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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potentiel du couplage de la chromatographie en phase liquide bidimensionnelle avec l’ICP-MS/MS pour l’analyse de matrices organiques complexes / Potential of coupling two-dimensional liquid chromatography with ICP-MS/MS in case of organic complex matrices

Bernardin, Marie 05 November 2019 (has links)
Pour accéder à la caractérisation des matrices complexes pétrolières, la chromatographie en phase liquide bidimensionnelle couplée à une détection spécifique comme la spectrométrie de masse à couplage inductif (LCxLC-ICP-MS/MS) s’avère être une solution pertinente. Un tel couplage permet d’envisager la spéciation des contaminants soufrés ou encore métallés (vanadium et nickel). Ce couplage reste, à notre connaissance, inédit aujourd’hui et sa mise en place a nécessité en premier lieu d’évaluer différents systèmes d’introduction de l’échantillon en amont de la détection. La comparaison de ces systèmes, au regard de la dispersion qu’ils génèrent, a été effectué afin de conserver la qualité de séparation obtenue en sortie du système LCxLC. La seconde partie du développement instrumental a concerné l’optimisation de la partie LC×LC. Le choix des différents mécanismes de rétention dans les deux dimensions étant primordial au vu de la complexité des échantillons (polarité, solubilité, poids moléculaire…). De plus, l’introduction de matrices organiques dans les sources plasma reste un réel défi qu’il a fallu évaluer, celles-ci pouvant être la cause de nombreuses contraintes analytiques. Enfin, une fois la méthodologie off-line SECxRPLC-ICP-MS/MS développée, elle a été appliquée à différents échantillons montrant qu’elle peut être considérée comme une solution intéressante pour expliquer le comportement de certaines matrices au sein des unités de raffinage, par l’intermédiaire de la comparaison de cartographies 2D / Two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled with a specific detection such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LCxLC-ICP-MS/MS) proves to be a relevant technique for the characterization of petroleum complex matrices. Such coupling makes it possible to consider the speciation of sulfur or metal contaminants (vanadium and nickel). Firstly, the evaluation and the comparison of several sample introduction systems was performed, with regard to the dispersion induced in the system, in order to keep a high efficiency from the LCxLC system. The second part of the instrumental development concern the optimization of both dimensions. The choice of the different retention mechanisms is essential given the complexity of the samples (polarity, solubility, molecular weight...). Additionally, the introduction of organic matrices in the plasma remains a real challenge which could be the cause of many instrumental and analytical issue. Finally, once the off-line SECxRPLC-ICP-MS/MS method was developed, it was applied to different samples showing how it can be considered as an interesting tool to explain the behavior of matrices within the refining units, through the comparison of 2D-contour plots

The role of off-axis hydrothermal systems as an oceanic potassium sink

Laureijs, Christiaan Thomas 02 September 2021 (has links)
Inputs of the major element potassium into the ocean from rivers and on-axis high temperature hydrothermal systems have likely varied on geological timescales. Variable uptake of potassium into lavas altered in low-temperature, off-axis, hydrothermal systems could keep the potassium concentration in seawater within the narrow range (~9.5 to 11 mmol L-1) observed in the Phanerozoic. To test this hypothesis a better understanding of the timing of alteration, and of the role of changing environmental conditions on seawater/basalt reactions is required. The age of 69 samples of the secondary, potassium-rich, phyllosilicate mineral celadonite from lavas in the Troodos ophiolite were determined using Rb-Sr radiometric dating to test whether potassium uptake occurs within a specific time interval. Measurements used tandem quadrupole ICP-MS/MS. Combined with published radiometric ages the dataset revealed regional differences in the duration of celadonite formation in the Troodos ophiolite lavas. In one area, where significant hydrothermal sediments were deposited on the lavas, celadonite formed as much as ~40 Myr after the crust accreted, whereas in an area with rare hydrothermal sediments celadonite formation was largely limited to the first ~20 Myr after crustal accretion. These differences in duration of celadonite formation in the upper oceanic crust are interpreted as reflecting differences in distribution of hydrothermal sediments that act as a source of labile Fe that is needed for celadonite formation. To test if there are significant variations of duration and timing of celadonite formation on various scales in the upper oceanic crust I measured the first in-situ Rb-Sr ages of celadonite in lavas from DSDP and ODP drill cores. These ages show that ~80% of celadonite formed from pervasive fluid flow within the first ~20 Myr after the oceanic crust accreted. All celadonite ages roughly correlate with the cumulative heat flow removed from the oceanic lithosphere in the same time interval. In combination the >100 new celadonite ages presented here provide strong evidence that most celadonite forms in the first ~20 Myr after crustal accretion and environmental conditions could be significant in controlling potassium uptake. To determine whether the potassium sink from seawater into altered seafloor lavas varied over time I compile a dataset of the potassium content of lavas from DSDP and ODP drill cores (0 to 180 Myr age range). Estimates of the average potassium content of individual holes reveal that this varies with age. However, holes of similar age show a similar magnitude of variability to that which occurs over this time. To investigate the source of the variability of potassium in altered lavas I modelled the effects of bottom seawater temperature and pH using PHREEQC. The models indicate that if the fluid is in equilibrium with K-feldspar, Na-beidellite and calcite, an increase in bottom seawater temperature and/or decrease in pH would lead to the potassium concentration in the off-axis fluid to increase significantly. This emphasizes the need for future studies to investigate feedback mechanisms between low-temperature hydrothermal alteration in response to changing environmental conditions. / Graduate / 2022-07-12

Advanced analytical methods for platinum group elements:applications in the research of catalyst materials, recycling and environmental issues

Suoranta, T. (Terhi) 02 August 2016 (has links)
Abstract Platinum group elements (PGEs) have a high commercial value and variety of applications in different fields of industry. One of the well-known applications is the use of palladium, platinum and rhodium in the catalytic converters of automobiles to reduce the amount of harmful gases emitted to the environment. Advanced analytical methods are needed to deal with issues related to development of new catalyst materials, recycling of PGEs from spent materials and for monitoring PGE emissions to the environment. In the first part of this study the emphasis was on the catalyst materials. Especially, reliable determination of ruthenium content in catalyst materials required further studies. Consequently, acid digestions in closed vessels using a microwave oven or high pressure asher were compared with a previously reported fusion method. Furthermore, the recovery of PGEs from spent materials is important due to many factors, for example, the high value of these metals, environmental aspects related to their production and possible availability issues in the future. Thus, utilization of microwave-assisted leaching and cloud point extraction (CPE) for the recovery of palladium, platinum, rhodium and ruthenium from catalyst materials was investigated. The second part of this study concentrated on the PGEs in environmental samples and the analytical challenges related to PGE determinations with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Due to the use of PGEs in catalytic converters of automobiles, they are emitted to the roadside environment. The use of Pleurozium schreberi, a terrestrial moss, for active biomonitoring of these emissions was evaluated. Advanced analytical methods were needed to perform interference-free determinations of palladium, platinum and rhodium in these samples. Two alternative approaches for interference elimination were studied. Firstly, the interfering elements were removed using CPE as a chemical separation method. Secondly, interferences were eliminated using ammonia as a reaction gas with the novel ICP-MS/MS (inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry) technique. / Tiivistelmä Platinaryhmän alkuaineita hyödynnetään monissa teknisissä sovelluksissa. Yksi tunnetuimmista on autoliikenteen haitallisten päästöjen vähentäminen käyttäen palladiumia, platinaa ja rodiumia autojen pakokaasukatalysaattoreissa. Luotettavia analyysimenetelmiä tarvitaan esimerkiksi kehitettäessä uusia katalyyttimateriaaleja, kierrätettäessä platinaryhmän alkuaineita käytetyistä materiaaleista tai seurattaessa platinaryhmän alkuaineiden määrää ympäristössä. Tämän tutkimuksen ensimmäinen osa liittyi katalyyttien ruteniumpitoisuuksien määrittämiseen ja platinaryhmän alkuaineiden kierrätykseen katalyyttimateriaaleista. Erityisesti näytteenhajotusvaihe aiheuttaa usein ongelmia ruteniummäärityksissä. Tämän vuoksi tutkimuksessa verrattiin keskenään mikroaaltotekniikalla tai korkeapainetuhkistimella suoritettuja happohajotuksia ja aiemmin raportoidulla sulatemenetelmällä suoritettuja hajotuksia. Mikroaaltoavusteista liuotusta sovellettiin yhdessä samepisteuuton kanssa tutkittaessa katalyyttimateriaalien palladiumin, platinan, rodiumin ja ruteniumin kierrätysmahdollisuuksia. Aihe on ajankohtainen, kun huomioidaan platinaryhmän alkuaineiden korkea hinta, niiden tuotantoon liittyvät ympäristöasiat sekä saatavuuteen liittyvät epävarmuustekijät. Tutkimuksen toisessa osassa keskityttiin ympäristönäytteisiin ja erityisesti niiden ICP-MS -analytiikan (induktiiviplasmamassaspektrometria) haasteisiin. Autojen katalysaattoreista lähtöisin olevia platinaryhmän alkuaineita päätyy ympäristöön lähinnä teiden varsille. Näitä päästöjä arvioitiin aktiivista biomonitorointia käyttäen. Spektraaliset häiriöt vaikeuttivat kerättyjen sammalnäytteiden (Pleurozium schreberi) palladium-, platina- ja rodiumpitoisuuksien määrityksiä. Tämän vuoksi mittauksissa esiintyvien häiriöiden poistossa hyödynnettiin kahta eri lähestymistapaa. Näistä ensimmäisessä häiritsevät alkuaineet poistettiin kemiallisen erotusmenetelmän, samepisteuuton, avulla. Toisessa tavassa häiriöt poistettiin uudella ICP-MS/MS -tekniikalla (induktiiviplasmatandemmassaspektrometria) käyttäen ammoniakkia reaktiokaasuna.

Development of new methodologies based on ICP techniques for the elemental analysis of renewable fuel feedstock and light petroleum products

Martínez del Olmo, Santiago 27 April 2022 (has links)
Debido al limitado número de reservas de petróleo y al incremento de emisiones a la atmósfera de gases contaminantes, la producción de combustibles con un origen fósil está siendo reorientada hacia vías más sostenibles. En este contexto, los biocombustibles llevan jugando un papel importante en las últimas décadas, siendo una potente alternativa a los combustibles convencionales pudiendo llegar a reducir las emisiones netas de carbono en un gran porcentaje (hasta valores cercanos al 90% si se emplean como materia primas residuos lignocelulósicos). Sin embargo, las materias primas empleadas para la producción de estos biocombustibles, al igual que sucede con los productos derivados del petróleo, presentan ciertas impurezas que no son deseables en el producto final, destacando la presencia de metales y metaloides. Bajas concentraciones de estos elementos, incluso por debajo del nivel de mg Kg-1, pueden: (i) reducir la eficiencia de producción y la estabilidad del combustible/biocombustible generado; (ii) generar problemas medioambientales y de salud humana; (iii) envenenar, obstruir y ensuciar catalizadores, además de favorecer la corrosión; (iv) afectar al correcto funcionamiento de los motores de combustión en los que se puede emplear el combustible/biocombustible; (v) algunas de estos elementos pueden ser añadidos para mejorar las propiedades antidetonantes, antioxidantes, anticongelantes, lubricantes o antiespumantes del producto final. Por todo ello, la presente Tesis Doctoral, desarrollada en el Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología de la Universidad de Alicante y en colaboración con la empresa energética francesa TotalEnergies, se centra en el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías para el análisis multielemental de materias primas precursoras de biocombustibles y productos ligeros derivados del petróleo mediante el acoplamiento de un sistema de consumo total de muestra, conocido como hTISIS (high temperature Torch Integrated Sample Introduction System). Previamente se hizo un estudio bibliográfico de las distintas metodologías de preparación de muestras empleadas para realizar los análisis de este tipo de muestras orgánicas y también de las técnicas espectrométricas más usadas para la determinación elemental. Una vez conocidas las distintas metodologías de preparación de muestras. Se desarrolló un método de dilución de las muestras empleando xileno como disolvente orgánico para realizar los análisis. Para ello, el sistema de consumo total de muestra, hTISIS, se acopló a un espectrómetro de emisión óptico con plasma acoplado inductivamente (ICP-OES). De tal forma que, aplicando una metodología de inyección segmentada, se pudieron obtener concentraciones con alto nivel de exactitud y bajos límites de detección para un conjunto de 15 elementos. Además, se consiguió mitigar los efectos de matriz relacionados con la forma química del silicio, elemento presente en todas las muestras, específicamente en altas concentraciones (decenas de ppm) en aceites de pirólisis y otros precursores de biocombustibles. En segundo lugar, esta metodología se mejoró mediante el acoplamiento de la hTISIS a un espectrómetro de masas en tándem con plasma acoplado inductivamente (ICP-MS/MS) con el objetivo de poder determinar un mayor número de elementos (pudiendo determinar con exactitud elementos interferidos), reduciendo los límites de detección y pudiendo realizar por primer vez los análisis de estas muestras en un modo de aspiración continuo tras la adicción de oxígeno a la salida del sistema de introducción de muestras. Así, se pudieron cuantificar con exactitud 24 elementos en un set de 36 muestras formado por diversos productos ligeros derivados del petróleo, aceites, grasas animales y aceites de pirólisis.

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