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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Storlommens (Gavia arctica) häckningsframgång relaterad till vattenkvalitet

Delin, Anders January 2007 (has links)
This work investigates the breeding success of the Black-throated Diver, Gavia arctica, related to the water quality in three lakes located in the Vallentuna area, north of Stockholm, Sweden.For more than 30 years, I have studied the bird life around these three and other nearby lakes, and noticed that the Black-throated Diver breeds in some lakes, but not in others.The results confirm that the deep and clear lakes Tärnan and Stora Harsjön have good water quality regarding pH, alkalinity, aluminium and Secchi disk values. As expected, the Black-throated Diver shows breeding success in those two lakes, but does not breed in the shallow and eutrophic lake Mysslingen.

Förändringar i täckningsgraden av makrofyter i svenska insjöar efter dammutrivning / Changes in macrophyte coverage in Swedish lakes after dam removal

Johansson, Vanja January 2024 (has links)
Dammar har använts till många saker genom århundrandena, bland annat energiutvinning, reglering av vattennivå och transport av timmer. När dammar inte längre är i bruk och inte är ekonomiskt gynnsamma är dammutrivning en vanlig restaureringsmetod för att återställa ekosystemen. Dammar påverkar generellt ekosystemen negativt då det blir en begränsad konnektivitet inom och mellan vattendragen och sjöarna. Fiskars migration av och spridning av fröer från växter hindras av dammarna. Genom att riva ut dammar öppnas vägar för organismer att förflytta sig. Med utrivning av dammarna sker även en vattennivåsänkning som leder till att undervattensväxter kan bli mer utsatta. Undervattensväxter (makrofyter) som lever i det grunda vattnet bidrar med skydd och habitat för både fisk och bentisk fauna, samt zooplankton. Syftet med min undersökning är att undersöka om täckningsgraden av makrofyter förändras av dammutrivning. Även koncentrationen av fosfor i vattnet samt ljustillgången (mätt som siktdjup) förväntades ha en påverkan på täckningsgraden av makrofyter i sjöarna. Resultaten visade att det inte fanns ett signifikant samband mellan täckningsgraden och dammutrivning. Ett samband mellan täckningsgrad och siktdjup kunde inte heller bevisas. Däremot fanns ett positivt samband mellan täckningsgrad och koncentration fosfor i vattnet. Den här studien visar att makrofyter inte påverkas negativt av dammutrivning vilket är positivt då makrofyter har en viktig roll i ekosystemen. / Dams have been used for many things throughout history, such as an energy source, for regulation of water levels and timber transport. When dams are no longer economically viable, dam removal is a common method of restoring the ecosystem. Dams generally effect the ecosystems negatively, as they limit the connectivity in and between rivers, streams, and lakes. For example, fish migration and the spread of seeds are typically disrupted by the dams. When dams are removed, the water levels are normally reduced, which can lead to aquatic plants becoming more vulnerable. Aquatic plants (macrophytes) that grow in shallow parts of a lake provide habitat for fish, bentic invertebrate fauna and zooplankton and they thus form an important part of the limnic ecosystems. The purpose of my study was to investigate if the coverage of macrophytes changes after dam removal in lakes. Also, the concentration of phosphorus in the water and the light availability (measured with Secchi depth) were predicted to influence the coverage of macrophytes. The results showed that there was not a significant effect of dam removal or Secchi depth on the coverage of macrophytes. The concentration of phosphors had a positive significant effect of on macrophyte coverage. My study indicates that dam removal does not affect macrophytes negatively, which may be important due to macrophytes’ important role in the ecosystem.

Fiskdiversitet i svenska reglerade sjöar: effekter av dammutrivning och sjöarea / Fish diversity in Swedish regulated lakes: effects of dam removal and lake area

Julia, Westergren January 2024 (has links)
Throughout the years, dams have had important function for humans. However, many dams have today lost their function, which raises the question of dam removal. The outcomes of dam removal and their effects on fish communities are not fully investigated, which emphasizes the importance of continuing to study the effect of removal. In this study, I investigated whether or not dam removal in small lake outlets affected fish diversity. I also investigated the effects of the lake area and concentration of nutrients. The data collection was carried out in parts of Värmland, Dalarna and Västmanland counties, where 27 lakes, both with and without removed dams, were sampled. To sample fish, four to eight multimesh gill nets (depending on the area of the lake) were placed at varying depths. Water samples to measure nutrient concentrations were collected in places where the lakes were the deepest. A total of 3 223 individuals and 11 species were caught, with the most common species being perch. The effective species number varied between 1 and 3.44. There was a positive relationship between lake area and fish diversity. Dam removal, concentration of total phosphorus and total nitrogen had no effect on fish diversity. Dam removals can be considered as disturbances in complex systems and their effects may vary. Fish diversity is affected by colonization period and interactions between species, which likely takes long, which may explain why area but not dam removal affected fish diversity in my study. The lakes in the study were relatively homogeneous with respect to nutrient availability, which likely explains why nutrient concentration did not affect fish diversity. It is important to continue investigating the consequences of dam removal in other habitats than rivers, so that management of different water habitats can be carried out in the best way. / Dammar har genom tiderna fyllt en viktig funktion för människan. Många dammar har dock idag tappat sin funktion, vilket lyfter frågan om dammutrivning. Utfallen av dammutrivningar och dess effekter på fisksamhället är inte helt utredda, vilket trycker på vikten att fortsätta att studera effekten av utrivningar. I den här studien undersökte jag om dammutrivningar i mindre sjöutlopp påverkade fiskdiversiteten. Jag undersökte även effekterna av sjöarnas area och koncentration av näringsämnen. Datainsamlingen genomfördes i delar av Värmlands, Dalarnas och Västmanlands län, där 27 sjöar, både med och utan utriven damm, provtogs. För att provta fisk användes fyra till åtta provfiskenät (beroende på sjöns area) som placerades i varierande djup. Vattenproverna samlades in på platser där sjöarna var som allra djupast. Totalt fångades 3223 individer och 11 arter där den vanligaste arten var abborre. Det effektiva artantalet varierade mellan 1 och 3,44. Det fanns ett positivt samband mellan sjöarea och fiskdiversitet. Dammutrivning eller koncentration av total-fosfor eller total-kväve visade sig inte ha någon effekt på fiskdiversiteten. Dammutrivningar kan ses som störningar i komplexa system och att effekterna av dem varierar. Fiskdiversitet påverkas av koloniseringsperiod och interaktioner mellan arter, vilket sannolikt tar lång tid, något som kan förklara varför area men inte dammutrivningar inte påverkade fiskarnas diversitet i min studie. Sjöarna i studien var relativt homogena med avseende på näringstillgång, vilket sannolikt förklarar varför näringsämneskoncentrationen inte påverkade fiskdiversiteten. Det är viktigt att fortsätta arbeta med konsekvenserna av dammutrivningar i andra miljöer utöver älvar så att förvaltning av olika vattenmiljöer kan göras på bästa sätt.

Barriers to Near-miss Reporting in the Maritime Domain

Köhler, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
The catastrophic accident of the ferry Herald of Free Enterprise made it clear that the development of accident prevention in the maritime domain must not only rely on negative events but rather on proactive measures.Near-miss reporting is becoming widespread as a proactive tool for accident prevention in various domains. This thesis aims to examine and identify barriers to near-miss reporting through studying the national reporting system INSJÖ and local company specific systems in the Swedish maritime domain.Interviews with representatives from Swedish shipping companies (designated persons responsible for safety work in each company and officers responsible for the reporting at sea) were conducted as a means of data collection. Based on the data two separate analyses were made; one in a naturalistic fashion and one using a framework of barriers and incentives derived from various social technical domains in which near-miss reporting has been institutionalized.The results of the two analyses highlight differences regarding how and with whom information should be shared. The therapeutic factor, to teach and learn from others was emphasized as important by the majority of the interviewees. Further, potential external influences, issues concerning anonymity and the risk of rehearsed benefits of reporting are also made visible. Finally, critique against the accident-ratio models, that introduced the near-miss concept, is presented and it is argued that these models might be too simplistic to explain why accidents occur.It is concluded that, in order to create effective reporting systems and to decrease the risk of creating a disparity between rehearsed benefits and how the system is used in reality, it is important to give the personnel ownership of their own reporting system and the knowledge of how and why to use it. Nevertheless, near-miss reporting might be used as a powerful tool and incentive for proactive work and accident prevention.

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