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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The environment as a casualty of war: the role of the African union regulatory framework towards securing environmental protection during armed conflicts

Kentaro, Charlyn January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This mini-thesis analyses the international legal framework governing the protection of the natural environment during armed conflicts. It critically examines the normative rules in international humanitarian law and international environmental law in respect of environmental damage during armed conflicts and it highlights the strengths and shortcomings of international law in this regard. Furthermore, this thesis investigates how the regulatory structures of the African Union (AU) address the problem of environmental damage during armed conflict. It draws on the aforementioned analyses to determine how regional law in Africa differs from the international regime and in what ways the regional framework may serve to complement the international legal regime in order to strengthen the protection of the environment during armed conflict on the continent.

The protection of the environment during armed conflict: a case study of the Republic of Congo

M’Banza, Frederic Ghislain Bakala January 2014 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The International Committee of the Red Cross/Crescent (ICRC) has been the only agency promoting the observance of the law of armed conflict. It has invested considerably in finding solutions to protecting people and regulates the means and methods of warfare. Throughout the development of the law of armed conflict, the protection of the environment was never the centre of focus. From the early 1868 Declaration of Saint Petersburg to the Hague Regulations of 1907, attention was given to weakening the military forces of the enemy and the right of the belligerents not to destroy or seize the enemy’s property, unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war. Through AP I, the basic principle of IHL was reaffirmed. The concepts of military necessity and proportionality became clearer, permitting only those acts of war which are proportional to the lawful objective of a military operation. Considering the cruelty experienced through the crises that occurred in the RC, it is therefore imperative for the administration to enforce their observation. In the light of the above background the aims of this research paper are to seek to explore the challenges that the current RC administration is facing in implementing IHL and IEL principles. In addition, the research paper will analyse the possibilities to promote the implementation of IHL and IEL instruments within the public domain, mostly the army, to dissipate any ignorance that occur. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has also made it clear that an obligation rests upon states to take environmental considerations into account during armed conflict in so far as these relate to states’ military objectives

The role of Bcl-2 family members in thymic development and peripheral CD4+ T cell fate

Shanmuganad, Sharmila 22 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Innate immunity of human intestinal epithelium in childhood celiac disease : influences from celiac disease associated bacteria and dietary oats

Pietz, Grzegorz January 2017 (has links)
Background & Aims: Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory small-bowel enteropathy caused by permanent intolerance to gliadin in wheat gluten, and related proteins in ray and barley. It is disputed whether CD patients tolerate oats. The only treatment of CD is lifelong gluten-free diet (GFD). Only individuals that carry the HLA-DQ2 and/or DQ8 alleles, and eat gluten can develop CD. Dysbiosis in the gut microbiota is a suggested risk factor for CD. T cells in small intestinal mucosa, including intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), are known to be important in the pathogenesis of CD. In contrast, the role of intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) is poorly understood. In this thesis we investigated the role of IECs in the immune pathology of CD from duodenal mucosa of children with CD, clinical controls and treated CD. We also investigated the role of CD associated bacteria and oats supplemented GFD on the mucosal immune system. Results: A new CD-associated bacterium, Prevotella jejuni, was isolated and characterized. It is a saccharolytic and proteolytic anaerobe. More than 25 defense-related genes, including IRF1, SPINK4, ITLN1, OAS2, CIITA, HLA-DMB, HLA-DOB, PSMB9, TAP1, BTN3A1, and CX3CL1, were upregulated in IECs in active CD. In two in vitro models for intestinal epithelium, small intestine enteroids and T84 polarized tight monolayers, we showed that 70% of these genes were upregulated by interferon (IFN)-γ via the IRF1 pathway. IRF1 was also upregulated by the CD-associated bacteria P. jejuni and Actinomyces gravenitzii. IECs expressed the NLRP6/8 inflammasome yielding CASP1 and biologically active interleukin (IL)-18, which induces IFN-γ in IELs. P. jejuni bound the intestinal epithelial cell lines T84, Caco2, HT29, and INT407, while Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense preferentially bound Caco2. P. jejuni caused decreased transepithelial resistance over tight monolayers, while L. umeaense caused an increase. P. jejuni upregulated mRNAs for the detoxification molecules CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, and TIPARP, the chemokines CX3CL1, CXCL1, and CXCL10, the sialyltranserase ST3GAL4, and the inflammation promoting protein S100A3 in tight monolayers. L. umeaense upregulated the chemokines CCL20 and CXCL10, and down-regulated TLR2. In a randomized, double-blinded intervention trial comparing two study-groups, standard GFD and oat-containing GFD, we found that mRNAs for several immune effector molecules and tight junction proteins were only reduced in patients receiving GFD, but not in a substantial fraction of patients on GFD with oats. The down-regulatory cytokines IL-10 and TGF-β1, the cytotoxicity-activating NK-receptors NKG2C and NKG2E, and the tight junction protein claudin-4 remained elevated in the study group on GFD with oats. Conclusions: IECs are far from inactive in CD. A key factor in the epithelial reaction in CD appears to be over-expression of IRF1 in IECs. Dual activation of IRF1 and IRF1-regulated genes, both directly by P. jejuni and indirectly by IFN-γ via the IL-18-inflammasome, would drastically enhance the inflammatory response and lead to the pathological situation seen in active CD. P. jejuni harms the intestinal epithelium, i.e., it is a likely risk factor for CD, while L. umeaense strengthen barrier function and local immunity, possibly acting as a protective. A fraction of CD patients should avoid oats in the diet. / Doctoral thesis

Endothelial FasL in lymph nodes and in intestinal lymphatic tissue

Kokkonen, T. (Tuomo) 29 March 2016 (has links)
Abstract The function of the transmembrane protein FasL is to complex with the Fas receptor in a target cell and induce target cell apoptosis. Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis plays important role in immunoregulation. FasL expression is mostly seen in activated lymphocytes. We have characterized endothelial FasL expression in different functional compartments of lymph nodes and gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Furthermore, we have explored the functional role of endothelial FasL expression by analyzing correlation with apoptosis of lymphocyte subpopulations in lymph nodes and by assessing endothelial expression under different conditions by activation of immune functions in gastrointestinal mucosa. Immunohistochemical stainings (Fas, FasL, CD3, CD20, CD19, CD23, CD56, FVIII) were performed on 20 reactive lymph node tissues (I and II), 60 pediatric endoscopy biopsy samples (III) or 60 samples from gut resections (IV). A double-staining method combining apoptosis detection with the TUNEL-method and lymphocyte classification with FasL, Fas and cell lineage markers was optimized. Patient groups included non-pathological lymph nodes, pediatric cow’s milk-sensitive enteropathy, pediatric celiac disease, appendicitis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Control groups included normal biopsy samples from pediatric patients and non-pathological resecate samples from the appendix, colon or ileum to correspond to patient groups. Quantitative analysis (positive vessels or cells per mm2) was performed thoroughly for each anatomical region. In a subset of patients, soluble FasL in the serum was quantified with standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In reactive lymph nodes FasL expression was predominantly present in high endothelial venules located in the paracortical area, where apoptotic T and B lymphocytes, some expressing Fas, were subsequently found. In the gut wall vascular FasL expression was seen in high endothelial vessels near lymphoid follicles. Serum FasL was elevated in children with an abundance of mucosal lymphoid follicles. In IBD, vascular FasL was upregulated in ulcers and in the submucosa of colons affected by Crohn’s disease. The results indicate that endothelial FasL is characteristically present in high endothelial venules of lymphoid tissues. Detection of apoptotic Fas expressing lymphocytes adjacent to such vessels supports the idea that endothelial FasL functions as a selective gatekeeper by inducing apoptosis of Fas+ lymphocytes entering from the blood stream. / Tiivistelmä Solukalvon läpäisevän proteiinin, FasL:n, tehtävä on sitoutua kohdesolun Fas-reseptoriin ja indusoida kohdesolun apoptoosi. Fas/FasL-välitteinen apoptoosi on merkittävä tekijä immunologisessa säätelyssä. FasL ilmentyy pääsääntöisesti aktivoituneissa lymfosyyteissä. Olemme kuvanneet tutkimuksessamme FasL:n endoteelistä ilmentymistä imukudoksen eri toiminnallisissa alueissa ja suoliston lymfaattisessa kudoksessa. Lisäksi kartoitimme endoteelin FasL:n toiminnallista merkitystä analysoimalla sen yhteyttä lymfosyyttien alaryhmien apoptoosiin imusolmukkeissa ja arvioimalla FasL:n endoteelistä ilmentymistä suoliston limakalvon immunologisesti erilaisissa sairauksissa. Teimme immunohistokemiallisia värjäyksiä (Fas, FasL, CD3, CD20, CD19, CD23, CD56 ja FVIII) 20 reaktiiviselle imusolmukkeelle (I ja II), 60 lapsen endoskooppiselle biopsianäytteelle (III) sekä 60 suoliresekaattinäytteelle (IV). Optimoimme kaksoisvärjäysmenetelmän, missä yhdistettiin apoptoosin havainnointimenetelmä TUNEL ja FasL-, Fas- tai solulinjamarkkeri. Potilasryhmiin kuului potilaita, joilla oli normaalit imusolmukkeet, sekä potilaita, jotka sairastivat lasten viivästynyttä lehmänmaitoallergiaa, lasten keliakiaa, umpilisäketulehdusta, haavaista paksusuolitulehdusta tai Crohnin tautia. Verrokkiryhmiin kuului normaaleja biopsianäytteitä lapsipotilailta sekä terveitä resekaattinäytteitä umpilisäkkeestä sekä paksu- tai sykkyräsuolesta potilasryhmien mukaisesti. Jokaiselle anatomiselle alueelle suoritimme perusteellisen määrällisen analyysin (positiivista suonta tai solua per mm2). Osalle ryhmistä suoritimme seerumin liukoisen FasL:n määrityksen entsyymivälitteisellä immunosorbenttimäärityksellä. Reaktiivisissa imusolmukkeissa FasL:n ilmentyminen näkyi pääsääntöisesti parakortikaalialueen korkeaendoteelisissä venuleissa, missä myös apoptoottiset T- ja B-lymfosyytit (joista osa ilmensi Fasia) sittemmin näkyivät. Suoliston seinämässä havaitsimme verisuoniperäistä FasL:n ilmentymistä korkeaendoteelisissä suonissa lymfaattisten itukeskusten lähettyvillä. Niillä lapsipotilailla, joilla havaitsimme limakalvon lymfaattisten itukeskuksien lisääntymistä, oli myös seerumin FasL-pitoisuus koholla. Tulehduksellisissa suolistosairauksissa verisuoniperäinen FasL oli lisääntynyt limakalvon haavaumissa sekä Crohnin tautia sairastavien potilaiden submukoosassa. Tulokset osoittavat verisuoniperäisen FasL:n tyypillisesti ilmentyvän imukudoksen korkeaendoteelisissa suonissa. Apoptoosin havaitseminen Fasia ilmentävissä lymfosyyteissä näiden suonien läheisyydessä tukee ajatusta siitä, kuinka verisuoniperäinen FasL toimii valikoivana portinvartijana ja aiheuttaa Fas-positiivisten lymfosyyttien apoptoosin estämällä niiden pääsyn verenkierrosta.

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