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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparison of export processing zones and industrial development zones in Africa : key factors for success

Matthysen, Carlo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: 'Our industrial development zones have not performed as we have expected - we need to revisit the incentives that we give in these zones', says the deputy president of South Africa, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka (Business Report, 2005: http://www.ecdc.co.za/media/article.asp?pageid=929). This statement raises 2 important questions. Firstly, how was the deputy president able to conclude that these zones have underperformed and secondly, which incentives must South Africa offer potential investors to turn around the fortunes of their programme? To determine how performance can be measured, two investigations were consulted to come up with a list of ten criteria against which export processing zones can be measured to determine whether they have performed successfully or not. As experts are of the opinion that industrial development zones run along similar lines to export processing zones, these criteria could very easily be applied to measuring the success of the former as well. The list includes: • Location • A politically and socially stable host country • High business confidence • Adequate infrastructure • Incentives on offer and administrative set-up • Employment creation • Backward linkages and technology transfer • Foreign exchange eamings • The availability of a competitive labour force • Market accessibility By assessing the zones in Mauritius and Namibia in terms of these criteria, it becomes clear why Schulze (1999: 182) states that Mauritius has become the shining star on the horizon of successful export processing zones and why Tabby Moyo (1999: 1), deputy news editor at The Namibian, is of the opinion that Namibia has so far achieved dismal results. The South African industrial development zone programme was started in the late 1990's and the zones - which are located at Coega, East London, Richards Bay and the Johannesburg International airport - have been in operation for too short a period to allow accurate conclusions to be made about their performance in terms of the ten criteria listed above. However, since their inception, these zones have attrac1ed less than R3.5-billion in planned investments despite the government spending more than R4-billion on infrastructure (www.eedc.co.zalmedia/article.asp?pageid=929). To make these investment-starved zones more attractive to foreign investors, the South African government and the National Treasury, in particular, will have to offer potential investors a much more comprehensive incentive package. They need to: • Review the tax incentives they offer; • Maintain the country's general business; • Make the country's labour laws more flexible; • Increase the literacy rate of the labour force; • Lower the cost of transport, energy and telecoms; • Articulate a vision, build consensus around It and move to action this vision. South Africa needs a world class industrial development zone programme as Schulze (1999: 170) sums it up nicely when he says that free trade zones can indeed contribute to domestic economic growth which will thereby help to alleviate the country's dramatic unemployment rate in addition to enhancing foreign commerce, generating additional foreign exchange and attracting foreign investment. Improvements that South Africa can greatly benefit from. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'Our industrial development zones have not performed as we have expected - we need to revisit the incentives that we give in these zones', verklaar die adjunkpresident van Suid-Afrika, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka (Business Report, 2005: hltp:/lwww.ecdc.co.za/media/article.asp?pageid=929). Hierdie stelling wek twee belangrike vrae. Eerstens, hoe was dit vir die adjunk-president moontlik om tot die slotsom te kom dat hierdie sones onderpresteer en tweedens, watter tipe aanmoedigingsmaatreels moet Suid Afrika aan potensiele beleggers bied om 'n ommekeer in die voorspoed van die programme te bewerkstellig? Twee ondersoeke is geraadpleeg ten einde vas te stel hoe prestasie gemeet kan word. Hieruit is 'n Iys van tien kriteria bepaal waarteen uitvoerproseseringssones gemeet kan word om vas te stel of hulle suksesvol presteer of nie. Aangesien deskundiges van mening is dat nywerheidsontwikkelingssones op soortgelyke basis as die van uitvoerproseseringssones funksioneer, kan hierdie kriteria ewe maklik toegepas word om die sukses van die eersgenoemde te bepaal. Die Iys sluit die volgende in: • Ligging; • 'n Politieke en sosiaal standvastige gasheerland; • Hoe handelsvertroue; • 'n Bevredigende infrastruktuur; • Die aanbieding van aanmoedigingsmaatreels en 'n administratiewe opset; • Werkskepping; • Terugskakeling en tegnologiese oordrag; • Buitelandse valuta inkomste; • Die beskikbaarheid van 'n kompeterende werksmag; • Toegang tot die mark. Deur die sones in Mauritius en Namibia te evalueer na aanleiding van hierdie kriteria, word dit duidelik waarom Schulze (1999:182) verklaar dat Mauritius die skynende ster op die horison geword het van suksesvolle uitvoerproseseringssones en waarom Tabby Moyo (1999:1), adjunk-redakteur vir The Namibian, van mening is dat Namibia tot dusver uiters swak resultate behaal het. Die Suid Afrikaanse nyweheidsontwikkelingssone program het in die laat 1990's begin en die sones - Coega, Oos Londen, Richardsbaai en die Johannesburgse Internasionale Lughawe - is nog vir te kort 'n periode in werking om 'n akkurate gevolgtrekking te maak van hulle prestasie in terme van die voorafgenoemde tien kriteria. Nogtans, sedert hul begin, het hierdie sones minder as R3.5b in beplande investering gelok ten spyte daarvan dat die regering meer as R4b op infrastruktuur spandeer het (www.eedc.co.za/media/article.asp?pageid=929). Om hierdie beleggingshonger sones meer aanloklik te maak vir buitelandse beleggers, sal veral die Suid Afrikaanse Regering en die Nasionale Tesourie 'n meer omvattende aanmoedigingspakket aan potensiele beleggers moet bied. Hulle sal die volgende moet doen: • Die belastingsaanmoedigings wat hulle tans bied, te hersien; • Die land se algemene sakebedryf te ondersteun; • Arbiedswetgewing meer buigbaar maak; • Die geletterdheid onder die ambagsmag te verhoog; • Vervoer-, energie- en telekommunikasie koste te verlaag; • 'n Visie artikuleer, konsensus daar random bou en hierdie visie tot aksie te transformeer. Suid Afrika benodig 'n wereld-gehalte industriele ontwikkelingssone-program soos wat Schulze (1999:170) goed opsom wanneer hy sê dat vrye handelsones inderdaad kan bydra tot binnelandse ekonomies groei wat kan help om die land se dramatiese werkloosheid syfer te verlaag asook om buitelandse handel te bevorder. Hierdeur kan addisionele buitelandse valuta gegenereer word en buitelandse beleggings gelok word. Suid-Afrika kan baie baat vind by hierdie verbeterings.

Ecological modernisation and the development of the UK's green industrial strategy : the case of the UK National Industrial Symbiosis Programme

Agarwal, Abhishek January 2011 (has links)
The UK National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP) is the first industrial symbiosis (IS) network in the world to have been established at national level. Many studies have recently investigated the UK NISP, but much work remains to be done in understanding the context that enabled the development and management of a large scale IS network. This research aims to explore and understand: (1) the place of the UK NISP within the UK government’s ‘green’ market strategy; and, (2) the management and organisational design employed by the UK NISP in developing and managing a nation-wide IS network. Based on a qualitative inquiry, a case study approach was adopted to conduct this research. In-depth semi-structured interviews were used to gather information from twenty-eight policy officers, government advisors, as well as representatives of the UK NISP and its partner organisations. The research findings showed that the government’s decision-making mechanism, in each of the UK countries, was significantly different. Whilst it was found that the UK government is focused on embedding ecological modernisation components in the policy process, there is also a need for extended and consistent decentralisation across the UK and a structural framework that enables non-state stakeholders to effectively influence the policy process. The outcomes of this research indicate a relationship between EM theory and the IS concept. By adopting the ecological modernisation agenda, the UK government can play a significant role in promoting the use of the IS concept by: (1) devising policies that are directly aimed at supporting the development of IS networks; and, (2) aligning the funding for technological innovation with the needs of potential IS projects. Nevertheless, the study found that the future of the UK NISP is entirely dependent on UK government funding and, therefore, it is recommended that the UK NISP should identify ways to raise income from the private sector as well for the UK NISP’s long term survival. The findings also highlighted the effectiveness of the organisational design employed by the UK NISP (including leadership at national level, regional delivery strategy and regional partnership strategy) for a large scale IS network and the suitability of the UK NISP’s organisational design to the dynamic nature of the IS network development. The regional partnership strategy was found to promote sectoral focus in IS networks, which did not adhere to the ‘innovation’ and ‘diversity’ principles of IS. This would result in limited innovation and raise the potential for an IS network to become unstable, for example, if a member decides to leave the network, the lack of diversity in the IS network would make it difficult to replace that member. So it is important that the UK NISP staff and contractors are provided with extensive training to ensure a better understanding of the IS concept principles. In a society facing economic and environmental challenges, this study specifically contributes to the understanding of the context that enabled the development of a large scale IS network that would help integrate environmental protection and economic growth.

The History of Cameron County, Texas

Hildebrand, Walter W. 08 1900 (has links)
The history of Cameron County from 1519, when Pineda unquestionably traversed the area near the present city of Port Isabel, to 1950 gives this sector a unique position among the 254 counties of Texas when a study is made of the historical background of the state.

Evaluering van fabriekswesesektore volgens potensiele bydrae tot aspekte van ekonomiese ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika

10 June 2014 (has links)
D.Com. (Economics) / The South African economy has deteriorated over the past two decades which has resulted In, amongst others, a lower economic growth rate with Increased unemployment. To Increase the general standard Of living, growth and development have become of the utmost Importance. To speed up this process, South Africa needs a new approach to growth and development. The approach suggested In this study, combines the "orthodox approach", which concentrates on maximum growth, with the "basic needs approach", which concentrates on the elimination of poverty. The "combined approach" thus concentrates on (a) the dynamic sectors In the economy which are considered as growth sectors, (b) those sectors which contribute to the elimination of poverty and general soclo-economic requirements and, finally, (c) Implement a structural adjustment programme which will create a suitable climate in which sectors In (a) and (b) can flourish. The manufacturing sector is responsible for approximately 24% of the added value of the South African economy. Given the "combined approach" to development, this sector has the potential to make an even more important contribution to South Africa's economic growth and development. To optlmlse this contribution, one needs to know the potential contribution of each manufacturing sector In relationto certain aspectsof development. There is not much specific specific data available on the manufacturing sectors in South Africa. In order to analyse the various manufacturing sectors, the research partially required the compilation of the data series used In the evaluation process. The data provided by this study has never before been available to this extent in SouthAfrica. The potentia_I contribution of the sectors was evaluated according to specific aspects of development, namely: import replacement; export promotion; inward industrialisation; the effective use of resources; productivity; relative viability; job creation; and, finally, the redistribution of growth between race groups and between regions. The sectors were, according to each aspect of development, graded as leading, average and lagging sectors. Through a compilation of the various modules, the general position of the manufacturing sectors In terms of growth and development can be determined as leading, average or lagging. The grouping does, however, only serve as an indication and does not provide the final answer.

Lições da indústria fotônica para o desenvolvimento tecnológico. / Lessons from photonics industry to technological development.

Pereira, Luciana 09 May 2008 (has links)
Esta tese analisa como tecnologias emergentes podem ajudar a fortalecer o desenvolvimento industrial. A preocupação é pertinente, pois a produção tecnológica é um importante componente do desenvolvimento econômico. A partir das observações empíricas da indústria fotônica, nós extraímos algumas lições e propomos um modelo que explica como ocorre a evolução tecnoindustrial. Trata-se, pois, de um modelo geral que ajuda a entender os mecanismos que levam ao aumento da participação da produção industrial intensiva em tecnologia e que serve tanto para países em desenvolvimento quanto para os desenvolvidos. / This dissertation analyses how emerging technologies can help fostering industrial development. It\'s an important issue since the high-tech intensive output has become an important element of economic growth. From the empirical findings and literature discussion, we proposed a model that explains the evolution of high-technology industries. This is a general model that helps to understand the mechanisms to increase the share of production in technology-intensive industries, both in developing and developed countries.

Processo de substituição e importações: uma estratégia de desenvolvimento para a América Latina. Experiências comparadas - Brasil e México (1929-1980) / Process of import replacement: a development strategy for Latin America. Compared experiences Brazil and Mexico (1929-1980)

Benatti, Adriana Souza 31 March 2010 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca traçar uma análise comparativa acerca do desenvolvimento industrial brasileiro e mexicano, especialmente entre a época da Crise de 1929 até meados dos anos 1980, adotando como foco central o desenrolar dos Processos de Substituição de Importações - PSI, propostos pela Comissão Econômica para a América Latina - CEPAL como um dos esforços necessários à conquista da redução da dependência econômica dos países latino-americanos em relação às nações industrializadas. A análise do rumo dos processos, bem como de seus efeitos diretos sobre as economias em questão, permitiu constatar que, a despeito do significativo aprimoramento industrial logrado pelo Brasil e pelo México, algumas inconsistências ao longo do PSI e outras de caráter macroeconômico acabaram por minar o seu pleno sucesso. Como resultado da adoção do modelo de industrialização por substituição e importações, a vulnerabilidade da economia mexicana e brasileira, bem como sua forte vinculação e dependência em relação aos países industrializados especialmente no que tange aos bens industrializados - reduziram-se. Contudo, houve o surgimento de uma forte dependência tecnológica e a sinalização da crítica falta de competitividade de parte significativa das suas manufaturas no mercado internacional. / The present research has as aim the construction of a comparative analysis concerning the Brazilian and Mexican industrial development, especially between the Crash of 1929 period until the 1980s, adopting as central focus the Processes of Import Substitution Industrialization, considered by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean as one of the necessary efforts to conquest the reduction of the economic dependence of Latin American countries on the industrialized nations. The analysis of the processes, as well as of its direct effects on the studied economies, allowed evidencing that, although Brazil and Mexico conquest a significant industrial improvement, some inconsistencies throughout the PSI and others of macroeconomic character had a big and negative impact over its full success. As result of the adoption of the industrialization based on import substitution, the Brazilian and Mexican economies got a reduction of their vulnerability, as well as its strong entailing and dependence of the industrialized countries - especially in terms of the industrialized goods. However, there was a constitution of a strong technological dependence and the signalization of the critical lack of competitiveness in the international market of manufactures.

Padrões de especialização, inserção internacional e dinamismo na indústria de software: o caso brasileiro à luz das experiências da Índia, Irlanda e Israel. / Specialization patterns, international integration and dynamism in the software industry: the brazilian case in the light of experiences from India, Ireland and Israel.

Pianna, Anelise 28 March 2011 (has links)
A dissertação trata do padrão de especialização e inserção internacional da indústria de software brasileira à luz de experiências paradigmáticas do setor, como é o caso da Índia, Irlanda e Israel. O desenvolvimento inicial do setor nos países centrais das redes globais de produção seguiu os avanços da indústria eletrônica e lhes permitiu acumular competências e trancar a trajetória tecnológica em determinados segmentos, como é o caso do software pacote. No entanto, as respostas de alguns países emergentes frente uma indústria caracterizada pela rápida mudança e pelas altas taxas de oportunidades tecnológicas, cujas possibilidades foram ampliadas com o advento da globalização, são a principal motivação do trabalho. A despeito da difundida idéia de que Índia, Irlanda e Israel representariam casos subordinados às limitações de um modelo terciário-exportador, argumenta-se aqui que eles retratam trajetórias plurais e dinâmicas de desenvolvimento desta indústria. Plurais posto que reproduzem diferentes padrões de especialização e inserção internacional e dinâmicos dados os elementos de mudança evidenciados por parte da literatura especializada. Este dinamismo se faz presente, na indústria de software brasileira, através dos mecanismos de diferenciação e diversificação que lhe permitem adicionar valor aos produtos e obter resultados positivos na forma de incrementos de produtividade de outros setores de atividade econômica. Embora seja caracterizado pela integração competitiva que a difere, de partida, da caracterização terciário-exportadora, é para o caráter dinâmico do debate acerca destas configurações que a dissertação pretende contribuir. / The dissertation deals with the pattern of specialization and international integration of Brazilian software industry in light of paradigmatic experiences of the sector, such as India, Ireland and Israel. The sectors early development in the core countries of the global production networks has followed the progress of the electronics industry and allowed them to accumulate competences and to lock-in the technological trajectory in some segments, such as the packaged software. However, the responses of some emerging countries face an industry characterized by rapid changes and high rates of technological opportunities, whose possibilities have been expanded with the advent of globalization, are the main motivation of the study. Despite the widespread idea that India. Ireland and Israel represent cases that are subject to the limitations of a tertiary export model, it is argued here that they represent plural and dynamic trajectories of development of this industry. Plural once they reproduce different patterns of specialization and international integration and dynamic if considered some elements of change made evident by part of the literature. This dynamism is present in the Brazilian software industry through the mechanisms of differentiation and diversification that allow it to add value to products and achieve positive results in form of increased productivity in other sectors of economic activity. Although it is commonly characterized by a competitive integration that differs it from the tertiary export aspect, the dynamic nature of the debate about these settings is the aim contribution of the dissertation.

Processo de substituição e importações: uma estratégia de desenvolvimento para a América Latina. Experiências comparadas - Brasil e México (1929-1980) / Process of import replacement: a development strategy for Latin America. Compared experiences Brazil and Mexico (1929-1980)

Adriana Souza Benatti 31 March 2010 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca traçar uma análise comparativa acerca do desenvolvimento industrial brasileiro e mexicano, especialmente entre a época da Crise de 1929 até meados dos anos 1980, adotando como foco central o desenrolar dos Processos de Substituição de Importações - PSI, propostos pela Comissão Econômica para a América Latina - CEPAL como um dos esforços necessários à conquista da redução da dependência econômica dos países latino-americanos em relação às nações industrializadas. A análise do rumo dos processos, bem como de seus efeitos diretos sobre as economias em questão, permitiu constatar que, a despeito do significativo aprimoramento industrial logrado pelo Brasil e pelo México, algumas inconsistências ao longo do PSI e outras de caráter macroeconômico acabaram por minar o seu pleno sucesso. Como resultado da adoção do modelo de industrialização por substituição e importações, a vulnerabilidade da economia mexicana e brasileira, bem como sua forte vinculação e dependência em relação aos países industrializados especialmente no que tange aos bens industrializados - reduziram-se. Contudo, houve o surgimento de uma forte dependência tecnológica e a sinalização da crítica falta de competitividade de parte significativa das suas manufaturas no mercado internacional. / The present research has as aim the construction of a comparative analysis concerning the Brazilian and Mexican industrial development, especially between the Crash of 1929 period until the 1980s, adopting as central focus the Processes of Import Substitution Industrialization, considered by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean as one of the necessary efforts to conquest the reduction of the economic dependence of Latin American countries on the industrialized nations. The analysis of the processes, as well as of its direct effects on the studied economies, allowed evidencing that, although Brazil and Mexico conquest a significant industrial improvement, some inconsistencies throughout the PSI and others of macroeconomic character had a big and negative impact over its full success. As result of the adoption of the industrialization based on import substitution, the Brazilian and Mexican economies got a reduction of their vulnerability, as well as its strong entailing and dependence of the industrialized countries - especially in terms of the industrialized goods. However, there was a constitution of a strong technological dependence and the signalization of the critical lack of competitiveness in the international market of manufactures.

Influência das instituições no desempenho econômico setorial: uma abordagem complementar entre dados em painel (América Latina) e o laboratório de gestão / Institutional influences in sectoral economic development

Palombo, Paulo Eduardo Moledo 21 January 2011 (has links)
A análise das influências institucionais sobre a conduta empresarial tem, segundo Eggertsson (1990) e Black (2000), espaço para uso de novos ferramentais analíticos e de abordagens quantitativas. Estes autores apontam deficiências a sanar: a incipiente coleta de dados institucionais, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento e a complexidade de uma análise institucional comparada. O objetivo deste estudo é buscar indícios na literatura e evidências nas pesquisas quantitativas de que as regras institucionais influenciaram a estrutura do setor industrial, a conduta dos agentes e o desenvolvimento econômico nas duas amostras estudadas, a da econometria e a do laboratório. A literatura avançou com Williamson (1985) e Kliksberg (1994), entre outros, no que tange a instituições e com Sauaia (1995, 2006, 2008, 2010) no que tange a simulações e experimentos. Foram adotadas abordagens metodológicas complementares por meio da econometria de dados em painel, com o exame de dados secundários de 24 países da América Latina em 17 anos de observação e do Laboratório de Gestão com dados primários de dois experimentos onde 105 empresas reunidas em 12 setores industriais (2009 e 2010) operaram em 2 diferentes ambientes institucionais desenhados para a aprendizagem de estudantes de graduação na FEA/USP. Com a econometria foram identificadas as variáveis institucionais que melhor explicaram o desempenho do PIB industrial dos países. Três delas que apresentaram significância estatística foram adotadas nos experimentos: a efetividade da ação governamental (+) com sinal positivo, ou seja, quanto maior a aplicação de leis, melhor o desempenho econômico; a regulação pública no país (-) com sinal negativo, isto é, quanto maior a regulação, menor o desempenho econômico; o consumo público (-) com sinal negativo, pois quanto maior o consumo do governo, maior a concorrência com o setor privado. No Laboratório de Gestão os agentes iniciaram operações em condições idênticas. Entretanto, as diferentes regras institucionais induziram distintas condutas quanto às iniciativas, estratégias e pró-atividade. Observaram-se resultados desiguais nas eficiências mercadológica, operacional e financeira, assim como nos lucros e taxas internas de retorno. Mesmo partindo de premissas teóricas distintas, Scherer (1970) e Gonçalves (2003) também encontraram resultados semelhantes corroborando os efeitos positivos de ações governamentais e de desenhos institucionais sobre o desempenho setorial, nos EUA e no Brasil. Tais resultados evidenciaram os benefícios propiciado por um Estado misto, particularmente em períodos de crise, tendo os gestores significante papel na construção da relação Estado-Empresas-Sociedade e em sua contínua evolução. / The analysis of institutional influences on corporate behavior has, according to Eggertsson (1990) and Black (2000), space for new analytical tools, with greater use of quantitative approaches. They point deficiencies to remedy: the incipient institutional data collection, especially in developing countries, and the complexity of a comparative institutional analysis. The aim of this study is to seek indications in the literature and evidences in quantitative research that institutional rules affect the structure of the industrial sector, the conduct of agents, and economic development in both studied samples, the econometrics\' and the laboratory\'s. The literature has advanced with Williamson (1985) and Kliksberg (1994), among others, regarding to institutions and with Sauaia (1995, 2006, 2008, 2010) regarding the simulations and experiments. Complementary methodological approaches were adopted by the econometrics of panel data, with the examination of secondary data from 24 countries in Latin America in 17 years, and by the Management Laboratory using primary data from 12 industries simulated, where 105 companies from two semesters (2009 and 2010) operated in two differents institutional environments designed for undergraduates learning at FEA / USP. With econometrics we identified the variables most relevant for explaining the performance of industrial countries\' GDP, and these were included in the experiments. Appeared statistically significant: the effectiveness of government action (+) with positive sign, that is, the more law enforcement, better economic performance, public regulation in the country (-) with negative sign, that is, the greater the regulation, the lower the performance. As for public consumption, we obtained the expected result (-) with negative sign, because the higher government consumption, increased competition with the private sector. Regarding corruption there was the expected sign (-) negative, representing a major cost for businesses. In the Laboratory Management agents began operations under identical conditions. However, different institutional rules induced different behavior on initiatives, strategies and pro-activity. Mixed results were observerd in marketing efficiencies, operational and financial, as well as in profits and internal rates of return. Even starting from different theoretical assumptions, Scherer (1970) and Gonçalves (2003) also found similar results confirming positive effects of government actions and institutional designs in the industry performance in the U.S. and Brazil. These results show the benefit of the mixed state, particularly in times of crisis, where managers play a significant role in building the relationship between State-Business-Society and in its continuing evolution.

A Critical Interpretation On Industrial Restructuring Of The Region: The Case Of Denizli Textile And Garment Sector

Penpecioglu, Mehmet 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Restructuring processes provide key dynamics for the development and transformation of industrial structures. Industrial restructuring can be conceptualized by product and/or process innovations including technological improvements and relocation of industry. Such forms of transformation can be investigated by a critical examination of industrial relations. This thesis is motivated from such a consideration of understanding and interpreting industrial transformation in a specific time and space setting. Textile and garment industry is a good case to explore the abovementioned concepts. Firstly global and national dimensions of industry are investigated. It is understood that quota free regulations of trade and relocation of production have been shaping a fierce global competition by which employment, supply and marketing relations change dramatically at the world scale. In such new competitive conditions Turkish textile and garment industry has been losing its growth dynamics in terms of price competition advantage. Secondly Denizli case is investigated. In-depth interviews with firms, related chambers and unions are made during field survey. Thesis argued that Denizli has locked to a passive exporter role. In this lock-in process, the sector could not transform itself by innovative modes of restructuring. The passive exporter role disables region to adopt innovative product strategies and to shift production to other regions where cost cutting opportunities are provided. Industrialists decrease production costs informally including employment unregistered workers. However although survey results point out locked industrial dynamics, Denizli region still have the potential of regional development thanks to its entrepreneurial sprit and rising other economic sectors.

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