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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation of the ERDC Blast Load Simulator (BLS) in Various Test Configurations Using Loci/BLAST

Mord, Clayton T 11 December 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the simulation of ERDC’s Blast Load Simulator (BLS) using MSU’s Loci/BLAST. The BLS was created to replicate waveforms found in blast scenarios. Loci/BLAST is an explicit, unstructured CFD code that specializes in moving waveforms. ERDC conducted various tests, and a grid for each scenario was created using the SolidMesh tool. Each grid was simulated, and the results were displayed as time history plots and spatial plots. Simulations were also performed that compared 2D and 3D grids and determined the effect of the grate and striker components. There was a strong correlation between the experimental and simulation results for each case, demonstrating that Loci/BLAST is fully capable of modeling the BLS waveforms. A 2D grid produced results comparable to those on a full 3D grid. The grate and striker were critical in the simulation because they significantly affected the waveform.

An Assessment of State Equations of Air for Modeling a Blast Load Simulator

Emmanuelli, Gustavo 14 December 2018 (has links)
When an explosive detonates above ground, air is principally the only material involved in the transmission of shock waves that can result in damage. Hydrodynamic codes that simulate these explosions use equations of state (EOSs) for modeling the behavior of air at these high-pressure, high-velocity conditions. An investigation is made into the effect that the EOS selection for air has on the calculated overpressure-time waveforms of a blast event. Specifically, the ideal gas, Doan-Nickel, and SESAME EOSs in the SHAMRC code were used to reproduce experiments conducted at the Blast Load Simulator (BLS), a large-scale shock tube operated by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, that consisted of subjecting an instrumented rigid box at three angles of orientation inside the BLS to a blast environment. Numerical comparisons were made against experimentally-derived confidence intervals using peak values and several error metrics, and an attempt was made to rank the EOS based on performance. Issues were noted with the duration of decay from maximum pressure to negative phase that resulted in a general underprediction of the integrated impulse regardless of EOS, while the largest errors were noted for gages on faces at 45 to 90 degrees from the initial flow direction. Although no significant differences were noticed in the pressure histories from different EOSs, the ideal gas consistently ranked last in terms of the error metrics considered and simultaneously required the least CPU hours. Similarly, the Doan-Nickel EOS slightly performed better than SESAME while requiring additional wallclock time. The study showed that the Doan-Nickel and SESAME EOSs can produce blast signatures with less errors and more matches in peak pressure and impulse than the ideal gas EOS at the expense of more computational requirements.

Specification and analysis of an extended AFDX with TSN/BLS shapers for mixed-criticality avionics applications / Spécification et Analyse d'un AFDX étendu avec TSN/BLS pour des applications avioniques de criticités mixtes

Finzi, Anaïs 11 June 2018 (has links)
L'augmentation du nombre de systèmes interconnectés et l’expansion des données échangées dans les réseaux avioniques ont contribué à la complexification des architectures de communication. Pour gérer cette évolution, une nouvelle solution basée sur un réseau cœur haut débit, e.g., l'AFDX (Avionics Full DupleX), a été implémentée sur l'A380. Cependant, il reste des réseaux bas débit, e.g, CAN ou A429, utilisés pour certaines fonctions spécifiques. Cette architecture réduit le délai de développement, mais en contrepartie, elle conduit à de l’hétérogénéité et à de nouveaux challenges pour garantir les contraintes temps-réel. Pour résoudre ces challenges, une architecture homogène basé sur l'AFDX pourrait apporter de grands avantages, tels que une facilité de l'installation et maintenance, et une réduction de poids et coûts. Cette architecture homogène doit supporter des applications de criticités mixtes, où coexistent les trafics critiques (SCT), Best-effort (BE) et le trafic AFDX actuel (RC). Pour atteindre ce but, nous commençons par évaluer les avantages et les inconvénients des solutions existantes par rapport aux contraintes avioniques. Cela nous conduit à sélectionner le Burst Limiting Shaper (BLS) (proposé par le groupe IEEE Time Sensitive Networking (TSN)) allié à un ordonnanceur Static Priority non-preemptif. Ainsi, nous identifions quatre contributions principales dans cette thèse. Tout d'abord, nous spécifions un AFDX étendu avec le TSN/BLS. Une analyse préliminaire basée sur de la simulation a donné des résultats encourageants pour poursuivre sur cette voie. En second, nous détaillons une analyse temporelle de l'AFDX étendu, grâce au Network Calculus, pour calculer des bornes maximales des délais pire cas des différents types de trafic, pour prouver le déterminisme du réseau et le respect des contraintes temporelles. Une analyse de performance préliminaire montre l'efficacité de la solution à améliorer les délais de RC, tout en garantissant les contraintes. Cependant, cette analyse a aussi montré certaines limitations du modèle en termes de pessimisme. Notre troisième contribution est par conséquent la réduction de ce pessimisme, grâce à une seconde modélisation de l'AFDX étendu, et à une méthode de paramétrage des variables système. Cette méthode permet d'améliorer les performances de RC tout en garantissant les contraintes temporelles du SCT et RC. Finalement, nous validons notre proposition à travers des études de cas avioniques réalistes pour vérifier son efficacité. Les résultats montrent une forte amélioration des délais de RC ainsi que de l'ordonnançabilité de SCT et RC, en comparaison à l'AFDX actuel et au Deficit Round Robin. / The growing number of interconnected end-systems and the expansion of exchanged data in avionics have led to an increase in complexity of the communication architecture. To cope with this trend, a first communication solution based on a high rate backbone network, i.e., the AFDX (Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet), has been implemented by Airbus in the A380. Moreover, some low rate data buses, e.g., CAN or ARINC 429, are still used to handle some specific avionics domains. Although this architecture reduces the time to market, it conjointly leads to inherent heterogeneity and new challenges to guarantee the real-time requirements. To handle these emerging issues, a homogeneous avionic communication architecture based the AFDX technology to interconnect different avionics domains may bring significant advantages, such as easier installation and maintenance and reduced weight and costs. Furthermore, this homogeneous communication architecture needs to support mixed-criticality applications, where safety-critical traffic (SCT), current rate constraint AFDX traffic (RC) and best effort traffic (BE) co-exist. To achieve this aim, first, we assess the pros and cons of most relevant existing solutions vs the main avionics requirements, to support mixed-criticality applications on the AFDX network. Afterwards, the Burst Limiting Shaper (BLS) (proposed by IEEE Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task group) on top of a Non-Preemptive Static Priority (NP-SP) scheduler has been selected as the most promising solution. Hence, our main contributions in this thesis are fourfold. First, we specify the extended AFDX incorporating the TSN/BLS on top of NP-SP. A preliminary performance analysis based on simulations has been conducted. These first results were encouraging to pursue this proposal. Second, we conduct a timing analysis of the extended AFDX using Network Calculus to compute the delay upper bounds of the different traffic classes and prove the determinism of such a solution. The preliminary performance evaluation has shown the efficiency of the extended AFDX to enhance the RC delay bounds while guaranteeing the constraints. However, they have also highlighted some limitations of the proposed model in terms of pessimism. Third, we introduce a second model of the extended AFDX to enhance the delay bounds tightness. Moreover, we propose a tuning method of TSN/BLS parameters to enhance as much as possible the RC timing performance, while guaranteeing the constraints. Finally, we validate our proposal through representative case studies to assess its efficiency. The results show the enhancements of the RC delay bounds as well as the schedulability level of both SCT and RC traffic, in comparison to the current AFDX and Deficit Round Robin (DRR).

Initiation of In-hospital CPR: An Examination of Nursing Behaviour Within their Scope of Practice

Hebert, Robin Lewis January 2017 (has links)
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation are the interventions performed by health care professionals in order to preserve the life of a patient suffering cardiac arrest. These tasks are important to the role of nurses because they are the most common first responders to in-hospital cardiac arrest scenarios. The early initiation of CPR and defibrillation is essential in increasing the likelihood of a patient surviving cardiac arrest. Despite possessing the knowledge, skills, training, and professional obligation to deploy CPR and defibrillation independently, nurses may hesitate to perform the appropriate actions in a timely manner. This topic has been studied previously; however, there have been no studies directly examining this issue in the Ontario context. This thesis explored the factors that influence the behaviour of nurses in the first responder role by employing a mixed-methods research design. The quantitative portion of the study consisted of a series of scales on an online survey that examined teamwork factors and nurses’ experience with CPR events. The qualitative part of the study consisted of open-ended questions on the survey as well as individual interviews with nurses to understand the barriers and enablers to the role of nurses in the enactment of basic life support (BLS). The qualitative data were analyzed with a modified grounded theory approach. The qualitative data analysis followed the guidelines developed by Charmaz (2006) and employed the conceptual framework on optimizing scopes of practice developed by the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (2014) to extrapolate findings on the influence of nurses’ scope of practice on their behaviour. This study revealed a number of contextual factors in Ontario influencing nurses’ deployment of CPR and defibrillation including variations in hospital unit types, geography, workload, the availability and quality of technology, legislation and regulation, accountability, as well as economic constraints.

Artificial Intelligence and its Implication for Future Jobs : Assessing The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Adaptation to Artificial Intelligence in Projected Employment Figures in the United States

Juwaheer, Aradhna, Dahlberg Barkholz, Dennis January 2023 (has links)
Artificial intelligence is often believed to have a detrimental effect on employment. However, when reviewing employment forecasts from The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, no information could be found indicating whether they considered the potential impact of artificial intelligence on employment. This thesis aims to examine the relationship between the 2022 employment forecasts and the artificial intelligence exposure measure for occupations developed by Felten, Raj and Seamans (2021) in “Occupational, industry, and geographic exposure to artificial intelligence: A novel dataset and its potential uses” to determine if there is a significant correlation between the two. Using a dataset of 669 observations resulting from matching occupations using their standard occupational classification codes (SOC), a strong correlation was observed. Yet, it remains unclear whether this is due to deliberately accounting for artificial intelligence or any other factors. Nor can it be asserted that this correlation accurately depicts the continuously evolving job market.

Livräddning i skolan : Ett livsviktigt mål...eller ett mål utan medel?

Skogsberg, Jessica, Taxell, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att synliggöra hinder och möjligheter för att inom ämnet idrott och hälsa implementera hjärt-lungräddning samt belysa och problematisera kring en eventuell framskrivning av hjärt-lungräddningsbegreppet, HLR, i kursplanens uppnåendemål i år nio. Uppsatsen baseras på en kvalitativ intervjustudie genomförd i Stockholm hösten 2006. Våra intervjupersoner har alla anknytning till skolämnet idrott och hälsa och de är aktörer på tre olika nivåer i skolvärlden. Skolverket representerar formuleringsarenan, lärarutbildarna representerar transformeringsarenan och idrottslärarna representerar realiseringsarenan. De har alla fått resonera kring målet om livräddande första hjälp och dess betydelse, legitimitet och uppnåbarhet, vilka intentioner som kan tänkas ligga bakom målformuleringen och vad som kan tala för respektive emot att även inkludera HLR-begreppet. Vi har sett både hinder och möjligheter för HLR i idrottsundervisningen. Faktorer som tid, ekonomi och lärarattityder spelar in. Dessa ger oftast sken av att utgöra hinder för livräddningsundervisningen, men egentligen skulle det inte behöva vara så. Tid finns om man bara vill då dagens öppna kursplan tillåter lärarna att själva disponera den. Okunskap verkar till viss del ligga bakom argumentet om ekonomi – strukturerat och genomtänkt behöver inte momentet bli så kostsamt. I slutänden verkar det som om lärarattityden är det avgörande för vad som kommer med i undervisningen – prioriteras inte ett moment så blir det inte någonting som eleverna får kunskaper i, utan endast ”ett hum om”. På frågan huruvida HLR bör skrivas in i målets formulering eller inte finns det inget enkelt svar, men kanske skulle en framskrivning trots allt resultera i bättre förutsättningar för livräddningsundervisningen och en större kunskap hos skolelever i hur de kan hjälpa en människa i nöd.</p><p>Life-saving and BLS in Physical ecucation</p>

Livräddning i skolan : Ett livsviktigt mål...eller ett mål utan medel?

Skogsberg, Jessica, Taxell, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att synliggöra hinder och möjligheter för att inom ämnet idrott och hälsa implementera hjärt-lungräddning samt belysa och problematisera kring en eventuell framskrivning av hjärt-lungräddningsbegreppet, HLR, i kursplanens uppnåendemål i år nio. Uppsatsen baseras på en kvalitativ intervjustudie genomförd i Stockholm hösten 2006. Våra intervjupersoner har alla anknytning till skolämnet idrott och hälsa och de är aktörer på tre olika nivåer i skolvärlden. Skolverket representerar formuleringsarenan, lärarutbildarna representerar transformeringsarenan och idrottslärarna representerar realiseringsarenan. De har alla fått resonera kring målet om livräddande första hjälp och dess betydelse, legitimitet och uppnåbarhet, vilka intentioner som kan tänkas ligga bakom målformuleringen och vad som kan tala för respektive emot att även inkludera HLR-begreppet. Vi har sett både hinder och möjligheter för HLR i idrottsundervisningen. Faktorer som tid, ekonomi och lärarattityder spelar in. Dessa ger oftast sken av att utgöra hinder för livräddningsundervisningen, men egentligen skulle det inte behöva vara så. Tid finns om man bara vill då dagens öppna kursplan tillåter lärarna att själva disponera den. Okunskap verkar till viss del ligga bakom argumentet om ekonomi – strukturerat och genomtänkt behöver inte momentet bli så kostsamt. I slutänden verkar det som om lärarattityden är det avgörande för vad som kommer med i undervisningen – prioriteras inte ett moment så blir det inte någonting som eleverna får kunskaper i, utan endast ”ett hum om”. På frågan huruvida HLR bör skrivas in i målets formulering eller inte finns det inget enkelt svar, men kanske skulle en framskrivning trots allt resultera i bättre förutsättningar för livräddningsundervisningen och en större kunskap hos skolelever i hur de kan hjälpa en människa i nöd. Life-saving and BLS in Physical ecucation

The role of alternating bilateral stimulation in establishing positive cognition in EMDR therapy: a multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy study / EMDR療法での肯定的認知の構築における左右交互刺激の役割:多チャンネル近赤外線分光法を用いた研究

Amano, Tamaki 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間健康科学) / 甲第20294号 / 人健博第42号 / 新制||人健||4(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻 / (主査)教授 二木 淑子, 教授 精山 明敏, 教授 村井 俊哉 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human Health Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

Boneh-Boyen Signatures and the Strong Diffie-Hellman Problem

Yoshida, Kayo January 2009 (has links)
The Boneh-Boyen signature scheme is a short signature scheme which is provably secure in the standard model under the q-Strong Diffie-Hellman (SDH) assumption. The primary objective of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme and SDH. The secondary objective is to survey surrounding topics such as the generic group model, related signature schemes, intractability assumptions, and the relationship to identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes. Along these lines, we analyze the plausibility of the SDH assumption using the generic bilinear group model. We present the security proofs for the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, with the addition of a small improvement in one of the probability bounds. Our main contribution is to give the reduction in the reverse direction; that is, to show that if the SDH problem can be solved then the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme can be forged. This contribution represents the first known proof of equivalence between the SDH problem and Boneh-Boyen signatures. We also discuss the algorithm of Cheon for solving the SDH problem. We analyze the implications of Cheon's algorithm for the security of the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, accompanied by a brief discussion on how to counter the attack.

Boneh-Boyen Signatures and the Strong Diffie-Hellman Problem

Yoshida, Kayo January 2009 (has links)
The Boneh-Boyen signature scheme is a short signature scheme which is provably secure in the standard model under the q-Strong Diffie-Hellman (SDH) assumption. The primary objective of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme and SDH. The secondary objective is to survey surrounding topics such as the generic group model, related signature schemes, intractability assumptions, and the relationship to identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes. Along these lines, we analyze the plausibility of the SDH assumption using the generic bilinear group model. We present the security proofs for the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, with the addition of a small improvement in one of the probability bounds. Our main contribution is to give the reduction in the reverse direction; that is, to show that if the SDH problem can be solved then the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme can be forged. This contribution represents the first known proof of equivalence between the SDH problem and Boneh-Boyen signatures. We also discuss the algorithm of Cheon for solving the SDH problem. We analyze the implications of Cheon's algorithm for the security of the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme, accompanied by a brief discussion on how to counter the attack.

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