Spelling suggestions: "subject:"In then goods"" "subject:"In then foods""
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A criatividade sob a luz da experiência: a busca de uma visão integradora do fenômeno criativo\". / Creativity under the light of experience: the search of an integrating vision of the creative phenomenonSakamoto, Cleusa Kazue 29 September 1999 (has links)
Busca uma visão mais global do fenômeno criativo e para tanto, elege como objeto de estudo a experiência criativa, já que os estudos habituais da criatividade se destinam à apreensão de seus aspectos de manifestação, a saber: a pessoa, o processo, o produto ou as circunstâncias ambientais envolvidas no acontecimento criador. O estudo baseia-se em entrevistas com pessoas de diferentes áreas profissionais, que relatam suas experiências com a criatividade e, utiliza como guia teórico, a teoria do desenvolvimento emocional de D.W.Winnicott, principalmente em virtude desta proposta teórica representar uma abordagem original do fenômeno criativo. Os relatos das entrevistas apresentam muitos dos temas presentes na teoria de Winnicott, como por exemplo, o Potencial Criativo, a Função da Criatividade e o Fator Facilitador da Afetividade. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram três novos elementos de compreensão da criatividade: a presença de um sentimento de apropriação que indica um compromisso com o processo criativo, a existência de uma ordem interna que rege as ações relacionadas à experiência e a existência de um espaço e um tempo próprios à atividade criadora. A partir da reflexão mais profunda dos resultados, o estudo ressalta a importância da relação entre a criatividade e o desenvolvimento das qualidades afetivas dos seres humanos, uma vez que ambos se encontram nas bases da evolução humana. / Search for a global vision of the creative phenomenon and for that selects as object of study the creative experience, once that usually such studies of creativity are addressed to the apprehension of its aspects of manifestation, as follows: the person, the process, the product or the ambient circumstances involved in the creating event. The study is based on interviews with people from different professional areas, reporting their experience with the creativy and, utilises as theoretical guide, the theory of the emotional development by D. W. Winnicott, mainly due to the fact that this theoretical proposal represents a original approach of the creative phenomenon. The reports from the interviews show many of existing themes at Winnicotts theory, such as, the Creative Potential, the Function of Creativity and the Facilitator Factor of the Affectiveness. The surveys result shows three new elements of comprehension of the creativity: the presence of a feeling of appropriation that indicates a compromise with the creative process, the existence of a internal order that guide the actions related to the experience and the existence of a space and a time pertaining to the creating activity. From a deeper refletion of the results, the study distinguishes the importance of the relationship between the creativity and the development of the human beings affective qualities, once that both them are met in the basis of the human evolution.
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Arteterapia com famílias e psicanálise winnicottiana: uma proposta de intervenção em instituição de atendimento à violência familiar / Art therapy with families and Winnicotts psychoanalysis: a proposal of intervention in an institution for cases of family violenceSei, Maíra Bonafé 09 October 2009 (has links)
A Psicanálise Winnicottiana baseia-se na crença de que o viver criativo está ligado à saúde. Winnicott propôs as Consultas Terapêuticas, quando a psicoterapia não era possível e a pessoa poderia ser ajudada com poucos encontros. Criou o Jogo do Rabisco, no qual o contato entre terapeuta e paciente ocorre por meio de desenhos. Entende-se que a soma destas características permite uma articulação desta teoria à prática da Arteterapia, intervenção terapêutica que oferece recursos artísticos para facilitar expressão e comunicação. Objetivou-se com esta investigação, construir uma proposta de intervenção com famílias, em uma prática da Artepsicoterapia pautada na Psicanálise Winnicottiana, para aplicação no contexto institucional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa em Psicologia Clínica, por meio da qual foram atendidas 10 famílias clientes de uma instituição de atenção à violência familiar. O processo psicoterapêutico familiar foi empreendido com a oferta de recursos artísticos disponíveis em uma caixa artística composta por diferentes materiais expressivos e presente nas sessões. Escolheu-se três famílias para aprofundamento da compreensão do processo, com foco na importância dos encontros iniciais na construção do processo terapêutico familiar, no emprego da Arteterapia como facilitadora da comunicação de pensamentos e sentimentos no setting e nos limites e alcances desta forma de terapia. Percebeu-se que as famílias tiveram dificuldades em aderir à intervenção, com interrupções precoces dos atendimentos. Entende-se que este abandono pode ter ocorrido devido à proposta de reflexão sobre as vivências da família, às dores resultantes da violência e pelo questionamento acerca dos papéis que cada pessoa ocupa na família. O uso dos materiais artísticos facilitou e enriqueceu as contribuições das crianças e adolescentes. Complementou também a compreensão dos adultos, com suas escassas, mas reveladoras produções, além de ampliar o entendimento da dinâmica familiar. Apesar das dificuldades encontradas, relacionadas especialmente com o foco na família como o paciente da sessão, na atenção psicológica em instituições para casos de violência familiar, considera-se que observar a família como o paciente é necessário. Por fim, assinalase que a Arteterapia pôde ser uma facilitadora do processo psicoterapêutico das famílias, pois minimiza resistências e amplia o entendimento do grupo, com maiores ganhos proporcionados pela intervenção. / The Winnicotts Psychoanalysis is based on the belief that the creative life is related to health. Winnicott has proposed the Therapeutic Consultations, when the psychotherapy was not possible and the person could be helped with just a few meetings. He has created the Squiggle Game, in which the contact between therapist and patient occurs through drawings. It is understood that the sum of these features allows an articulation of this theory to the practice of Art Therapy, a therapeutic intervention that offers artistic resources to facilitate expression and communication. It was aimed on this research to build a proposal of intervention with families, in a practice of Art Psychotherapy guided by Winnicotts Psychoanalysis, applied to an institutional context. This is a qualitative research in Clinical Psychology, through which 10 families were attended, clients of an institution of attention of family violence cases.. The family psychotherapeutic process was undertaken with the provision of artistic resources available in an \"art box\" consisted of different expressive materials and available in the consultations. It was chose three families to deepen the understanding of the process, focusing on the importance of the initial meetings in the construction of the family therapeutic process, with the use of Art Therapy as a facilitator of communication of thoughts and feelings and on the limits and scope of this form of therapy. It was noticed that families had difficulties to join the intervention, with early discontinuation of care. It is understood that this interruption may have occurred due to the proposal to reflect on family experiences, the pain resulted from the violence and the questions about the roles that each person occupies in the family. The use of artistic materials facilitated and enriched the contributions of children and adolescents. It also supplemented the understanding of adults, with its rare but revealing productions, in addition to improve the understanding of family dynamics. Despite the difficulties encountered, particularly related with the focus on the family as the sessions patient, in psychological care in institutions for family violence cases, it is considered that observing the family as the patient is indeed necessary. Finally, it was noted that the Art Therapy could be a facilitator of the psychotherapeutic process with these families, because it minimizes the resistance and increases the understanding of the group, with higher gains provided by the intervention.
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A hora do beijo: teatro espontâneo com adolescentes numa perspectiva winnicottiana / Time for a kiss: theatre of spontaneity with teenagers adopting a Winnicott´s point of viewCamps, Christiane Isabelle Couve de Murville 05 May 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho, que se insere num conjunto de pesquisas voltadas à busca e fundamentação teórica de enquadres clínicos diferenciados capazes de responder a necessidades emocionais e existenciais geradas pela vida contemporânea, apresenta a narrativa de uma experiência clínica não convencional bem como reflexões que esta suscita, numa interlocução muito próxima com o pensamento de Winnicott. A estrutura do texto busca manter-se fiel, enquanto narrativa e reflexão, ao modo concreto como foi realizado o trabalho, na medida em que consistiu numa sucessão de encontros: com os adolescentes, com a memória do acontecido que foi registrado por escrito pela psicanalista após cada encontro, com os textos finalizados de cada peça, com demais psicanalistas do Ser e Fazer": Laboratório de Saúde Mental e Psicologia Clínica Social e com a obra winnicottiana. Inspirando-se no jogo de rabiscos, o enquadre diferenciado pesquisado caracteriza-se pelo emprego do teatro da espontaneidade como procedimento apresentativo-expressivo" de maneira a estabelecer um campo lúdico capaz de sustentar o acontecer adolescente. Tendo à disposição uma mala contendo objetos variados adequados à confecção de fantasias, é oferecida aos jovens a oportunidade de um brincar que consiste na possibilidade de produção coletiva de dramatizações. No intuito de oferecer ao leitor uma noção do tipo de experiência clínica estudada, são apresentados relatos de nove peças que abordam os temas do casamento e da morte. Pode-se constatar que esses encontros favorecem o estabelecimento de um diálogo lúdico entre os jovens, oferecendo-lhes a oportunidade de expressar alguns dos dramas que os preocupam no momento e de experimentar novas formas de ser e de agir perante as questões levantadas. Uma vez que não se tratou de produzir conhecimento sobre psicologia da adolescência, mas de estudar a fecundidade clínica de um enquadre diferenciado, não há pretensão de trazer conclusões sobre a adolescência ainda que o teatro da espontaneidade tenha permitido vislumbrar os dramas enfrentados pelos jovens. É legítima a conclusão de que se trata de enquadre de trabalho adequado e poderoso, porque, por meio do brincar, permite expressão, surpresa e articulação simbólica de aspectos de self. / This work is part of researches interested in developing different clinic features of work based on theory, and capable to attend emotional and existential necessities created by contemporary life. It presents the narrative of a non-conventional clinic experience, and the reflections that came up during that experience, in a very close interaction with Winnicott´s thoughts. The structure of the text, in what it concerns the narrative and the reflections, tries to follow very closely, the way this work has been accomplished, consisting of a succession of different meetings: with the teenagers, with the memories of what happened during the plays while writing down the experience after each play, with other psychoanalysts from: Ser e Fazer": Laboratory of Mental Health and Social Clinic Psychology, and with Winnicott´s thoughts. Inspired in the squiggle game, this different kind of work that has been developed, is characterized by the use of the Theatre of Spontaneity as a Presentation-Expression" procedure in order to establish a playful atmosphere capable of supporting the teenager happening. Using a suitcase full of several different objects available for the creation of costumes, the teenagers have the opportunity of acting some plays in group. Nine narratives of plays about weddings and death are presented in order to give the reader a better idea of the clinic experience we have been studying. It is possible to observe that these meetings provide the establishment of a playful dialogue among the teenagers, offering them the opportunity for expressing some of the dramas that worry them, and for trying new ways of being and of behaving in front of the situations brought up in the group. Since the focus of this study is not to produce psychological know-how about adolescence, but to study the acceptance of this different clinical feature of work, there arent any intentions of bringing any conclusion about adolescence, even though the theatre of spontaneity has permitted observing some of the dramas those teenagers have been facing. Its correct to conclude that it refers to a very powerful and suitable clinical proposal of work, since, by playing, it permits expression, surprise and symbolic articulation of self-aspects.
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Vínculos e rupturas na adoção: do abrigo para a família adotiva / Breaking and making affectional bonds in adoption: from social care to the adoptive familyMendes, Cynthia Lopes Peiter Carballido 29 February 2008 (has links)
O interesse por este trabalho surgiu de nossa experiência com casos de adoção no Grupo Acesso Estudos, Pesquisa e Intervenção em Adoção, no Instituto Sedes Sapientiae. Lá acompanhamos casos com abruptas retiradas de crianças dos abrigos, para inserção nas famílias adotivas, sem prévia preparação. Esta exposição de crianças a delicadas experiências de abandono psíquico demonstrou a necessidade de estudarmos este tema. Pretendemos abordar a adoção de crianças entre dois a cinco anos, buscando focalizar o momento específico de seu desligamento do abrigo e a entrada na família adotiva. Procuraremos investigar quais as angústias presentes neste momento de rupturas de vínculos significativos e que impõe a necessidade de construção de novos investimentos afetivos. Utilizaremos, para esta pesquisa, o método psicanalítico, através do qual analisaremos relatos transcritos do atendimento psicoterápico de uma criança que nos procurou, buscando ser ajudada na colocação em família adotiva. Os atendimentos tiveram início quando a criança ainda encontrava-se no abrigo e estenderam-se até a chegada na família adotiva. O trabalho baseou-se em referenciais psicanalíticos, sendo também esta a referência teórica para a compreensão da paciente. Procuraremos demonstrar como uma criança adotada pode experimentar significativas descontinuidades, decorrentes de rupturas de seus vínculos anteriores, e que a elaboração psíquica destas perdas deve ser levada em conta no processo de adoção, podendo interferir no estabelecimento das novas relações familiares. Além disso pretendemos investigar a função do setting terapêutico como um espaço possibilitador de transicionalidade, na passagem para a família adotiva. / Our interest on this topic resulted from our experience with adoption cases seen at Grupo Acesso Adoption Studies, Research and Intervention, at the Sedes Sapientiae Institute. This group gives support to children who have been abruptly withdrawn from social care to be inserted into an adoptive family, without being prepared for this change. We believe the exposure of such children to a delicate situation of psychological neglect should be further analyzed. This study analyses the adoption of children with ages ranging from two to five years, focusing particularly on the moment when the child leaves social care to become a member of the adoptive family. We will investigate the type of distress that occurs at this moment where significant bonds will be disrupted and the construction of new emotional investment will be required. Psychoanalytical methodology will be used to analyze the psychotherapeutical follow-up reports of a child who was brought for support during the adoption process. Our work was based on psychoanalytical references which were also used as theoretical background to understand the patient. We intend to demonstrate that an adopted child may experience significant disruption as a result of the discontinuation of previous affectional bonds, and that psychological preparation for this loss should be provided during the adoption process, as it may interfere with the development of new family ties. Furthermore, we investigate the role played by therapeutic support as a setting that enables transicional phenomena on the way to becoming a member of an adoptive family
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Corpo ferido: os caminhos do self a partir de uma ruptura na integridade corporal / Injured body: the paths to the self after a rupture in the corporal integrityGalvan, Gabriela Bruno 10 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho surgiu a partir da experiência como psicóloga do Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Mais especificamente ao longo dos anos trabalhando no Grupo de Prótese e Órteses, com pessoas que sofreram amputação de um ou mais membros. A perda de uma parte do corpo implica alterações significativas na vida de um indivíduo, sendo que as amputações decorrentes de acidentes em geral têm a característica de serem súbitas e imprevisíveis, ocasionando mudanças bruscas para as quais não existe preparo possível. A principal questão que norteou este trabalho diz respeito às conseqüências psíquicas que uma perda física pode ocasionar. Procurou-se compreender de que forma, diante de uma ruptura no corpo, há uma interferência na organização psíquica e na maneira pela qual o indivíduo percebe o mundo e se percebe nele; isso, durante o período de reabilitação. Buscou-se refletir sobre um momento de perda da integridade corporal e seus reflexos na unidade psicossomática, a partir de casos clínicos, tendo como referência a psicanálise winnicottiana. Dessa forma, levou-se em conta o percurso do desenvolvimento emocional segundo a teoria do amadurecimento pessoal de D.W.Winnicott para se refletir acerca da possível relação existente entre o estágio alcançado nas tarefas próprias do desenvolvimento normal pelo indivíduo e as conseqüências em termos da continuidade ou não do processo de amadurecimento após a amputação. Para esta investigação utilizou-se o método clínico e o referencial psicanalítico, sendo que para a análise da questão proposta neste trabalho foram apresentados quatro casos clínicos. A perda de uma parte do corpo ocasionou mudanças em todos os indivíduos que fizeram parte deste estudo. Mudou o corpo, a forma de se locomover, o trabalho, o sustento pessoal e familiar, o contato social. Porém a maneira por meio da qual cada um percebeu, significou e vivenciou essa perda e essas mudanças não foi equivalente nem determinada pela qualidade da perda. Assim, concluímos que as conseqüências psíquicas de uma perda física serão aquelas relativas às condições que cada indivíduo tem de elaborar imaginativamente essa perda e transformá-la em vivência, experiência, história pessoal e interpessoal. A articulação da teoria com a análise e discussão do material clínico permitiu perceber que não é possível caracterizar uma clínica dos amputados. Isso porque o que temos são tantas clínicas quanto nos for possível conhecer os indivíduos amputados em seu processo de amadurecimento pessoal anteriormente à amputação. Ou seja, uma amputação não direciona incondicionalmente o modo de um indivíduo estar no mundo, mas implica alterações significativas em sua existência, o que remete à necessidade de reformulações em sua identidade para incluir essa nova dimensão de experiência. A dificuldade em realizar a elaboração imaginativa dessa perda, pode tornar a amputação um acontecimento não integrado na vida de uma pessoa, com conseqüências prejudiciais à sua saúde e ao seu desenvolvimento. / This work arose from the experience as a psychologist in the Institute of Orthopedist and Traumatology of the Hospital das Clinicas of the faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. More specifically along the years working on the Group of Prothesis and Orthesis, with people that suffered amputation of one or more members. The loss of a part of the body involves significant changes in the life of a person. The amputations originated from accidents in general have a characteristic of being sudden and unpredictable causing abrupt alterations in which no preparation is made possible. The main subject which directed this work concerns the psychic consequences that a physical loss causes. We intend to understand in what way, from a rupture of the body, there is the interference of the psychic organization and in what way the person notices the world and perceives himself in it; this, during the period of rehabilitation. We wanted to reflect about the moment of the loss of the integrity of the body and its reflexes on the psychosomatic unit, from clinical cases, with the theoretical reference of maturing of D. W. Winnicott. In this way, we took into account the course of the emotional development according to the theory of personal maturing to reflect about the possible relation existing between the stages reached on the proper tasks of the normal development of the person and the consequences in terms of continuity or not of the process of maturing after the amputation. For this investigation we used the clinical method and the psychoanalysis reference. For the analysis of the subject proposed in this work we presented four clinical cases. The loss of a part of the body caused changes in all of the persons which were part of this study. Changed the body, the way to move, the job, the personal and family maintenance, the social contact. In the other hand the way through which each one perceives, signifies and lives this loss and these changes was not equivalent nor determined by the quality of the loss. This way, we conclude that the psychic consequences of a physical loss are those related to the conditions that each person has to elaborate imaginatively the loss and transform it in a way of life, experience, personal and interpersonal story. The articulation of the theory with the analysis and discussion of the clinical material permitted to notice that it is not possible to characterize a clinic of the amputated. This because what we have are as many clinics as we are able to know the amputated persons in their process of personal maturing previous to the amputation. Or else, an amputation does not direct unconditionally the way that a person exists in the world, but implies in significant alteration of his existence, what refers to a need of reformulations in his identity to include this new dimension of experience. The difficulty in accomplishing the imaginative elaboration of this loss, can transform the amputation in a non integrated occurence in the life of a person, with bad consequences to his health and to his development.
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Compaixão na contratransferência: cuidado emocional a jovens HIV+(s)Mencarelli, Vera Lúcia 26 April 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo consiste na investigação psicanalítica das configurações assumidas pelo campo contratransferencial que se estabelece no atendimento psicológico, psicanaliticamente orientado, de pacientes soropositivos para o HIV. Quatro adolescentes, soropositivos em decorrência de transmissão vertical, foram psicanaliticamente assistidos por meio de diferentes enquadres clínicos, que incluíram sessões de psicoterapia individual, oficinas psicoterapêuticas e atividades extramuros, segundo a demanda. Esse complexo acontecer clínico deu origem à elaboração de quatro narrativas transferenciais, que foram psicanaliticamente revisitadas, na busca de criação/encontro de campos contratransferenciais. O quadro geral permite afirmar que, para além de ressonâncias contratransferenciais associadas a peculiaridades relativas ao adolescer e às vicissitudes das histórias individuais, é possível detectar a vigência de um campo contratransferencial nitidamente caracterizado pela compaixão. Tal configuração suscita reflexões teórico-clínicas que apontam que tanto as questões ontológicas relativas à precariedade, limitação e finitude, como as decorrentes das condições concretas de vida, tais como o adoecimento, a experiência da dor, o severo tratamento, a orfandade e a exclusão social, devem ser profundamente levadas em conta no cuidado a esses pacientes / This study aims to show the psychoanalytical investigation of the settings assumed by the countertransference field, which is established in psychological sessions, psychoanalytically oriented, in patients infected with HIV. Four teenagers, positives for HIV by vertical transmission, were psychoanalytically assisted by different clinical setting, which included individual psychotherapy sessions, psychotherapeutic workshops and outdoors activities, according to demand. This complex clinical case originates the development of four transference narratives, which were psychoanalytically revisited, in search of the creation/gathering of countertransference fields. The overall clinical picture allows us to state that, beyond the countertransference resonances associated to peculiarities related to adolescence and to the vicissitude of individual stories, is possible to detect the presence of a countertransference field clearly characterized by compassion. This configuration suscitate theoretical-clinical reflections that point out that the ontological issues caused by precariousness, limitation and finitude, as the current real life conditions, such as illness, experience of pain, severe treatment, the orphanhood and the social exclusion, must be thoroughly considered in the care of these patients
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Tropical cyclones within the sedimentary record : analyzing overwash deposition from event to millennial timescalesWoodruff, Jonathan Dalrymple January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2009. / Includes bibliographical references. / Tropical cyclone activity over the last 5000 years is investigated using overwash sediments from coastal lagoons on the islands of Vieques, Puerto Rico and Koshikijima, Japan. A simple sediment transport model can reproduce the landward fining deposits observed at Vieques, and reveals that although the record exhibits centennial-tomillennial changes in hurricane overwash frequency, the magnitude of these flooding events has remained relatively constant. Stochastic simulations of hurricane overwash show that breaks in activity at Vieques are extremely long and unlikely to occur under the current hurricane climatology and the present barrier morphology. Periods of less frequent hurricane deposition at Vieques are contemporaneous with intervals of increased El Nifio occurrences and reduced precipitation in West Africa, suggesting a dominant influence by these two climatic phenomena. Hiatuses in overwash activity between 3600-to-2500 and 1000-500 years ago are longer than what is generated by overwash simulations under a constant El Niflo-like state, indicating that mechanisms in addition to variability in the El Nifio/Southern Oscillation are required to completely produce the overwash variability at Vieques. Periods of low overwash activity at Vieques are concurrent with increased overwash activity at Kamikoshiki and may indicate a correspondence between tropical cyclone activity in the western Northern Atlantic and the western North Pacific. / by Jonathan D. Woodruff. / Ph.D.
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Echolocation-based foraging by harbor porpoises and sperm whales, including effects of noise and acoustic propagationDeRuiter, Stacy L January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2008. / Includes bibliographical references. / In this thesis, I provide quantitative descriptions of toothed whale echolocation and foraging behavior, including assessment of the effects of noise on foraging behavior and the potential influence of ocean acoustic propagation conditions on biosonar detection ranges and whale noise exposure. In addition to presenting some novel basic science findings, the case studies presented in this thesis have implications for future work and for management. In Chapter 2, I describe the application of a modified version of the Dtag to studies of harbor porpoise echolocation behavior. The study results indicate how porpoises vary the rate and level of their echolocation clicks during prey capture events; detail the differences in echolocation behavior between different animals and in response to differences in prey fish; and show that, unlike bats, porpoises continue their echolocation buzz after the moment of prey capture. Chapters 3-4 provide case studies that emphasize the importance of applying realistic models of ocean acoustic propagation in marine mammal studies. These chapters illustrate that, although using geometric spreading approximations to predict communication/target detection ranges or noise exposure levels is appropriate in some cases, it can result in large errors in other cases, particularly in situations where refraction in the water column or multi-path acoustic propagation are significant. Finally, in Chapter 5, I describe two methods for statistical analysis of whale behavior data, the rotation test and a semi-Markov chain model. I apply those methods to test for changes in sperm whale foraging behavior in response to airgun noise exposure. Test results indicate that, despite the low-level exposures experienced by the whales in the study, some (but not all) of them reduced their buzz production rates and altered other foraging behavior parameters in response to the airgun exposure. / by Stacy Lynn DeRuiter. / Ph.D.
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Forward sound propagation around seamounts : application of acoustic models to the Kermit-Roosevelt and Elivs seamountsKim, Hyun Joe January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 271-277). / The Basin Acoustic Seamount Scattering Experiment (BASSEX) of 2004 was conducted to measure forward-scattering around the Kermit-Roosevelt Seamount Complex in the Northeast Pacific. The BASSEX experiment was focused on the bathymetric effects on acoustic propagation, in particular, on direct blockage, horizontal refraction, diffraction, and scattering by the seamounts. A towed hydrophone array, with 64 sensors cut for 250Hz (3m spacing), was used to measure the signals transmitted from the aforementioned broadband sources at many locations around the Kermit-Roosevelt and Elvis seamounts. Utilizing the measured broadband signals from the towed array, the size of the shadow zone was obtained. The measured data in the BASSEX experiment strongly support the understanding of the complicated phenomena of sound propagation around the seamounts. In addition, the experimental data could be used to validate current 2D and 3D theoretical models and develop new models to properly realize the sound propagation with such complicated phenomena. In this thesis, the reconciliation between the measured pulse arrivals from the BASSEX experiment and various two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) theoretical models is carried out to investigate the physical characteristics of the sound propagation around seamounts: First, the 2D Parabolic Equation (PE) model and the 2D ray tracing model are used to reconcile each ray arrival with the BASSEX experiment in terms of arrival time and grazing angle. / (cont.) We construct a sound speed field database based on the sound speed profiles from the BASSEX experiment, World Ocean Atlas (WOA) 2005, and CTD casts using the objective analysis. Second, 3D broadband sound propagation around a conical seamount is investigated numerically using the 3D spectral coupled-mode model (W. Luo, PhD Thesis, MIT, 2007). Since the calculation of 3D broadband pulses with the spectral coupled-mode model requires extensive computation time, a parallel program is developed with a clustered computing system to obtain results in reasonable time. The validation of the 3D spectral coupled-mode model is performed by a series of comparisons between the various 2D and 3D models for a shallow-water waveguide. The Kermit-Roosevelt seamount is modeled by a simple conical seamount for the 3D model. The computed 3D broadband pulses for the modeled conical seamount are compared with those from the BASSEX experiment and the 2D PE simulation. Through this analysis, we examine the limit of the application of the sound propagation models and improve the efficiency of the 3D sound propagation model using parallel computing to obtain a broadband pulse in a reasonable amount of time. / by Hyun Joe Kim. / Ph.D.
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Functional characterization and expression of molluscan detoxification enzymes and transporters involved in dietary allelochemical resistanceWhalen, Kristen Elizabeth January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2008. / Page 362 blank. / Includes bibliographical references. / Understanding how organisms deal with potentially toxic or fitness-reducing allelochemicals is important for understanding patterns of predation and herbivory in the marine environment. The ability of marine consumers to tolerate dietary toxins may involve biochemical resistance mechanisms, which increase the hydrophilicity of compounds and facilitate their active efflux out of sensitive cells and tissues. While several allelochemical-responsive detoxification enzymes have been sequenced and functionally characterized in terrestrial invertebrates feeding on chemically defended host plants, there is virtually no information concerning the role of these biotransformation enzymes that may mediate feeding tolerance in marine invertebrates. The objective of this research was to assess the diversity and dietary regulation of cytochrome P450s (CYP), glutathione S-transferases (GST) and ABC transporters in the generalist marine gastropod Cyphoma gibbosum feeding on a variety of chemically defended gorgonian corals, and to identify those dietary natural products that act as substrates for these proteins. Molecular and proteomic techniques identified both allelochemically-responsive CYPs, and constitutively expressed GSTs and transporters in Cyphoma digestive glands. Inhibition of Cyphoma GST activity by gorgonian extracts and selected allelochemicals (i.e., prostaglandins) indicated that gorgonian diets are likely to contain substrates for molluscan detoxification enzymes. In vitro metabolism studies with recombinant CYPs suggested those Cyphoma enzymes most closely related to vertebrate fatty acid hydroxylating enzymes may contribute to the detoxification ofichthyodeterrent cyclopentenone prostaglandins found in abundance in selected gorgonian species. / (cont.) Finally, the presence and activity of multixenobiotic resistance transporters in Cyphoma and the co-occurring specialist nudibranch, Tritonia hamnerorum, suggests these efflux transporters could function as a first line of defense against dietary intoxication. Together, these results suggest marine consumers that regularly exploit allelochemical-rich prey have evolved both general (GST and ABC transporters) and allelochemical-specific (CYP) detoxification mechanisms to tolerate prey chemical defenses. / by Kristen Elizabeth Whalen. / Ph.D.
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