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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Použití Learning management systému v univerzitním prostředí: Aplikace pro lékařskou informatiku a stomatologii / Using the Learning Management system in the university environment: Applications for medical informatics and dentistry

Feberová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation pursues the possibility of increasing quality of teaching students in medical fields using LMS Moodle. It is based on years of experience with designing of e-learning courses at the Charles University. LMS Moodle uses knowledge of computer-aided or computer-controlled teaching at universities. According to an analysis of the changing situation at universities that is characterized by increasing number of students, also by creation of bachelor degree courses and unideal teaching financial security on the one hand and the significant developement of ICT on the other. As part of this work the usability of ICT in medical study fields was solved in subjects "Medical Informatics" , " Prosthetic materials and technology" and " Gnathology". In the last year (2010) LMS Moodle was started for a whole network of medical faculties that cooperate on the creation and access to electronic learning materials MEFANET (Medical faculty's network since 2007). Analysis of the central installation operation of Charles University's LMS Moodle for teaching from 2004 to 2010 gives a good picture of the aspects associated with the operation LMS Moodle, which would help assisting in management of LMS Mooodle Mefanet. The tracking of an e-learning course's development within the central Moodle installation at the...

Rozvoj algoritmického myšlení na střední škole pomocí programovatelných robotických systémů / Development of algorithmic thinking in upper secondary education using programmable robotic systems

Černý, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
Obsah Použité zkratky ...................................................................................................................... 9 Úvod .................................................................................................................................... 10 Výzkumný problém a cíle práce...................................................................................... 11 Využité metody práce...................................................................................................... 12 1 Teoretická východiska................................................................................................. 13 1.1 Informatické myšlení ............................................................................................ 14 1.2 Algoritmické myšlení ........................................................................................... 18 1.2.1 Algoritmus..................................................................................................... 19 1.2.2 Vlastnosti algoritmů ...................................................................................... 20 1.2.3 Způsoby zápisu algoritmů ............................................................................. 22 1.2.4 Základní algoritmické konstrukce...

Analýza uplatnění absolventů informatiky FIS VŠE / Analysis of Use of Graduates from Faculty of Informatics and Statistics University of Economics in Prague

Řepík, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of informatics fields of study taught at public universities in the Czech Republic. The aim is to describe degree courses and their comparison with the teaching of informatics at the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of the University of Economics in Prague. At the end the courses taught at FIS University of Economics in Prague are confronted with the statistics of graduates based on information from a database of personal agency Grafton Recruitment. Based on this are defined recommendations for further improvement of teaching of informatics at FIS University of Economics in Prague.

Projektované, realizované a dosažené ICT kurikulum na základních školách / Designed, Implemented and Achieved ICT Curriculum at Basic Schools

BERKI, Jan January 2016 (has links)
One of the base intention of this research in didactic sphere is to describe and to analyse curriculum in all of its forms. In educational sphere focused on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) or on Informatics, this intention is very actual mainly due to recent integration to compulsory part of curriculum at elementary schools and also due to its dynamic development. This PhD thesis follows researches analysing curriculum of other educational spheres and also follows survey devoted to implementation of ICT to educational environment. Second type of research uses mainly quantitative method and relied on declarations of respondents. Compared to this, there was chosen qualitative case study getting data also from analysis of documents or from observing. At first, there are identified terms of curriculum, its phases and ICT literacy which presents one of the main goals of educational environment in the Czech curriculum. Then it is fol-lowed by analysis and summary of results of already realized surveys focused on teaching conditions of ICT and with ICT, together with informatics themes and their relations to individual actors. Last but not least, it is finished by results of students in ICT literacy and informatics thinking. Based on analysis of documents, the empirical part of theses describes models used to definition of educational sphere of ICT and projected curriculum of chosen basic school. Realized curriculum and its changes are deduced from analysis of notes in class-book. Videorecords of some lessons were used to verification of notes and also to analyse used educational methods. Based on its analysis, there were defined also educational goals of these teaching units and reached curriculum. Special practical exercise was used to verify the knowledge and skills of selected knowledge and skills. This thesis describes not only individual phases of ICT curriculum in chosen basic school but also identifies some differences between them. Finally, some of findings are used also as incentives to adjust the projected curriculum at the national level.

Počítačový hardware ve vzdělávání informatických předmětů / Computer Hardware in ICT Education

Fiala, Marek January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis studies teaching of computer hardware with it's main goal set in evaluation of the topic's benefit in curriculum of grammar schools. Key aspects of evaluation are relation of topic to the rest of ICT curriculum and other school subjects, background in relevant curricular documents of Czech republic, students' attitude and expectations in regard of the topic determined by survey and comparison of schools' curriculum to topic's structure in literature. Main outcomes are determination of actual form of teaching computer hardware at grammar schools and recommending way of further development thereof regarding students' needs and motivation and variability of teaching methods available. Keywords ICT, Computer hardware, curriculum, teaching methods, curricular documents, pupil's attitude, motivation

Riadenie nákladov na IS/ICT vo vybranej spoločnosti / Management of IS/ICT costs in selected company

Gazda, Štefan January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on IS/ICT cost management. The purpose of this thesis is to create an IS/ICT cost model based on the principles of managerial method ABC (Activity Based Costing) for business informatics of selected company. The theoretical part is focused on costs in IS/ICT, their classification and management, with the analyze of the reasons for continuous growth of IS/ICT cost management. A significant part of this section is a characteristic of ABC method and a description of different phases in creation of ABC model. The practical part of the thesis presents a selected company, its business informatics and an organizational structure. Subsequently the current state of IS/ICT cost management is described and analyzed. Based on the analysis and with regard to objectives of the company in the future, a new IS/ICT cost allocation model is designed. For the purpose of calculating and determining of intradepartmental prices for ICT services, a process of allocating and calculating costs is simulated on the new designed model, with the use of current and historical data of the company. At the end of the practical part, the results achieved through the designed model and the results of the current method of allocation and calculation costs are compared.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Puchnar, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on analyzying of the information system in comapany Tirad s.r.o. which uses information system Workplan. Theoretical part is focused on problematics of information systems in general, it defines the methods for analysis of information system effectiveness. We are going to use systems Zefis and HOS 8. Based on these methods are discovered weaknesses and are proposed possible solutions for improving of information system effectiveness which leads to increasing of company performance and threads elimination.

Nástroj kapacitního plánování pro podporu řízení projektů / Capacity Planning Tool for Project Management Support

Zatloukal, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design and realization of support software tool for production capacity planning in selected company. Functionality of the application will be designed according to theoretical findings (from the area of process management and business informatics) and analysis of business processes and user requirements. Final support tool should facilitate all management decisions regarding long-term planning of production and will be implemented in Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for Applications.

Referenční model řízení ekonomiky podnikové informatiky / Reference management model for managing business informatics economics

Maryška, Miloš January 2006 (has links)
Thesis is focused on management of business informatics. The aim of this thesis is to develop Reference management model for managing business informatics and to integrate this reference model into ITGPM Reference management model for managing business informatics. Within an analytical part is reviewed current situation in the field of managing economics of business informatics as well as managing economics out of business informatics. Attention is paid to costs in busi-ness informatics, their classification, categorisation and their management. Very important part is analysis of methods for cost management thought various types of calculations and especially thought ABC methods. The principles of these methods are applied in the design of the Reference model. Further are solved questions of business informatics effect, their categorisations, classification, definition of their attributes and also their management. Development of this field is an important part of this thesis. The main part of the thesis contains the Business informatics management Reference model design. This design contains identification of the most important metrics of measuring business informatics, dimen-sions used for analysis of proposed metrics and relationships between metrics and dimensions. An impor-tant part is also a presentation level design and definition of condition that should be fulfilled, if the pres-entation level should be beneficial to final users. The main part also contains designed method for imple-mentation of the Reference model into a company. Application parts are devoted to preparation of a pilot application based on the Reference model design developed in the main part of the thesis. Designed Reference model for managing business informatics is adapted according to the needs, requests and characteristics of the company in which this pilot application is implemented. In these parts are also verified designs, processes and methods designed in the first and second part of this thesis, so there are verified possibilities of adaption of the designed model to the requests of the target company, adaption of the pilot application to the target environment including data level, ELT procedures and presentation level. In application part of the thesis is verified correctness of the designed implantation methodology into the company.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Mikyska, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on information system assessment and proposal for its changes in real company enviroment. Theoretical part describes issue and notions from information systems, analytical instruments, processes and projects enviroment. In analytical part is situated introduction of the company and analysis of current state its information system and processes. Based on findings from analysis are made recomendations and proposals for possible changes.

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