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Organisationers användning av molntjänster : En studie om regelefterlevnad, riskhantering och imitationJenny, Do, Oskar, Nyman January 2024 (has links)
Följande studie är en explorativ intervjustudie som undersöker hur regelefterlevnad, riskhantering och imitation påverkar organisationers användning av molntjänster. Studien tar en kvalitativ ansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts med tre olika typer av organisationer, konsultbolag, banker och offentliga verksamheter, som ligger till grund som primärdata. Resultatet analyserades med det utformande teoretiska ramverk bestående av nyinstitutionell teori och standarden ISO/IEC 27005:2022 som avser att förstå riskhanteringsprocessen för informationssäkerhet. Med studiens dubbla perspektiv, från både företagsekonomi och informationssystem, har vi kunnat undersöka vilka faktorer som spelar in för organisationers inställningar, attityder och beteenden kring användandet av molntjänster. Resultatet visar att varje enskild organisation står inför individuella utmaningar och möjligheter kopplade till användandet av molntjänster. Det går att identifiera att varje verksamhet har specifika behov och krav. Regelefterlevnad, riskhantering och imitation är tre faktorer som påverkar utfallet av organisationernas användning av molntjänster. Avslutningsvis går det att identifiera att respektive organisation i studien har det gemensamma målet att säkerställa konfidentialitet, integritet och tillgänglighet av data och information. / This thesis is an exploratory case study examining how compliance, risk management and imitation affect the usage of cloud services in organizations. The thesis is of qualitative character, where semi structured interviews with consulting firms, banks and the public sector serve as the primary data source. The result was analyzed based on our theoretical framework comprising New Institutional theory and the standard ISO/IEC 27005:2022, which aims to understand the risk management process for information security. By incorporating a dual perspective, from both business administration and information systems it allowed us to gain a deeper understanding for which factors influence organizations' attitudes and behaviors towards the use of cloud computing. The findings revealed that each organization faces challenges and opportunities related to cloud usage. It is evident that each organization has their unique needs and requirements. The discussion concludes that compliance, risk management and imitation indeed significantly affect the outcome of organizations' usage of cloud computing. Additionally, respective organizations share the common objective of maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information.
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Modelo de evaluación de riesgos de seguridad de la información basado en la ISO/IEC 27005 para analizar la viabilidad de adoptar un servicio en la nubeQuispe Loarte, Javier Esai, Pacheco Pedemonte, Diego Ludwing 01 September 2018 (has links)
El propósito del proyecto es proponer un modelo de evaluación de riesgos de seguridad de la información en base a la ISO/IEC 27005 para determinar la viabilidad de obtener un servicio en la nube, ya que en toda organización es necesario conocer los riesgos de seguridad de información que asumen actualmente con los controles de seguridad implementados, y los riesgos que podría asumir con la adquisición de un nuevo servicio en cloud, y así poder tomar la decisión de optar por el mismo.
El modelo fue realizado en base a 3 fases. En primer lugar, se realizó una investigación pertinente de las buenas prácticas en seguridad de la información. en la investigación se utilizó la ISO/IEC 27001, que nos da una visión general de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de información. Asimismo, se optó por la ISO/IEC 27005 orientada a la gestión de riesgos de seguridad de información en una organización.
En segundo lugar, se presenta la propuesta de modelo y se describe sus fases como contextualización de la organización, Identificación de riesgos, Evaluación de Riesgos y Tratamiento de Riesgos.
Finalmente, se desplego el modelo en el proceso de Exámenes parciales y Finales del área de Registros académicos de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias aplicadas. / The purpose of the project is to propose an information security risk assessment model based on ISO / IEC 27005 to determine the feasibility of obtaining a service in the cloud, since in every organization it is necessary to know the security risks of information that they currently assume with the security controls implemented and those that could be assumed with the acquisition of a new service in the cloud so that they can make the decision to opt for one or the other.
The model was made based on 3 phases. First, a relevant investigation of good practices in information security was carried out. In the research, ISO / IEC 27001 was used, which gives us an overview of an information security management system. Likewise, the ISO / IEC 27005 is chosen oriented to the management of information security risks in an organization.
Second, the model proposal is presented and its phases are described as contextualization of the organization, risk identification, risk assessment and risk treatment.
Finally, the model was deployed in the process of partial and final examinations of the area of academic records of the “Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas”. / Tesis
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Modelo de gestión de riesgos de seguridad de la información para pymes en el Perú / Information security risk management model for Peruvian SMEsGarcía Porras, Johari Chris, Huamani Pastor, Sarita Cecilia 18 June 2019 (has links)
Actualmente, toda empresa debería tener el conocimiento de qué tan importante es y cómo debe tratarse la información para su negocio, ya que es uno de sus activos más importante. Lamentablemente, no todas tienen claro su valor, exponiéndose a grandes pérdidas. Según un estudio de EY, el 41% de empresas consideran que poseen probidades mínimas para detectar un ataque sofisticado. El motivo principal son las restricciones presupuestarias y la falta de recursos especializados.
Para proteger la información, las empresas deben determinar su exposición al riesgo, lo recomendable es emplear metodologías, marcos de referencia o estándares de análisis de riesgo de seguridad de la información. Este proyecto consiste en implementar un modelo de gestión de riesgos de seguridad de la información para Pymes, integrando la metodología OCTAVE-S y la norma ISO/IEC 27005. Se abarca el análisis de las metodologías y normas de gestión de riesgos, el diseño del modelo de gestión de riesgos de seguridad de la información, la validación del modelo en una Pyme en el proceso de ventas.
La integración proporciona una identificación oportuna y eficaz de los riesgos del enfoque cualitativo y permite aprovechar los valores identificados para los activos del enfoque cuantitativo. Asimismo, permite identificar los principales riesgos valorizándolos, para luego proceder a un tratamiento de acuerdo a las necesidades de la empresa. Se espera que este modelo ayude en la gestión de riesgos de seguridad de la información dentro de las Pymes, para poder reducir el impacto de riesgos a los que pueden estar expuestas. / Nowadays, every company should be aware of the importance and the way business information should be treated since it is one of their most important assets. Unfortunately, not all are sure about their actual value, and so, they may be exposed to large losses. According to EY, 41% of companies consider that they have minimum probabilities to detect a sophisticated attack. The main reason that hinders the effectiveness of information security is due to budgetary restrictions and the lack of specialized resources.
To protect the information, companies must determine their risk exposure, for which it’s advisable to use methodologies, reference frameworks or standards for information security risk analysis. This project consists on implementing an information security risk management model for SMEs, integrating the OCTAVE-S methodology and the ISO/IEC 27005 standard. This covers the analysis of methodologies and risk management standards, the design of the information security risk management model, the validation of the model in a SME in the sales process.
This integration provides a timely and effective identification of the risks of the qualitative approach and makes it possible to take advantage of the values identified for the assets of the quantitative approach. Furthermore, this allows identifying the main information security risks by rating and treating them according to the needs of the company. It’s expected that this model will help in the management of information security risks within SMEs, in order to reduce the impact of risks to which they may be exposed. / Tesis
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Gestion des risques appliquée aux systèmes d’information distribués / Risk management to distributed information systemsLalanne, Vincent 19 December 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous abordons la gestion des risques appliquée aux systèmes d’information distribués. Nous traitons des problèmes d’interopérabilité et de sécurisation des échanges dans les systèmes DRM et nous proposons la mise en place de ce système pour l’entreprise: il doit nous permettre de distribuer des contenus auto-protégés. Ensuite nous présentons la participation à la création d’une entreprise innovante qui met en avant la sécurité de l’information, avec en particulier la gestion des risques au travers de la norme ISO/IEC 27005:2011. Nous présentons les risques liés à l’utilisation de services avec un accent tout particulier sur les risques autres que les risques technologiques; nous abordons les risques inhérents au cloud (défaillance d’un provider, etc...) mais également les aspects plus sournois d’espionnage et d’intrusion dans les données personnelles (Affaire PRISM en juin 2013). Dans la dernière partie nous présentons un concept de DRM d’Entreprise qui utilise les métadonnées pour déployer des contextes dans les modèles de contrôle d’usage. Nous proposons une ébauche de formalisation des métadonnées nécessaires à la mise en œuvre de la politique de sécurité et nous garantissons le respect de la réglementation et de la loi en vigueur. / In this thesis we discuss the application of risk management to distributed information systems. We handle problems of interoperability and securisation of the exchanges within DRM systems and we propose the implementation of this system for the company: it needs to permit the distribution of self-protected contents. We then present the (our) participation in the creation of an innovative company which emphasizes on the security of information, in particular the management of risks through the ISO/IEC 27005:2011 standard. We present risks related to the use of services, highlighting in particular the ones which are not technological: we approach inheritent risks in clouds (provider failure, etc ...) but also the more insidious aspects of espionage and intrusion in personal data (Case PRISM in June 2013). In the last section, we present a concept of a DRM company which uses metadata to deploy settings in usage control models. We propose a draft formalization of metadata necessary for the implementation of a security policy and guarantee respect of regulations and legislation.
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Systémové řešení bezpečnosti informací v organizaci / Systematic Solution for Information Security in OrganisationPalička, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with ISMS implementation in Netcope Technologies, a. s., which is involved in the production of network cards for high speed acceleration. This thesis is divided into two logical parts. In the first part the theoretical basis information is presented, including selected methods for implementing information security. In the second part, the analysis of the company and the proposed measures are presented.
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Informačná bezpečnosť a riadenie rizík v konkrétnej spoločnosti / Information security and risk management in a particular company.Slávková, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to apply the methodology of qualitative risk analysis according to ISO/EC/27005:2011 and to increase awareness of existing threats and impacts on information assets and to create possible security precautions to minimize identified threats in a particular company. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Introductory chapter explains the basic concepts of information security and risk management in the organization that are necessary for understanding of the principles and the importance of information security. The second chapter deals with the international standards aimed at information security and briefly describes ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27002 and ISO/IEC 27005. The following two chapters form a smooth transition from the theoretical to the practical part. The third chapter characterizes selected company and describes the current state of information security in the company. The fourth chapter forms the methodological apparatus of qualitative risk analysis, compiled in accordance with ISO/IEC 27005:2011. It also contains a list of relevant threats, to which an asset of the company is exposed. The last chapter is conducted to qualitative risk analysis, together with the draft of the precautions to minimize the risks. The practical section shows that by the implementing the proposed action the company will reduce existing risks to acceptable levels and will significantly improve the protection of information assets.
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