränkung der akut notwendigen kontraktilen Adaptionsfähigkeit einhergeht. Ein Überlebensvorteil bei chronischer kardialer Belastung könnte darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass die pathologisch erhöhte sympathische Aktivierung der β-adrenergen Kaskade infolge der I-1-Depletion eine geringere Auswirkung auf die Zielstrukturen des aktivierten I-1 am Sarkoplasmatischen Retikulum hat. Darüber hinaus lassen die Analysen der Hypertrophiemarker eine veränderte Genexpression zwischen I-1KO und WT auch unter nicht-pathologischen Bedingungen vermuten.
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A Karanga perspective on fertility and barrenness as blessing and curse in 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10Moyo, Chiropafadzo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation seeks to develop further the theological interpretation of the books of
Samuel, by examining I Samuel I: 1-2:10 in the context of fertility and barrenness as blessing
and curse. This reading was related to the Karanga understanding of fertility and barrenness.
The contribution shows how the Biblical narrative can become a resource for ethical
reflection in African communities such as the Karanga women.
The hypotheses that guided this study, were that:
a-Fertility and barrenness in the Old Testament should be understood in close conjunction
with blessing and cursing as theological concepts in ancient Israel.
b-Fertility and barrenness could also be examined in a relevant and contextual manner by relating it to the culture and understanding of the Karanga people.
In order to achieve this, two major tasks were attempted. One: An exegesis of I Samuel I: 12:
10 in which Vernon Robbins' method of Socio- Rhetorical criticism was used. The method
helped to identify that the text is a narrative, and that the author might have been the
Deuteronomistic historian, who wrote in the period of the decline of the Judean monarchy
and when the Jews were in exile. The narrative is used to tell about the despair of the Jews,
and to inform the Jews that there was hope for restoration if they obeyed God. This ideology
is woven in the story of a barren woman Hannah who suffered the despair of barrenness and
was later blessed with a child because of her prayer and obedience to God. In the narrative
God is described as one who cares for the marginalised, and one who changes the lives of his
people, from curse to blessing. The method also helped to realise tbe culture and context of
Hannah, and made it possible to relate this culture and context to other cultures that are
Secondly an empirical survey was conducted amongst one hundred Karanga women. The
findings were that Karanga consider fertility as blessing and barrenness as curse.
The curse is experienced in the suffering of the barren women. Barrenness is used to inflict
pain, to marginalise women, and has become a major cause of divorce and death through the
spread of HIV and Aids. A reading of the story of Hannah helped the Karanga women to identify their barren problems with Hannah, and to find a new way of understanding their
own problem in terms of hope.
This study was able to prove its hypothesis both through the exegesis and the discussions of
the research findings. It was found that the narrative form of the text appealed effectively to
the understanding of Karanga women. This was possible because narrative is one of the
methods of communication that is used effectively by the Karanga in their language. Through
using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility,
Karanga women were challenged to view their barren situations in a different way that is
open to accept change from curse to blessing. The study has also contributed to see how an
old text of the time of Hannah could in the present day contextually influence Karanga
women's barren experiences through holding the same culture and also by having similar
experiences barren of women. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie dissertasie poog om die teologiese interpretasie van die boeke van Samuel verder te
ontwikkel by wyse van 'n ondersoek van I Samuel 1:1-2:10 in die konteks van vrugbaarheid
en onvrugbaarheid as 'n seën en as 'n vervloeking. Hierdie ondersoek verwys na die Karangabevolking
se begrip van vrugbaarheid en onvrugbaarheid. Die bydrae toon aan hoe die
Bybelse verhaal 'n bron vir etiese nadenke onder Afrika-gemeenskappe, soos die Karangavroue,
kan word.
Die hipoteses wat hierdie studie gerig het, was dat:
a-Vrugbaarheid en onvrugbaarheid in die Ou Testament behoort begryp te word in 'n noue
verbintenis met seën en vervloeking as teologiese begrippe in antieke Israel.
b-Vrugbaarheid en onvrugbaarheid kan ook ondersoek word in 'n relevante en kontekstuele
wyse deur dit te verbind met die kultuur en begrip van die Karanga-mense.
Om dit te vermag, is twee hooftake onderneem. Die eerste was 'n eksegese van I Samuel 1: 12:
10 waarin Vernon Robbins se metode van sosioretoriese kritiek aangewend is. Hierdie
metode het gehelp om die teks as 'n narratief te identifiseer en dat die skrywer die
Deuteronomiese historikus kon gewees het, wat in die periode van die monargie van Juda
geskryf het en ook tydens die Jode se ballingskap. Die narratief word gebruik om aan te toon
hoe wanhopig die Jode was en om hulle in te lig dat daar hoop op hul herstel was indien hulle
God gehoorsaam. Hierdie ideologie is verweef in die verhaal van die onvrugbare vrou,
Hanna, wat aan die wanhoop van onvrugbaarheid gely het en later met 'n kind geseën is op
grond van haar gebede en gehoorsaamheid aan God. In die narratief word God as die een
beskryf wat na die gemarginaliseerdes omsien en wat die lewens van sy mense vanaf
vervloeking tot seën omvorm. Die metode het ook meegehelp om die kultuur en konteks van
Hanna te begryp en dit moontlik gemaak om hierdie kultuur en konteks te verklaar ingevolge
die van ander soortgelyke kulture.
Tweedens is 'n empiriese studie onder 'n honderd Karanga-vroue onderneem. Die bevindinge
was dat Karanga-vroue vrugbaarheid as 'n seën en onvrugbaarheid as 'n vervloeking beskou.
Die vervloeking word in die lyding van die onvrugbare vroue ervaar. Onvrugbaarheid word
aangewend om pyn en lyding te veroorsaak, om vroue te marginaliseer en het 'n belangrike bron van egskeiding en dood deur die verspreiding van HIV en Vigs geword. Deur die
verhaal van Hanna te lees, het die Karanga-vroue gehelp om hul eie
onvrugbaarheidsprobleme met die van Hanna te identifiseer en om nuwe wyses te vind om
hul eie probleme te verstaan in terme van hoop.
Hierdie studie was in staat om sy hipoteses te bewys sowel by wyse van die eksegese en ook
deur die bespreking van die navorsingsbevindings. Dit is bevind dat die narratiewe vorm van
die teks duidelik tot die begrip van die Karanga-vroue gespreek het. Dit was moontlik
aangesien 'n verhalende trant een van die kommunikasiewyses is wat doeltreffend deur
Karanga-vroue aangewend word in hul taal. Deur Hanna as 'n paradigma van vervloeking en
as seën te gebruik met verwysing tot onvrugbaarheid en vrugbaarheid, is Karanga-vroue
uitgedaag om hul beskouing van hul onvrugbare toestand op verskillende wyses te betrag wat
oop is om 'n verandering te aanvaar vanaf vervloeking tot seën. Die studie het ook daartoe
bygedra om te sien hoe 'n ou teks uit die tyd van Hanna tans kontekstueel die Karanga-vroue
se onvrugbaarheidservarings kan beinvloed waar hulle uit 'n soortgelyke kultuur kom en ook
soortgelyke ervarings as Hanna het as onvrugbare vroue.
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Reading the creation narrative in Genesis 1-2:4a against its ancient Near Eastern backgroundDyssel, Allan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Ancient Studies. Centre for Bible Interpretation and Translation in Africa))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Reading the creation narratives in Genesis 1 and 2, one encounters two totally
different renditions. The two creation narratives agree that God created the universe
and that God blesses his creation in abundance. But why did the Hebrews need two
creation stories so different in style? Gen. 1-2:4a seized my interest and I wanted to
explore not only the milieu in which it was written, but also to read it against the
creation narratives of the ancient Near East. The research was done religioushistorically.
An insight had to be gained in the function and role of mythology within a cultural
system and after distinguishing between folk sagas, legends and myths, different
types of myths, as well as some perspectives on myths had to be investigated.
Creation themes such as creation by birth, by struggle or victory, by action or activity
as well as creation through the spoken word were encountered in the various creation
narratives studied. Ancient Near East cosmogonies such as the variety of Egyptian
cosmogonies, as well as Mesopotamian creation epics have been considered. Hittite
myths were also considered, but here the result was the discovery of an extended
pantheon with virtually no creation references. Thereafter I have concentrated on the
cosmogony of the Hebrew Bible and the position, structure and understanding of Gen.
1-2:4a. Most creation stories revert to bloody violence between the gods. The God of
the Hebrews is a God of order – from chaos he creates more than order, he creates
beauty. The subsequent survey of the conception of humankind in the near Ancient
East, proved to be varied as well as interesting, some with remarkable parallels.
My interest was extended to placing the creation narrative of Gen. 1-2:4a in the
modern era, by attempting to gain insight into the “Big Bang” theory, as well as
Creationism and Evolution movements. Many motives were deducted by the research,
but the idea of God creating in a “Godly” manner (bārā') and not merely give order to
pre-created creations through struggle was unique. Human beings were created as
the pinnacle of creation, and made to live in a relationship with their Creator.
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A new glimpse of Day One : an intertextual history of Genesis 1.1-5 in Hebrew and Greek texts up to 200 CEGiere, Samuel D. January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is an unconventional history of the interpretation of Day One, Genesis 1.1-5, in Hebrew and Greek texts up to c. 200 CE. Using the concept of ‘intertextuality’ as developed by Kristeva, Derrida, and others, the method for this historical exploration looks at the dynamic interconnectedness of texts. The results reach beyond deliberate exegetical and eisegetical interpretations of Day One to include intertextual, and therefore not necessarily deliberate, connections between texts. The purpose of the study is to gain a glimpse into the textual possibilities available to the ancient reader / interpreter. Central to the method employed is the identification of the intertexts of Day One. This is achieved, at least in part, by identifying and tracing flags that may draw the reader from one text to another. In this study these flags are called ‘intertextual markers’ and may be individual words, word-pairs, or small phrases that occur relatively infrequently within the corpus of texts being examined. The thesis first explores the intertextuality of Genesis 1.1-5 in the confines of the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint. The second half of the thesis identifies and explores the intertexts of Day One in other Hebrew texts (e.g. the Dead Sea Scrolls, Sirach) and other Greek texts (e.g. Philo, the New Testament) up to c. 200 CE. The thesis concludes with a summation of some of the more prominent and surprising threads in this intertextual ‘tapestry’ of Day One. These summary threads include observations within the texts in a given language and a comparative look at the role of language in the intertextual history of Day One.
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Light used as metaphor in the prologue of the Fourth Gospel: the influence of this metaphor on the Maronite 'Prayer of the Faithful'Albalaa, Pierre 30 November 2007 (has links)
In this dissertation, the affinities between the Prologue of the Fourth Gospel and the Maronite Prayer of the Faithful especially the use of light metaphor are examined and new hypothetic proposals are suggested: the former has influenced the latter; both of them might have shared the same milieu or have been influenced by an existent Antiochene liturgical hymn. These proposals are discussed according to reflections on the Fourth Gospel, the Antiochene Syriac Maronite Church, the light metaphor, the work done on the Prologue from a socio-rhetorical perspective and the study conducted on the first English edition of the Maronite Prayer of the Faithful. / New Testament / M.Th. (New Testament)
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Humans and ecosystems in the priestly creation account : an ecological reading of Genesis 1:1-2:4AKavusa, Kivatsi Jonathan 10 1900 (has links)
This study attempts to offer an ecological interpretation of Genesis 1: 1-2:4a in view of
the question as to what extent this passage bears footprints of anthropocentrism, on the
one hand, and/or ecological wisdom, on the other hand. Extant ecological readings of
this text tend to either recover its ecofriendliness, or they criticise the text on the basis
of its dominion and subdual language in Genesis 1:26-28 which seems to go against
the grain of ecological sensibilities.
In resonance with revisionist readings, this study shows that the only way to mollify
the dominion language of Genesis I :26-28 is to read this section as part of the whole
Priestly creation account. Elements of the exilic context and many literary features of
Genesis I: l-2:4a present humans as a member of a world of interdependences. Hence,
accusing Genesis I: l-2:4a of lying at the root of modern indifference towards nature,
is not the whole story. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M. A. (Biblical Studies)
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Light used as metaphor in the prologue of the Fourth Gospel: the influence of this metaphor on the Maronite 'Prayer of the Faithful'Albalaa, Pierre 30 November 2007 (has links)
In this dissertation, the affinities between the Prologue of the Fourth Gospel and the Maronite Prayer of the Faithful especially the use of light metaphor are examined and new hypothetic proposals are suggested: the former has influenced the latter; both of them might have shared the same milieu or have been influenced by an existent Antiochene liturgical hymn. These proposals are discussed according to reflections on the Fourth Gospel, the Antiochene Syriac Maronite Church, the light metaphor, the work done on the Prologue from a socio-rhetorical perspective and the study conducted on the first English edition of the Maronite Prayer of the Faithful. / New Testament / M.Th. (New Testament)
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Humans and ecosystems in the priestly creation account : an ecological reading of Genesis 1:1-2:4AKavusa, Kivatsi Jonathan 10 1900 (has links)
This study attempts to offer an ecological interpretation of Genesis 1: 1-2:4a in view of
the question as to what extent this passage bears footprints of anthropocentrism, on the
one hand, and/or ecological wisdom, on the other hand. Extant ecological readings of
this text tend to either recover its ecofriendliness, or they criticise the text on the basis
of its dominion and subdual language in Genesis 1:26-28 which seems to go against
the grain of ecological sensibilities.
In resonance with revisionist readings, this study shows that the only way to mollify
the dominion language of Genesis I :26-28 is to read this section as part of the whole
Priestly creation account. Elements of the exilic context and many literary features of
Genesis I: l-2:4a present humans as a member of a world of interdependences. Hence,
accusing Genesis I: l-2:4a of lying at the root of modern indifference towards nature,
is not the whole story. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. A. (Biblical Studies)
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