Spelling suggestions: "subject:"infamous decade"" "subject:"unfamous decade""
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La société argentine vue par la littérature policière « décennie infâme et postménémisme » / Argentinian society as seen through detective literature : “infamous decade and post-menemist crisis”Stefanich, Fernando 04 December 2010 (has links)
L’objectif de cette Thèse consiste à accroître nos connaissances sur la société argentine par une approche particulière. Nous sommes persuadés que la littérature policière est une métaphore de la société contemporaine et qu’à travers son analyse nous parviendrons à mieux comprendre son fonctionnement. Notre travail ne cherche pas à donner une vision globale du genre mais à confronter la production dans deux étapes critiques de l’histoire argentine : la Décennie Infâme (1930-1943) et la crise postménémiste (de 1999 à nos jours). Suivant le modèle créé par Karl Marx (« Le 18 brumaire de Louis Bonaparte ») nous les avons appelées Tragédie et Farce. En effet, nos recherches nous ont permis de découvrir les résonances qui existent entre les deux périodes. Cette Thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de la sociocritique. La lecture socio-historique des textes nous fera passer en revue tout le vingtième siècle, des préceptes modernistes du Siècle des Lumières à l’hypermodernisme de Gilles Lipovetsky ou à la modernité liquide de Zygmunt Bauman. Nous avons organisé notre travail selon trois éléments principaux et indissociables : la ville, la figure du détective et la société ; à travers ces pages nous avons suivi leur évolution. / The objective of this Thesis is to increase our knowledge of Argentinian society by a specific approach. We are convinced that detective literature is a metaphor of the contemporary society and that through its analysis we will arrive at a better understanding of it. Our work does not seek to give a comprehensive view of this literature but to confront literary production with two critical periods of Argentinian history: the Infamous Decade (1930-1943) and the post-Menemist crisis. Following the model created by Karl Marx (“The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoléon”) we have called them Tragedy and Farce. Our research shows the resonances between these two periods. Our research consists of a sociological approach. A sociohistorical reading of the literary texts brings us to review the whole of the twentieth century, from the modernistic precepts of the Age of Enlightenment to the hypermodernism of Gilles Lipovetsky or the liquid modernity of Zygmunt Bauman. We have organized our work according to three principal and indissociable elements: the city, the figure of the detective and the society; throughout these pages we have followed their evolution.
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Grandeur et décadence de la Décade Infâme : l’apparition du nouveau professionnalisme en Argentine entre les coups d’État de 1930 et 1943Asadi, Nariman 03 1900 (has links)
La crise de 1929 a réduit les revenus de l’État argentin et la capacité du président démocratique Yrigoyen de maintenir son appareil partisan. La diminution des soutiens du président a permis à l’armée de renverser le pouvoir, en 1930, au nom du maintien de l’ordre et de l’indépendance des forces armées.
La décennie qui suit est caractérisée par un prétorianisme de plus en plus aigu. À l’encontre des préceptes du professionnalisme qui régissait jusque-là les relations entre civils et militaires, l’armée s’est saisie de l’exécutif et se préoccupe de plus en plus de question politique au détriment de ses occupations martiales, c’est-à-dire la sécurité externe de l’État. Cette nouvelle réalité met fin à la séparation rigoureuse entre politique et science militaire.
La neutralité argentine durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale va faire subir à Buenos Aires un embargo sur les armes et l’industrie lourde qui rend la réalisation de la mission sécuritaire des officiers de plus en plus ardue. Une fois ce choc encaissé, les officiers incorporent les réflexions politiques, traditionnellement du ressort des civils, dans la science militaire, mettant définitivement fin à la séparation entre militaires et civils. Science militaire et politique ne peuvent plus se penser séparément. Ce « nouveau professionnalisme » a été inspiré aux officiers argentins par l’analyse de la Guerre d’Espagne et des doctrines franquistes grâce à une compatibilité culturelle entre les deux sociétés. / The 1929 economic crisis diminished the Argentinian state’s revenue and undermined the president Yrigoyen’s ability to maintain his political machine. Lowering support allowed the army to seize power in 1930 in the name of order and the independence of the organization.
The following decade is characterized by a pretorianism more and more acute. Against the professionalism that until then codified the relation between civilians and soldiers, the army took control of the executive. The corporation is, with the time, more dedicated to resolve political matters than purely martial ones, namely the State’s defence against external threat. This new reality incarnates the end of the firm separation between politics and military science.
Argentine neutrality during World War II put Buenos Aires under embargo, prohibiting the entry of weapons and heavy machinery from the allied side, while restricting the emission of credits. Internalizing this shock, it becomes clear to the officers that they are no longer able to pursue their security obligations. In order to assure the defence of the State, they will argue that they have to include politics in their military reflection. Going against what the ancient professionalization required, politics and security can no longer be treated separately. Following the coup of 1943, they put in practice this new paradigm, this « new professionalization » in which politics has become a part of the wider field of military science. This new model came in place after a study conducted by Argentinian officers of the franquist doctrines formulated during the Spanish Civil War. This implementation is possible thanks to cultural match between the two societies, visible during the thirties.
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O jovem Prebisch (1901-1943) / The young Prebisch (1901-1943)Barboza, Darlan Praxedes 05 December 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação se debruça sobre a trajetória de Raúl Prebisch entre 1930-1943, período conhecido na historiografia argentina como a década infame. Objetiva-se capturar como o jovem economista construiu uma exitosa carreira nos escalões superiores da burocracia estatal argentina valendo-se de sua origem social entre os Uriburu de Tucumán (família tradicionalmente vinculada ao poder desde os tempos coloniais), das relações de amizade e colaboração especializada com os responsáveis pela restauração conservadora da década de 1930 e da alta cotação de seus conhecimentos num cenário de emergência econômica. Em meio às repercussões negativas da crise de 1929 sobre a economia argentina e o ressurgimento das forças políticas oligárquicas, que buscaram na ciência econômica sua fonte de legitimidade, Prebisch se capitalizou como a liderança do processo de modernização do Estado ao dispor de uma rede privilegiada de contatos que possibilitou o acesso às novas oportunidades de colocação na burocracia, além de projetá-lo como mediador entre as novas demandas estatais, o poder executivo e os jovens economistas da Universidade de Buenos Aires. / This dissertation focuses on the trajectory of Raúl Prebisch between 1930 and 1943, a period known in Argentine historiography as the \"infamous decade\". It aims to capture how the young economist built a successful career in the upper echelons of the Argentine state bureaucracy using the social origins among the Uriburu of Tucumán (family traditionally linked to power since colonial times), friendship and technical collaboration with those responsible for the conservative restoration of the 1930s and his highly esteemed knowledge in an emergency economic scenario. In the circumstances of the negative repercussions of the 1929 crisis on the Argentine economy and the resurgence of oligarchic political forces, which sought the economic science as their source of legitimacy, Prebisch capitalized himself in the leadership of the process of modernization of the State by having a privileged network of contacts that enabled him to control the new opportunities of placement in the bureaucracy and projected him as a mediator between the new state demands, the executive branch and the young economists of the University of Buenos Aires.
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