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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lagval för förrsäkringsavtal : särskilt utrymmet för partsautonomi

Törnqvist, Elin, Pettersson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>The globalization and the realization of a European common insurance market have increased the importance of cross border insurance contracts. Despite that, a gathered set of rules regulating cross border insurance contracts does not exist. The sets of rules within Private International Law which arises today when determining the applicable law regarding cross border insurance contracts are the law of 1993 on applicable law to certain insurance contracts (the law of 1993) and the law of 1998 on applicable law to contractual obligations (Rome Convention). Since the Rome Convention is the only Community instrument which still is in the form of a treaty, work has been done in order to convert it into a regulation, called the Rome-I-regulation. Therefore, the future Rome I-regulation is of importance for the thesis as well since it most likely will replace the Rome Convention.</p><p>Swedish law is based on the principle of party autonomy, which means that the contracting parties have the right to freely agree on the content of the contract, including the choice of law. However, the thesis shows that some limitations to the parties’ freedom of choice does exist in the different sets of rules. The thesis also examines how the two sets of rules differ concerning the extent of the freedom of choice of law. Further, the thesis investigates the distinction between the rules regarding the choice of law within the same set of rules. In addition, the objective choice of law in accordance with the sets of rules is discussed.</p><p>Which of the sets of rules that is applicable on a certain insurance contract is often difficult to foresee, particularly for someone who is not familiar with the legal systems. It is even more complicated to determine which provision in a certain set of rules that is applicable on a contracting party. Article 3 in the Rome Convention permits party autonomy regarding the choice of law in a business to business relation.</p><p>When the contract involves a consumer, the party autonomy is reduced. Here, article 5 in the Rome Convention allow the parties to choose applicable law, but the choice shall not have the result of depriving the consumer of the protection afforded to him by the mandatory rules of the law of the consumer’s country. A problem that the provision brings is that most of the insurance consumer contracts fall outside its scope since they rarely meet the criteria which the provision sets out. Instead the consumer contracts normally fall under the provisions in article 3, especially developed for businessmen on an equal level.</p><p>The law of 1993 differ between small and large risks. A free choice of law is basicly only allowed when the insurance contract involves a large risk, which mainly includes risks insured by larger companies. When the insured risk is defined as a small risk, the choice of law is limited. Only under certain circumstances are the parties allowed to choose another law than the law in the country where the policy-holder has his habitual residence or central administration, or the law of the country where the risk is situated. Insurance contracts regarding small risks are usually signed by private persons or, to a certain extent, small- or medium sized companies.</p> / <p>Gränsöverskridande försäkringsavtal har fått en ökad betydelse i takt med globaliseringen och efter genomförandet av en inre europeisk marknad på försäkringsområdet. Trots det saknas ett samlat regelverk som reglerar lagval avseende gränsöverskridande försäkringsavtal. De regelverk i svensk internationell privaträtt som idag aktualiseras vid fastställandet av tillämplig lag på gränsöverskridande skadeförsäkringsavtal är lag (1993:645) om tillämplig lag för vissa försäkringsavtal (1993 års lag) och lag (1998:167) om tillämplig lag för avtalsförpliktelser (Romkonventionen). Då Romkonventionen är det enda gemenskapsinstrument som är i formen av ett fördrag pågår det ett arbete för att omvandla konventionen till en förordning, med arbetsnamnet Rom I. Även den framtida Rom I-förordningen är av betydelse för uppsatsen eftersom den med stor sannolikhet kommer att ersätta Romkonventionen. Utgångspunkten i svensk rätt är att avtalsfrihet råder, även vad gäller val av tillämplig lag. Det finns emellertid vissa begränsningar av parternas fria lagval i regelverken. Framställningen undersöker främst hur regelverken skiljer sig åt vad gäller omfattningen av parternas fria lagval. Ytterligare tillkommer det att utröna de olikheter som finns avseende partautonomin mellan reglerna i samma regelverk. Diskussion förs även om hur det objektiva lagvalet fastställs enligt regelverken i det fall parterna inte har gjort något lagval.</p><p>Vilket av regelverken som blir tillämpligt på ett visst försäkringsavtal är svårt att förutse, framför allt för någon som inte är juridiskt insatt. Ännu svårare är det att fastställa vilken regel i ett visst regelverk en försäkringstagare omfattas av. Enligt artikel 3 i Romkonventionen råder i princip obegränsad partsautonomi mellan näringsidkare vad gäller lagvalet. Annorlunda blir det i ett konsumentförhållande där omfattningen av partsautonomin är begränsad. Parterna kan avtala om tillämplig lag även här, men lagvalet får inte medföra att konsumenten berövas det skydd som denne garanteras enligt lagen i sitt hemland enligt artikel 5. Problemet med bestämmelsen är att de flesta konsumentförsäkringsavtal hamnar utanför reglernas tillämpningsområde då de sällan kan uppfylla kriterierna som ställs upp i artikeln. Som en följd därav omfattas de istället av den generella regeln i artikel 3 som är särskilt utvecklad för jämbördiga näringsidkare. Det objektiva lagvalet fastställs i konventionen enligt närhetsprincipen med hjälp av en rad presumptioner. För försäkringsavtal aktualiseras i huvudsak regeln om den karaktäristiska prestationen.</p><p>I 1993 års lag görs en uppdelning mellan massrisker och stora risker. Lagen tillåter endast partsautonomi i den mån den försäkrade risken faller under definitionen av en stor risk. Hit hör främst försäkringar som tecknats av större företag. Då den försäkrade risken är en massrisk är det fria lagvalet istället starkt begränsat. Ytterst sällan har parterna rätt att välja någon annan lag än lagen i det land där försäkringstagaren har sitt hemvist eller centrala förvaltning, eller, lagen i det land där risken är belägen. Försäkring för massrisker tecknas främst av privatpersoner och i viss mån av mindre företag.</p><p>Även i Rom I råder obegränsad partsautonomi för de försäkringsavtal som omfattas av huvudregeln i artikel 3. Däremot har partsautonomin helt tagits bort för de konument-försäkringsavtal vilka faller under artikel 5. Istället underkastas ett sådant avtal alltid konsumentens lands lag. Vidare har en fast regel utformats för att fastställa det objektiva lagvalet som innebär att försäkringsgivarens lands lag skall tillämpas på försäkringsavtalet, såtillvida avtalet inte omfattas av artikel 5.</p><p>Romkonventionen och 1993 års lag skiljer sig åt, både lagtekniskt och i deras bakomliggande syfte. Reglerna i konventionen är av generell natur eftersom de är utformade för tillämpas på ett stort antal olika slags avtal. 1993 års lag är istället specifikt utformad för att reglera lagval för försäkringsavtal. Att lagvalsreglerna är oharmoniserade leder till att EU-medborgare behandlas olika beroende på var försäkringstagaren har sitt försäkrade intresse. Ur konsumentskyddssynpunkt är Romkonventionen inte heller särskilt väl lämpad för försäkringsavtal. Omfattningen av partsautonomin för försäkringsavtal varierar, både mellan regelverken och inom dem. Problemet med de oharmoniserade lagvalsreglerna på försäkringsområdet har uppmärksammats vid arbetet med revideringen av Romkonventionens artiklar med anledning av en framtida omvandling till en förordning. Problemet kvarstår dock även efter revideringen av artiklarna. Omfattningen av partsautonomin har inskränkts i Rom I i förhållande till Romkonventionen.</p>

O agravamento do risco no contrato de seguro / Risk aggravation and insurance contract

Úrsula Santos de Ávila Goulart 13 September 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou demonstrar o que é e quais os requisitos adotados pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência para que seja aplicado o instituto do agravamento do risco (previsto nos artigos 768 e 769 do Código Civil) nos contratos de seguro, e quais os seus efeitos jurídicos. Para tanto, examinou-se o contrato de seguro buscando revelar a dimensão coletiva que este tipo negocial possui por excelência, em detrimento de parte da doutrina ainda restrita a uma leitura atomística e individualista deste contrato. Partiu-se, ainda, da premissa de que a boa-fé (seja na sua acepção objetiva ou subjetiva) é qualificada no contrato de seguro, eis que este tipo contratual é todo sob ela estruturado. O princípio da boa-fé é uma via de mão dupla que cria deveres para ambas as partes, cujas declarações e comportamentos serão fundamentais para a delimitação do objeto do seguro e para o alcance da função social desse tipo contratual. A boa-fé estará, ainda, incisivamente presente e modelando a relação obrigacional do seguro em todas as fases contratuais: antes da conclusão do contrato, na apresentação da proposta do contrato; durante a relação obrigacional, nas declarações necessárias sobre eventuais alterações no risco (tais como o seu agravamento), e, ainda, na fase pós-contratual, sempre considerando a natureza comunitária do seguro. Passou-se, também, por algumas questões polêmicas envolvendo a utilização de determinadas cláusulas no seguro, tidas como contrárias à boa-fé, a exemplo da cláusula perfil, cuja validade deve ser avaliada no caso concreto, e possui íntima relação com o agravamento do risco. / The objective of this thesis is to list and explain the requisites adopted by both the doctrine and the jurisprudence for the application of the principle of risk aggravation (as prescribed in articles n. 768 and 769 of the Civil Code) to insurance contracts as well as its legal implications. Hence, the insurance contract was scrutinized in an attempt to discover the exact dimension that this business document has par excellence to the detriment of part of the doctrine still restricted to an isolated and individualistic reading of such a contract. Besides, it was assumed that good faith (be it seen from an objective or subjective perspective) is qualified in the insurance contract, for this type of contract is entirely grounded on it. The principle of good faith is a two-way relationship that gives rise to obligations for both parties, whose information and behaviour wil be essential to delimit the object of the insurance and to accomplish the social function of this sort of contractual instrument. Good faith will be incisively present and shaping the obligation based relation in all of the contract phases: before the conclusion of the contract, on the presentation of the contract proposal, during the business relation, in the necessary statements concerning eventual alterations in the risk (such as its aggravation), and, also, in the post-contractual phase, always taking into consideration the community nature of the insurance. Also examined were some polemical issues involving the use of certain clauses in the insurance contract, deemed contrary to good faith, such as the profile clause, whose validity has to be evaluated in concrete terms, and which bears close relation to the risk aggravation.

O agravamento do risco no contrato de seguro / Risk aggravation and insurance contract

Úrsula Santos de Ávila Goulart 13 September 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou demonstrar o que é e quais os requisitos adotados pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência para que seja aplicado o instituto do agravamento do risco (previsto nos artigos 768 e 769 do Código Civil) nos contratos de seguro, e quais os seus efeitos jurídicos. Para tanto, examinou-se o contrato de seguro buscando revelar a dimensão coletiva que este tipo negocial possui por excelência, em detrimento de parte da doutrina ainda restrita a uma leitura atomística e individualista deste contrato. Partiu-se, ainda, da premissa de que a boa-fé (seja na sua acepção objetiva ou subjetiva) é qualificada no contrato de seguro, eis que este tipo contratual é todo sob ela estruturado. O princípio da boa-fé é uma via de mão dupla que cria deveres para ambas as partes, cujas declarações e comportamentos serão fundamentais para a delimitação do objeto do seguro e para o alcance da função social desse tipo contratual. A boa-fé estará, ainda, incisivamente presente e modelando a relação obrigacional do seguro em todas as fases contratuais: antes da conclusão do contrato, na apresentação da proposta do contrato; durante a relação obrigacional, nas declarações necessárias sobre eventuais alterações no risco (tais como o seu agravamento), e, ainda, na fase pós-contratual, sempre considerando a natureza comunitária do seguro. Passou-se, também, por algumas questões polêmicas envolvendo a utilização de determinadas cláusulas no seguro, tidas como contrárias à boa-fé, a exemplo da cláusula perfil, cuja validade deve ser avaliada no caso concreto, e possui íntima relação com o agravamento do risco. / The objective of this thesis is to list and explain the requisites adopted by both the doctrine and the jurisprudence for the application of the principle of risk aggravation (as prescribed in articles n. 768 and 769 of the Civil Code) to insurance contracts as well as its legal implications. Hence, the insurance contract was scrutinized in an attempt to discover the exact dimension that this business document has par excellence to the detriment of part of the doctrine still restricted to an isolated and individualistic reading of such a contract. Besides, it was assumed that good faith (be it seen from an objective or subjective perspective) is qualified in the insurance contract, for this type of contract is entirely grounded on it. The principle of good faith is a two-way relationship that gives rise to obligations for both parties, whose information and behaviour wil be essential to delimit the object of the insurance and to accomplish the social function of this sort of contractual instrument. Good faith will be incisively present and shaping the obligation based relation in all of the contract phases: before the conclusion of the contract, on the presentation of the contract proposal, during the business relation, in the necessary statements concerning eventual alterations in the risk (such as its aggravation), and, also, in the post-contractual phase, always taking into consideration the community nature of the insurance. Also examined were some polemical issues involving the use of certain clauses in the insurance contract, deemed contrary to good faith, such as the profile clause, whose validity has to be evaluated in concrete terms, and which bears close relation to the risk aggravation.

Současná pozice produktů investičního životního pojištění / Present position of Unit-linked life insurance products

Konupková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the problem of Unit Linked Insurance. The main issue is the dynamic development of this institute, specifically the development of this insurance from the beginning of present Global financial crisis until now.

Problematika pojistné ochrany majetku obce Nový Malín / Insurance coverage issues of the Novy Malin community

Niščáková, Jana January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses the issues, which are connected with the insurance portfolio concept for the property of Novy Malin community. It includes analysis of all risks and suggestions of an insurance portfolio that can help the community minimize the most serious risks to its activities through commercial insurance and reduce to lowest level the threats to those activities.

Pojištěnost města Třešť / The insurance of the town Třešť

Doláková, Hana January 2008 (has links)
A subjekt of this diploma thesis is to characterize risks and find suitable insurance portfolio. So an objektive of my thesis is suggestion suitable insurance portfolio for thw town Třešť. Diploma thesis is about risks, their classification, insurance and insurance products for non-profit-making organization. I tis focused on kriteria important for a organization when choosing an appropriate insurance too. It contains brief description of the organization and analysis of risks that can threaten it. Current insurance products are analyzed and optimal insurance coverage suggested.

Životní pojištění jako zdroj finančních příjmů v poproduktivním věku / Life Insurance as a Source of Income at Retirement Age

Ertlová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the main characteristics of life insurance and its importance as a means of income at retirement age. The aim of this thesis is the evaluation of selected environmental insurance products according to preselected parameters on model examples. Best selected product will be further compared with the product of supplementary pension of a specific insurance subject. At the very end, I focus on evaluating the results and drawing appropriate recommendations for fictitious clients to dispose of a certainamount of retirement funds.

Pojistné podvody v oblasti trhu s nemovitostmi / Insurance fraud in the real estate market

Fojtík, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of insurance fraud in the Czech Republic, focusing on insurance fraud in the real estate market. The work is divided into three parts. The first part involves a definition of the basic concepts of terminology used in the field of insurance, insurance fraud legislation as well as division, causes and investigation of insurance fraud. The second part deals with a statistical comparison and analysis of data within the insurance market, with a focus on individual regions of the Czech Republic and the identification of indicators of insurance fraud in these regions. The third part comprises deals with the calculation of indemnity during the claim settlement and the issue of insurance fraud in the real estate market.

Seguro de riscos de engenharia: instrumento do desenvolvimento / Engineering risks insurance: an instrument for development

Tzirulnik, Ernesto 26 May 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar o seguro de riscos de engenharia como instrumento para o desenvolvimento. A perspectiva adotada é a da articulação entre direito e economia política: parte-se da ideia de que as categorias jurídicas instauram determinada economia política. Nesse sentido, os contratos de seguro serão entendidos de forma indissociada das operações comunitárias em que se encerram e de sua especial tarefa de reorganização social e econômica. A função social dos contratos de seguro é revelada como conteúdo obrigatório da própria autonomia da vontade atinente a esses contratos. A relação entre seguro e desenvolvimento é ainda mais evidente nos seguros de risco de engenharia, objeto específico deste trabalho. Institucionalizada desde a década de 1930, a função desenvolvimentista desses seguros tem seu declínio a partir dos anos 1970 com nítida agravação no ano de 2007, quando ocorre a abertura do mercado brasileiro de resseguro. Defende-se a tese de que a legislação brasileira sobre seguro de risco de engenharia é inadequada, atuando de forma impeditiva do desenvolvimento nacional. A principal razão para isso está na perda paulatina de conteúdo desses seguros, em parte promovida pelo próprio Estado, capturado pelos interesses dos empresários do setor. A tentativa de anulação da teoria do interesse consagrada não só na longeva praxe dos seguros, como pela doutrina nacional e estrangeira e plasmada no art. 757 do Código Civil, é um dos principais argumentos explorados. Por fim, são apresentados dispositivos do Projeto de Lei do Senado n. 477/2013, que procura trazer para o sistema de direito positivo a primeira lei de contrato de seguro da história brasileira, com o objetivo de reordenar as relações contratuais, eliminando as principais práticas desfuncionalizadoras e em busca dos escopos fixados na Constituição de 1988. / The aim of this study is to examine engineering risk insurance as an instrument of development. The perspective adopted here is an articulation between Law and Political Economy, beginning with the idea that legal categories determine political economy. In this sense, insurance contracts are construed as non-dissociated from the community operations to which they belong and from their special task of social and economic reorganization. The social function of insurance contracts is seen as an inexorable part of the autonomous will involved in such contracts. The relationship between insurance and development is even more evident in engineering risk insurance, which is the specific object of this study. Having been institutionalized since the 1930s, the developmental function of this type insurance began to decline in the mid-1980s, and clearly worsened in 2007, when the Brazilian reinsurance market was opened. We propose that the Brazilian legislation on engineering risk insurance is inadequate and acts as an impediment to national development. The main reason for this is the gradual loss of content in this type of insurance, in part promoted by the State itself, captive to the interests of industry executives. The attempt to nullify the theory of interest well established not only in longstanding insurance practice, but also in national and international tenets, and shaped by Article 757 of the Brazilian Civil Code is one of the main arguments explored here. Finally, we present some provisions of Senate Bill no. 477/2013 that seeks to incorporate into the system of positive law Brazils first law of insurance contract, the aim of which is to reorder contractual relations by eliminating the major defunctionalizing practices, in keeping with the intentions of the 1988 Constitution.

Seguro de riscos de engenharia: instrumento do desenvolvimento / Engineering risks insurance: an instrument for development

Ernesto Tzirulnik 26 May 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar o seguro de riscos de engenharia como instrumento para o desenvolvimento. A perspectiva adotada é a da articulação entre direito e economia política: parte-se da ideia de que as categorias jurídicas instauram determinada economia política. Nesse sentido, os contratos de seguro serão entendidos de forma indissociada das operações comunitárias em que se encerram e de sua especial tarefa de reorganização social e econômica. A função social dos contratos de seguro é revelada como conteúdo obrigatório da própria autonomia da vontade atinente a esses contratos. A relação entre seguro e desenvolvimento é ainda mais evidente nos seguros de risco de engenharia, objeto específico deste trabalho. Institucionalizada desde a década de 1930, a função desenvolvimentista desses seguros tem seu declínio a partir dos anos 1970 com nítida agravação no ano de 2007, quando ocorre a abertura do mercado brasileiro de resseguro. Defende-se a tese de que a legislação brasileira sobre seguro de risco de engenharia é inadequada, atuando de forma impeditiva do desenvolvimento nacional. A principal razão para isso está na perda paulatina de conteúdo desses seguros, em parte promovida pelo próprio Estado, capturado pelos interesses dos empresários do setor. A tentativa de anulação da teoria do interesse consagrada não só na longeva praxe dos seguros, como pela doutrina nacional e estrangeira e plasmada no art. 757 do Código Civil, é um dos principais argumentos explorados. Por fim, são apresentados dispositivos do Projeto de Lei do Senado n. 477/2013, que procura trazer para o sistema de direito positivo a primeira lei de contrato de seguro da história brasileira, com o objetivo de reordenar as relações contratuais, eliminando as principais práticas desfuncionalizadoras e em busca dos escopos fixados na Constituição de 1988. / The aim of this study is to examine engineering risk insurance as an instrument of development. The perspective adopted here is an articulation between Law and Political Economy, beginning with the idea that legal categories determine political economy. In this sense, insurance contracts are construed as non-dissociated from the community operations to which they belong and from their special task of social and economic reorganization. The social function of insurance contracts is seen as an inexorable part of the autonomous will involved in such contracts. The relationship between insurance and development is even more evident in engineering risk insurance, which is the specific object of this study. Having been institutionalized since the 1930s, the developmental function of this type insurance began to decline in the mid-1980s, and clearly worsened in 2007, when the Brazilian reinsurance market was opened. We propose that the Brazilian legislation on engineering risk insurance is inadequate and acts as an impediment to national development. The main reason for this is the gradual loss of content in this type of insurance, in part promoted by the State itself, captive to the interests of industry executives. The attempt to nullify the theory of interest well established not only in longstanding insurance practice, but also in national and international tenets, and shaped by Article 757 of the Brazilian Civil Code is one of the main arguments explored here. Finally, we present some provisions of Senate Bill no. 477/2013 that seeks to incorporate into the system of positive law Brazils first law of insurance contract, the aim of which is to reorder contractual relations by eliminating the major defunctionalizing practices, in keeping with the intentions of the 1988 Constitution.

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