Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bindustrial mpsychology"" "subject:"bindustrial bpsychology""
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Measurement invariance of the second edition of the Fifteen Factor Personality Questionnaire (15FQ+) over different ethnic groups in South AfricaHoltzkamp, Jani Gerda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Commericial organizations operate in a free-market economic system. The goal of commercial organizations in a free-market economic system is to utilise scarce resources at their disposal to optimally maximise their profits. To achieve this goal, the human resources function is tasked with the responsibility to acquire and maintain a competent and motivated workforce in a manner that would add value to the bottom-line. The human resource management interventions are therefore a critical tool in regulating human capital in such a manner that it optimally adds value to the business. Personality tests are used in the world of work to determine individual differences in behaviour and performance. There was recently a dispute over the effectiveness of the use of personality tests in predicting job performance, but personality is nowadays regarded as a an influential causal antecedent in the prediction of job performance.
From the first democratic elections held in 1994, greater demands have been placed on the cultural appropriateness of psychological testing in South Africa. The use of cross-cultural assessments in South Africa are therefore currently very prominent. The use of psychological tests, including personality tests, is now strictly controlled by legislation, including the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998. In order to make informed decisions, industrial psychologists and registered psychology practitioners need reliable and valid information about the personality construct which will enable them to make accurate predictions on the criterion construct. This argument provides significant justification for the primary purpose of this study, namely an equivalence and invariance study of the second edition of the Fifteen Factor Questionnaire (15FQ +) in a sample of Black, Coloured and White South Africans.
Bias in psychological testing can be described as ‘troublesome’ factors that threaten the validity of cross-cultural comparisons across different groups e.g., ethnic groups (Van de Vijver & Leung, 1997). These factors can be caused by construct bias, method bias and/or item bias. It is therefore essential that the information provided by the test results must have the same meaning across all the various reference groups. This assumption necessitates evidence of equivalent and invariant measurements across different groups. Equivalence and invariance in this study is investigated by making use of Dunbar, Theron and Spangenberg (2011)'s proposed steps. Complete measurement invariance and full measurement equivalence is the last step and implies that the observed measurements can be compared directly between the different groups. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kommersiële Organisasies word bedryf in ‘n vrye-mark ekonomiese stelsel. Die doel van kommersiële organisasies is dus om skaars hulpbronne tot hul beskikking optimaal aan te wend ten einde wins te maksimeer. Daarom is dit belangrik vir die menslikehulpbron funksie om ‘n bevoegde en gemotiveerde werksmag te verkry en in stand te hou op ‘n wyse wat waarde tot die onderneming byvoeg. Dit is daarom uiters belangrik om die regte menslikehulpbron intervensies in organisasies te implementeer om die menslike kapitaal so te reguleer dat hulle optimaal waarde tot die onderneming byvoeg. Persoonlikheidstoetse word gebruik in die wêreld van werk om individuele verskille in gedrag en werksprestasie te bepaal. Daar was onlangs ‘n dispuut oor die effektiwiteit van persoonlikheidstoetse se gebruik in die voorspelling van werksprestasie, maar persoonlikheid word hedendaags beskou as ‘n invloedryke oorsaaklike veranderlike in die voorspelling van werksprestasie.
Vanaf die eerste demokratiese verkiesing van 1994 word daar sterker eise geplaas op die kulturele toepaslikheid van sielkundige toetse in Suid Afrika. Kruis-kulturele assesserings in Suid Afrika is daarom tans baie prominent. Die gebruik van sielkundige toetse, ingesluit persoonlikheidstoetse, word nou streng beheer deur wetgewing, onder andere die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming 55 van 1998. Ten einde ingeligte besluite te kan neem, benodig bedryfsielkundiges en geregistreerde sielkundé praktisyns betroubare en geldige inligting oor die persoonlikheidskonstruk om hul in staat te stel om akkurate voorspellings van die kriteriumkonstruk te maak. Dit bied wesenlik die regverdiging vir die primêre oogmerk van hierdie studie, naamlik om ‘n ekwivalensie en invariansie studie van die tweede uitgawe van die Vyftien Faktor Vraelys (the Fifteen Factor Questionnaire, 15FQ+) op ‘n steekproef van Swart, Kleurling en Wit Suid Afrikaners te onderneem.
Sydigheid in toetse kan beskryf word as ‘lastige’ faktore wat die geldigheid van kruis-kulturele vergelykings oor verskillende groepe (bv. Etniese groepe) bedreig (Van de Vijver & Leung, 1997). Hierdie faktore kan veroorsaak word deur konstruksydigheid, metodesydigheid en/of itemsydigheid. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat die informasie wat verskaf word deur die toetsresultate dieselfde betekenis moet hê oor al die verskillende verwysingsgroepe. Hierdie aanname noodsaak bewyse van ekwivalente en invariante metings oor verskillende groepe. Ekwivalensie en Invariansie in hierdie studie word ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van Dunbar, Theron en Spangenberg (2011) se voorgestelde stappe. Volle ekwivalensie en invariansie is die laaste stap en impliseer dat waargenome metings oor verskillende groepe direk met mekaar vergelyk kan word.
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The relationship between emotional intelligence, locus of control, self-efficacy, sense of coherence and work adjustmentDu Plessis, Anita Gesiena 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The military is a unique working environment that poses several challenges to
soldiers. These include numerous ambiguities, psychological stressors,
physical demands and resource challenges. In order for the military to be
successful, it is important to employ individuals who will be able to thrive in
this environment. The theory of work adjustment proposes correspondence
between an individual and his or her work environment. The military needs
individuals who will fit well into the organisation and enhance its capabilities.
The objective of this study was to explore the possible relationships between
emotional intelligence, locus of control, self-efficacy, sense of coherence and
work adjustment within a military sample. The data was collected from a
sample of 295 members of the South African National Defence Force
preparing for an international deployment. The descriptive statistics included
76,6% males and 23,4% females with the majority of respondents (292) from
the South African Army (99%), while the other respondents (3) were from the
South African Military Health Service (1%). Quantitative research techniques were employed to test the stated
hypotheses. Emotional intelligence, locus of control, self-efficacy and sense
of coherence were analysed as independent variables and work adjustment
as the dependant variable. The findings supported the hypotheses, and
relationships between emotional intelligence, locus of control, self-efficacy
and sense of coherence were established. Contributions towards theory,
literature, practice, labour, policies and military commanders are made.
Recommendations for future research are also presented.
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Barriers to, and policy opportunities for, the growth of renewable energy technologies in South Africa : rethinking the role of municipalitiesTshehla, Maloba Gerard 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Amid the climate change crisis of the 21st century, South Africa faces its own, tailor-made challenges. In its attempt to contribute to the global effort to mitigate climate change and achieve sustainable development, South Africa faces the challenge of a history steeped in cheap electricity - the curse of an abundance of coal. The municipality, as the lowest leg of governance, currently finds itself at a tough nexus, involving; municipal mandates to provide basic services; the possible financial risks of implementing RETs; the regulatory ambiguity surrounding electricity generation and distribution jurisdiction; and the necessary implementation of RETs as a means of addressing the growing risk of revenue loss from reduced electricity sales as consumers install their own RETs, and as a contribution to national climate change mitigation. This nexus is herein referred to as the ‘municipal dilemma’.
This thesis, via a complex systems approach, explores the major barriers and policy opportunities in the implementation of renewable energy technologies (RETs) by municipalities embedded within the larger ambit of the South African government, as they attempt to address what the author has termed the ‘municipal dilemma’. What is especially interesting and relevant about a complex systems approach is the notion of learning and therefore adaptability. In light of municipalities and their role in the South African context, the notion of systems learning affords a unique perspective into the municipal dilemma and means of overcoming it. From a literature analysis of policy, through to a specific case study of Hessequa municipality, this study sought to assist municipalities in addressing this dilemma. South Africa’s energy and municipal management policies starting from the Constitution, is found to be conducive to the growth of RETs. Furthermore, there are clear channels through which municipalities can engage with these new technologies to address the municipal dilemma. What is seen to hinder this process is a web of institutional, political and regulatory barriers stemming from the over-politicization of the country’s energy sector - a direct result of a long history entrenched in coal-fired electricity generation.
What was found lacking in the South African energy debate was the perspective of the municipality itself, which is ultimately tasked with catering for the energy needs of South African citizens while participating in national efforts. The notion that municipalities are best positioned to be influential in the growth of RETs is reinforced by the literature explored and through a complex systems approach. To effectively play their role, municipalities must: (a) be creative and bold in their development of appropriate policies to support RETs; (b) align their efforts with provincial and national programmes and simultaneously influence these programmes through municipal experience; (c) take advantage of systems in place, such as the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) process, to gradually build capacity within the municipality to manage increasingly complex RET implementation; (d) develop long-term strategies which, as per the tenets of complex systems theory, must feed from and into the ever-changing national and global landscape.
This thesis posits that the municipal dilemma not only needs to be addressed, but offers the municipality a unique opportunity to rethink its role in the South African context. It has been found that a conducive regulatory environment is on the rise in the South African energy context. This environment, however, still requires much input from municipalities which are well positioned to offer direction to the policy creation process. In doing so, municipalities not only address the municipal dilemma, by also take their place as custodians of sustainable development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Te midde van die krisis van die 21ste eeu, naamlik die uitdaging van klimaatverandering, staar Suid-Afrika sy eie, unieke uitdagings in die gesig. Met die nodigheid om by te dra tot die globale poging om klimaatsverandering te versag en volhoubare ontwikkeling mee te bring, is Suid-Afrika gekonfronteer met die uitdaging van 'n geskiedenis ‘ryk’ in goedkoop elektrisiteit - die vloek van 'n oorvloed steenkool. Hierdienooreenkomstig bevind die munisipaliteit, as die laagste been van regering, homself in 'n moeilike krisispunt, naamlik die handhawing van die grondwetlike mandaat om basiese dienste te verskaf, en om ekonomiese ontwikkeling te verseker, maar tog by te dra tot die land se volhoubare ontwikkeling. Dit is uiters moeilik om alle aspekte genoegsaam aan te spreek, en hierna word verwys as die munsipale dilemma.
Ter oorweging van die munisipaliteit as ingebed in 'n groter stelsel, naamlik die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, en met 'n komplekse stelselsbenadering om die munisipale dilemma aan te spreek, ondersoek hierdie tesis die groot struikelblokke tot, en beleidsgeleenthede vir, die implementering van hernubare energietegnologie deur munisipaliteite. In terme van die komplekse stelsels benadering is veral belangrik die opvattings van leer en dus aanpasbaarheid van die stelsels en hul relevansie vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Uit 'n ontleding van die beleidsliteratuur, en deur ‘n spesifieke gevallestudie van Hessequa munisipaliteit, poog hierdie studie om munisipaliteite te help in die aanspreek van hul dilemma. Daar is gevind dat Suid-Afrika se energie- en munisipale bestuursbeleid, vanaf die Grondwet, die groei van hernubare energietegnologie bevorder. Verder is daar duidelike kanale waardeur munisipaliteite betrokke kan raak by hierdie nuwe tegnologie ten einde die munisipale dilemma aan te spreek. Hierdie proses word wel verhinder deur 'n web van institusionele, politieke en regulatoriese hindernisse, wat spruit uit die oorverpolitisering van die land se energie-sektor; 'n direkte gevolg van 'n lang geskiedenis verskans in steenkool-aangedrewe opwekking van elektrisiteit.
Wat ontbreek in die Suid-Afrikaanse energie-debat is die perspektief van die munisipaliteit self, wat uiteindelik getaak is met die adressering van die behoeftes van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, met gelyktydige deelname aan nasionale pogings. Die plaaslike en globale gevallestudies lig talle gemeenskaplike temas uit en vorm die basis van die gevolgtrekkings van hierdie tesis. Die idee dat munisipaliteite die beste geposisioneer is om invloedryk te wees in die groei van hernubare energietegnologie word versterk deur die literatuur ondersoek en deur middel van 'n komplekse sisteem benadering tot die gevallestudies. Om effektief te wees in hul rol, moet munisipaliteite (a) kreatief en dapper wees in hul ontwikkeling van toepaslike beleide om dié tegnologieë te ondersteun; (b) hul pogings in lyn bring met provinsiale en nasionale programme en terselfdertyd hierdie programme beïnvloed deur munisipale ervaring; (c) voordeel trek uit stelsels wat reeds in plek is om geleidelik kapasiteit op te bou binne die munisipaliteit om die toenemend komplekse hernubare energie implementering te bestuur; en (d) langtermyn strategieë ontwikkel in die steeds veranderende nasionale en internasionale landskap.
Hierdie tesis postuleer dus dat die munisipale dilemma nie net aangespreek moet word nie, maar bied die munisipaliteit 'n unieke geleentheid om sy rol in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te heroorweeg. Wat bevind is, is dat toepaslike beleid reeds bestaan en dat munisipaliteite hul plek kan inneem as bewaarders van volhoubare ontwikkeling.
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The effect of core ethical values on ethical leadership, organisational justice, ethical climate and leader effectivenessWolmarans, Janneke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study arose from a high need to determine the factors contributing to leader effectiveness in South African organisations by identifying the determinants thereof. The purpose of the study furthermore was to identify the determinants of unethical and counterproductive behaviours in the workplace. There is a belief that leaders should set aside ethical standards to succeed in the rough-and-tumble world of business. In contrast, evidence has revealed that ethical leaders can frequently be seen as more effective in organisations.
Since the purpose of this study was to examine factors contributing to perceived leader effectiveness within South African organisations, the relationship between perceived effective leadership, ethical climate, organisational justice, ethical leadership and core ethical values was investigated. The aim was to provide further theoretical and empirical evidence that effective ethical leadership can be realised through instilling an ethical organisational climate in which integrity, altruism and fairness are exhibited and encouraged.
A theoretical model was developed to explain the structural relationships between the latent variables and effective leadership within organisations. Substantive hypotheses were formulated in order to determine the validity of the propositions made in the literature review, with the objective of testing the proposed ethical climate structural model.
The sample was selected from of employees of a large retail company mainly situated in the Western Cape but with branches all over South Africa and in the rest of Africa. The selection consisted of 224 first-line and middle management employees. Each of the respondents completed the Leader Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ), the Ethical Climate Scale (ECS), the Justice Scale, the Leadership of Ethics Scale (LES), the Revised Behavioural Integrity Scale (BIS-R) and Langley’s Value Scale. The hypotheses and the structural model were empirically tested using various statistical methods. Reliability analysis was completed on all the measurement scales and satisfactory reliability was found. The content and structure of the measured constructs were examined by means of confirmatory factor analysis and the results indicated that good fit was achieved for all the refined measurement models. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was subsequently used to determine the extent to which the conceptual model fitted the data obtained from the sample and to test the relationships between the constructs. The results revealed that integrity and altruism have a direct and positive influence on ethical leadership. Support furthermore was found for the influence of ethical climate on leader effectiveness. The results however indicated that support could not be found for the relationship between organisational justice and leader effectiveness. Conversely, it was found that ethical leadership has a direct and positive influence on leader effectiveness. In addition, organisational justice also exhibited a positive influence on ethical climate. On the other hand, ethical leadership did not have a positive influence on ethical climate. Finally, support was found for the influence of ethical leadership on organisational justice.
Final conclusions were drawn from the results obtained and recommendations for future research are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ontstaan uit ‘n dringende behoefte om die faktore wat bydra tot leier-doeltreffendheid in Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies te bepaal, deur die determinante daarvan te identifiseer. Verder was die doel van die studie om die determinante van onetiese en teenproduktiewe gedrag in die werkplek te identifiseer. Daar is ʼn bewering dat leiers hul etiese standaarde eenkant toe moet skuif om in die hedendaagse besigheidswêreld suksesvol te wees. In teendeel is dit egter bewys dat etiese leiers in organisasies dikwels as meer effektief beskou kan word.
Met die doel van hierdie studie om die faktore te bestudeer wat bydra tot waargenome leier doeltreffendheid in Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies, is die verwantskap tussen waargenome leier doeltreffendheid, etiese klimaat, organisatoriese geregtigheid, etiese leierskap en kern etiese waardes in hierdie studie ondersoek. Die studie het gepoog om addisionele teoretiese en empiriese bewyse te lewer dat etiese leiers die persepsie van doeltreffende leierskap indirek kan beïnvloed deur die skep van ‘n etiese organisasieklimaat waarin integriteit, altruisme en billikheid ten toon gestel en bevorder word.
‘n Teoretiese model is ontwikkel om die strukturele verwantskappe tussen die latente veranderlikes en doeltreffende leierskap in organisasies te verklaar. Substantiewe hypotheses is geformuleer om sodoende die geldigheid van die voorspellings uit die literatuurstudie te bepaal. Die doel hiervan was om die voorgestelde etiese klimaat strukturele model te toets. Die steekproef het bestaan uit werknemers van ‘n groot kleinhandel maatskappy wat hoofsaaklik in die Wes-Kaap geleë is, maar takke regoor Suid-Afrika en in die res van Afrika het. Die steekproef is saamgestel uit 224 eerste-vlak en middel-bestuur werknemers. Elke respondent het die Leader Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ), die Ethical Climate Scale (ECS), die Organisational Justice Scale, die Leader of Ethics Scale (LES), die Revised Behavioural Integrity Survey (BIS-R) en die Altruism Scale ingevul.
Die hipoteses en die strukturele model is empiries getoets met behulp van verskeie statistiese metodes. Betroubaarheidanalise is op al die metingskale uitgevoer en bevredigende betroubaarheid is gevind. Die inhoud en struktuur van die gemete konstrukte is deur middel van bevestigende faktor-ontledings ondersoek en die resultate het aangedui dat integriteit en altruisme ‘n direkte en positiewe invloed op etiese leierskap het. Ondersteuning is ook gevind vir die invloed van etiese klimaat op leier doeltreffendheid. Die resultate het egter aangedui dat ondersteuning nie vir die verband tussen organisatoriese geregtigheid en leier doeltreffendheid nie gevind kon word. Daarteenoor is daar gevind dat etiese leierskap ‘n direkte en positiewe invloed op leier doeltreffendheid het. Boonop het organisatoriese geregtigheid ook ‘n positiewe invloed op etiese klimaat getoon. Daarteenoor het etiese leierskap nie ‘n positiewe invloed op etiese klimaat gehad nie. Laastens is ondersteuning gevind vir die invloed wat etiese leierskap op organisatoriese geregtigheid het.
Finale gevolgtrekkings is afgelei van die resultate wat verkry is en aanbevelings is vir toekomstige navorsing gemaak.
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The relationship between job demands, job resources, engagement, burnout and intention to quitCole, Beatrix 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The increasing demand for client-services in a highly competitive business
environment has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of call
centres in South Africa and worldwide (Carrim, Basson & Coetzee, 2006).
Within the call centre industry, turnover intentions have been identified as one
of the most pressing problems in terms of cost and productivity. This research
suggests that the exploration and then the alteration of job resources and job
demands will help elicit factors that foster engagement and will help lessen
and/or alleviate burnout experiences. This in turn will help to decrease
turnover intentions in the South African call centre industry. This research
attempts to investigate the proposed relationships between the constructs in a
structural model.
The literature review defines turnover, turnover intention, engagement,
burnout as well as job demands and job resources, using the Job Demands-
Resources model. It also discusses the importance for organisations to
understand employees’ turnover intentions. The literature review aims to
portray that there are relationships between the five constructs. The current research was conducted in 5 inbound/outbound South African call
centres. The sample was comprised of 122 participants and a non-probability
sampling technique, convenience sampling was utilized. A self-developed
Biographical Questionnaire, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES)
and the Maslach Burnout Inventory Questionnaire (MBI) were used as
measuring instruments. Job demands and job resources using the Work
Design Questionnaire (WDQ) by Morgeson and Humphrey (2006) were used
as well as a Turnover Intentions Questionnaire developed by Roodt (2004)
cited in Adam and Roodt (2008). A reliability analysis was done to assess the
measurement properties of the respective measures, and all scales showed
highly acceptable reliability.
The data wereanalysed using the soft approach to Structural Equation
Modeling that is Partial least squares path modeling. The results indicate that all of the relationships tested are significant. A model testing engagement and
burnout as mediators were also investigated. Both relationships were
insignificant hence engagement is a mediator between job resources and
intention to quit and burnout a mediator between job demands and intention to
quit. This was also confirmed by two separate Sobel tests (Sobel, 1982).
This study adds to existing literature on job resources, job demands,
engagement, burnout and intention to quit by providing insights into the
relationships among these constructs. This study also provides call centres
with valuable information for the development and/or alterations of working
conditions aimed at mitigating turnover behavior and maximizing
organizational outcomes through an engaged workforce. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende vraag na kliënt-dienste, in 'n hoogs mededingende sakeomgewing,
het gelei tot 'n aansienlike toename in die aantal van oproep-diens
sentrums in Suid-Afrika asook die wêreld (Carrim, Basson & Coetzee, 2006).
Intensie om te bedank is geïdentifiseer as een van die mees dringende
probleme in terme van koste en produktiwiteit, binne oproepsentrums. Hierdie
navorsing dui daarop dat die eksplorasie en die verandering van werkbronne
met betrekking tot die werksomgewing en werkvereistes; sal faktore ontlok
wat kan aanleiding gee tot die verbintenis betrokkenheid van personnel, en
sal ook help om uitbranding ervarings te verminder of om te verlaag. Dit op sy
beurt sal meerbring dat intensie om te bedank dus verlaag word binne die
Suid-Afrikaanse oproepsentrum-bedryf. Hierdie navorsing poog om die
voorgestelde verwantskap tussen die konstrukte in 'n strukturele model te
Die literatuuroorsig definieer omset, intensie om te bedank, verbetenis,
uitbranding sowel as werkvereistes en werkbronne, met die hulp van die
werk-eise model. Dit bespreek ook die belangrikheid vir organisasies om
werknemer omset bedoelings te verstaan. Die literatuuroorsig poog om die
verwantskap tussen die vyf konstrukte te illustreer. Die huidige navorsing was gedoen by 5 inkomende/uitgaande Suid-
Afrikaanse oproepsentrums. Eenhonderd twee en twintig (122) deelnemers
was in die navorsing gebruik en 'n nie-waarskynlikheidsteekproefneming
tegniek, gerieflikheidsteekproef was benut. 'n Self-ontwikkelde biografiese
vraelys, die Utrecht Werksbegeesteringskaal (UWES) en die Maslach
Uitbrandingsvraelys (MBI) was as meetinstrumente gebruik. Werkvereiste en
werkbronne was gemeet deur die werk Ontwerp vraelys (WDQ) wat deur
Morgeson en Humphrey (2006) ontwikkel is, addisioneel tot die voorafgaande
was omset bedoelings vraelyste wat deur Roodt (2004) ontwikkel is soos
aangehaal in Adam en Roodt (2008). 'n Betroubaarheid analise is gedoen om
die meting eienskappe van die onderskeie maatreëls te evalueer, en daar is
bevind dat al die skale hoogs aanvaarbare betroubaarheid toon. Die data is ontleed met gebruik van die sagte benadering tot strukturele
vergelykingsmodellering wat PLS modellering. Die resultate dui daarop dat al
die verhoudings wat getoets was betekenisvol is. 'n Model toets verbintenis
en uitbranding as bemiddelaar is ook ondersoek. Beide verhoudings was
onbeduldende daarom is verbintenis ‘n bemiddelaar tussen werkbronne en
voorneme om te bedank en uitbranding 'n bemiddelaar tussen werk eise en
intensie om te bedank. Dit is ook bevestig deur twee afsonderlike Sobel
toetse (Sobel, 1982).
Hierdie studie dra by tot die bestaande literatuur oor werkbronne,
werkwerkvereistes, uitbranding en intensie om op te bedank deur die
verskaffing van insigte in die verhoudings tussen hierdie konstrukte. Hierdie
studie bied ook vir oproepdiens-sentrums waardevolle inligting vir die
ontwikkeling en/of verandering van werksomstandighede wat daarop gemik is
om die veranderende opset van omset gedrag en om optimale uitkoms van
verandering vir die organisasie deur 'n betrokke werksmag te benut.
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Impact of psychological wellbeing and perceived combat readiness on willingness to deploy in the SANDF : an exploratory studyNkewu, Zingcwengile 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is deploying locally, regionally and internationally for peacekeeping operations and tasks other than peacekeeping. It is imperative that it succeed in these missions in order for the country, region and the world to develop. However, in order for the SANDF to realize success those responsible for the task of peacekeeping have to be combat ready, and particularly perceive themselves to be combat ready, they have to measure high on psychological wellbeing and should have no psychosocial and/or psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and social dysfunction, but must have a high level of willingness to deploy. SANDF deployment in Africa is voluntary and depends on those members who are willing to deploy to extract Africa out of the mire of squalor and poverty and conflict. It is only when there is peace that development and proper governance can be achieved, hence the need to use the SANDF as a foreign policy tool to bring about peace in Africa. The aim of the study was to explore the impact of psychological wellbeing (PWB) general health (GH) and perceived combat readiness (PCR) on willingness to deploy (WD) in the SANDF. A non-experimental, exploratory study was employed this study. Participants were drawn from the Army (n=465) from the rank of private to colonel. Participants completed valid reliable instruments measuring PWB; PCR; GH; and WD. PWB was measured in terms of self-acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, purpose in life, environmental mastery, and personal growth. PCR was measured in terms of family support, confidence (in all its dimensions), morale, and cohesion and unit discipline. GH was measured in terms of somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction and depression. WD was measured by using 12 questions with a sample question such as: “In the event of an invasion by an enemy force into the RSA, to what extent will you be willing to go into combat?” Correlation analysis was done to determine the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Multiple regression analysis was done to determine which of the independent variables contributed most to WD of members of the SANDF
The results revealed a significant positive relationship between PWB (and its dimensions, except self-acceptance and positive relations with others) and WD, and PCR (and its dimensions, except unit disciple) and WD. GH was annulled for its potential not to explain any variance in the model because almost all participants scored zero on all subscales. The multiple regression analysis was in line with correlation results showing that total PCR (strongest predictor) made a significant contribution in explaining and predicting WD. PWB made a contribution in explaining and predicting WD, but not as strong as PCR. The PCR dimensions that individually contribute significantly in explaining and predicting WD are self-confidence, horizontal cohesion and confidence in the leader. The conclusion that is drawn from this study is that total PCR and total PWB contribute to willingness to deploy.
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Developing emotional intelligence for sustained student successDelport, Marthinus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dire educational situation in South Africa has urged researchers to investigate possible predictors of academic success. There seems to be an increasing emphasis on non–cognitive factors that might play a role in determining the academic performance of students. In this study various unique challenges first-year students face were underlined, followed by possible key psychological resources needed to overcome such challenges. These resources include self-regulatory skills (i.e. self-leadership and emotional regulation), psychological well-being and constructive self-efficacy beliefs that could all ultimately help determine an individual’s academic success.
It was hypothesised that Emotional Intelligence (EI) are central to these psychological resources and play a crucial role in the adaption and performance of first-year students in higher educational institutions. In this study an EI development programme was therefore implemented in order to evaluate whether it is possible to provide students with a powerful resource reservoir (i.e. high EI capabilities) in order to empower them to acquire additional personal and psychological resource (i.e. academic self-leadership, academic self-efficacy and well-being) that are needed to attain academic success. The findings of this study revealed that the EI development programme succeeded in elevating students’ EI, which also led to moderate improvements in their psychological well-being (i.e. less perceived stress), as well as the enhancement of their academic self-leadership (ASL) and academic self-efficacy (ASE) skills and abilities. Institutes of higher education should therefore rethink the emphasis they place on cognitive abilities alone and consider the strategy of also providing opportunities to enhance non-cognitive predictors of academic success. For example, by implementing EI development programmes, such as the one tested in this research, students have a greater chance of developing the necessary self-direction and self-regulation skills necessary to reach academic greatness which, most probably, will also facilitate better employability and career success. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die teleurstellende opvoedkundige situasie in Suid-Afrika het navorsers genoodsaak om moontlike voorspellers aangaande akademiese prestasie te ondersoek. Dit blyk dat daar 'n toenemende klem op nie-kognitiewe faktore geplaas word, wat 'n rol mag speel in die bepaling van die akademiese prestasie van studente. In hierdie studie word verskeie unieke uitdagings wat eerstejaarstudente moontlik in die gesig mag staar geïdentifiseer. Daar word dan ook gekyk na moontlike sleutel sielkundige hulpbronne wat kan help om hierdie uitdagings te oorkom. Hierdie hulpbronne sluit selfregulerende vaardighede (bv. self-leierskap en emosionele regulering), sielkundige welstand en konstruktiewe self-doeltreffendheid in, wat almal uiteindelik ʼn bydrae kan lewer tot ʼn individu se akademiese sukses.
Dit was veronderstel dat Emosionele Intelligensie (EI) die kern tot hierdie sielkundige hulpbronne is, en dat dit ʼn beslissende rol in die aanpassing en prestasie van eerstejaarstudente in Hoër Onderwys Instellings speel. In hierdie studie is 'n EI-ontwikkelingsprogram geïmplementeer ten einde te evalueer of dit moontlik is om studente te voorsien met ʼn sterk sielkundige hulpbron basis (bv. hoër EI vermoëns) wat hulle behoort te bemagtig om bykomende persoonlike en sielkundige hulpbronne te verkry (bv. beter self-leierskap, self-doeltreffendheid en sielkundige welstand), wat nodig is vir akademiese vooruitgang. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het getoon dat die EI-ontwikkelingsprogram daarin geslaag het om studente se EI te verhoog, wat tot gematigde verbetering in hul sielkundige welstand (minder waargenome stres) gelei het, sowel as die verbetering van hul akademiese self-leierskap (ASL) en akademiese self-doeltreffendheid (ASE). Instellings van Hoër Onderwys moet dus die klem wat alleenlik op kognitiewe vermoëns geplaas word opnuut deurdink, en strategieë oorweeg om geleenthede te skep wat nie-kognitiewe voorspellers van akademiese sukses sou verhoog. Deur byvoorbeeld die implementering van ʼn EI ontwikkelingsprogram, soos wat getoets word in hierdie navorsing, te implementeer, sou studente 'n beter kans hê om die nodige self-gerigtheid en selfregulerende vaardighede te bekom, wat nodig is vir akademiese sukses en vordering. Hierdie vaardighede sal waarskynlik ook lei tot beter indiensneembaarheid sowel as loopbaansukses.
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A further modification, elaborationHerselman, Trevor Dwayne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African organisations within both the private and public sectors of the economy
are investing heavily into their talented employees, in an attempt to derive a
sustainable competitive advantage. This competitive advantage is threatened when
employees engage in turnover behaviours. This study is directed at understanding
those factors that contribute to employees’ intention to quit following employees’
perceptions of training and development initiatives.
Empirical support has been found that certain line management talent management
competencies would result in the retention of talented employees. This study
investigated an existing talent management competency structural model, with a
specific focus on two talent management competencies related to employee
development, namely: Talent Management Mindset and Develops Others.
Furthermore, this study investigated the inclusion of additional latent variables
(Organisational Trust, Perceived Organisational Support, and Felt Obligation) that
may potentially explain additional variance in various organisational outcome
variables (i.e. Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment, Normative Commitment, and
Intention to Quit). Through understanding how line managers’ competence on talent
management competencies influence employees’ perceptions of organisational
development initiatives and how these employee perceptions are causally related to
Intention to Quit, organisations will be in the prime position to effectively address the
issue of employee turnover, through structured talent management retention
The results of the current study showed that the original structural model displayed
good fit. Based on the modification index values calculated for the G and B matrices,
a number of modifications were made to the structural model. Following the
modifications to the original model, the fit of the model improved, and support was
derived for numerous causal relationships proposed in the model, whist others were
not supported. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid - Afrikaanse organisasies in beide die privaat – en openbare sektor maak
beduidende beleggings in hul talentvolle werknemers in ‘n poging om ‘n volhoubare
mededingende voordeel te bewerkstellig. Hierdie mededingende voordeel word egter
bedreig wanneer werknemers die organisasie verlaat. Die studie het ten doel gehad
om die faktore te verstaan wat bydra tot werknemers se diensverlatingsvoorneme
gegee hul persepsie van opleiding en ontwikkelings - inisiatiewe.
Die empiriese bevindinge toon dat sekere lynbestuur - talentbestuurbevoegdhede lei
tot die behoud van talent. Die studie het ‘n bestaande talentbestuur bevoegdheids
model ondersoek, met ‘n spesifieke fokus op twee talentbestuur bevoegdhede wat
verband hou met werknemer ontwikkeling, naamlik: Talentbestuur – ingesteldheiden
Ontwikkeling van Ander. Die studie het voorts ook die insluiting van addisionale
latent veranderlikes (Organisatoriese Vertroue, Waargenome Organisatoriese
Ondersteuning, en Verpligting Ervaar) ondersoek wat moontlik addisionele variansie
in verskeie organisatoriese uitkoms veranderlikes kan verklaar (i.e.
Werkstevredenheid, Affektiewe Verbintenis, Normatiewe Verbintenis, en
Diensverlatingsvoornemes). Deur te verstaan hoe lynbestuurders se bevoegdheid op
talentbestuur bevoegdhede werknemers se persepsies van organisatoriese
ontwikkelings-inisiatiewe beïnvloed en hoe hierdie persepsie oorsaaklik verband hou
met Diensverlatingsvoorneme, sal organisasies in ‘n gunstige posisie wees om
diensverlating op ‘n effektiewe wyse aan te spreek deur middel van gestruktureerde
talentbestuur behoud programme.
Die resultate van die huidige studie toon dat die oorspronklike strukturele model goeie
pasgehalte behaal het. Na aanleiding van die modifikasie–indekswaardes wat bereken
is vir die G en B matryse , is ‘n aantal veranderinge aan die strukturele model gemaak.
Nadat die veranderinge aan die oorspronklike model aangebring is, het die pasgehalte
van die model verbeter en steun is verkry vir verskeie oorsaaklike verwantskappe wat
voor gehou is in die model, terwyl ander nie steun verkry het nie.
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The sense of coherence and resilience of HIV-positive students in the support group of a university in the Eastern CapeHoho, Veliswa Nomfundu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most research in South Africa with regard to HIV/AIDS focuses on the HIV counseling
and testing of university students while little attention has been paid to how HIV-positive
students cope in the support groups within the institutions of higher learning. The study
aimed at determining and describing the sense of coherence and the resilience of HIVpositive
students in a university in the Eastern Cape Province and exploring the differences
between the demographics, using the subscale of the sense of coherence (SOC-29) and the
resilience assessment questionnaire (RAQ). The students who were registered with the
university were chosen as participants by means of non-probability purposive sampling
technique. The sample consisted of 40 students (Males = 10; Females = 30).
A t-test analysis revealed statistically significant differences between demographics
(language) and comprehensibility subscale of the sense of coherence (SOC). Furthermore,
statistically significant differences between languages, interaction and problem-solving
scales of RAQ were noted. The Cronbach‟s Alpha for SOC and RAQ yielded 0.74 and
0.94 respectively in this study. The results show that the participants were coping fairly
well with a chronic disease like HIV/AIDS and that their resilience was also average. The
main recommendation is that the university should increase HIV/AIDS coping be done on a larger scale in an institution that has different race groups. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meeste navorsing oor MIV/Vigs in Suid-Afrika fokus op MIV-voorligting en toetsing.
Baie min aandag word egter gegee aan die mate waartoe MIV-positiewe student waarde
vind binne die ondersteuningsgroepe wat binne Suid-Afrikaaanse Universiteite bestaan.
Hierdie navorsingsprojek poog om 'n beskrywing te gee van twee konstrukte naamlik
“sense of coherence” en “resilience” en te beskryf hoe dit manifesteer binne 'n groep MIVpositiewe
studente aan 'n Universiteit in die Oos-Kaap.
'n Steekproef van 40 student ( 20 manlik en 20 vroulik) is vir die studie gebruik en die
SOC-29 en Rao vraelyste is by hulle geadministreer ten einde onderskeidelik “sense of
coherence” en “resilience” te meet.
Die t-toets is in die analise van data gebruik . Resultate toon aan dat deelnemers oor die
algemeen goed vaar in hulle die hantering van kroniese siektes soos MIV/Vigs en dat
hulle vermoë om hulle lewe te normaliseer ( resilience) redelik goed is.
Die aanbeveling wat uit die studie gemaak word is dat universiteite MIV/Vigs
hanteringsprogramme moet verbeter en dat daar gepoog moet word on beter
ondersteuningsmeganismes vir studente met MIV/Vigs daar te stel.
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Modification, elaboration and empirical evaluation of the De Goede learning potential structure model : rising above adversityPretorius, Dirk J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The current study is an attempt to acknowledge the existing inequalities South Africa faces, while presenting a solution to reach the ideal of equal opportunities so many South Africans strive for each day. The catalyst for the current study is the observed shortage in skills, knowledge and general abilities among those South Africans who were previously denied developmental and equal educational opportunities. Through addressing the challenges faced by those most at risk of not achieving learning performance success, an attempt is launched to uncover the factors that should be considered when evaluating learning potential. The study is directly aimed at addressing the failures of previous affirmative development attempts. The core belief of the author remains in line with the current government‟s view, namely that successful affirmative development is the most effective way to correct the injustices of the South Africa‟s past.
Through scientific assistance to the corporate sector, Industrial Psychologists can play a leading role by using the practice of selection as a vehicle to drive the process of affirmative development in a responsible manner through selective developmental opportunities. The author has attempted to identify cognitive and non-cognitive learning performance variables that are to be considered when considering learning performance success. The current study is an elaboration of previous research presented by De Goede (2007) that was based on the findings of Terry Taylor (1989, 1992, 1994, 1997).
The current learning potential structural model is an elaboration of the De Goede (2007) learning potential structural model. The author has proposed additional non-cognitive variables as an attempt to gain a more thorough understand with respect to what constitutes success in learning performance. By adding more variables to the existing nomological network that constitute learning performance, the author attempted to uncover a more holistic insight into the construct of learning performance success.
The research was conducted using a sample of 395 grade 9 school learners from previously disadvantaged communities in the Cape Town area, including Bonteheuwel, Mannenberg and Goodwood. All the learners in the sample group successfully completed term 1 and 2 passing English first language, Afrikaans second Language, Mathematics and Science. The proposed hypothesised expanded learning potential structural model was empirically evaluated. The fit of the measurement model achieved exact fit. The researcher extended the investigation by considering the full range of fit indices, standardised residuals, modification indices and parameter estimate. From the results obtained the researcher modified the structural model, by removing one of the interaction effects. The results of the final revised structural model achieved good fit. Only five of the paths in the final model were empirically corroborated. Support was found, indicating that a statistical significant positive relationship exist between Learning Motivation and Tenacity, Conscientiousness and Resilience, Parental Quality and Learning Motivation, Grit and Cognitive Engagement as well as Grit and Learning Motivation. In addition to these findings, the researcher also presented some limitation to the research methodology, practical implications as well as recommendations for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige studie verteenwoordig „n poging om erkenning te gee aan die heersende ongelykhede wat Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar, terwyl „n oplossing gesoek word om die ideaal van gelyke ontwikkeling, waarna soveel Suid-Afrikaners elke dag streef. Die katalisator vir die huidige studie is die waargenome ongelykhede in vaardighede, kennis en algemene vermoëns onder daardie Suid-Afrikaners van wie ontwikkeling- en gelyke opvoedingsgeleenthede weerhou is. Deur die huidige uitdagings aan te spreek, wat die individue in die gesig staar met die grootste risiko om nie leerprestasie-sukses te behaal nie, word „n poging geloods om die faktore te identifiseer wat oorweeg behoort te word wanneer leer potensiaal geëvalueer word. Hierdie studie is direk daarop gemik om die mislukkings van vorige regstellende aksie pogings aan te spreek. Die outeur se kernoortuiging is in lyn met die huidige regering se sienswyse, naamlik dat „n suksesvolle regstellende ontwikkelingspoging die mees effetiewe manier is om die ongeregtelikhede van Suid-Afrika se verlede te korrigeer.
Deur wetenskaplike ondersteuning aan die korporatiewe sektor, kan Bedryfsielkundiges „n leidende rol vervul deur die gebruik van seleksiepraktyke wat daarop afgestem is om die proses van regstellende aksie aan te dryf op „n verantwoordelike manier, deur selektiewe ontwikkelingsgeleenthede. Die outeur het gepoog om kognitiewe en nie-kognitiewe leerprestasie-veranderlikes te identifiseer wat oorweeg moet word ten einde leerprestasie-sukses te bevorder. Die huidige studie is ‟n uitbreiding van vorige navorsing deur De Goede (2007) gebaseer op die bevindinge van Terry Taylor (1989, 1992, 1994, 1997).
Die huidige leerpotensiaal strukturele model is „n uitbreiding van De Goede (2007) se leerpotensiaal strukturele model. Die outeur het addisionele nie-kognitiewe veranderlikes voorgestel in „n poging om dieper insig te verkry in dit wat leerprestasie-sukses konstitueer. Deur die toevoeging van meer veranderlikes tot die bestaande nomologiese netwerk wat leerprestasie konstitueer, poog die outeur om „n meer holistiese insig te openbaar in die konstruk van leerprestasie-sukses.
Die navorsingstudie was toegepas om n groep van 395 graad 9 skooliere van voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe in die Kaapstad omgewing, insluitend Bonteheuwel, Mannenberg en Goodwood. Al die leerlinge in die steekproef het kwartaal 1 en 2 suksesvol geslaag met die vakke Engels eerste taal, Afrikaans tweede taal, Wiskunde en Wetenskap. Die voorgestelde leerpotensiaal strukturele model was empiries ge-ëvalueer. Die passing van die metingsmodel het n presiese passing getoon. Die navorser se ondersoek is uitgebrei deur die volle spektrum pasgehaltemaatstawwe, gestandaardiseerde residue, modifikasie-indekse en parameter skattings te oorweeg. Die resultate het daartoe gelei dat die navorser besluit het om „n wysiging te maak deur een van die interaksie- effekte te verwyder. Die resultate van die finaal-gewysigde strukturele model het n goeie passing getoon. Slegs vyf van die bane in die finale model kon empiries bevestig word. Ondersteuning is gevind wat aantoon dat a statisties beduidende positiewe verhouding bestaan tussen Leer Motivering en Volharding, Pligsgetrouhied en Veerkragtigheid, Ouer Ingesteltheid en Leer Motivering, Volharding en Kognitiewe Inspanning, so wel as Volharding en Leer Motivering. Die navorser het addisioneel tot hierdie bevindinge, ook sekere beperkinge van die navorsings metodiek, praktiese implikasies van die studie, asook toekomstige navorsing bepreek.
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