Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bindustrial symbiosis"" "subject:"0industrial symbiosis""
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Influencing Industrial Symbiosis Development : A Case Study of Händelö and Northern Habour Industrial AreasRehn, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
The research field of industrial ecology studies energy and material flows within and between different systems in our society while the concept of industrial ecology strives toward mimicking similar flows in natural eco-systems. Industrial ecology can be a means of achieving decoupling between economic growth and environmental impact within the industry sector. A sub-field of industrial ecology is industrial symbiosis which focuses on material, energy and water exchanges between traditionally separate actors in order to achieve economic and environmental benefits. Energy provider E.ON is a part of the industrial symbiosis network on Händelö outside of Norrköping. E.ON also has operations in the Northern Harbour industrial area in Malmö, and sees an opportunity for the development of industrial symbiosis in that area which has unexploited land. The aim of this thesis is to explore how a private actor can influence the industrial development of an area to facilitate the formation of industrial symbiosis connections. This is done by studying the emergence and development of industrial symbiosis in Händelö and how different actors have influenced that development, as well as the conditions for such development in the Northern Harbour. Industrial symbiosis in Händelö has evolved spontaneously because of profitability in each connection. This study shows that the establishment of Agroetanol’s ethanol pilot plant next to Händelöverket was an enabling event in the development of the industrial symbiosis network. The diversity of fuels used in Händelöverket, and the number of energy products that it provides suggest that it served as a so called anchor tenant in this development, attracting Agroetanol with its availability of steam produced from renewable fuels. This was one important aspect for the establishment of Agroetanol. Political instruments such as a tax exemption on Agroetanol’s plant and CO2 and energy taxes on fossil fuels have also contributed to this development. Conditions for industrial symbiosis in the Northern Harbour in Malmö are quite different from those in Norrköping. An important difference is that industrial symbiosis has been recognized as a tool for sustainability and might be considered when planning the unexploited land. There are however many interest in this land, especially by the port company CMP and the City of Malmö’s Real Estate Office who have invested large sums in expanding the port business. They prefer goods intensive businesses that utilize the infrastructure provided by the port and railway in the area. Malmö has also set some ambitious environmental targets to be fulfilled 2030. They create a need to transition from the partly natural gas powered energy system today to one based on renewable fuels. There are also opportunities in a gasification plant which is planned by E.ON, and an EU-funded project seeking to make use of the biofuels potentials of port sites by using industrial symbiosis. The conclusions of the study are that there are ways for a private actor to influence industrial symbiosis development. Some that have been identified in this work are: As an anchor tenant with multiple large input and output streams, by attracting businesses to the area. As an enabler of a biorefinery network with multiple end-products and by-products. As a part of a coordinating entity that aims to facilitate industrial symbiosis.
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noneWang, Jing-Ming 12 June 2000 (has links)
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Recently, one of the more significant measures on the part of the Cuban government to enhance resiliency of the existing economy was the announcement of a series of economic and social policy proposals referred to as lineamientos. These emphasize the importance of achieving long-term solutions for sustainable development, including, among other things, a need to improve food and energy self-sufficiency for the country. This research explores the possibility that an eco-industrial development approach could support these goals with a focus in the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors. Two concepts were applied to this intended new paradigm; namely integrated food and energy systems (IFES) and industrial symbiosis (IS). Three municipalities of the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba provided the regional basis for the research and were explored using an asset mapping approach to identify key facilities, material inputs, outputs and flows, infrastructure, and skills sets. Consultations with various stakeholder groups were conducted to gain insight in the current relationships and existing operational conditions that could inform the types of barriers and opportunities related to undertaking exchange and collaborative activities. The findings show that residues and by-products flows from various agricultural and agro-industrial operations can provide the basis for symbiotic networks that enable the generation of energy and added -value products of use to the region. The symbiotic linkages among agricultural and agro-industrial actors can give rise to an integrated food and energy production network (IFEPN) in the region where existing agricultural cooperatives, along with other emerging forms of social enterprise can support the development of this network. Considered a vital approach to solve problems in Cuba, collaboration is their most valuable asset for the successful development of the network.
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Ecological modernisation and the development of the UK's green industrial strategy : the case of the UK National Industrial Symbiosis ProgrammeAgarwal, Abhishek January 2011 (has links)
The UK National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP) is the first industrial symbiosis (IS) network in the world to have been established at national level. Many studies have recently investigated the UK NISP, but much work remains to be done in understanding the context that enabled the development and management of a large scale IS network. This research aims to explore and understand: (1) the place of the UK NISP within the UK government’s ‘green’ market strategy; and, (2) the management and organisational design employed by the UK NISP in developing and managing a nation-wide IS network. Based on a qualitative inquiry, a case study approach was adopted to conduct this research. In-depth semi-structured interviews were used to gather information from twenty-eight policy officers, government advisors, as well as representatives of the UK NISP and its partner organisations. The research findings showed that the government’s decision-making mechanism, in each of the UK countries, was significantly different. Whilst it was found that the UK government is focused on embedding ecological modernisation components in the policy process, there is also a need for extended and consistent decentralisation across the UK and a structural framework that enables non-state stakeholders to effectively influence the policy process. The outcomes of this research indicate a relationship between EM theory and the IS concept. By adopting the ecological modernisation agenda, the UK government can play a significant role in promoting the use of the IS concept by: (1) devising policies that are directly aimed at supporting the development of IS networks; and, (2) aligning the funding for technological innovation with the needs of potential IS projects. Nevertheless, the study found that the future of the UK NISP is entirely dependent on UK government funding and, therefore, it is recommended that the UK NISP should identify ways to raise income from the private sector as well for the UK NISP’s long term survival. The findings also highlighted the effectiveness of the organisational design employed by the UK NISP (including leadership at national level, regional delivery strategy and regional partnership strategy) for a large scale IS network and the suitability of the UK NISP’s organisational design to the dynamic nature of the IS network development. The regional partnership strategy was found to promote sectoral focus in IS networks, which did not adhere to the ‘innovation’ and ‘diversity’ principles of IS. This would result in limited innovation and raise the potential for an IS network to become unstable, for example, if a member decides to leave the network, the lack of diversity in the IS network would make it difficult to replace that member. So it is important that the UK NISP staff and contractors are provided with extensive training to ensure a better understanding of the IS concept principles. In a society facing economic and environmental challenges, this study specifically contributes to the understanding of the context that enabled the development of a large scale IS network that would help integrate environmental protection and economic growth.
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Industrial Symbiosis in the Biofuel Industry : Quantification of the Environmental Performance and Identification of SynergiesMartin, Michael January 2013 (has links)
The production of biofuels has increased in recent years, to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change. However, current production practices are heavily criticized on their environmental sustainability. Life cycle assessments have therefore been used in policies and academic studies to assess the systems; with divergent results. In the coming years however, biofuel production practices must improve to meet strict environmental sustainability policies. The aims of the research presented in this thesis, are to explore and analyze concepts from industrial symbiosis (IS) to improve the efficiency and environmental performance of biofuel production and identify possible material and energy exchanges between biofuel producers and external industries. An exploration of potential material and energy exchanges resulted in a diverse set of possible exchanges. Many exchanges were identified between biofuel producers to make use of each other’s by-products. There is also large potential for exchanges with external industries, e.g. with the food, energy and chemical producing industries. As such, the biofuel industry and external industries have possibilities for potential collaboration and environmental performance improvements, though implementation of the exchanges may be influenced by many conditions. In order to analyze if concepts from IS can provide benefits to firms of an IS network, an approach was created which outlines how quantifications of IS networks can be produced using life cycle assessment literature for guidelines and methodological considerations. The approach offers methods for quantifying the environmental performance for firms of the IS network and an approach to distribute impacts and credits for the exchanges between firm, to test the assumed benefits for the firms of the IS network. Life cycle assessment, and the approach from this thesis, have been used to quantify the environmental performance of IS networks by building scenarios based on an example from an IS network of biofuel producers in Sweden. From the analyses, it has been found that exchanges of material and energy may offer environmental performance improvements for the IS network and for firms of the network. However, the results are dependent upon the methodological considerations of the assessments, including the reference system, functional unit and allocation methods, in addition to important processes such as the agricultural inputs for the system and energy systems employed. By using industrial symbiosis concepts, biofuel producers have possibilities to improve the environmental performance. This is done by making use of by-products and waste and diversifying their products, promoting a transition toward biorefinery systems and a bio-based economy for regional environmental sustainability. / Produktionen av biobränslen har ökat de senaste åren, vilket är ett steg mot klimateffektivare lösningar i transportsektorn, men biodrivmedlen har ifrågasatts med hänvisning till tveksamheter kring deras miljö- och energiprestanda. Lifecykelanalyser har därför använts inom akademiska studier och för policy för att utvärdera systemen, dock utan samstämmiga resultat. Under de kommande åren måste därför praxis för produktion av biobränslen förbättras för att kunna möta de strikta kraven i hållbarhetskriterier för biobränslen. Syftet med forskningen som presenteras i den här doktorsavhandlingen är att utforska och analysera koncept från området Industriell symbios (IS) och därigenom identifiera förbättringar för ökad effektivitet och miljöprestanda för biobränsleproduktion. Vidare är syftet att identifiera möjliga material- och energiutbyten mellan biobränsleproducenter och externa industrier. Potentiella material- och energiutbyten undersöktes, vilket resulterade förslag på flera olika typer av potentiella utbyten. Undersökningen visar på en potential för att använda biprodukter i en biobränsleprocess som råvara till en annan biobränsleframställning. Vidare identifierades en stor potential för utbyten med externa industrier, som till exempel matproducenter samt industrier för energi och kemikalier. Det är tydligt att det finns möjligheter för biobränsleproducenter och externa industrier att samarbeta och därmed ge möjlighet till förbättringar i miljöprestandan, dock kan en implementering av dessa utbyten påverkas av många olika förutsättningar. Avhandlingen presenterar även ett tillvägagångssätt för att visa hur kvantifiering av miljöprestanda inom ett nätverk för IS kan genomföras genom att använda riktlinjer och metodavvägningar från litteratur för livscykelanalys. Detta tillvägagångssätt kan användas för att analysera om koncept från IS kan leda till fördelar för företagen i ett IS-nätverk. Tillvägsgångssättet ger möjlighet att kvantifiera miljöprestandan för företagen i IS-nätverket och ger dessutom vägledning för hur miljöpåverkan från utbytena kan distribueras mellan de olika företagen. Metoden utvecklades för att bland annat undersöka de förmodade fördelarna från IS för varje enskild aktör. Livscykelanalys i kombination med tillvägagångssättet ovan har använts för att kvantifiera miljöprestandan för IS-nätverk genom att konstruera scenarier. Scenarierna har baserats på ett exempel från ett IS-nätverk av biobränsleprocenter i Sverige. Analyserna visar att utbyten av material- och energi kan ge förbättringar i miljöprestanda. Resultaten är dock beroende av vilka metodavvägningar som gjorts, till exempel val av referenssystem, funktionell enhet och allokeringsmetoder. Vidare spelar viktiga processer som inputs från jordbruk och val av energisystem stor roll för resultatet. Metodavvägningar för utväderingen influerar även miljöpåverkan samt hur den fördelas mellan företagen i IS-nätverket. Dessutom kan den lokala miljöpåverkan öka medan den globala påverkan minskar. Sammanfattningsvis kan biobränsleproducenter, genom att använda koncept från industriell symbios, ges möjlighet att förbättra sin miljöprestanda. Detta kan ske genom att använda biprodukter och avfall samt genom att diversifiera sina produkter som ett första steg mot en övergång mot bioraffinaderier och en mer biobaserad ekonomi för regional hållbarhet.
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Local Treatment of Water and Sludge Containing Oil in SwedenWillfors, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Due to several reasons, treatment methods for a certain waste are oftennot available locally in the waste handling and management industry. This is especially true for regions which are not densely populated. This requires transports, the majority of which consumes fossil fuel. To avoid this, local waste treatment methods need to be developed. In this work it is investigated how treatment of one hazardous waste is done; water and sludge containing oil. Based on sustainability criteria three novel methods are presented that can be conducted locally; mycoremediation, phytoremediation and electrocoagulation. The methods are evaluated in a case study of a recycling company. Mycoremediation and electrocoagulation were found to be suitable in the case study, as long as some criteria are fulfilled. In addition it is shown what barriers exist in law, policies and practices that hinder local treatment of water and sludge containing oil.
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Proposta de um indicador para monitorar a evolução da simbiose industrial em parques eco-industriais segundo a perspectiva de sistemas dinâmicosMiriã Camargo Felicio 23 January 2013 (has links)
Os Parques Eco-Industriais (EIP - Eco-Industrial Park) surgiram como um novo modelo de organização espacial para arranjos industriais. Uma característica importante para um EIP é a adoção do conceito de simbiose industrial (SI), em que as empresas reutilizam resíduos em busca de um sistema fechado, diminuindo impacto ambiental. Há propostas para avaliar o fluxo de resíduos e a simbiose de um EIP por meio de indicadores detalhados em um determinado momento. Porém, trata-se de uma visão estática do parque na qual seria possível que os agentes implementassem mudanças para construir uma situação de sistema fechado ideal. Pesquisas recentes demonstram que essa abordagem enfrenta algumas limitações, uma vez que o processo de simbiose depende das decisões rotineiras e individuais de cada ator, empresários, técnicos e agenciadores, as quais podem alterar a dinâmica do fluxo de material no decorrer do tempo. A fim de contribuir, propõe-se um indicador de simbiose industrial diferente, elaborado segundo a abordagem do parque como um sistema dinâmico. Trata-se de uma ferramenta capaz de monitorar o nível de simbiose de um parque ao longo do tempo. Diferencia-se por permitir que a organização agenciadora possa implementar políticas de incentivo à simbiose industrial, influenciando nas decisões rotineiras dos diversos agentes do parque, em prol da simbiose. Empregaram-se estudos de caso, revisão sistemática da literatura e análise teórico-conceitual. Os primeiros resultados foram dois estudos de casos em parques que se autodenominavam EIPs, identificando oportunidades para a promoção da simbiose. O segundo resultado foi a proposta teórico-conceitual do Indicador de Simbiose Industrial (ISI) que pode ser utilizado como instrumento para o ambiente industrial dinâmico. Por fim, apresenta-se a análise das propriedades do indicador a partir de dados obtidos em um dos casos. Os resultados indicaram que o ISI pode identificar níveis de simbiose distintos para um mesmo parque, conforme sua evolução em direção a uma simbiose perfeita. A avaliação da coerência do ISI permitiu demonstrar sua capacidade em captar a ausência e a presença do processo de simbiose, atendendo as expectativas iniciais da construção do indicador. A avaliação do comportamento do ISI por meio da variação dos seus elementos permitiu analisar o indicador sob diferentes possibilidades, correspondendo positivamente às expectativas da pesquisa. Indica-se também várias questões que precisam ser verificadas para a validação do indicador e os próximos passos para torná-lo uma ferramenta útil para o gerenciamento de parques industriais interessados em aprimorar o seu nível de simbiose industrial. / The Eco-Industrial Parks (EIP - Eco-Industrial Park) emerged as a new model of spatial organization for industrial arrangements. An important feature for an EIP is the adoption of the concept of industrial symbiosis (IS), in which companies reuse waste to reach a closed system, reducing environmental impact. There are proposals to assess the waste stream and the symbiosis of an EIP through detailed indicators at a determined time. However, it is a static view of the park in which would be possible to the managers implement changes to construct a state of ideal closed system. Recent researches show that this approach faces some limitations, once the process symbiosis depends on the routine and individual decisions of the actors, managers, technicians and agents, which can alter the dynamics of the material flow through time. In order to contribute, it is proposed an different indicator of industrial symbiosis, prepared according to the approach of the park as a dynamic system. This is a tool that can monitor the level of symbiosis of a park during a determined time. This is different because allow the agent organization to implement policies to encourage industrial symbiosis influencing the routines decisions of the parks agents in favor of symbiosis. It was made case studies, systematic review of the literature and theoretical and conceptual analysis. The first results were two case studies in parks that called themselves EIPs, identifying opportunities to promote symbiosis. The second result was the proposed theoretical-conceptual Indicator Industrial Symbiosis (ISI) which can be used as a tool for the dynamic industrial environment. Finally, it shows the analysis of the indicator properties considering data obtained in one of the cases. The results indicated that the ISI can identify different levels of symbiosis for the same park as its evolution toward a perfect symbiosis. The assessment of the consistency of the ISI has demonstrated its ability to capture the absence and presence of the symbiosis process, confirming the expectations of the initial construction of the indicator. The performance evaluation of the ISI through the variation of its elements, allowed us to analyze the indicator under different possibilities, corresponding positively to the expectations of the research. Also, it indicates that several issues need to be checked to validate the indicator and the next steps to make it a useful tool for managing industrial parks interested in improving their level of industrial symbiosis.
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Proposta de um indicador para monitorar a evolução da simbiose industrial em parques eco-industriais segundo a perspectiva de sistemas dinâmicosFelicio, Miriã Camargo 23 January 2013 (has links)
Os Parques Eco-Industriais (EIP - Eco-Industrial Park) surgiram como um novo modelo de organização espacial para arranjos industriais. Uma característica importante para um EIP é a adoção do conceito de simbiose industrial (SI), em que as empresas reutilizam resíduos em busca de um sistema fechado, diminuindo impacto ambiental. Há propostas para avaliar o fluxo de resíduos e a simbiose de um EIP por meio de indicadores detalhados em um determinado momento. Porém, trata-se de uma visão estática do parque na qual seria possível que os agentes implementassem mudanças para construir uma situação de sistema fechado ideal. Pesquisas recentes demonstram que essa abordagem enfrenta algumas limitações, uma vez que o processo de simbiose depende das decisões rotineiras e individuais de cada ator, empresários, técnicos e agenciadores, as quais podem alterar a dinâmica do fluxo de material no decorrer do tempo. A fim de contribuir, propõe-se um indicador de simbiose industrial diferente, elaborado segundo a abordagem do parque como um sistema dinâmico. Trata-se de uma ferramenta capaz de monitorar o nível de simbiose de um parque ao longo do tempo. Diferencia-se por permitir que a organização agenciadora possa implementar políticas de incentivo à simbiose industrial, influenciando nas decisões rotineiras dos diversos agentes do parque, em prol da simbiose. Empregaram-se estudos de caso, revisão sistemática da literatura e análise teórico-conceitual. Os primeiros resultados foram dois estudos de casos em parques que se autodenominavam EIPs, identificando oportunidades para a promoção da simbiose. O segundo resultado foi a proposta teórico-conceitual do Indicador de Simbiose Industrial (ISI) que pode ser utilizado como instrumento para o ambiente industrial dinâmico. Por fim, apresenta-se a análise das propriedades do indicador a partir de dados obtidos em um dos casos. Os resultados indicaram que o ISI pode identificar níveis de simbiose distintos para um mesmo parque, conforme sua evolução em direção a uma simbiose perfeita. A avaliação da coerência do ISI permitiu demonstrar sua capacidade em captar a ausência e a presença do processo de simbiose, atendendo as expectativas iniciais da construção do indicador. A avaliação do comportamento do ISI por meio da variação dos seus elementos permitiu analisar o indicador sob diferentes possibilidades, correspondendo positivamente às expectativas da pesquisa. Indica-se também várias questões que precisam ser verificadas para a validação do indicador e os próximos passos para torná-lo uma ferramenta útil para o gerenciamento de parques industriais interessados em aprimorar o seu nível de simbiose industrial. / The Eco-Industrial Parks (EIP - Eco-Industrial Park) emerged as a new model of spatial organization for industrial arrangements. An important feature for an EIP is the adoption of the concept of industrial symbiosis (IS), in which companies reuse waste to reach a closed system, reducing environmental impact. There are proposals to assess the waste stream and the symbiosis of an EIP through detailed indicators at a determined time. However, it is a static view of the park in which would be possible to the managers implement changes to construct a state of ideal closed system. Recent researches show that this approach faces some limitations, once the process symbiosis depends on the routine and individual decisions of the actors, managers, technicians and agents, which can alter the dynamics of the material flow through time. In order to contribute, it is proposed an different indicator of industrial symbiosis, prepared according to the approach of the park as a dynamic system. This is a tool that can monitor the level of symbiosis of a park during a determined time. This is different because allow the agent organization to implement policies to encourage industrial symbiosis influencing the routines decisions of the parks agents in favor of symbiosis. It was made case studies, systematic review of the literature and theoretical and conceptual analysis. The first results were two case studies in parks that called themselves EIPs, identifying opportunities to promote symbiosis. The second result was the proposed theoretical-conceptual Indicator Industrial Symbiosis (ISI) which can be used as a tool for the dynamic industrial environment. Finally, it shows the analysis of the indicator properties considering data obtained in one of the cases. The results indicated that the ISI can identify different levels of symbiosis for the same park as its evolution toward a perfect symbiosis. The assessment of the consistency of the ISI has demonstrated its ability to capture the absence and presence of the symbiosis process, confirming the expectations of the initial construction of the indicator. The performance evaluation of the ISI through the variation of its elements, allowed us to analyze the indicator under different possibilities, corresponding positively to the expectations of the research. Also, it indicates that several issues need to be checked to validate the indicator and the next steps to make it a useful tool for managing industrial parks interested in improving their level of industrial symbiosis.
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Enjeux, potentialités et contraintes de l'écologie industrielle : le cas de Dunkerque / Stakes, potentialities ans constraints of industrial ecology : case of Dunkirk, North of FranceVarlet, Delphine 13 December 2012 (has links)
Face aux enjeux écologiques actuels, l'écologie industrielle est présentée comme l'un des champs de réflexion et d'action les plus ambitieux. L'idée sous-jacente est de faire évoluer le système industriel sous la forme de symbioses comme le fait la nature, par la mise en place de débouchés pour les flux de déchets, d'eau ou d'énergie d'une entreprise vers d'autres firmes. Toutefois, au sein du corpus de l'écologie industrielle, bien peu d'études empiriques évoquent les raisons qui peuvent motiver les entreprises à s'engager dans de telles pratiques, les avantages économiques, environnementaux et sociaux concrets dégagés, et les contraintes associées aux échanges. L'objectif principal de la thèse est d'analyser cette perspective interne de l'écologie industrielle à partir d'une étude du cas de l'agglomération dunkerquoise. Il s'agit de comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles les entreprises ont mis en place des synergies de substitution, d'évaluer les bénéfices obtenus ainsi que les contraintes associées à l'échange. Nous avons mené des entretiens semi-directifs auprès de dix-sept grandes entreprises appartenant à divers secteurs d'activités tels que la sidérurgie, l'énergie, la cimenterie, la chimie etc. Notre thèse montre que les entreprises s'engagent dans des démarches d'écologie industrielle en raison des pressions externes (notamment de la réglementation) et internes (coûts, problématiques internes) et que l'engagement n'est effectif que si des avantages économiques et environnementaux se dessinent. En outre, la réussite de la collaboration repose sur une bonne articulation des dispositifs formels et informels que les partenaires vont mettre en place. / In front of current ecological stakes the industrial ecology is presented as one of the most ambitious fields of reflection and action. The underlying idea is to develop the industrial system under the shape of symbioses as the fact the nature, by the implementation of outlets for the flows of waste, water or energy of a company towards other films. However, within the corpus of the industrial ecology, indeed few empirical studies evoke the reasons which can motivate companies to make a commitment in such practices, the economic, environmental and social concrete clear advantages, and the constraints were associated with the exchanges. The main objective of the thesis is to analyze this internal prospect of the industrial ecology from a study of the case of the urban area of Dunkirk. It is a question of understanding the reasons for which companies set upt substitution synergies, to estimate profits obtained as well as constraints associated with the exchange. We led semi-directive conversations with seventeen large companies belonging to diverse business sectors such as the steel industry, the energy, the cement work, the chemestry, etc... Our thesis shows that companies make a commitment in steps of industrial ecology because of the external pressures (in particular of the regulations) and intern (costs, internal problems) and that the commitment is actual only if economic and environmental advantages take shape. Besides, the success of the collaboration rests on a good joint of the formal and informal devices which the partners are going to set up.
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Desenvolvimento sustentável, processos produtivos integrados e governança: o caso do SLP de petroquímico-plásticos do Grande ABC paulista / Sustainable development, integrated production processes and governance: the petrochemical-plastics industrial cluster case in GABC paulista regionBarros, Marcos Cesar Lopes 13 May 2014 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é descrever e analisar tipos evolucionários de sistemas locais de produção que podem ser levados em conta por atores sociais tanto para a elaboração de estratégias como na execução de práticas socioambientais. As aglomerações produtivas têm sido objeto de análises e de políticas públicas nas últimas décadas graças à ocorrência de diversas experiências de sucesso em termos de desempenho econômico-financeiro das empresas participantes de tais formas de interação extramercado. Ao mesmo tempo, restrições socioambientais crescentes fazem com que as empresas busquem resultados em triple bottom line. Nesse sentido, os sistemas locais de produção podem oferecer aos atores sociais estratégias e experiências de ações conjuntas que produzam resultados socioambientais importantes. Considerando isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso da cadeia produtiva petroquímica-plásticos da região do Grande ABC paulista, para explorar e avaliar as práticas socioambientais dos sistemas locais de produção com indicadores que se baseiam nos princípios da Economia Ecológica e Ecologia Industrial. Dessa forma, espera-se contribuir para o entendimento de um novo conceito de sistema local de produção verde, a partir do qual empresas e os atores locais desenvolvam projetos cooperativos voltados também para as dimensões social e ambiental da sustentabilidade. / The main objective of this research is to describe and analyze evolucionary ways of the clusters that can be take into account by the social actors both in the elaboration of strategies as in the execution of socio-environmental practices. The productive agglomerations have been object of analysis and of public policies in the last decades due the occurrence of diverse experiences of success in terms of performance economic-financial of the participants companies of such forms of interaction extramarket. At the same time, socio-environmental restrictions increasing make that the companies search results on triple bottom line. In this sense, the local production systems can provide to the social actors, strategies and experiences of joint actions that produce socio-environmental important results. Considering this, a case study of a petrochemical-plastics cluster was prepared for exploring and assess the socio-environmental practices of the local production systems with indicators that are based in the principles of the Ecological Economy and Industrial Ecology. Therefore, are expected to contribute for the understanding of a new concept of \"green\" local production system, from which companies and local actors develop cooperative projects focused both on the social dimensions and the sustainability environment.
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