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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification and Quantitative Classification of Europa’s Microfeatures: Implications for Microfeature Formation Models and the Europa Clipper Flagship Mission

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Jupiter’s moon Europa is an active target of research because of its unique geology and its potential for habitability. Europa’s icy chaos disrupts and transforms the previous terrain, suggesting melting is involved. Chaos occurs alongside several types of endogenic surface features. These microfeatures are under <100 km2 in area and include uplifts and domes, pits, spots, and hybrid features. The distribution of microfeatures is known in the ~10% of the Europa’s surface that are covered by the regional mosaics (“RegMaps”). The efforts to connect microfeature formation to any kind of heat transport in Europa are confounded because microfeatures are difficult to identify outside of RegMaps because of low image resolutions. Finding microfeatures outside of RegMaps would provide new observational constraints for microfeature formation models. First, I mapped microfeatures across four of Europa’s RegMaps and validated them against other mapping datasets. Microchaos features are the most numerous, followed by pits, domes, then hybrids. Spots are the least common features, and the smallest. Next, I mapped features in low-resolution images that covered the E15RegMap01 area to determine error rates and sources of omission or misclassification for features mapped in low-resolution images. Of all features originally mapped in the RegMap, pits and domes were the least likely to be re-mapped or positively identified (24.2% and 5%, respectively). Chaos, spots, and hybrids were accurately classified over 70% of the time. Quantitatively classifying these features using discriminant function analysis yielded comparable values of accuracy when compared to a human mapper. Finally, nearest-neighbor clustering analyses were used to show that pits are clustered in all regions, while chaos, domes, and hybrids vary in terms of their spatial clustering. This work suggests that the most likely processes for microfeature formations is either the evolution of liquid water sills within Europa’s ice shell or cryovolcanism. Future work extending to more areas outside of the RegMaps can further refine microfeature formation models. The detection of liquid water at or near the surface is a major goal of multiple upcoming Europa missions; this work provides predictions that can be directly tested by these missions to maximize their scientific return. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 2019

Investigation into the Geodynamics of Planetary Ice-Ocean Systems: Application to Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: The Jovian moon Europa's putative subsurface ocean offers one of the closest astrobiological targets for future exploration. It’s geologically young surface with a wide array of surface features aligned with distinct surface composition suggests past/present geophysical activity with implications for habitability. In this body of work, I propose a hypothesis for material transport from the ocean towards the surface via a convecting ice-shell. Geodynamical modeling is used to perform numerical experiments on a two-phase water-ice system to test the hypotheses. From these models, I conclude that it is possible for trace oceanic chemistry, entrapped into the newly forming ice at the ice-ocean phase interface, to reach near-surface. This new ice is advected across the ice-shell and towards the surface affirming a dynamical possibility for material transport across the ice-ocean system, of significance to astrobiological prospecting. Next, I use these self-consistent ice-ocean models to study the thickening of ice-shell over time. Europa is subject to the immense gravity field of Jupiter that generates tidal heating within the moon. Analysis of cases with uniform and localized internal tidal heating reveal that as the ice-shell grows from a warm initial ocean, there is an increase in the size of convection cells which causes a dramatic increase in the growth rate of the ice-shell. Addition of sufficient amount of heat also results in an ice-shell at an equilibrium thickness. Localization of tidal heating as a function of viscosity controls the equilibrium thickness. These models are then used to understand how compositional heterogeneity can be created in a growing ice-shell. Impurities (e.g. salts on the surface) that enter the ice-shell get trapped in the thickening ice-shell by freezing. I show the distribution pattern of heterogeneities that can form within the ice-shell at different times. This may be of potential application in identifying the longevity and mobility of brine pockets in Europa's ice-shell which are thought to be potential habitable niches. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 2017

Etude des corps glacés du système solaire à travers deux cibles majeures de l'exploration spatiale : la comète 67P/C-G et le satellite Europe / Study of icy bodies in the solar system through two main targets of spatial exploration : the comet 67P/C-G and the satellite Europa

Ligier, Nicolas 05 December 2016 (has links)
La majeure partie de mon travail de thèse a porté sur l’étude de la composition chimique de la surface d’Europe. Afin d’apporter une plus-value par rapport aux résultats de l’instrument NIMS à bord de la sonde Galileo qui orbita dans le système jovien de 1995 à 2003, une campagne d’observations depuis le sol a été menée avec le spectromètre imageur infra-rouge SINFONI au VLT. Cinq observations en optique adaptative possédant une résolution spatiale d’environ 160 km et une résolution spectrale R=1500 dans le proche infra-rouge furent acquises. Une procédure complexe de réduction des données a été mise en place afin de construire un cube hyperspectral global en réflectance de la surface. La modélisation linéaire de chacun des spectres du cube a permis d’aboutir aux premières cartes d’abondances absolues jamais obtenues pour la surface d’Europe. Ces cartes confirment la présence des deux espèces majoritaires, la glace d’eau et l’acide sulfurique hydraté. La distribution de l’acide sulfurique est centrée sur l’hémisphère orbital arrière qui est préférentiellement impacté par un flux d’ions de soufre originaires du tore de plasma produit par l’activité volcanique d’Io. Cependant, deux résultats inattendus ont été obtenus. Le premier concerne la glace d’eau, dont la forme cristalline est près de deux fois plus abondante que la forme amorphe selon les résultats de la modélisation. Ce résultat, surprenant compte tenu du taux d’irradiation très élevé auquel la surface est soumise, pourrait s’expliquer par l’existence d’un fort gradient de cristallinité au sein de la couche de glace, mais aussi par l’existence d’une activité endogène relativement soutenue qui se traduit visuellement par une surface peu cratérisée, donc jeune. La corrélation entre la distribution des grains cristallins et la géomorphologie semble accréditer la seconde hypothèse. Le second résultat concerne la détection de sels chlorés à partir de la modélisation des spectres hautement résolus de SINFONI, et non de sulfates, remettant en cause les détections marginales annoncées par les observations de l’instrument NIMS/Galileo. La distribution des sels chlorés, tout comme celle de la glace d’eau cristalline, est corrélée à la géomorphologie, ce qui confirme le rôle important des apports endogènes. Des processus tectoniques et cryovolcaniques mis en évidence récemment pourraient être à l’origine de cette distribution. L’autre versant de ma thèse a été consacré aux caractéristiques physiques des grains cométaires de 67P/C-G. L’instrument COSIMA embarqué sur l’orbiter de la sonde Rosetta a permis la collecte, l'imagerie et l'analyse chimique élémentaire des grains présents dans l’environnement proche de 67P/C-G. Une approche automatisée de la détection des grains à partir des images prises par la caméra « COSISCOPE » a été mise en place et a permis de détecter environ 35000 grains ayant une surface de plus de 100 µm2 entre août 2014 et mai 2016. La résolution de 13.7 µm/pixel a rendu possible la caractérisation en détail de la forme et de la structure des grains, et le nombre important de détections a permis d’obtenir des statistiques robustes concernant la distribution en taille et l’évolution de celle-ci au cours du temps. Deux grandes familles de grains ont été identifiées : les grains compacts, qui ne représentent qu’une faible minorité des grains et qui ont été majoritairement collectés en début de mission, et les agrégats, qui ont une structure très poreuse similaire à celle des IDPs et des micrométéorites collectées en Antarctique. La distribution en taille obtenue suit une loi de puissance intégrale en r-2.66. La comparaison avec des lois obtenues à des échelles différentes par d’autres instruments met en évidence des différences qui peuvent être interprétées par des mécanismes d’éjection dépendant de la taille associés à un biais du processus de collecte en orbite. / The major part of my work focused on the study of the chemical composition of Europa’s surface. In order to provide additional insights in comparison to the results of the NIMS instrument onboard the Galileo spacecraft that orbited in the Jovian system from 1995 to 2003, a ground-based observations campaign was conducted with the infrared imaging spectrometer SINFONI on the VLT. Several observations using adaptive optics with a spatial resolution of about 160 km and a spectral resolution R = 1500 in the near-infrared were acquired and then combined. A specific data reduction pipeline was developed to build a global hyperspectral cube in surface reflectance. The linear modeling of each spectra of this cube leads to the first global abundance maps ever obtained for the surface of Europa. These maps confirm the presence of the two major species, namely water ice and hydrated sulfuric acid. The distribution of the hydrated sulfuric acid is centered on the trailing orbital hemisphere preferentially affected by a sulfur ion flux coming from the plasma torus produced by Io volcanic activity. Two surprising results were obtained. The first one concerns water ice, which crystalline form is about twice more abundant than the amorphous form according to the modeling results. This result, unexpected given the very high radiation rate on the surface, could be explained by a strong crystallinity gradient through the ice slab. However, it could also point out an endogenous activity possibly strong as first suggested by its poorly well-known cratered surface. The correlation between the crystalline grains distribution and the geomorphology seems in favor to the second hypothesis. The second result is related to the detection of chlorinated salts from the modeling of highly resolved spectra from SINFONI. Sulfates, first reported by several analyses of NIMS observations are marginal in the modeled composition, hence challenging their presence on the surface of Europa. The chloride distribution, as well as the one of the crystalline water ice, is correlated to geomorphology, potentially confirming significant endogenous contributions as the result of tectonic and cryovolcanic processes recently highlighted. The second part of my PhD was dedicated to the physical characteristics of the 67P/C-G’s cometary grains. The COSIMA instrument onboard the Rosetta orbiter allowed the collection, imaging and elemental chemical analysis of grains present in the immediate environment of 67P/C-G. An automated approach of the grains detection based on images taken by the camera "COSISCOPE" was set up and able to detect about 35.000 grains having an area of more than 100 µm² between August 2014 and May 2016. The resolution of 13.7 µm/pixel allowed to perform a detailed characterization of the shape and the structure of the grains, and the large number of detections permitted to obtain significant statistics on the size distribution and its evolution over the time. Two large families of grains have been identified: the compact grains, which represent only a small minority of grains mostly collected at the beginning of the mission, and aggregates, which have a very porous structure similar to those of IDPs and micrometeorites collected in Antarctica. The size distribution obtained follows an integrated power law in r-2.66. The comparison with the laws obtained at different scales by other instruments highlights differences that can be interpreted by ejection mechanisms depending on the size associated with a selection bias during the collection process in orbit.

Tectonics of Saturn's Moon Titan AND Tsunami Modeling of the 1629 Mega-thrust Earthquake in Eastern Indonesia

Liu, Yung-Chun 01 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Chapter 1-2:The Cassini RADAR mapper has imaged elevated blocks and mountains on Titan we term ‘ridges’. Two unresolved problems regarding Titan's surface are still debated: what is the origin of its ridges and was there tectonic activity on Titan? To understand the processes that produced the ridges, in this study, (1) we analyze the distribution and orientation of ridges through systematic geomorphologic mapping and (2) we compare the location of the ridges to a new global topographic map to explore the correlation between elevation and ridges and the implications for Titan's surface evolution. Globally, the orientation of ridges is nearly E-W and the ridges are more common near the equator than at the poles, which suggests a tectonic origin for most of the ridges on Titan. In addition, the ridges are found to preferentially lie at higher-than-average elevations near the equator. We conclude the most reasonable formation scenario for Titan's ridges is that contractional tectonism built the ridges and thickened the icy lithosphere, causing regional uplift. The combination of global and regional tectonic events, likely contractional in nature, plus enhanced fluvial erosion and sedimentation near the poles, would have contributed to shaping Titan's tectonic landforms and surface morphology to what we see today. However, contractional structures (i.e. thrusts and folds) require large stresses (8~10 MPa), the sources of which probably do not exist on Titan. Liquid hydrocarbons in Titan's near subsurface must play a role similar to that of water on Earth and lead to fluid overpressures, which enable contractional deformation at smaller stresses (< 1MPa) by significantly reducing the shear strength of materials. We show that crustal conditions with enhanced pore fluid pressures on Titan favor the formation of thrust faults and related folds, in a contractional stress field. The production of folds, as on Earth, is facilitated by the presence of crustal liquids to weaken the crust. These hydrocarbon fluids have played a key role in Titan's tectonic evolutionary history, leaving it the only icy body on which strong evidence for contractional tectonism exists. Chapter 3: Arthur Wichmann's ‘Earthquakes of the Indian Archipelago’ documents several large earthquakes and tsunami throughout the Banda Arc region that can be interpreted as mega-thrust events. However, the source regions of these events are not known. One of the largest and well-documented events in the catalog is the great earthquake and tsunami affecting the Banda islands on 1 August 1629. It caused severe damage from a 15-meter tsunami that arrived at the Banda Islands about a half hour after violent shaking stopped. The earthquake was also recorded 230 km away in Ambon, but no tsunami is mentioned. This event was followed by at least 9 years of uncommonly frequent seismic activity in the region that tapered off with time, which can be interpreted as aftershocks. The combination of these observations indicates that the earthquake was most likely a mega-thrust event. We use an inverse modeling approach to numerically reconstruct the tsunami, which constrains the likely location and magnitude of the 1629 earthquake. Only linear numerical models are applied due to the low-resolution of bathymetry in the Banda Islands and Ambon. Therefore, we apply various wave amplification factors (1.5 to 4) derived from simulations of recent, well-constrained tsunami to bracket the upper and lower limits of earthquake moment magnitudes for the event. The closest major earthquake sources to the Banda Islands are the Tanimbar and Seram Troughs of the Banda subduction/collision zone. Other source regions are too far away for such a short arrival time of the tsunami after shaking. Moment magnitudes predicted by the models in order to produce a 15 m tsunami are Mw of 9.8 to 9.2 on the Tanimbar Trough and Mw 8.8 to 8.2 on the Seram Trough. The arrival times of these waves are 58 minutes for Tanimbar Trough and 30 minutes for Seram Trough. The model also predicts 5 meters run-up for Ambon from a Tanimbar Trough source, which is inconsistent with the historical records. Ambon is mostly shielded from a wave generated by a Seram Trough Source.We conclude that the most likely source of the 1629 mega-thrust earthquake is the Seram Trough. Only one earthquake > Mw 8.0 is recorded instrumentally from the eastern Indonesia region although high rates of strain (50-80 mm/a) are measured across the Seram section of the Banda subduction zone. Enough strain has already accumulated since the last major historical event to produce an earthquake of similar size to the 1629 event. Due to the rapid population growth in coastal areas in this region, it is imperative that the most vulnerable coastal areas prepare accordingly.

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