Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bindustrial mpsychology"" "subject:"bindustrial bpsychology""
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HIV management in a mining company in South AfricaMofomme, Steven 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhill)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The mining industry having been identified as a particularly vulnerable sector to the potentially devastating effects of HIV and AIDS, it became clear that proper management thereof is essential if we are to mitigate these. Two-hundred-and-seventy-nine of the 720 patient files from the mine‟s wellness clinic were reviewed for clinical appropriateness. These files were scrutinised to evaluate adherence to treatment guidelines. The review was conducted using the wellness clinic‟s treatment guidelines, adapted from the South African HIV Clinicians Society (SAHIVCS) 2008 guidelines asking the four questions: “when to start therapy”, “what therapy to start”, “co-existence of other illnesses”, “when to change therapy”.
The guidelines were largely adhered to as far as starting the right type of therapy at the right time. “When to start therapy” was adhered to in 97.1 percent of the cases, “when to start” in 99.6 percent. However evaluation of “co-existence of other illnesses” came in at a rather low figure of 45.5 percent. Although the need for change of therapy was very low (2.5 percent), 57.5 percent of those who needed a change in therapy were prolonged on failing regimens for periods of more than three months. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die mynindustrie in Suid-Afrika is as 'n uiters kwesbare sektor geïdentifiseer en behoorlike bestuur van hierdie sektor is van kritieke belang in die suksesvolle bestuur van MIV/Vigs in Suid-Afrika.
Die mediese inligting van 279 pasiënte is vir die doel van die studie ontleed en die mate waartoe pasiënte getrou hou by behandelingsriglyne is in die studie ge-evalueer. Die ontleding was gebasseer op die 2008 welwees kliniese riglyne van die South African HIV Clinicians Society (SAHIVCS).
Die studie bevind dat pasiënte in 'n groot mate by die kliniese riglyne gehou het en dat die datum waarop met behandeling begin is in bykans 97% van die gevalle ooreenkomstig die riglyne was.
Die grootste bron van kommer was die groot relatief groot aantal gevalle waar die invloed van ander siektetoestande nie behoorlik in ag geneem is nie en die MIV/Vigs medikasie nie dienooreenkomstig aangepas is nie.
Voorstelle word in die studie gemaak vir aksies wat geneem behoort te word om 'n groter mate van voldoening aan die riglyne te bewerkstellig.
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A comparative study into the effectiveness of communication tools used in the medical male circumcision programme in a rural settingKarsten, Malinda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Based on the significant evidence from the three African randomized controlled trials,
the WHO and UNAIDS recommended in 2007 that medical male circumcision should
be a priority HIV prevention intervention. The three randomized trials in Africa
demonstrated that adult male circumcision decreases the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) acquisition in men between 51% to 60%, with long-term protective
This study intends to document and analyze the effectiveness of three
communication interventions used in transferring knowledge about medical male
circumcision as an HIV preventative strategy. Furthermore it also aims to determine
which communication intervention will have the greatest effect in improving
knowledge and understanding about medical male circumcision as an HIV
preventative measure for implementation in future health promotion programmes.
The research in this comparative study was conducted on a farm in the Overstrand
sub-district of the Western Cape Province in South Africa, Haygrove Haven. A total
of 30 male employees aged 18 to 45 was randomly selected to participate in the
The data was collected using a self-administered pre-test questionnaire. In order to
compare the pre- and post-test answers, the questions were repeated to determine
the knowledge transfer after the respective information and training sessions.
Analysis of the data was a simple process and limited to the necessary information
to graph the required conclusions by using the computer programme Microsoft Excel
The study looked at the statistical indicators of knowledge, perception and
awareness of participants with regards to medical male circumcision as an HIV and
AIDS prevention strategy. The findings exhibited that most people knew about MMC
but very few had knowledge of the protective effect of the procedure against HIV
acquisition and transmission. The study concluded that providing accurate information with fitting communication
material at the right literacy levels, peoples’ knowledge of the benefits of medical
male circumcision does increase. This will contribute to change the perception and
therefore increase the acceptability of the procedure.
This conforms to the subject of the WHO and UNAIDS 2007 study and can improve
their findings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 2007 het die WGO en UNAIDS aanbeveel dat mediese manlike besnydenis ‘n
prioriteit MIV-voorkomings program moet raak, wat gebaseer is op die beduidende
bewyse van drie Afrika gerandomiseerde gekontroleerde proewe. Die drie
gerandomiseerde proewe in Afrika toon dat volwasse manlike besnydenis verminder
die menslike immuniteitsgebreksvirus (MIV) in mans met 51% tot 60%, met 'n langtermyn
beskermende doeltreffendheid.
Hierdie studie is van voorneme om die doeltreffendheid van drie kommunikasieintervensies
wat gebruik word in die oordrag van kennis oor mediese manlike
besnydenis as 'n MIV-voorkomende strategie, te dokumenteer en te analiseer.
Verder stel dit ook ten doel om te bepaal watter kommunikasie-intervensie die
grootste invloed in die verbetering van kennis en begrip oor mediese manlike
besnydenis as 'n MIV-voorkomende maatreël, vir implementering in toekomstige
Die navorsing in hierdie vergelykende studie is uitgevoer op 'n plaas in die
Overstrand-sub-distrik van die Wes-Kaap in Suid-Afrika, Haygrove Haven. 'n Totaal
van 30 manlike werknemers tussen die ouderdomme 18 tot 45 is lukraak gekies om
deel te neem aan die studie.
Die data is ingesamel met behulp van 'n self-geadministreerde vraelys waar die pretoets
vrae in die post-toets herhaal word, om die antwoorde met mekaar te vergelyk,
om sodoende te bepaal watter opleidingsessie die grootste kennis oordrag laat
plaasvind. Ontleding van die data is beperk en so eenvoudig as moontlik om die
gevolgtrekkings te maak en grafies deur te gee deur gebruik te maak van die
rekenaarprogram Microsoft Excel 2010.
Die studie kyk na die statistiese aanwysers van kennis, persepsie en bewustheid van
die deelnemers met betrekking tot mediese manlike besnydenis as 'n MIV-en VIGSvoorkoming
strategie. Die bevindinge van die studie is dat die meeste mense bewus
is van mediese manlike besnydenis, maar baie min kennis gehad het van die beskermende effek van die prosedure teen MIV verkryging en oordrag.
Die studie het bevind dat die verskaffing van akkurate inligting met gepaste
kommunikasie materiaal op die regte geletterdheidsvlakke, mense se kennis van die
voordele van mediese manlike besnydenis kan laat toeneem. Dit is bydraend om ‘n
individu se persepsie te verander en dus die aanvaarbaarheid van die prosedure te
Dit voldoen aan die onderwerp van die WHO en UNAIDS 2007 studie en kan
sodoende hul bevindings verbeter.
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Knowledge, attitude and practices of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV(PMTCT) among women of child bearing age, in Karu Village, Abuja, NigeriaMamudu, Rashidat Amanosi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An estimated 34 million people worldwide are infected with HIV with 52% of them being women (UNAIDS, 2011), of this figure, an estimated 3.4 million are said to be children below the age of 15years. Sub Saharan Africa accounts for up to 90% of this burden in children. Nigeria, the most populous nation is Saharan African still contributes up to 30% of the global burden of mother to child transmission of HIV which is a major source of infection in children.
According to the Federal ministry of health 2010 ANC survey report, the country has a prevalence of 4.1%. The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) where Karu village is located ranked 5th among the 36 states and Federal capital territory in Nigeria with a prevalence of 8.7%. Urban prevalence is 8.6% while the rural prevalence is 8.2%.
An exploratory descriptive study was conducted among women of child bearing age (18 to 49years) living in Karu village, Abuja, FCT, North central Nigeria. A semi structured questionnaire designed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV was administered by the researcher on 120 women of child bearing age living in Karu village after obtaining their consent. The study received an ethical review and approval from FCT human research ethics committee at the Health Department of the Federal capital development agency and Stellenbosch University, ethic committee.
Findings from the 120 women who gave consent to participate showed that 28.33% had sufficient knowledge of how MTCT can occur with 77% having insufficient knowledge of how MTCT occur, 51.67% of them have sufficient knowledge of how PMTCT can be achieved while 48.33% do not. Of the participant surveyed, 89.17% of them have ever been pregnant while 24.17% were pregnant at the time of the survey, the bulk of the participants were between the ages of 18 to 34 with only 22.5% of them within the age of 35 – 49 years. From this study, women in Karu village were identified to have high level of general knowledge regarding MTCT and PMTCT of HIV but in-depth knowledge of both is still insufficient among a large group of women. Health workers and mass media were identified as key sources of information regarding MTCT and PMTCT of HIV and majority of women have favourable attitude towards PMTCT interventions but practices of these interventions is still relatively low. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ongeveer 34 miljoen mense is wêreldwyd aangetas deur MIV, waarvan 52% vroue is (UNAIDS, 2011). Hiervan is ongeveer 3.4 miljoen na bewering kinders onder die ouderdom van 15 jaar. Tot 90% van hierdie infeksie by kinders kom in sub-Sahara-Afrika voor. Nigerië, die digsbevolkte staat in sub-Sahara-Afrika, dra tot 30% van die globale las van moeder-tot-kind-oordrag van MIV, wat ’n groot bron van infeksie onder kinders is.
Volgens die Federale Ministerie van Gesondheid 2010 ANC-opnameverslag het die land ’n voorkomssyfer van 4.1%. Die Federal Capital Territory (FCT), waar die dorp Karu geleë is, is as 5de van die 36 state in Nigerië geklassifiseer met ’n voorkomssyfer van 8.7%. Die stedelike voorkomssyfer is 8.6% teenoor die landelike voorkomssyfer van 8.2%.
’n Ondersoekende, beskrywende studie is uitgevoer onder vroue van vrugbare leeftyd (18 tot 49 jaar) wat in die dorp Karu, Abuja, FCT, Noord-sentrale Nigerië, woon. ’n Halfgestruktureerde vraelys is ontwerp om die kennis, houdings en voorkomingspraktyke van moeder-tot-kind-oordrag (MTCT) van MIV te beoordeel. Dit is deur die navorser toegepas op 120 vroue van vrugbare leeftyd wat in die dorp Karu woon nadat hul toestemming daartoe verkry is. Die studie het ’n etiese oorsig en goedkeuring van die FCT mensenavorsing-etiekkomitee by die Departement van Gesondheid van die federale hoofstad se ontwikkelingsagentskap en die Universiteit Stellenbosch se etiekkomitee ontvang. Bevindings van die 120 vroue wat ingestem het om deel te neem het getoon dat 28.33% toereikende kennis gehad het van hoe MTCT kan voorkom, met 77% wat onvoldoende kennis gehad het van hoe MTCT voorkom. Van hulle het 51.67% genoegsame kennis gehad van hoe PMTCT verkry kan word, terwyl 48.33% nie oor hierdie kennis beskik het nie. Van die deelnemers wat waargeneem is, was 89.17% al swanger, terwyl 24.17% tydens die opname swanger was. Die meerderheid van die deelnemers was tussen 18 en 34 jaar oud, met slegs 22.5% wat in die ouderdomsgroep 35 – 49 jaar geval het.
Uit hierdie studie het geblyk dat vroue van die dorp Karu geïdentifiseer is as mense wat ’n hoë vlak van algemene kennis omtrent MTCT en PMTCT van MIV gehad het, maar dieptekennis van albei sake is steeds ontoereikend by ’n groot groep vroue. Gesondheidswerkers en die massamedia is geïdentifiseer as sleutelbronne van kennis oor MTCT en PMTCT van MIV en die meeste vroue het ’n gunstige houding teenoor PMTCT-intervensies, maar die toepassing van hierdie intervensies is nog betreklik laag.
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The perceptions of students about risky behaviour that could make them vulnerable to HIV infectionNghaamwa, Twahafifwa Ndahekelekwa Tupavali 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The existing studies have shown that HIV is highly prevalent among the students at the institutions of higher learning. However, none of the studies has established the perceptions of risky behaviour that could lead to HIV infections among students.
The chief aim of this study was is to establish the perceptions of the students at the Polytechnic of Namibia towards the risky behaviour which could make them vulnerable to HIV and ADIS in order to improve the life skill programmes and HIV and AIDS awareness programme.
The objectives of the study were to establish the knowledge of the students about HIV infection, to evaluate what the students perceive as risky behaviour and identify risks that expose students to contracting HIV, to determine the perceptions of the students about risky behaviour that makes them vulnerable to HIV and AIDS, to identify the students’ attitudes towards a person living with HIV and AIDS, and to suggest strategies that can be implemented to improve HIV and AIDS awareness among the students and enhance life skills programme, and HIV and AIDS education.
The objectives were met through a quantitative approach conducted to gather data from 500 full time students at PoN, the second largest institution of higher learning in Windhoek, the capital city of Namibia, in July 2013.
The data was collected by using a self-administered questionnaire which exclusively consisted of close-ended questions.
Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of Stellenbosch University. The permission to conduct the study was requested and given from the registrar at the PoN. The participants were given a consent form to sign as an indication that they consent to take part in the study.
Data collected was analysed using Epi-Info software and presented by means of pie charts, frequency tables, and bar graphs.
It was found the students have efficient general knowledge on HIV and AIDS. The perceptions of risky behaviour were generally acceptable, however some students lack information on the epidemic.
It was recommended that HIV and AIDS education and awareness programmes be expanded. Elimination of perceptions, and negative beliefs and reduction of alcohol and drug abuse among students are further recommended.
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The potential impact of HIV/AIDS on the financial performances of S. A. companiesTladi, Jack Moeketsi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite the seriousness of HIV and AIDS affecting productivity at workplaces, little
attention is being paid to the special needs of the infected people in the world of work
and the ultimate reality this will have on the companies’ financial health.
HIV/AIDS retards economic development and business growth. The epidemic influences
the workforce and markets in which business operates. Business must play a leading part
in the internal response to HIV/AIDS pandemic. This is both an ethical imperative and
the key to business success. Most research conducted on the subject mainly concentrated
on the effects of HIV and AIDS on productivity, emphasizing absenteeism as the direct
cause of low productivity.
The costs of HIV and AIDS will be felt beyond the direct effect of the disease. The
indirect costs include the following:
The increased costs of recruiting and training, given the extra deaths and
disabilities expected.
The negative effect on staff morale
Loss of time as a result of management and labor meetings to discuss the AIDS
crisis as it develops, this resulting in loss of turnover and profits.
With the rising prevalence of HIV/AIDS, businesses should be increasingly concerned
about the impact of the disease on their organizations-concerns that should be well
founded. At the broadest level, businesses are dependent on the strength and vitality of
the economies in which they operate. HIV/AIDS raises the costs of doing business,
reduces productivity and lowers overall demand for goods and services.
The research process in this article focused particularly on workplace issues, which are a
key dimension of the relationship between corporations and HIV/AIDS.
Data collection was by both structured questionnaires and unstructured interviews,
interviews with both management and workers’ representatives and structured
questionnaires with the general workforce. The questions asked were open-ended: “Is
HIV/AIDS a problem for your company now or in the future?” and “If HIV/AIDS
impacted on your company’ financial performance would you act and why?” The
research group consisted of four companies in different areas of operations: retail, service
and manufacturing and the participants were chosen on the basis of certain inclusive
criteria: The number of employees employed.
Length of service operation.
Willingness to share certain financial information.
A qualitative method of data analysis was used in the study and is described in detail. The
qualitative research method looks at the subjective meanings attached, descriptions,
metaphors, symbols and descriptions of specific cases.
It was found that despite the differences from one company to the other, the potential
impact of HIV/AIDS on companies’ financials went beyond the direct costs of
As the debate over the availability of cheaper generic anti-retroviral drugs rages in the
background, business is faced with the dilemma of significant investment to keep their
labour force healthy and alive. This has to be weighed up against the high costs involved
in rehiring, retraining and re-incentivising their replacements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten spyte van tekens dat MIV en VIGS produktiwiteit in die werkplek affekteer, word
daar nog baie min te doen aan die behoeftes van die werkers wat deur die epidemie getref
word. Verder, word min aandag geskenk aan die potensiële uitwerking van die epidemie
op die finansiële gesondheid van maatskappye.
MIV/VIGS vertraag ekonomiese ontwikkeling en besigheidsgroei. Die epidemie het ‘n
negatiewe impak op die arbeidsmag en die market waarin besigheid plaasvind. Besigheid
moet dus die leiding neem in die interne respons op die MIV/VIGS pandemie. Dit is eties
belangrik en die sleutel tot die sukses van besigheid. Die meeste navorsing oor die
onderwerp het tot dusver gekonsentreer op die effek van MIV en VIGS op produktiwiteit
met die klem op afwesigheid as ‘n direkte oorsaak van lae produktiwiteit.
Die koste van MIV en VIGS behels egter veel meer as net die direkte gevolge van die
siekte. Die indirekte koste sluit die volgende in:
Die koste verbonde aan opleiding en die soeke na nuwe personeel
weens sterftes en siekte van personeel.
Die negatiewe effek op die moraal van personeel.
Verlore tyd as gevolg van bestuurs- en arbeidsvergaderings om die
VIGS-krisis te bespreek namate dit ontwikkel en winste negatief
Besigheid behoort meer bekommerd te wees oor die toename in MIV/VIGS gevalle en
die impak wat dit op organisasies sal hê. MIV/VIGS verhoog die kostes van besigheid
doen, verminder produktiwiteit en verlaag die algemene vraag na goedere en dienste.
Die navorsingsbenadering in die artikel fokus op daardie werkplek-aangeleenthede wat ‘n
sleuteldimensie is van die verhouding tussen organisasies en MIV/VIGS.
Data is ingewin deur middel van gestruktureerde vraelyste en ongestruktureerde
onderhoude. Onderhoude is met beide bestuurslui en verteenwoordigers van werkers
gevoer, en gestruktureerde vrae met die werkers. Die vrae gestel was oop vrae soos “Is
MIV/VIGS `n problem vir u onderneming huidiglik of in die toekoms? En “Indien
MIV/VIGS ‘n negatiewe impak het op die onderming se prestasie sal jy optree en
Die navorsingsgroep het bestaan uit vier ondernemings in die kleinhandels-,
dienslewerings-, en vervaardigingssektor. Die deelnemers is gekies op die basis van
inklusiwiteit met die volgende criteria:
Die getal werkers in diens.
Hoe lank is onderneming in besigheid?
Die bereidwilligheid om inligting te deel.
`n Kwalitatiewe metode van data analise is gebruik wat breedvoerig verduidelik en
beskryf word. Die navorsingsmetode kyk veral na subjektiewe betekenisse, omskrywings,
metafore, simbole en omskrywings van spesifieke gevalle.
Navorsing het getoon dat MIV/VIGS ‘n impak het op ondernemings se finansiële
omstandighede en produktiwiteit.
Terwyl die debat oor goedkoper generiese anti-retrovirale middele aan die gang is, word ondernemings of besighede konfronteer met die keuse tussen beduidende investering om
die arbeidsmag gesond en lewendig te hou of die hoë koste van herindiensneming,
heropleiding en insentiewe.
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A preliminary factor analytic investigation into the first-order factor structure of the fifteen factor questionnaire plus on a sample of black South African managersMoyo, Seretse 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations in open market economic systems aspire to optimally utilize the scarce resources at their disposal so as to maximize profits. To achieve this goal, the human resources function is tasked with the responsibility to acquire and maintain a competent and motivated workforce in a manner that would add value to the bottom-line. Selection thereby becomes a critical human resources management intervention in any organisation in as far as it regulates human capital movement into and through the organisation. To be able to make informed selection decisions, industrial-organisational psychologists and human resources practitioners need valid and reliable information on predictor constructs to allow them to make accurate predictions of the criterion construct. This provides the essential justification for the primary objective of this study which was to undertake a factor analytic investigation of the first-order factor structure of the Fifteen Factor Questionnaire Plus (15FQ+) on a sample of Black South African managers.
The data used in this study was drawn from the database of Psymetric (Pty) Ltd with the permission of Psytech SA. The sample comprised 241 Black managers assessed by Psymetric (Pty) Ltd between 2002 and 2006. Item- and dimensionality analyses were performed on the 15FQ+ subscales to assess the success with which they represented the underlying personality constructs. The outcome of both the item and dimensionality analyses showed that although the items in each of the subscales seemed to be representing the underlying personality construct, they were not without problems. A spectrum of goodness-of-fit statistics was used to assess the measurement model fit. The model‟s overall fit was found to be good. The model parameter estimates, however, gave some reason for concern. The results of the confirmatory factor analyses suggest that the claim made by the 15FQ+ authors that the items included in each subscale reflect specific personality dimensions is tenable. The magnitude of the estimated model parameters, however, suggests that the items generally do not reflect the latent personality dimensions they were designated to reflect with a great degree of success. The items are reasonably noisy measures of the latent variables they represent. Based on these findings, this instrument should be used with caution, particularly on groups different from the UK samples on which it was originally developed and standardised. This study expands our understanding of this measure. Its findings should guide future research on a larger, more representative sample from the same target population to give credence to, or to refute these findings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies in „n vrye-mark ekonomiese stelsel streef daarna om die skaars hulpbronne tot hul beskikking optimal aan te wend ten einde wins te maksimeer. Om hierdie doel te bereik word die menslike hulpbronfunksie getaak met die verantwoordelikheid om ‟n bevoegde en gemotiveerde werksmag te verkry en in stand te hou op ‟n wyse wat waarde tot die onderneming voeg. Keuring word daardeur ‟n kritieke menslike hulpbronintervensie in enige organisasie in so verre dit die beweging van menskapitaal in en deur die organisasie reguleer. Ten einde ingeligte keuringsbesluite te kan neem, benodig bedryfsielkundiges en menslike hulpbronpraktisyns betroubare en geldige inligting oor voorspellerkonstrukte om hul in staat te stel om akkurate voorspellings van die kriteriumkonstruk te maak. Dit bied wesenlik die regverdiging vir die primêre oogmerk van hierdie studie, naamlik om „n faktoranalitiese ondersoek van die eerste-orde faktorstruktuur van die Fifteen Factor Questionnaire Plus (15FQ+) op „n steekproef swart Suid Afrikaanse bestuurders te onderneem.
Die data wat in die studie gebruik is, is verkry uit die databasis van Psymetric (Pty) Ltd met die toestemming van Psytech SA. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 241 swart bestuurders wat tussen 2002 en 2006 deur Psymetric (Pty) Ltd getoets is. Item- en dimensionaliteitontledings is op die 15FQ+ subskale uitgevoer ten einde die sukses vas te stel waarmee hul die onderliggende persoonlikheidskonstrukte verteenwoordig. Die resultate van beide die item- en die dimensionaliteitontledings het aangedui dat ofskoon die items van elke subskaal die onderliggende persoonlikheidskonstruk skyn te verteenwoordig, was hulle nogtans nie sonder probleme nie. ‟n Spektrum passingsmaatstawwe is gebruik om die pasgehalte van die metingsmodel te beoordeel. Die model se algehele passing was goed. Die skattings van die model parameters het egter wel rede tot kommer gegee. Die resultate van die bevestigende faktorontleding dui daarop dat die aanspraak van die ontwikkelaars van die 15FQ+ dat die items wat in elke subskaal ingesluit is spesifieke persoonlikheidsdimensies reflekteer, wel houbaar is. Die grootte-orde van die geskatte modelparameters dui egter daarop dat die items oor die algemeen nie die persoonlikheidsdimensies wat hul ontwerp is om te reflekteer met groot sukses reflekteer nie. Die items is redelik raserige metings van die latente veranderlikes wat hul verteenwoordig. Gebaseer op hierdie bevindinge behoort hierdie instrument met omsigtigheid gebruik te word, veral op groepe wat verskil van die VK steekproewe waarop die instrument ontwikkel en gestandaardiseer is. Die study dra by tot ons begrip van die instrument. Die bevindinge van die studie behoort toekomstige navorsingop 'n groter, meer verteenwoordigende steekproef uit dieselfde teikenpopulasie te rig ten einde die onderhawige bevindinge te steun of te weerlê.
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Emotional intelligence and well-being in teachersBurger, Trudie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Teachers in the post-apartheid South Africa experience multiple, complex and
constantly changing requirements within the teaching context, which contributes to high
levels of stress. They are often faced with different challenges than those in more
developed countries. For example, a lack of sufficient resources is a common
occurrence in schools in South Africa. Furthermore, teachers regularly engage in
multiple roles (e.g. that of the educator, social worker, nurse, etc.) Hence, some
researchers identify teaching as a particularly stressful occupation, and suggest that
teachers experience disproportionately high levels of stress, when compared to other
occupations. Some reasons provided for the occurrence of this include long working
hours, high workloads, lack of discipline and respect from learners, and the new South
African curriculum, enforcing learner-centred or cooperative teaching methods.
Consequences of teachers experiencing high levels of stress have ultimately resulted in
the South African government admitting that they are facing a shortage in skilled
teachers. Therefore, promoting the well-being of teachers is crucial. There is a need to
invest in teacher well-being, in order to reduce the occurrence and consequences of
stress in the workplace.
The central role that emotions play in the stress process is increasingly recognised. It is
said that an individual will experience stress and strain, if they perceive the situation as
negative or stressful. For this reason, emotional intelligence (EI) has led to a new focus
on the role of emotions in the workplace. More specifically, EI involves expressing,
recognising, understanding and managing emotions. Research has proven that EI
serves a buffering role against stress, and those individuals with higher EI experience
better overall health. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In ‘n post-apartheid era kom Suid Afrikaanse onderwysers te staan teen ‘n stel
vereistes wat voortdurend verander, asook kompleks en veelvoudig van aard is. Binne
die opvoedkunde konteks dra hierdie faktore by tot hoë vlakke van stres. In kontras met
ontwikkelde lande, staar Suid Afrikaanse onderwysers verskillende uitdagings in die
gesig. Een voorbeeld behels die gebrek aan genoegsame hulpbronne, `n algemene
verskynsel in Suid Afrikaanse skole. Voorts vervul onderwysers ook voortdurend
verskeie rolle (bv. opvoeder, maatskaplike werker, verpleegster ens.). In vergeleke met
ander beroepe, het sommige navorsers al uitgewys dat onderwysers aan buitengewone
hoë stresvlakke blootgestel word. Hierdie hoë voorkoms van stres kan toe geskryf word
aan lang werksure, hoë werkslading, gebrek aan dissipline en respek van leerders,
asook die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse kurrikulum wat leerder-gefokusde en uitkomsgebaseerde
metodes afdwing. Gevolglik het die Suid-Afrikaanse regering onlangs
erken dat daar tans ‘n gebrek aan opgeleide onderwysers bestaan. Daar is `n behoefte
om in onderwysers se welstand te belê, ten einde die voorkoms en gevolge van stres in
die werksplek te verminder.
Die sentrale rol wat emosies speel in die stres-proses ontvang toenemend meer
erkenning. Daar word aangevoer dat individue stres en spanning sal ondervind, indien
hulle die situasie as negatief evalueer. Emosionele intelligensie (EI) het dus gelei tot ‘n
nuwe bewustheid van die rol wat emosies in die werksplek speel. EI behels die
uitdrukking, erkenning, begrip en bestuur van emosies. Navorsing toon dat EI ‘n buffer
teen stres vorm, en diegene met hoër vlakke van EI ervaar beter algehele gesondheid.
Tot op hede, is daar egter min navorsing gedoen ten opsigte van die rol wat EI vertolk
in die stres-proses soos wat dit spesifiek deur onderwysers ervaar word. Hierdie tesis
het die verwantskap tussen EI en beroepsverwante stres, spanning (fisiese- en
sielkundige welstand), en die uitkomste van stres (werksatisfaksie, organisatoriese toewyding en werk-familie konflik) ondersoek.
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The incremental validity of a Situational Judgement Test (SJT) relative to personality and cognitive ability to predict managerial performanceFertig, Siglind 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The last two decades have witnessed an upsurge in the research and use of
psychometric tests to aid in the prediction of managerial performance. Currently the
most prevailing predictor constructs of managerial performance are cognitive ability,
personality, and experience. However, researchers and practitioners are still looking
for ways in which to maximise the prediction of managerial performance. In recent
years, Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs) have become an increasingly popular
selection tool. SJTs are multidimensional psychometric instruments designed to assess
an individual’s judgement concerning work-related situations. Evidence to date
indicates that SJTs are valid predictors of performance, especially for managerial
positions in which interpersonal interactions are important. The main objective of this
study was to examine whether SJTs significantly add to the prediction of managerial
performance over other measures used for managerial selection, such as measures of
cognitive ability and personality. Measures of specific cognitive abilities, personality
and a SJT were administered to branch managers in a South African retail bank
(N = 124) to investigate the ability of the measures to predict managerial performance.
Managerial performance was measured using three measures; Performance Ranking, a
Behavioural Observation Scale (BOS) and an Overall Performance Rating.
Hierarchical multiple regression was used to investigate the relationship between the
predictor composites and the managerial performance measures. Findings reveal
different prediction patterns for the three criteria. A multiple correlation coefficient of
.442 (p > .05) was obtained when predicting Performance Ranking measures, .308
(p < .05) was obtained for predicting the Behavioural Observation Scale (BOS)
measure, and .318 (p > .05) was obtained when predicting the Overall Performance
Rating measure. Therefore, only when predicting the BOS measure, the SJT provided
incremental validity over cognitive ability and personality measures. Consequently,
the average of the scores of the three criterion measures, i.e., the Managerial
Performance Composite, was used to evaluate the a priori hypotheses. A multiple
correlation of .366 (p > .05) was obtained for predicting the Managerial Performance
Composite criterion. Results therefore indicate that the SJT did not exhibit meaningful
or statistically significant incremental prediction over cognitive ability and personality
to predict the composite managerial performance measure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die laaste twee dekades het ‘n toename in die gebruik van psigometriese toetse in die
voorspelling van bestuurdersprestasie waargeneem. Tans is kognitiewe vermoë,
persoonlikheid en ervaring die mees algemene voorspellingskonstrukte vir
bestuurdersprestasie. Navorsers en praktisyns is egter op soek na maniere om die
voorspelling van bestuurdersprestasie te verbeter. ‘n Onlangse verwikkeling is dat
“Situational Judgement Tests” (SJTs) toeneem in gewildheid as seleksie-metode. SJTs
is multi-dimensionele psigometriese toetse wat ontwerp is om ‘n individu se
oordeelsvermoë ten opsigte van werksverwante situasies te assesseer. Navorsing tot
op hede wys dat SJTs geldige voorspellers van prestasie is, veral vir bestuursposisies
waarin interpersoonlike interaksies belangrik is. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was
om te ondersoek of SJTs betekenisvolle waarde toevoeg tot die voorspelling van
bestuurdersprestasie bo die gebruik van ander meetinstrumente wat vir
bestuurskeuring gebruik word, soos metings van kognitiewe vermoë en
persoonlikheid. Vir hierdie doel, is takbestuurders in ‘n Suid Afrikaanse bank (N =
124) se kognitiewe vermoëns, persoonlikheid en situasionele beoordelingsvermoë
getoets om die vermoë van die meetinstrumente om bestuurdersprestasie te voorspel,
te ondersoek. Bestuurdersprestasie was deur middel van drie meetinstrumente bepaal;
prestasie-rangordening (“Performance Ranking”), ‘n gedragsobservasieskaal
(“Behavioural Observation Scale”) en ‘n algehele prestasiebeoordelingsmeting
(“Overall Performance Rating”). Hiërargiese meervoudige regressie-ontleding was
gebruik om die verhouding tussen die voorspellers en die bestuurdersprestasiemetings
te ondersoek. Verskillende voorspellingspatrone is vir die drie meetinstrumente
gevind. ‘n Meervoudige korrelasie koeffisiënt van .308 (p < .05) is vir die
voorspelling van die BOS meting verkry, terwyl .442 (p > .05) en .308 (p < .05)
onderskeidelik vir die voorspelling van die prestasie-rangordening en algehele
prestasiebeoordelingsmeting verkry is. Gevolglik het slegs die BOS meting
inkrementele geldigheid getoon. Die gemiddeld van hierdie drie metings se tellings is
gebruik om ‘n bestuurdersprestasie-kombinasietelling “Managerial Performance
Composite” te skep wat gebruik is om die finale besluit rakende die a priori hipoteses
te maak. ‘n Meervoudige korrelasie van .366 (p >.05) was gevind ten einde die
bestuurdersprestasie-kombinasietelling te voorspel aan die hand van die voorspellers.
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The development and validation of a partial competency model for branch managers in the clothing retail industryVan der Bank, Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Understanding and measuring job performance constructs enables organisations to utilise their human resources more effectively. The job performance of workers can be conceptualised on two levels, namely on a job result or outcome level (e.g. sales figures, units produced) and on a behavioural level (e.g. planning a budget, attentiveness to customers). To the extent that the former is within the control of the worker responsible, its success is a function of the worker’s behaviour on the job. Successful performance on the job outcome level for which the job exists thus requires specific levels of performance (i.e., competence) on the behavioural competencies in that the latter complexly determines the former. The level of performance achieved on the outcome level could, however, also recursively feed back onto the level of performance reached on the behavioural competencies. A complex network of causal influences thus exist between the job outcomes for which the job exists and the latent behavioural competency variables.
Although this multi-dimensional structural model between job behaviour and job outcomes are widely recognised in theory, it is not often developed or tested in practice. Such models will give credence to performance criteria used as part of performance management and will also assist organisations in selecting and evaluating job success predictors. In addition, these models can serve as diagnostic tools for organisational development.
This research study develops and evaluates a performance or competency structural model for branch managers in the clothing retail industry. The results seem to suggest a reasonable good fit for the exogenous model (i.e. competency measurement model), but a poor fit for the endogenous model (i.e. job outcomes measurement model). Due to estimation problems with the endogenous model, multiple regression analysis is used instead of the more appropriate analysis in this case, structural equation modelling, for evaluating the structural model. The regression results confirm the importance of certain competencies in terms of unit performance and provide understanding of the rather complex performance domain. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verstaan en meet van posprestasie stel organisasies in staat om hul menslike hulpbronne meer effektief te bestuur. Die posprestasie van werkers kan op twee vlakke gekonseptualiseer word, naamlik op ‘n posuitkomsvlak (bv. verkoopssyfers, eenhede geproduseer) en op ‘n gedragsvlak (bv. beplanning van ‘n begroting, oplettendheid teenoor klante). Sukses op die eersgenoemde vlak, in die mate waartoe dit binne die beheer van die verantwoordelike werker is, is ‘n funksie van die werker se gedrag in die werk. Suksesvolle prestasie op die posuitkomsvlak, waarvoor die pos bestaan, vereis dus spesifieke vlakke van prestasie (dws. bevoegdheid) op die gedragsvlak deurdat die laasgenoemde die eersgenoemde op ‘n komplekse wyse bepaal. Die vlak van prestasie behaal op die uitkomsvlak sou egter ook ’n terugvoereffek kon hê op die vlak van prestasie op die gedragsbevoegdhede. ‘n Komplekse netwerk van kousale invloede bestaan dus tussen die posuitkomse waarvoor die pos bestaan en die latente gedragsbevoegdhede veranderlikes.
Alhoewel hierdie multi-dimensionele strukturele model tussen werksgedrag en posuitkomste wyd erken word in die teorie, word dit nie algemeen ontwikkel of getoets in die praktyk nie. Sulke modelle sal geloofwaardigheid bied aan prestasiekriteria wat aangewend word as deel van prestasiebestuur en sal ook bydra tot organisasies se seleksie en evaluasie van voorspellers vir possukses. Hierdie modelle kan verder as diagnostiese instrumentasie dien vir organisasieontwikkeling.
Hierdie navorsingstudie behels die ontwikkeling en evaluering van ‘n strukturele prestasie- of bevoegdheidsmodel vir takbestuurders in die klere-kleinhandelindustrie. Die resultate blyk ‘n redelike goeie passing aan te dui vir die eksogene (bevoegdheids-) model, maar ‘n swak passing vir die endogene (posuitkoms-) model. As gevolg van beramingsprobleme met die endogene model word meervoudige regressieontleding gebruik in plaas van strukturele vergelykingsmodellering wat ‘n meer toepaslike analise in hierdie geval sou wees. Die regressieresultate bevestig die belangrikheid van sekere bevoegdhede in terme van eenheidsprestasie en werk mee om ‘n redelike komplekse prestasiedomein meer verstaanbaar te maak.
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Engagement in call centres : exploring eliciting factorsJanse van Rensburg, Yolandi-Eloise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Researchers have labelled call centres as the modern equivalent of the ‘factory
sweatshops’ of the industrial era, and refer to them as the ‘satanic mills of the
21st century’. A review of the literature revealed the lack of employee
engagement amongst call centre representatives (CCRs) to be a central concern
in this fast-emerging global industry. Consequently, the current study was
undertaken to identify and investigate various antecedents of employee
The objective of the study was, firstly, to gauge the level of employee
engagement amongst a sample of CCRs in South Africa and, secondly, to track
the paths through which salient antecedents affect this engagement. More
specifically, the relationships between sense of coherence (SOC), leadership
effectiveness (LE), team effectiveness (TE) and employee engagement (E) were
investigated. A quantitative research approach was followed whereby a positive
psychology paradigm underpinned the examination of specific personal and job
resources that could enhance engagement within the call centre environment.
A cross-sectional survey design was used and a non-probability convenient
sample of 215 CCRs was selected. The measuring instruments comprised the
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale of Schaufeli and Bakker (2003) to measure
engagement, the Team Diagnostic Survey of Wageman, Hackman and Lehman
(2005) to measure team effectiveness, the Leadership Practices Inventory of
Kouzes and Posner (2001) to gauge leadership effectiveness, and the
Orientation to Life Questionnaire of Antonovsky (1987) to measure sense of
coherence. A series of structural equation modelling analyses were performed.
Contrary to the ‘electronic sweatshop’ image and its attendant symptoms of
depression, emotional exhaustion, anxiety, demotivation and dissatisfaction
attached to call centre jobs (depicted in the literature), the results show a high level of employee engagement for the CCRs in the sample. Also, personal
resources, such as SOC, and job resources, such as TE, related significantly to
E. A non-significant relationship was found to exist between LE and E. The
implications of the results for the practice of human resource management in call
centres are elaborated upon. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oproepsentrums is al deur navorsers bestempel as die moderne ekwivalent van
die ‘hongerfabrieke’ van die industriële tydvak, en as die ‘sataniese meule van
die 21ste eeu’. ‘n Oorsig van die literatuur toon dat die gebrek aan
werknemerverbintenis onder oproepsentrumverteenwoordigers (call centre
representatives (CCRs)) ‘n sentrale kommer is in hierdie vinnig ontluikende
globale bedryf. Gevolglik is hierdie studie onderneem om die verskillende
antesedente van werknemerverbintenis te ondersoek.
Die doelwit van hierdie studie was eerstens om die vlak van
werknemerverbintenis in ‘n steekproef van oproepsentrumverteenwoordigers in
Suid-Afrika te meet, en tweedens om die weë waardeur die pertinente
antesedente hierdie verbintenis beïnvloed, op te spoor. Meer spesifiek is die
verhoudings tussen samehangsin (sense of coherence (SOC)),
leierskapdoeltreffendheid (leadership effectiveness (LE)), spandoeltreffendheid
(team effectiveness (TE)) en die werknemer se verbintenis (engagement (E))
ondersoek. ‘n Kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gebruik in terme waarvan
‘n positiewe sielkundige paradigma die ondersoek van spesifieke persoonlike en
werkhulpbronne onderstut het wat verbintenis in die oproepsentrum-omgewing
kon verhoog.
‘n Deursnee- opname-ontwerp is gebruik en ‘n nie-waarskynlikheidsgerieflikheidsteekproef
van 215 oproepsentrumverteenwoordigers is geselekteer.
Die meetinstrumente het die volgende behels: die Utrecht Work Engagement
Scale van Schaufeli en Bakker (2003) om verbintenis te meet; die Team
Diagnostic Survey van Wageman, Hackman en Lehman (2005) om
spandoeltreffendheid te meet; die Leadership Practices Inventory van Kouzes en
Posner (2001) om leierskapdoeltreffendheid te meet; en die Orientation to Life
Questionnaire van Antonovsky (1987) om samehangsin te meet. ‘n Reeks
ontledings van struktuurvergelykingsmodellering is uitgevoer. In teenstelling met die beeld van ‘n ‘elektroniese hongerfabriek’ en die
gepaardgaande simptome van neerslagtigheid, emosionele uitputting,
angstigheid, demotivering en ontevredenheid wat met werk in oproepsentrums
gepaard gaan (soos in die literatuur uitgebeeld), toon die resultate ‘n hoë vlak
van werknemerverbintenis vir die oproepsentrumverteenwoordigers in hierdie
steekproef. Persoonlike hulpbronne soos samehangsin, en werkhulpbronne soos
spandoeltreffendheid, het ‘n noemenswaardige verband met verbintenis getoon.
‘n Nie-betekenisvolle verhouding is gevind tussen leierskapdoeltreffendheid en
verbintenis. Die implikasies van die uitslae vir die menslike hulpbronnepraktyk in
oproepsentrums word ook bespreek.
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