Spelling suggestions: "subject:"incision"" "subject:"incisions""
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Méthodologie d'analyse de l'enfoncement du lit mineur d'un fleuve : approche combinée modélisation hydraulique-géochimie. Application à la Loire Forézienne (France)Tombozafy, Mamy Anjara Herisolo 27 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Actuellement, la Loire, voit sa géodynamique de plus en plus détériorée. Le déficit du transport solide provoque un enfoncement du lit mineur sur plusieurs secteurs du bassin Amont. Ceci a pour conséquence une déstabilisation progressive des ouvrages (digues, ponts) et l'érosion ou le colmatage des berges ainsi qu'une baisse du niveau piézométrique des nappes alluviales. Le traitement de ces problèmes passe par une meilleure connaissance des processus d'érosion et d'incision fluviale, le premier laissant place au second une fois que la couche " alluviale " a été totalement emportée, laissant apparaître un affleurement rocheux dans le lit du cours d'eau. Ce phénomène complexe est actuellement constaté en divers endroits de la Loire, dans la plaine du Forez. Nous proposons trois approches pour l'analyser.La première approche est fondée sur la modélisation numérique utilisant les équations de Barré-Saint-Venant, pour l'écoulement, couplées aux équations d'Exner et de Meyer-Peter Müller pour le transport solide. Ce modèle monodimensionnel permet d'obtenir la côte du fond du lit de la rivière et le flux solide au droit de chaque point de calcul.La seconde approche, mécaniste, consiste à déterminer de façon semi-empirique le taux d'incision du substratum marneux à partir de deux variables majeures: la puissance hydraulique totale et le coefficient d'abrasion en un point donné. La puissance hydraulique est calculée à l'aide d'un modèle hydraulique tandis que le nombre d'abrasion est une propriété mécanique de la marne qui est déterminée à partir d'essais en laboratoire. La troisième approche relève de la géochimie. Elle consiste à déterminer les provenances des matériaux contribuant à la recharge latérale des sédiments, à partir de leurs signatures géochimiques. Ceci a fait l'objet d'analyses en laboratoire sur des échantillons prélevés sur l'ensemble du linéaire entre Grangent et Balbigny. Les résultats obtenus montrent que ces approches indépendantes sont complémentaires et permettent une description à la fois qualitative et quantitative de l'enfoncement du lit de la Loire dans le secteur d'étude.
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ENREGISTREMENT STRATIGRAPHIQUE DES PHASES D'EMERSION SUR LES PLATES-FORMES CARBONATEES Une étude intégrée à l'affleurement et en sismique de la plate-forme cénomanienne d'Oman (Formation Natih)Grélaud, Carine 15 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
L'émersion de plates-formes carbonatées est généralement enregistrée dans les séries sédimentaires par des phénomènes de karstification et de pédogenèse. Les structures d'érosion, telles que des incisions qui se développent le long des surfaces d'émersion, ont quant à elles été très rarement observées et étudiées. La reconnaissance de ces incisions et l'analyse de leur remplissage permet une meilleure caractérisation et une meilleure hiérarchisation des limites de séquence de dépôt, notamment dans le cas où les surfaces d'émersion ne présentent pas ou peu d'évidences pétrographiques d'une émersion. Deux surfaces d'incision successives ont été analysées dans la partie supérieure de la première séquence de dépôt de 3ème ordre de la Formation Natih en Oman (Albien supérieur-Turonien inférieur). L'interprétation de données sismiques régionales a permis de déterminer et quantifier des géométries progradantes au sein de cette séquence de plate-forme et de corréler les surfaces d'incision à des prismes de régression forcée sur les bordures d'un bassin intrashelf. Cette analyse sismique régionale a ainsi permis de mettre en évidence dans le détail la complexité de l'architecture des cycles de 3ème et 4ème ordre dans les systèmes de plate-forme carbonatée. A ce canevas stratigraphique complexe se superposent les hétérogénéités associées aux phases d'émersion : incisions, prismes de bas niveau marin. L'analyse sédimentologique et stratigraphique détaillée de trois zones d'affleurement aboutit à une description précise des géométries et des faciès de remplissage des incisions, et leur comparaison en fonction de leur position paléogéographique. La morphologie, l'orientation et l'étendue de ces structures ont été analysées à partir d'une interprétation sismique détaillée et couplée à une modélisation sismique ciblée. Des chenaux de marée se développent à différents niveaux stratigraphiques de la Formation Natih marquant en général des phases d'inondation de la plate-forme interne. L'analyse comparative de ces chenaux et des incisions a permis d'établir les similitudes et les principaux critères de différenciation de ces deux types de structures chenalisées dans les séries de plate-forme carbonatée. L'intégration de données d'affleurement et de données sismiques à différentes échelles (locale et régionale) permet d'interpréter et de discuter l'origine et les facteurs qui contrôlent le développement de ces incisions et de proposer une amélioration du modèle stratigraphique. Les deux générations d'incisions enregistrent des variations rapides du niveau marin avec des amplitudes de 20 à 30 m pendant le Cénomanien inférieur. Il ne s'agit pas ici d'un cas unique, puisque des incisions et des prismes de régression forcée ont également été observés dans des systèmes terrigènes de la partie ouest du Canada et en Inde, ainsi que dans des systèmes carbonatés sur la plaque arabe, dans le même intervalle stratigraphique.
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Palaeosurfaces and palaeovalleys on North Atlantic previously glaciated passive margins : reference forms for conclusions on uplift and erosionBonow, Johan M. January 2004 (has links)
Palaeosurfaces and palaeovalleys are landforms under destruction in the present climate and/or tectonic regime, and thus mainly reflect processes not active today. Uplifted palaeosurfaces exist along the formerly glaciated passive continental margins around the North Atlantic. Large-scale landform development has recently become a matter of interest also for geologists and geophysicists as the result of an increasing awareness that a thorough knowledge of uplift, erosion, deposition and development of landforms along continental margins can only be accomplished by combined studies using independent data from different scientific disciplines. The present study focuses on one of these above data sets; the landform record. Two uplifted areas, southern Norway and central West Greenland, were selected for landform analysis of high resolution digital elevation models, aerial photographs, relation between landforms in basement and cover rocks, offshore seismic lines and X-ray diffraction of clay minerals in saprolites. In southern Norway, analysis of slope angles within the range of pediment slopes was combined with analysis of main valley incision. This resulted in the identification of three main planation surfaces in a stepped sequence formed along the main valleys as a consequence of tectonic uplift events, maybe in the Palaeogene, (in total >1000 m). Two phases of late uplift (~900 m), probably in the Neogene, triggered incision of deep fluvial valleys, later reshaped by glacial erosion (up to 300 m). In central West Greenland palaeosurfaces were analysed in relation to cover rock of different age. An exhumed etch surface, characterized by a typical hilly relief, occurs on Disko and south of Disko Bugt, and are by the presence of cover rocks shown to be sub-Palaeocene in origin. To the north, a post-Eocene erosion surface on Nuussuaq, cuts across basement and basalt and was probably formed close to sea level. Uplift in two phases elevated this surface up to 2000 m above present sea level and broke it in differently tilted tectonic blocks. South of Disko Bugt, a planation surface, of probably the same age as the one on Nuussuaq, cuts the tilted etch surface, and also cuts across different bedrock types. The planation surface rises towards the south and splits in two surfaces, separated in altitude up to 300 m, within two highly elevated areas. The separation into two surfaces indicate two uplift events: A first minor event of a few hundred metres in the uplift centres resulted in incision of the lower planation surface. This event was later followed by a major uplift event amounting to >1000 m. Correlation with the offshore sedimentary record suggests that both uplift events occurred in the Neogene. The erosion pattern calculated from one reconstructed palaeosurface to present topography shows large spatial variations. This is interpreted as an effect of differential bedrock resistance and local variations of glacial erosion (400–1300 m in low areas). The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the usefulness of palaeosurfaces and palaeovalleys as tools for deciphering magnitude of uplift events, establishing relative event chronologies and for calculation of erosion. Moreover integrated studies of palaeolandforms, offshore geology and thermal chronologies, are shown to be invaluable when used to solve the spatial and temporal patterns of uplift, erosion and deposition.
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The pre-emptive analgesic effect of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor SC-236 in rat model of acute postoperative painKu, Pei-Yu 04 August 2011 (has links)
In clinical situations, most of the patients suffer from inflammation and acute postoperative pain after surgery. Postoperative pain has been emphasized as a very crucial issue in improving the quality of medical care in each medical center. Therefore, management of the postoperative pain is an effective approach to reduce the painful unpleasant feeling, complications, and death rate after surgery. Surgical trauma results in the induction of COX-2, leading to the release of prostaglandins, which sensitize peripheral nociceptors and increase the excitability of spinal neurons, producing pain hypersensitivity in the surrounding uninjured tissue.The purpose of this study is to test the preventive effect of COX-2 inhibitor SC-236 for post-operative pain by rat plantar incision model.Then, we explored whether SC-236 is more effective in reducing the hyperalgesia and inflammation response administered before incision than after incision. Furthermore, we used male Sprague-Dawley rats received plantar incision were used in this study, the rats received subcutaneous injection of SC-236 before or after plantar incision. Behavior teste of mechanical allodynia¡Bthermal hyperalgesia and COX-2 expression level was determined at 4 h and 1, 2, and 3 days after surgery. Mechanical allodynia was measured by mechanical withdrawal threshold that was determined by stimulating with von Frey filaments stimulation. Thermal hyperalgesia was measured by thermal withdrawal thermal tested by radioactive thermal assay. Mechanical allodynia¡Bthermal hyperalgesia and COX-2 expression level were measured at various time points by behavior teste¡Breal-time polymerase chain reaction¡Bwestern blot and immunohistochemistry. The data from pre-incisional injection of SC-236 was compared with that from post-incisional injection of SC-236.The results revealed pre-incisional injection of COX-2 inhibitor significantly inhibited thermal hyperalgesia but not mechanical allodynia then post-incisional injection of COX-2 inhibitor group. Skin of pre-incisional injection of SC-236 show significant decreased mRNA expression of COX-2 at 1 day and 2 day after incision evidenced by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Western blot and immunohistochemistry also show significant decreased protein expression of COX-2 at 4 hours and 1 day after incision. Therefore, pre-incisional administration of SC-236 could prevent the surgical wound induced thermal hyperalgesia and decrease mRNA and protein expression level of cutaneous COX-2 at 4 hours and one day after surgical incision compared to post-incisional administration of SC-236 .
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Neural Mechanisms of Temporomandibular Joint and Masticatory Muscle PainLam, David King 19 January 2009 (has links)
The underlying nociceptive mechanisms in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and masticatory muscles in many pain conditions are still unclear, largely due to the limited study of peripheral and central neural mechanisms affecting craniofacial musculoskeletal tissues. This study provided evidence in support of Hypothesis 1: Peripheral glutamatergic and capsaicin-sensitive mechanisms modulate the properties of primary afferents and brainstem neurons processing deep craniofacial nociceptive information. Effects of glutamate and capsaicin injected into the receptive field of deep craniofacial nociceptive afferents or TMJ of TMJ-responsive nociceptive neurons in trigeminal subnucleus caudalis/upper cervical cord (Vc/UCC) were studied in halothane-anesthetized rats. When injected alone, glutamate and capsaicin activated and induced peripheral sensitization in many afferents. Following glutamate injection, capsaicin-evoked activity was greater than that evoked by capsaicin alone, whereas following capsaicin injection, glutamate-evoked responses were similar to those of glutamate alone. When injected alone, glutamate and capsaicin also activated and induced central sensitization in most Vc/UCC neurons. Following glutamate injection, capsaicin evoked greater activity and less sensitization compared with capsaicin alone, whereas following capsaicin, glutamate was less effective in activating and sensitizing most Vc/UCC neurons. This apparent desensitizing effect of capsaicin on glutamate-evoked excitability of Vc/UCC neurons contrasts with the lack of capsaicin-induced modulation of glutamate-evoked afferent excitability, suggesting that peripheral and central sensitization may be differentially involved in the nociceptive effects of glutamate and capsaicin applied to deep craniofacial tissues. Further evidence of glutamate-capsaicin interactions was documented in the attenuation by TMJ pre-injection of glutamate receptor antagonists of jaw muscle activity reflexly evoked by TMJ injection of capsaicin. Moreover, additional findings support Hypothesis 2: Surgical cutaneous incision modulates the properties of brainstem neurons processing deep craniofacial nociceptive information. TMJ-responsive nociceptive Vc/UCC neurons could be activated by surgical incision of the skin overlying the TMJ and this incision-induced afferent barrage caused nociceptive neurons to be temporarily refractory to further capsaicin-induced central sensitization.
These novel findings suggest that peripheral glutamate and capsaicin receptor mechanisms as well as surgical cutaneous incision may be involved in the nociceptive processing of deep craniofacial afferent inputs and may interact to modulate both activation as well as sensitization evoked from these tissues.
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Neural Mechanisms of Temporomandibular Joint and Masticatory Muscle PainLam, David King 19 January 2009 (has links)
The underlying nociceptive mechanisms in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and masticatory muscles in many pain conditions are still unclear, largely due to the limited study of peripheral and central neural mechanisms affecting craniofacial musculoskeletal tissues. This study provided evidence in support of Hypothesis 1: Peripheral glutamatergic and capsaicin-sensitive mechanisms modulate the properties of primary afferents and brainstem neurons processing deep craniofacial nociceptive information. Effects of glutamate and capsaicin injected into the receptive field of deep craniofacial nociceptive afferents or TMJ of TMJ-responsive nociceptive neurons in trigeminal subnucleus caudalis/upper cervical cord (Vc/UCC) were studied in halothane-anesthetized rats. When injected alone, glutamate and capsaicin activated and induced peripheral sensitization in many afferents. Following glutamate injection, capsaicin-evoked activity was greater than that evoked by capsaicin alone, whereas following capsaicin injection, glutamate-evoked responses were similar to those of glutamate alone. When injected alone, glutamate and capsaicin also activated and induced central sensitization in most Vc/UCC neurons. Following glutamate injection, capsaicin evoked greater activity and less sensitization compared with capsaicin alone, whereas following capsaicin, glutamate was less effective in activating and sensitizing most Vc/UCC neurons. This apparent desensitizing effect of capsaicin on glutamate-evoked excitability of Vc/UCC neurons contrasts with the lack of capsaicin-induced modulation of glutamate-evoked afferent excitability, suggesting that peripheral and central sensitization may be differentially involved in the nociceptive effects of glutamate and capsaicin applied to deep craniofacial tissues. Further evidence of glutamate-capsaicin interactions was documented in the attenuation by TMJ pre-injection of glutamate receptor antagonists of jaw muscle activity reflexly evoked by TMJ injection of capsaicin. Moreover, additional findings support Hypothesis 2: Surgical cutaneous incision modulates the properties of brainstem neurons processing deep craniofacial nociceptive information. TMJ-responsive nociceptive Vc/UCC neurons could be activated by surgical incision of the skin overlying the TMJ and this incision-induced afferent barrage caused nociceptive neurons to be temporarily refractory to further capsaicin-induced central sensitization.
These novel findings suggest that peripheral glutamate and capsaicin receptor mechanisms as well as surgical cutaneous incision may be involved in the nociceptive processing of deep craniofacial afferent inputs and may interact to modulate both activation as well as sensitization evoked from these tissues.
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The contribution of large, slow-moving landslides to landscape evolutionMackey, Benjamin Hunter 12 1900 (has links)
xvi, 136 p. : ill. (some col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / This dissertation discusses the contribution of deep-seated landslides and earthflows to the morphology, erosion, and evolution of mountainous landscapes, focusing on the northern California Coast Ranges.
In active landscapes, channel incision is necessary to create relief but also increases stresses in adjacent hillslopes, ultimately leading to slope failure. While conceptually simple, the spatial relationships between channel incision and landsliding have not been well quantified. Along the South Fork Eel River, I mapped the distribution of deep-seated landslides using light detection and ranging (LiDAR) derived maps. Landslide density increases in regions subject to late Pleistocene-Holocene channel incision and particularly in response to lateral incision at the apex of meander bends. Wavelet analysis of channel sinuosity reveals hillslopes are most sensitive to meander wavelengths of 1.5 km.
Argillaceous lithology generates abundant earthflow activity along the main stem Eel River, yet spatial and temporal patterns of earthflow movement are poorly understood. I undertook a detailed study of the Kekawaka Earthflow using LiDAR, meteoric 10 Be in soil, orthorectified historical aerial photographs, and field surveys. Inventories of 10 Be in soil pits increase systematically downslope, indicate an average movement rate of 2.1 ± 1.3 m/a over the past 150 years, and establish a minimum earthflow age of 1700 years. The Kekawaka earthflow has a systematic history of movement, both spatially, with greatest movement in the narrow transport zone, and temporally, as velocities peaked in the 1960's and have slowed since 1981.
I used LiDAR and aerial photographs to map earthflow movement and calculate sediment flux across 226 km 2 of the main stem Eel River. From 1944-2006, 7.3% of the study area was active, and earthflows account for an erosion rate of 0.53 ± 0.04 mm/a, over half the regional average sediment yield. Velocity time series on 17 earthflows suggest temporal earthflow behavior is influenced by decadal-scale changes in precipitation, temperature, and river discharge, although local topographic factors can overwhelm this climatic signal. When active, earthflows erode an order of magnitude faster than surrounding terrain; however, source supply limitations appear to govern long- term earthflow evolution.
This dissertation includes previously published coauthored material. / Committee in charge: Joshua Roering, Chairperson, Geological Sciences;
Ilya Bindeman, Member, Geological Sciences;
Dean Livelybrooks, Member, Physics;
Ray Weldon, Member, Geological Sciences;
W. Andrew Marcus, Outside Member, Geography
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The Roles of Erosion Rate and Rock Strength in the Evolution of Canyons along the Colorado RiverJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: For this dissertation, three separate papers explore the study areas of the western Grand Canyon, the Grand Staircase (as related to Grand Canyon) and Desolation Canyon on the Green River in Utah.
In western Grand Canyon, I use comparative geomorphology between the Grand Canyon and the Grand Wash Cliffs (GWC). We propose the onset of erosion of the GWC is caused by slip on the Grand Wash Fault that formed between 18 and 12 million years ago. Hillslope angle and channel steepness are higher in Grand Canyon than along the Grand Wash Cliffs despite similar rock types, climate and base level fall magnitude. These experimental controls allow inference that the Grand Canyon is younger and eroding at a faster rate than the Grand Wash Cliffs.
The Grand Staircase is the headwaters of some of the streams that flow into Grand Canyon. A space-for-time substitution of erosion rates, supported by landscape simulations, implies that the Grand Canyon is the result of an increase in base level fall rate, with the older, slower base level fall rate preserved in the Grand Staircase. Our data and analyses also support a younger, ~6-million-year estimate of the age of Grand Canyon that is likely related to the integration of the Colorado River from the Colorado Plateau to the Basin and Range. Complicated cliff-band erosion and its effect on cosmogenic erosion rates are also explored, guiding interpretation of isotopic data in landscapes with stratigraphic variation in quartz and rock strength.
Several hypotheses for the erosion of Desolation Canyon are tested and refuted, leaving one plausible conclusion. I infer that the Uinta Basin north of Desolation Canyon is eroding slowly and that its form represents a slow, stable base level fall rate. Downstream of Desolation Canyon, the Colorado River is inferred to have established itself in the exhumed region of Canyonlands and to have incised to near modern depths prior to the integration of the Green River and the production of relief in Desolation Canyon. Analysis of incision and erosion rates in the region suggests integration is relatively recent. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 2016
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Mensuração da sensibilidade corneana e produção lacrimal em cães submetidos à facoemulsificação / Corneal sensitivity and tear production measurement in dogs submitted to phacoemulsificationAna Carolina Almeida de Góes 26 February 2014 (has links)
A facoemulsificação é, atualmente, considerada a técnica de eleição no tratamento da catarata, uma das principais causas de perda de visão, em cães. O procedimento demanda a realização de incisões na córnea para acesso à câmara anterior. Tais incisões, a despeito da extensão reduzida, podem lesar a inervação da córnea, comprometendo sua sensibilidade e, consequentemente, influenciar a produção lacrimal. Objetivando-se avaliar tais intercorrências, concebeu-se aferir a sensibilidade corneana e a produção lacrimal aquosa em cães submetidos à facoemulsificação. Para tanto, tais parâmetros foram investigados em 20 cães com idade, sexo, raça e peso variáveis. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados em um único olho (OT), sendo o olho não operado utilizado como controle (OC). A sensibilidade da córnea foi mensurada com o estesiômetro de Cochet-Bonnet® e a produção lacrimal pelos testes do fenol vermelho e de Schirmer, em ambos os olhos. Os parâmetros foram aferidos previamente ao procedimento cirúrgico (M0 - valores basais) e, posteriormente, após sete dias (M1), 15 dias (M2), 30 dias (M3), 90 dias (M4) e 180 dias (M5). Os valores da produção lacrimal aferida com o teste do fenol vermelho, em M1, não diferiram dos obtidos previamente à cirurgia (M0), nos OT e OC; diferenças significativas foram observadas de M2 a M5, com valores superiores aos basais (M0), em ambos os olhos. Os resultados da mensuração lacrimal com o teste de Schirmer e da sensibilidade corneana à estesiometria (em cm e mm/g2) não diferiram dos basais (M0) em quaisquer dos períodos de avaliação (M1 a M5), em ambos os olhos. Os resultados obtidos ao estudo permitiram verificar que a realização da cirurgia de catarata por facoemulsificação, como fora proposto, não resulta em diminuição da sensibilidade corneana e produção lacrimal aquosa. / Phacoemulsification is considered the technique of choice for surgical extraction of cataracts, which is a leading cause of blindness in dogs. The procedure requires corneal incisions to enter the anterior chamber. These incisions, despite their reduced extensions, may damage the corneal innervation, compromising its sensitivity and, also, the tear production. Aiming to evaluate these consequences, this study intended to measure the corneal sensitivity and aqueous tear production in dogs undergoing phacoemulsification. These parameters were evaluated in 20 dogs, with different ages, genders, breeds and weights. Surgical procedures were performed in one eye (OT), and the fellow eye was used as a control (OC). Corneal sensitivity was measured with the Cochet-Bonnet® aesthesiometer and tear production by the phenol thread red test and Schirmer tear test, in both eyes. The parameters were measured prior to the surgery (M0 - baseline values) and after seven days (M1), 15 days (M2), 30 days (M3), 90 days (M4) and 180 days (M5). Tear production values measured with the phenol red test, in M1, were not different from the values measured prior to the surgery (M0), in OT and OC; significant differences were noticed from M2 to M5, with higher values when compared to baseline values (M0), in both eyes. Schirmer tear test and corneal sensitivity (in cm and mm/g2) values were not different from basal values (M0) in any of the evaluation times (M1 to M5), in both eyes. Our study outcomes suggest that phacoemulsification, as proposed previously, does not decrease the corneal sensitivity and aqueous tear production.
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Landscape Evolution by Fluvial Processes and Gravitational Slope Processes in Tectonically Active Mountains in Taiwan / 河川プロセスと重力斜面プロセスによる地形発達 -地殻変動が活発な台湾山岳地における例-Tsou, Ching-Ying 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18083号 / 理博第3961号 / 新制||理||1571(附属図書館) / 30941 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科地球惑星科学専攻 / (主査)教授 千木良 雅弘, 教授 釜井 俊孝, 准教授 松四 雄騎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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