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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le condensat d'air exhalé : une nouvelle matrice pour évaluer l'exposition pulmonaire professionnelle

Hulo, Sébastien 27 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le cadre d'une action préventive, la mesure de la dose interne pulmonaire est plus pertinenteque la mesure de l'exposition atmosphérique car la dose interne est la quantité de toxique pouvantinteragir avec les cellules de l'épithélium respiratoire. En santé-travail, le dosage urinaire est fréquemmentutilisé mais il ne représente que le résultat final de l'épuration de multiples organes. Lecondensat d'air exhalé (EBC) est le liquide obtenu de façon non invasive après refroidissement del'air expiré d'un sujet au repos. Ce liquide est constitué de l'aérosolisation du liquide recouvrantl'épithélium respiratoire du compartiment alvéolaire et aussi du compartiment trachéobronchique oubronchique. Nous proposons d'utiliser l'EBC comme une approche alternative pour la surveillancebiologique des salariés. Les modèles cinétiques d'épuration pulmonaire actuels montrent que lesparticules déposées dans le compartiment alvéolaire ont une épuration très lente. Nous avons doncvoulu savoir si l'EBC était une matrice reflétant l'exposition pulmonaire en particules inhalées.Objectifs : 1) évaluer la faisabilité de la détection de particules minérales ou métalliques dans l'EBCde salariés exposés, 2) corréler la concentration de ces particules dans l'EBC avec les concentrationsatmosphériques de ces particules obtenues pendant le poste de travail et avec les dosages urinaires.Matériel et Méthode : Nous avons analysé les EBC de salariés issus de trois secteurs d'activitéprofessionnelle. La 1ère étude concernait un salarié d'une unité de broyage de muscovite atteintd'une infiltration pulmonaire diffuse. La 2ème étude était une étude " exposé/non-exposé "concernant un groupe de soudeurs utilisant la technique " metal inert gaz " (MIG). La 3ème étudeétait une étude " exposé/non-exposé " de salariés exposés à des composés solubles de bérylliumdans le secteur de l'aluminerie dans 2 entreprises différentes.RésultatsEtude n°1 : L'analyse minéralogique de l'EBC a retrouvé des particules ayant le même profil spectralen spectrométrie Raman que les particules prélevées dans l'atmosphère de l'entreprise. L'analyseminéralogique du parenchyme pulmonaire a montré la présence d'une concentration élevée departicules compatibles avec des particules de muscovite.Etude n°2 : Les concentrations de manganèse et de nickel dans l'EBC (Mn-EBC, Ni-EBC) dosées parICP-MS étaient significativement plus élevées chez les soudeurs que chez les témoins alors que cettedifférence n'était pas significative pour le Mn urinaire (Mn-U). Les concentrations de Mn-EBC et deNi-EBC ne sont pas corrélées avec leur concentration respective dans l'urine. Les régressionslinéaires ont trouvé des coefficients significativement positifs entre les concentrations de Mn-EBC,Ni-EBC, Ni-U et Cr-U et les indices d'exposition cumulée.Etude n°3 : Les concentrations de béryllium et d'aluminium dans l'EBC (Be-EBC, Al-EBC) étaientsignificativement plus élevées chez les sujets de l'entreprise n°1 que chez les témoins alors que leursconcentrations dans les urines ne l'étaient pas. Les régressions linéaires ont trouvé des coefficientssignificativement positifs entre les concentrations de Be-EBC et celle d'Al-EBC mais aussi entre lesconcentrations de Be-EBC et l'indice d'exposition cumulée. Les concentrations d'Al-EBC et Al-Uétaient significativement plus élevées chez les sujets de l'entreprise n°2 que chez les témoins. [...]

Race and power : the challenges of Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) in the Peruvian Andes

Tonet, Martina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines enclaves of oppression and discrimination, which continue to subject indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Andean society to the pernicious legacies of a racist past. As an interpretive framework this interdisciplinary study draws from theoretical approaches to power, which analyse the reproduction of social injustice in post-colonial societies. This research demonstrates how resistance in post-colonial contexts does not always function as a subversive force. Especially when the variable of racism is taken into account, it becomes clearer how acts of opposition end up fostering a tyrannical domination. Examples from Peruvian history, as well as my fieldwork data, will illustrate how resistances and revolutions in the Peruvian Andes have paradoxically reinstated an oppressive and subjugating social system founded in disavowal of the indigenous Other. In dismantling the ramifications of a violent racist legacy, this study explores those social practices and attitudes which in the course of history have resulted in the subjugation of indigenous peoples. These include paternalism, the commodification of indigenous identity and the phenomenon of incanismo. Ultimately, the very negotiation of identities and the making of Peruvian ethnicity will highlight the reasons why, since the 1970s, the pursuit of Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) in the Peruvian Andes has been a challenging and uncertain endeavour. By comparison with bordering Andean regions of Ecuador and Bolivia, IBE is not in the hands of indigenous peoples. This thesis will demonstrate that this is in part due to an underpinning racism, which keeps disrupting a sense of belonging to an ethnic identity.

"Proposta de esquemas de criptografia e de assinatura sob modelo de criptografia de chave pública sem certificado" / "Proposal for encryption and signature schemes under certificateless public key cryptography model"

Goya, Denise Hideko 28 June 2006 (has links)
Sob o modelo de criptografia de chave pública baseada em identidades (ID-PKC), a própria identidade dos usuários é usada como chave pública, de modo a dispensar a necessidade de uma infra-estrutura de chaves públicas (ICP), na qual o gerenciamento de certificados digitais é complexo. Por outro lado, sistemas nesse modelo requerem uma entidade capaz de gerar chaves secretas. Essa entidade é conhecida por PKG (Private Key Generator); ela possui uma chave-mestra e mantém custódia das chaves secretas geradas a partir dessa chave-mestra. Naturalmente, a custódia de chaves é indesejável em muitas aplicações. O conceito de Criptografia de Chave Pública sem Certificado, ou Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC), foi proposto para que a custódia de chaves fosse eliminada, mantendo, porém, as características de interesse: a não necessidade de uma ICP e a eliminação de certificados digitais. CL-PKC deixa de ser um sistema baseado em identidades, pois é introduzida uma chave pública, gerada a partir de uma informação secreta do usuário. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos a construção de dois esquemas, um CL-PKE e um CL-PKS, baseados em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas. Ambas propostas: (1) eliminam custódia de chaves; (2) dispensam certificados digitais; (3) são mais eficientes, sob certos aspectos, que esquemas anteriormente publicados; (4) e são seguros contra ataques adaptativos de texto cifrado escolhido (em CL-PKE) e contra ataques adaptativos de mensagem escolhida (em CL-PKS), sob o modelo de oráculos aleatórios. / Under the model of Identity Based Cryptography (ID-PKC), the public key can be the user's identity, therefore it does not require a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with its complex management of Digital Certificates. On the other hand, this system requires a Private Key Generator (PKG), a trusted authority who is in possession of a master key and can generate any of the private keys. In this way, PKG can exercise the so-called key escrow, which is undesirable in many applications. The concept of Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC) was proposed in order to remove the key escrow characteristic of IBC, while it does not require PKI neither Digital Certificates to certify the public keys. CL-PKC is no more an IBC because public keys are introduced, to bind the identities with its secret keys. In this thesis we construct two schemes, one CL-PKE and one CL-PKS, based on bilinear pairing functions which: (1) does not allow key escrow by the PKG; (2) does not require Digital Certificates; (3) is more efficient, in some aspects, than previously published CL-PKE and CL-PKS schemes; (4) and is secure in the sense that it is strong against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks (in CL-PKE) and adaptive chosen message attacks (in CL-PKS), under Random Oracle Model.

"Proposta de esquemas de criptografia e de assinatura sob modelo de criptografia de chave pública sem certificado" / "Proposal for encryption and signature schemes under certificateless public key cryptography model"

Denise Hideko Goya 28 June 2006 (has links)
Sob o modelo de criptografia de chave pública baseada em identidades (ID-PKC), a própria identidade dos usuários é usada como chave pública, de modo a dispensar a necessidade de uma infra-estrutura de chaves públicas (ICP), na qual o gerenciamento de certificados digitais é complexo. Por outro lado, sistemas nesse modelo requerem uma entidade capaz de gerar chaves secretas. Essa entidade é conhecida por PKG (Private Key Generator); ela possui uma chave-mestra e mantém custódia das chaves secretas geradas a partir dessa chave-mestra. Naturalmente, a custódia de chaves é indesejável em muitas aplicações. O conceito de Criptografia de Chave Pública sem Certificado, ou Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC), foi proposto para que a custódia de chaves fosse eliminada, mantendo, porém, as características de interesse: a não necessidade de uma ICP e a eliminação de certificados digitais. CL-PKC deixa de ser um sistema baseado em identidades, pois é introduzida uma chave pública, gerada a partir de uma informação secreta do usuário. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos a construção de dois esquemas, um CL-PKE e um CL-PKS, baseados em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas. Ambas propostas: (1) eliminam custódia de chaves; (2) dispensam certificados digitais; (3) são mais eficientes, sob certos aspectos, que esquemas anteriormente publicados; (4) e são seguros contra ataques adaptativos de texto cifrado escolhido (em CL-PKE) e contra ataques adaptativos de mensagem escolhida (em CL-PKS), sob o modelo de oráculos aleatórios. / Under the model of Identity Based Cryptography (ID-PKC), the public key can be the user's identity, therefore it does not require a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with its complex management of Digital Certificates. On the other hand, this system requires a Private Key Generator (PKG), a trusted authority who is in possession of a master key and can generate any of the private keys. In this way, PKG can exercise the so-called key escrow, which is undesirable in many applications. The concept of Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC) was proposed in order to remove the key escrow characteristic of IBC, while it does not require PKI neither Digital Certificates to certify the public keys. CL-PKC is no more an IBC because public keys are introduced, to bind the identities with its secret keys. In this thesis we construct two schemes, one CL-PKE and one CL-PKS, based on bilinear pairing functions which: (1) does not allow key escrow by the PKG; (2) does not require Digital Certificates; (3) is more efficient, in some aspects, than previously published CL-PKE and CL-PKS schemes; (4) and is secure in the sense that it is strong against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks (in CL-PKE) and adaptive chosen message attacks (in CL-PKS), under Random Oracle Model.

Application of Fuzzy Logic in Identity-Based Cryptography / Bulanık Mantığın Kimlik Tabanlı Kriptografide Kullanımı

Odyurt, Uraz January 2014 (has links)
This work explains the fundamental definitions required to define and create Fuzzy Identity-Based Encryption schemes as an error-tolerant version of Identity-Based Encryption schemes, along with three different examples of such creations. These examples are Sahai-Waters' FIBE, Baek et al.'s EFIBE-I and EFIBE-II. The required Set-up, Key Generation, Encryption and Decryption algorithms for each scheme are formalized and the proofs of security using the Selective-ID model are introduced. Subtle differences between the three schemes are discussed, including their computational efficiency comparison. The writing is intended as a self-sufficient resource for readers, containing the schemes and background definitions.

Boneh-Boyen Signatures and the Strong Diffie-Hellman Problem

Yoshida, Kayo January 2009 (has links)
The Boneh-Boyen signature scheme is a short signature scheme which is provably secure in the standard model under the q-Strong Diffie-Hellman (SDH) assumption. The primary objective of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme and SDH. The secondary objective is to survey surrounding topics such as the generic group model, related signature schemes, intractability assumptions, and the relationship to identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes. Along these lines, we analyze the plausibility of the SDH assumption using the generic bilinear group model. We present the security proofs for the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, with the addition of a small improvement in one of the probability bounds. Our main contribution is to give the reduction in the reverse direction; that is, to show that if the SDH problem can be solved then the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme can be forged. This contribution represents the first known proof of equivalence between the SDH problem and Boneh-Boyen signatures. We also discuss the algorithm of Cheon for solving the SDH problem. We analyze the implications of Cheon's algorithm for the security of the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, accompanied by a brief discussion on how to counter the attack.

Boneh-Boyen Signatures and the Strong Diffie-Hellman Problem

Yoshida, Kayo January 2009 (has links)
The Boneh-Boyen signature scheme is a short signature scheme which is provably secure in the standard model under the q-Strong Diffie-Hellman (SDH) assumption. The primary objective of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme and SDH. The secondary objective is to survey surrounding topics such as the generic group model, related signature schemes, intractability assumptions, and the relationship to identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes. Along these lines, we analyze the plausibility of the SDH assumption using the generic bilinear group model. We present the security proofs for the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, with the addition of a small improvement in one of the probability bounds. Our main contribution is to give the reduction in the reverse direction; that is, to show that if the SDH problem can be solved then the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme can be forged. This contribution represents the first known proof of equivalence between the SDH problem and Boneh-Boyen signatures. We also discuss the algorithm of Cheon for solving the SDH problem. We analyze the implications of Cheon's algorithm for the security of the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, accompanied by a brief discussion on how to counter the attack.

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