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Uma abordagem de compressão de imagens através de sistemas de funções iteradasReis, Glauco dos Santos 22 August 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-22 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / A new image compression technique is proposed, based on the affine transformations (ATs) that define an iterated function system (IFS). Previous related research in the field has shown that an image may be approximated by iteratively subjecting a set of sub-regions to a group of ATs. In this case, the original image should be partitioned in regions, and each one of the active pixels are transformed by the AT. The new transformed set should be approximated to other image regions. This iterated execution to find ATs for the best set of areas might result in smaller storage space since the similar areas might be replaced by AT coefficients. Despite this advantage, the technique is computationally intensive, because both the sub-regions and the corresponding ATs that have to be searched for. Here, a new form of similarity is proposed, based on the successive points generated by the iteration of affine transformations. By understanding an AT as a discrete dynamical system, with each image point represented by an iteration of the AT, the method captures similarities between these points, namely, those with the same color in the image; by saving the starting point and the transformations coefficients, the points can be iterated back, to reconstruct the original image. This results in lighter computational effort, since the comparison is made point by point, instead of region by region. Experiments were made on a group of 10 images, representing a broad set of distinct features and resolutions. The proposed algorithm competes in terms of storage size, when compared to JPEG, mainly when the image size is small, and the number of colors are reduced, as currently happens for most images used in the Internet. Although the proposed method is faster than the traditional method for IFS compression, it is slower than common file formats like JPEG. / Uma nova técnica para compressão de imagens é proposta, baseada em conjuntos de transformações afins (affine transformations - ATs), normalmente conhecidos como sistemas de funções iteradas (iterated function system -IFS). Pesquisas anteriores mostraram que uma imagem poderia ser aproximada pela aplicação de um grupo de ATs em conjuntos de sub-regiões da imagem, de forma iterativa. Através deste processo, a imagem original seria subdividida em regiões e sobre a coordenada de cada ponto habilitado de cada região seria aplicada uma transformação afim. O resultado representaria um novo conjunto de pontos similares a outras regiões da imagem. A execução de forma iterada deste processo de identificação das ATs para o maior conjunto de regiões similares de uma determinada imagem permitiria uma redução no armazenamento, já que as regiões similares poderiam ser armazenadas como os coeficientes das transformações afins. Apesar desta vantagem em termos de compressão, a técnica é computacionalmente intensiva, pela busca exaustiva de sub-regiões e das ATs geradoras, de forma a proporcionar o melhor preenchimento em outras regiões da imagem. Esta pesquisa propõe uma nova forma de compressão baseada em ATs, utilizando a sequência de pontos gerada pela iteração das ATs. Entendendo uma AT como um sistema dinâmico em tempo discreto, cada novo ponto identificado é consequência direta da iteração da AT sobre o ponto anterior, permitindo a captura de similaridades nesta sequência de pontos. Através do salvamento dos coeficientes das ATs e das coordenadas iniciais, é possível a reconstrução da imagem pela iteração da AT a partir do ponto inicial. Isto pode resultar em menor esforço computacional, pois apenas comparações simples de pontos são necessárias, ao invés de comparações entre os pontos de regiões da imagem. Foram feitos experimentos em um conjunto de 10 classes de imagens, representando um espectro de diferentes características gerais e resoluções. O algoritmo proposto rivaliza em termos de armazenamento quando comparado ao formato JPEG, principalmente para imagens de pequeno tamanho e com número de cores reduzidas, como as utilizadas com frequência na Internet. Apesar de ser mais rápido para a compressão do que outros métodos baseados em IFS, ele é mais lento do que métodos clássicos como o JPEG.
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Uma abordagem de compressão de imagens através de sistemas de funções iteradasReis, Glauco dos Santos 22 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:37:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2011-08-22 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / A new image compression technique is proposed, based on the affine transformations (ATs) that define an iterated function system (IFS). Previous related research in the field has shown that an image may be approximated by iteratively subjecting a set of sub-regions to a group of ATs. In this case, the original image should be partitioned in regions, and each one of the active pixels are transformed by the AT. The new transformed set should be approximated to other image regions. This iterated execution to find ATs for the best set of areas might result in smaller storage space since the similar areas might be replaced by AT coefficients. Despite this advantage, the technique is computationally intensive, because both the sub-regions and the corresponding ATs that have to be searched for. Here, a new form of similarity is proposed, based on the successive points generated by the iteration of affine transformations. By understanding an AT as a discrete dynamical system, with each image point represented by an iteration of the AT, the method captures similarities between these points, namely, those with the same color in the image; by saving the starting point and the transformations coefficients, the points can be iterated back, to reconstruct the original image. This results in lighter computational effort, since the comparison is made point by point, instead of region by region. Experiments were made on a group of 10 images, representing a broad set of distinct features and resolutions. The proposed algorithm competes in terms of storage size, when compared to JPEG, mainly when the image size is small, and the number of colors are reduced, as currently happens for most images used in the Internet. Although the proposed method is faster than the traditional method for IFS compression, it is slower than common file formats like JPEG. / Uma nova técnica para compressão de imagens é proposta, baseada em conjuntos de transformações afins (affine transformations - ATs), normalmente conhecidos como sistemas de funções iteradas (iterated function system - IFS).
Pesquisas anteriores mostraram que uma imagem poderia ser aproximada pela aplicação de um grupo de ATs em conjuntos de sub-regiões da imagem, de forma iterativa. Através deste processo, a imagem original seria subdividida em regiões e sobre a coordenada de cada ponto habilitado de cada região seria aplicada uma transformação afim. O resultado representaria um novo conjunto de pontos similares a outras regiões da imagem. A execução de forma iterada deste processo de identificação das ATs para o maior conjunto de regiões similares de uma determinada imagem permitiria uma redução no armazenamento, já que as regiões similares poderiam ser armazenadas como os coeficientes das transformações afins. Apesar desta vantagem em termos de compressão, a técnica é computacionalmente intensiva, pela busca exaustiva de sub-regiões e das ATs geradoras, de forma a proporcionar o melhor preenchimento em outras regiões da imagem. Esta pesquisa propõe uma nova forma de compressão baseada em ATs, utilizando a sequência de pontos gerada pela iteração das ATs. Entendendo uma AT como um sistema dinâmico em tempo discreto, cada novo ponto identificado é consequência direta da iteração da AT sobre o ponto anterior, permitindo a captura de similaridades nesta sequência de pontos. Através do salvamento dos coeficientes das ATs e das coordenadas iniciais, é possível a reconstrução da imagem pela iteração da AT a partir do ponto inicial. Isto pode resultar em menor esforço computacional, pois apenas comparações simples de pontos são necessárias, ao invés de comparações entre os pontos de regiões da imagem. Foram feitos experimentos em um conjunto de 10 classes de imagens, representando um espectro de diferentes características gerais e resoluções. O algoritmo proposto rivaliza em termos de armazenamento quando comparado ao formato JPEG, principalmente para imagens de pequeno tamanho e com número de cores reduzidas, como as utilizadas com frequência na Internet. Apesar de ser mais rápido para a compressão do que outros métodos baseados em IFS, ele é mais lento do que métodos clássicos como o JPEG.
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Développement d'un modèle numérique de couplage fluide-structure appliqué au cas d'une pompe à membrane ondulanteSong, Mengdi 20 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié la simulation numérique des phénomènes d'interaction fluide-structure (IFS) par la méthode des éléments finis pour un fluide incompressible et non visqueux en interaction avec une structure flexible. Les modèles numériques développés sont basé sur une approche d'IFS partitionnée. Une amélioration basée sur une compensation des effets de massé ajoutée est proposée au cours de la thèse afin d'assurer la convergence et la stabilité du schéma de couplage partitionné indépendamment de la densité du fluide impliqué. L'approche corrective nécessite une estimation de la matrice de masse ajoutée et demande une légère modification de l'algorithme itératif. Les méthodes proposées ont été validées sur les cas académiques en comparaison avec les solutions analytiques et sont appliqués au cas d'une nouvelle conception de pompe pour tout type de fluides (gaz, liquides, fluide chargé...), en vue d'affiner la compréhension de son fonctionnement et ainsi mieux la caractériser. Les méthodes ainsi que les validations sont publiées sur un article qui a été accepté par le revue scientifique " Computers & Fluids ". Une présentation orale a effectuée pendant la conférence internationale ACE-X2012 à Istanbul et une autre a été accepté par la conférence nationale CSMA-2013 à Giens.
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Multiscale Methods in Image Modelling and Image ProcessingAlexander, Simon January 2005 (has links)
The field of modelling and processing of 'images' has fairly recently become important, even crucial, to areas of science, medicine, and engineering. The inevitable explosion of imaging modalities and approaches stemming from this fact has become a rich source of mathematical applications. <br /><br /> 'Imaging' is quite broad, and suffers somewhat from this broadness. The general question of 'what is an image?' or perhaps 'what is a natural image?' turns out to be difficult to address. To make real headway one may need to strongly constrain the class of images being considered, as will be done in part of this thesis. On the other hand there are general principles that can guide research in many areas. One such principle considered is the assertion that (classes of) images have multiscale relationships, whether at a pixel level, between features, or other variants. There are both practical (in terms of computational complexity) and more philosophical reasons (mimicking the human visual system, for example) that suggest looking at such methods. Looking at scaling relationships may also have the advantage of opening a problem up to many mathematical tools. <br /><br /> This thesis will detail two investigations into multiscale relationships, in quite different areas. One will involve Iterated Function Systems (IFS), and the other a stochastic approach to reconstruction of binary images (binary phase descriptions of porous media). The use of IFS in this context, which has often been called 'fractal image coding', has been primarily viewed as an image compression technique. We will re-visit this approach, proposing it as a more general tool. Some study of the implications of that idea will be presented, along with applications inferred by the results. In the area of reconstruction of binary porous media, a novel, multiscale, hierarchical annealing approach is proposed and investigated.
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High contrast limitations of slicer based integral field spectrographsSalter, Graeme S. January 2010 (has links)
The viability of using a slicer based integral field spectrograph (IFS) for high contrast observations has been under scrutiny due to the belief that the one dimensional coherence that persists along the slice to the point of sampling at the detector will cause the creation of secondary speckles that will not have the same characteristics as normal speckles, thus stopping us from calibrating them out. It has also been previously assumed that a suitably low differential wavefront error when moving slice to slice was not guaranteed by design. It was for these reasons that slicer based IFSs were not selected for the current generation of planet finding instruments. As part of the EPICS (Exo Planet Imaging Camera and Spectrograph for the E-ELT) design study it was decided that slicers should be re-investigated due to results from on sky observations suggesting these limitations did not exist. The purpose of this thesis was to determine whether there was validity to the concerns mentioned above and therefore to answer the question; Would implementing a slicer based integral field spectrograph limit the achievable contrast of an instrument designed for the direct detection of exoplanets? Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction into the field of exoplanet research. Charpter 2 describes the noise limiting direct detection of exoplanets and the ways to get around it. Chapter 3 gives an overview of the two types of IFS under investigation by the EPICS consortium. Chapter 4 looks into details of the EPICS instrument and the IFS design study that came about. Chapter 5 shows simulations performed for the aim of achieving better contrasts via post processing methods and accurate data reduction as well as simulations of slicer based integral field spectrographs. Experimental tests using a slicer and a preoptics setup designed to simulate the limiting noise are described in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 looks at using SINFONI for high contrast observations and Chapter 8 details the conclusions drawn from the work presented in this thesis, as well as possible extensions to it. The work performed in this thesis dispels the concerns about the continued one dimensional coherence up to the detecter and suggests that slicer based integral field spectrographs do not inherently limit the contrast achievable; Results from experiments fit well with the requirements for EPICS to achieve its goals. Simulations also supported the idea that secondary speckle noise should not be an issue for the slicer based IFS. This means that a slicer based IFS is a viable option for the EPICS instrument.
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Interaction Fluide-Structure pour les corps élancésDe Nayer, Guillaume 17 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Les moyens de calcul actuels conduisent les différentes disciplines scientifiques à se rapprocher, afin de prendre en compte des phénomènes physiques de plus en plus complexes. Ainsi, un axe de recherche de l'Équipe de Modélisation Numérique du Laboratoire de Mécanique des fluides UMR6598 de l'École Centrale Nantes est l'Interaction Fluide-Structure (IFS). Dans ce contexte, le développement d'un solveur structure grand déplacement, limité aux corps élancés, puis son couplage avec le code RANSE volumes-finis non-structuré ISIS ont été réalisés. Le solveur poutre s'appuie sur la théorie de Cosserat et sur la méthode dite 'géométriquement exacte'. Une attention particulière a été portée au couplage en espace sur les interpolations et au transfert des informations à l'interface fluide-structure, afin d'être le plus précis possible et d'assurer la conservation des efforts. Le code poutre pouvant prendre en compte de grands mouvements, une technique originale a dû être écrite pour mettre à jour le domaine de calcul fluide. Elle se base sur l'approche pseudo-solide, et permet via une loi de comportement locale du pseudo-solide, de contrôler finement la déformation du maillage. Chaque partie du code IFS a été validée : le solveur poutre sur des cas-tests 2D/3D, en statique et en dynamique, en petit et grand déplacement; le module de remaillage sur des géométries variées et en calcul parallèle. Enfin, quelques applications IFS ont été traitées : deux exemples bidimensionnels, l'un stationnaire, l'autre très instationnaire; puis, le programme a montré ses possibilités en tridimensionnel sur un câble déformable fixé à une extrémité et subissant un courant, ou encore un riser tracté dans un environnement multifluide au repos.
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Multiscale Methods in Image Modelling and Image ProcessingAlexander, Simon January 2005 (has links)
The field of modelling and processing of 'images' has fairly recently become important, even crucial, to areas of science, medicine, and engineering. The inevitable explosion of imaging modalities and approaches stemming from this fact has become a rich source of mathematical applications. <br /><br /> 'Imaging' is quite broad, and suffers somewhat from this broadness. The general question of 'what is an image?' or perhaps 'what is a natural image?' turns out to be difficult to address. To make real headway one may need to strongly constrain the class of images being considered, as will be done in part of this thesis. On the other hand there are general principles that can guide research in many areas. One such principle considered is the assertion that (classes of) images have multiscale relationships, whether at a pixel level, between features, or other variants. There are both practical (in terms of computational complexity) and more philosophical reasons (mimicking the human visual system, for example) that suggest looking at such methods. Looking at scaling relationships may also have the advantage of opening a problem up to many mathematical tools. <br /><br /> This thesis will detail two investigations into multiscale relationships, in quite different areas. One will involve Iterated Function Systems (IFS), and the other a stochastic approach to reconstruction of binary images (binary phase descriptions of porous media). The use of IFS in this context, which has often been called 'fractal image coding', has been primarily viewed as an image compression technique. We will re-visit this approach, proposing it as a more general tool. Some study of the implications of that idea will be presented, along with applications inferred by the results. In the area of reconstruction of binary porous media, a novel, multiscale, hierarchical annealing approach is proposed and investigated.
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Systémy hodnocení jakosti při zpracování zemědělských produktů / Quality assessment systems in the processing of agricultural productsSVOBODA, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to recommend an optimal way of creating a reliable quality assessment system for products of crop and livestock origin. The selected companies have been searched for key aspects of these systems and evaluated. Further, the certification of quality systems in the Czech Republic was also examined.
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Développement d'un modèle numérique de couplage fluide-structure appliqué au cas d'une pompe à membrane ondulante / Development of a numerical model using fluid-structure interaction method apply to an undulating membrane pumpSong, Mengdi 20 June 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié la simulation numérique des phénomènes d’interaction fluide-structure (IFS) par la méthode des éléments finis pour un fluide incompressible et non visqueux en interaction avec une structure flexible. Les modèles numériques développés sont basé sur une approche d’IFS partitionnée. Une amélioration basée sur une compensation des effets de massé ajoutée est proposée au cours de la thèse afin d’assurer la convergence et la stabilité du schéma de couplage partitionné indépendamment de la densité du fluide impliqué. L’approche corrective nécessite une estimation de la matrice de masse ajoutée et demande une légère modification de l’algorithme itératif. Les méthodes proposées ont été validées sur les cas académiques en comparaison avec les solutions analytiques et sont appliqués au cas d’une nouvelle conception de pompe pour tout type de fluides (gaz, liquides, fluide chargé…), en vue d’affiner la compréhension de son fonctionnement et ainsi mieux la caractériser. Les méthodes ainsi que les validations sont publiées sur un article qui a été accepté par le revue scientifique « Computers & Fluids ». Une présentation orale a effectuée pendant la conférence internationale ACE-X2012 à Istanbul et une autre a été accepté par la conférence nationale CSMA-2013 à Giens. / The numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) by the finite element method has been studied in the context of an incompressible and inviscid flow interacting with a very flexible structure.The numerical models developed in this work are based on a partitioned FSI approach. An improvement based on a compensation of the added-mass effect is proposed during the PhD research in order to ensure the convergence and the stability of the partitioned coupling scheme for all fluids regardless of its density. This simple correction requires to estimate the added-mass matrix and to modify slightly the iterative algorithm.The proposed methods were validated by comparing with analytical solutions for several academic cases and are applied to a novel pumping technology, which is applicable to all kinds of fluid (gas, liquid, slurry...). The main objective is to provide a better understanding about its operations and to improve the designing of pump. The methods and the validation cases are published in an article which has been accepted by the scientific review Computers & Fluids. They were also presented during the international conference ACE-X2012 in Istanbul and have been accepted and scheduled for oral presentation during the national conference CSMA-2013 in Giens.
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Investigating the potential for improving the accuracy of weather and climate forecasts by varying numerical precision in computer modelsThornes, Tobias January 2018 (has links)
Accurate forecasts of weather and climate will become increasingly important as the world adapts to anthropogenic climatic change. Forecasts' accuracy is limited by the computer power available to forecast centres, which determines the maximum resolution, ensemble size and complexity of atmospheric models. Furthermore, faster supercomputers are increasingly energy-hungry and unaffordable to run. In this thesis, a new means of making computer simulations more efficient is presented that could lead to more accurate forecasts without increasing computational costs. This 'scale-selective reduced precision' technique builds on previous work that shows that weather models can be run with almost all real numbers represented in 32 bit precision or lower without any impact on forecast accuracy, challenging the paradigm that 64 bits of numerical precision are necessary for sufficiently accurate computations. The observational and model errors inherent in weather and climate simulations, combined with the sensitive dependence on initial conditions of the atmosphere and atmospheric models, renders such high precision unnecessary, especially at small scales. The 'scale-selective' technique introduced here therefore represents smaller, less influential scales of motion with less precision. Experiments are described in which reduced precision is emulated on conventional hardware and applied to three models of increasing complexity. In a three-scale extension of the Lorenz '96 toy model, it is demonstrated that high resolution scale-dependent precision forecasts are more accurate than low resolution high-precision forecasts of a similar computational cost. A spectral model based on the Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Equations is used to determine a power law describing how low precision can be safely reduced as a function of spatial scale; and experiments using four historical test-cases in an open-source version of the real-world Integrated Forecasting System demonstrate that a similar power law holds for the spectral part of this model. It is concluded that the scale-selective approach could be beneficially employed to optimally balance forecast cost and accuracy if utilised on real reduced precision hardware.
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