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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Retrospective Study of MDCT Chest Examinations with Two Different Doses of IV Contrast Media

Thomas, Elinor Lynn 21 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.


SHAH, MONIKA 17 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Oxidative-Addition Reactions of Rhodium(I) Dimers and Platinum(II) Monomers; a Study to Understand a Novel Photochromic System

Stace, Justin J. 23 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Zhang, Yu 21 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Μελέτη της προφυλακτικής δράσης της παρστατίνης έναντι της νεφροτοξικότητας των ιωδιούχων σκιαγραφικών μέσων κατά τη διάρκεια εξετάσεων με ψηφιακή αφαιρετική αγγειογραφία

Διαμαντόπουλος, Αθανάσιος 11 October 2013 (has links)
Εισαγωγή: Τα ιωδιούχα σκιαγραφικά μέσα (ΣΜ) σήμερα χρησιμοποιούνται ευρέως τόσο για διαγνωστικούς λόγους όσο και κατά τη διάρκεια επεμβατικών πράξεων στην Επεμβατική Ακτινολογία ή/και την καρδιολογία. Δυστυχώς, η χρήση τους δεν στερείται επιπλοκών με την νεφροτοξικότητα (Νεφροτοξικότητα οφειλόμενη στα ΣΜ - ΝΣΜ) να είναι μία από τις πιο σοβαρές συνέπειες. Παρά το γεγονός ότι πολλές στρατηγικές με σκοπό τόσο την πρόληψη όσο και την θεραπεία έχουν προταθεί και δοκιμαστεί ευρέως τα τελευταία χρόνια στη μάχη κατά της ΝΣΜ, καμία δεν έχει καταφέρει να δείξει ισχυρά αξιόπιστα αποτελέσματα. Η Παρστατίνη είναι το αμινο τελικό 41-αμινοξέων πεπτίδιο που διασπάται και αποσπάται από τον υποδοχέα PAR1 όταν αυτός ενεργοποιείται από τη θρομβίνη. Οι χαμηλές δόσεις Παρστατίνης είναι γνωστό ότι εμφανίζουν προστατευτική δράση στο μυοκάρδιο αρουραίου μετά από βλάβη του τύπου της ισχαιμίας / επαναιμάτωσης. Η κύρια υπόθεση της μελέτης μας ήταν ότι η συγκεκριμένη ουσία μπορεί να ασκήσει προστατευτική δράση στους νεφρούς έναντι της ΝΣΜ. Για να ελεγχθεί αυτή η υπόθεση, χρησιμοποιήσαμε ένα πειραματικό μοντέλο ΝΣΜ σε θηλαστικά (Κόνικλους Νέας Ζηλανδίας). Υλικά και Μέθοδοι: Το πρώτο στάδιο της μελέτης αφορούσε στην ανάπτυξη ενός αξιόπιστου πειραματικού μοντέλου νεφροτοξικότητας μετά τη χορήγηση ιωδιούχων σκιαγραφικών μέσων. Το μοντέλο αναπτύχθηκε και αξιολογήθηκε εκτενώς σε μία σειρά από λευκούς κονίκλους Νέας Ζηλανδίας. Εν συνεχεία ακολούθησε η συστηματική δοκιμή της προστατευτικής δράσης της Παρστατίνης. Στο μέρος αυτό τα πειραματόζωα χωρίστηκαν σε τρεις υπό-ομάδες. Μια υπό-ομάδα έλαβε την υπό δοκιμή ουσία (Παρστατίνη) σε δόση 10μg/kg ακριβώς 15 λεπτά πριν από την έναρξη της ενδοφλέβιας έγχυσης του ΙΣΜ αντίθεσης. Σε αυτή τη φάση όλα τα πειραματόζωα της ομάδας ελέγχου προήλθαν από τα προκαταρκτικά πειράματα τα οποία είχαν λάβει ίσο όγκο φυσιολογικού ορού (NaCl 0,9%). Στις λοιπές δύο υπό-ομάδες χορηγήθηκε Παρστατίνη σε δόση είτε υποδεκαπλάσια (1μg/kg) είτε δεκαπλάσια (100μg/kg) της αρχικής. Ως κατώφλι για την αναγνώριση ανάπτυξης ΝΣΜ τέθηκε η τιμή της κρεατινίνης του ορού ίση ή άνω του 1,5mg/dl 48 ώρες μετά την έγχυση του ΣΜ. Ένα αντιπροσωπευτικό δείγμα πειραματόζωων υποβλήθηκε σε ευθανασία 48 ώρες μετά τη λήψη του ΣΜ με σκοπό την ιστολογική εξέταση/ανάλυση. Αποτελέσματα: Το πρώτο μέρος της μελέτης συμπεριέλαβε συνολικά 32 πειραματόζωα. Σε 7 εξ’ αυτών πραγματοποιήθηκε μόνο πείραμα προσομοίωσης (ομάδα sham) έτσι ώστε να οριστούν οι τιμές βάσης. Η μέση τιμή της κρεατινίνης ορού σε αυτή την ομάδα ήταν 0,90 mg/dl (Cl:0,80-1,10). Τα υπόλοιπα πειράματα έδειξαν ότι η μεγαλύτερη αναπαραγωγιμότητα του μοντέλου επιτυγχάνεται με ρυθμό έγχυσης του σκιαγραφικού μέσου αντίθεσης μεταξύ 2,5 έως 3,0 ml/min. Έτσι το σύνολο της σκιαγραφικής ουσίας χορηγείτο μεταξύ 28-35 λεπτών. Σε συνολικά 15 πειραματόζωα τα οποία αποτέλεσαν και την ομάδα ελέγχου και για τα λοιπά πειράματα (control group) η μέση τιμή της κρεατινίνης ορού ήταν 3,09 mg/dl (CI:2,40-4,00), ενώ το 86,7% αυτών ανέπτυξε κλινικά σημαντική ΝΣΜ. Όσον αφορά τα αποτελέσματα του δεύτερου μέρους αναγνωρίστηκε η θεραπευτική δράση της Παρστατίνης σε δόση ίση με 10μg/Kg. Ποίο συγκεκριμένα στην ομάδα πειραματόζωων (n=18) που έλαβε την ανωτέρο δόση η μέση τιμή της κρεατινίνης 48 ώρες μετά τη χορήγηση του ΙΣM ήταν 1,01mg/dl (CI:0,93-2,34) (Στατιστικά σημαντική διαφορά συγκριτικά με την ομάδα ελέγχου, p=0,012). Το αποτέλεσμα αυτό εξαλείφεται με τον δεκαπλασιασμό και με τον υπό-δεκαπλασιασμό της ανωτέρο δόσης. Στατιστικά σημαντικά μικρότερος ήταν και ο αριθμός των πειραματόζωων που ανέπτυξαν ΝΣΜ στην ομάδα της Παρστατίνης συγκριτικά με την ομάδα ελέγχου (27,8% έναντι 86,7%, p<0,001). Τα ιστολογικά αποτελέσματα έδειξαν σημαντικά μικρότερη σωληναριακή νέκρωση στην ομάδα των πειραματόζωων που έλαβαν θεραπεία με Παρστατίνη συγκριτικά με την ομάδα ελέγχου (13,13 Vs 26.60 στην ομάδα ελέγχου, ρ = 0.0007). Συμπέρασμα: Η υπό δοκιμή ουσία Παρστατίνη (Parstatin) αναστέλλει επιτυχώς την ανάπτυξη νεφροτοξικότητας μετά την χορήγηση σκιαγραφικών μέσων σε ένα πειραματικό in-vivo μοντέλο. Το παραπάνω αποτέλεσμα αποδείχτηκε τόσο με εργαστηριακές μετρήσεις της κρεατινίνης ορού όσο και μετά από ιστολογική μελέτη νεφρών. Το παραπάνω αποτελεί ένα πολύ αισιόδοξο μήνυμα. Παρόλα αυτά περαιτέρω μελέτες είναι αναγκαίες για την επικύρωση του προστατευτικού αυτού ρόλου. / Introduction: Iodinated Contrast Media (CM) are today widely used in routine non-invasive or percutaneous invasive imaging examinations and therapeutic interventions. Unfortunately, use of CM is not free of complications with nephrotoxicity (Contrast-Induced nephropathy – CIN) being one of the most severe. Although numerous preventing and/or therapeutic strategies have been proposed and widely tested during recent years in the battle against CIN, none of them manage to show strong reliable evidence that can prevent CIN development. Parstatin is the N-terminal-41-amino-acid peptide cleaved by thrombin from the protease-activated receptor-1. Low doses of Parstatin are known to have a protective effect in the rat myocardium after ischemia/reperfusion injury. The primary hypothesis of our study was that Parstatin may exert a nephroprotective role against the development of CIN. To test this hypothesis we used a mammalian experimental CIN model. Materials and Methods: The first stage of the study involved the development of a reliable experimental model of nephrotoxicity after administration of iodinated contrast media. The model was developed and extensively evaluated in a series of New Zealand white rabbits. The next stage involved the systematic testing of the protective effect of Parstatin. In this part the animals were divided into three sub-groups. A sub-group received the test substance (Parstatin) at a dose of 10mg/kg just 15 minutes before intravenous infusion of iodinated contrast medium. In the other two sub-groups Parstatin was administered at a dose of either subdivided by ten times (1mg/kg) or multiplied by ten times (100mg/kg) of the original. In this phase the control group was derived from the preliminary experiments of the first stage. As a threshold for the recognition of CIN development was the value of serum Creatinine equal to or more than 1,5 mg/dl 48 hours after injection of the CM. A representative sample of experimental animals was euthanized 48 hours after receiving the CM in order to perform histological examination and analysis. Results: The first part of the study included a total of 32 animals. In 7 of them only a simulation experiment was performed (group sham) to define baseline values of sCr. The mean serum Creatinine in this group was 0,90mg/dl (Cl:0,80-1,10). Following experiments showed that greater reproducibility of the model is achieved with injection rate of the contrast medium contrast between 2.5 έως 3,0 ml/min. Based on that the total contrast agent was administered between 28-35 minutes. In a total of 15 rabbits which were and the control group for the following experiments (control group) the mean sCr was 3,09 mg/dl (CI:2,40-4,00), while 86.7% of them developed clinically significant CIN. Regarding the results of the second part recognized that the maximum therapeutic effect of Parstatin is accomplished with a dose of 10mg/Kg. More specifically in the group of animals (Group P10, n=18) who received the abovementioned dose the mean sCr values 48 hours after administration of the CM was 1,01 mg/dl (CI:0,93-2,34) (Statistically significant difference compared with the control group, p=0,012). This therapeutic effect was eliminated when the dose was either multiplied or divided by 10. A significantly lower number of animals developed the CIN in the treatment group (Group P10) compared with the control group (27.8% vs. 86.7%, p<0.001). The histological results showed significantly less tubular necrosis in the group of animals treated with Parstatin compared to controls (13,13 Vs 26.60 in the control group, p = 0.0007). Conclusion: The test substance Parstatin successfully inhibits the development of contrast-induced nephrotoxicity in an in-vivo experimental model. The above result was verified both by laboratory measurements of serum Creatinine and after histological examination of kidney specimens. The above is a very optimistic message. Nevertheless, further studies are necessary to validate the protective role of Parstatin against contrast nephrotoxicity in both experimental and clinical settings.

Etudes cinétiques de l'oxydation radicalaire en phase gazeuse d'iodures organiques et de la formation de particules d'oxydes d'iode sous conditions simulées de l'enceinte d'un réacteur nucléaire en situation d'accident grave

Zhang, Shaoliang 29 June 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre des recherches menées dans le domaine de la sûreté des réacteurs nucléaires, la problématique de la formation des oxydes d'iode dans l'enceinte de confinement par la destruction d'iodures organiques lors d'un accident grave a été étudiée avec les moyens du domaine de la chimie atmosphérique.La cinétique de destruction d'iodures organiques (tels que CH3I, CH2I2, CHI3, C2H5I, n-C3H7I et i-C3H7I) par les radicaux OH et O a d'abord été étudiée avec un système de Photolyse Flash – Résonance Fluorescente, dans des conditions représentatives de l'enceinte d'un accident de réacteur nucléaire accidenté. Des constantes cinétiques et leurs énergies d'activation ont été déterminées, dont certaines pour la première fois dans la littérature. Les mécanismes d'oxydation par OH et O des iodures organiques sont soit par abstraction d'un atome d'hydrogène, soit par la formation d'un complexe, menant à l'arrachement de l'atome d'iode. Ensuite, une analyse avec le code IODAIR a permis de réactualiser certaines cinétiques et de compléter ce code avec l'ajout de nouvelles réactions publiées récemment. Une comparaison de la cinétique globale de destruction de CH3I par OH et O dans le code IODAIR et de la constante cinétique globale inclue dans le code ASTEC/IODE a mis en évidence une différence d'un facteur environ 2, ce qui montre l'influence de ces deux radicaux (et principalement de O) sur la destruction des iodures organiques. L'autre voie de destruction majoritaire serait par rayonnement électronique. Les autres radicaux comme H ou N ne contribueraient que très peu à leur disparition. / Within the framework of the research in the nuclear reactor safety field, the iodine oxides formation by organic iodides destruction in the containment has been studied with the means of the atmospheric chemistry field. The destruction kinetics and their activation energy of organic iodides by OH and O radical has been quantified by a Flash Photolysis system able to monitor the oxidant radicals by resonance fluorescence. Those results have been published and some of them for the first time in the literature. The mechanisms leading to the organic iodides destruction are either by a hydrogen atom abstraction, either by the formation of a complex, depending on the organic iodide involved. Then, certain kinetics reactions have been updated in the IODAIR code. Other reactions have been added based on the recent literature available. A comparison of the kinetics destruction of CH3I by OH and O with IODAIR and the global kinetics of destruction in ASTEC/IODE showed a difference of about 2 which shows the importance of these two radicals (and mainly O) in those destruction processes. The other main path of destruction would be by electron radiation. Other radicals like H and N would not contribute significantly to organic iodides destruction. A sensitivity analysis highlighted that organic iodides would mostly be destroyed into iodine oxides with a almost complete conversion within a few hours. Finally, an atmospheric chamber has been used to quantify iodine oxides growth, density and composition. Under the conditions studied, their formation is fast. Particles sizes of about 200- 400 nm are formed within a few hours.

Synthèse d’iodanes biaryliques chiraux : application à des réactions d’oxygénation asymétrique

Bosset, Cyril 17 December 2013 (has links)
La chimie des dérivés à base d’iode hypervalent, également appelés iodanes, connaît depuis la fin des années 1990 un essor important qui s’explique par leurs conditions d’utilisation douces et leur faible toxicité comparée à celle des réactifs à base de métaux lourds. Plus récemment, des versions chirales de ces réactifs font l’objet de nombreuses recherches. Dans ce contexte, une première partie de ces travaux de thèse a consisté à développer de nouveaux iodanes chiraux basés sur un squelette biarylique atropoiso-mériquement pur de type soit 1,1’-binaphtyle, soit 5,5’,6,6’,7,7’,8,8’-octahydro-1,1’-binaphtyle. Plusieurs iodobiaryles ont été synthétisés, puis oxydés efficacement et sélectivement au 3,3-diméthyldioxirane (DMDO) pour donner, après une simple filtration, les iodanes correspondants purs. Le degré d’oxydation de l’atome d’iode de chacun de ces composés a été déterminé par spectroscopie RMN 13C : des iodanes-λ3 ont été isolés dans le cas des systèmes binaphtyliques ou substitués par une fonction acide carboxylique en ortho de l’atome d’iode, tandis que des iodanes-λ5 ont été obtenus pour les composés basés sur un squelette octahydro-1,1’-binaphtyle. Dans une seconde partie, ces iodanes ont été appliqués à des réactions d’oxygénation et plus particulièrement à la désaromatisation hydroxylante asymétrique de 2-alkylarénols. Le 2-méthylnaphtol a été converti en son ortho-quinol avec un excès énantiomérique (ee) atteignant 73 %. Des phénols naturels comme le carvacrol et le thymol ont conduit aux cyclodimères [4+2] d’ortho-quinols, le biscarvacrol et le bisthymol, avec des résultats encore meilleurs, respectivement 74 % ee et 94 % ee. / The chemistry of hypervalent organoiodine compounds, also referred to as iodanes, has experienced an impressive development since the 1990s due to their mild oxidizing conditions and their low toxicity compared to heavy metal-based reagents. Recently, chiral versions of iodanes have been focusing several research efforts. In this context, the first part of this work was dedicated to the development of new chiral iodanes with an atropisomerically pure biarylic structure, either 1,1’-binaphthyl or 5,5’,6,6’,7,7’,8,8’-octahydro-1,1’-binaphthyl. Many iodobiaryls were synthesized, and then efficiently and selectively oxidized with 3,3-dimethyldioxirane (DMDO) to furnish the corresponding pure iodanes by simple filtration. The oxidation state of the iodine atom of each compound was determined by 13C NMR spectroscopic analysis: λ3-iodanes were isolated in the case of binaphthylic structures or when the iodoarene bears a carboxylic acid function ortho to the iodine atom, whereas λ5-iodanes were obtained for octahydro-1,1’-binaphthylic compounds. These iodanes were next applied to oxygenation reactions and in particular to asymmetric hydroxylative dearomatization of 2-alkylarenols. 2-Methylnaphthol was converted into its ortho-quinol with up to 73 % enantiomeric excess (ee). Natural phenols such as carvacrol and thymol gave the corresponding ortho-quinol-based [4+2] cyclodimers, biscarvacrol and bisthymol, with even better results of 74 % ee and 94 % ee, respectively.

Desenvolvimento de procedimento utilizando processo de soldagem plasma para confecção de sementes de Iodo125 / Development of a procedure using plasma welding process to produce 125I seeds

Feher, Anselmo 13 December 2006 (has links)
O câncer de próstata é um problema de saúde pública no Brasil, sendo a segunda causa de óbitos por câncer em homens, superado apenas pelo câncer de pulmão. Entre os possíveis tratamentos disponíveis para o câncer de próstata encontra-se a braquiterapia, onde, pequenas sementes contendo o radioisótopo 125I são implantadas na próstata. A semente consiste de uma cápsula de titânio selada de 0,8 mm de diâmetro externo e 4,5 mm de comprimento, contendo um fio de prata com 125I adsorvido. A soldagem por arco plasma é uma das técnicas viáveis para selagem, o equipamento tem um custo menor que o de outros processos. Constituem os objetivos deste trabalho o desenvolvimento e a validação do procedimento de selagem utilizando processo de soldagem plasma e a elaboração de rotinas para selagem segundo as Boas Práticas de Fabricação. O desenvolvimento do trabalho apresentou as seguintes fases: corte e limpeza do material, determinação dos parâmetros de soldagem, desenvolvimento de dispositivos para fixação do tubo de titânio durante o processo de soldagem, ensaios de validação de fontes seladas conforme norma ISO 2919 Sealed Radioactive Sources General Requirements and Classification, ensaios de estanqueidade conforme norma ISO 9978 Sealed Radioactive Sources Leakage Test Methods e ensaio metalográfico. O procedimento desenvolvido para a selagem das sementes de 125I mostrou-se eficiente, atendendo a todos os requisitos estabelecidos na norma ISO 2919. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho possibilitaram a elaboração de rotinas de fabricação segundo as orientações apresentadas na resolução RDC nº 59 Boas Práticas de Fabricação de Produtos Médicos da ANVISA - Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. / The prostate cancer, which is the second cause of death by cancer in men, overcome only by lung cancer, is a problem of public health in Brazil. Brachytherapy is among the possible available treatments for prostate cancer, in which small seeds containing 125I radioisotope are implanted in the prostate. The seed consists of a titanium sealed capsule with 0.8 mm external diameter and 4.5 mm length, containing a central silver wire with adsorbed 125I. The plasma arc welding is one of the viable techniques for the sealing process. The equipment used in this technique is less costly than in other processes. The main objective of this work was the development and the validation of the welding procedure using plasma welding process and the elaboration of a sealing routine according to Good Manufacturing Practices. The development of this work has presented the following phases: cut and cleaning of the titanium material, determination of the welding parameters, development of a device for holding the titanium tube during the welding process, validation of sealed sources according to ISO 2919 Sealed Radioactive Sources - General Requirements and Classification, leakage test according to ISO 9978 Sealed Radioactive Sources - Leakage Test Methods and metallographics assays. The developed procedure, to seal 125I seeds using plasma welding process, has shown to be efficient, satisfying all the established requirements of ISO 2919. The results obtained in this work have given the possibility to establish a routine production process according to the orientations presented in resolution RDC nº 59 - Good Manufacturing Practices to Medical Products of the ANVISA - National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance.

O selênio e a glândula tireóide: um estudo em pacientes portadores de disfunções  tireoidianas nos estados de Ceará e São Paulo / The selenium and thyroid gland: a study in patients with thyroid dysfunction in the states of Ceara and São Paulo

Maia, Carla Soraya Costa 28 November 2008 (has links)
Introdução: O Selênio é um mineral fundamental para o homem, participa dos mecanismos antioxidantes, influencia o sistema imune e participa ativamente da homeostase da glândula tireóide. Objetivo: Avaliar o estado nutricional relativo ao selênio de pacientes adultos portadores de hipotireoidismo e hipertireoidismo em atendimento ambulatorial no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo e no Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Metodologia: Foram avaliados quatro grupos de pacientes com doença de Graves (Graves), Bócio Multinodular Tóxico (BMNT), Hipotireoidismo pós-tireoidectomia (Hipotireoidismo) e tireoidite de Hashimoto (Hashimoto) em dois estados, São Paulo e Ceará e paralelamente dois grupos controle (São Paulo e Ceará). Foram realizadas caracterização antropométrica e clínica. O Se foi analisado no plasma e eritrócitos, foi medida a atividade da GSH-Px, iodúria, MDA plasmático e dosagens de hormônios tireoidianos e Anti-TPO. O consumo alimentar foi estimado utilizando-se a técnica de recordatório 24 horas. Resultados: Houve predomínio do sexo feminino em todos os grupos (70-90%); os pacientes e controles apresentaram sobrepeso. O TSH estava aumentado no grupoHashimoto do Ceará (116 ± 63,68 &#181;U/mL) e o Anti-TPO no grupo Graves de São Paulo (1277,71 ± 1077,99U/mL). A maior concentração de Se no plasma foi encontrada no grupo BMNT de São Paulo (154,09&#181;/L) e nos eritrócitos no grupo BMNTdo Ceará (147,68&#181;/L). Os individuos do Ceará apresentaram maior consumo alimentar de iodo.Conclusões: Nosso estudo demonstrou que os pacientes do Ceará apresentaram melhor estado nutricional relativo ao selênio que os pacientes de São Paulo. Os grupos de São Paulo apresentaram deficiência leve em relação ao selênio. O consumo aumentado de selênio (Ceará) parece reduzir as concentrações de Anti-TPO e desta forma poderia ser um fator positivo para a redução da gravidade das doenças autoimunes da glândula tireóide. / Introduction: The Selenium is a mineral essential to human, part of antioxidant mechanisms, influences the immune system and participates actively in homeostasis of the thyroid gland. Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status of selenium on adult patients bearers of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in ambulatory care at the Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo and the University Hospital Walter Cantídio Federal University of Ceara. Methodology: We evaluated four groups of patients with Graves\' disease (Graves), multinodular toxic goiter (BMNT), hypothyroidism after thyroidectomy (hypothyroidism) and Hashimoto\'s thyroiditis (Hashimoto) in two states, Sao Paulo and Ceara and in two groups control (Sao Paulo and Ceara). We performed anthropometric and clinicai characterization. Selenium were analyzed in plasma and red blood cells, was measured the activity of GSH-Px, urinary iodine, MDA and plasma levels of thyroid hormones and anti-TPO. The food consumption was estimated using the technique to recall 24 hours. Results: There was a preponderance of females in all groups (70-90%); the patients and controls were overweight. The TSH was increased in the Hashimoto group of Ceará (116 ± 63.68 &#181;U / ml) and Anti-TPO in the Graves group of Sao Paulo (1277.71 ± 1077.99 U / ml). The highest concentration of plasmatic selenium was found in BMNTgroup of Sao Paulo (154.09 &#181 / L) and the red cells in the BMNTgroup of Ceará (147.68 &#181; / L). The individuaLs from Ceara had higher dietary intake of iodine. Conclusions: Our study showed that patients from Ceara had better nutritional status on selenium that patients in Sao Paulo. Groups of Sao Paulo showed mild disabilities in relation to selenium. The increased consumption of selenium (Ceara) appears to reduce the concentrations of anti-TPO and thus could be a positive factor in reducing the severity of autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland.

Reações de expansão de anel promovidas por iodo(III) / Ring expansion reactions promoted by iodine(III)

Silva, Siguara Bastos de Lemos e 06 February 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação está dividida em duas partes, intituladas: 1) reações de expansão de anel promovidas por iodo(III) e 2) estudos visando à oxidação de octalinas e metileno-ciclo-hexanos. Na primeira parte foram estudadas reações de expansão de anel de álcoois alílicos protegidos com TMS (trimetilsilano) e de benzo-metilenos com iodo(III). O principal reagente de iodo hipervalente utilizado foi o hidróxi(tosilóxi)iodobenzeno (HTIB). O comportamento de cinco álcoois alílicos protegidos foi investigado: dois contendo metoxilas no anel aromático, um contendo bromo no anel aromático, um derivado de tetra-hidroquinolina e um derivado de benzofurano. Verificou-se a formação de produtos com anéis de sete membros em rendimentos de cerca de 70%. As condições reacionais empregadas foram: temperaturas de -72 a 50 °C, MeOH ou mistura MeOH/AcOEt e tempos de reação de 2-6 h. É importante frisar a formação de uma benzo-azepina. Além disso, empregando um substrato aromático rico em elétrons, obtivemos um produto de desaromatização, em uma reação pouco usual para as condições empregadas. Nas reações dos benzo-metilenos com iodo(III) foram testados quatro substratos: um derivado de benzo-furano, um derivado de indol, um benzo-pirano e uma benzoxepina. As reações foram realizadas em MeOH, à t.a., em 20-60 min. Os produtos de expansão de anel heterocíclicos foram formados em rendimentos de aproximadamente 60%, sendo destaque a obtenção de anéis de oito membros com oxigênio. Finalmente, na segunda parte do trabalho, foram realizados estudos visando à contração de anel de uma cis-octalina e à expansão de um metileno-ciclo-hexano utilizando HTIB. Os testes apontaram para a formação de produtos de adição e de contração de anel em quantidade de traço. / This Master\'s Thesis is divided in two parts, titled: 1) ring expansion reactions promoted by iodine(III) and 2) studies toward the oxidation of octalins and methylenecyclohexanes. On the first part, ring expansion reactions of TMS (trimethylsilane) protected allylic alcohols and benzomethylenes promoted by iodine(III) were studied. The main hypervalent iodine reagent employed was hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodobenzene (HTIB). Five protected allylic alcohols were explored: two containing methoxy groups on the aromatic ring, one containing a bromine on the aromatic ring, one tetrahydroquinoline derivative, and one benzofurane derivative. Seven-membered ring compounds were formed in nearly 70% yield. Reaction conditions were: temperature from -72°C to 50 °C, MeOH or MeOH/AcOEt as solvent and reaction time of 2-6 h. The formation of a benzoazepine needs to be highlighted. In addition, using an electron-rich aromatic substrate, a dearomatization product was obtained. This is an unusual result considering the conditions used. Regarding reactions of benzomethylenes with iodine(III), the behavior of four substrates was studied: a benzofuran derivative, an indole derivative, a benzopyran and a benzoxepin. Reactions were performed in MeOH, at r.t. in 20-60 min. The ring expanded products were obtained with yields of approximately 60%. The formation of eight-membered rings O-heterocycle was achieved. Finally, on the second part of this work, reactions of HTIB with a cis-octalin and with a methylenecyclohexane were studied aiming ring contraction and expansion products, respectively. Tests showed the formation of addition and ring contraction products as traces

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