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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Pesquisando a forma??o de professores para a Educa??o Profissional: Um estudo de caso sobre os Cursos de Licenciatura do Instituto Federal do Amap? - Campus Macap?. / Searching for teacher training for vocational education: A case study on the Undergraduate Courses of the Federal Institute of Amap?-Macap? Campus

Ara?jo, Adriana Val?ria Barreto de 05 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-03-06T12:54:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 -Adriana Val?ria Barreto de Ara?jo.pdf: 1223136 bytes, checksum: 6637633ec85c97e2357bfa2115a15710 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-06T12:54:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 -Adriana Val?ria Barreto de Ara?jo.pdf: 1223136 bytes, checksum: 6637633ec85c97e2357bfa2115a15710 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-05 / The aim of this study was to analyze critically and reflectively the process of training of students of the Federal Institute of Amap? Degree Courses - Campus Macap? (IFAP), seeking to verify whether it contributes to the practice of teaching in vocational education. The research takes as reference the Degree courses in Computer Science and Chemistry offered by the institution, as well as official documents guiding them. Since 2008, with the creation of the Federal Institutes of Technology and the consequent expansion of the Federal Technological Education Network, offering these courses is part of the government policy expansion project for teacher training aimed at overcoming the deficit teachers, especially in the areas of natural sciences and mathematics, and in the field of Vocational Education. The methodological approach used the perspective of case study from a qualitative approach, which investigated students, teachers and educational managers operating in these courses. In order to reveal the object, it was decided to use the following methodological strategies: questionnaires application, carrying out semi-structured interviews and analysis of documents, such as: curriculum matrices of degree courses, pedagogical projects of the courses, official documents of the Federal Institute Amapa and the National Council of Education, as well as the documents and guidelines of the Department of Professional and Technological Education (SETEC / MEC). The results showed that the above courses have been designed in accordance with the legislation which provides for teacher training courses for Basic Education, respecting the minimum hours established for this purpose, distributed in three training centers covering theoretical and practical knowledge, highlighting both specific knowledge about the teaching - teaching. It should be noted that this workload distribution proved uneven, predominating more hours to the core of expertise in comparison to the core teaching knowledge - teaching, a situation which leads to instrumental and bacharelesco technical nature still very present in structuring degree courses in Brazil. As the main objective of this study, to verify that throughout the training process these courses present suggestions for possible teaching practice in vocational education, the survey revealed that, although there is expressly no discipline in the curriculum matrices that addresses the discussions on the Professional education as a teaching mode during the training course in the courses students have contact with the debates that address the specifics of the EP through any discussions at different times of training, both seen content in the classroom in the classroom and in stage stage supervised and projects and events organized by the institution. In the final considerations were presented proposals that enable improvements in teacher training offered in IFAP's degree courses, with reference to the locus where it takes place and preparing to operate in Professional Education. / O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar de forma cr?tica e reflexiva o processo de forma??o dos estudantes dos Cursos de Licenciatura do Instituto Federal do Amap? - Campus Macap? (IFAP), buscando verificar se o mesmo contribui para o exerc?cio do magist?rio na Educa??o Profissional (EP). A investiga??o toma como refer?ncia os cursos de Licenciatura em Inform?tica e em Qu?mica ofertados pela Institui??o, bem como os documentos norteadores oficiais dos mesmos. Desde o ano de 2008, com a cria??o dos Institutos Federais de Ci?ncia e Tecnologia e a consequente amplia??o da Rede Federal de Educa??o Tecnol?gica, a oferta desses cursos integra o projeto de expans?o da pol?tica governamental para forma??o de professores que visa ? supera??o do d?ficit de docentes, sobretudo nas ?reas das ci?ncias da natureza e matem?tica, e no campo da Educa??o Profissional. Na abordagem metodol?gica utilizou-se a perspectiva do estudo de caso a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, no qual se investigou alunos, professores e gestores pedag?gicos atuantes nos cursos. Com a finalidade de revelar o objeto, optou-se pela utiliza??o das seguintes estrat?gias metodol?gicas: aplica??o de question?rios, realiza??o de entrevistas semiestruturadas e an?lise de documentos, como: matrizes curriculares dos cursos de licenciatura, Projetos Pedag?gicos dos Cursos, documentos oficiais do Instituto Federal do Amap? e Conselho Nacional de Educa??o, bem como dos documentos e das orienta??es da Secretaria de Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica (SETEC/MEC). Os resultados demonstraram que os citados cursos foram concebidos de acordo com a legisla??o que disp?e sobre os Cursos de forma??o de professores para Educa??o B?sica, respeitando a carga hor?ria m?nima estabelecida para tal, distribu?da em tr?s n?cleos formativos e contemplando conhecimentos te?ricos e pr?ticos, destacando-se tanto os conhecimentos espec?ficos quanto os did?ticos ? pedag?gicos. Ressalte-se que essa distribui??o de carga hor?ria mostrou-se desigual, predominando maior carga hor?ria para o n?cleo de conhecimentos espec?ficos em compara??o com o n?cleo de conhecimentos did?ticos ? pedag?gicos, situa??o que remete ao car?ter t?cnico instrumental e bacharelesco ainda muito presente na estrutura??o de cursos de licenciatura no Brasil. Quanto ao objetivo maior desse estudo, o de verificar se ao longo do processo de forma??o esses cursos apresentam contribui??es para uma poss?vel atua??o docente na Educa??o Profissional, a pesquisa revelou que, embora este n?o seja o principal foco de atua??o dos egressos, e para tanto n?o foi localizada expressamente nenhuma disciplina nas matrizes curriculares que aborde as discuss?es sobre a Educa??o Profissional como modalidade de ensino, durante a trajet?ria formativa nos cursos, os estudantes t?m contato com os debates que tratam das especificidades da EP, por meio de discuss?es eventuais em diferentes momentos da forma??o, tanto em conte?dos vistos em sala de aula quanto na etapa de est?gio supervisionado, em projetos e eventos promovidos pela Institui??o. Nas considera??es finais, apresentam-se propostas que viabilizam melhorias na forma??o docente ofertada nos cursos de licenciatura do IFAP, tendo como refer?ncia o l?cus onde a mesma se d? e a prepara??o para atua??o na Educa??o Profissional.

Enfrentamento ? viola??o de direitos humanos dos adolescentes no Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia do Amap?, Amap?, Brasil

BARROSO, Maria L?cia Fernandes 26 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-09-29T18:38:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Maria L?cia Fernandes Barroso.pdf: 1460228 bytes, checksum: 14646f13cec0b2391227b0f29e044421 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-29T18:38:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Maria L?cia Fernandes Barroso.pdf: 1460228 bytes, checksum: 14646f13cec0b2391227b0f29e044421 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-26 / The research presented here was to investigate the views of the professionals of the Federal Institute of Education Science and Tecnology of Amap? (IFAP), Campus Macap? on the responsibility of the educational institution in combating violence suffered by adolescent students of the integrated secondary school. We sought to identify the knowledge that education teachers and technicians have about the legislation that advocates the rights of this segment to be raised and educated without violence of any kind, as well as to map the existence of cases of victimized students inside or outside the school environment as well as knowing what the view of the professionals in relation to this phenomenon. For this, we used a qualitative approach by carrying out documentary research. In the first phase were studied institutional documents, decrees among others, in addition to the Institutional Development Plan of IFAP, with a view to identifying how the institution materializes combating violence. Also part of the documentary data records three right care sectors to the student called educational core and pedagogical coordination of support to the student. Data collection instrument was a questionnaire with open and closed questions that reached the participation of forty-five teachers and nineteen educational technicians analyzed and categorized based on an analysis of documents. As theoretical work foundation held a brief historical review of the social construction of the concept of childhood and policies in this segment in Brazil in different historical periods to implement the statute of children and adolescents and definition of the Rights Guarantee System .The results revealed a significant quantity of thirty-two students who have suffered violence. According to the records of the former pedagogical coordination the institution has demonstrated the need for a specific policy that directs the IFAP for an expansion of preventive and interventional actions based on three main points: 1. Integrated responsibility and articulation by part of those responsible for teenagers an adolescents aducational process, 2. Continuing the proposal to be followed by professionals at IFAP; 3. Actions aimed at expansion of family participation in the education of adolescents. As a suggestion that there is synergy in these cases of identified violence it was proposed to start this work through an implementation of a flow comprising the participation and involveme of the whole school community in the social commitment in order to breaking cycles of violence involving adolescents students. / A pesquisa ora apresentada se prop?s a investigar as percep??es dos profissionais do Instituto Federal do Amap? (IFAP), Campus Macap? acerca da responsabilidade da institui??o de ensino no enfrentamento ? viol?ncia sofrida por alunos adolescentes do ensino m?dio integrado. Buscou-se identificar o conhecimento que docentes e t?cnicos educacionais possuem acerca da legisla??o que preconiza o direito desse segmento a ser criado e educado sem viol?ncia de qualquer natureza, realizar um mapeamento da exist?ncia de casos de alunos vitimizados dentro ou fora do ambiente escolar, bem como conhecer qual a vis?o dos profissionais em rela??o a esse fen?meno. Para isso, utilizou-se a abordagem qualitativa realizando-se pesquisa documental. Na primeira fase foram estudados documentos institucionais, decretos e portarias, al?m do Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional do IFAP, com vistas a identificar como a institui??o materializa o enfrentamento da viol?ncia. Tamb?m fizeram parte dos dados documentais os registros de tr?s setores de atendimento direto ao aluno, quais sejam, coordena??o de turno, n?cleo pedag?gico e coordena??o de apoio ao estudante. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi aplicado um question?rio com perguntas abertas e fechadas que alcan?ou a participa??o de quarenta e cinco docentes e dezenove t?cnicos educacionais, analisados e categorizados com base na an?lise documental. Como alicerce te?rico do trabalho realizou-se um breve resgate hist?rico da constru??o social do conceito de inf?ncia e das pol?ticas de atendimento a esse segmento no Brasil em diferentes per?odos hist?ricos at? a implementa??o do Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente e defini??o do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos. Os resultados revelaram um quantitativo significativo de vinte e quatro alunos que sofreram viol?ncias, de acordo com os registros da antiga coordena??o pedag?gica, da coordena??o de turno e da coordena??o de apoio ao estudante, bem como a fragilidade nos registros de encaminhamentos adotados nestes casos pela equipe da institui??o, demonstrando a necessidade de uma pol?tica pr?pria que direcione o IFAP para uma amplia??o de a??es preventivas e interventivas, baseadas em tr?s pontos principais:1. Articula??o com a Rede de atendimento ? crian?a e ao adolescente de Macap??; 2. Forma??o continuada dos profissionais do IFAP; 3. A??es voltadas para amplia??o da participa??o da fam?lia na educa??o dos adolescentes. Como sugest?o para que haja sinergia nos encaminhamentos dos casos de viol?ncia identificados, ? proposto a partir desse trabalho, a implementa??o de um Fluxo de encaminhamento, que compreende a participa??o e envolvimento de toda comunidade escolar no compromisso social com o rompimento de ciclos de viol?ncia envolvendo os alunos adolescentes.

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