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Výzkum spokojenosti zákazníků firmy ePojisteni.cz s.r.o.s využitím metody Net Promoter Score / Customer satisfaction research for a company ePojisteni.cz s.r.o. trough the method of Net Promoter ScorePokorná, Štěpánka January 2013 (has links)
Title: Customer satisfaction research for a company ePojisteni.cz s.r.o. trough the method of Net Promoter Score. Goals: The ain is to analyze satisfaction and loyalty with company ePojisteni.cz s.r.o. and propose measures that would lead to increased satisfaction and loyalty both of the sides - the customer on the one side and company ePojisteni.cz s.r.o. on the other. Methods: Satisfaction and loyalty were measured using the Net Promoter Score. It is a tool that allows rapid measurement of customer loyalty. Question: 'How likely is that you recommend us to your friends?" was sent to 400 respondents. This issue was further extended verbal evaluation. Some shortcomings I sought a solution with the product manager of the company. Results: The company ePojisteni.cz s.r.o. is broker of insurance for czech insurance company. The result of method Net Promoter Score is hopeful. The customers are very contented with this company and they are loyal. In second part of research the customers warm about some shortcomings. On these shortcomings I was looking for a solution with Product manager of the company. Keywords: loyalty, customer, insurance, insurance contract, the policyholder, insurer, insurance company, broker, agent, method, analysis.
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O dever de informar e sua aplicação ao contrato de seguro / Duty to inform and its application to insurance contractsSouza, Thelma de Mesquita Garcia e 17 May 2012 (has links)
Este estudo trata da informação que permeia os contratos e de sua aplicação ao contrato de seguro, da perspectiva do Direito e da Economia, ciências sociais que se complementam, porque aplicadas à mesma realidade, que será mais fielmente retratada se analisada sob ângulos diferentes, mas correlatos. Perquirindo a função da informação no contrato, constata que, se concernente a elemento essencial deste, a ele adere, passando a integrá-lo, o que determina sua importância nesse contexto e indica o regime jurídico que lhe deve ser aplicado. A investigação da distribuição da informação entre os contratantes e dos efeitos eventualmente nocivos da assimetria informacional, como o incentivo ao oportunismo, o aumento dos custos de transação e a obtenção de ganhos indevidos do contrato, induz à discussão dos critérios orientadores da disciplina jurídica da informação no âmbito contratual. A despeito da utilidade dos padrões para disciplinar condutas não alcançadas pelas regras, este estudo aponta que a boa-fé, em razão de suas idiossincrasias, não é padrão eficiente para reger a informação nos contratos, devendo ficar relegada à função residual. A aplicação do dever de informar com o objetivo de impor às partes transparência e veracidade conferiria mais objetividade e operacionalidade ao regime da informação nos contratos. Mas, a despeito da questionável eficiência da boa-fé como indutora da troca de informações entre as partes, foi o padrão de conduta escolhido pelo sistema jurídico para balizar a interação dos contratantes. Devido às peculiaridades do contrato de seguro, e à nocividade dos efeitos da assimetria informacional neste contexto, exige-se dos contratantes a máxima boa-fé. Se a regra é a máxima transparência e a absoluta veracidade, deverá ser restritiva a interpretação de eventuais exceções. Como a informação se prende ao cerne da operação econômica subjacente, afetando o cálculo do risco e a fixação do prêmio, e consequentemente, a mutualidade, diz respeito à função e à finalidade do instituto. Por isso, a interpretação condescendente de eventuais omissões ou distorções de informação relevante afrontaria o princípio da máxima boa-fé, que não pode ser mitigado, sob pena de comprometer o equilíbrio do contrato e afetar sua finalidade sócio-econômica. O estudo demonstrou a inadequação do tratamento da informação em relação ao substrato econômico do contrato de seguro, especialmente no que concerne à exigência de comprovação da má-fé nas omissões e distorções da verdade pelo segurado. Criticou também a aplicação dogmática da presunção da boa-fé, que reverte ao segurador o ônus da prova da má-fé do segurado, anulando o efeito sancionador da imposição do dever de informar. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the importance of information in contract law, the disclosure duties and its application to insurance contracts, from legal and economic perspectives. Since Law and Economics are social sciences applied to the same environment and are mutually complementary, this bifocal approach leads to a more accurate portrait of reality seen from different but correlated points of view. The analysis of the role of information reveals that if it concerns the contract essential element, it becomes part of it and determines the legal rules that should be applied to it. The inquiry of information distribution patterns shows that it can eventually bring about detrimental effects which induce the discussion of the criteria underlying the legal regime of information in contract law. Asymmetric information can be harmful if it encourages opportunism, increases transaction costs and grants one party undue gains from the contract. In spite of the usefulness of standards to regulate conducts not reached by rules, this study shows that good faith, due to its idiosyncrasies, is not an efficient standard to govern information in contracts. Thus, it should be assigned a residual function. The application of the duty to inform with the purpose of imposing full disclosure and accuracy to the parties ensures more objectivity to the information regime in contracts. However, good faith was the standard chosen by the legal system to rule the parties interaction, despite its recognized inefficiency to induce information exchange among agents. Due to the particular features of the insurance contract, and to the harmful effects of informational asymmetry in this context, law imposes the parties a higher standard of good faith. If the legal standard is the utmost good faith, eventual exceptions to this pattern should be restrictively interpreted. Since information is connected with the economic mechanism of the insurance contract because it affects risk and premium evaluation, it is strictly related to the function and purpose of the contract. Therefore, condescending interpretation of nondisclosure, misrepresentation and fraud would violate the principle of utmost good faith. Its mitigation will affect the contract balance and its economic and social purposes. This dissertation demonstrates the inadequacy of the information legal regime, especially regarding the requirement of proving bad faith related to nondisclosure, misrepresentation or fraud. It also criticizes the dogmatic application of the presumption of good faith that lays upon the insurer the burden of proving bad faith of the insureds conduct, nullifying the sanctioning effect of the imposition of the duty to inform.
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IFRS 4 - Pojistné smlouvy / IFRS 4 - Insurance ContractsPaušová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the newly proposed International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS 4 - Insurance contracts, lists and describes the most important points of the standard in the first and the second phase of the project. The first phase of the project establishes the definition of insurance contracts and other essential concepts. The first phase of the insurance contract provides only a temporary solution for measuring and reporting of insurance contracts until approved and adopted the final draft standard from the second phase. The second phase of the project proposes a new valuation model for insurance contracts based on four pillars, introduces new requirements for disclosure in the financial statements and presentation of financial statements.
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L'inexécution du contrat d'assurance dans les États africains membres de la CIMA : étude à partir du cas camerounais / The non-execution of the insurance contract in the African states members of the CIMA : a Cameroonian case studyDié Kouénéyé, Hubert 15 November 2018 (has links)
Le contrat d’assurance est un contrat synallagmatique. L’éthique en la matière impose l’exécution loyale de la convention par la fourniture des prestations réciproques incombant aux parties. Il s’agit, pour le souscripteur, de verser une prime en échange de la garantie, et pour l’assureur de garantir les conséquences de l’événement aléatoire prévu au contrat. Le prix de l'assurance est de ce fait la contrepartie de la garantie du risque pris en charge par l'assureur. Vu sous cet angle, l’assureur est le partenaire privilégié de l’assuré dans sa protection contre les risques de la vie quotidienne. Mais il peut arriver que, sans justification, l’une des parties ne fournisse pas la prestation pour laquelle elle s’est engagée. Dans ce cas, elle se rend coupable de manquement contractuel, autrement qualifié d’inexécution du contrat.Le droit camerounais des assurances issu de la réforme du 10 juillet 1992 qui met sur pied la Conférence Interafricaine des Marchés d’Assurances ne dispose pas d’un régime unifié de l’inexécution du contrat d’assurance. Toutes les violations de l’engagement ne sont pas toujours sanctionnées. Les solutions existantes sont, soit limitées, soit exposées sans véritable hiérarchie entre remèdes de premier rang et solutions subsidiaires. De plus, la répartition des pouvoirs tend à accentuer l’inégalité entre la compagnie d’assurance et l’assuré. De ce point de vue, la réforme, qui a pourtant relativement modernisé les règles jusque là applicables, n’a pas totalement mis fin aux problèmes que soulève l’exécution des contrats d’assurance dans les États parties. La jurisprudence elle-même ne fournit pas toujours des solutions adéquates pour compléter l’œuvre du législateur. Cette situation qui est une véritable source de difficultés tant pour les cocontractants que pour les juges pouvant être appelés à trancher les différends, rend incertain le régime de traitement de l’inexécution.La question mérite alors d’être profondément repensée afin de trouver les meilleures solutions pouvant permettre de garantir les intérêts des parties en présence et, par voie de conséquence, favoriser le développement de l’industrie nationale, voire sous-régionale, des assurances. / The insurance contract is a bilateral contract. Ethics in this matter requires the fair execution of the agreement through the provision of reciprocal services incumbent upon the parties. For the subscriber, this means paying premiums in exchange for the guarantee and for the insurer to guarantee the consequences of the random event provided for in the contract. The price of the insurance is therefore the counterpart of the guarantee for the risk assumed by the insurer. Seen from this angle, the insurer is the insured's privileged partner in its protection against the risks of daily life. But it can happen that, without justification, one of the parties does not provide the service for which it has committed itself. In this case, it is guilty of contractual breach, also known as breach of contract.The Cameroonian insurance law resulting from the reform of July 10, 1992 which sets up the Inter-African Conference of Insurance Markets does not have a unified regime of non-performance of the insurance contract. Not all breaches of the commitment are always punished. Existing solutions are either limited or presented without any real hierarchy between first-tier remedies and subsidiary solutions. Moreover, the distribution of powers tends to accentuate the inequality between the insurance company and the insured. From this point of view, the reform, which has, however, relatively modernized the rules hitherto applicable, has not completely put an end to the problems raised by the implementation of insurance contracts in the States Parties. The case-law itself does not always provide adequate solutions to complete the work of the legislator. This situation, which is a source of difficulties both for contracting parties and for judges who may be called upon to settle disputes, makes the regime for dealing with non-performance uncertain.The issue then deserves to be thoroughly rethought in order to find the best solutions that can guarantee the interests of the parties involved and, consequently, promote the development of the national, even sub regional insurance industry.
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保險當事人定位之研究 / The study of the positioning of the parties of insurance contract邱永慶, Chung, Ung-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
私法上的法律行為必有其主體,並以意思表示為要素,而以發生私法上效果為其目的。其成立與否所須包涵之要素有三,即當事人、意思表示及標的三者。當事人,係指於法律行為中享受權利、負擔義務之人,且經由當事人意思表示始構成法律行為,缺此主體則法律行為失其附麗而無由成立;契約,則為雙方當事人以發生債之關係為目的,相互為對立的意思表示,趨於一致的法律行為。保險契約,亦屬於契約之一種,其成立與否,自應檢視是否包含當事人、意思表示及標的三者。我國保險法第1條規定:「本法所稱保險,謂當事人約定,一方交付保險費於他方,他方對於因不可預料,或不可抗力之事故所致之損害,負擔賠償財物之行為。」就上述三要件中,意思表示,一般情形下係指「要保」(要約)之意思表示,及「承保」(承諾)之意思表示合致,保險契約即為成立 ;而標的則係指法律行為的內容,保險標的之內容相當複雜,保險標的僅係其中一項,除此之外,尚包括保險金額、保險期間、保險事故、保險費及其他非屬必要之點者。關於此二要件,除了保險契約是否為要式契約或要物契約,仍受學者爭議外,一般而言並無太大問題。然而就保險契約之主體─當事人之角色,多數學者均僅依我國保險法第3條及第44條之規定,而逕認保險當事人係指保險人及要保人 ,而鮮少有對於保險當事人定位之問題提出質疑者。
事實上保險當事人之角色,於英美法系之制度,與大陸法系之制度迥然不同,前者以被保險人(the insured; the assured)與保險人(the insurer; the underwriter)為當事人;而後者則以要保人(the applicant; 日:保險契約者;德:der Versicherungsnehmer)與保險人(日:保險者;德:der Versicherer)為當事人。兩者對於保險當事人之定義及內涵,及其所扮演之角色各有不同之規定,然我國保險法學者則不分英美法系或大陸法系之學者,均認要保人及保險人為保險契約之當事人。此或係由於我國保險法第3條規定:「本法所稱要保人,指對保險標的具有保險利益,向保險人申請訂立契約,並負有交付保險費義務之人。」因此自然以訂立契約之人(為意思表示之人)為保險契約當事人之一方,而以而為承諾意思表示之保險人為他方當事人。若我國保險法僅對要保人做此定義,則此說應係相當合理且明確的解釋。然而相當值得玩味的是,保險法第4條另對於「被保險人」有所定義:「本法所稱被保險人,指於保險事故發生時,遭受損害,享有賠償請求權之人,要保人亦得為被保險人。」若將保險法第3條及第4條及同法其他相關規定合併觀之,則會發生許多混淆不清,及難以解決之問題。
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The Right to Tax Credit of Insurers: On the subject of the Replenishment of Damaged Goods / El Derecho al Crédito Fiscal de las Aseguradoras: A Propósito de la Reposición de Bienes SiniestradosHernández Patiño, Cecilia, Rosado Jurado, Guillermo 10 April 2018 (has links)
The main purpose of this article is to give a tax approach about the tax credit insurers which is generated as product replenishment of goods in case of accidents, and thus determine whether or not to use the tax credit referred.From the analysis made in respect of the different doctrinal positions which are presented about the controversy to be develop in this article, we can conclude by saying that when insurance companies deliver goods to the insured as a result of claims do nothing that operations that are part of its line of business, and in that sense, being goods that are required to achieve their economic ends is that in any way, our tax authorities should fix the tax credit that would have been generated concept the acquisition of the property that was the subject of insurance, even more if, as we have indicated the economic purpose of VAT is to tax the final consumer of goods and services, and achieve tax neutrality (application of the tax credit). / El presente artículo tiene como principal objetivo otorgar un enfoque tributario del crédito fiscal de las empresas aseguradoras que se genera producto de la reposición de bienes en caso de siniestros, y de esta manera determinar si corresponde o no utilizar el referido crédito fiscal.A partir del análisis efectuado respecto de las diferentes posturas que se presentan a nivel doctrinario con ocasión de la controversia que desarrollaremos en el presente artículo, podemos concluir señalando que las empresas de seguros, cuando entregan bienes a los asegurados como consecuencia de los siniestros, no hacen más que efectuar operaciones que son parte de su giro de negocio y, en tal sentido, al tratarse de bienes que son requeridos para lograr sus fines económicos es que, en ningún sentido, nuestra Administración Tributaria debería reparar el crédito fiscal que se hubiera generado por concepto de la adquisición del bien que fue objeto de seguro; más aún si, conforme hemos indicado la finalidad económica del IGV es gravar al consumidor final de los bienes y servicios, y lograr la neutralidad del impuesto (aplicación del crédito fiscal).
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Les notions de contrat d'assurance / The notions of insurance contractHaddad, Eloïse 11 December 2017 (has links)
Le contrat d'assurance bénéficie d'un régime spécifique, énoncé dans le code des assurances. Néanmoins il ne fait l'objet d'aucune définition législative. Or, comme la mise en œuvre d'un régime dépend de l'opération de qualification et que les entreprises d'assurance sont astreintes à un principe de spécialité, l'identification des éléments constitutifs de la catégorie est une nécessité. Jusqu'à présent, ni la jurisprudence, ni la doctrine n'ont apporté de définition pleinement convaincante. En effet, s'il existe un consensus pour définir le contrat d'assurance comme une convention dans laquelle une partie garantit un risque en échange du paiement d'une prime, il demeure que les notions de risque et de garantie suscitent de nombreuses interrogations. La qualification du contrat d'assurance implique de définir en premier lieu la notion conceptuelle de ce contrat, élaborée à partir de sa cause typique. Elle implique de préciser la cause des contrats aléatoires, ainsi que d'éclairer le contenu de la notion de garantie, notion complexe qui renvoie à la mutualisation des risques. Par ailleurs, il existe des situations dans lesquelles le régime du contrat d'assurance est appliqué à d'autres contrats, en raison de choix politiques. Il existe donc des notions fonctionnelles de contrat d'assurance. Ainsi, les entreprises d'assurance souscrivent des contrats de pari qui échappent à l'exception de jeu car ils servent une fonction de garantie. De plus, depuis 2004, le régime de faveur en matière fiscale et patrimoniale réservé aux contrats d'assurance-vie est applicable aux contrats commutatifs d'épargne souscrits auprès des entreprises d'assurance. / The insurance contract has a dedicated regime, described in the insurance code. Nevertheless, it has no legal definition. However, as the implementation of a regime depends on the qualification, and the insurance companies are bound by a principle of specialty, an identification of the elements constituting the category of the insurance contract is needed. Nevertheless, neither jurisprudence nor doctrine has provided a fully convincing definition. Indeed, while there is consensus that the insurance contract should be defined as an agreement in which a party guarantees a risk in exchange for the payment of a premium, the fact remains that the notions of risk and guarantee raise many questions. Undertaking the qualification of the insurance contract implies first defining the conceptual notion of this contract, developed based on its typical cause. It involves detailing the cause of aleatory contracts, as well as clarifying the content of the notion of guarantee, a complex notion that refers to the risk-pooling technique. In addition, there are some situations in which the regime of the insurance contract is applied to conceptually distinct contracts because of political choices. There are therefore functional notions of insurance contract. Indeed, insurance companies subscribe to gambling contracts which escape the gambling exclusion because they serve as a guarantee. Moreover, since 2004, the preferential tax and heritage regime for life insurance policies is now also applicable to savings contracts subscribed to insurance companies, despite their commutative nature.
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O dever de informar e sua aplicação ao contrato de seguro / Duty to inform and its application to insurance contractsThelma de Mesquita Garcia e Souza 17 May 2012 (has links)
Este estudo trata da informação que permeia os contratos e de sua aplicação ao contrato de seguro, da perspectiva do Direito e da Economia, ciências sociais que se complementam, porque aplicadas à mesma realidade, que será mais fielmente retratada se analisada sob ângulos diferentes, mas correlatos. Perquirindo a função da informação no contrato, constata que, se concernente a elemento essencial deste, a ele adere, passando a integrá-lo, o que determina sua importância nesse contexto e indica o regime jurídico que lhe deve ser aplicado. A investigação da distribuição da informação entre os contratantes e dos efeitos eventualmente nocivos da assimetria informacional, como o incentivo ao oportunismo, o aumento dos custos de transação e a obtenção de ganhos indevidos do contrato, induz à discussão dos critérios orientadores da disciplina jurídica da informação no âmbito contratual. A despeito da utilidade dos padrões para disciplinar condutas não alcançadas pelas regras, este estudo aponta que a boa-fé, em razão de suas idiossincrasias, não é padrão eficiente para reger a informação nos contratos, devendo ficar relegada à função residual. A aplicação do dever de informar com o objetivo de impor às partes transparência e veracidade conferiria mais objetividade e operacionalidade ao regime da informação nos contratos. Mas, a despeito da questionável eficiência da boa-fé como indutora da troca de informações entre as partes, foi o padrão de conduta escolhido pelo sistema jurídico para balizar a interação dos contratantes. Devido às peculiaridades do contrato de seguro, e à nocividade dos efeitos da assimetria informacional neste contexto, exige-se dos contratantes a máxima boa-fé. Se a regra é a máxima transparência e a absoluta veracidade, deverá ser restritiva a interpretação de eventuais exceções. Como a informação se prende ao cerne da operação econômica subjacente, afetando o cálculo do risco e a fixação do prêmio, e consequentemente, a mutualidade, diz respeito à função e à finalidade do instituto. Por isso, a interpretação condescendente de eventuais omissões ou distorções de informação relevante afrontaria o princípio da máxima boa-fé, que não pode ser mitigado, sob pena de comprometer o equilíbrio do contrato e afetar sua finalidade sócio-econômica. O estudo demonstrou a inadequação do tratamento da informação em relação ao substrato econômico do contrato de seguro, especialmente no que concerne à exigência de comprovação da má-fé nas omissões e distorções da verdade pelo segurado. Criticou também a aplicação dogmática da presunção da boa-fé, que reverte ao segurador o ônus da prova da má-fé do segurado, anulando o efeito sancionador da imposição do dever de informar. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the importance of information in contract law, the disclosure duties and its application to insurance contracts, from legal and economic perspectives. Since Law and Economics are social sciences applied to the same environment and are mutually complementary, this bifocal approach leads to a more accurate portrait of reality seen from different but correlated points of view. The analysis of the role of information reveals that if it concerns the contract essential element, it becomes part of it and determines the legal rules that should be applied to it. The inquiry of information distribution patterns shows that it can eventually bring about detrimental effects which induce the discussion of the criteria underlying the legal regime of information in contract law. Asymmetric information can be harmful if it encourages opportunism, increases transaction costs and grants one party undue gains from the contract. In spite of the usefulness of standards to regulate conducts not reached by rules, this study shows that good faith, due to its idiosyncrasies, is not an efficient standard to govern information in contracts. Thus, it should be assigned a residual function. The application of the duty to inform with the purpose of imposing full disclosure and accuracy to the parties ensures more objectivity to the information regime in contracts. However, good faith was the standard chosen by the legal system to rule the parties interaction, despite its recognized inefficiency to induce information exchange among agents. Due to the particular features of the insurance contract, and to the harmful effects of informational asymmetry in this context, law imposes the parties a higher standard of good faith. If the legal standard is the utmost good faith, eventual exceptions to this pattern should be restrictively interpreted. Since information is connected with the economic mechanism of the insurance contract because it affects risk and premium evaluation, it is strictly related to the function and purpose of the contract. Therefore, condescending interpretation of nondisclosure, misrepresentation and fraud would violate the principle of utmost good faith. Its mitigation will affect the contract balance and its economic and social purposes. This dissertation demonstrates the inadequacy of the information legal regime, especially regarding the requirement of proving bad faith related to nondisclosure, misrepresentation or fraud. It also criticizes the dogmatic application of the presumption of good faith that lays upon the insurer the burden of proving bad faith of the insureds conduct, nullifying the sanctioning effect of the imposition of the duty to inform.
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IFRS 4 pojistné smlouvy II. fáze - současný stav a předpokládaný vývoj / IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts Phase II - Current Situation and OutlookOchman, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with phase II of IFRS 4 Insurance contracts. The aim of the standard is to establish the principles that an entity should apply to report useful information to users of its financial statements about the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of cash flows from insurance contracts, so that the financial statements of the entity are comparable with financial statements of other entities. Therefore IASB introduced building blocks measurement model, where an insurance contract is measured based on the present value of expected fulfillment cash flows, risk margin and contractual service margin. The building blocks model is based on making extensive judgments when measuring the insurance contracts. To explain the judgments, the standard requires the entity to disclose details about the judgments in the footnotes to the financial statements. The building blocks model is used mainly for life insurance contracts. For contracts that last one year or less (usually non-life insurance contracts) the standard allows the entities to use a simplified approach for measuring insurance contracts that is similar as the current practice of measuring non-life insurance contracts. Revenues from insurance contracts should depict the transfer of promised services arising from the insurance contract in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those services (this approach is in line with the prepared IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers).
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Stanovení výše pojistného plnění u dřevostavby / Determination of the Amount of Indemnity for a Wooden HouseVálková, Dagmar January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to determine the insurance indemnity after a storm on real estate. The first theoretical part is focused on definitions of basic terms in the field of real estate and insurance. The second part is practical, which deals with the valuation of the assessed construction cost method, ensuring the necessary costs for repair. Subsequently, the amount of the insured property value is determined.
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