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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three Essays on Agricultural Microfinance and Risk Management

Gallenstein, Richard Anthony, GALLENSTEIN January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Index-Based Insurance, Informal Risk Sharing, and Agricultural Yields Prediction

Xu, Chang 03 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Escape from Poverty Traps: Three Essays on the Effects of Policy Intervention on Agricultural Productivity and Welfare among the Rural Poor

Farrin, Kathleen Maura 17 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Three Essays on Complex Contractual Networks of Farmers

Jun, Min Su 30 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Improving Rainfall Index Insurance: Evaluating Effects of Fine-Scale Data and Interactive Tools in the PRF-RI Program

Ramanujan, Ramaraja 04 June 2024 (has links)
Since its inception, the Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Rainfall Index (PRF-RI) insurance program has issued a total of $8.8 billion in payouts. Given the program's significance, this thesis investigates methodologies to help improve it. For the first part, we evaluated the impact of finer-scale precipitation data on insurance payouts by comparing how the payout distribution differs between the program's current dataset and the finer-scale precipitation dataset by creating a simulated scenario where all parameters are constant except the rainfall index computed by the respective dataset. The analysis for Texas in 2021 revealed that using the finer-scale dataset to compute the rainfall index would result in payouts worth $27 million less than the current dataset. The second part of the research involved the development of two interactive decision-support tools: the "Next-Gen PRF" web tool and the "AgInsurance LLM" chatbot. These tools were designed to help users understand complex insurance parameters and make informed decisions regarding their insurance policies. User studies for the "Next-Gen PRF" tool measured usability, comprehension decision-making efficiency, and user experience, showing that it outperforms traditional methods by providing insightful visualizations and detailed descriptions. The findings suggest that using fine-scale precipitation data and advanced decision-support technologies can substantially benefit the PRF-RI program by reducing spatial basis risk and promoting user education, thus leading to higher user engagement and enrollment. / Master of Science / The Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Rainfall Index (PRF-RI) program helps farmers manage drought risk. Since it started, it has paid farmers about $8.8 billion. This study looks into ways to improve the program. We first examined whether using rain data at a more finer spatial resolution could affect how much money is paid out. In Texas in 2021, we found that using this finer spatial resolution data could have reduced payouts by $27 million, underscoring the importance of evaluating our proposed change. Additionally, we created two new tools to help farmers understand and choose their insurance options more easily: the "Next-Gen PRF" web tool and the "AgInsurance LLM" chatbot. These tools seek to provide clear visuals and explanations. User studies with these tools show they help users learn more effectively and make more informed decisions compared to existing tools. Overall, our research suggests that using finer spatial resolution precipitation data as well as these interactive tools can enhance the insurance program, including by making it easier to engage with, and enabling farmers to evaluate if and how this program can help them resolve their weather risk management problems.

Versicherungen als Risikomanagementinstrumente in der Landwirtschaft - Über staatliche Unterstützung und die Beurteilung satellitenbasierter Indexversicherungen / Insurance as a risk management tool in agriculture - About public support and remotely-sensed index insurance

Möllmann, Johannes 09 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Versicherungen als Risikomanagementinstrumente in der Landwirtschaft - Über staatliche Unterstützung und die Beurteilung satellitenbasierter Indexversicherungen / Insurance as a risk management tool in agriculture - About public support and remotely-sensed index insurance

Möllmann, Johannes 09 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Comportement face au risque et risque de comportement : analyse et implications au Niger / Behavior towards risk and risk of behavior : analysis and implications in Niger

Maichanou, Ahamadou 15 December 2014 (has links)
Il est admis dans les théories économiques que l’existence de risques importants peut être source de sérieuses perturbations au bien-être des ménages et à l’équilibre budgétaire de l’Etat, car les risques ne permettent pas souvent l’optimisation des ressources. En admettant que le risque est un produit d’aléa et de vulnérabilité, nous constatons que l’aléa est souvent considéré au Niger comme l’unique «coupable» de ces perturbations, alors que le comportement des agents face au risque peut en être un facteur déterminant. Sur ce constat, cette thèse se propose d’analyser ces comportements et leurs implications dans les décisions économiques des ménages. Les principaux résultats montrent d’abord une aversion au risque assez relative qui s’explique par deux approches dominantes: une perception fataliste des risques naturels et anthropiques d’une part, et une rationalité adaptative au regard de l’importance de ces risques et de la vulnérabilité des ménages, d’autre part. Cette notion d’aversion a été ensuite utilisée pour servir de lien à l’analyse des risques de comportement inhérents essentiellement à l’asymétrie d’information. Il ressort de cette analyse que face aux risques naturels auxquels les individus paraissent impuissants, ces derniers développent des comportements opportunistes au détriment des contrats de crédit mutuellement avantageux, par un usage abusif de la rente informationnelle. Nous pensons que dans ce cas-ci, la contrainte des incitations doit être sérieusement prise en compte. Par ailleurs, la simultanéité des risques climatiques et d’une forte asymétrie d’information en milieu rural laisse penser que l’assurance agricole indicielle doit être progressivement envisagée. / It is recognized in economic theory that the existence of significant risks can cause serious disruption to the well-being of households and to the State budget’s balance, because the risks do not often value for money. Assuming that the risk is a hazard and vulnerability occurs, we find that the hazard is often seen in Niger as the only "guilty" of these disturbances, while the agents' behavior towards risk can be a factor. On this observation, this thesis proposes to analyze these behaviors and their implications in the economic decisions of households. The main results first show a rather relative risk aversion, which can be explained by two main approaches: a fatalistic perception of natural and man-made hazards on the one hand, and adaptive rationality in terms of the importance of these risks and the vulnerability of households, on the other. This notion of aversion was then used to provide a link to the analysis of risk behavior associated with information asymmetry. It is clear from this analysis, to natural hazards which individuals appear powerless; they are developing opportunistic behavior at the expense of credit agreements mutually beneficial, by abuse of informational rent. We believe that in this case, the incentive constraint must be taken seriously. The simultaneity of climate risk and high information asymmetry rural index suggests that the agricultural insurance should be progressively considered.

Développement et validation d’un indice de production des prairies basé sur l’utilisation de séries temporelles de données satellitaires : application à un produit d’assurance en France / Development and validation of a forage production index based on remote sensing time series : the case of an agricultural insurance in France

Roumiguie, Antoine 22 April 2016 (has links)
Une assurance indicielle est proposée en réponse à l'augmentation des sécheresses impactant les prairies. Elle se base sur un indice de production fourragère (IPF) obtenu à partir d'images satellitaires de moyenne résolution spatiale pour estimer l'impact de l'aléa dans une zone géographique définie. Le principal enjeu lié à la mise en place d'une telle assurance réside dans la bonne estimation des pertes subies. Les travaux de thèse s’articulent autour de deux objectifs : la validation de l'IPF et la proposition d'amélioration de cet indice. Un protocole de validation est construit pour limiter les problèmes liés à l'utilisation de produit de moyenne résolution et au changement d’échelle. L'IPF, confronté à des données de référence de différentes natures, montre de bonnes performances : des mesures de production in situ (R² = 0,81; R² = 0,71), des images satellitaires haute résolution spatiale (R² = 0,78 - 0,84) et des données issues de modélisation (R² = 0,68). Les travaux permettent également d'identifier des pistes d'amélioration pour la chaîne de traitement de l'IPF. Un nouvel indice, basé sur une modélisation semiempirique combinant les données satellitaires avec des données exogènes relatives aux conditions climatiques et à la phénologie des prairies, permet d'améliorer la précision des estimations de production de 18,6 %. L’ensemble des résultats obtenus ouvrent de nombreuses perspectives de recherche sur le développement de l'IPF et ses potentiels d'application dans le domaine assurantiel. / An index-based insurance is provided in response to the increasing number of droughts impacting grasslands. It is based on a forage production index (FPI) retrieved from medium resolution remote sensing images to estimate the impact of hazard in a specific geographical area. The main issue related to the development of such an insurance is to obtain an accurate estimation of losses. This study focuses on two objectives: the FPI validation and the improvement of this index. A validation protocol is defined to limit problems attached to the use of medium resolution products and scaling issues in the comparisons process. FPI is validated with different data: ground measurements production (R² = 0.81; R² = 0.71), high resolution remote sensing images (R² = 0.78 - 0.84) and modelled data (R² = 0.68). This study also points out areas of improvement for the IPF chain. A new index, based on semi-empirical modeling combining remote sensing data with exogenous data referring to climatic conditions and grassland phenology, allows improving production estimation accuracy by 18.6%. Results of this study open several new research perspectives on FPI development and its potential practical application.

Towards a working crop insurance market : an integrated strategy of systemic risk management / Pour un marché fonctionnel de l’assurance récolte : une stratégie intégrée de gestion du risque systémique

Collin, Constance 24 January 2018 (has links)
Les pertes de rendement dues au climat sont positivement corrélées. Cela va à l’encontre des principes d’assurance et expose l’assureur à des risques financiers qu’il ne peut supporter seul. Les réassureurs eux-mêmes peuvent être dépassés par les sommes en jeu. Les marchés financiers en revanche possèdent la capacité financière requise et l’effet diversifiant des risques climatiques pourraient intéresser les investisseurs. Une stratégie de gestion du risque systémique consistant pour l’assureur à isoler la partie corrélée du risque rendement et à la transférer aux marchés financiers via des obligations catastrophe est analysée en trois points. Tout d’abord, des modèles de tarification isolant la part systémique du risque sont présentés. Ensuite, la démonstration de la faible corrélation d’une obligation agricole est faite, ainsi que de ses rendements élevés, confirmant son potentiel pour les investisseurs. Enfin, l’évolution de la valeur de marché des compagnies émettrices d’obligations catastrophe est étudiée. Au global, aucun impact n’est détecté. En détail, des émissions répétées favorisent la hausse de la valeur de l’émetteur, et de grosses émissions en favorisent la baisse. Les assurances indicielles sont utilisées comme support de l’étude. Basées sur des proxys de rendement plutôt que sur des rendements réels, elles donnent accès à des bases de données complètes et fiables. Ces travaux contribuent à la littérature restreinte concernant les risques agricoles et leur transfert vers les marchés financiers. Ils fournissent aux assureurs une stratégie alternative de transfert de risque et ouvrent la voie vers des outils innovants d’investissement. / Crop yield insurance comes with loss correlation, impeding the classical insurance risk pooling. Insurers alone cannot face the high exposure entailed by weather risks, which can even fall beyond the reinsurers’ financial capacity. Financial markets appear as a logical risk-transfer solution, investors being potentially interested by the diversifying effect of weather-linked risks. A systemic risk management strategy consisting for the insurer to isolate the correlated component of the crop yield risk and to transfer it to the financial markets through catastrophe bonds is investigated in three points. First, insurance pricing models separating the risk into a systemic and a non-systemic component are presented. Second, the interest for investors to take part in a cat bond based on agricultural risks is analyzed. The low correlation to financial markets of such bonds and their potentially high returns confirm the attractiveness of this new asset class for investors. Finally, the evolution of the market value of cat bonds issuers is studied. No general evolution is identified, but firms used to issue cat bonds may expect their market value to increase, while the firms issuing the largest bonds may expect their market value to decrease. The study is applied to the case of index insurance, based on yield proxys rather than real yields, which provides detailed data for accurate risk quantification. This work contributes to the still limited literature regarding agricultural risks and insurance by describing an integrated systemic risk management strategy providing insurers with alternative risk-sharing solutions and investors with innovative asset allocation opportunities.

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