Spelling suggestions: "subject:"indentation test"" "subject:"endentation test""
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Deformation Behaviour of TiNi Shape Memory Alloys under Tensile and Compressive LoadsShahirnia, Meisam 08 June 2011 (has links)
TiNi shape memory alloys (SMAs) have been extensively used in various applications. The great interest in TiNi alloys is due to its unique shape memory and superelasticity effects, along with its superior wear and dent resistance. Shape memory and superelastic effects are due to a reversible martensitic transformation that can be induced either thermally or mechanically. In this study, indentation tests at different temperatures, loads and strain rates have been performed on superelastic TiNi alloy. Deformation characteristics of superelastic TiNi under indentation have been compared to AISI 304 steel as a conventional material. Also, in-situ optical microscopy tests with interrupted heating have been employed in order to gain an insight into the coupled deformation and reversible martensitic transformation behaviour of TiNi SMAs under tensile loads. An understanding of the impacts of strain rate and temperature on the deformation behaviour of TiNi SMAs under localized compressive loads has been proposed.
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Avaliação do comportamento mecânico de um adesivo estrutural epóxi utilizado na indústria automobilística. / Evaluation of the mechanical behavior of a structural epoxy adhesive used in the atomobilistic industry.Santos, Alessandra Fernandes 05 August 2005 (has links)
Na indústria automobilística há uma grande preocupação em relação ao custo e ao peso das peças utilizadas em projetos e os adesivos vem sendo utilizados para substituir a solda ponto com esta finalidade. Neste contexto o adesivo epóxi estrutural Betamate 1496 vem sendo empregado pela Volkswagen do Brasil S.A para substituição de solda a ponto na fabricação da porta dianteira do veículo Pólo Hatch. O adesivo Betamate 1496 é utilizado na fabricação da carroçaria do veículo Pólo Hatch da Volkswagen do Brasil SA com essa finalidade. O objetivo do presente trabalho é propor e testar uma metodologia para avaliar o estado de cura do adesivo epóxi Betamate 1496 por meio da determinação do seu módulo de elasticidade e de sua dureza, quando este é empregado na fabricação das portas dianteiras do veículo Pólo Hatch. Estas propriedades foram determinadas pela medição das propriedades mecânicas do adesivo em amostras retiradas em seis posições da porta em duas fases de processamento: estado pré-curado, durante a montagem da porta e estado curado, após a cura final na estufa de pintura. O estudo foi realizado através do ensaio de indentação instrumentada, utilizando os procedimentos experimentais propostos por Franco Jr. e colaboradores e Pintaúde e colaboradores na avaliação das propriedades do polímero. O estado de cura do polímero foi avaliado de modo qualitativo também pela técnica de calorimetria diferencial exploratória (Differential Scanning Calormetry). Os resultados obtidos pela metodologia proposta por Franco Jr. e colaboradores apresentaram grande dispersão de valores, provavelmente pelo fato do método propagar erros de arredondamento na aplicação do algoritmo. Conforme observado nos resultados experimentais obtidos pela metodologia proposta por Pintaúde e colaboradores, no estado pré-curado todas as amostras apresentam valores de módulo de elasticidade muito próximos, em torno de 1,0 + 0,1. GPa, independentemente da posição na porta ou do tempo de descarregamento, já no estado curado observa-se uma diferença significativa dos valores de módulo de elasticidade, E, e dureza H dependendo da posição original da amostra na porta, com as amostras retiradas das posições inferiores apresentando E=0,8 + 0,1 GPa, enquanto que as demais apresentam E=1,0+0,1 GPa, os valores de dureza, H, para todas as amostras curadas foi H=0,03 GPa. A analise qualitativa do ensaio térmico pelas as curvas obtidas no ensaio térmico de DSC mostra que as curvas da amostra no estado pré-curado e curado são idênticas, indicando o ciclo de cura do polímero já se completa na fase de montagem da porta, antes mesmo da cura final na estufa de pintura. / Cost and weight reduction are major concerns of the automobilist industry, this leads to the increasing substitution of spot weld by adhesives in the assembling of automobile parts. In this context Volkswagen do Brazil S.A uses the Betamate 1496 structural epoxy adhesive in the manufacture of the chassis of the Polo v. Hatch. The aim of the present work is to suggest and to test a methodology to evaluate the state of cure of this adhesive by means of the determination of its hardness and elastic modulus when used in the manufacture of the front doors of the Polo v. Hatch vehicle. These properties have been determined by the measurement in six samples removed from different positions at the two phases of processing: after assembling of the chassis and cured state, after final cure at painting. The study was carried through instrumented indentation testing, which used the experimental procedures suggested by Franco Jr. and collaborators and Pintaúde and collaborators. The state of cure of polymer was evaluated also in qualitative way by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. The results obtained by the Franco Jr. methodology show great dispersion of values, probable due to the fact that the method propagates rounding errors in the application of the algorithm. The experimental results obtained by the Pintaúde methodology show that, in the state after assembling of the chassis all samples present elastic modulus, E, around 1,0 + 0.1 GPa, independently of the position in the door. In the cured state is observed depending on the samples position at the door: samples taken from the bottom of the door shaved E=0,8 + 0,1 GPa, while the remaining showed E= 1,0 + 0,8 GPa. The hardness, H, of the adhesive is constant (H=0,03 GPa) for all samples. The comparison of DSC curves obtained from the incurred and cured samples, showed that they are very similar, suggesting that the cure cycle of the polymer is already completed at assembling stage of the door.
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Modelisation du comportement mecanique de la peau humaine in vivo : application au vieillissement et aux gestes du clinicien. / Modelisation of the in vivo human skin mechanical behaviour : application to ageing and clinical movements.Boyer, Gaëtan 12 July 2010 (has links)
La connaissance des propriétés mécaniques de la peau humaine in vivo est d’une importance capitale dans de nombreux domaines (médical, cosmétique…). L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer de nouveaux outils pour permettre d’une part au clinicien de caractériser de manière objective les propriétés mécaniques de la peau, et d’autre part d’améliorer la compréhension générale du comportement de cet organe avec le vieillissement. Le premier chapitre est une revue bibliographique de la physiologie et des propriétés physiques de la peau ainsi que des différents moyens d’investigations actuels de ses propriétés. A partir de cette revue, deux axes de recherche sont définis, un axe de sollicitation tangentielle et un axe de sollicitation normale au tissu. Le second chapitre s’intéresse au premier axe de recherche, avec le développement d’une méthode d’indentation dynamique et d’une méthode d’indentation sans contact. Une baisse du module d’Young est trouvée avec l’âge. Le troisième chapitre s’intéresse à l’axe de sollicitation tangentielle, avec une méthode d’extension compression couplant mesures d’efforts et mesures des champs de déplacements de la zone sollicitée. Une approche inverse par un modèle Éléments Finis avec une loi de comportement orthotrope montre à partir des essais réalisés une baisse globale des propriétés mécaniques de la peau avec l’âge. Le quatrième et dernier chapitre relie les deux approches (normale et tangentielle) en comparant les résultats obtenus et tire les perspectives de ces travaux. / The knowledge of the mechanical properties of human skin in vivo is essential for many domains (medical, clinical…). The aim of this thesis is to develop new devices for the clinician in order to perform objective assessment of the mechanical properties of human skin, and also to improve the understanding of the whole mechanical behaviour of this organ with ageing.The first chapter is a bibliography concerning the physiology and the physical properties of the skin and also an overview of the actual devices used for the assessment of these properties. Based on this review, two different ways of stress have been chosen, a normal stress axis and a tangential stress axis to the skin.The second chapter concerns the first way of stress, with the development of a dynamic indentation method and a non contact method. A decrease of the Young modulus is found with ageing.The third chapter concerns a tangential axis of stress, with an extension-compression test using force measurement combined to displacement field measurement of the stressed area. An inverse method using a Finite Element model with an orthotropic law shows that results obtained give a decrease of the mechanical properties of the skin with ageing.The fourth and last chapter links the two different way of stress used with a comparison of results obtained and gives some perspectives of this work.
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Έμμεσος προσδιορισμός της θλιπτικής αντοχής πετρωμάτων με την δοκιμή της επιφανειακής διείσδυσης / Indirect measurement of the compressive strength of rocks from the indentation (punch) testΣκούρας, Νικόλαος 14 May 2007 (has links)
Παρουσιάζεται μία εναλλακτική μέθοδος έμμεσου προσδιορισμού της θλιπτικής (μονοαξονικής) αντοχής των πετρωμάτων με βάση μία τροποποιημένη μορφή της δοκιμής επιφανειακής διείσδυσης. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δύο έμβολα με σφαιρικά άκρα με ακτίνες 1,585mm και 5mm. Τα αποτελέσματα συγκρίνονται με αυτά της διαδεδομένης μεθόδου σημειακής φόρτισης. Αποδεικνύεται πειραματικά ότι για τα τρία ασβεστολιθικά πετρώματα που μελετήθηκαν, η δοκιμή επιφανειακής διείσδυσης δίνει σημαντικά ακριβέστερα αποτελέσματα και μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί τόσο στο εργαστήριο όσο και στο πεδίο. Επιπλέον αποδείχθηκε ότι η δοκιμή προσφέρει την δυνατότητα μη καταστροφικού ελέγχου των δοκιμίων ιδιαίτερα με το άκρο με την μικρή σφαίρα. / An alternative indirect method to determine the unconfined compressive strength of rocks based on a modified Indentation (Punch) test is presented. Two indenters with spherical tips of 1.585mm and 5mm were used. The results are compared with those of the Point Load test that is commonly used in practice. It is experimentally proved that for the three calcareous rock materials tested, this method gives significantly more accurate results and can be applied to the laboratory as well as in situ. In addition it has been proved that this test offers the possibility of non destructive testing especially when the small spherical tip is used.
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Numerical And Experimental Analysis Of IndentationKoray, Erge 01 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Indentation tests are widely used with simultaneous measurements of indentation depth and force especially for determining material properties. In this study / numerical and experimental investigation of the force-indentation measurements is presented. For indentation tests on anisotropic metals, a novel indenter which is not self similar is used with three transducers to measure the displacements. It is seen that in order to have high repeatability and accuracy at the tests, workpiece and indenter parameters have crucial importance. These parameters in the indentations are analyzed by finite element methods. Ideal dimensions of the workpiece are determined. It is shown that plane strain conditions can only be achieved by embedded indentations. Effect of surface quality and clamping on repeatability are
investigated. It is shown that surface treatments have significant effects on the results. Also it is seen that clamping increases the repeatability drastically. Moreover, indentation tests are conducted to verify the results of numerical
simulations. Effect of anisotropy on the force-displacement curves is clearly observed.
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Avaliação do comportamento mecânico de um adesivo estrutural epóxi utilizado na indústria automobilística. / Evaluation of the mechanical behavior of a structural epoxy adhesive used in the atomobilistic industry.Alessandra Fernandes Santos 05 August 2005 (has links)
Na indústria automobilística há uma grande preocupação em relação ao custo e ao peso das peças utilizadas em projetos e os adesivos vem sendo utilizados para substituir a solda ponto com esta finalidade. Neste contexto o adesivo epóxi estrutural Betamate 1496 vem sendo empregado pela Volkswagen do Brasil S.A para substituição de solda a ponto na fabricação da porta dianteira do veículo Pólo Hatch. O adesivo Betamate 1496 é utilizado na fabricação da carroçaria do veículo Pólo Hatch da Volkswagen do Brasil SA com essa finalidade. O objetivo do presente trabalho é propor e testar uma metodologia para avaliar o estado de cura do adesivo epóxi Betamate 1496 por meio da determinação do seu módulo de elasticidade e de sua dureza, quando este é empregado na fabricação das portas dianteiras do veículo Pólo Hatch. Estas propriedades foram determinadas pela medição das propriedades mecânicas do adesivo em amostras retiradas em seis posições da porta em duas fases de processamento: estado pré-curado, durante a montagem da porta e estado curado, após a cura final na estufa de pintura. O estudo foi realizado através do ensaio de indentação instrumentada, utilizando os procedimentos experimentais propostos por Franco Jr. e colaboradores e Pintaúde e colaboradores na avaliação das propriedades do polímero. O estado de cura do polímero foi avaliado de modo qualitativo também pela técnica de calorimetria diferencial exploratória (Differential Scanning Calormetry). Os resultados obtidos pela metodologia proposta por Franco Jr. e colaboradores apresentaram grande dispersão de valores, provavelmente pelo fato do método propagar erros de arredondamento na aplicação do algoritmo. Conforme observado nos resultados experimentais obtidos pela metodologia proposta por Pintaúde e colaboradores, no estado pré-curado todas as amostras apresentam valores de módulo de elasticidade muito próximos, em torno de 1,0 + 0,1. GPa, independentemente da posição na porta ou do tempo de descarregamento, já no estado curado observa-se uma diferença significativa dos valores de módulo de elasticidade, E, e dureza H dependendo da posição original da amostra na porta, com as amostras retiradas das posições inferiores apresentando E=0,8 + 0,1 GPa, enquanto que as demais apresentam E=1,0+0,1 GPa, os valores de dureza, H, para todas as amostras curadas foi H=0,03 GPa. A analise qualitativa do ensaio térmico pelas as curvas obtidas no ensaio térmico de DSC mostra que as curvas da amostra no estado pré-curado e curado são idênticas, indicando o ciclo de cura do polímero já se completa na fase de montagem da porta, antes mesmo da cura final na estufa de pintura. / Cost and weight reduction are major concerns of the automobilist industry, this leads to the increasing substitution of spot weld by adhesives in the assembling of automobile parts. In this context Volkswagen do Brazil S.A uses the Betamate 1496 structural epoxy adhesive in the manufacture of the chassis of the Polo v. Hatch. The aim of the present work is to suggest and to test a methodology to evaluate the state of cure of this adhesive by means of the determination of its hardness and elastic modulus when used in the manufacture of the front doors of the Polo v. Hatch vehicle. These properties have been determined by the measurement in six samples removed from different positions at the two phases of processing: after assembling of the chassis and cured state, after final cure at painting. The study was carried through instrumented indentation testing, which used the experimental procedures suggested by Franco Jr. and collaborators and Pintaúde and collaborators. The state of cure of polymer was evaluated also in qualitative way by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. The results obtained by the Franco Jr. methodology show great dispersion of values, probable due to the fact that the method propagates rounding errors in the application of the algorithm. The experimental results obtained by the Pintaúde methodology show that, in the state after assembling of the chassis all samples present elastic modulus, E, around 1,0 + 0.1 GPa, independently of the position in the door. In the cured state is observed depending on the samples position at the door: samples taken from the bottom of the door shaved E=0,8 + 0,1 GPa, while the remaining showed E= 1,0 + 0,8 GPa. The hardness, H, of the adhesive is constant (H=0,03 GPa) for all samples. The comparison of DSC curves obtained from the incurred and cured samples, showed that they are very similar, suggesting that the cure cycle of the polymer is already completed at assembling stage of the door.
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2-D Finite Element Modeling for Nanoindentation and Fracture Stress AnalysisChen, Chi 24 March 2009 (has links)
In Chapter 1, a brief introduction of nanoindentation and finite element method is presented. General procedures have been developed based on FEM modeling of nanoindentation data to obtain the mechanical properties of thin films. Selected FEM models are illustrated in detail.
In Chapter 2, nanoindentation test is simulated using finite element method based on contact mechanics approach. The relationship between load and indentation depth is obtained. The numerical results show good agreement with experimental data. It is shown that FEM is an effective tool for simulation of nanoindentation tests of metallic films. However, limitations caused by simplification of models and assumptions should not be neglected.
In Chapter 3, finite element method is used to analyze bonded repair structure of aluminum plates with Multiple Site Damage (MSD). A 2-D 3-layer technique is used to deal with the damage area. A typical aluminum plate with multiple collinear twin cracks is taken as an example. The effects of relative position of two cracks, patch size, and patch thickness on stress intensity factors are studied in detail. The results reveal that the stress intensity factors at the tips of collinear twin cracks can be reduced greatly through bonded composite repair. In order to increase the performance of the patch repair, the adhesive properties, the patch length and thickness must be optimized.
In Chapter 4, finite element method is used for thermo-mechanical analysis of porous coatings in steel micro channels used for catalysis. Thermal stresses in the coating due to temperature changes are obtained. The effects of micro channel geometry on thermal stresses are studied in detail. The results reveal that in order to increase the mechanical performance of the coatings, film thickness and profile geometry must be optimized.
Chapter 5 summarizes major results and outlines future work.
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Modelamento do ensaio de indentação instrumentada usando elementos finitos e análise dimensional - análise de unicidade, variações experimentais, atrito e geometria e deformações do indentador. / Modeling of the instrumented indetation test using finite element simulations and dimensional analysis - analysis of uniqueness, experimental variation, friction , and elastic deformation and geometry of the indenter.Rodríguez Pulecio, Sara Aida 31 March 2010 (has links)
A caracterização de materiais utilizando a técnica de indentação instrumentada difundiu-se significativamente na última década, devido às melhorias dos instrumentos que permitem ensaios por esta técnica e à necessidade de se fazer ensaios em pequenos volumes de materiais, como, por exemplo, em filmes finos e materiais com superfícies modificadas por tratamentos superficiais. Neste texto, abordou-se a elaboração de um algoritmo que permita o estudo da resposta de indentação de superfícies de diferentes materiais metálicos, durante e após o contato com um indentador agudo, empregando simulações por elementos finitos e análise dimensional. Na obtenção do algoritmo analisaram-se os efeitos da formação de borda (pile-up) ou da retração (sink-in) do material indentado, o coeficiente de atrito indentador-amostra, as deformações elásticas do indentador, a geometria do indentador e a variação experimental. As relações obtidas permitiram identificar uma falta fundamental de relação única entre as propriedades mecânicas e a forma da curva de indentação para curvas com razão d r/dmax>0,9, onde d r é a profundidade residual da indentação e dmax é o deslocamento máximo do indentador durante o ensaio. Da mesma forma, concluiu-se que a relação de Sneddon tem que ser corrigida tanto pela geometria da área de contato indentador-amostra quanto pela razão entre os módulos elásticos do material e do indentador (E/Ei). Como a área de contato indentador-amostra é afetada não só pela geometria do indentador mas também pelo nível de pile-up ou sink-in nos indentadores piramidais, uma relação foi identificada entre o nível de pile-up/sink-in e o fator de correção b da equação de Sneddon para os indentadores Vickers e Berkovich. Adicionalmente, pequenas diferenças foram observadas entre as curvas P-h (onde h é a profundidade de indentação abaixo da superfície original da amostra) e as curvas P-d (onde d é o valor da aproximação mútua entre indentador e amostra durante a indentação) para um mesmo valor de módulo reduzido Er quando a razão E/Ei é grande. Assim, o módulo reduzido pode sobreestimar ou subestimar a rigidez do indentador, dependendo das propriedades do material indentado. As análises neste trabalho permitiram igualmente observar que as principais limitações na obtenção das propriedades elasto-plásticas usando a curva de indentação instrumentada vêm da falta de unicidade, seguida pela geometria do indentador, isto é, diferenças entre o cone equivalente e os piramidais Vickers e Berkovich, assim como desvios em relação à geometria ideal do indentador, o que inclui arredondamento da sua ponta. Quando não há unicidade, sabendo-se informações adicionais à curva P-d, por exemplo, o valor da área residual da indentação ou o módulo elástico, uma solução única das propriedades mecânicas pode ser obtida. Em paralelo, a variação experimental pode limitar de forma significativa a precisão no cálculo das propriedades, enquanto o atrito indentador-amostra e as deformações do indentador têm efeitos menos significativos. Em termos gerais, observa-se que as funções que compõem o algoritmo desenvolvido neste trabalho permitem: (i) predizer as curvas carga-deslocamento (curvas P-d), produto do ensaio de indentação instrumentada, para um conjunto de propriedades elasto-plásticas conhecidas; (ii) identificar quando uma mesma curva P-d pode ser obtida de mais de um conjunto de propriedades do material indentado (iii) calcular as propriedades mecânicas (dureza, módulo elástico, coeficiente de encruamento e limite de escoamento) de um material usando a curva P-d quando d r/dmax<0,8 ou faixas de propriedades de materiais quando d r/dmax>0,8 e (iv) calcular as propriedades mecânicas (dureza, módulo elástico, coeficiente de encruamento e limite de escoamento) de um material usando a curva P-d e a área residual da indentação. / The interest in material characterization using instrumented indentation techniques has significantly increased in the last decade, due to improvements in testing instruments and the need to carry out tests on small volumes of materials, such as thin films or materials with surfaces modified by other surface treatments. This work addresses the development of an algorithm to analyze the indentation response of a group of metallic materials, during and after the contact with a sharp indenter, using finite element simulations and dimensional analysis. The formulation of the algorithm considered the effects of pile-up or sink-in of the indented material around the indentation, the friction coefficient between the indenter and the sample, the elastic deformation of the indenter, and the defects of the indenter tip. An analysis considering algorithm output and experimental variation was also conducted. The results allowed identifying a fundamental lack of unique relationship between the mechanical properties and the shape of the indentation curve for indentation curves with ratio d r/dmax>0,9, where d r is the residual indentation depth and dmax is the maximum indenter displacement in the test. Similarly, results allowed concluding that Sneddons equation requires a correction by both the geometry of the contact area and the ratio between the elastic moduli of the material and the indenter (E/Ei). As the shape of contact area is affected not only by the geometry of the indenter but also by the level of pile-up or sink-in in pyramidal indenters, a relationship was observed between the level of pile-up/sink-in and the correction factor b in the Sneddons equation for Vickers and Berkovich indenters. Additionally, it was found that the deformation of the indenter is not fully incorporated into indentation data analysis by the consideration of a reduced modulus (Er). Small differences between P-h curves (where h is the indentation depth below the original surface) and P-d curves (where d is the indenter/sample mutual approach) were observed for the same Er when the ratio E/Ei is large. Thus, the reduced modulus can overestimate or underestimate the indenter stiffness, depending on the mechanical properties of the indented material. Additionally, the analysis in this work has identified that the most important limitations in mechanical properties estimation using the indentation curve arise from the lack of uniqueness, followed by deviations in indenter geometry, such as differences between equivalent cone and pyramidal Vickers or Berkovich and tip defects. When non-uniqueness is present, unique solution may be obtained with the knowledge of additional information, in conjunction with P-d data, such as the residual indentation area or the elastic modulus. Furthermore, even when a unique solution is available the experimental variation may significantly decrease the accuracy in mechanical properties estimation, whereas friction and indenter deformation have less significant effects. In general, it was observed that the proposed algorithm allows: (i) predicting the load-displacement curves P-d of instrumented indentation tests for a set of known elastic-plastic mechanical properties, (ii) identifying when the same P-d curve can be obtained from more than one set of mechanical properties of the indented material, (iii) calculating the mechanical properties (hardness, elastic modulus, yield stress and strain hardening coefficient) from P-d curves when d r/dmax<0,8 or possible ranges for each mechanical property when d r/dmax>0,8 and (iv) calculating the mechanical properties (hardness, elastic modulus, yield stress and strain hardening coefficient) from P-d curves and the knowledge of the residual indentation area.
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Modelamento do ensaio de indentação instrumentada usando elementos finitos e análise dimensional - análise de unicidade, variações experimentais, atrito e geometria e deformações do indentador. / Modeling of the instrumented indetation test using finite element simulations and dimensional analysis - analysis of uniqueness, experimental variation, friction , and elastic deformation and geometry of the indenter.Sara Aida Rodríguez Pulecio 31 March 2010 (has links)
A caracterização de materiais utilizando a técnica de indentação instrumentada difundiu-se significativamente na última década, devido às melhorias dos instrumentos que permitem ensaios por esta técnica e à necessidade de se fazer ensaios em pequenos volumes de materiais, como, por exemplo, em filmes finos e materiais com superfícies modificadas por tratamentos superficiais. Neste texto, abordou-se a elaboração de um algoritmo que permita o estudo da resposta de indentação de superfícies de diferentes materiais metálicos, durante e após o contato com um indentador agudo, empregando simulações por elementos finitos e análise dimensional. Na obtenção do algoritmo analisaram-se os efeitos da formação de borda (pile-up) ou da retração (sink-in) do material indentado, o coeficiente de atrito indentador-amostra, as deformações elásticas do indentador, a geometria do indentador e a variação experimental. As relações obtidas permitiram identificar uma falta fundamental de relação única entre as propriedades mecânicas e a forma da curva de indentação para curvas com razão d r/dmax>0,9, onde d r é a profundidade residual da indentação e dmax é o deslocamento máximo do indentador durante o ensaio. Da mesma forma, concluiu-se que a relação de Sneddon tem que ser corrigida tanto pela geometria da área de contato indentador-amostra quanto pela razão entre os módulos elásticos do material e do indentador (E/Ei). Como a área de contato indentador-amostra é afetada não só pela geometria do indentador mas também pelo nível de pile-up ou sink-in nos indentadores piramidais, uma relação foi identificada entre o nível de pile-up/sink-in e o fator de correção b da equação de Sneddon para os indentadores Vickers e Berkovich. Adicionalmente, pequenas diferenças foram observadas entre as curvas P-h (onde h é a profundidade de indentação abaixo da superfície original da amostra) e as curvas P-d (onde d é o valor da aproximação mútua entre indentador e amostra durante a indentação) para um mesmo valor de módulo reduzido Er quando a razão E/Ei é grande. Assim, o módulo reduzido pode sobreestimar ou subestimar a rigidez do indentador, dependendo das propriedades do material indentado. As análises neste trabalho permitiram igualmente observar que as principais limitações na obtenção das propriedades elasto-plásticas usando a curva de indentação instrumentada vêm da falta de unicidade, seguida pela geometria do indentador, isto é, diferenças entre o cone equivalente e os piramidais Vickers e Berkovich, assim como desvios em relação à geometria ideal do indentador, o que inclui arredondamento da sua ponta. Quando não há unicidade, sabendo-se informações adicionais à curva P-d, por exemplo, o valor da área residual da indentação ou o módulo elástico, uma solução única das propriedades mecânicas pode ser obtida. Em paralelo, a variação experimental pode limitar de forma significativa a precisão no cálculo das propriedades, enquanto o atrito indentador-amostra e as deformações do indentador têm efeitos menos significativos. Em termos gerais, observa-se que as funções que compõem o algoritmo desenvolvido neste trabalho permitem: (i) predizer as curvas carga-deslocamento (curvas P-d), produto do ensaio de indentação instrumentada, para um conjunto de propriedades elasto-plásticas conhecidas; (ii) identificar quando uma mesma curva P-d pode ser obtida de mais de um conjunto de propriedades do material indentado (iii) calcular as propriedades mecânicas (dureza, módulo elástico, coeficiente de encruamento e limite de escoamento) de um material usando a curva P-d quando d r/dmax<0,8 ou faixas de propriedades de materiais quando d r/dmax>0,8 e (iv) calcular as propriedades mecânicas (dureza, módulo elástico, coeficiente de encruamento e limite de escoamento) de um material usando a curva P-d e a área residual da indentação. / The interest in material characterization using instrumented indentation techniques has significantly increased in the last decade, due to improvements in testing instruments and the need to carry out tests on small volumes of materials, such as thin films or materials with surfaces modified by other surface treatments. This work addresses the development of an algorithm to analyze the indentation response of a group of metallic materials, during and after the contact with a sharp indenter, using finite element simulations and dimensional analysis. The formulation of the algorithm considered the effects of pile-up or sink-in of the indented material around the indentation, the friction coefficient between the indenter and the sample, the elastic deformation of the indenter, and the defects of the indenter tip. An analysis considering algorithm output and experimental variation was also conducted. The results allowed identifying a fundamental lack of unique relationship between the mechanical properties and the shape of the indentation curve for indentation curves with ratio d r/dmax>0,9, where d r is the residual indentation depth and dmax is the maximum indenter displacement in the test. Similarly, results allowed concluding that Sneddons equation requires a correction by both the geometry of the contact area and the ratio between the elastic moduli of the material and the indenter (E/Ei). As the shape of contact area is affected not only by the geometry of the indenter but also by the level of pile-up or sink-in in pyramidal indenters, a relationship was observed between the level of pile-up/sink-in and the correction factor b in the Sneddons equation for Vickers and Berkovich indenters. Additionally, it was found that the deformation of the indenter is not fully incorporated into indentation data analysis by the consideration of a reduced modulus (Er). Small differences between P-h curves (where h is the indentation depth below the original surface) and P-d curves (where d is the indenter/sample mutual approach) were observed for the same Er when the ratio E/Ei is large. Thus, the reduced modulus can overestimate or underestimate the indenter stiffness, depending on the mechanical properties of the indented material. Additionally, the analysis in this work has identified that the most important limitations in mechanical properties estimation using the indentation curve arise from the lack of uniqueness, followed by deviations in indenter geometry, such as differences between equivalent cone and pyramidal Vickers or Berkovich and tip defects. When non-uniqueness is present, unique solution may be obtained with the knowledge of additional information, in conjunction with P-d data, such as the residual indentation area or the elastic modulus. Furthermore, even when a unique solution is available the experimental variation may significantly decrease the accuracy in mechanical properties estimation, whereas friction and indenter deformation have less significant effects. In general, it was observed that the proposed algorithm allows: (i) predicting the load-displacement curves P-d of instrumented indentation tests for a set of known elastic-plastic mechanical properties, (ii) identifying when the same P-d curve can be obtained from more than one set of mechanical properties of the indented material, (iii) calculating the mechanical properties (hardness, elastic modulus, yield stress and strain hardening coefficient) from P-d curves when d r/dmax<0,8 or possible ranges for each mechanical property when d r/dmax>0,8 and (iv) calculating the mechanical properties (hardness, elastic modulus, yield stress and strain hardening coefficient) from P-d curves and the knowledge of the residual indentation area.
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Étude de l'influence de la vitesse de déformation sur la réponse à l'indentation des matériaux polymères / Study of the strain rate effect of polymeric material using indentation testRabemananjara, Liva 26 November 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'influence de la vitesse de déformation sur la réponse par indentation des matériaux. Les matériaux polymères thermoplastiques, notamment le Polycarbonate (PC), le Polyméthylméthacrylate (PMMA), le Polyéthylène à Haute Densité (PEHD) et le Polyamide Nylon 6.6 renforcé à 30% de fibres de verres (PA 6.6-30% GFR), ont été choisis comme matériaux d'études en raison de leur forte sensibilité à la vitesse de déformation même à température ambiante. Les deux premières parties de ce travail sont focalisées sur l'étude du comportement thermomécanique des matériaux polymères. Une étude bibliographique sur des matériaux polymères thermoplastiques, amorphes et semi-cristallins, a été effectuée afin de comprendre leur microstructure et leur mécanisme de déformation. De plus, des essais de compression simple ont été réalisés sur les matériaux d'étude à différentes vitesses de traverse constantes puis dépouillés analytiquement. Les trois derniers chapitres de cette thèse sont consacrés à la caractérisation mécanique des matériaux par indentation. En premier lieu des simulations numériques de l'essai d'indentation conique ( =70,3°) à une vitesse de pénétration constante ( = 1 µm/s) ont été effectuées à partir des paramètres de la loi de G'sell modifiée et de la loi puissance identifiés par compression. L'identification par analyse inverse des paramètres de la loi de G'sell modifiée à 7 paramètres sur des courbes pseudo-expérimentales nous a permis de confirmer la non unicité de la solution. Ainsi, nous avons effectué l'étude théorique de l'indentation sur des matériaux pseudo-expérimentaux en utilisant la loi puissance. Un nouveau concept de déformation représentative et de vitesse de déformation représentative, basé sur l'analyse du domaine de solution regroupant l'ensemble des paramètres donnant les mêmes courbes d'indentation, a été proposé. La procédure d'identification des paramètres de la loi puissance par indentation utilisant ce concept de déformation représentative et de vitesse de déformation représentative, appliquée sur un matériau pseudo-expérimental donne des résultats très satisfaisants. Sur les matériaux d'étude en revanche la méthode n'a pu révéler son potentiel puisque la loi de comportement de ces matériaux n'est pas correctement modélisée par une loi puissance sur une large plage de déformation et de vitesse de déformation. Enfin, le concept de déformation représentative et de vitesse de déformation représentative proposé dans ce travail apporte de nouveaux outils d'analyse et d'exploitation des données de l'indentation et offre des perspectives très intéressantes. / The aim of this thesis is to study the strain rate effects through materials response from indentation test. Polymeric solid material, especially Polycarbonate (PC), Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Polyamide Nylon 6.6 -30% glass fiber reinforced (PA 6.6-30% GFR), were selected as study materials due to their high strain rate sensitivity even at room temperature. The first two parts of this work were focused on the study of the thermomechanical behavior of polymer materials. Bibliographical studies of thermoplastic polymer materials, amorphous and semi-crystalline, was established in order to understand their microstructure and deformation mechanism. Moreover, compression tests were performed on study materials with several crosshead speeds values then the results was exploited analytically. The last three parts were focused on mechanical characterization using Instrumented Indentation Test (IIT). Firstly, numerical simulation of a conical indentation test ( =70.3°) with a constant rate displacement ( = 1 µm/s) was established using the identified G’sell behavior parameters and the power-law parameters from compression test. Parameter identification using Inverse Analysis from numerical material shows the non-uniqueness of G’sell parameters which gives the same indentation curve. Thus, theoretical study of conical indentation test was established considering power-law model. A new concept of the representative strain and the representative strain rate, based on solution domain which associate the set of parameters leading to the same indentation curves, was proposed. Very satisfactory results was obtained when identification process using this average representative strain rate is applied to a numerical material define by a power-law model. However, this method could not show its efficiency because the mechanical behavior of the real material is not correctly modeling with a power-law at a wide range of strain and strain rate. Finally, the new concept of the representative strain and the representative strain rate proposed on this work contributes to a new investigation tools to exploit the results form IIT and provide a very interesting perspectives.
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