Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1mpact."" "subject:"compact.""
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On the role of aeration, elasticity and wave-structure interaction on hydrodynamic impact loadingMai, Trí Cao January 2017 (has links)
Local and global loadings, which may cause the local damage and/or global failure and collapse of offshore structures and ships, are experimentally investigated in this study. The big research question is how the aeration of water and the elasticity of the structural section affect loading during severe environmental conditions. A further question is how the scattered waves from ships and offshore structures, the mooring line force and the structural response, which are known to affect local load and contribute to global load, will be affected by wave-structure interaction of a ship or offshore structure under non-breaking wave conditions. Three different experiments were undertaken in this study to try to answer these questions: (i) slamming impacts of a square flat rigid/elastic plate, which represents a plate section of the bottom or bow of ship structure, onto pure and aerated water surface with zero degree deadrise angle; (ii) wave impacts on a truncated vertical rigid/elastic wall in pure and aerated water, where the wall represents a plate section of a hull; and (iii) wave-structure interactions of different FPSO-shaped models, where the models were fixed or taut moored. The experiments were carried out at Plymouth University’s COAST Laboratory. Spatial impact pressure distributions on the square plate have been characterised under different impact velocities. It was found that the impact pressures and force in pure water were proportional to the square of impact velocity. There was a significant reduction in both the maximum impact pressure and force for slamming in aerated water compared to that in pure water. An exponential relationship of the maximum force and the void fraction is proposed and its coefficients are found from drop test in this study. There was also a significant reduction in the first phase of the pressure and force impulse for slamming into aerated water compared with pure water. On the truncated wall, aeration also significantly reduced peak wave loads (both pressure and force) but impulses were not reduced by very much. For the case considered here, elasticity of the impact plate has a significant effect on the impact loads, though only at high impact velocities; here the impact loads were considerably reduced with increasing elasticity. Wave loading on the truncated wall was found to reduce with increasing elasticity of the wall for all investigated breaking wave types: high aeration, flip-through and slightly breaking wave impacts. In particular, impact pressure decreases with increasing elasticity of the wall under flip-through wave impact. As elasticity increases, the impulse of the first positive phase of pressure and force decreases significantly. This significant effect of hydroelasticity is also found for the total force impulse on the vertical wall under wave impacts. Scattered waves were generated from the interaction of focused wave groups with an FPSO model. The results show that close to the bow of the FPSO model, the highest amplitude scattered waves are observed with the most compact model, and the third- and fourth-harmonics are significantly larger than the incident bound harmonic components. At the locations close to the stern, the linear harmonic was found to increase as the model length was decreased, although the nonlinear harmonics were similar for all three tested lengths, and the second- and third-harmonics were strongest with the medium length model. The nonlinear scattered waves increased with increasing wave steepness and a second pulse was evident in the higher-order scattered wave fields for the fixed and free floating models. In addition, the higher harmonics of the mooring line force, and the heave and pitch motions all increased with increasing wave steepness. Incident wave angles of 0 (head-on), 10 and 20 degrees were experimentally investigated in this study. As the incident wave angle between the waves and the long axis of the vessel was increased from 0 to 20 degrees, the third- and fourth-harmonic scattered waves reduced on the upstream side. These third- and fourth-harmonic diffracted waves are important in assessing wave run-up and loading for offshore structure design and ringing-type structural response in fixed and taut moored structures. The second-, third- and fourth-harmonics of the mooring line force, and the heave and pitch motions decreased as the incident wave angle increased from 0 to 20 degrees.
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Abordagem analítica e caracterização de contato entre superfícies / Analysis and characterization of the contact between surfacesBruel, Paulo Eduardo Nunes 17 August 2006 (has links)
Pode-se definir o tato através da capacidade de um corpo sentir o contato, localizá-lo, reconhecer a forma e a rugosidade da superfície impactante. Normalmente, não se encontram estruturas analíticas adequadas para descrever o fenômeno. Neste trabalho, pretende-se determinar a localização dos pontos de contato entre dois corpos através da análise dos sinais resultantes das vibrações causadas pelo contato, além de estimar a geometria da superfície do objeto impactante. A descrição qualitativa do impacto é obtida através da análise de uma série de funções matemáticas que geram uma base ortogonal adequada para este tipo de evento. Assim, o contato não é considerado através de uma modelagem física tradicional, mas pela descrição das ondas geradas pelas tensões e deformações superficiais, incorporando a interação de múltiplos pontos vinculados e procedimentos de contagem estatística. Com a metodologia para estudo de impacto experimental, é efetuada a construção qualitativa do espectro de deslocamento de uma placa simplesmente apoiada sujeita à aplicação de esforços distribuídos. / The tact may be defined as the capacity of a body to locate the contact on its surface, to recognize shape of the contacting surface as well as the superficial rugosity. Usually analytical models are not able to describe the phenomenon properly. This work, proposes an approach for the contact form location between two bodies using the resultant signals analysis of the vibrations caused for the contact. In this way it is determined the target surface geometry. The qualitative description of the impact is obtained through the analysis of mathematical series that generate orthogonal basis for this sort of event. Thus, the contact is not considered through a traditional physical modeling, but by the description of the waves generated for the superficial stress and strain, incorporating the interaction of multiple entailed points and procedures of counting statistics. With a methodology for study of theoretical impact, the quantitative construction of the specter of displacement of a subject plate to the application of distributed strains is effected.
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O impacto do transtorno afetivo bipolar na família / The impact of bipolar disorder in the family.Souza, Adriana Straioto de 19 December 2008 (has links)
O Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB) é um transtorno mental crônico e recorrente. Está situado entre as principais doenças que causam incapacitação e morbidade em todo mundo. A substituição do modelo de atendimento ao doente mental centrado no hospital, por uma rede de serviços prestados na comunidade, tem como conseqüência o aumento do número de pacientes vivendo em família. Estas famílias são solicitadas a oferecer apoio emocional, tolerar estigma, lidar com perdas financeiras e laboral, interrupções na rotina do lar, entre outras. Tais implicações correspondem à sobrecarga que são as conseqüências que o familiar enfrenta ao conviver com pessoa portadora de transtorno mental. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e descrever a sobrecarga do TAB nas famílias que convivem com algum portador deste transtorno. Foram entrevistados 15 familiares, sendo três filhos, quatro irmãs, duas cunhadas, uma ex- cunhada, três cônjuges, uma tia e uma mãe. Foram utilizados para a coleta de dados um questionário com informações sobre dados clínicos do paciente com TAB, Critério Padrão de Classificação Econômica Brasil 2008 e roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturado adaptado por Koga (1997) que engloba a sobrecarga familiar. As respostas foram analisadas utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo de Bardin. O impacto do TAB sobre a família foi descrito nos seguintes aspectos: trabalho, gastos, lazer, relacionamento interpessoal, futuro, recursos e adoecimento do familiar como expressão de sobrecarga. Observou-se que a família se sente mais sobrecarregada nos períodos de crise da doença. Nos períodos estáveis somente os aspectos trabalho e relacionamento interpessoal permanecem como ponto de preocupação e sofrimento familiar. O fato de não se conhecer as causas e tampouco a cura, faz com que apareçam insegurança e temor quanto ao futuro. Este estudo contribuiu para compreender que TAB também sobrecarrega a família que necessita e solicita apoio dos profissionais de saúde para obter melhora na qualidade de vida. A principal limitação do presente estudo é o número pequeno de familiares entrevistados e o fato de todos terem sido recrutados em um único serviço de saúde. Pesquisas semelhantes deverão ser realizadas a fim de verificar se outras famílias manifestam sobrecarga semelhante as apresentadas pelos familiares deste estudo. / The bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic and recurring mental disorder. Nowadays, it is one of most important disease that is responsible for incapacity and morbidity worldwide. The replacement treatment model of mental illness that was focus at hospital for services accessible to community is responsible for increase of number of patients living in family contexts. These families are responsible to offer emotional support, sometimes tolerate stigma, deal with financial and work loses, disruption at home routine and other ones. These implications are the result of relationship with a person with mental illness. The aim of this study was to identify and describe the burden of bipolar disorder in the family that lives with a person that has this disorder. Questioners were applied for fifteen relatives: tree children, four sisters, tree sistersin- law, tree spouse, 1 aunt and 1 mother. The data were collected using questionnaires with information about clinic data of BD patients, Standard Economic Classification Brazil 2008 and semi structured interview adapted by Koga. The results were analyzed by Bardins content technique. The impact in the family resulting of the relationship with BD patients was described following these aspects: work, costs with daily life, leisure, interpersonal relationship, future, resource and falling ill like expression of burden. As a result BD patients family reported that they were burdensome in the severe periods of disease. In the stable periods, only work and interpersonal aspects are continuous factors of worry and familiar suffer. Ignore the causes and the cure emerge insecurity and fear about the future. This study contributed to comprehension of that BD also burdensome the family of the patients. In addition, this people require support of health professionals to provide quality of life. The limits of this study were the short number of relatives submitted to questioners and they were come from the one source. More studies will be necessary to analyze other families and the pattern of BD illness burdensome.
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Analyse économique des révolutions : Cas de la révolution Tunisienne / Economic analysis of the Revolution : Tunisian Revolution caseBouallegue, Olfa 23 November 2017 (has links)
En 2011, des mouvements sociaux et révolutionnaires d’une ampleur rare ont agité certains pays du nord de l’Afrique. Cela correspond à ce qu’on a appelé le printemps arabe.Le premier de ces pays touchés par ces mouvements est la Tunisie. Cette thèse porte sur la révolution tunisienne. Elle propose une analyse théorique et empirique de cette révolution.D’un point de vue théorique, ce travail se situe dans le cadre de l’analyse économique. Nous nous situons donc dans le prolongement de la littérature économique qui, à partir des années 1970, s’est intéressée aux mouvements sociaux et plus précisément les révolutions. La théorie économique a offert un autre cadre permettant d’analyser la manière dont l’action d’un petit groupe d’individus peut provoquer des bouleversements de grande envergure. L’un des objets de cette thèse est alors de proposer une synthèse de cette littérature. Nous soulignons que cette thèse revient sur les définitions de la révolution et propose une présentation qui essaye d’être exhaustive des analyses économiques des révolutions. Quatre types de modèles sont définis : la méthode décisionnelle, la théorie des jeux, la méthode d'analyse Tobit et le modèle seuil de mobilisation. Ces modèles ont parvenu à expliquer l’émergence d’un mouvement révolutionnaire mais ne prennent pas en compte la particularité de chaque pays, nous insistons en particulier sur ce point. Il n’en est pas moins vrai que, la littérature théorique sur les révolutions a précisé ce caractère unique pour chaque révolution. Autour de cette spécificité, l’idée centrale de cette thèse a été construite : quelles sont les causes de la révolution tunisienne ? En outre, la contribution principale de cette thèse est d’ordre empirique. Bien que de nombreuses recherches aient analysé de différentes manières les causes des révolutions (Données de panel, modèles économétriques), la méthode d’analyse en composantes principales (ACP) est, à notre connaissance, la première contribution dans l’analyse des révolutions et surtout la première étude de ce type appliquée à la Tunisie. Cette méthode a pu détecter trois ramifications caractérisant le 14 janvier 2011. Trois révolutions d’ordre sociologique et sociétal semblent particulièrement importantes : une révolution démographique, une révolution de l’alphabétisation et une révolution des attentes. Premièrement, la transition démographique et ses implications économiques et sociales. Deuxièmement, les inégalités et l’élargissement de la fracture sociale entre les régions. Troisièmement, la mauvaise gestion du pays suite à l’emprise de l’économie sous Ben Ali et ses conséquences catastrophique sur l’investissement et la création d’emplois. / Revolution, which embodies major turns in the course of history, has for a long time been a social study subject. With the coming of the school of public choice in the 1960's, a new economic current helped to undestand revolution. Many economists such as: James M. Buchanan (1962), Gordon Tullock (1971-1974) and John E. Romer (1985) have applied economic theory to social and political science using tools developed by microeconomy. The goal of my research paper is to highlight the contribution of economic theory in the understanding of revolution. I have first drawn a line between two approaches that have studied revolution: The sociological approach which mainly explains why do people revolt when they are faced with structural imbalances. The economic approach which uses the theory of rational choice to demonstrate how people choose to be passive when they are confronted with a revolution.
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5th skill in English language learning and teaching : a Pakistani perspectiveMirza, Nosheen Asghar January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation explores the beliefs of students on the relevance (if at all) of addressing the Fifth skill, culture, in English education in a Pakistani context, with sub question that aims to answer what definitions of the Fifth skill (Tomalin, 2008) could be appropriate to English education in a Pakistani context? So far the research done on English language teaching in Pakistan and anything related to it is based on teachers’ beliefs alone, therefore it was important for me as an English Language teacher to find out what the students attitudes were towards the integration of 5th skill in the classroom. However, I did not limit the research to students’ beliefs alone; my research also includes the perception of the teachers. This is not only to give validity to the research, but also to realize any differences regarding the teachers’ beliefs on the issue in previous researches. To explore the role of 5th skill in teaching English languages in a Pakistani classroom, at the secondary level, this dissertation collected the responses elicited from both the students and the teacher through a semi-structured questionnaire and focus group discussion, and a thematic analysis was carried out. The results of this study highlight a number of issues regarding cultural acceptance, language acceptance and integrating of 5th skill in language teaching. Certain interesting contradictions regarding English culture(s) and English language and their status in Pakistani society also emerged. The findings suggest that students regarded the 5th skill as an essential source for better understanding the concepts and their functional use of English language, as it presents them with real life situations. However, where the 5th skill was seen as an important tool to enhance language competence, the students also supported that both the students’ culture as well as the culture associated with English Language be incorporated in the language class. The students saw integrating 5th skill in a language class as a means to express their ideas, values and experiences, and an opportunity to make others understand them and their point of view, and not restrict the use of Fifth skill to a one way cultural awareness stream only. The dissertation also questioned the current status of English as a second language as perceived by the students and its implications on the future of English Language teaching in Pakistan.
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The economics of happiness : linkages between microfinance, happiness, and wellbeing in rural ThailandBunsit, Thanawit January 2016 (has links)
The idea of microfinance has burst into the area of global poverty reduction. Many comments have been made about its benefits such as; it is an alternative tool for poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Many studies have attempted to assess different facets of the impact of microfinance, especially trying to show its potential for greater financial inclusion and economic benefits using advanced rigorous quantitative approaches. Although some studies have evaluated this topic in the past there remains some significant gaps in the literature, including the impact of microfinance on other dimensions such as the social impact, education or environmental impact, the impact on happiness and subjective wellbeing of its clients has been hardly examined. This study aims to fill this gap by using rigorous quantitative methods with a rich qualitative dataset to assess the impact of microfinance on both economic and non-economic aspects, especially the happiness and psychological dimension. I Use primary data from a household survey and an ethnographic approach combining quantitative methods such as matching estimators, propensity score matching with nonparametric regression. The mixed methods were employed in order to evaluate the impact of the microfinance schemes on the improvement of borrowers’ wellbeing, household condition and local economic and environmental development. The most notable findings were that the borrowers from the savings group using group lending schemes utilised the loan for mainly entrepreneurial purposes and household spending, performed better than other groups of borrowers. This could be seen from the increase in household income and a high repayment rate. In addition, by observing the social impacts, it indicated that the group lending together with the ecotourism project generated and strengthened the social ties in the community. The group members also produced high positive psychological indicators compared to the non-member households. Easterlin’s paradox was revisited and found that not only was it income that affected happiness and wellbeing, but other factors seemed to have an influence on self-reported happiness. Those factors included health or health condition of family members which significantly influenced self-reported happiness in all models. Considering the impact of microfinance on happiness and wellbeing, it was found that clients of the group lending scheme can repay better and led to a higher level of self-reported happiness and subjective wellbeing. The ability to repay also affected a low level of stress or negative moods.
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Structural health monitoring systems for impacted isotropic and anisotropic structuresCiampa, Francesco January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates the development of ultrasonic Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems, based on guided waves propagation, for the localization of low-velocity impacts and the detection of damage mechanisms in isotropic and anisotropic structures. For the identi- cation of the impact point, two main passive techniques were developed, an algorithm-based and an imaging-based method. The former approach is based on the dierences of the stress waves measured by a network of piezoelectric transducers surface bonded on plate-like structures. In particular, four piezoelectric sensors were used to measure the antisymmetrical A0 Lamb mode in isotropic materials, whilst six acoustic emission sensors were employed to record the wave packets in composite laminates. A joint time-frequency analysis based on the magnitude of the Continuous Wavelet Transform was used to determine the time of arrivals of the wave packets. Then, a combination of unconstrained optimization technique associated to a local Newton's iterative method was employed to solve a system of non linear equations, in order to assess the impact location coordinates and the wave group speeds. The main advantages of the proposed algorithms are that they do not require an a-priori estimation of the group velocity and the mechanical properties of the isotropic and anisotropic structures. Moreover, these algorithms proved to be very robust since they were able to converge from almost any guess point and required little computational time. In addition, this research provided a comparison between the theoretical and experimental results, showing that the impact source location and the wave velocity were predicted with reasonable accuracy. The passive imaging-based method was developed to detect in realtime the impact source in reverberant complex composite structures using only one passive sensor. This technique is based on the re- ciprocal time reversal approach, applied to a number of waveforms stored in a database containing the impulse responses of the structure. The proposed method allows achieving the optimal focalization of the acoustic emission source (impact event) as it overcomes the limitations of other ultrasonic impact localization techniques. Compared to a simple time reversal process, the robustness of this approach is experimentally demonstrated on a stiened composite plate. This thesis also extended active ultrasonic guided wave methods to the specic case of dissipative structures showing non-classical nonlinear behaviour. Indeed, an imaging method of the nonlinear signature due to impact damage in a reverberant complex anisotropic medium was developed. A novel technique called phase symmetry analysis, together with frequency modulated excitation signals, was used to characterize the third order nonlinearity of the structure by exploiting its invariant properties with the phase angle of the input waveforms. Then, a \virtual" reciprocal time reversal imaging process was employed to focus the elastic waves on the defect, by taking advantage of multiple linear scattering. Finally, the main characteristics of this technique were experimentally validated.
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Non-smooth dynamical systems and applicationsMora, Karin January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to illuminate some of the non-smooth phenomena found in piecewise-smooth continuous and discrete dynamical systems, which do not occur in smooth systems. We will explain how such non-smooth phenomena arise in applications which experience impact, such as impact oscillators, and a type of rotating machine, called magnetic bearing systems. The study of their dynamics and sensitivity to parameter variation gives not just insights into the critical motion found in these applications, but also into the complexity and beauty in their own right. This work comprises two parts. The first part studies a general one-dimensional discontinuous power law map which can arise from impact oscillators with a repelling wall. Parameter variation and the influence of the exponent on the existence and stability of periodic orbits is presented. In the second part we analyse two coupled oscillators that model rotating machines colliding with a circular boundary under friction. The study of the dynamics of rigid bodies impacting with and without friction is approached in two ways. On the one hand existence and stability conditions for non-impacting and impacting invariant sets are derived using local and global methods. On the other hand the analysis of parameter variation reveals new non-smooth bifurcations. Extensive numerical studies confirm these results and reveal further phenomena not attainable otherwise.
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Siting and sizing of embedded generators : a Jamaican network analysisIsaacs, Andrew C. January 2011 (has links)
Increasing costs associated with fossil fuel generation and a recognition and acceptance of the finite nature of this resource, have partially contributed to the growing popularity of alternative energy generation technology. International environmental treaties have also forced many states, primarily developing states, to deliberately review their fuels use. Jamaica having such a challenge requires accurate information regarding the impact of integrating generation from such technologies into its existing network. However, given a lack of resources, little work has been done to gather the relevant data that is required to evaluate the impact of embedded generation. Instead the findings from networks in other jurisdictions that have different operational and technical characteristics have been utilized. Anecdotal information regarding the availability of satisfactory renewable resources and the minimal impact that certain levels of integration will have on the existing network abounds among the engineering community on Jamaica. This research reviews the electricity and energy sectors of Jamaica. It further considers the efforts made by policy makers to fulfil the energy needs through a possible mix of fossil and renewable sources. Focus is then shifted to the analysis of available wind resource data which is then modelled to represent usable wind data for electricity generation. Actual system data is then used to produce an acceptable model of the current transmission network. The operation of the network is then considered on varying generation and loading conditions both with and without the inclusion of renewable sources. A final assessment of the impact of such sources is then made based on the magnitude and location in the network. The study concludes by highlighting the benefits to be derived from this work and reviews the challenges faced while conducting the study. It also recommends ways in which improvements to the system can be realized.
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An Impact Model for the Industrial Cam-follower System: Simulation and ExperimentParadorn, Vasin 28 November 2007 (has links)
"Automatic assembly machines have many cam-driven linkages that provide motion to tooling. Newer machines are typically designed to operate at higher speeds and may need to handle products with small and delicate features that must be assembled precisely every time. In order to design a good tooling mechanism linkage, the dynamic behavior of the components must be considered; this includes both the gross kinematic motion and self-induced vibration motion. Current simulations of cam-follower system dynamics correlate poorly to the actual dynamic behavior because they ignore two events common in these machines: impact and over-travel. A new dynamic model was developed with these events. From this model, an insight into proper design of systems with deliberate impact was developed through computer modeling. To attain more precise representations of these automatic assembly machines, a simplified industrial cam-follower system model was constructed in SolidWorks CAD software. A two-mass, single-degree-of-freedom dynamic model was created in Simulink, a dynamic modeling tool, and validated by comparing to the model results from the cam design program, DYNACAM. After the model was validated, a controlled impact and over-travel mechanism was designed, manufactured, and assembled to a simplified industrial cam-follower system, the Cam Dynamic Test Machine (CDTM). Then, a new three-mass, two-degree-of-freedom dynamic model was created. Once the model was simulated, it was found that the magnitude and the frequency of the vibration, in acceleration comparison, of the dynamic model matched with the experimental results fairly well. The two maximum underestimation errors, which occurred where the two bodies collided, were found to be 119 m/s2 or 45% and 41 m/s2 or 30%. With the exception of these two impacts, the simulated results predicted the output with reasonable accuracy. At the same time, the maximum simulated impact force overestimated the maximum experimental impact force by 2 lbf or 1.3%. By using this three-mass, two-DOF impact model, machine design engineers will be able to simulate and predict the behavior of the assembly machines prior to manufacturing. If the results found through the model are determined to be unsatisfactory, modifications to the design can be made and the simulation rerun until an acceptable design is obtained."
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