Spelling suggestions: "subject:"immunostaining"" "subject:"lmmunostaining""
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The combination of karyotype analysis, HbF and p53 immunostaining is useful for the differential diagnosis between refractory anemia and aplastic anemia.岩崎, 卓識, Iwasaki, Takashi 30 September 2008 (has links)
名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類:博士(医療技術学) (課程) 学位授与年月日:平成20年9月30日
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On the implementations of experimental methods using fluorescence microscopy in modern radiobiologyRenegar, Jackson Reid 18 November 2010 (has links)
This thesis is intended as an introductory lab manual on the experimental methods using fluorescence microscopy in modern radiobiology research. It is written for those who are unfamiliar with biology research. It first covers the proper use of laboratory equipment and growth of cell cultures in the lab. Subsequent chapters provide overviews of relevant modern experimental techniques for the quantification of radiation induced DNA damage in cells, and detailed protocols for performing these procedures. Techniques covered include immunostaining with fluorescent antibodies, the comet assay, and plasmid DNA transfections. Results of some straightforward experiments using these techniques are presented.
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Deficiency of Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Kinase Modulates Cardiac Remodeling Following Myocardial Infarction: Involvement in Fibrosis and ApoptosisFoster, Cerrone R., Daniel, Laura L., Daniels, Christopher R., Dalal, Suman, Singh, Mahipal, Singh, Krishna 16 December 2013 (has links)
Ataxia telangiectasia mutated kinase (ATM) is a cell cycle checkpoint protein activated in response to DNA damage. We recently reported that ATM plays a protective role in myocardial remodeling following β-adrenergic receptor stimulation. Here we investigated the role of ATM in cardiac remodeling using myocardial infarction (MI) as a model. Methods and Results: Left ventricular (LV) structure, function, apoptosis, fibrosis, and protein levels of apoptosisand fibrosis-related proteins were examined in wild-type (WT) and ATM heterozygous knockout (hKO) mice 7 days post-MI. Infarct sizes were similar in both MI groups. However, infarct thickness was higher in hKO-MI group. Two dimensional M-mode echocardiography revealed decreased percent fractional shortening (%FS) and ejection fraction (EF) in both MI groups when compared to their respective sham groups. However, the decrease in %FS and EF was significantly greater in WT-MI vs hKO-MI. LV end systolic and diastolic diameters were greater in WT-MI vs hKO-MI. Fibrosis, apoptosis, and α-smooth muscle actin staining was significantly higher in hKO-MI vs WT-MI. MMP-2 protein levels and activity were increased to a similar extent in the infarct regions of both groups. MMP-9 protein levels were increased in the non-infarct region of WT-MI vs WT-sham. MMP-9 protein levels and activity were significantly lower in the infarct region of WT vs hKO. TIMP-2 protein levels similarly increased in both MI groups, whereas TIMP-4 protein levels were significantly lower in the infarct region of hKO group. Phosphorylation of p53 protein was higher, while protein levels of manganese superoxide dismutase were significantly lower in the infarct region of hKO vs WT. In vitro, inhibition of ATM using KU-55933 increased oxidative stress and apoptosis in cardiac myocytes.
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Proteomic profiling of vesicular organelles / Karaktärisering av proteom i vesikel organellerHassan, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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A Novel Role for Endothelial Rbpj in Postnatal Cerebellum MorphogenesisChapman, Amelia D. 11 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Three-Dimensional Neuroepithelial Culture from Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Its Use for Quantitative Conversion to Retinal Pigment EpitheliumTanaka, Elly M., Zhu, Yu, Carido, Madalena, Meinhardt, Andrea, Kurth, Thomas, Karl, Mike O., Ader, Marius 18 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A goal in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research is the faithful differentiation to given cell types such as neural lineages. During embryonic development, a basement membrane surrounds the neural plate that forms a tight, apico-basolaterally polarized epithelium before closing to form a neural tube with a single lumen. Here we show that the three-dimensional epithelial cyst culture of hESCs in Matrigel combined with neural induction results in a quantitative conversion into neuroepithelial cysts containing a single lumen. Cells attain a defined neuroepithelial identity by 5 days. The neuroepithelial cysts naturally generate retinal epithelium, in part due to IGF-1/insulin signaling. We demonstrate the utility of this epithelial culture approach by achieving a quantitative production of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells from hESCs within 30 days. Direct transplantation of this RPE into a rat model of retinal degeneration without any selection or expansion of the cells results in the formation of a donor-derived RPE monolayer that rescues photoreceptor cells. The cyst method for neuroepithelial differentiation of pluripotent stem cells is not only of importance for RPE generation but will also be relevant to the production of other neuronal cell types and for reconstituting complex patterning events from three-dimensional neuroepithelia.
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Imunoexpressão da E-caderina, Beta-catenina e TP53 em câncer gástrico familial / Imunoexpression of E-cadherin, Beta-catenin and TP53 in familial gastric cancerBambino, Paula Balthazar 03 June 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Agregação familial é observada em cerca de 10% dos casos de câncer e 1 a 3% é hereditário. O tipo difuso pode estar relacionado à agregação familial e a alterações genéticas no gene CDH1, que codifica a proteína E-caderina. Alterações na imunoexpressão de Beta-catenina e p53 também são observadas. Objetivos: Analisar a imunoexpressão da E-caderina, Beta-catenina e TP53 em adenocarcinomas gástricos de pacientes com câncer gástrico familial e comparar com os dados clinicopatológicos, além dos achados das alterações genéticas destes pacientes, estudadas previamente nesta Instituição. Casuística e Métodos: Vinte e seis casos de adenocarcinoma gástrico em blocos de parafina de pacientes do HC-FMUSP foram submetidos ao estudo imunoistoquímico para detecção e análise do padrão de imunoexpressão da E-caderina, Beta-catenina e TP53 através do método da streptavidina-biotina-peroxidase. A análise da imunoexpressão dos marcadores foi classificada segundo escala de intensidade e distribuição e os testes estatísticos utilizados foram o Teste t de Student e Exato de Fisher. Resultados: A localização predominante do tumor foi no antro (61,5%). 11 (42,3%) casos alterados para a imunoexpressão da E-caderina, sendo todos do tipo difuso; 15 (57,7%) casos normais, sendo 9 do tipo difuso e 6 do tipo intestinal (p=0,02). Em estudo prévio realizado nesta instituição, uma mutação missense no exon 12 do gene CDH1, códon 617, nucleotídeo 1849 G>A foi encontrada no mesmo caso em que foi observada ausência de imunorreatividade da E-caderina. 11 (42,3%) casos alterados para a imunoexpressão de Beta-catenina e 46,2% de imunorreatividade nuclear positiva para TP53. Conclusões: 1) O tipo difuso de Laurén está associado à alteração da imunoexpressão da E-caderina no Câncer Gástrico Familial; 2) Não houve associação entre a imunoexpressão da E-caderina, idade, gênero e localização do tumor; tampouco houve associação entre a imunoexpressão da Beta-catenina e os dados clínico-patológicos; houve associação inversa entre a imunoexpressão da E-caderina e TP53; 3) Nos casos em que foram detectadas alterações na imunoexpressão, parece haver duas rotas distintas de carcinogênese envolvidas no CGF. / Introduction: Familial clustering is observed in about 10% of the gastric cancer cases and 1-3% is hereditary. Diffuse type gastric cancer is related to genetic alterations in CDH1 gene, which translates the E-cadherin protein. The abnormal expression of E-cadherin is characterized by low expression of cytoplasmatic staining, or loss of membranous immunoreactivity. Aim: to analyze the immunoexpression of E-cadherin, Beta-catenin and TP53 in gastric adenocarcinomas in patients with Familial Gastric Cancer and compare with clinical-pathologic data, including the genetic alterations of these patients, found previously on this institution. Methods: 26 cases of paraffin-embedded gastric adenocarcinoma tissue of patients of Hospital das Clinicas - School of Medicine of University of Sao Paulo underwent immunostaining to detect the presence and to analyze the pattern of immunoexpression of E-cadherin, Beta-catenin and TP53 using Streptavidine-Biotine-Peroxidade technique. The immunoexpression evaluation was performed utilizing a semiquantitative scale for intensity and distribution. The statistical analysis was done through Students t test and Fishers Exact test. Results: E-cadherin immunoexpression was negative in 11 cases (42.3%), and all of them were diffuse type of Laurén. 15 cases (57.7%) were positive for E-cadherin, from which 9 were of the diffuse type and 6 of intestinal type (p=0.02). In previous study performed on this institution, one missense mutation in exon 12 of CDH1 gene, codon 617, nucleotide 1849 G>A was found on the same case that absence of E-cadherin immunostaining was observed. 61.5% of the tumors were located in the antrum. Beta-catenin immunoexpression was altered in 43.2% and TP53 nuclear immunoreactivity was positive in 46.2% of the tumors. TP53 was solely detected in 12 (46.2%) of the tumors, while E-cadherin was altered in 10/26 (38.5%) negative TP53 tumors, p=0.01. Conclusions: 1) Diffuse type of Laurén is associated to E-cadherin immunoexpression alteration in Familial Gastric Cancer; 2) There was no association between E-cadherin immunoexpression and age, gender or tumor location, as well as there was no association between Beta-catenin and the clinical-pathologic data; there was an inverse association between immunoexpression of TP53 and E-cadherin; 3) There may be two distinct carcinogenesis pathways on familial gastric cancer cases that imunoexpression alterations were detected.
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Μελέτη της έκφρασης ορμονικών υποδοχέων στον πρωτοπαθή όγκο και στο λεμφαδένα φρουρό στο μελάνωμα και επιπτώσεις της στην έκβαση της νόσουΣπυρόπουλος, Χαράλαμπος 19 August 2014 (has links)
Οι φυλετικές ορμόνες επηρεάζουν τη βιολογική συμπεριφορά του μελανώματος. Μετά την ανακάλυψη των οιστρογονικών υποδοχέων (ER) και ιδίως του υποδοχέα βήτα, η άποψη πως τα μελανώματα εκφράζουν χαμηλές συγκεντρώσεις ER αναθεωρήθηκε. Ο σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν να διερευνήσει το βαθμό έκφρασης των ER στο πρωτοπαθές μελάνωμα αλλά και στο λεμφαδένα φρουρό αυτού που παριστά ένα σημαντικό σταθμό στη μεταστατική διαδικασία και να εκτιμήσει πιθανή συσχέτιση με την πρόγνωση και τη συνολική επιβίωση. Πραγματοποιήθηκε ανάλυση δεδομένων 60 ασθενών, μέσης ηλικίας 54,4 ± 14,5 ετών, με διάγνωση μελανώματος κατά την περίοδο 2001-2012. Όλοι οι ασθενείς υποβλήθηκαν σε βιοψία λεμφαδένα φρουρού, μετά την αναγνώρισή του με ραδιοϊσοτοπική λεμφαγγειογραφία. Εάν η ιστοπαθολογική εξέταση αναδείκνυε διήθηση του λεμφαδένα από το νεόπλασμα, διενεργείτο συμπληρωματικός λεμφαδενικός καθαρισμός, σε δεύτερο χρόνο. Με ανοσοϊστοχημική μέθοδο εκτιμήθηκε η έκφραση των οιστρογονικών υποδοχέων (ERα και ERβ) σε όλες τις δυνατές περιπτώσεις. Η έκφραση του ERα ήταν εξαιρετικά ασθενής, αναδεικνύοντας τον ERβ σαν τον επικρατούντα οιστρογονικό υποδοχέα, τόσο στον πρωτοπαθή όγκο, όσο και στο λεμφαδένα φρουρό. H εντονότερη ανοσοέκφραση του ERβ καταδείχθηκε σε λεπτά, λιγότερο διηθητικά μελανώματα με αρνητικούς λεμφαδένες φρουρούς. Επιπρόσθετα, η έκφραση του ERβ στον πρωτοπαθή όγκο σχετιζόταν σαφώς με το κυτταρικό μικροπεριβάλλον του, πιθανά επηρεάζοντας τη λεμφογενή διασπορά. Τα επίπεδα έκφρασης του ERβ είναι ελαττωμένα σταθερά σε επιθετικά μελανώματα, μεγάλου πάχους με μεταστατική νόσο στο λεμφαδένα φρουρό. Η αξιολόγησή τους υποδεικνύει έναν πιθανό δείκτη του μεταστατικού δυναμικού των μελανωμάτων και κατ’ επέκταση της πρόγνωσης της νόσου. / Steroid hormones seem to affect the biological behavior of melanoma. Prior to the discovery of estrogen receptor beta (ERb), melanomas were considered to contain low estrogen receptor concentrations. Furthermore, no studies have examined the role of estrogen receptor expression in sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) of melanomas. The purpose of this study was to investigate the immunoexpression of estrogen receptors in malignant melanomas and SLNs and to examine any possible association with prognosis and overall survival. A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data was conducted during a 12-year period (2001-2012). Sixty patients with mean age of 54.4 ± 14.5 years old diagnosed with melanomas after excision biopsy of pre-existing melanocytic lesions, were included in the study. All patients underwent wide excision of the primary tumor and SLN identification. Therapeutic lymph node dissection was conducted in cases where the final pathological report was indicative of SLN tumor invasion. Determination of estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) and beta (ERb) status by immunohistochemistry on tumor and nodal paraffin blocks was performed in all feasible cases. ERb but not ERa was the predominant estrogen receptor found in all primary tumors and SLNs examined. The most intense ERb immunostaining was seen in negative SLNs associated with thinner, less invading melanomas. ERb expression in the primary tumor seems to correlate with the cellular microenvironment, possibly altering the process of SLN invasion. ERb expression is down-regulated in aggressive melanomas with sentinel nodal disease, suggesting its possible usefulness as a surrogate marker for metastatic potential and prognosis in malignant melanoma.
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Imunoexpressão da E-caderina, Beta-catenina e TP53 em câncer gástrico familial / Imunoexpression of E-cadherin, Beta-catenin and TP53 in familial gastric cancerPaula Balthazar Bambino 03 June 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Agregação familial é observada em cerca de 10% dos casos de câncer e 1 a 3% é hereditário. O tipo difuso pode estar relacionado à agregação familial e a alterações genéticas no gene CDH1, que codifica a proteína E-caderina. Alterações na imunoexpressão de Beta-catenina e p53 também são observadas. Objetivos: Analisar a imunoexpressão da E-caderina, Beta-catenina e TP53 em adenocarcinomas gástricos de pacientes com câncer gástrico familial e comparar com os dados clinicopatológicos, além dos achados das alterações genéticas destes pacientes, estudadas previamente nesta Instituição. Casuística e Métodos: Vinte e seis casos de adenocarcinoma gástrico em blocos de parafina de pacientes do HC-FMUSP foram submetidos ao estudo imunoistoquímico para detecção e análise do padrão de imunoexpressão da E-caderina, Beta-catenina e TP53 através do método da streptavidina-biotina-peroxidase. A análise da imunoexpressão dos marcadores foi classificada segundo escala de intensidade e distribuição e os testes estatísticos utilizados foram o Teste t de Student e Exato de Fisher. Resultados: A localização predominante do tumor foi no antro (61,5%). 11 (42,3%) casos alterados para a imunoexpressão da E-caderina, sendo todos do tipo difuso; 15 (57,7%) casos normais, sendo 9 do tipo difuso e 6 do tipo intestinal (p=0,02). Em estudo prévio realizado nesta instituição, uma mutação missense no exon 12 do gene CDH1, códon 617, nucleotídeo 1849 G>A foi encontrada no mesmo caso em que foi observada ausência de imunorreatividade da E-caderina. 11 (42,3%) casos alterados para a imunoexpressão de Beta-catenina e 46,2% de imunorreatividade nuclear positiva para TP53. Conclusões: 1) O tipo difuso de Laurén está associado à alteração da imunoexpressão da E-caderina no Câncer Gástrico Familial; 2) Não houve associação entre a imunoexpressão da E-caderina, idade, gênero e localização do tumor; tampouco houve associação entre a imunoexpressão da Beta-catenina e os dados clínico-patológicos; houve associação inversa entre a imunoexpressão da E-caderina e TP53; 3) Nos casos em que foram detectadas alterações na imunoexpressão, parece haver duas rotas distintas de carcinogênese envolvidas no CGF. / Introduction: Familial clustering is observed in about 10% of the gastric cancer cases and 1-3% is hereditary. Diffuse type gastric cancer is related to genetic alterations in CDH1 gene, which translates the E-cadherin protein. The abnormal expression of E-cadherin is characterized by low expression of cytoplasmatic staining, or loss of membranous immunoreactivity. Aim: to analyze the immunoexpression of E-cadherin, Beta-catenin and TP53 in gastric adenocarcinomas in patients with Familial Gastric Cancer and compare with clinical-pathologic data, including the genetic alterations of these patients, found previously on this institution. Methods: 26 cases of paraffin-embedded gastric adenocarcinoma tissue of patients of Hospital das Clinicas - School of Medicine of University of Sao Paulo underwent immunostaining to detect the presence and to analyze the pattern of immunoexpression of E-cadherin, Beta-catenin and TP53 using Streptavidine-Biotine-Peroxidade technique. The immunoexpression evaluation was performed utilizing a semiquantitative scale for intensity and distribution. The statistical analysis was done through Students t test and Fishers Exact test. Results: E-cadherin immunoexpression was negative in 11 cases (42.3%), and all of them were diffuse type of Laurén. 15 cases (57.7%) were positive for E-cadherin, from which 9 were of the diffuse type and 6 of intestinal type (p=0.02). In previous study performed on this institution, one missense mutation in exon 12 of CDH1 gene, codon 617, nucleotide 1849 G>A was found on the same case that absence of E-cadherin immunostaining was observed. 61.5% of the tumors were located in the antrum. Beta-catenin immunoexpression was altered in 43.2% and TP53 nuclear immunoreactivity was positive in 46.2% of the tumors. TP53 was solely detected in 12 (46.2%) of the tumors, while E-cadherin was altered in 10/26 (38.5%) negative TP53 tumors, p=0.01. Conclusions: 1) Diffuse type of Laurén is associated to E-cadherin immunoexpression alteration in Familial Gastric Cancer; 2) There was no association between E-cadherin immunoexpression and age, gender or tumor location, as well as there was no association between Beta-catenin and the clinical-pathologic data; there was an inverse association between immunoexpression of TP53 and E-cadherin; 3) There may be two distinct carcinogenesis pathways on familial gastric cancer cases that imunoexpression alterations were detected.
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Engineering An Injectable Hydrogel With Self-Assembling 3D VasculatureCohn, Kendyl 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This research developed methods for culturing self-assembling capillaries in an injectable gel as a potential method for vascularizing tissue-on-a-chip models to mimic physiological drug delivery. Additionally, a mathematical model was developed as a tool for understanding nutrient delivery and comparison of potential delivery systems. Organs-on-a-chip provide novel platforms for studying biology and physiology in 3D, allow exploration of tissue engineering on a manageable scale, and serve as models for drug screening and drug-delivery testing.
Methods were first developed for co-culture of endothelial cells and fibroblasts (3T3s or HDFs) in 2D, evaluating culture time, seeding density and ratio of HUVECs and fibroblasts, and immunostaining with a HUVEC-specific marker. Cells formed large sheets with no signs of vessel formation in 2D; therefore, the setup was translated to 3D culture to further induce stress and release of angiogenetic factors, using fibrin gel to suspend cells in 3D. After 9 days of culture, HUVECs had extensive network formation with a high degree of complexity in the experimental cell ratios (especially with 5:1 HUVECs:HDFs). Therefore, these parameters can be used as a starting point for further development of vascularized tissue constructs. A mathematical model was also successfully developed to assess the impact of cell concentration, consumption, and mode of nutrient delivery on 3D cellular constructs which can be used to predict the spatial distribution of glucose over time. Although the model shows flow introduced through a device is sufficient to maintain nutrient levels for cell growth, developing perfusable capillaries is still a critical part of creating physiologically representative tissues.
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