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Aplikace standardu ISA95 na destilační koloně / Application ISA 95 standard to the distillation columnLesák, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about design of implementation of the ISA-95 standard for model of distillation column. The thesis consists of two parts, theoretical part and empiric part. In theoretical part, based on scientific literature there are defined terms about regarding standard ISA-95 in which are described individual models of standard ISA-95. Next chapter of diploma thesis is focused on FactoryTalk Services Platform, in which are introdced applications made by RockWell Automation, which are applied for this standard. Then there is description of distilation and model of distilation column. Last chapter of theoretical part is focused on industrial EtherNet/IP. This chapter blends into empiric part. In the next chapter of empiric part, there is design of implementation of standard ISA-95 using applications made by Rockwell Automation. Next chapter is focused on realization of the desing. Chapter of empiric part evaluates the entire project.
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Použití standardu ISA95 na automatizovaném barmanovi / Application ISA 95 standard to the automation barman machineMusil, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and application of the ISA 95 standard for a semi-automatic barman machine. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the description of the ISA 95 models, together with FactoryTalk platform and its products related to the ISA 95 standard. In the practical part batch procedure is designed and applied on the machine. Based on this, implementation of standard ISA 95 using Rockwell Automation products is made. The last chapter of this thesis deals with verification of functionality and overall system design, from which concludes an overall machine performance and production deficiencies.
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Použití standardu ISA 95 pro část výrobní linky / Using of ISA 95 for part of the production lineHorák, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of the ISA-95 standard on a newly created production line. The standard and its models are described in the theoretical part, following with the individual selected software solutions, which were used for the standard’s application. Subsequently, a description of the construction and program tools of both devices, which by physical arrangement and their connection create the production line, is provided. The next part of the thesis deals with the design and application of a batch control process. This is the basis for an ISA-95 standard implementation, which uses specific software resources for data acquisition and visualization. A functional verification of the production line and realized design was done within the last part. The conclusion presents an evaluation of production based on analyzed data from the test production.
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Analýza a návrh rozšiřitelnosti MES řešení v potravinářské společnosti / MES Solution in Food Company: Analysis and Expansion ProposalSoukup, Milan January 2012 (has links)
The effective use of information system MES (Manufacturing Execution System) in the food company is the main topic of this master's thesis. The modularly built system provides valuable support of the production process on operational level. The thesis concentrates on the analysis of already implemented standard solution in the company's factory. Main goal is to propose expansion of the functioning area to the already existing solution, aiming for effective use of energy resources. It was necessary, in order to be able to achieve the goal, to get familiar with the complex corporate IT/ICT construction in alignment with the company's energy concept. The proposed solution is leaning on application of internal MES project methodology, leading to exact specification of energy component in the factory production frame. The thesis conclusions, besides the proposed solution itself should serve as an argument about the efficiency of starting MES system in other production factories of the company.
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Modul trasování šarží pro systém SCADA vprocesní výrobě / Traceability module for SCADA used in process industryByrtusová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on implementing a module for batch traceability into the existing SCADA system MagmaView. First, the theoretical part is dedicated to the research of ANSI/ISA-95 standard and traceability problematics in the process industry. First, the practical part analyses the design of the data model and model for user interaction. The next topic is the implementation of the mentioned models using several software tools such as the graphical environment of MagmaView, Groovy scripting, and communication with SQL database. Part of the implementation is also a testing project simulating a simple production process and the needs of the operator to work with the batches.
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Approche ontologie pour l'intégration des entreprises distribuées / Ontological approach for the integration of distributed enterpriseAmjad, Fahd 12 December 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous fournissons un examen complet des technologies du Web sémantique et de leurs utilités dans le contexte actuel des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). Les approches traditionnelles d'intégration des entreprises favorisent essentiellement les grandes entités. Les obligations contractuelles fortes sur les PME, mais en même temps leur volonté de garder leurs compétences individuelles, et ce, dans un environnement limitant leur choix, les obligent à prendre des décisions stratégiques et de conclure des accords sur le long terme avec leurs partenaires, limitant ainsi leur flexibilité aux fluctuations du marché. Nous proposons, donc, une approche ontologique basée sur Web sémantique pour l'intégration de l'information ainsi que des ressources matérielles de l'entreprise distribuée. Cette approche, basée sur le Web, agit comme un système d'aide à la décision pour utiliser des ressources de meilleure qualité ainsi que pour l'intégration de l'information distribuée. Les travaux relatifs à l'ontologie web, pour l'intégration d'information ne sont pas nouveaux, mais l'approche proposée par nous est une valeur ajoutée pour l'entreprise distribuée. De plus, nous avons également proposé l'ontologie Web sémantique comme un système de configuration pour gérer les ressources distribuées de l'entreprise virtuelle. Puis, nous avons modélisé l'ontologie OWL-DL en nous basant sur la sémantique de la norme ISA-95, relative à l'intégration d'entreprises industrielles. Ensuite, nous utilisons cet artefact ontologique comme un artefact de configuration permettant de gérer le matériel de l'entreprise virtuelle distribuée ainsi que les ressources matérielles. C'est la proposition principale de cette thèse : utiliser l'ontologie Web sémantique comme un système d'aide à la décision pour la configuration de l'utilisation des ressources / In this thesis, we have provided a complete review of the semantic web technologies and their corresponding utility in the current environment for small to medium sized enterprise (MSE). The traditional approaches to enterprise integration favour large enterprise entities and force contractual limitations on smaller partners, but at the same time the pressure to guard the individual enterprise competence is ever increasing, the distributed enterprise (MSE) in such an environment have limited number of choices, which forces them to make strategic decisions and enter into a long term agreements with their partners and this limits their flexibility to the market changes. We, in this thesis, propose a semantic web based ontology approach for integrating the information as well as physical resource of the distributed enterprise. This web based approach acts as a decision support for better resources utility as well as distributed information integration. The work related to web ontology?s for information integration is not new, but the approach proposed in this thesis for distributed enterprise is an added value. Similarly, we have also proposed semantic web ontology as a configuration system to manage the distributed resources of the virtual enterprise, for this we have modelled OWL-DL ontology on the semantic of the industrial integration standard ISA-95, and subsequently used this ontology artefact as a configuration artefact to manage the distributed virtual enterprise material and equipment resources this is the main proposition of the thesis of utilizing semantic web ontology as resource configuration decision support
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Implementering av ett Manufacturing Execution System : En undersökning och kartläggning av systemets viktigaste funktioner för ett effektivt arbetssätt. / Implementation of a Manufacturing Execution System : An investigation and mapping of the most important functions in the system for an efficient working method.Adle, Sebastian, Hägesten Nilsson, Maja January 2020 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet har utförts på Scania CV AB:s motorbearbetningsavdelning i Södertälje. I dagsläget pågår en omställning av tillverkningsprocessen på avdelningen där två nya tillverkningslinor, en för cylinderblock och en för cylinderhuvud, är under uppbyggnad. Linorna kommer styras med hjälp av ett Manufacturing Execution System. Ett Manufacturing Execution System har i uppgift att samla in data och information från tillverkningsprocessen, som sedan kan presenteras i ett gränssnitt. Vilken information som kommer finnas tillgänglig att presentera i systemet styrs utifrån en intern kravspecifikation som ska spegla International Society of Automation:s standard, även känd som ISA-95. Den kravspecifikation som finns för systemet är framtagen av IT-avdelningen i samråd med avdelningschefer. För närvarande är det osäkert om kravspecifikationen som finns på systemet stämmer överens med vad medarbetarna behöver för att kunna arbeta på ett effektivt sätt. Det här arbetet kartlägger behovet hos medarbetarna och jämför det med den befintliga kravspecifikationen. Genom intervjuer och enkäter har den befintliga kravspecifikationen för systemet jämförts med vad medarbetarna anser vara önskvärda funktioner i systemet. Resultatet av den första omgången intervjuer och enkätutskick var att kravspecifikationen och behovet hos medarbetarna stämmer väl överens. Det mynnade ut i att ytterligare en enkät skickades ut där medarbetarna istället skulle rangordna den information som kommer finnas tillgänglig i systemet utefter en prioriteringsskala i tre nivåer. Resultatet från den enkäten gav en bild av vilken information medarbetarna tycker är viktigast för att kunna arbeta på ett effektivt sätt. / This bachelor thesis has been done at Scania CV AB’s department for engine manufacturing in Södertälje. The manufacturing process at the department is currently under development, where two new lines are being added, one for cylinder head and one for cylinder blocks. These two new manufacturing lines are going to be controlled with the help of a Manufacturing Execution System. The Manufacturing Execution Systems task is to collect data and information from the manufacturing process, which later can be presented in an interface. There is a specification at Scania that presents what information will be available in the system. That specification is in line with what the International Society of Automation has specified in ISA-95. The specification for the system was set by the IT-department in consultation with department managers. There is currently an uncertainty if the specification meets the requirement that the workers has, to be able to work efficiently with the system. This thesis will identify the requirement that the workers has on the system, and compare it with the current specification. What the workers deems is necessary information has been identified and mapped through interviews and a survey. The result of these interviews and the survey made it clear that the specification was well in line with the requirement from the workers. This information led to the decision to send out another survey that asked the workers to prioritize how important the information in the system is, in three different priority levels. This resulted in an overview of what the workers consider is the most important information in the system.
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