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NDE applications in microelectronic industriesMeyendorf, N., Oppermann, M., Krueger, P., Roellig, M., Wolter, K. J. 30 August 2019 (has links)
New concepts in assembly technology boost our daily life in an unknown way. High end semiconductor industry today deals with functional structures down to a few nanometers. ITRS roadmap predicts an ongoing decrease of the “DRAM half pitch” over the next decade. Packaging of course is not intended to realize pitches at the nanometer scale, but has to face the challenges of integrating such semiconductor devices with smallest pitch and high pin counts into systems. Advanced techniques of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) with resolutions in volume better than 1 micrometer vixen size are urgently needed for the safety and reliability of electronic systems, especially those that are used in long living applications. The development speed of integrated circuits is still very high and is not expected to decrease in the next future. The integration density of microelectronic devices is increasing, the dimensions become smaller and the number of I/O's is getting higher. The development of new types of packages must be done with respect to reliability issues. Potential damage sources must be identified and finally avoided in the new packages.
In power electronics production the condition monitoring receives a lot of interest to avoid electrical shortcuts, dead solder joints and interface crac king. It is also desired to detect and characterize very small defects like transportation phenomenon or Kirkendall voids. For this purpose, imaging technologies with resolutions in the sub-micron range are required.
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New Carbon-Silicon Carbide Composite Board Material for High Density and High Reliability PackagingKumbhat, Nitesh 23 June 2005 (has links)
Current board technologies are inherently performance-limited (FR-4) or cost-prohibitive (Al2O3/AlN). Next-generation high-density packaging applications would necessitate a new base substrate material to achieve ultra-fine pitch solder-joint reliability and multiple layers of fine-line wiring at low cost. The NEMI 2000 roadmap defines the need for 4-8 layers of 5-10 m wiring for future system boards. The 2003 ITRS roadmap calls for organic substrates with less than 100-m area-array pitch in the package or board by year 2010. Solder-joint reliability at such fine-pitch is a matter of concern for the industry. Use of underfills reduces thermal stresses but increases cost and, in addition, their dispensing becomes increasingly more complicated with the shorter gaps required for future interconnects. Therefore, there is a pronounced need to evaluate board materials with CTE close to that of Si for reliable flip-chip on board without underfill.
Recently, a novel manufacturing process (using polymeric precursor) has been demonstrated to yield boards that have the advantages of organic boards in terms of large-area processability and machinability at potentially low-cost while retaining the high stiffness (~250 GPa) and Si-matched CTE (~2.5 ppm/㩠of ceramics. This work reports the evaluation of novel SiC-based ceramic composite board material for ultra-fine pitch solder-joint reliability without underfill and multilayer support.
FE models were generated to model the behavior of flip-chips assembled without underfill and subjected to accelerated thermal cycling. These models were used to calculate solder-joint strains which have a strong direct influence on fatigue life of the solder. Multilayer structures were also simulated for thermal shock testing so as to assess via strains for microvia reliability. Via-pad misregistration was derived from the models and compared for different boards.
Experiments were done to assemble flip-chips on boards without underfill followed by thermal shock testing so as to get the number of cycles to failure. To assess microvia reliability, 2 layer structures containing vias of different diameters were fabricated and subjected to thermal cycling. Via-pad misalignment was also studied experimentally. Modeling and experimental results were corroborated so as to evaluate thermomechanical suitability of C-SiC for high-density packaging requirements.
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Performance prediction of a future silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistor technology using a heterogeneous set of simulation tools and approaches / Prédiction de la performance d'une future technologie SiGe HBT à partir de plusieurs outils de simulation et approchesRosenbaum, Tommy 11 January 2017 (has links)
Les procédés bipolaires semi-conducteurs complémentaires à oxyde de métal (BiCMOS) peuvent être considérés comme étant la solution la plus généralepour les produits RF car ils combinent la fabrication sophistiquée du CMOSavec la vitesse et les capacités de conduction des transistors bipolaires silicium germanium(SiGe) à hétérojonction (HBT). Les HBTs, réciproquement, sontles principaux concurrents pour combler partiellement l'écart de térahertzqui décrit la plage dans laquelle les fréquences générées par les transistors etles lasers ne se chevauchent pas (environ 0.3 THz à 30 THz). A_n d'évaluerles capacités de ces dispositifs futurs, une méthodologie de prévision fiable estsouhaitable. L'utilisation d'un ensemble hétérogène d'outils et de méthodes desimulations permet d'atteindre successivement cet objectif et est avantageusepour la résolution des problèmes. Plusieurs domaines scientifiques sont combinés, tel que la technologie de conception assistée par ordinateur (TCAO),la modélisation compacte et l'extraction des paramètres.Afin de créer une base pour l'environnement de simulation et d'améliorerla confirmabilité pour les lecteurs, les modèles de matériaux utilisés pour lesapproches hydrodynamiques et de diffusion par conduction sont introduits dèsle début de la thèse. Les modèles physiques sont principalement fondés surdes données de la littérature basées sur simulations Monte Carlo (MC) ou dessimulations déterministes de l'équation de transport de Boltzmann (BTE).Néanmoins, le module de TCAO doit être aussi étalonné sur les données demesure pour une prévision fiable des performances des HBTs. L'approchecorrespondante d'étalonnage est basée sur les mesures d'une technologie depointe de HBT SiGe pour laquelle un ensemble de paramètres spécifiques àla technologie du modèle compact HICUM/L2 est extrait pour les versionsdu transistor à haute vitesse, moyenne et haute tension. En s'aidant de cesrésultats, les caractéristiques du transistor unidimensionnel qui sont généréesservent de référence pour le profil de dopage et l'étalonnage du modèle. Enélaborant des comparaisons entre les données de références basées sur les mesureset les simulations, la thèse fait progresser l'état actuel des prévisionsbasées sur la technologie CAO et démontre la faisabilité de l'approche.Enfin, une technologie future de 28nm performante est prédite en appliquantla méthodologie hétérogène. Sur la base des résultats de TCAO, leslimites de la technologie sont soulignées. / Bipolar complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (BiCMOS) processescan be considered as the most general solution for RF products, as theycombine the mature manufacturing tools of CMOS with the speed and drivecapabilities of silicon-germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistors(HBTs). HBTs in turn are major contenders for partially filling the terahertzgap, which describes the range in which the frequencies generated bytransistors and lasers do not overlap (approximately 0.3THz to 30 THz). Toevaluate the capabilities of such future devices, a reliable prediction methodologyis desirable. Using a heterogeneous set of simulation tools and approachesallows to achieve this goal successively and is beneficial for troubleshooting.Various scientific fields are combined, such as technology computer-aided design(TCAD), compact modeling and parameter extraction.To create a foundation for the simulation environment and to ensure reproducibility,the used material models of the hydrodynamic and drift-diffusionapproaches are introduced in the beginning of this thesis. The physical modelsare mainly based on literature data of Monte Carlo (MC) or deterministicsimulations of the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE). However, the TCADdeck must be calibrated on measurement data too for a reliable performanceprediction of HBTs. The corresponding calibration approach is based onmeasurements of an advanced SiGe HBT technology for which a technology specific parameter set of the HICUM/L2 compact model is extracted for thehigh-speed, medium-voltage and high-voltage transistor versions. With thehelp of the results, one-dimensional transistor characteristics are generatedthat serve as reference for the doping profile and model calibration. By performingelaborate comparisons between measurement-based reference dataand simulations, the thesis advances the state-of-the-art of TCAD-based predictionsand proofs the feasibility of the approach.Finally, the performance of a future technology in 28nm is predicted byapplying the heterogeneous methodology. On the basis of the TCAD results,bottlenecks of the technology are identified. / Bipolare komplementäre Metall-Oxid-Halbleiter (BiCMOS) Prozesse bietenhervorragende Rahmenbedingungen um Hochfrequenzanwendungen zurealisieren, da sie die fortschrittliche Fertigungstechnik von CMOS mit derGeschwindigkeit und Treiberleistung von Silizium-Germanium (SiGe) Heterostruktur-Bipolartransistoren (HBTs) verknüpfen. Zudem sind HBTs bedeutendeWettbewerber für die teilweise Überbrückung der Terahertz-Lücke, derFrequenzbereich zwischen Transistoren (< 0.3 THz) und Lasern (> 30 THz).Um die Leistungsfähigkeit solcher zukünftigen Bauelemente zu bewerten, isteine zuverlässige Methodologie zur Vorhersage notwendig. Die Verwendungeiner heterogenen Zusammenstellung von Simulationstools und Lösungsansätzenerlaubt es dieses Ziel schrittweise zu erreichen und erleichtert die Fehler-_ndung. Verschiedene wissenschaftliche Bereiche werden kombiniert, wie zumBeispiel der rechnergestützte Entwurf für Technologie (TCAD), die Kompaktmodellierungund Parameterextraktion.Die verwendeten Modelle des hydrodynamischen Simulationsansatzes werdenzu Beginn der Arbeit vorgestellt, um die Simulationseinstellung zu erläuternund somit die Nachvollziehbarkeit für den Leser zu verbessern. Die physikalischenModelle basieren hauptsächlich auf Literaturdaten von Monte Carlo(MC) oder deterministischen Simulationen der Boltzmann-Transportgleichung(BTE). Für eine zuverlässige Vorhersage der Eigenschaften von HBTs muss dieTCAD Kon_guration jedoch zusätzlich auf der Grundlage von Messdaten kalibriertwerden. Der zugehörige Ansatz zur Kalibrierung beruht auf Messungeneiner fortschrittlichen SiGe HBT Technologie, für welche ein technologiespezifischer HICUM/L2 Parametersatz für die high-speed, medium-voltage undhigh-voltage Transistoren extrahiert wird. Mit diesen Ergebnissen werden eindimensionaleTransistorcharakteristiken generiert, die als Referenzdaten fürdie Kalibrierung von Dotierungspro_len und physikalischer Modelle genutztwerden. Der ausführliche Vergleich dieser Referenz- und Messdaten mit Simulationengeht über den Stand der Technik TCAD-basierender Vorhersagenhinaus und weist die Machbarkeit des heterogenen Ansatzes nach.Schlieÿlich wird die Leistungsfähigkeit einer zukünftigen Technologie in28nm unter Anwendung der heterogenen Methodik vorhergesagt. Anhand derTCAD Ergebnisse wird auf Engpässe der Technologie hingewiesen.
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