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Incorporating Ethics in Delegation To and From Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Information SystemsSaeed, Kashif 07 1900 (has links)
AI-enabled information systems (AI-enabled IS) offer enhanced utility and efficiency due to their knowledge-based endowments, enabling human agents to assign and receive tasks from AI-enabled IS. As a result, this leads to improved decision-making, ability to manage laborious jobs, and a decrease in human errors. Despite the performance-based endowments and efficiencies, there are significant ethical concerns regarding the use of and delegation to AI-enabled IS, which have been extensively addressed in the literature on the dark side of artificial intelligence (AI). Notable concerns include bias and discrimination, fairness, transparency, privacy, accountability, and autonomy. However, the Information Systems (IS) literature does not have a delegation framework that incorporates ethics in the delegation mechanism. This work seeks to integrate a mixed deontological-teleological ethical system into the delegation mechanism to (and from) AI-enabled IS. To that end, I present a testable model to ethically appraise various AI-enabled IS as well as ethically evaluate delegation to (and from) AI-enabled IS in various settings and situations.
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La gestion des résistances des patients dans le processus thérapeutique : comparaison entre la méthode psychanalytique classique et la méthode de l'Intensive Short-Term Dynamic PsychotherapyGauthier, Monique January 1993 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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The changing landscape of IS project failure: an examination of the key factorsHughes, D.L., Rana, Nripendra P., Simintiras, A.C. 25 September 2020 (has links)
Yes / Information systems (IS) project failure has been a recurring problem for decades. The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to examine the key factors that influence project failure and an analysis of the major areas that can have a significant impact on success; and second, to explore some of the key aspects that have an impact on project management performance from the practitioner perspective and discusses the problems faced by organizations in the closer integration of change and project management. Design/methodology/approach: This study critically reviews the IS failure literature developing a synthesized view of the key issues and common reasons for projects to fail. The approach taken in this study is one that focuses on a number of key questions that pull together the relevant themes in this genre of research whilst highlighting many of the implications for practitioners and organizations alike. Findings: Key questions remain on the underlying causes of instances of poor project management as an IS failure factor. The literature has omitted to develop a deeper analysis of the associations between failure factors and the potential causal relationships between these factors. The realization of project benefits relies on the success of both change and project management yet the formal integration of these two disciplines is constrained by separate standards bodies and an immature body of research. Research limitations/implications: This study is limited by its theoretical nature lacking an empirical element to provide a deeper analysis of IS failure factors and their interrelationships. This specific area is a recommendation for future research, where causal relationships between failure factors could be developed via a mathematic-based method such as interpretive structural modeling. Practical implications: With failure rates of IS projects still unacceptably high after decades of attempts to significantly change outcomes, a deeper analysis of this topic is required. The research gaps and recommendations for practitioners highlighted in this study have the potential to provide valuable contributions to this topic of research. Originality/value: The intent of this study is to present a new perspective of this genre of IS research that develops the main arguments and gaps in the literature from the practitioner viewpoint.
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Examining Multiple Stages of Protective Behavior of Information System End-UsersBurns, Mary B. January 2012 (has links)
The adage, "old habits die hard", is especially relevant when humans learn new protective behaviors (i.e., dental flossing, IS security behaviors). The foundation that underlies many social-cognitive theories used in IS research is that intention to change predicts actual behavior change. Despite intentions to change, humans do not always change their habits due to actual or perceived obstacles, for example. In this study, user behavior, particularly with respect to vigilance over phishing attempts, was investigated via the theoretical lens of a hybrid continuum-stage behavior change model adapted from health-related fields. This type of model helps us to understand whether there are qualitatively different stages for adopting a more vigilant action plan toward phishing attempts, the number and ordering of distinct stages that a user must move through between forming an intention and subsequent behavior, what characterizes those stages, and how appropriate interventions at these stages can move a user to a higher stage of vigilant behavior. The goal of this research was to gain a better understanding of: a) whether there are distinct stages that distinguish end-users' vigilance toward phishing attempts; b) how many qualitatively different stages there are; and, c) what characterizes these stages. This study profiled IS end-users based on the model's constructs (e.g., coping self-efficacy, intention, action/coping planning, and risk perception) that examined end-users' protective behavior toward phishing attempts. In an exploratory analysis of survey data, stages of IS end-users were determined via cluster analysis techniques (hierarchical followed by K-means). A survey was administered to respondents (n= 394). Next, an agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis using within-groups method of average linkage and Euclidean distance measures was performed on the model's constructs. Three clusters emerged as the optimal number to be used in the subsequent K-means cluster analysis. After conducting analyses for stability and validity for the 3-cluster solution, I compared the means of the model's constructs to develop profiles for the distinct three stages. I conclude that exploratory cluster analysis is an effective technique to discover natural groupings for protective behavior of IS end-users and propose future research to investigate stage-appropriate interventions to move users to higher stages.
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Valstybės išlaidų politikos ir visuminės paklausos Lietuvoje analizė 1995-2007 / Analysis of Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand in Lithuania in 1995 - 2007Kanauka, Vytautas 16 June 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama vyriausybės vykdomos fiskalinės politikos įtaką visuminei paklausai Lietuvoje. Darbe yra apžvelgiama vyriausybės vartojimo išlaidų bei visuminės paklausos komponentų pokyčiai nuo 1995 iki 2007 metų. Teorinėje dalyje aptariamos pagrindinės Keinsistinės teorijos, kurios nagrinėja fiskalinės politikos įtaką visuminei paklausai, naudojant IS-LM ir AD-AS modelius. Taip pat teorinėje dalyje yra parodoma biudžeto deficito mažinimo įtaka ekonomikai. Darbe atliekama regresinė analizė, kuri įrodo, kad egzistuoja statistiškai reišmingas ryšys tarp visuminės paklausos ir valdžios sektoriaus vartojimo išlaidų. Pabaigoje pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip sustiprinti biudžeto išlaidų poveikį visuminei paklausai. / In this thesis the relationship between fiscal policy and aggregate demand in Lithuania is investigated. The first part of the work shows changes of government consumption expenditure and components of aggregate demand in period 1995 - 2007. The theoretical part analyses the main Keynesian ideas which research relationship between aggregate demand and fiscal policy, using IS-LM and AD-AS models. Also theoretical part shows how the reduction of budged deficit influences interest rates, aggregate demand, prices. In the last part aggregate demand is regressed against government consumption expenditure, interest rates, inflation and income. Results suggest that there are statistically significant relationship between aggregate demand and government consumption expenditure. Finally some recommendations are made in the end of the work.
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[pt] A política monetária brasileira opera, desde 1999, sob o
regime de metas
para a inflação, em que a taxa de juros é o principal
instrumento utilizado para o
cumprimento das metas. Esta dissertação estuda o efeito da
política monetária
sobre o nível de atividade, e fatores que possam fazê-lo
flutuar, através da
estimação de uma curva IS para o Brasil. Inicialmente,
encontramos efeitos
significantes da taxa real de juros para o produto em uma
curva IS backwardlooking.
Em seguida, a partir de um modelo teórico, explicamos
variações desse
efeito como decorrente de ganhos de eficiência da
atividade de intermediação
financeira. Utilizando a tendência dos spreads bancários
como medida da
eficiência da atividade de provisão de crédito na
economia, testamos
empiricamente esta hipótese, e constatamos que o aumento
da potência da política
monetária observado ao longo dos últimos anos é
consistente com essa
explicação. Testes realizados com variáveis fiscais não
encontram correlação
entre estas e a potência da política monetária. / [en] Monetary policy in Brazil has been working, since 1999,
under an inflation
targeting regime, in which interest rates are the main
instruments in achieving the
targets. This dissertation studies the effect of monetary
policy on the economy`s
output and reasons for its fluctuations, through the
estimation of an IS curve for
Brazil. We find a significant effect of the real interest
rate on output in a
backward-looking IS curve. We then explain, using a
theoretical model, variations
in this effect as arising from efficiency gains in the
financial intermediation
activity. Using the trend over time of bank spreads as a
measure of the efficiency
of the lending activity, we test this hypothesis
empirically, and find that the higher
potency observed in the monetary policy on recent years is
consistent with this
explanation. Tests using fiscal variables do not find
correlation between them and
the potency of monetary policy.
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How can we improve our understanding of successful implementations in eHealth?Zarzour, M. H. D. January 2015 (has links)
This research studies the interaction between eHealth and implementation success. eHealth has become an important subject of discussion and evaluation for healthcare organisations over the last decade or so, and has also been the focus of national healthcare programs and plans. Billions of pounds are being spent on implementations of eHealth. Those implementations endeavour to cut costs, while at the same time, achieving enhanced efficiency and accuracy. Hence, understanding success in eHealth has become an attractive topic for research and a requirement in healthcare practice. This research aims to understand the definitions and factors of success in implementations of eHealth. In doing so, it examined the suitability of the Delone and McLean Information Systems (D&M IS) success model to explain eHealth success. A multistage research design was adopted. The first stage was composed of a thorough Systematic Literature Review that covered the origins and development of eHealth, the different themes in the research around eHealth, the concept of Critical Success Factors in IS, and the available frameworks for IS implementations, in general, and eHealth, in specific. As for the second stage, which constituted the core of this study, it was based on an exploratory, mixed-methods approach to research where a triangulation of research methods, data collection tools, and data sources was employed. As part of this approach, two case studies were conducted. Within the case studies, 20 semi-structured interviews were carried out; the outcomes of the interviews were analysed using framework analysis. In addition, a survey took place, and feedback from the survey respondents was analysed using different quantitative statistical methods. Finally, content analysis was relied on to examine all the relevant existing documentations. This research found that information systems success models, already in existence, can facilitate the understanding of implementation success in eHealth. The D&M IS success model, in particular, was chosen and applied. The results of the qualitative and quantitative research showed that the D&M model is suitable to explain and define success in eHealth. In addition to the constructs that define success in eHealth, such achievement is attributed to a number of factors. This research found that eHealth shares a number of success factors with other IS implementation frameworks. At the same time, eHealth success factors that emerged from the case study, like; clinical engagement, the role of eHealth leadership, and clinical champions are discussed. This research led to the exploration of new factors that require a better understanding, such as; the effects of a national eHealth policy, the role of critical champions, and innovative methods of eHealth training. Links between eHealth success definitions, and success factors were investigated, as part of this study. The results of this research revealed statistically significant links between the achievement of organisational goals and user satisfaction, and ultimately, with implementation success. This work has allowed for the development of a potential eHealth specific version of the D&M model as a provisional model to be confirmed with further research. It identified success factors that affect the implementations of eHealth. Some of the factors are eHealth specific, which can also be developed into a provisional model. In addition, this work has resulted in a number of recommendations for implementers and evaluators of eHealth in practice.
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NÁVRH METODIKY KOMPETENČNÍHO CENTRA ICT PROVOZNÍCH PROJEKTŮ / Design of methodology for delivery of ICT support projects via competence centreMarounek, Petr January 2007 (has links)
Cílem této disertační práce je navrhnout metodiku, která podpoří realizaci několika vzájemně provázaných ICT provozních projektů. Na základě tzv. dobrých praktik v odvětví, principů projektového a programového řízení, vlastních znalostí a zkušeností, vytvořil autor návrh metodiky kompetenčního centra ICT provozních projektů jako virtuálního útvaru společnosti, které má za cíl dodat takový typ projektů.
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Portfolio management v projektovém řízení / Portfolio management in project management areaPachtová, Iva January 2007 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této práce je poskytnout přehledné a ucelené informace o aplikaci portfolia managementu v projektovém řízení, zprostředkovat zkušenosti a doporučení ze zahraničních aplikací a také seznámit potencionální zájemce s návody, jak v případě zájmu postupovat při aplikaci v praxi. Práce vychází z obecného pohledu klasické teorie portfolia, na tuto část navazuje teoreticky zaměřený úsek věnující se teorii portfolio managementu. Poslední část je věnována aplikaci portfolia managementu a konkrétní ukázce implementace z praxe.
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Implementace informačního systému podporujícího zefektivnění procesů a vzájemnou komunikaci společností v mezinárodním obchodě / Information System Implementation supporting the efectiveness of company's processes and communication in internatonal tradeExner, Filip January 2008 (has links)
This paper evaluates two companies which are doing business with each other for ten years. They focus on international trade mainly in textile industry. The Czech and Turkish company together solve business cases of purchasing and selling goods. The frequent long distance communication (mainly phone calls) is costly and the data exchange methods don't meet the requirements of modern age any more. This fact slows down the business case solution time significantly. The primary target of this paper is to implement the information system Documentum eRoom in a way to speed up the execution and other everyday work with business cases. The cost optimization of communication will be also of signifiant importace. The secondary target is to decide according to the users feed back whether this solution could be also used for other partners or sold to other companies on the market. Targets will be achieved by rebuilding the business case process and also other support processes as information exchange, opportunities and leads, trade fair attendance. Documentum eRoom implementation will follow tohether with human resources trainings to create system users. My added value is mainly the invention and implementation of the proposed solution which will lead to time reduction of business case processing, to communication costs reduction and probably also to human resources optimization. There will be new order once the structure of folders is created and once all the data is accesible on-line. Managers will have a tool for quick inspections and the requiered evidence if any conflict occurs.
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