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Storvreta IBK:s arbete med marknadsföringsmixen : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur Storvreta IBK arbetar med marknadsföringsmixen för att skapa ett attraktivt evenemangWennerholm, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Innebandyklubben Storvreta IBK leder publikligan i Svenska Superligan och har länge haft höga publiksiffror. Detta bevisar att Storvreta IBK har ett attraktivt evenemang att erbjuda och andra klubbar har tagit inspiration från dem kring upplägg och liknande. Denna undersökning syftar till att beskriva och analysera hur Storvreta IBK arbetar med marknadsföringsmixen för att skapa ett attraktivt evenemang. Marknadsföringsmixen består av de sju komponenterna produkt, pris, plats, påverkan, personal, process och påtaglighet. För att besvara syftet har intervjuer gjorts med Storvreta IBK:s försäljnings- och marknadschef, en från arrangemangsgruppen och tre åskådare. De tre åskådarna var från de olika urvalsgrupperna en som hade säsongskort, en som går 5–6 matcher per säsong och en som går 2–3 matcher per säsong. Förutom intervjuerna har även matchevenemangen observerats och datamaterial som finns tillgängligt på internet har tagits i beaktning. Utifrån det insamlade datamaterialet kan det konstateras att Storvreta IBK arbetar med marknadsföringsmixens samtliga komponenter för att skapa ett attraktivt evenemang. Arbetet med respektive komponent sker dock i olika grad. Det råder en enighet kring att respondenterna tycker att alla eller flera komponenter påverkar helhetsuppfattningen av evenemanget. Däremot är de oense kring vilka komponenter som har störst respektive minst betydelse. Detta är i enlighet med tidigare empiriska studier som flertalet gånger konstaterar att olika åskådare tycker olika komponenter är viktiga. Även resultatet kring vilken komponent som har störst betydelse skiljer sig i olika undersökningar. Detta bekräftar tidigare empiriska studier som menar att varje idrottsklubb har sina egna förutsättningar och utmaningar. Varje idrottsklubb bör hitta sin optimala sammansättning av komponenterna för att nå sina mål. / The floorball club Storvreta IBK leads the audience league in the Swedish Super League and has had high attendance figures for a long time. This proves that Storvreta IBK has an attractive event to offer and other clubs have taken inspiration from them regarding arrangements and the like. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how Storvreta IBK works with the marketing mix to create an attractive event. The marketing mix consists of the seven components product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. To answer the purpose, interviews have been made with Storvreta IBK's sales and marketing manager, one from the event group and three spectators. The three spectators were from the different selection groups, one who had a season ticket, one who attends 5-6 games per season and one who attends 2-3 games per season. In addition to the interviews, the match events have also been observed and data material available on the internet has been taken into account. Based on the collected data, it can be concluded that Storvreta IBK works with all the components of the marketing mix to create an attractive event. However, the work on each component varies to some degrees. There is a consensus that the respondents think that all or several components affect the overall perception of the event. On the other hand, they disagree about which components have the greatest and least impact. This is in accordance with previous empirical studies that have repeatedly stated that different spectators think different components are important. The results regarding which component is most important also differ in different surveys. This confirms previous empirical studies that suggest that each sports club has its own conditions and challenges. Each sports club should find its optimal composition of the components to achieve its goals.
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Caracterização antigênica de cepas de Moraxella bovis, Moraxella bovoculi e Moraxella ovis com potencial uso vacinal / Antigenic characterization of Moraxella bovis, Moraxella bovoculi and Moraxella ovis strains with potential use in vaccinesKowalski, Ananda Paula 13 September 2016 (has links)
Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) is the main ocular disease of cattle. Highly contagious, it is responsible for significant economic losses of livestock worldwide. Moraxella bovis is recognized as the primary agent of the disease in cattle. However, the occurrence of other similar species, including M. ovis and M. bovoculi, recently described, have been common in outbreaks of the disease and are suspected to be causally related to the limited success of preventive measures, especially the use of bacterins containing only strains of M. bovis. This dissertation describes the antigenic characterization of M. bovis, M. bovoculi and M. ovis strains and a commercial vaccine by cross-reactivity using flow cytometry analysis and identification of immunodominant conserved antigens by Western blotting. Antisera against strains of the three species were obtained from immunization of New Zealand rabbits and challenged before a panel of strains isolated from cattle and sheep clinically affected by the disease between 1983 and 2013 as well as reference strains of each species. Field strains of M. bovoculi (Mbv2 and Mbv3) recognized satisfactorily all heterologous strains. However, Mbv3 (M. bovoculi), Mov2 (M. ovis) and Mov3 (M. ovis) strains stood out as the most intense recognition strains of their respective species and suggest that species-specific antigens play an important role in the host immune response. The association of reactivity percentage with the antigenic profiles, evidenced by Western blotting analysis, indicates that the immune response induced by Moraxella spp. appears to be mediated by multiple surface antigens of which many are shared between the three species. Among 32 different proteins identified, 22 (68.7%) were recognized by at least one antiserum in the protein extracts of all strains analyzed by Western blotting. Our study suggests (1) the selection and combination of M. bovis, M. bovoculi and M. ovis strains to be used in the composition of antigenic unit vaccines as IBK control strategy and (2) the use of flow cytometry as the most appropriate methodology for this selection. / Ceratoconjuntivite infecciosa bovina (CIB) é a principal doença ocular de bovinos. Altamente contagiosa, é responsável por significativas perdas econômicas para a pecuária no mundo inteiro. Moraxella bovis é, reconhecidamente, o agente primário da enfermidade em bovinos. Contudo, a ocorrência de outras espécies do gênero, incluindo M. ovis e M. bovoculi, recentemente descrita, têm sido comuns em surtos da doença e são suspeitas de serem causalmente associadas ao sucesso limitado de medidas preventivas, sobretudo do uso de bacterinas contendo apenas cepas de M. bovis. Esta dissertação descreve a caracterização antigênica de cepas de M. bovis, M. bovoculi e M. ovis e de uma vacina comercial através da análise de reatividade cruzada por citometria de fluxo e da identificação de antígenos imunodominantes e conservados através de Western blotting. Antissoros contra cepas das três espécies foram obtidos a partir da imunização de coelhos Nova Zelândia e desafiados frente a um painel de cepas isoladas de bovinos e ovinos clinicamente acometidos pela doença entre 1983 e 2013 assim como cepas de referência de cada espécie. Cepas de campo de M. bovoculi (Mbv2 e Mbv3) reconheceram satisfatoriamente todas as cepas heterólogas. Contudo, as cepas Mbv3 (M. bovoculi), Mov2 (M. ovis) e Mov3 (M. ovis) destacaram-se pela maior intensidade de reconhecimento de cepas de suas respectivas espécies e sugerem que antígenos espécie-específicos desempenham importante papel na resposta imune do hospedeiro. A associação dos percentuais de reatividade aos perfis antigênicos evidenciados através da análise por western blotting indica que a resposta imune induzida por Moraxella spp. parece ser mediada por múltiplos antígenos de superfície dos quais, diversos são compartilhados entre as três espécies. Entre 32 diferentes proteínas detectadas, 22 (68,7%) foram reconhecidas por pelo menos um antissoro nos extratos protéicos de todas as cepas analisadas por western blotting. Nosso estudo sugere a seleção e combinação de cepas de M. bovis, M. bovoculi e M. ovis circulantes para composição da unidade antigênica de vacinas como estratégia de controle de IBK e a utilização de citometria de fluxo como metodologia mais adequada para esta seleção.
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