Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inflammatory factors"" "subject:"lnflammatory factors""
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Inflammatory markers in sera in patients diagnosed with mucosal lichen planusHanna, Carola, Sabet Motlagh, Tina January 2018 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: Lichen planus is a disease that can affect both skin and mucosa, in some cases both at the same time. Among patients with lichen planus, the oral version of lichen planus (OLP) can be observed in 50 – 70 %. OLP is the most common chronic inflammatory disease of oral mucosa. Today it is known that OLP is an inflammatory condition but it is not known exactly what substances are prominent and active during this specific inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to examine inflammatory factors involved in OLP. METHODS: A total of 24 individuals were included in this prospective study. 15 of these were patients diagnosed with mucosal LP, whereas the other nine were healthy controls. Blood samples were taken from all participants and sent to Life Science Lab in Uppsala where they used Olinks inflammation panel to analyse inflammatory markers in the blood samples. RESULTS: There were differences in inflammatory factors in blood between the controls and patients with mucosal lichen planus. The inflammatory factors that contributed the most to this difference were IL-5, SCF, FGF-19 and FGF-21. CONCLUSIONS: Due to the differences between LP-patients and controls we can conclude that there are tendencies to an inflammatory process going on systemically involving different levels of mainly IL-5, SCF, FGF-19 and FGF-21. The inflammatory factors that contributed the most to the differences between the two groups are not the typical ones that have been the resulting elevated inflammatory factors in other previous studies.
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Ρόλος των φλεγμονωδών παραγόντων στην ανάπτυξη των επιπλοκών του ινσουλινο-εξαρτώμενου σακχαρώδη διαβήτηΚουτρουμάνη, Νικολίτσα 27 December 2010 (has links)
Ο Σακχαρώδης Διαβήτης τύπου 1 (ΣΔ1) αποτελεί τη συχνότερη μορφή διαβήτη στα παιδιά, συχνά συνοδεύεται από σοβαρές μικρο- και μακρο-αγγειακές επιπλοκές ενώ, η επίπτωσή του εμφανίζει ανησυχητικά αυξητική τάση τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες. Η ενεργοποίηση των μονοκυττάρων, η χημειοταξία τους (κύριος χημειοτακτικός παράγοντας μονοκυττάρων: MCP-1) και η μετατροπή τους σε μακροφάγα (δείκτης μακροφάγων: CD68) θεωρείται πως διαδραματίζουν προεξέχοντα ρόλο στην ανάπτυξη των διαβητικών αγγειακών αλλοιώσεων. Η πλεονάζουσα γλυκόζη που υπάρχει στο διαβήτη, αλληλεπιδρώντας μη ενζυματικά με πλήθος υποστρωμάτων, προκαλεί την παραγωγή των AGEs (τελικά προϊόντα προχωρημένης γλυκοζυλίωσης) τα οποία με τη σειρά τους ασκούν τις βλαπτικές τους δράσεις, είτε αλληλεπιδρώντας άμεσα με τα μόρια της εξωκυττάριας ουσίας ή μέσω σύνδεσης στους κυτταρικούς τους υποδοχείς (κυριότερος εκπρόσωπος: RAGE). Η ενεργοποίηση του RAGE, διαμέσου της ενεργοποίησης του μεταγωγικού μονοπατιού της πρωτεϊνικής κινάσης Β (Akt2/PKB) και του μεταγραφικού παράγοντα NF-κΒ, οδηγεί στην αυξημένη έκφραση προ-φλεγμονωδών [παράγοντας νέκρωσης όγκου-α (TNFα), ιντερλευκίνη-6 (IL-6)] και προ-θρομβωτικών παραγόντων [ιστικού παράγοντα (TF)], συμβάλλοντας κατ’αυτό τον τρόπο στην εμφάνιση ενδοθηλιακής δυσλειτουργίας. Φραγμό στις δράσεις αυτές αποτελεί η διαλυτή μορφή του RAGE, sRAGE, η οποία συνδεόμενη με τα AGEs τα οδηγεί προς αποδόμηση και εμποδίζει την ενδοκυττάρια σηματοδότηση που πυροδοτούν τα AGEs.
Σκοπός / μεθοδολογία: Προκειμένου να διερευνήσουμε τον πιθανό ρόλο των διεργασιών της φλεγμονής στην ανάπτυξη των διαβητικών επιπλοκών, σε μονοπύρηνα κύτταρα περιφερικού αίματος 47 προεφηβικών και εφηβικών παιδιών (ηλικίας 4-18 ετών) και 10 νεαρών ενηλίκων (ηλικίας 18-29 ετών) με ΣΔ1 και 39 μη διαβητικών μαρτύρων αντίστοιχης ηλικίας, μελετήσαμε: 1) με RT-PCR τη γονιδιακή έκφραση: του MCP-1, του CD68, της Akt2, του TNF-α, της IL-6 και του RAGE, 2) με ανοσοαποτύπωση κατά Western μετρήσαμε την πρωτεϊνική έκφραση της Akt2, του RAGE και του TF, 3) τα επίπεδα πλάσματος του sRAGE με τη μέθοδο της ELISA.
Αποτελέσματα: Η μελέτη έδειξε ότι: (1) Το sRAGE: α) ήταν αυξημένο στους προεφηβικούς μάρτυρες σε σύγκριση με τους εφηβικούς και νεαρούς ενήλικες μάρτυρες, ενώ τα επίπεδα του ήταν μειωμένα στους προεφηβικούς διαβητικούς σε σύγκριση με τους αντίστοιχους μάρτυρες και β) είχε μία τάση μείωσης με τα αυξανόμενα επίπεδα της HbA1c. (2) Η γονιδιακή έκφραση του RAGE: α) έτεινε να αυξηθεί στους προεφηβικούς διαβητικούς και αυξανόταν σημαντικά στους νεαρούς ενήλικες διαβητικούς σε σύγκριση με τους αντίστοιχους μάρτυρες και β) σχετιζόταν αρνητικά με την HbA1c στους διαβητικούς ασθενείς >18ετών. (3) Η πρωτεϊνική έκφραση και των δύο ισομορφών του RAGE (46kDa και 80kDa) εμφάνισε μία τάση μείωσης με την εξέλιξη της εφηβείας (προεφηβικοί > εφηβικοί > νεαροί ενήλικες) στους μάρτυρες, μεταβολές που ακολούθησαν και οι διαβητικοί ασθενείς, αν και τα επίπεδα έκφρασης έτειναν να είναι πιο υψηλά. (4) Η 46kDa ισομορφή RAGE: α) ήταν αυξημένη στου νεαρούς ενήλικες διαβητικούς και μειωμένη στους διαβητικούς >13ετών με διάρκεια διαβήτη ≤5 έτη, σε σύγκριση με τους αντίστοιχους μάρτυρες αλλά και τους αντίστοιχης ηλικίας διαβητικούς με διάρκεια νόσου >5 έτη, β) έτεινε να αυξηθεί με τις τάξεις HbA1c: ≤7%-8% και να μειωθεί με τις τάξεις HbA1c: 8-10% και γ) συσχετίσθηκε θετικά με τη διάρκεια διαβήτη και με τα επίπεδα των τριγλυκεριδιών στο σύνολο των ασθενών. (5) Η 80kDa ισομορφή του RAGE: α) είχε μία τάση αύξησης στους διαβητικούς ασθενείς >13ετών με διάρκεια διαβήτη ≤5 έτη, σε σύγκριση με τους αντίστοιχους μάρτυρες και τους διαβητικούς αντίστοιχης ηλικίας αλλά διάρκεια νόσου >5έτη, β) συσχετίσθηκε αρνητικά με την HbA1c σε ασθενείς με διάρκεια νόσου ≤5έτη. (6) Το MCP-1: α) έτεινε να αυξηθεί στους διαβητικούς σε σύγκριση με τους μάρτυρες και συγκεκριμένα, η αύξηση ήταν σημαντική στους διαβητικούς με στάδιο εφηβείας ΙΙ και V, β) έτεινε να αυξηθεί με την HbA1c και αυξανόταν σημαντικά στους διαβητικούς με περίμετρο κοιλίας >75%. (7) Το CD68: α) βρέθηκε αυξημένο στα διαβητικά αγόρια >18 ετών σε σύγκριση με τους αντίστοιχους μάρτυρες, β) έτεινε να μειωθεί στους διαβητικούς >13ετών με διάρκεια διαβήτη >5έτη, σε σύγκριση με τους αντίστοιχης ηλικίας μάρτυρες και γ) έτεινε να μειωθεί με τα αυξανόμενα επίπεδα της HbA1c και στους διαβητικούς με LDL >100 mg/dL. (8) To TNF-α έδειξε: α) σημαντική μείωση στους διαβητικούς ασθενείς σε σχέση με τους μάρτυρες και ιδιαίτερα σε αυτούς που ήταν ≤13ετών με διάρκεια διαβήτη >5 έτη και σε αυτούς με ηλικία >18ετών, β) μία τάση αύξησης με τις τάξεις HbA1c μέχρι του 10%. (9) Η IL-6 έδειξε: α) σημαντική μείωση στους μάρτυρες με την παράλληλη αύξηση της ηλικίας, β) σημαντική αύξηση στους διαβητικούς >18ετών σε σύγκριση με τους αντίστοιχους μάρτυρες, γ) μία τάση μείωσης στους διαβητικούς ≤13ετών με διάρκεια διαβήτη >5έτη, σε σχέση με τους ηλικιακά αντίστοιχους μάρτυρες και δ) μία σημαντική μείωση στους διαβητικούς με HbA1c >10,1% σε σύγκριση με τις υπόλοιπες τάξεις της HbA1c. (10) Ο TF βρέθηκε: α) σημαντικά αυξημένος στα διαβητικά αγόρια ≤13 ετών και έτεινε να αυξηθεί στα διαβητικά αγόρια >18ετών σε σχέση με τους αντίστοιχους μάρτυρες, β) σημαντικά μειωμένος στους διαβητικούς με διάρκεια νόσου >5έτη και έτεινε να μειωθεί στους διαβητικούς με HbA1c >10,1% και σε αυτούς με LDL >100 mg/dL. (11) Η γονιδιακή έκφραση της Akt2 έδειξε: α) σημαντική αύξηση στους προεφηβικούς διαβητικούς, β) σημαντική μείωση στους διαβητικούς με LDL >100mg/dl και σε αυτούς με HbA1c >9%, σε σύγκριση με τους αντίστοιχους μάρτυρες. (12) Η πρωτεϊνική έκφραση της Akt2 έδειξε: α) μία τάση αύξησης στους προεφηβικούς διαβητικούς και στους διαβητικούς που βρίσκονται στις τάξεις HbA1c: 7,1%-9%, ενώ αυξανόταν σημαντικά στους διαβητικούς με διάρκεια διαβήτη >5έτη, β) σημαντική αύξηση στους διαβητικούς με LDL >100mg/dl.l
Συμπέρασμα: Στα άτομα με ΣΔ1, φαίνεται να υπάρχει μια ήπια διαδικασία χημειοταξίας και ενεργοποίησης των μονοκυττάρων, ωστόσο η έκφραση των κυτταροκινών και των υπολοίπων μορίων που εμπλέκονται σε αυτή δεν είναι εντυπωσιακά αυξημένη σε σχέση με τους μάρτυρες. Το γεγονός αυτό μπορεί να σχετίζεται αφενός με τον καλό γλυκαιμικό και λιπιδαιμικό έλεγχο των ασθενών και αφετέρου στην τροποποιημένη ανοσολογική απόκριση που εμφανίζουν τα άτομα αυτά. / Diabetes Mellitus type 1 (DM1) is one of the most common types of diabetes in children and its prevalence has increased over the past decades. DM1 is usually associated with severe micro- and macro- angiopathic complications. The activation of monocytes, their chemotaxis (major chemotactic factor of monocytes: MCP-1) and their transformation to macrophages (marker of macrophages: CD68) is known to play a central role in the development of those complications. The redundant glucose, that characterizes DM1, reacts non enzymatically with plural substrates and causes the formation of AGEs (Advanced Glycation Endproducts). AGEs can cause tissue damage either by direct interaction with extracellular matrix’s domains or via their receptor (main representative: RAGE). RAGE’s activation, through the activation of the intracellular signaling pathways of protein kinase B (Akt2/PKB) and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), leads to the increased expression of pro-inflammatory [Tissue Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α), Interleukin-6 (IL-6)] and pro-thrombotic factors [Tissue Factor (TF)], contributing to the development of endothelial dysfunction. As a decoy to these actions of AGEs, the soluble form of RAGE, sRAGE, binds AGEs, leading them to degradation and therefore inhibiting the AGE-induced intracellular signaling.
Aim / Material- Methods: In order to investigate the role of the inflammatory procedures in the development of diabetic complications, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 47 pre-pubertal and pubertal children (4-18 years of age) and 10 young adults (18-29 years of age) with DM1 and 39 age-matched controls, we studied: 1) with RT-PCR the gene expression of: MCP-1, CD68, Akt2, IL-6 and RAGE, 2) with Western Immunoblotting the protein expression of Akt2, RAGE and TF, 3) sRAGE plasma levels were determined by ELISA.
Results: Our study showed that: (1) sRAGE: a) was increased in pre-pubertal controls in comparison to the pubertal and the young adult controls, while its levels were decreased in pre-pubertal DM1 patients in comparison to their controls and b) tended to decrease with the progressive increase of HbA1c levels in DM1 patients. (2) RAGE gene expression: a) tended to increase in pre-pubertal DM1 patients and was significantly increased in young adults DM1 patients in comparison to their age-matched controls and b) was negatively correlated with HbA1c levels in DM1 patients >18years of age. (3) Protein expression of both RAGE isoforms (46kDa & 80kDa) tended to decrease with the progression of puberty (pre-pubertal > pubertal > young adults) in the control group, changes that were also found in DM1 patients, although the expression was at higher levels. (4) Protein expression of 46 kDa RAGE isoform: a) was increased in DM1 young adults and decreased in DM1 patients >13 years of age and duration of diabetes ≤5years, in comparison to age-matched controls and age-matched DM1 patients with duration of diabetes >5years, b) tended to increase with levels of HbA1c ≤7%-8% and decrease with levels of HbA1c 8-10% and c) was positively correlated with the duration of diabetes and the levels triglycerides in DM1 patients’ group. (5) Protein expression of 80kDa RAGE isoform: a) tended to increase in DM1 patients aged >13 years and with duration of diabetes ≤5 years, in comparison to age-matched controls and age-matched DM1 patients with duration of diabetes >5years, b) negatively correlated with HbA1c levels in DM1 patients with ≤5 years duration of diabetes. (6) MCP-1: tended to increase in DM1 patients in comparison to controls and this increase was significant in DM1 patients with II and V Tanner stage of puberty, b) tended to elevate with the progressive increase of HbA1c and was significantly higher in DM1 patients with waist circumference >75%. (7) CD68: a) was increased in DM1 boys >18 years of age in comparison to the age-matched controls, b) tended to decrease in DM1patients >13 years of age and duration of diabetes >5years, in comparison to the age-matched controls and c) tended to decrease with the increasing levels of HbA1c and also in DM1 patients with LDL >100 mg/dL. (8) TNF-α: a) was significantly decreased in DM1 patients in comparison to controls and especially to those with age ≤13 years and duration of diabetes >5years and them with >18 years of age, b) tended to increase with the increasing levels of HbA1c until 10%. (9) IL-6 showed: a) significant decrease in controls with the parallel increase of the age, b) significant increase in DM1 patients >18 years of age in comparison to the age-matched controls, c) a tendency to decrease in DM1 patients ≤13 years of age and duration of diabetes >5years, in comparison to the age-matched controls and d) significant decrease in DM1 patients with HbA1c levels >10,1%, in comparison to the rest of the determined levels of HbA1c. (10) TF: a) was significant elevated in DM1 boys ≤13 years of age and tended to increase in DM1 boys >18 years of age in comparison to the age-matched controls, b) was significant decreased in DM1 patients with duration of diabetes >5years and tended to decrease in DM1 patients with HbA1c levels >10,1% and them with LDL >100mg/dl. (11) Akt2 gene expression showed: a) significant increase in pre-bubertal DM1 patients, b) significant decrease in DM1 patients with LDL >100mg/dl and them with HbA1c levels >9%, in comparison to their controls. (12) Akt2 protein expression showed: a) a tendency to increase in pre-pubertal DM1 patients and in those with HbA1c levels between 7,1-9%, whereas it was increased significantly in DM1 patients with duration of diabetes >5years, b) a significant increase in DM1 patients with LDL >100mg/dl.
Conclusions: In the DM1 patients studied, a low grade procedure of chemotaxis and activation of macrophages is possibly present, although the cytokines’ and inflammatory factors’ expression was not remarkably increased in comparison to the controls. This may reflect the good glycemic and lipidemic control of these patients who at the same time possibly exhibit small modifications in their immunological response.
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Estudo dos fatores regulatórios e pró-inflamatórios na urticária crônica idiopática e efeito imunomodulatório in vitro das estatinas / Study of regulatory and proinflammatory factors in chronic idiopathic urticaria and in vitro immunomodulatory effect of statinsAzor, Mayce Helena 12 August 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A urticária crônica igmaidiopática (UCI) é uma doença desencadeada pela desgranulação de basófilos e mastócitos com consequente liberação de histamina, sendo que o perfil imunológico nesta doença não é bem estabelecido. As estatinas, inibidores da 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaril coenzima A redutase, apresentam efeitos antiinflamatórios e imunomodulatórios. O efeito desta droga tem sido estudado em muitas doenças inflamatórias crônicas, incluindo doenças autoimunes, mas não existem evidências na UCI. OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito das estatinas na resposta imune e sua a influência na expressão de genes regulatórios e relacionados com a resposta inflamatória. MÉTODOS: A resposta limfoproliferativa a mitógenos e antígeno-específica de 22 pacientes com UCI e 41 controles na presença de estatinas (0,25-25 µM) foi analisada pela incorporação de timidina após 3 ou 6 dias de cultura. A progressão do ciclo celular e apoptose foi realizada pela incorporação de bromodeoxiuridina (Brdu) ao DNA após estímulo por PHA ou PWM e analisada por citometria de fluxo. A secreção de citocinas foi quantificada por ELISA e a expressão de mRNA de fatores regulatórios e pró-inflamatórios quantificados por real-time PCR. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram que as estatinas em elevadas concentrações são capazes de inibir a capacidade mitogênica das células T e B seja dos indivíduos saudáveis ou de pacientes com UCI. A inibição da proliferação celular mediada pelas estatinas foi decorrente ao bloqueio na etapa inicial do ciclo celular (Fase G0/1), o que impediu o prosseguimento para outras fases do ciclo (S e G2/M). A diminuição da resposta proliferativa em resposta a um mitógeno como a PHA resultou na inibição da ativação celular pela estatina e a significante redução na produção de citocinas como IFN-?, IL-10, IL-17A e IL-5. Em contraste, o efeito modulatório das estatinas ao estímulo com LPS inibiu a produção de TNF-? e MIP-1? pelas células dos controles, mas não influenciou na produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias pelas CMN dos pacientes com UCI. Somente a incubação prévia das células com as drogas, em alta concentração (25µM), foi possível verificar a modulação negativa na produção de IL-6 e MIP1-? para ambos os grupos, mas não para o TNF-? para os pacientes. A sinvastatina foi capaz exercer efeito modulatório mais pronunciado que a lovastatina na produção de citocinas induzidas por LPS. Os resultados evidenciaram que os pacientes com UCI possuem uma diminuição da expressão da enzima IDO e aumento de SOCS3 nas CMN. A sinvastina não altera esse perfil e previne a expressão de fatores inflamatórios como RORC?t e NALP3 inflamassomas. CONCLUSÕES: Em conjunto, os resultados sugerem um desequilíbrio dos mecanismos regulatórios que poderiam contribuir com a cronicidade e o perfil inflamatório na UCI. As estatinas apresentam maior efeito antiinflamatório que pró-inflamatório, sugerindo ter potencial clínico para o tratamento de doenças crônicas como a UCI. / INTRODUCTION: Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (CIU) is a disease triggered by degranulation of basophils and mast cells with consequent histamine release and the CIU immunological profile is not well established. Statins, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, also display a broad immunomodulatory property. Statins have been studied in several chronic inflammatory diseases, including autoimmune disorders, but there are no evidences in CIU disease. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to verify the effect of statins the immune response, and the expression of genes related to regulatory and inflammatory response focusing in CIU patients and healthy controls (HC). METHODS: Lymphoproliferative response to mitogens or recall antigens of 22 patients with CIU and 41 HC with statins (0,25-25µM) was analyzed by timidine incorporation after 3 or 6 days of cell cultures. Cell cycle progression and apoptosis were assessed by bromodeoxyiridine (BrDU) incorporation to DNA upon PHA or PWM stimulus by flow cytometry. Cytokines secretion was measured by ELISA and mRNA of regulatory and proinflammatory genes were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR. RESULTS: The results showed that high concentrations of statins can inhibit the mitogenic capacity of T and B cells of HC or CIU patients. The inhibition of cell proliferation mediated by statins was due to blockage in the initial phase of the cell cycle (G0/1), which prevented progress to cycle phases (S and G2/M). The decreased proliferative response in response to PHA mediated by statin resulted in a significant inhibition of IFN-?, IL-10, IL-17A and IL-5 secretion levels. Statin effect in response to LPS showed inhibition of TNF-? and MIP-1? secretion by cells from HC, but did not influence the production by PBMC of CIU. It was necessary the pre-incubation of cells with drugs at high concentration (25µM) to verify the negative modulation of IL-6 and MIP1-? secretion in both groups, except for TNF-? in CIU. Simvastatin was able to exert more pronounced modulatory effect than lovastatin in cytokine production induced by LPS. Furthermore, CIU patients have a decreased expression of the enzyme IDO and increased of SOCS3 in PBMC, which were not modified by simvastatin, whereas prevented the upregulation of proinflammatory factor as RORC?t and NALP3 inflammasomes. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, the results evidenced an imbalance of regulatory mechanisms that could contribute to chronic evolution and inflammatory profile in CIU. Statins exhibited more anti-inflammatory effects than proinflammatory, suggesting a potential clinical role for treatment in chronic diseases as CIU.
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Estudo dos fatores regulatórios e pró-inflamatórios na urticária crônica idiopática e efeito imunomodulatório in vitro das estatinas / Study of regulatory and proinflammatory factors in chronic idiopathic urticaria and in vitro immunomodulatory effect of statinsMayce Helena Azor 12 August 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A urticária crônica igmaidiopática (UCI) é uma doença desencadeada pela desgranulação de basófilos e mastócitos com consequente liberação de histamina, sendo que o perfil imunológico nesta doença não é bem estabelecido. As estatinas, inibidores da 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaril coenzima A redutase, apresentam efeitos antiinflamatórios e imunomodulatórios. O efeito desta droga tem sido estudado em muitas doenças inflamatórias crônicas, incluindo doenças autoimunes, mas não existem evidências na UCI. OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito das estatinas na resposta imune e sua a influência na expressão de genes regulatórios e relacionados com a resposta inflamatória. MÉTODOS: A resposta limfoproliferativa a mitógenos e antígeno-específica de 22 pacientes com UCI e 41 controles na presença de estatinas (0,25-25 µM) foi analisada pela incorporação de timidina após 3 ou 6 dias de cultura. A progressão do ciclo celular e apoptose foi realizada pela incorporação de bromodeoxiuridina (Brdu) ao DNA após estímulo por PHA ou PWM e analisada por citometria de fluxo. A secreção de citocinas foi quantificada por ELISA e a expressão de mRNA de fatores regulatórios e pró-inflamatórios quantificados por real-time PCR. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram que as estatinas em elevadas concentrações são capazes de inibir a capacidade mitogênica das células T e B seja dos indivíduos saudáveis ou de pacientes com UCI. A inibição da proliferação celular mediada pelas estatinas foi decorrente ao bloqueio na etapa inicial do ciclo celular (Fase G0/1), o que impediu o prosseguimento para outras fases do ciclo (S e G2/M). A diminuição da resposta proliferativa em resposta a um mitógeno como a PHA resultou na inibição da ativação celular pela estatina e a significante redução na produção de citocinas como IFN-?, IL-10, IL-17A e IL-5. Em contraste, o efeito modulatório das estatinas ao estímulo com LPS inibiu a produção de TNF-? e MIP-1? pelas células dos controles, mas não influenciou na produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias pelas CMN dos pacientes com UCI. Somente a incubação prévia das células com as drogas, em alta concentração (25µM), foi possível verificar a modulação negativa na produção de IL-6 e MIP1-? para ambos os grupos, mas não para o TNF-? para os pacientes. A sinvastatina foi capaz exercer efeito modulatório mais pronunciado que a lovastatina na produção de citocinas induzidas por LPS. Os resultados evidenciaram que os pacientes com UCI possuem uma diminuição da expressão da enzima IDO e aumento de SOCS3 nas CMN. A sinvastina não altera esse perfil e previne a expressão de fatores inflamatórios como RORC?t e NALP3 inflamassomas. CONCLUSÕES: Em conjunto, os resultados sugerem um desequilíbrio dos mecanismos regulatórios que poderiam contribuir com a cronicidade e o perfil inflamatório na UCI. As estatinas apresentam maior efeito antiinflamatório que pró-inflamatório, sugerindo ter potencial clínico para o tratamento de doenças crônicas como a UCI. / INTRODUCTION: Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (CIU) is a disease triggered by degranulation of basophils and mast cells with consequent histamine release and the CIU immunological profile is not well established. Statins, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, also display a broad immunomodulatory property. Statins have been studied in several chronic inflammatory diseases, including autoimmune disorders, but there are no evidences in CIU disease. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to verify the effect of statins the immune response, and the expression of genes related to regulatory and inflammatory response focusing in CIU patients and healthy controls (HC). METHODS: Lymphoproliferative response to mitogens or recall antigens of 22 patients with CIU and 41 HC with statins (0,25-25µM) was analyzed by timidine incorporation after 3 or 6 days of cell cultures. Cell cycle progression and apoptosis were assessed by bromodeoxyiridine (BrDU) incorporation to DNA upon PHA or PWM stimulus by flow cytometry. Cytokines secretion was measured by ELISA and mRNA of regulatory and proinflammatory genes were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR. RESULTS: The results showed that high concentrations of statins can inhibit the mitogenic capacity of T and B cells of HC or CIU patients. The inhibition of cell proliferation mediated by statins was due to blockage in the initial phase of the cell cycle (G0/1), which prevented progress to cycle phases (S and G2/M). The decreased proliferative response in response to PHA mediated by statin resulted in a significant inhibition of IFN-?, IL-10, IL-17A and IL-5 secretion levels. Statin effect in response to LPS showed inhibition of TNF-? and MIP-1? secretion by cells from HC, but did not influence the production by PBMC of CIU. It was necessary the pre-incubation of cells with drugs at high concentration (25µM) to verify the negative modulation of IL-6 and MIP1-? secretion in both groups, except for TNF-? in CIU. Simvastatin was able to exert more pronounced modulatory effect than lovastatin in cytokine production induced by LPS. Furthermore, CIU patients have a decreased expression of the enzyme IDO and increased of SOCS3 in PBMC, which were not modified by simvastatin, whereas prevented the upregulation of proinflammatory factor as RORC?t and NALP3 inflammasomes. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, the results evidenced an imbalance of regulatory mechanisms that could contribute to chronic evolution and inflammatory profile in CIU. Statins exhibited more anti-inflammatory effects than proinflammatory, suggesting a potential clinical role for treatment in chronic diseases as CIU.
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Nanoparticules Chitosane-PEG-FA-ADN pour la thérapie génique non virale et application du gène de l’IL-1Ra dans un modèle expérimental d’arthrite rhumatoïdeJreyssaty, Christian 04 1900 (has links)
La thérapie génique représente l'un des défis de la médecine des prochaines décennies dont la réussite dépend de la capacité d'acheminer l'ADN thérapeutique jusqu'à sa cible. Des structures non virales ont été envisagées, dont le chitosane, polymère cationique qui se combine facilement à l’ADN. Une fois le complexe formé, l’ADN est protégé des nucléases qui le dégradent.
Le premier objectif de l'étude est de synthétiser et ensuite évaluer différentes nanoparticules de chitosane et choisir la mieux adaptée pour une efficacité de transfection sélective in vitro dans les cellules carcinomes épidermoïdes (KB).
Le deuxième objectif de l'étude est d'examiner in vivo les effets protecteurs du gène de l'IL-1Ra (bloqueur naturel de la cytokine inflammatoire, l’Interleukine-1β) complexé aux nanoparticules de chitosane sélectionnées dans un modèle d'arthrite induite par un adjuvant (AIA) chez le rat.
Les nanoparticules varient par le poids moléculaire du chitosane (5, 25 et 50 kDa), et la présence ou l’absence de l’acide folique (FA).
Des mesures macroscopiques de l’inflammation seront évaluées ainsi que des mesures de concentrations de l’Interleukine-1β, Prostaglandine E2 et IL-1Ra humaine secrétés dans le sérum.
Les nanoparticules Chitosane-ADN en présence de l’acide folique et avec du chitosane de poids moléculaire de 25 kDa, permettent une meilleure transfection in vitro.
Les effets protecteurs des nanoparticules contenant le gène thérapeutique étaient évidents suite à la détection de l’IL-1Ra dans le sérum, la baisse d'expressions des facteurs inflammatoires, l’Interleukine-1 et la Prostaglandine-E2 ainsi que la diminution macroscopique de l’inflammation.
Le but de cette étude est de développer notre méthode de thérapie génique non virale pour des applications cliniques pour traiter l’arthrite rhumatoïde et d’autres maladies humaines. / Considered to be one of the medical challenges of the coming decade, the success of gene therapy depends on the ability to deliver therapeutic DNA to target cells. Non-viral polymers, such as chitosan (Ch), a cationic polymer, can be easily combined with DNA. Once a complex is formed, DNA is protected from degradation by nucleases.
The first objective of this study was to define the characteristics of the best-suited Ch nanoparticle for maximum selective transfection in human epidermoid carcinoma (KB) cells in vitro. Nanoparticles varied by the presence or absence of folic acid (FA) and Ch’s molecular weight (MW 5, 25 and 50 kDa). They were then selected and combined with interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) gene, a natural blocker of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1beta (IL-1β). The second objective was to inject these carriers by the hydrodynamic method in a rat model of adjuvant-induced arthritis and to evaluate the inhibitory effects of IL-1Ra against inflammation in vivo.
Ch-DNA nanoparticles with FA and Ch25 demonstrated selective transfection and significantly increased it in KB cells in vitro. The inhibitory effects of IL-1Ra gene therapy in vivo were evident from lower expression levels of inflammatory factors (IL-1 and prostaglandin E2) and decreased macroscopic limb inflammation. The results also revealed the presence of human recombinant IL-1Ra protein in rat sera. Non-viral gene therapy with Ch-PEG-FA-DNA nanoparticles containing the IL-1Ra gene appears to significantly decrease inflammation in this experimental model of arthritis.
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Nanoparticules Chitosane-PEG-FA-ADN pour la thérapie génique non virale et application du gène de l’IL-1Ra dans un modèle expérimental d’arthrite rhumatoïdeJreyssaty, Christian 04 1900 (has links)
La thérapie génique représente l'un des défis de la médecine des prochaines décennies dont la réussite dépend de la capacité d'acheminer l'ADN thérapeutique jusqu'à sa cible. Des structures non virales ont été envisagées, dont le chitosane, polymère cationique qui se combine facilement à l’ADN. Une fois le complexe formé, l’ADN est protégé des nucléases qui le dégradent.
Le premier objectif de l'étude est de synthétiser et ensuite évaluer différentes nanoparticules de chitosane et choisir la mieux adaptée pour une efficacité de transfection sélective in vitro dans les cellules carcinomes épidermoïdes (KB).
Le deuxième objectif de l'étude est d'examiner in vivo les effets protecteurs du gène de l'IL-1Ra (bloqueur naturel de la cytokine inflammatoire, l’Interleukine-1β) complexé aux nanoparticules de chitosane sélectionnées dans un modèle d'arthrite induite par un adjuvant (AIA) chez le rat.
Les nanoparticules varient par le poids moléculaire du chitosane (5, 25 et 50 kDa), et la présence ou l’absence de l’acide folique (FA).
Des mesures macroscopiques de l’inflammation seront évaluées ainsi que des mesures de concentrations de l’Interleukine-1β, Prostaglandine E2 et IL-1Ra humaine secrétés dans le sérum.
Les nanoparticules Chitosane-ADN en présence de l’acide folique et avec du chitosane de poids moléculaire de 25 kDa, permettent une meilleure transfection in vitro.
Les effets protecteurs des nanoparticules contenant le gène thérapeutique étaient évidents suite à la détection de l’IL-1Ra dans le sérum, la baisse d'expressions des facteurs inflammatoires, l’Interleukine-1 et la Prostaglandine-E2 ainsi que la diminution macroscopique de l’inflammation.
Le but de cette étude est de développer notre méthode de thérapie génique non virale pour des applications cliniques pour traiter l’arthrite rhumatoïde et d’autres maladies humaines. / Considered to be one of the medical challenges of the coming decade, the success of gene therapy depends on the ability to deliver therapeutic DNA to target cells. Non-viral polymers, such as chitosan (Ch), a cationic polymer, can be easily combined with DNA. Once a complex is formed, DNA is protected from degradation by nucleases.
The first objective of this study was to define the characteristics of the best-suited Ch nanoparticle for maximum selective transfection in human epidermoid carcinoma (KB) cells in vitro. Nanoparticles varied by the presence or absence of folic acid (FA) and Ch’s molecular weight (MW 5, 25 and 50 kDa). They were then selected and combined with interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) gene, a natural blocker of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1beta (IL-1β). The second objective was to inject these carriers by the hydrodynamic method in a rat model of adjuvant-induced arthritis and to evaluate the inhibitory effects of IL-1Ra against inflammation in vivo.
Ch-DNA nanoparticles with FA and Ch25 demonstrated selective transfection and significantly increased it in KB cells in vitro. The inhibitory effects of IL-1Ra gene therapy in vivo were evident from lower expression levels of inflammatory factors (IL-1 and prostaglandin E2) and decreased macroscopic limb inflammation. The results also revealed the presence of human recombinant IL-1Ra protein in rat sera. Non-viral gene therapy with Ch-PEG-FA-DNA nanoparticles containing the IL-1Ra gene appears to significantly decrease inflammation in this experimental model of arthritis.
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