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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energetické využití komunálního odpadu / Recovery of Energy from Municipal Wastes

Šíma, Kamil January 2010 (has links)
The topic of the diplome thesis is draft of the waste-to-energy plant for municipal waste with cogeneration of heat. Basic specification of project: Waste-to-Energy plant is facilitated by two rotary kilns of type operating in parallel. Further flue gas leaving the post-combustor enters a multicyclone unit to separate substatial portion of fly-ash. Heat of flue gas at the temperature of 1000°C generates superheated steam in a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG). Dry sorption process is appllied for flue gas treatment. Specifically sodium bi-carbonate is used for it. Products of reactions and remnants of dust are separated by a baghouse. Superheated steam, generated by two HRSG, presents the inlet stream of a condensing steam turbine with steam extraction. The diploma thesis contains calculation of major devices and basic economical and financial statement of project.

Moderní metody mokrého čištění spalin / Modern methods of wet cleaning flue-gas

Kubíček, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The main theme of this master’s thesis is to acquaint with flue gas cleaning problems. Also modernization of experimental device called “O-element”, installed in laboratory at Institute of process and environmental engineering, is involved in this master’s thesis. “Oelement is used for cleaning acid elements from flue gas. Further there are results of experimental measuring on this device, and their estimation.

Návrh spalovny odpadu s parní turbinou / Waste heat recovery vith steam turbine

Korytár, Zbyněk January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the design of municipal waste incinerator using the generated steam for power generation and distribution of heat. At the beginning is engaged in development of waste issues and the current state of waste management. The next section describes the options of waste treatment and possible solutions to the current state of waste issues. The concept of waste incineration plants: For waste incineration is used line for burning 100,000 tons of municipal waste per year.Combustion takes place in a grate boiler. Its advantage is the versatility and flexibility to waste. Electricity generation is dealt with condensing turbine with controlled consumption. The flue gas cleaning is designed to semi-wet method. The final stage involves the calculation of the balance, the calculation of electric energyand basic economic evaluation.

Termické zpracování kalů z ČOV / Sewage sludge incineration

Švehlová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with the problem of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants and their subsequent incineration. Main aim is compare some possibilities of the energy use of mechanically dewatered sewage sludge and sewage sludge with previous anaerobic pre-treatment for various levels of drying sludge.

Technical Development of Waste Sector in Sweden: Survey and LifeCycle Environmental Assessment of Emerging Technologies

Uz Zaman, Atiq January 2009 (has links)
Waste can be considered as an urban burden or as a valuable resource depending on how it ismanaged. Different waste treatment technologies are available at present to manage municipal solidwaste (MSW). Various actors are involved to develop waste treatment technology for certain area.The aim of this study is to analyze the driving forces in technical development in waste sector inSweden. The study is also done to identify emerging waste management technology in Sweden.Moreover, a comparative study of existing and emerging technologies is done by Life CycleAssessment (LCA) model. An extensive literature review and pilot questionnaire survey among thewaste management professionals’ is done for the study. LCA model is developed by SimaProsoftware CML2 baseline method is used for identifying environmental burden from the wastetechnologies.Dry composting, Pyrolysis-Gasification (P-G), Plasma-Arc are identified as potential emergingtechnologies for waste management system in Sweden. Technical developments of thesetechnologies are influenced by indigenous people’s behavior, waste characteristics, regulations, healthor environmental impact and global climate change. Comparative LCA model of P-G andIncineration shows that, P-G is a favorable waste treatment technology than Incineration for MSW,especially in acidification, global warming and aquatic eco-toxicity impact categories.

Study of Influence Factors in Municipal Solid Waste Management Decision-making

Li, Kui January 2007 (has links)
Nowadays, municipal solid waste (MSW) has got great attention from world-wide decision makers in the field of waste management. When they are making a MSW management decision, there are lots of factors that may influence their final decision for picking up an optimal alternative. In order to find out the influence factors in municipal solid waste management decision-making, incineration and anaerobic fermentation techniques are selected as example for comparison. Literature study and interview are used for collecting theoretical and practical information respectively. A list of theoretical influence factors is created, which integrates environmental, social and financial aspects of incineration and anaerobic fermentation. This list can help the decision-maker to have a better choice when they are choosing an alternative from MSW management methods. Practical information is achieved by interviewing the City of Stockholm Waste Management Administration. Differences are revealed between theory and the Stockholm case. The priority of each influence factor is discussed in this paper. Base on the decision between theoretical factors and the Stockholm case, the result shows that the theoretical factors are not completely sufficient for the practical use in the city of Stockholm. The list of theoretical influence factors should be extended by integrating more factors and more MSW management alternatives to meet different requirements in practical cases. There is no clear definition on which factor has the highest degree of influence for the decision-maker. The priority of influence factors is depended on the local condition and subjective choice of decision-maker. / www.ima.kth.se

Etude de l'adsorption spécifique des isomères de dioxine sur des matériaux microporeux pour la mesure en ligne à l'émission des sources fixes / Study of specific dioxin adsorption onto microporous materials for online measurement in stationary sources emission

Ben Abda, Maher 02 March 2016 (has links)
Les dioxines/furanes sont des polluants organiques persistants générés principalement par l’activité anthropique et spécifiquement par l’industrie lors des procédés de combustion mettant en jeux des matières organochlorées. Etant donné leur transport à large échelle dans l'environnement et leur impact sur la santé de l’homme, il est nécessaire de contrôler en temps réel, les traces de dioxines à l'émission des sources fixes. Un tel contrôle est plus particulièrement requis lors de l’incinération de déchets hétérogènes non préalablement triés. Deux types de matériaux microporeux ont été sélectionnés pour l'adsorption des dioxines au vu de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques. Il s’agit des zéolithes et les Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF). Deux types de test d’adsorption ont été conduits, d’une part, en laboratoire en phase liquide avec la dioxine dans de l’isooctane comme solvant, et d’autre part, en phase gazeuse lors des campagnes de prélèvement sur un site d'incinération de déchets avec une matrice réelle très complexe. L'adsorption en phase liquide nous a permis de conclure sur l’efficacité des matériaux étudiés pour l’adsorption de trois congénères de dioxine de différentes tailles. Elle a ensuite été caractérisée par des techniques d'analyses spécifiques afin de remonter aux mécanismes d'adsorption. L’efficacité d’adsorption a été testée en phase gaz sur un site d'incinération de déchets ménagers avec les mêmes matériaux testés en phase liquide au laboratoire. Finalement, en se basant sur les résultats d'adsorption en phases liquide et gaz, deux pistes ont été proposées pour la conception d’un dispositif de mesure de dioxines en ligne commercialisable. / Dioxins and furans are persistent organic pollutants generated mainly by human activity and industry during combustion processes using organochlorine substances. Due to their long-range air transport and impact on human health, it is necessary to have on-line dioxin emission monitoring at stationary source. Such a control is tipically required for incineration of no pre-sorted heterogeneous wastes.Two types of microporous materials have been selected for dioxin adsorption due to their physicochemical properties: zeolites and Metal -Organic Frameworks (MOF). Two types of adsorption tests have been established. On the one hand, dioxin adsorption tests in liquid phase in laboratory with isooctane as solvent, and on the other hand, dioxin adsorption tests in dynamic gas phase during sampling campaigns on waste incineration site with a very complex matrix.Liquid phase adsorption allowed us to conclude on the effectiveness of materials studied for dioxin adsorption. Adsorption has been after characterized by specific analysis techniques to trace adsorption mechanisms. Adsorption efficiencies were tested in gas phase on a household waste incinerator with the same materials tested in liquid phase in laboratory. Finally, taking into account liquid and gas phase results, two solutions have been proposed for a future commercialized device for on-line dioxin monitoring.


Elsässer, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
Tato práce o energetickém využití čistírenských kalů obsahuje popis vlastností kalu (hustota, měrná tepelná kapacita a dynamická viskozita). Stěžejní kapitoly jsou věnovány desintegraci kalu pro zvýšení obsahu sušiny po odvodnění a experimentálnímu zkoumání tvorby emisí při spalování kalu, kde byl posuzován vliv přídavku alkálie. Spalování vysušeného kalu proběhlo ve fluidní vrstvě, byla zkoumána produkce škodlivin a distribuce těžkých kovů. Druhá ucelená část práce je věnována termochemické desintegraci stabilizovaného kalu, přičemž byl experimentálně vyhodnocován vliv na obsah vody v odvodněném kalu. Provedené experimenty sloužily k detekci vhodné teploty a dávky chemikálie. Výsledky experimentů byly rovněž podkladem pro ekonomickou bilanci, která je založena na úsporách za likvidaci menšího množství kalu.


MARIA LUISA NERYS DE M CARNEIRO 06 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese tem como objetivo encorajar o desenvolvimento da tecnologia híbrida de lixo-energia e sua aplicação em países com acesso a reservas de gás natural, tal como o Brasil. O método consiste em avaliá-la por meio de uma análise integrada de indicadores de desempenho energético, exergético, econômico e ambiental. A tecnologia inclui dois ciclos integrados: um ciclo superior e um inferior que interagem por meio de uma caldeira de recuperação. O lixo urbano não reciclável, in natura, alimenta o ciclo inferior na caldeira de lixo enquanto o gás natural alimenta o ciclo superior na turbina a gás. O objetivo da modelagem destes sistemas consiste em propor um layout de máxima eficiência aliado a um custo acessível de produção de eletricidade/tratamento do lixo, o que é atingido com um design otimizado. O desempenho termodinâmico mais eficiente é proporcional ao percentual de gás natural, isto é, quanto maior a quantidade de lixo em relação ao gás, menos eficiente é a planta, uma vez que o lixo tem menor poder calorífico. Portanto, o desafio é buscar uma maior eficiência com maior percentual de lixo, aliando também o aspecto custo. De uma forma geral, dois cenários coexistem no mundo atual, o dos países desenvolvidos e o dos países em desenvolvimento. Os primeiros possuem inúmeras aplicações de usinas não híbridas, poucas reservas próprias de gás natural e enfrentam redução na produção de lixo, causando a sub-utilização dos sistemas. Esta tese traz uma análise completa de potenciais alternativas para re-potenciamento de plantas sub-utilizadas, demonstrando o quão pior é o seu desempenho em comparação com o ciclo otimizado. Nos países em desenvolvimento ocorre o inverso: há crescente geração de resíduos, reservas pouco exploradas de gás natural e nenhuma usina lixo-energia. Portanto, existe um grande potencial para implantação de usinas híbridas, as quais, conforme a tese demonstra, são uma alternativa muito mais razoável do que implantar usinas convencionais não híbridas. / [en] This thesis aims to foster the development of hybrid waste-energy technology and its application in countries with access to natural gas reserves, such as Brazil. The method consists of evaluating it through an integrated analysis of energy, exergy, economic and environmental indicators. The investigated system consists of a topping and a bottoming cycle integrated through a heat recovery boiler. Raw non-recyclable urban waste feeds the waste boiler while natural gas feeds a gas turbine. The goal is to propose a cycle with high efficiency able to generate electricity/treat waste within affordable costs, which is achieved with an optimized design. The cycle s performance is proportional to the share of natural gas thermal input, that is, the greater the amount of waste the lower the efficiency (waste has lower calorific value). Therefore, the challenge is to seek greater efficiency with higher percentage of waste, including also the cost aspect. In general, there are two scenarios in the world: developed and developing countries. The former has several non-hybrid plants, few natural gas reserves and face reduced waste production, causing underutilization of the existing systems. This thesis provides a complete analysis of potential alternatives for re-potentiation of underutilized plants, demonstrating how worse their performance is compared to the optimized cycle. On the other hand, developing countries present increasing waste generation, under exploited reserves of natural gas and zero waste-to-energy plants. Therefore, there is a great potential for building hybrid waste-to-energy systems, which this work demonstrates are a much more reasonable alternative than nonhybrid conventional waste-to-energy plants.

Selective recovery of lithium from thermally pretreated Li-ion batteries by the leaching process

Balachandran, Srija January 2020 (has links)
LIBs have become an ideal choice in the EVs batteries and stationary storage applications due to their invaluable advantages. The demand for LIBs is projected to increase due to the growth in the sale of EVs. But an average lifespan of LIBs is expected to be around 8 years, thus resulting in the generation of a huge pile of spent batteries after their end of life. The disposal of spent LIBs has several environmental impacts and also results in the loss of valuable metals as a waste. So, efficient, and sustainable recycling methods should also grow at the same pace as of the EVs industries. Li is one of the vital elements for the modern energy revolution and there is a growing demand for its usage in the battery applications. High demand for Li along with supply risks due to its uneven distribution in different geographical locations will increase the Li price. Also, Li was added to the list of EUs critical materials. Currently, only 1% of Li from the end of life products is being recovered. The hydrometallurgy processes based on acid leaching followed by recovery steps are found to be efficient in the recovery of a considerable amount of Li yet there are many drawbacks. Therefore, a combined method such as a thermal treatment followed by water leaching is found to be a promising route to first selectively separate Li from the other valuable metals. The purpose of this research is to investigate the selective leaching of Li from thermally pretreated waste LIBs (by pyrolysis and incineration processes between 400 – 700 ºC for 30, 60, 90min) with water as a leaching agent at high temperature and low L/S ratio. Al salts were also leached along with Li with an efficiency not higher than 3.5%. The finding showed that the time of thermal pretreatment did not have a significant change in Li leaching efficiency. The effect of the S/L ratio showed that the leaching efficiency of Li was higher with an increase in liquid content, keeping the mass of solid constant. At a higher leaching temperature, the leaching efficiency of Li was higher due to an increase in the solubility of Li salts. The highest Li leaching efficiency of nearly 60% was observed from the sample pyrolyzed at 700 ºC for 60 min with the leaching condition S/L ratio = 1:20 g/mL, 80 ºC, 300 rpm, 3 hrs. Furthermore, the tests such as addition of 10% excess carbon during thermal treatment or use of carbonated water during leaching were carried out to enhance the leaching efficiency of Li. However, the test results did not have a significant increase in the leaching efficiency of Li. / LIB har blivit ett idealiskt val i EV-batterier och stationära lagringsapplikationer på grund av deras ovärderliga fördelar. Efterfrågan på LIB bedöms öka på grund av tillväxten i försäljningen av elbilar. Men en genomsnittlig livslängd på LIB förväntas vara cirka 8 år, vilket resulterar i att en enorm hög med förbrukade batterier genereras efter deras livslängd. Bortskaffande av förbrukade LIB har flera miljöpåverkan och resulterar också i förlust av värdefulla metaller som avfall. Så effektiva och hållbara återvinningsmetoder borde också växa i samma takt som inom elbranschen. Li är ett av de viktigaste elementen för den moderna energirevolutionen och det finns en växande efterfrågan på dess användning i batteritillämpningarna. Hög efterfrågan på Li tillsammans med utbudsrisker på grund av dess ojämna fördelning på olika geografiska platser kommer att öka Li-priset. Li läggs också till i listan över EU: s kritiska material. För närvarande återvinns endast 1% av Li från uttjänta produkter. Hydrometallurgiprocesserna baserade på syraläckning följt av återvinningssteg har visat sig vara effektiva vid utvinningen av en betydande mängd Li men det finns många nackdelar. Därför har en kombinerad metod, såsom en termisk behandling följt av vattenlakning, visat sig vara en lovande väg att först selektivt separera Li från de andra värdefulla metallerna. Syftet med denna forskning är att undersöka den selektiva urlakningen av Li från termiskt förbehandlade avfall LIB (genom pyrolys och förbränningsprocesser mellan 400 - 700 ºC under 30, 60, 90 minuter) med vatten som läckmedel vid hög temperatur och låg L / S förhållande. Al-salter lakades också ut tillsammans med Li med en verkningsgrad som inte var högre än 3,5%. Resultatet visade att tiden för termisk förbehandling inte hade någon signifikant förändring av Li-utlakningseffektiviteten. Effekten av S / L-förhållandet visade att urlakningseffektiviteten för Li var högre med en ökning av vätskeinnehållet, vilket höll massan av fast ämne konstant. Vid en högre urlakningstemperatur var urlakningseffektiviteten för Li högre på grund av en ökning av lösligheten av Li-salter. Den högsta Li-lakningseffektiviteten på nästan 60% observerades från provet pyrolyserat vid 700 ° C under 60 minuter med läckningsförhållandet S / L-förhållande = 1:20 g / ml, 80 ° C, 300 rpm, 3 timmar. Vidare utfördes testerna såsom tillsats av 10% överskott av kol under termisk behandling eller användning av kolsyrat vatten under lakning för att förbättra lakningseffektiviteten för Li. Emellertid hade testresultaten ingen signifikant ökning av utlakningseffektiviteten för Li.

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