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User participation and user satisfaction in information systems developmentBokhari, Rahat Hussain January 2001 (has links)
Information Systems (IS) are being developed and used in organizations to achieve their business goals and to enhance organizational effectiveness. The rate of systems success is questionable. One of the causes of IS failures might be user dissatisfaction with the systems. The success of an Information System is difficult to measure directly, so user satisfaction and system usage are frequently used as surrogate measures of system success. User participation in IS development has been advocated to achieve user satisfaction with the system and consequently system success. Past research findings about the effect of user participation on user satisfaction leading to system success are mixed and inconclusive. Past research has not been successful in showing whether user participation in IS development is necessary or not. So further research in this respect is justifiable. This thesis investigated the effect of user participation/involvement on user satisfaction. The effect of user expectations, and user-developer effective communications on user satisfaction has also been explored. A research model was proposed to proceed with this research. Meta-Analysis was carried out to investigate the relationship between user participation, user expectations and user-developer effective communication each with user satisfaction respectively. This thesis found some relationship of these factors with user satisfaction. The strength of the relationship (i. e. correlation 'r') was found to be 'medium' but not large'. The results also show that user involvement has a larger correlation with user satisfaction as opposed to user participation. The findings not only lead to the conclusions that user participation/involvement, user expectations, and user-developer effective communication have positive relationship with user satisfaction, but also contribute to the existing alternative views among IS researchers. The relationship between system usage and user satisfaction was found to be positive and of 'medium' strength and contrasts with the prevailing view that no correlation exists between them. So research findings are not only useful to resolve controversies that exists in past research but also lead to conclusions that user participation may contribute towards successful IS development and consequently user satisfaction with IS. Further, the causes of the emergence of unrealistic user expectations are explored and suggestions for future research are made.
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Effet conjoint du canal Internet et du SI bancaire sur la performance des agences bancaires tunisiennes / The Joint Effect of Internet Channel and IS Performance on Tunisian Bank BranchesGuebsi, Mouna 18 March 2014 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche a consisté à examiner : comment l’E—Banking affecte la performance des agences commerciales ? Et quel rôle joue le SI bancaire, notamment le SI des processus commerciaux, par rapport à l’E-Banking ? Nous nous positionnons dans le courant de recherche de l’t-Évaluation en nous basant sur la théorie de ressources, l’appr0che processuelle et le modèle ISSM. 161 responsables d’agences, œuvrant dans dix banques tunisiennes, ont évalué les actifs, les valeurs (d’usage et d’échange) de leur Sl ainsi que les fonctionnalités de l’E Banking. Des outils de mesure ont été élaborés et validés : fonctionnalités E-banking, qualité des actifs SI (information, services et système informatique), valeurs du SI(usage : GRC et Marketing ventes ; échange avec : les clients, les fournisseurs et les partenaires). Notre approche processuelle en cinq étapes assure une bonne explication de nos construits latents : actifs SI, valeurs d’usage, valeurs d’échange, contribution du SI à la performance individuelle et organisationnelle).Notre modèle structurel explique 17% de la performance des agences avec un GoF de 46%.Les liens entre les fonctionnalités E—Banking et le SI bancaire soulèvent plusieurs dilemmes auxquels des recherches futures devraient pouvoir répondre. / Our research consists in examining: How does the E-Banking affects the performance of commercial agencies? And what role does the banking SI, including the SI business processes with respect to the E—Banking? We position ourselves in the field of research assessment based on the theory of resources, process- based approach and the ISSM model. 161 heads of agencies, working in ten Tunisian banks have valued the assets, values (usage and exchange) of their IT as well as the functionality of the E-banking. Measurement tools have been developed and validated: E—banking functionality, asset quality IS (information services and computer system), the values of IS (usage: GRC and Marketing & sales; exchange with: customers, suppliers and partners). Our five-step process approach provides a good explanation of our latent constructs: active IS usage values, exchange values, IS contribution to individual and organizational performance).Our structural model explains 17% of the performance of the agencies with GoF 46%. The links between the E-Banking features and bank IS raises several dilemmas for which future research should be able to respond.
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Désalignement des usages du système d’information dans la création et la propagation des difficultés au sein des PME : cas du secteur agro-alimentaire. / Misalignments in the uses of Information Systems in triggering and propagating difficulties within small and medium-sized enterprises in the food industry in France.Drain, Marie-Cécile 21 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse en sciences de gestion a pour objet de prendre la mesure du rôle du système d’information dans le déclenchement et la propagation des difficultés que rencontrent les petites et moyennes entreprises du secteur agro-alimentaire en France. Nous étudions le lien entre le désalignement des usages du système d’information et les difficultés que peuvent rencontrer les PME.Le terrain est constitué, d’un côté, par des enquêtes d’entreprises qui permettent de construire un indicateur synthétique de performances et, de l’autre côté, par l’enquête COI-TIC de 2006 dont nous obtenons quatre jeux d’indicateurs liés à l’usage du système d’information.À l’aide d’une démarche compréhensive, nous caractérisons ainsi le rôle du système d’information et son désalignement dans les dynamiques de performances. Nous montrons, au cas des PME des IAA, notamment l’importance de la coordination électronique (inter entreprise et entre les parties prenantes) et la place majeure des changements impliquant des projets informatiques. Enfin, les entreprises, quelles que soient leurs performances, rencontrent d’importantes difficultés d’appropriation des usages du système d’information. / The purpose of this thesis in management science is to assess the role of Information Systems in triggering and propagating the kind of problems faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in the food industry in France. The thesis will explore the relationship between misalignments in the uses of Information Systems and the difficulties with which SMEs are often confronted.The field of research is composed, on the one hand, of company surveys, used to elaborate a composite performance indicator, and on the other, the 2006 COI-TIC survey, from which four sets of indicators concerning the uses of Information Systems were extrapolated.Applying a comprehensive approach, the thesis defines the impact of the misalignment of Information Systems on performance dynamics. It also highlights, notably, the importance for SMEs in the food industry of IT coordination between companies and between those companies and their stakeholders, and examines the central role of changes involving IT projects. Lastly, regardless of their performances, companies face major difficulties in appropriating uses of Information Systems.
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