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Authigenic carbonates related to gas seepage structures in the Sea of Okhotsk (NE offshore Sakhalin): Results from the Chaos ProjectKrylov, Alexey, Logvina, Elizaveta, Hachikubo, Akihiro, Minami, Hirotsugu, Nunokawa, Yutaka, Shoji, Hitoshi, Mazurenko, Leonid, Matveeva, Tatyana, Obzhirov, Anatoly, Jin, Young Keun 07 1900 (has links)
Mineralogical and isotopic analysis of authigenic carbonates from different gas hydrate-bearing
seepage structures in the Derugin Basin (Sea of Okhotsk) are presented. The analysis showed the
existence of four morphological types of carbonates, with all of them mainly of Mg-calcite.13C
values of carbonates generally light owing to the inheritance of carbon from microbial methane.
13C-enriched samples at the VNIIOkeangeologia structure with 13C values of up to +9.3‰
represent carbonate precipitation due to methanogenesis. The calculated equilibrium 18O values
of carbonates in general correspond to measured values.
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Large quantities of natural gas hydrate are present in marine sediments along the coastlines of
many countries as well as in arctic regions. This research is aimed at assessing production of
natural gas from the marine deposits. We had developed a multiphase, multicomponent, thermal,
3D simulator in the past, which can simulate production of hydrates both in equilibrium and
kinetic modes. Four components (hydrate, methane, water and salt) and five phases (hydrate, gas,
aqueous-phase, ice and salt precipitate) are considered in the simulator. In this work, we simulate
depressurization and warm water flooding for hydrate production in a hydrate reservoir underlain
by a water layer. Water flooding has been studied as a function of injection temperature, injection
pressure and production pressure. For high injection temperature, the higher pressure increases the
flow of warm water (heat) in the reservoir making the production rate faster, but if injection
temperature is not high then only depressurization is the best method of production. At
intermediate injection temperature, the production rate changes non-monotonically with the
injection pressure.
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HIGH-RESOLUTION 3D SEISMIC INVESTIGATIONS OF HYDRATE-BEARING FLUID-ESCAPE CHIMNEYS IN THE NYEGGA REGION OF THE VØRING PLATEAU, NORWAYWestbrook, Graham K., Exley, Russell, Minshull, T.A., Nouzé, Hervé, Gailler, Audrey, Jose, Tesmi, Ker, Stephan, Plaza, Andreia 07 1900 (has links)
Hundreds of pockmarks and mounds, which seismic reflection sections show to be underlain by chimney-like structures, exist in southeast part of the Vøring plateau, Norwegian continental margin. These chimneys may be representative of a class of feature of global importance for the escape of methane from beneath continental margins and for the provision of a habitat for the communities of chemosynthetic biota. Thinning of the time intervals between reflectors in the flanks of chimneys, observed on several high-resolution seismic sections, could be caused by the presence of higher velocity material such as hydrate or authigenic carbonate, which is abundant at the seabed in pockmarks in this area. Evidence for the presence of hydrate was obtained from cores at five locations visited by the Professor Logachev during TTR Cruise 16, Leg 3 in 2006. Two of these pockmarks, each about 300-m wide with active seeps within them, were the sites of high-resolution seismic experiments employing arrays of 4-component OBS (Ocean-Bottom Seismic recorders) with approximately 100-m separation to investigate the 3D variation in their structure and properties. Shot lines at 50-m spacing, run with mini-GI guns fired at 8-m intervals, provided dense seismic coverage of the sub-seabed structure. These were supplemented by MAK deep-tow 5-kHz profiles to provide very high-resolution detail of features within the top 1-40 m sub-seabed. Travel-time tomography has been used to detail the variation in Vp and Vs within and around the chimneys. Locally high-amplitude reflectors of negative polarity in the flanks of chimneys and scattering and attenuation within the interiors of the chimneys may be caused by the presence of free gas within the hydrate stability field. A large zone of free gas beneath the hydrate stability field, apparently feeding several pockmarks, is indicated by attenuation and velocity pull-down of reflectors.
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HIGH CONCENTRATION HYDRATE IN DISSEMINATED FORMS OBTAINED IN SHENHU AREA, NORTH SLOPE OF SOUTH CHINA SEAYang, Shengxiong, Zhang, Haiqi, Wu, Nengyou, Su, Xin, Schultheiss, Peter, Holland, Melanie, Zhang, Guang-Xue, Liang, Jinqiang, Lu, Jing'an, Rose, Kelly 07 1900 (has links)
In April-June of 2007, a gas hydrate drilling expedition was carried out by using M/V Bavenit in Shenhu Area, the north slope of South China Sea. High concentrations of hydrate (>40%) were obtained in a disseminated forms in foram-rich clay sediments at 3 selected sites. The hydrate-bearing sediments ranged several ten meters in thickness are located in the lower part of GHSZ, just above the BGHSZ, and are typically characteristic of higher sonic velocity and resistivity, and lower gamma density in wireline logging profiles. Evidences for gas hydrate include the IR cold spots and temperature anomalies, salinity and chlorite geochemical anomaly of pore water for non-pressurized cores, and X-ray imaging, high p-wave velocity and low gamma density, and high concentration of methane from the pressurized cores. Gasses are mainly methane (max. ethane 0.2-0.3%), therefore only hydrate S1 is formed. It is inferred that the foram content and other silt size grains may provide enough free water for the hydrate to happily occupy both the large spaces in the forams and for it to distribute itself evenly (disseminated) throughout the formation. It is possible that all the forams are hydrate filled. As the forams are visible does this not count for visible white gas hydrates.
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Differential scanning calorimetry has been used to study the kinetics of formation of clathrate hydrates in the systems water-CCl3F and water-CH4, in which the water phase was dispersed in an oil phase in the form of an emulsion. CCl3F hydrates were formed at ambient pressure and constant temperatures of -10, -15 and -20 °C. The results showed that the crystallization of both ice and hydrate are in competition at the lowest temperature, whereas only hydrate is formed at -10 or -15 °C. CH4 hydrates were studied using a high-pressure DSC in the range 10 to 40 MPa, at various temperatures. At high driving force, the heat peak related to the formation of hydrates has a regular and symmetric shape, and its height and width depend on the gas pressure and sub cooling degree. At near equilibrium conditions, hydrate formation can be delayed by several hours, but is still clearly observable. A model based on crystal growth theory coupled with a statistical law to take into account the germination in micro sized droplets is proposed.
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DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL GAS OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CHAIN BY MEANS OF NATURAL GAS HYDRATE (NGH)Nogami, Tomonori, Oya, Nobutaka, Ishida, Hiroshige, Matsumoto, Hitoshi 07 1900 (has links)
While alternative natural gas transportation technologies against currently available pipeline or
liquefied natural gas (LNG) are expected to develop to be suitable for small and medium or
remote gas fields, Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (MES) has been studying natural
gas hydrate (NGH) transportation chain and advocated at ICGH2005 the NGH chain was
economical compared with conventional LNG system under some conditions.
Meanwhile, MES has been carrying out research and development on the relevant technology
development including construction of 600 kg/day class NGH production and pelletizing plants
and a re-gasification facility and the process technology resulted from this R&D leads to the
forthcoming demonstration plant of 5 ton/day production (under construction) to be dedicated to
the demonstration project of small-lot NGH land transportation in western Japan.
As the latest achievement, MES and Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Mitsui) established NGH Japan Co., Ltd.
(NGHJ) in April 2007, in order to study in detail on actual viability of NGH ocean transportation
chain. NGHJ, MES and Mitsui have been conducting a practical feasibility study on certain cases
in Southeast Asia in cooperation with 6 Japanese leading companies related to natural gas
businesses. The study suggests that NGH chain was appropriate as a media for transportation from
Southeast Asia to Japan and regional transportation within Southeast Asia in view of economics.
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This work deals with the problem of pipeline plugging by gas hydrates during oil production. Gas hydrates
are crystals resulting from water and gas molecules association under high pressure and low temperature
conditions. Such thermodynamical conditions are generally encountered during oil production and
transport, particularly in deep offshore fields or in cold areas. Due to an agglomeration process which is still
debated, hydrate occurrence can lead to plug formation.
This study aims at improving the understanding in this mechanism process, in the case of water-in-oil
emulsions. Therefore, ice or hydrate particle agglomeration is compared. Ice or trichlorofluoromethane
(CCl3F) hydrate particles dispersed in xylene with asphaltenes as surfactant is chosen as a model system. As
CCl3F hydrates are stable under atmospheric pressure, it allows us to apply different techniques without
being limited by high pressure conditions. The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technique is used. The
very different relaxation rate for solids or liquids is used to monitor in situ the ratio between solid and total
hydrogen or fluorine as a function of time with controlled shearing conditions. Thus, a kinetic study is
realized, that enabled to know the amount of ice formed. The apparent viscosity of the system, during
crystallization and plugging, is also followed with rheometry in order to characterize agglomeration.
This experimental approach allows us to highlight that physico-chemistry of interface water/oil has an
important role in agglomeration. It enables us to discuss different mechanisms of agglomeration of ice and
hydrate particles in a hydrocarbon phase.
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Gas hydrates are ice-like crystalline solids composed of a hydrogen bonded water lattice entrapping low-molecular weighted gas molecules commonly of methane. These form under conditions of relative high pressure and low temperature, when the gas concentration exceeds those which can be held in solution, both in marine and on-land permafrost sediments. Simulating the mechanisms leading to natural gas hydrate emplacement in geological environments requires the modeling of the temperature, the pressure, the chemical reactions, and the convective/diffusive flow of the reactive species. In this study, we take into account the distribution of dissolved methane, methane gas, methane hydrate, and seawater, while ice and water vapor are neglected. The starting equations are those of the conservation of the transport of momentum (Darcy’s law), energy (heat balance of the passive sediments and active reactive species), and mass. These constitutive equations are then integrated into a 2-dimentional finite element in space, finite-difference in time scheme. In this study, we are able to examine the formation and distribution of methane hydrate and free gas in a simple geologic framework, with respect to geothermal gradient, dewatering and fluid flow, the methane in-situ production and basal flux. The temperature and pressure fields are mildly affected by the hydrate emplacement. The most critical parameter in the model appears to be the methane (L+G) and hydrate (L+G+H) solubility: the decrease in methane solubility beneath the base of the hydrate stability zone (BHSZ) critically impacts on the presence of free gas at the base of the BHSZ (thus the presence of a BSR), while the sharp decrease of hydrate solubility above the BHSZ up to the sea bottom critically impact on the amount of methane available for hydrate emplacement and methane seep into the water column.
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ZETA POTENTIAL OF THF HYDRATES IN SDS AQUEOUS SOLUTIONSLo, C., Zhang, J., Couzis, A., Lee, J.W., Somasundaran, P. 07 1900 (has links)
In this study, Tetrahydrofuran (THF) hydrates were formed in-situ in the Zetasizer Nano ZS90. With various concentrations of SDS, we attempted to characterize the SDS adsorption on the surface of the hydrate particles. In doing so, we tried to correlate the adsorption of SDS to THF hydrate induction times with respect to SDS concentration (0 – 3.47 mM), to determine whether the fast nucleation of THF hydrates is due to the adsorption of SDS. The measured ζ-potential for pure THF hydrates was -100 ± 10 mV, indicating anion adsorption. An adsorption curve was observed where there is saturation leveling. Correlating this data to the hydrate induction times, we see that when the saturation level is reached, a significant reduction in induction time can be seen.
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A GEOPHYSICAL STUDY OF A POCKMARK IN THE NYEGGA REGION, NORWEGIAN SEAJose, Tesmi, Minshull, T.A., Westbrook, Graham K., Nouzé, Hervé, Ker, Stephan, Gailler, Audrey, Exley, Russell, Berndt, Christian 07 1900 (has links)
Over the last decade pockmarks have proven to be important seabed features that provide
information about fluid flow on continental margins. Their formation and dynamics are still
poorly constrained due to the lack of proper three dimensional imaging of their internal structure.
Numerous fluid escape features provide evidence for an active fluid-flow system on the
Norwegian margin, specifically in the Nyegga region. In June-July 2006 a high-resolution
seismic experiment using Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) was carried out to investigate the
detailed 3D structure of a pockmark named G11 in the region. An array of 14 OBS was deployed
across the pockmark with 1 m location accuracy. Shots fired from surface towed mini GI guns
were also recorded on a near surface hydrophone streamer. Several reflectors of high amplitude
and reverse polarity are observed on the profiles indicating the presence of gas. Gas hydrates
were recovered with gravity cores from less than a meter below the seafloor during the cruise.
Indications of gas at shallow depths in the hydrate stability field show that methane is able to
escape through the water-saturated sediments in the chimney without being entirely converted
into gas hydrate. An initial 2D raytraced forward model of some of the P wave data along a line
running NE-SW across the G11 pockmark shows, a gradual increase in velocity between the
seafloor and a gas charged zone lying at ~300 m depth below the seabed. The traveltime fit is
improved if the pockmark is underlain by velocities higher than in the surrounding layer
corresponding to a pipe which ascends from the gas zone, to where it terminates in the pockmark
as seen in the reflection profiles. This could be due to the presence of hydrates or carbonates
within the sediments.
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