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Die professionele ontwikkeling en indiensopleiding van die veldskoolonderwyserHeyns, Rudolph Cristiaan Gottlieb 17 February 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Management) / The veld school is one of the most recent developments in the educational provision of the Transvaal Education Department. The effectiveness of the veld school is determined by the quality of education and the enthusiasm manifested by the veld-school teacher as the pursuer of a profession. The professional development and in-service training of the veld-school teacher, therefore, deserves the attention of the Transvaal Education Department, as well as the active measures of the veld-school principal. The rapid technological development of today has caused change and innovation to become an indissoluble part of the daily structure of life. The two most important educational bodies, namely the family and the school, are experiencing problems in keeping pace with this constant change and innovation. The problem of keeping pace with change and innovation may lead to voids in the most important educational situations. It, therefore, concerns the family as well as the school as educational bodies. These voids manifest themselves especially when it comes to the commitment of values and norms to the child. In this study the attempts made by the Transvaal Education Department to overcome these voids in the education of the child have been probed. Initially the subject Youth Preparedness was introduced in an attempt to achieve this goal. The ambitions set for the subject could not be realized within this framework.
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The implementation of outcomes based education in primary schools in Gauteng.Moodley, Edeshri 14 October 2008 (has links)
Die implementering van Uitkoms Gebaseerde Onderig in skole in Suid-Afrika het gepaard gegaan met probleme op alle vlakke in die onderwysdepartement. UGO, ’n nasionale inisiatief, hang ten nouste saam met die agenda van die kultuur van onderrig en leer. Hierdie nasionale strategieë was veronderstel om alle belangegroepe te lei tot konkrete oplossings in die krisis wat die regering ondervind het om aan die menigte aangeleenthede wat hulle in 1994 geteister het, aandag te skenk. UGO is beskou as ’n wyse waarop onderwys aan die sentrale probleem om meer relevant te word, aandag kon skenk: leerders wat in ’n betekenisvolle konteks in omgewings wat hulle leer ondersteun, werk; opvoeders wat vindingryk is om die omgewing te gebruik om leer te optimaliseer; en skole wat in ’n posisie is om hulle groei- en ontwikkelingsplan uit een te sit om sodoende die algemene vlak van onderrig in die land te verbeter. Daar is kommer oor die oënskynlik oneffektiewe implementering van UGO op klaskamervlak. ’n Menigte opleidingsaktiwiteite het plaasgevind, maar probleme bestaan steeds. Wat die ergste is, is dat dit voorkom of dit “dieselfde probleme” is wat herhalend voorkom. Die vraag is waarom. Die doel met hierdie navorsing was om te identifiseer waarom die implementering van UGO by primêre skole nie so suksesvol was as wat dit moes wees nie, in die lig van die opleiding en distriksteun wat vir die opvoeders beskikbaar is. Die navorsing fokus spesifiek op die persepsies van opvoeders met betrekking tot: • Die opleiding van opvoeders om UGO in die klaskamer te implementeer; • Steun deur die distrik na die opleiding; en • Die ontwerp van leersteunmateriaal. Gegrond op die bevindings van die navorsing word moontlike strategieë voorgestel om aan elkeeen van die bogenoemde aandag te skenk: • Hoe behoort opleidingsinisiatiewe vir opvoeders te verbeter ten einde groter sukses op die vlak van die klaskamer te akkumuleer? • Wat behoort die aard van die steun van die distrik aan opvoeders te wees om die behoeftes van die opvoeder te bevredig? • Wat is vir opvoeders nodig om in staat te wees om beter leersteunmateriaal te ontwerp en in die klaskamer te gebruik? / Mrs. I.D. Hariparsad
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Attitudes of educators towards developmental appraisalMdlalose, Mbongiseni Shadrack 07 September 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Management) / Mokgalane (Mokone, 1999: 7) asserts that the implementation of the new PPN in 1998 represented different things to different people. For educators affected by the process, it represented a life of uncertainty, possibilities of being shifted from one school to another and a great number of sad stories of an uncertain future in education. However, for educator unions and the government, it represented the opportunity to redress past injustices by equitably and fairly distributing educational human resources. The motivation for the new PPN thus appears to have been political and not based on educational criteria — a situation that would be untenable. Although the implementation of the new PPN had good objectives in principle, namely to provide a fair basis for the staffing of schools to redress the injustices of the past, it directly and indirectly affected the educators' work values, namely security, good working conditions, a reasonable learner-educator ratio, good interpersonal relations, opportunities for advancement, a reasonable work load, the status of the teaching profession, good quality supervision, support by educational authorities, and good mental and physical health. During the implementation of the new PPN, newly appointed educators were appointed on a month-to-month basis, which meant their appointment was temporary. Even permanently appointed educators were not certain about their future in their schools because they could be moved whenever the new PPN indicated that some of them had to be declared in excess and had to be redeployed. In addition workloads had to increase in schools where the number of allocated educator posts decreased. The result of this was that relations between affected educators and principals became strained. Further to this teacher salaries could not increase reasonably because of the emphasis on cutting departmental expenditure. Affected educators felt the Department of Education did not have their interests at heart. All these factors reduced the work satisfaction of educators with the result that many teachers engaged in routinised defensive teaching to compensate for the lack of support, and to avoid criticism and possible termination because they did not have the necessary skills to perform alternative jobs (Steyn & Van Wyk, 1999:39; Weisberg 1994: 125). They were less dependable, less committed and often disloyal to the Department (Byars & Rue, 2000:304). This was indicated by, among other things, high rates of turnover, absenteeism, tardiness, excessive stress, burnout, and late coming among educators.
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Cognitive and social apprenticeship in the induction of novice teachers.Whitelaw, Steven 27 February 2009 (has links)
M.Ed. / Suid-Afrika benodig meer onderwysers as wat tans voortgebring word. Dit is onwaarskynlik dat die voorsieningsvlakke in die afsienbare toekoms sal styg. Om hierdie rede is dit belangrik dat onderwysers wat tans in diens van die professie staan, behou word. Volgens studies blyk dit dat nuweling-onderwysers ‘n baie kwesbare sektor vorm. ‘n Hoë persentasie nuwe leerkragte verlaat die beroep kort na indienstrede. Hiérdie studie beoog om te toon dat hierdie uitwyking uit die onderwysberoep waarskynlik gedeeltelik toegeskryf kan word aan die versuim by baie skole om nuweling-onderwysers van ‘n goed beplande en toepaslike inleidingsprogram te voorsien. Die analise-eenheid van hierdie studie was dan om meer te wete te kom oor die aanvanklike ervarings van nuweling-onderwysers na aanvaarding van ʼn permanente onderwysbetrekking. Hierdie kwalitatiewe navorsingsverslag is in die ‘Interpretivist’ teoretiese raamwerk gefundeer. Sodoende word veelvoudige werklikhede aanvaar as synde epistemologies aanvaarbaar. Verkryging van kennis geskied beredeneerd en behels meer as bloot eenvoudige denotiewe betekenis. Dataversamelingsmetodes vloei logies uit ‘n redevoeringsanalise-ontwerp en sluit onderhoude en tydperke van aktiewe waarneming in skole in. Data is geanaliseer vir herhalende betekenispatrone wat dan in die lig van ‘n oorsig in literatuur beskou is. Aktiwiteitsteorië is gebruik om die ondervindings van nuweling-onderwysers as deelnemers in ‘n aktiwiteitstelsel te oorweeg. Die belangrike rolle wat deur die III gemeenskap waarin die persoon haar bevind, asook die bestaande reëls van die sisteem, is in ag geneem. Die begrippe “oorlewing” en “ontdekking” dien as goeie beskrywings van jong onderwysers se aanvanklike ervarings. Onderwys word gesien as ‘n vakkundigeberoep waarin nuwe lede ‘n vorm van indiensppleiding moet deurloop ten einde te floreer. Daar word beweer dat bogenoemde in die meeste skole nie algemene praktyk is nie en dat baie leerkragte as gevolg daarvan vir die beroep verlore gaan. Heersende “tradisies” en “kulture” by opleidingsfasiliteite vir onderwysers en skole word as antagonisties ten opsigte van die ontwikkeling van ‘n loopbaan in die onderwys ervaar. Onderwysers word as ‘n heterogene groep beskou en daar word gevolglik voorgestel dat inleidingsprogramme op die besondere behoeftes van die individuele nuwelinge gerig word. Individuele verskille ten opsigte van kwalifikasievlakke asook geesdrif vir die beroep word in hierdie opsig as van besondere belang beskaf. Negatiwiteit, sinisme en apatie onder ervare praktiserende onderwysers word as nadelig vir die positiewe sosialisering van groentjies/nuwelinge gesien. Daar word verder beweer dat, ten einde genoegsaam goedgekwaliseerde en professioneel-toegewyde onderwysers te hê, daar opvoeders moet wees wat kan dien as rolmodelle wat jongmense wat hierdie loopbaan betree, kan inspireer.
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'n Didaktiese verantwoording van onderwysersentrumsKeller, Esdre-Jeanne 17 November 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Education) / The research was structured to determine the present state of inservice education and training (INSET) in South Africa with regard to teachers' centres. It addressed the present education system in South Africa as well as the underlying philosophy of teachers' centres. The hypotheses were formulated to determine whether teachers' centres meet the needs of the teachers they serve; whether domestic circumstances have any influence on a teacher's usage of a teachers' centre; and how teachers perceive a good teachers' centre to function. The history of in-service education and specifically teachers' centres was traced through 13 countries, including South Africa, and factors determining the nature of teachers' centres were discussed. Five possible types of teachers' centres were identified and the Johannesburg Teachers' Centre, as being representative of the majority of the centres in South Africa, was analized...
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A leadership perspective of the creation of opportunities for professional teacher development in Diepsloot Combined SchoolKgabo, Veronica 22 June 2011 (has links)
M. Ed. / Professional Teacher Development (PTD) is an ingredient essential to the creation of effective schools, positively impacting learners’ performance and enhancing teachers’ knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are imperative in improving leaner performance. Effective PTD requires considerable time, must be well organised, be carefully structured, purposefully directed and focused on both content and pedagogy. It should be cost effective, in terms of time and effort persistent to teachers’ needs, relevant, practical and educationally sound. It is not a single stroke; one must work hard so as to attain mastery. PTD is an effective transfer of knowledge-sharing from within the institution, supporting critical junctures in its networks, ensuring integration within the externally. When carried out correctly, it is the key to ‘recharging’ teaches, giving them the tool they need. Principals are being challenged about what constitutes quality in education, and are forced to make efforts to change the status quo – instead of cocooning themselves in isolation. They have to design coherent and purposeful programmes effecting learning which is accompanied by change in behaviour, perception, thinking, beliefs, values, and awareness. It also will alter insight, and involve new patterns of operation, new strategies and new procedures. A structural PTD is determined by the specific institution’s context, helping to overcome teachers’ negative reaction to school-based PTD. They will be changed in major ways, both in terms of their teaching practices and their personal behaviour as there is no substitute for on-the-job learning with opportunities to reflect on action. One potential way to enhance PTD is to utilise constructivist strategies with the teacher. For PTD to be effective and bring improvement within the institution, the teachers should meet regularly to explore common problems and seek solutions based on shared experiences and collective wisdom. School-based PTD will cause DCS teachers to shift cultural paradigms, instil new values and goals, and help shape their professional identity, taking the microenvironment of DCS into cognisance. A good PTD needs to be mindful of connecting good theory to classroom practices, as quality PTD is the vehicle for providing the knowledge needed to support effective teaching – an adult institution. No improvement efforts can succeed in the absence of thoughtfully planned and wellimplemented PTD.
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'n Ondersoek na die opleiding van [onderwysers in] 'n Graad R leerprogram vir implementering binne insluitende onderwysDu Plessis, Ingrid 12 July 2010 (has links)
M.Ed. / The purpose of this study was to research and record the training process of teachers in a Grade R learning programme, within a context of inclusive education, by describing the teachers’ perception of the Grade R learning programme and by making certain changes to the training and training process that have been suggested in the study, and to offer guidelines with regard to the training of foundation phase educators, with specific reference to Grade R educators working within the context of inclusive education. The researcher opted for an interpretative action research design within a qualitative research paradigm since she wished to describe, interpret and explain actions within her research whilst attempting to bring about certain improvements within the teaching practice. The type of action research that was performed is known as practitioner action research because it was performed in the presence of, and with the cooperation of education practitioners as well as academics who assisted the researcher with relevant skills and resources. The following major themes were identified: Facilitating, programme implementation, complete empowerment, cooperation as well as common religious convictions. The most significant findings were the following: When we look at the facilitation of training programmes, it is of the utmost importance that the facilitator accepts from the onset that the participants as well as the facilitators will experience uncertainty within themselves, specifically regarding their own knowledge and abilities and the level of acceptance they will experience in the company of other professionals. It is therefore all the more important to determine each participant’s expectations regarding the purpose and outcomes of the the training programme as this will ease the process considerably and at the same time render the facilitator a clear idea of what needs to be addressed and what not. Facilitators of training programmes, especially within contexts similar to this study, should reflect on the importance of sound relationships being established between facilitator and participants. The initial level of experience and skill of each participant should be determined before the start of the programme and here the facilitator plays an enormous role as far as emotional and social support is concerned. When it comes to programme implementation, I should think that educators in all possible contexts will benefit immensely from the format of the lessons, the contents of the lessons as well as the presentation thereof because these are outcomes-based lessons. In terms of contexts similar to the one in this reseach, it is important that the facilitator works through each new lesson with the educators to ensure that they fully understand everything and also to give them the opportunity to ask questions as this will enable them to implement these lessons with enhanced confidence in their own classes. It was important for the teachers to experience their training in a practical manner because they learnt from one another, they had the opportunity to exchange ideas and, whatever problems they experienced, could be addressed and solved immediately. In conclusion I would like to strongly advocate the choice of practitioner research as research methodology in any study that is focussed on the improvement of the teaching practice. Not only does it hold immense benefits for practitioners, but as researcher I experienced complete personal enrichment in as far as I acted as an agent of meaningful change in the lives of the practitioners who accompanied me on this journey.
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Problem-based case study to enhance critical thinking in student nursesMogale, Noria Mosehle 22 November 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. (Professional Nursing Education) / The use of traditional teaching methods, for example the lecture method, does not stimulate ·critical thinking in student nurses. This problem can be solved by the utilisation of problem-based case study in the classroom/clinical setting. The purpose of this study is to describe guidelines for the implementation of problembased case study in dinical setting .among. first year, comprehensive course students at the Northern Province College of Nursing: Sovenga Campus. The research design of this study is qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual. The following data is collected: Phase 1: The development and implementation of a program for problem-based case study in the clinical setting; Phase II: The experiences of student nurses who Were. exposed to problem-based case study in the clinical setting; Phase Ill: The perceptions of tutors regarding the implementation of problem-based case study in the clinical setting (focus group), and, Phase IV: Guidelines for the implementation of problem-based case study. The principles were obtained from Phases I, II and Ill and were used to formulate guidelines for the implementation of problem-based case study. The sample group consists of all 69 first year student nurses at the Northern Province College of Nursing: Sovenga Campus and ten tutors teaching clinical courses at the same campus.
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Teachers as 'keystone species' in an ecology of practiceNaidoo, Sarathambal 07 October 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Adult and Higher Learning) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Investigating in-service professional development of secondary school principals in NamibiaMushaandja, Johannes January 2006 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The Namibian education system was affected by a number of changes and challenges. These changes and challenges emanated from new political, financial and socio-economic trends in Namibia and the global village. Due to their strategic positions as educational leaders-cum-managers, principals were expected to lead and manage schools to overcome the challenges and meet increasing expectations of varied stakeholders. However, many secondary school principals especially those in rural areas could not cope with the changes and challenges. Rural secondary school principals did not have what it takes to manage and lead their schools effectively and efficiently. This study investigated the professional development of Namibian secondary school principles with special focus on rural secondary school principals in the Omusati Region, a region in north central of Namibia. / South Africa
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